General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is President

Message started by Midnightrider on 05/19/13 at 11:54:46

Title: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is President
Post by Midnightrider on 05/19/13 at 11:54:46

I voted for him the first time and the second time around I wrote in Ron Paul. Something scared me about him and it turned out he's trying to take away my guns, my taxes have gone up. He's involved in too many scandals now. His second term has for all practical purposes become a disaster. On the other hand he hasn't involved us in another war yet which I am greatful.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/19/13 at 15:34:08

I'd have wrote in Ron Paul in 08 ... but 12 Ron Paul had very much missed the bus.

Anyway the lowest point in my life was in 2005. I spent 10 months without a job.
The next lowest point was in 2007. 5 months without a job and I moved to Houston from charlotte. 08 I moved back, and a couple of short term jobs later I hit the next low. I was working in North Wilkesboro and commuting. 2008 winter was awful - remember those gas shortages ?
2009 on I have slowly climbed out of that hole.
Obamacare has put my son out of " the uninsurable" class.

Obama second term seems to be leaving me in the slow climb I have been working from 09. Whether Obama has anything to do with it or not - no idea.
Obama care gave me an 80% 20% refund for 2011. Costs of insurance going up with Obama care is something only republicans feel.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Sheriff41 on 05/19/13 at 20:38:10


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/19/13 at 21:29:56

Yes, and so are the lives of most Americans. you are saying that your life was better under Bush??

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Serowbot on 05/19/13 at 22:27:50

My bike's older,.. my car's older,.. my house is older,...
...and I'm older...
... but, my President's not a foolish, awkward, inarticulate, twit...

It kinda' balances out... ;D...

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 05:26:30

Yes, and so are the lives of most Americans.

but, my President's not a foolish, awkward, inarticulate, twit...
no, he's a foolish, lying, twofaced, articulate twit.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 05:44:46

My success or failure over the past 5 years, for the most part, has more to do with how hard I work than who the President is. He has taken more money from me and given to those he deems more worthy of it than I which pisses me off, but it was not so much that I suffered.

The European financial struggles have hurt our European division sales, but we are expanding in Asia to make up for it. Many parts of Asia are not infected with the semi-socialist disease that has spread over Europe. Like rats on a boat, that economic system of rewarding laziness has made its way to the US. You’d think we could look across the ocean at dying economies and do the opposite, but no;  for whatever reason, we think following Europe down the shitter is the way to go….

The future looked really bleak until recently. I’m hopeful his lies that are being uncovered now will pretty much neuter him the rest of his second term.  The future is the problem. Obamacare will be a disaster. Also, he gives most business leaders very little confidence that he’ll keep consistent and fair policies which is why business is sitting on so much money. They are afraid to hire people more so today than before and that’s before obamacare kicks in. Let’s hope the IRS, Bengazi and AP wiretaps end him now.

Bottom line is, for the most part, Presidents shouldn't have too much impact on your success or failure.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Paraquat on 05/20/13 at 06:16:04

My life hasn't improved. I'd say it's taken a consider dip.
I live in a poor city. It was recently, in a local news paper, considered the poorest city in CT.
Over the past 5 years it has become dramatically worse. There is more trash in the streets, more broken bottles, more crime according to the local stats. Even the police offers were losing morale:,296942
The morale has improved a little with this new guy, Wardwell.
And it is a purely racial thing. There's been a huge influx of PR's lately. Public services couldn't keep up with what they had then, let alone now. The more the politicians pander to the immigrants or even the legally unemployed the worst it will become. Look at ANY economic model. If you give out more than you take in the net result will be negative.
They just changed unemployment from 6 months to a year now. My girlfriend has been unemployed since January and I hate it. I wish she'd show more motivation getting a job. It's driving us apart and we constantly argue about money. It's double for me because I hate how she says "I have to go to work" when she spends 30 seconds every Sunday to re-enlist or re-subscribe or however her unemployment works. It's insulting to me and I hate that it's been extended. You're never going to ween people off if you keep extending unemployment like that.
Stop making it so easy for everyone. Life sucks. It's hard, demanding, and you can't give medals to both soccer teams in elementary school. There can be no good without evil; no winners without losers. This world needs doctors as much as it needs ditch diggers.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/20/13 at 07:44:49

That question pre-supposes many things, and as such has very LITTLE value to me.

Who is president has VERY little to do with how my day to day life is. Pope hasn't changed my life much either. Instead, the president sets the stage for how my life may be in the future.

Taxes: pffft... the Reps were lowering taxes and still spending, and printing to make up the difference. The hope was to stimulate the economy ( this is all pre-2007). Well the bubble bust, so the tax stimulus was stupid anyway. All that happened was they took away the where W had lowered taxes pre 2007 back to "normal". Both sides are still supporting BB in the Fed to print vast amounts of money, so this is not a president or even a party thing. Once they slow spending then we all can look at dropping taxes.
Remember: printing money is a tax!

