General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> So who is the REAL monster?

Message started by Pine on 05/16/13 at 14:31:56

Title: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Pine on 05/16/13 at 14:31:56

Just watched a video ,, but it was posted on a local newspaper sight that is draconian in their access.. so I cant share.. sorry.

Anyway in the vid they interview a guy who said that he reported Castro( the man that kidnapped three girls for a decade) several times.

"I saw three nakid girls chained the back yard and called the police. They came knocked on the door and when no-one answered they left"
"Some old ladies say they saw some men abusing nakid girls in the backyard, they called the police but the police did not come."
"I saw a girl banging on the window for help, so I called the police, they came but no-one answered the door.. so they left".

So who is the monster?? If the police did not "do their job" and no one pressed for resolution... and now after this comes out and no police will be charged.. WHO is the monster?? I am at a loss to describe how I feel this all connects. When society decides that an individual no longer has any moral obligation to do what is right... when society decides that only the police and the courts need or even can act ... then THIS is the outcome. One man committed the crime... an entire city enabled him.

and no I am not calling for more "eyes" on the citizen.. I am not in favor of even more regiment to our lives so we can prevent this. I am for a society that supports the efforts of citizens to police themselves... for the courts to not bend over backwards to criminalize acts of virtue... morality.. if I see a man in the middle of raping a girl.. I should not need to question that I am free to go over and stop him with most expedient force necessary... but I am not. Society says... call 911.. let them handle it.

this depresses me... I need to go riding.

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Starlifter on 05/16/13 at 16:36:02

I think the cops left a good many stones unturned in this case. I give them an F in their efforts to find these missing girls. There needs to be an investigation into their oversites and unwillingness to respond to citizens tips. >:(

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Midnightrider on 05/16/13 at 16:59:20

If I saw an old man abusing young girls in my neighborhood. you could have called the coroner. The Police refuse to do their job, yet they want my guns.

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by srinath on 05/16/13 at 17:42:54

Maybe they called in ... maybe not.
Who's to say the neighbors are not absolving themselves of their guilt ? Or claiming this to be seen as less than stupid.

I dunno about Cleveland, but in my town you drive down a few roads after dark, you will get stopped for something or other. I nearly failed a sobriety test when they wanted me to walk on what was pretty unlevel grassy ground. My orthotics prevented me from getting a good gait. Yea I am weird. What floored them and told them to not mess with me was ... an obvious non english speaker saying the english alphabet backwards. They promptly sent me on my way.

He he ... I cant walk the line sober. I can say the alphabet backwards 8 drinks in.

Anyway cops in my burg will violate every civil right on you @ a traffic stop. I guess there is $$$ @ stake there.
Maybe they will be just as lax on other offenses. However I also think there is a general feeling for the neighbors to say "we're better than this, The cops screwed up"

Where were these neighbors right after the rescue. One of those "convenient memories". Yea I called the cops. I am such a nice guy.


Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/13 at 22:10:11

REally? If you didnt wanna look like a douche, why even say you saw anything?
Hmm 3 said they saw something, 3 said they called the cops,,
guess what I believe..

That said If Isaw something that serious & I called the cops Id be in the yard when they showed up & Id make sure they did everything they could do AND Id be snoopin & prowlin around & doing my dead level best to get in there & help. But thats just me,.,most have been trained to not do that kind of stuff..

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by srinath on 05/17/13 at 05:07:24

Think about it - OK I am not saying they never saw or called. They could have. However there is a neighborhood of a few 1000 mostly hispanic people in that area. This has happened over 10 years.

We in the outside world are now wondering how did this happen right under their noses. Was no one paying any attention.

Its easy for people to now say, yea we saw it and we called the cops. Cops did nothing. A good way to deflect the question "were these people stupid or covering up"

I am not saying that's what happened. Cops in my town will have turned up 3-4 cars and made such a racket there no one would have stayed hiding. Its just my town maybe.


Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Pine on 05/17/13 at 07:55:27

vid is now on youtube...

