General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The asterisk president

Message started by WebsterMark on 05/18/13 at 06:19:23

Title: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/13 at 06:19:23

What a perfect summation of this president....

No one can deny that Barack Obama is a highly skilled politician, at least by the measure of election outcomes. His record is undefeated, save for an ill-advised 2000 primary challenge to an entrenched incumbent congressman. His 2008 presidential victory, after a fraction of a term in the U.S. Senate, was especially dazzling. It disproved those who said that Hillary Clinton was invincible, that a left-wing Democrat couldn't win, and that America wasn't ready for a black president.

No one can deny that Lance Armstrong and Mark McGwire were highly skilled athletes. But their accomplishments are forever tainted by their use of banned performance-enhancing drugs. The use of the Internal Revenue Service's coercive power to suppress dissent against Obama is the political equivalent of steroids. The history books should record Obama's re-election with an asterisk to indicate that it was achieved with the help of illicit means.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Starlifter on 05/18/13 at 12:32:44

"The history books should record Obama's re-election with an asterisk to indicate that it was achieved with the help of illicit means."

...ha ha, such nonsense.  ;D ;D  (*fron the WSJ of course.)

How conveniently you forget that George W. Bush, the town drunk of Texas, decided he should try his hand at some ‘presidentin.’. The Repubs were able to steal two presidential elections with the electronic vote-stealing machines. I know that you're willingly adamantly blind, deaf, and dumb about that clear reality, but it is a fact regardless.

In Gore vs. Bush his supreme court stopped the recount and handed it to Bush. Why? So they could keep a clear majority.

It was clear from the voter lists purges that the fix was in for Florida. When the Supervisor of Elections for one county refused to use those lists because of obvious errors and another Supervisor was ON the list, there was no doubt at all. And Gore's people did nothing BEFORE the election to make sure people eligible to vote were not purged.

In McCain vs. Obama the fix was in, but people were so fed up with the criminal Bush administration they overwhelming voted Dem overriding the electronic fix.

In Rmoney vs.Obama they knew they would  have to steal MORE. Obama won because the R's miscalculated how much they had to electronically "adjust" the margin.

Make no mistake, they WILL try it again  Not only with the voter suppression laws they have put in place, but the electronic "adjustments" for the purpose of putting R's in office.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/13 at 20:28:30

shocking; you brought up Bush..... I never saw that coming....

a fact regardless.

So you have absolute evidence to prove a Presidential election was stolen? That's amazing..... the only person on the planet to have absolute evidence of the most significant event in perhaps the history of the nation is a member on this forum.... who would have thunk it!

In Gore vs. Bush his supreme court stopped the recount and handed it to Bush.

Do you have some type of alternative universe machine....because in this universe, that didn't happen.

you know; I like the 'no insult Star'. you are way more entertaining.....

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Serowbot on 05/19/13 at 08:38:02

Web,.. I'm in the same "alternate universe" as Star...
... because the Supreme Court did stop the count and award the election to Bush...
In fact,... it was just in the news recently, that Justice O'Conner, now regrets the court taking on the issue...

This is the universe we live in... Where's yours?... :-?...

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by srinath on 05/19/13 at 08:45:32

Even though I hate Al Bore I agree with these 2.

TBH - I hate Al Bore for pushing those Fugly twirly bulbs filled with freaking mercury. Even though I believe in using less electricity ... them twirly bulbs are poison.

Al Bore as president we will have lost the 100 watt bulb 10 years ago and be stick with twirlies ... that fool is making $389 of each twirly bulb sold.


Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Starlifter on 05/19/13 at 11:41:32

I donno, the more twirly bulbs the less coal burned. It's a tradeoff.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by srinath on 05/19/13 at 16:06:15

052237243A3F30223324560 wrote:
I donno, the more twirly bulbs the less coal burned. It's a tradeoff.

You're trading a little bit of CO2 for an equal amount of mercury ... I'd say its a bad swap.
In any case, LED's should have been Al Bore's preferred bulb, but he wasn't making $$$ off those ... so for 10 years he fooled us.


Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 05:49:10

because the Supreme Court did stop the count and award the election to Bush...

No; they just said you couldn't change the rules halfway through the game.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/13 at 09:57:24

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
No; they just said you couldn't change the rules halfway through the game.

Read something, Webster...

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 10:09:29

you think I don't just because I disagree with you?

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 10:14:45

Didn’t the state of Florida extend the deadline AFTER the deadline had passed and that is ultimately what the Supreme Court said was a violation?

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 10:53:13

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Web,.. I'm in the same "alternate universe" as Star...
... because the Supreme Court did stop the count and award the election to Bush...
In fact,... it was just in the news recently, that Justice O'Conner, now regrets the court taking on the issue...