War: Still waaaaay too much US involvement in other peoples business. But I figure we got involved less with Obama than we would with anyone else. The bengazi thing, still upsets me.. I blame Hilary DIRECTLY.

Economy: This is tricky. Are we better than 2008? Yes, is it real? NO. Will there be much more pain at some point? YES. Would another president do it any different? NO. So how to rate Obama: he is doing what every other president has done since 1971... do what the bankers tell him. DO the bankers give a darn about the country? NO.  
If you are doing better now than in 2008, GREAT! But don't give the politicians any attaboys for it. What do I think the future pain will be? Inflation and lots of it for a protracted time. Such inflation may or may not culminate in other pains.. such as the dollar officially losing status as the global standard.

How would inflation affect you in month 1: simple... Under W. Bush the banks got usury laws nullified. They can charge up to 33% above the prime. Prime has no limit. So if prime goes to 10% ( pretty easy.. its been there before) then your CC rate is 43%. Did Obama do that? NO.

My first mortgage was at 10% for 30 years. Think about it. What I speak of.. I have lived. My current mortgage is 5.25% for 15. What will the next generation do when mortgage rates are 20% for 30 years. When cars are 30% for 5 years. How will the government pay its loans to china when the rates on the interest will be higher than GDP?  100% tax + more massive printing??  

When your in a hole and want out.. the first rule is .. STOP digging deeper! But the politician's have a plan.. keep digging and blame the next guy for trying to change course.  

Other: bah....blah blah blah the IRS is being mean to the Tea party.. get in line; the meanest ones to the tea party are the republicians. What new about that? Drones... the worse is yet to come... Internet tax.. big business and states want that money... Washington wants more authority... win win for everyone except those that love liberty and prosperity. Obamacare: I suspect bad times for a long while... but it may improve in 20 years ( I'll be dead before it does).

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 08:09:11

Just had another round of layoffs but I was spared, my experience is similar to Web's in that I put in the time and really focused on what makes my group successful. We have four hard workers in my sub-group and two leeches. I am barely hanging on in a single income household, if I lose my job then I will lose the house and most of what is in it.

Most Americans are feeling the burn from this socialist "twist" on society. People are trading good paying jobs for a couple of low paying, part time jobs. I don't know what America Star lives in but everywhere I have heard of is taking a hard hit. Texas and some of the states run by Conservatives and a few run by Republicans seem to be coming back. California is going down the drain.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 08:36:35

Economy: This is tricky. Are we better than 2008? Yes, is it real? NO.

How is the economy ‘better’ now than 2008; specifically?

What do  you mean by ‘is it real? No”

So how to rate Obama: he is doing what every other president has done since 1971... do what the bankers tell him. DO the bankers give a darn about the country? NO.

I’m always confused when I hear comments like this. The world was an awful, dirty and miserable place until capitalism freed the masses to move upwards. Until then, you pretty much stayed in the class you were born in. Capitalism has improved the health, prosperity and lifespan and everyone on the planet. For several thousand years, humanity remained basically stagnant. It wasn’t until the economic growth spurned on my  entrepreneurial activity raised everyone’s prospects. So in a sense, what’s good for business is good for all.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/20/13 at 09:22:47

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
Economy: This is tricky. Are we better than 2008? Yes, is it real? NO.

How is the economy ‘better’ now than 2008; specifically?

What do  you mean by ‘is it real? No”

So how to rate Obama: he is doing what every other president has done since 1971... do what the bankers tell him. DO the bankers give a darn about the country? NO.

I’m always confused when I hear comments like this. The world was an awful, dirty and miserable place until capitalism freed the masses to move upwards. Until then, you pretty much stayed in the class you were born in. Capitalism has improved the health, prosperity and lifespan and everyone on the planet. For several thousand years, humanity remained basically stagnant. It wasn’t until the economic growth spurned on my  entrepreneurial activity raised everyone’s prospects. So in a sense, what’s good for business is good for all.

How is the economy ‘better’ now than 2008; specifically?

Well it certainly isn't worth arguing over, but by in large I think there is general consensus that:
The stock market is higher ( 15K versus 11k)
credit is available to business (that was a fear in 2008)
New housing starts are up
housing values are not in decline
unemployment is increasing at slower rate

What do  you mean by ‘is it real? No”
The current economy is the result of multiple massive quantative easing ( Ie printing money) and an artificially low interest rate. The government is "forcing" prosperity by just printing money. Even Bernanke said at some point the interest rate must come up. (from 0 to something). Were market forces allowed to dictate current rates... it would be a whole different game. Thus this current prosperity is fake, the economy is fake. It is a manipulated market. To be sure the manipulation is designed to make the true economy hurt the least... for politicians and banks.  