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Paraquat on 05/17/13 at 09:21:22

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
That said If Isaw something that serious & I called the cops Id be in the yard when they showed up & Id make sure they did everything they could do AND Id be snoopin & prowlin around & doing my dead level best to get in there & help. But thats just me,.,most have been trained to not do that kind of stuff..

Be serious. I get the biggest laugh out of the "If you see something, say something" commercials.
I don't know if this is local to me or if it's nationwide. They have a few commercials. One is a woman calling the operator reporting a strange pickup truck that has a box in the bed with wires coming out of it. "OH, it's probably nothing..." to which the operator replies "...but it might be something".
Do you have any idea how that would really go down?
You call in.
*sigh* Yeah?
Is this the tip line?
Yeah. (with attitude).
I saw a truck and...
Was he doing anything?
Well, not yet but
Sir (or ma'am) this is not a trivial matter.
Well he's parked on the side of the road and I've never seen this truck before and...
Your neighbors don't have visitors? Call me back when you have a real emergency to report.

The most recent commercial is a guy reporting a backpack left at a train station.
I can just hear a fat, sassy black lady going "So?" or "What do you want me to do about it?" or "This isn't lost and found."

It's already been proven that police don't have to "protect" you. Unfortunately I don't know what the right solution is. Like MidnightRider said... you'd better call a coroner. IF you could find a body or enough pieces of the body.


Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by Pine on 05/17/13 at 10:07:49

4D7C6F7C6C687C691D0 wrote:
[quote author=4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 link=1368739917/0#4 date=1368767411]That said If Isaw something that serious & I called the cops Id be in the yard when they showed up & Id make sure they did everything they could do AND Id be snoopin & prowlin around & doing my dead level best to get in there & help. But thats just me,.,most have been trained to not do that kind of stuff..

Be serious. I get the biggest laugh out of the "If you see something, say something" commercials.
I don't know if this is local to me or if it's nationwide. They have a few commercials. One is a woman calling the operator reporting a strange pickup truck that has a box in the bed with wires coming out of it. "OH, it's probably nothing..." to which the operator replies "...but it might be something".
Do you have any idea how that would really go down?
You call in.
*sigh* Yeah?
Is this the tip line?
Yeah. (with attitude).
I saw a truck and...
Was he doing anything?
Well, not yet but
Sir (or ma'am) this is not a trivial matter.
Well he's parked on the side of the road and I've never seen this truck before and...
Your neighbors don't have visitors? Call me back when you have a real emergency to report.

The most recent commercial is a guy reporting a backpack left at a train station.
I can just hear a fat, sassy black lady going "So?" or "What do you want me to do about it?" or "This isn't lost and found."

It's already been proven that police don't have to "protect" you. Unfortunately I don't know what the right solution is. Like MidnightRider said... you'd better call a coroner. IF you could find a body or enough pieces of the body.


I feel you are exactly right... but the vast marjority of citizens will only get the first message ... don't deal with it yourself... let someone else to do it.  Most never are in a position to contact someone.. so they go on blissfully thinking the "others" have it under control. The few that DO call will the response you indicate. And that will end their participation.. forever. Either way ... the results are the same... society is trained to do nothing.

PS: You are the only other person to (rightly) put forth that the police (nor any law enforcement entity) is required to protect anyone. (Secret Service excepted) They are there to enforce law.. nothing more. They are bound by the same laws that make "protecting" a crime in and of itself.

Title: Re: So who is the REAL monster?
Post by srinath on 05/17/13 at 19:14:37

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
That said If Isaw something that serious & I called the cops Id be in the yard when they showed up & Id make sure they did everything they could do AND Id be snoopin & prowlin around & doing my dead level best to get in there & help. But thats just me,.,most have been trained to not do that kind of stuff..

This is true, and more reason to believe that these "calls" did not occour. That is the collective community covering up after the fact, distancing themselves from the criminal and trying to claim they were not complicit or clueless.

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