This is the universe we live in... Where's yours?... :-?...

Yeah, I read that too along with some other analysis. It was bad for the Supreme Court to get involved because it made a simple and correct decision look partisan.  They could have kicked it back or declined the case and Bush still would have won. Al's "selective recount of liberal strongholds" plan a non-winner in the end but the fairness of the process needed to be defended and that's why we are where we are.

Had Bush been more Reagan and less Romney then it would have been a landslide to bury Gore.

Now this is just a speculative idea on my part but I think that the Republicans are getting more liberal because the moderate refugees displaced by the democrat party's gigantic leap to the left are settling in the Republican camp, diluting the conservative message. This is an example of how a "big tent" isn't necessarily all that it is cracked up to be.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/13 at 12:00:45

14313E35113C3C353E500 wrote:
..but I think that the Republicans are getting more liberal because the moderate refugees displaced by the democrat party's gigantic leap to the left are settling in the Republican camp,...

???... :-?...
That is the most bizarroworld statement I've ever heard...
Tea party influence has set the Right Wing into a conservative Stoneage... the Right has never been more radically Right...
Neanderthal right... ;D...

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 12:18:37

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
[quote author=14313E35113C3C353E500 link=1368883163/0#11 date=1369072393]..but I think that the Republicans are getting more liberal because the moderate refugees displaced by the democrat party's gigantic leap to the left are settling in the Republican camp,...

???... :-?...
That is the most bizarroworld statement I've ever heard...
Tea party influence has set the Right Wing into a conservative Stoneage... the Right has never been more radically Right...
Neanderthal right... ;D... [/quote]

Compare Bush 2 to Reagan and it becomes clear how far left the Republican establishment has moved. The Tea Party is, in my mind, those of us remembering the glory days of the Reagan era and wondering how it all got pissed away. Liberals have pushed the Democrats and the country soo far left that I am seeing statements from former Soviet bloc citizens who can't believe we are going this route voluntarilly.

Seeing all the countries that have tried socialism and failed and then to see America follow into the pit must be very strange for outsiders. It's like seeing a pile up on the freeway a 100 yards ahead and and thinking "wow, we need to be more like them" and driving right into the wreckage.

If I am wrong then explain Boehner!! Explain all the RINOs and the abandonment of conservative  and social conservative principles.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 12:49:57

Tea party influence has set the Right Wing into a conservative Stoneage... the Right has never been more radically Right...

I'm not positive Dane is right about why the right is more moderate, but he's 100% correct that they are.

I wish the right were more radically Right.....   We need a clear separation from the commie lefties...

(i'd rather be a Neanderthal than a long hair, maggot infested, FM listening, smelly, commie hippie.....)! I can't stay gay little smiley faces, but this would be a good place for one....

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 13:00:08

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
Tea party influence has set the Right Wing into a conservative Stoneage... the Right has never been more radically Right...

I'm not positive Dane is right about why the right is more moderate, but he's 100% correct that they are.

I could be wrong but it is definitely plausible, I came up with this idea when talking with new Republicans.

I wish the right were more radically Right.....   We need a clear separation from the commie lefties...


(i'd rather be a Neanderthal than a long hair, maggot infested, FM listening, smelly, commie hippie.....)! I can't stay gay little smiley faces, but this would be a good place for one....

I think mangy should be in there, when I see hippie I always think mangy.

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Starlifter on 05/20/13 at 19:52:49

"I wish the right were more radically Right".....  

How much more radical, hateful and lunatic fringe right can you get??  You're unhinged now. To what lower level can "radical right" you sink to?? :P

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/13 at 19:57:54

How much more radical, hateful and lunatic fringe right can you get??  You're unhinged now. To what lower level can "radical right" you sink to??

Well, maybe we could go a little further down. Maybe to the level of the liberal fringe; OWS.
However, that's kinda liberal mainstream so we'd have to go even further...

by the way, now that the weather's warming up, when are those guys gonna start setting up their camps again. I need a good laugh now and then. Loved it when a bunch of day traders dropped McDonald applications on a bunch of them.....

Title: Re: The asterisk president
Post by Dane Allen on 05/21/13 at 14:42:07

16312437292C23312037450 wrote:
"I wish the right were more radically Right".....  

How much more radical, hateful and lunatic fringe right can you get??  You're unhinged now. To what lower level can "radical right" you sink to?? :P

No matter how "radical" the right gets it will never get to the point liberals are at now. The only hate and lunacy comes from the left and everyone knows it. Oh, love the new civility you came up with!! Talk about laughing stock... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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