I’m always confused when I hear comments like this. The world was an awful, dirty and miserable place until capitalism freed the masses to move upwards. Until then, you pretty much stayed in the class you were born in. Capitalism has improved the health, prosperity and lifespan and everyone on the planet.

I don't think we JUST adopted capitalism in 1971. So your statements actually confuse me. I am certainly not against capitalism!!  I am very "free market". I am not anti-business.. I am just not for welfare for business... which is the current norm.

I hope that cleared up my position.  

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 09:50:53

With regard to the question of whether we are better off than in 2008 that isn't the right question, rather, it is why did it take soo long to get to the point we are now at? I think when the true economic data comes out it will show we are in a stagflation coming out of a Depression. The conservative types, such as myself, will be inclined to say that had the spending been cut, taxes for business lowered and no massive bailouts or ultra-massive stimuluses we would be at near full employment in an economic boom.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 10:08:46

How is the economy ‘better’ now than 2008; specifically?

Well it certainly isn't worth arguing over, but by in large I think there is general consensus that:
The stock market is higher ( 15K versus 11k)
credit is available to business (that was a fear in 2008)
New housing starts are up
housing values are not in decline
unemployment is increasing at slower rate

I would say those things are true except I would add some of them, (all?) are up from recent historic lows.  Unemployment might be improving, but it’s only thought of as improving when viewed from the recent numbers which have been awful.

What do  you mean by ‘is it real? No”
The current economy is the result of multiple massive quantative easing ( Ie printing money) and an artificially low interest rate. The government is "forcing" prosperity by just printing money. Even Bernanke said at some point the interest rate must come up. (from 0 to something). Were market forces allowed to dictate current rates... it would be a whole different game. Thus this current prosperity is fake, the economy is fake. It is a manipulated market. To be sure the manipulation is designed to make the true economy hurt the least... for politicians and banks.

Can’t argue with that.

I’m always confused when I hear comments like this. The world was an awful, dirty and miserable place until capitalism freed the masses to move upwards. Until then, you pretty much stayed in the class you were born in. Capitalism has improved the health, prosperity and lifespan and everyone on the planet.

I don't think we JUST adopted capitalism in 1971. So your statements actually confuse me. I am certainly not against capitalism!!  I am very "free market". I am not anti-business.. I am just not for welfare for business... which is the current norm.

I wasn’t talking about 1971; I was looking long back long term. What’s good for business is good for all.
Welfare for business is a broad statement but I don’t think anyone would argue there’s not abuse going on in the tax code that business tax advantage of. How ADM gets a penny in farm subsidies is beyond me.

I hope that cleared up my position.

Very well, I wish everyone were so clear.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/20/13 at 11:25:11

72575853775A5A5358360 wrote:
With regard to the question of whether we are better off than in 2008 that isn't the right question, rather, it is why did it take soo long to get to the point we are now at? I think when the true economic data comes out it will show we are in a stagflation coming out of a Depression. The conservative types, such as myself, will be inclined to say that had the spending been cut, taxes for business lowered and no massive bailouts or ultra-massive stimuluses we would be at near full employment in an economic boom.

As a fellow conservative... I agree but only to a point. In 2008, I was very much ready for an in EAGER anticipation of a repeat of 1980. Under Carter when inflation soared. I my expectation was that interest rates would rise.. I could invest my savings at the higher rate and reap my just reward over time. Instead ... interest rates were squashed and remain dead. Instead of individuals being able to invest... the FED gave money only to the banks (because there were no savers), who in turn made the money available to borrowers... the difference.. savers cannot participate in the system, only the FED and banks. Or to put plainly... retired folks with cash to save and who need a return on that savings as a source of income are being robbed. Interest is low ...not due to market forces .. but due the FED and banks. who is being hurt directly... retired persons. But that's only half the robbery. The other half of the robbery is the accumulation of debt that is being inflicted on the very young, who will be saddled with the repayment. So two groups, neither of which have good representation are being burdened. Had moderate interest rates been allowed, then all savers would be brought to the table and the QE would not be needed at ALL! But banks could not profit (as much) by doing so. Still there would have been pain. Inflation for sure... but that will come at some point anyway, NO ONE disputes it. The question is who will pay when. The longer we put it off the more it will hurt.  

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/20/13 at 11:37:04

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:

How is the economy ‘better’ now than 2008; specifically?

I wasn’t talking about 1971; I was looking long back long term. What’s good for business is good for all.Welfare for business is a broad statement but I don’t think anyone would argue there’s not abuse going on in the tax code that business tax advantage of. How ADM gets a penny in farm subsidies is beyond me.

[i]I hope that cleared up my position.

Very well, I wish everyone were so clear.

I get frustrated by statements like this. My father-in-law would proclaim loudly and often "whats good for farmers is good for all"... often when the subject of farm price subsidies was brought up.

I like it this way.. "Whats good for all ... is good for all". Anything else... and I get REAL suspicious real fast!
It good for business to not pay any tax... but that's not so good for the rest of us.
Its good for business to have no regulations ( pollution, usury, codes( fire))... but that's not so good for the rest of us.
Its good for business to have protective tarrifs... but that SURE aint so good for some of us.
Its good for business to have price supports... but not good for the rest of us.
Its good for business to have a "buyer of last resort"... but someone has to pay for it.

What is good for all (business included) is for a fair and "mostly" free market. Where business can make decisions based on a free market economy... not decisions based on second guessing the FED... or insider FED info. Where savers (not speculators) can benefit from their work and savings.

Can you tell I just read one of Ron Pauls books???

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Midnightrider on 05/20/13 at 12:15:12

082F3A2937323D2F3E295B0 wrote:
Yes, and so are the lives of most Americans. you are saying that your life was better under Bush??

No Star, I'm not saying that. I started this thread just to get members opinions. I think Obama isn't living up to a lot of his promises but you can blame a lot of that on Congress. I grateful he has kept us out of another war. Maybe things are so furked up no one can straighten them out. My biggest gripe with Obama is leave my guns alone. Guns are a family tradition where I come from. Conn. has a no assault weapon ban and it worked about as good as the war on drugs.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 12:38:07

043D3A31203B26540 wrote:
[quote author=72575853775A5A5358360 link=1368989686/0#12 date=1369068653]With regard to the question of whether we are better off than in 2008 that isn't the right question, rather, it is why did it take soo long to get to the point we are now at? I think when the true economic data comes out it will show we are in a stagflation coming out of a Depression. The conservative types, such as myself, will be inclined to say that had the spending been cut, taxes for business lowered and no massive bailouts or ultra-massive stimuluses we would be at near full employment in an economic boom.

As a fellow conservative... I agree but only to a point. In 2008, I was very much ready for an in EAGER anticipation of a repeat of 1980. Under Carter when inflation soared. I my expectation was that interest rates would rise.. I could invest my savings at the higher rate and reap my just reward over time. Instead ... interest rates were squashed and remain dead. Instead of individuals being able to invest... the FED gave money only to the banks (because there were no savers), who in turn made the money available to borrowers... the difference.. savers cannot participate in the system, only the FED and banks. Or to put plainly... retired folks with cash to save and who need a return on that savings as a source of income are being robbed. Interest is low ...not due to market forces .. but due the FED and banks. who is being hurt directly... retired persons. But that's only half the robbery. The other half of the robbery is the accumulation of debt that is being inflicted on the very young, who will be saddled with the repayment. So two groups, neither of which have good representation are being burdened. Had moderate interest rates been allowed, then all savers would be brought to the table and the QE would not be needed at ALL! But banks could not profit (as much) by doing so. Still there would have been pain. Inflation for sure... but that will come at some point anyway, NO ONE disputes it. The question is who will pay when. The longer we put it off the more it will hurt.  

Very good points!!  :)

Politicians have been in the business of using the public's credit to mollify the citizens until the next election and we have fallen for it every time. The whole point of the massive debt is to steal from the next generation to buy off enough votes for today. Unions, created to protect the middle class are now in the process of destroying it from within our own government. Corruption has rotted the government to the core.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/20/13 at 18:52:12

"The world was an awful, dirty and miserable place until capitalism freed the masses to move upwards. WM"

Unfettered capitalism...Ah for the early days when robber barons ruled, when children worked the coal mines, when women worked 12 hours a day in sweatshops, when union busting thugs did their talking with guns and clubs.

In the early days of Capitalism If the Irish won't do it, or you run out of them, hire the Chinese, they work like hell for next to nothing. The Irish and the Chinese and the Blacks and every other poor chump in the world busted their backs and died to build what we now take for granted.

Flash forward.

Republicans. They'd like to see us return to those golden years of yore. If they could arrange it, the Minimum Wage would be 1 Dollar an Hour. Or less. The fact that there even is a minimum wage law is obscene.

The Mexican slave laborers, (guest workers), have undercut the minimum wage, and many people blame THEM, and not the lawmakers on the hill. They blame the poor, hard working least among us, then toss them out, and bring in the next batch, and we treat them as what they are, slaves.

Meanwhile, the honored and admired CEO's whom are paid so very, very well, who are living in mansions and riding in limos, refuse to raise the minimum wage for the serfs while regularly giving themselves midnight pay raises on the sly, or golden parachutes if their business goes under. At a time of austerity. With subsidies, tax breaks and other government perks, it's beyond absurd that billions of our tax dollars are pouring into executive pockets.

Corporations today have forgotten Henry Ford's brilliant insight. Henry Ford did "get" the way that capitalism can work:

Business owners have to find the "sweet spot" where you're paying your workers enough, and also making your product cheap enough, that your workers can buy one of them.

And the "outsource it" mentality isn't just about production, it's about loosing American jobs, cutting wages and benefits to the point where the average Joe can't afford to buy the products they make.

Defense contractors like Halliburton  ripping off government is as old as defense contractors. They steal as fast and as much as they can while they have a "war" to give them an excuse. They never know when they will be able to incite the next war. Eisenhower was dead on with his farewell address warning about the military industrial complex.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 20:00:23

This from a guy who gobbles up everything those evil capitalist make....

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WD on 05/20/13 at 21:42:45

credit is available to business (that was a fear in 2008)
New housing starts are up
housing values are not in decline
unemployment is increasing at slower rate

Can't GIVE AWAY property on the Gulf Coast. Can't GIVE AWAY "McMansions" in TN. If you have ANY physical impairment there is no work (McSlime's and Hellmart here want white employees to have a four year degree, but a negro or wetback with no education is hired on the spot)...  >:(

Shelby County TN properties devalued an average of 10% across the board (commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural) in the last month. Taxes haven't gone down any though, in fact, with the forced city/county school merger they are going up to "make up for lost revenue"...  >:(

Y'all have what, Nissan, Siemens and ??? We've got Kellogs, Lockheed Martin (weapons division) and a down on it's luck Navy base that looks like it was last overhauled about 1962. Pretty much everything else (including most Fed Ex jobs), other than agriculture, is "No whites allowed"...

Better under Obama? Um, no.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/21/13 at 09:19:43

WD .. I love you.. seriously....

All valid. I am completely sure. I just don't think Romney would be any better ( different maybe). A lot of that crap has been a long time cooking. You would not believe how bad it is here (Jackson).

As for that gulf coast property.... hmmm.. we need to talk!!! gimmeee!!
Yeah... I recall back in 1996 or so.. Lushbaugh making fun of a radio spot for the Army..."qualified applicants need NOT apply". And they had strict race prohibition.. no whites (unless female). Race.. I am so sick racism ( both ways .. any ways).

He don't forget we got a Toyota plant now!

and a few years ago we got ammo plant for .22s

but yeah good jobs are few and far between down here.

PS: headed to Oxford MS this weekend to help my daughter move into a house(rental) sure wish I work a meet up... jest not seeing it once I wrestle beds and couches and such... why the heck don't she have a boyfriend to do this junk!! ( kidding)

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WD on 05/21/13 at 09:29:50

My good for nothing stepson lives in Oxford and works at Ole Miss... shall I arrange a hook up? Kidding, wouldn't wish him on anybody.

We did get a Mitsubishi heavy electronics plant contract, but, it's stagnant. The educational level here leaves a lot to be desired, a master's from any local university is equivalent to an associates degree on the west coast or in New England....

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/21/13 at 10:03:11

785F4A5947424D5F4E592B0 wrote: you are saying that your life was better under Bush??

I, and most Americans were better off under Bush and would take him back in a heartbeat after seeing what a stuttering clusterf&ck Obama has turned out to be. With all his many faults at least Bush has some leadership ability that Obama has zero of.

Bush went nuts with the entitlements, don"t know where that came from.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/21/13 at 10:12:12

50696E65746F72000 wrote:
WD .. I love you.. seriously....

All valid. I am completely sure. I just don't think Romney would be any better ( different maybe).

Ronmey wouldn't have been much better except he would have preserved civil liberties and human rights. We need a very strong leader now who can take charge and do what's right regardless of the short term political consequences. Obama is all about Obama and his legacy will show what a worthless president most of us know him to be. We need a JFK or Reagan to save us from ourselves.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 12:11:51

"I, and most Americans were better off under Bush and would take him back in a heartbeat."

Oh pleeaze...You're enough of a laughing stock now, give it up.

"Ronmey would have preserved civil liberties and human rights."

Just exactly what civil liberties and human rights have you lost under Obama??

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Pine on 05/21/13 at 14:56:15

684F5A4957525D4F5E493B0 wrote:
"I, and most Americans were better off under Bush and would take him back in a heartbeat."

Oh pleeaze...You're enough of a laughing stock now, give it up.

"Ronmey would have preserved civil liberties and human rights."

Just exactly what civil liberties and human rights have you lost under Obama??

I'll take that one:

In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.

The legislation has drawn severe criticism from civil liberties groups, many Democrats, along with Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, who called it “a slip into tyranny.” Recently two retired four-star Marine generals called on the president to veto the bill in a New York Times op-ed, deeming it “misguided and unnecessary.”

I think this pretty much bring George Owells 1984 to reality. If you disagree that allowing the US military to capture and detain indefinitely without charges, trail, or any other chance of reprive isn't a blow to civil liberties... then wow.  

Then there is this:

I kinda wonder if the president slips into bed and when the wife asks how his day was .. he says... "well I scratched 12 more people off the list".

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 15:13:08

"A controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge."

Well if you are so concerned with the rights of terrorists lets give the GITMO prisoners speedy trials and release those found innocent.

I agree with you 100%. To keep them detained indeffently. and to torture them is morally repugnant and a crime against humanity.

As for the "kill" list, I agree with you on that also. Lets STOP the use of drones killing innocent people in Afghanistan or anywhere else.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Midnightrider on 05/21/13 at 15:22:14

Star I'll never say my life was better under Bush. I think I had more cash flow under Bush but I would trade the extra cash and more to have kept all those body bags from coming home. Sometimes I just throw questions out like this one just to see how people really feel. I'm very grateful Obama hasn't led us into another war yet. Obama is a long ways from being perfect but it could be a lot worse.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 18:32:40

Obama hasn't led us into another war yet

No he hasn't. He's just kicked the can down the road so it's the next guy's problem. Bush had to deal with Clinton mess; I pity the guy left with Obama's pile of dung he's gonna leave him.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/21/13 at 18:47:58

003235242332251A36253C570 wrote:
Obama hasn't led us into another war yet

No he hasn't. He's just kicked the can down the road so it's the next guy's problem. Bush had to deal with Clinton mess; I pity the guy left with Obama's pile of dung he's gonna leave him.

Such a mess Bush had to deal with. There was no deficit, the economy was booming, and we had peace. No one wanted to kill us. That must have been so hard for the war business with the oil man having 1/2 in oil and the other 1/2 in war.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 19:11:16

"Bush had to deal with Clinton mess; I pity the guy left with Obama's pile of dung he's gonna leave him."      

I assume some tragic head injury combined with LSD exposure and multiple taser discharges have altered your thinking.. What unbelievable chain of disasters could have come together to hurt your mind this badly.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 19:37:40

No one wanted to kill us
say what?

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 19:46:20

I assume some tragic head injury combined with LSD exposure and multiple taser discharges have altered your thinking.. What unbelievable chain of disasters could have come together to hurt your mind this badly.

Good question; here's the answer.  I have a weakness for wasting time with morons like you and Sri and Sew occasionally. You guys are like a train wreck; horrible, but can't look away. Hell, I don't even own a Savage anymore.

The kicker is I travel someplace new almost every week and meet dozens of different people. Here's what has always puzzled me: I never meet people with such pathetic, stupid, anti-American views as you clowns. Honest; I never do and customers I interact with talk politics all the time; at the plant, out to lunch, later that night at a bar. Happened again today in Cedar Rapids. Even if they are not conservatives, they have common sense views and don't metaphorically get down on their knees and blow Hopey like Star does.

No one I deal with is as stupid as you guys; no one. Part of me thinks you guys are not real; you guys are just kids playing around or something.  

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/21/13 at 20:24:24

Call all the names you want webby, I suggest you do that to people you "meet" and see what they do.
You're too chicken to open your mouth in person I'll bet which must be why the 8-9 month old invitation I dropped to meet you by the charlotte airport still is open.

Big man hiding behind the internet.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/21/13 at 21:35:54

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
No one I deal with is as stupid as you guys; no one. Part of me thinks you guys are not real; you guys are just kids playing around or something.  

;D ;D ;D ;D I get the same feeling

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/21/13 at 21:37:47

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
Call all the names you want webby, I suggest you do that to people you "meet" and see what they do.
You're too chicken to open your mouth in person I'll bet which must be why the 8-9 month old invitation I dropped to meet you by the charlotte airport still is open.

Big man hiding behind the internet.


Really?? Your calling him out to fight because of a website?? And your the worst offender at name calling ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/13 at 05:08:19

Call all the names you want webby, I suggest you do that to people you "meet" and see what they do.

that's my point; I never meet anyone like  you two. never. part of it is people aren't as mean spirited in person as they are on the web; that's a given. The other part is everyone talks politics at business functions, it's just no one expresses views as hateful and anti-American as you and Star. No one. Not even close. I'm guessing it's the demographics of the people I deal with in business.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/13 at 05:09:11

I'll bet which must be why the 8-9 month old invitation I dropped to meet you by the charlotte airport still is open.

Big man hiding behind the internet.

I'm a lover; not a fighter and i'm not going to jail for fighting an idiot. No thanks.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/13 at 05:10:17

Really?? Your calling him out to fight because of a website?? And your the worst offender at name calling

honest Dane; if Midnight had not said he actually met him in person; I wouldn't believe he was real.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/22/13 at 06:13:57

1E3B343F1B36363F345A0 wrote:
[quote author=71706B6C63766A020 link=1368989686/30#34 date=1369193064]Call all the names you want webby, I suggest you do that to people you "meet" and see what they do.
You're too chicken to open your mouth in person I'll bet which must be why the 8-9 month old invitation I dropped to meet you by the charlotte airport still is open.

Big man hiding behind the internet.


Really?? Your calling him out to fight because of a website?? And your the worst offender at name calling ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

I didn't call him to a fight. I just wanted to believe he was real. It was just to say hi - much like with midnight.
Several people have met me before midnight.

Really Dane on the name calling - I dont care what you think. You can believe all you want that calling an idea stupid is the same as calling the person with the idea as stupid - really I dont care.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/13 at 18:31:13

Lets step back a ways,,
I cant recall ANY president whose tenure in office put me in a better place.
Ive worked harder, longer & for less disposable income compared to my predecessors  their respective places in life. I did more & found less reward for it than I saw those a generation ahead of me doing. It doesnt matter if its a D or an R. They are all controlled by the same kind of people.
The direction is unchanged, regardless of which party is in power. OHH sure, we tack a little left or tack a little right, just to keep up the illusion its party against party,
But the boat sails in the direction the globalists want,,
If you cant see that the general direction is the same for the last 40+ years, youre one blind Mo frikken RON

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/22/13 at 18:54:15

"Ive worked harder, longer & for less disposable income compared to my predecessors  their respective places in life."

Tell it to Corporations and their Republican stooges...Maby the'yll send you lot's of bootstraps engraved with curtisy of the GOP...

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Midnightrider on 05/22/13 at 20:49:48

Sri and I met last Fri night. We don't have to agree on everything to be friends. I enjoy his company.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/23/13 at 06:16:46

4D6A7F6C7277786A7B6C1E0 wrote:
"Ive worked harder, longer & for less disposable income compared to my predecessors  their respective places in life."

Tell it to Corporations and their Republican stooges...Maby the'yll send you lot's of bootstraps engraved with curtisy of the GOP...

& youy act as if the dems are not equally responsible!

Look who signed NAFTA!
YOu could be helped if youd stop believing the dems are so darned good, they arent, theyve screwed things up just as badly as the bubs.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/23/13 at 10:52:28

7A656364797E4F7F4F77656922100 wrote:
[quote author=4D6A7F6C7277786A7B6C1E0 link=1368989686/30#42 date=1369274055]"Ive worked harder, longer & for less disposable income compared to my predecessors  their respective places in life."

Tell it to Corporations and their Republican stooges...Maby the'yll send you lot's of bootstraps engraved with curtisy of the GOP...

& youy act as if the dems are not equally responsible!

Look who signed NAFTA!
YOu could be helped if youd stop believing the dems are so darned good, they arent, theyve screwed things up just as badly as the bubs.[/quote]

NAFTA really wasn't the disaster the GOP wants us to believe it is.
It Fast forwarded 10 years what eventually happened and everything went to china.
However we still get to dump our GMO corn in mexico.

I'm tired of all the same lies over and over again in this segment of this forum.

Yes we shipped jobs to mexico starting from when NAFTA was signed - say 1996 was it.
But by 2006 those jobs were well and truly in china.
So we lost manufacturing jobs 10 years early.

But on the flip side we are selling corn in mexico, federally subsidized, Geneteically modified Corn.
We have bypassed their import tarriffs under the guise of NAFTA.

We screw them for ever. They screwed us for 10 years. End of story.

Clinton's immigration change came in too late to be of any use to me.
That was my bad timing I guess.

But otherwise Bush's policies hurt me more than any other, Obama's policy hasn't helped much but Obamacare has made my son insurable, and I'd really have been worse if McCain or RMoney had been elected.
RMoney was a clueless moron. He told a hurricane victim who had lost everything including her home in hurricane Isaac "help was available to her. All she would need to do to receive it is "Go home and call 211," as he said, a public service number offered in many states"


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Dane Allen on 05/24/13 at 11:52:31

Here is why I say things were much better under Bush, I will say my peace and be done with this. The open corruption we see under Obama is unprecedented in my lifetime. Not just the policies and the machinations of government unions but the whole core of the marxist movement, from Obams's hate church under Rev Wright to the Media's complete abdication of their own First Ammendement rights.

It's the corruption of society that seeks to punish and rob from the successful to buy the votes of the unproductive. It's the corruption of keeping Afrian Americans warehoused in poverty in order to transition them from the plantation to the polls and back every couple of years.

It's the corruption of the public that has learned they can vote themselves other people's money. The corruption of Chicago pay-to-play politics and the theft of America's future through mssive debt to pay for the largesse of today for politicians and government unions, the real 1%.

The corruption of the IRS, Department of Justice, ATF, Homeland Security, EPA, and soo many others. In just eight short years the corrution of our society and reached a fevered pace.

The corruption of the spirit of immigration, turning it into a self-serving method to bring in a mass of liberal voters, to pressure wages lower and to pressure the standard of living lower, and to help create such a burden on the social infrastructure as to cause a collapse and realize the ultimate goal of the marxists, to bring down the last bastion of freedom in the world.

To put in place a corrupt "living" document of a constitution where your rights are dealt and discarded at the whim of the liberal elites, whom foist themselves on your daily lives, i.e. Life of Julia. All to insert themselves inbetween you and every aspect of your daily lives, fining you a mortgage payment if your dog doesn't have the "proper papers" for example.

Liberals love to project their feelings and beliefs onto others in an effort to dodge, deflect and evade. Nancy Pelosi loved to attribute the Culture of Corrution phrase to Republicans. Conservatives, Libertarians and who ever else was against her wishes. Liberals today are the true culture of corruption but it extends way past the politicians and into most of the media and public institutions.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/24/13 at 12:55:09

True Dane, very true. The only thing worse than this was the republicommunists lead by Cheney from 2000-2008.

To have made it worse from there, we should have elected Palin/McCain in 2008.
To take it another step beyond that - we should have elected RMoney in 2012.

There I've said my "piece".

In absolute terms what you have said is on the nose though. And republicommunists are not the answer. In fact they are the antithesis of the answer. You could elect those guys, put em in a fake world let them think its the real world, find out what they do in that fake world, and do the exact opposite in the real world and it will greatly improve. That I can not say for the democrats.

Media was asleep during Bush's 8 years too, they pumped the housing bubble all the way and abdicated their responsibility.


Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/24/13 at 19:57:01

"Here is why I say things were much better under Bush, I will say my peace and be done with this. The open corruption we see under Obama is unprecedented in my lifetime. Not just the policies and the machinations of government unions but the whole core of the marxist movement."

Your opening statement says enough right there to Know that you are again being a useful tool of whatever wingnut hate-sheet you copied and pasted this horsesh!t from.

To suggest that there is a Marxist movement in the US government ridiculous and insulting.

I ask you, who says these things ??... What are you so scared of ??

While this administration is bad in your belief system , the Marxist comparison is over the top.

Bush had killed more people in his first 5 years than Hitler, so by your standards Bush was a Nazi??

Now if you want to address the real problem consider this:

Mussolini, (the founder of modern fascism), said his form of statism could also be called "corporatism" because it was the merger of state and corporate power.

This is what America has become, and Obama can't or won't do a damm thing about it. Welcome to "The United States of Fascist Corporate America".

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/24/13 at 21:53:19

BTW Dane, Remember this from the 2010 election? These are yours and webbys people.

It's about teabagger "terrorists" mocking a man with Parkinson's disease while campaigning against health care reform.

Now tell me: Does this look like a 'social welfare' organization that deserves tax exempt status??

Teabaggers are the tapeworms of society.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Midnightrider on 05/24/13 at 22:05:12

I really don't understand what the Teabaggers wannabe. Are they Bible Thumpers, Racist, Wannabe Republicans without the money and power. When I found out the Kock Bros.(two of the most dangerous men on the planet) were financing them and supporting them that was enough for me.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/25/13 at 10:47:58

I am offended that you continually attach people who SAY there something to those who really ARE. I am a Tea Party guy. I Give to charity.
Youve met people whop go to church & SAY they are Christians, but you KNOW, by watching how they act, they dont have the heart of a Christian.,
Those assholes are NOT Tea Party people. They have no idea what the Tea Party is if thats how they act.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Starlifter on 05/25/13 at 15:23:49

JOG, the Teabagger lunatic fringe idiots of today have NOTHING to do with the original grass roots Tea Party movement. Although I never agreed with them, I respected them as a group exercising their constitutional rights to speak out.

Today's TP? a bunch of low (or no) information nuts being used by the powers that be.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/25/13 at 16:01:11

I am actually at this point thankful the Occupy movement wasn't co opted by the democraps as a counterweight to TEA. It would also have lost any credibility as grassroots then.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by Midnightrider on 05/26/13 at 08:41:05

JOG I thought you were a Ron Paul Libertarian. I know he's not his Dad but I hope he runs.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by srinath on 05/26/13 at 09:15:11

7B5F52585F515E42445F525344360 wrote:
JOG I thought you were a Ron Paul Libertarian. I know he's not his Dad but I hope he runs.

I am too, but Rand Paul is not Ron Paul. Rand paul has too much of a worry about his political career. He's clearly in the pock of The Kochroach brothers.

Title: Re: Is Your Life Any Better Since Obama Is Preside
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/13 at 18:18:41

I thot like Ron Paul before I knew who he was. I was a Libertarian before I knew what a Libertarian was. I just do not trust Rand at all.,.he is NOT Ron Paul. He is scary to me, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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