General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> And the only difference is........what?

Message started by raydawg on 05/13/13 at 19:01:39

Title: And the only difference is........what?
Post by raydawg on 05/13/13 at 19:01:39

A minute, well we can tell by the testimony, or lack of a conviction on the 4th charge, that if the baby only sighs, a couple of seconds, then its not what, viable?
How draconian have the abortion folk, and the democratic party platform become.....with such advances and readily available forms to prevent pregnancies, that they insist 8 inches, the approximate distance from the womb to the vaginal opening, makes killing a life justified?

The story:  

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 19:39:56

"How draconian have the abortion folk, and the democratic party platform become".....

And just how does this barbaric murderer have any connection to the democratic party?? Are the GOP people who advocate no restrictions on gun ownership responsible for every heinous gun murder that occurres??

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by raydawg on 05/14/13 at 03:32:41

I guess it leader speaks for them, yes?

And to your second point, yeah, just listen to them try and tie that argument together, just as you did.....

edit: Obama explains his reasoning for voting against it because he was afraid they (those in opposition to abortion) would use it to overturn Wade vs Roe..... kinda like the argument gun activist use citing their fear of registering guns will lead to confiscation, which, as with the "born alive" bill is its own separate piece of legislation.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/13 at 05:59:28

The answer to your question raydawg is convenience.

If it's your bad luck to be conceived in a situation where your survival is inconvenient for your mother and she decides to kill you, well then tough luck. If by some fluke, you survive the acid, knife, scissors or whatever method of death they intended, you are not out to the woods just yet. According to our current President; you can lay there and die of exposure. The "doctor" doesn't have to try and save you.

Here's an ironic result. Let's say some nurse picks you up off the floor after the 'doctor' has left and saves you. (which has happened by the way) You grow up to adulthood but are later murdered. The state, which said you were not human back then, will prosecute and perhaps execute your killer for the crime of killing a human being. In reality, your killer simply finished what your mother and 'doctor' attempted way back when you were born. The killer's lawyer could make a pretty compelling argument....

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by Midnightrider on 05/15/13 at 13:28:18

Web one thing we agree on is abortion. Children are the most precious innocent beings on the planet. I don't see how anyone could abort one. I try to let other peoples actions not  bother me but that one hurts.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 15:04:27

I speak from a 100% life of privilege. On my worst day since I turned 18 - if someone turned up @ my door baby in belly, saying this is your baby - I would say OK come on in. I cant imagine the pain someone must be in to abort a child. I however think the adoption system in this country is so broken ... Madonna and Angelina Jolie are adopting babies from countries you cant pronounce, and we have babies here being killed. We cant keep going on like this.

Seriously I think we need a sorta open adoption system like we have in India. The birth parents and the adoptive parent/s know and sort of have a string tying them together. Its IMHO easier for everyone. because that system is home grown without any legislation, I think its what people want.


Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/13 at 16:44:19

Adoption availability has nothing to do with abortion rates.

We'd all like to think every abortion is agonized over, but that's not the case. When close to 60% of all black women in New York City end their pregnancy by abortion; adoption and agony do not come into play.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 17:33:42

No what I meant by talking about adoption was - we need to push adoption as a viable alternative to abortion, and for us to do that with creditability, the adoption system has to be better.

And dont pick NYC as an example. Its a disgusting place to live if you are not raking in millions.

One fool today called me about a job in NYC. My experience and qualifications make me a prime candidate to go to some soul sucking company like Goldman Sachs and keep the systems they have sucking blood out of retirees and old people's retirements going ...

Anyway the position offered an impressive $125K. I laughed at him and said I am not living 100 miles away in a shack and commuting 3 hours from pennsylvania. For 125K you will find me a house of ~2000 sqft 20 min from work, cos that my commute now. I do it by bike a lot of times, but I'll trade that for a train if I have to.

No one with common sense will work in NYC for less than 400k if you ask me.
Those kind of people cant be trusted to birth and care for a child.
If you live in NYC and make $15/hr and you're an adult - something is already wrong with you.


Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by raydawg on 05/15/13 at 19:44:55

Not sure if the gist of my comment/post was understood, so let me try clarifying it a wee bit more  :-*

I would never, ever, force a person to my will, which is pro life.... but I have never been in a situation (rape, etc) where I had to choose, either, so my stance is based upon how I hope I would respond. With that said, what I can't fathom is what appears as a callous wanton disregard for life, under the guise of "birth control". There is no way in heel you can tell me all the abortions performed are from failure(s) of them....NO, it is something else entirely. And if you read the story I linked, you can see where this POS made a ton of money in the business and lived quite high on the hog. And please don't tell me its because women only have a few doctors to assist them with it, no....its because there are so many performed!
No way should an innocent life be erased because some woman just wanted to FUC_ her brains out....hey, maybe that explains it, eh?  :-X

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by Starlifter on 05/15/13 at 20:13:34

"some woman just wanted to FUC_ her brains out....hey, maybe that explains it, eh?"  

...Some woman?? Like some "man" wasn't a part of it? seems to me that it's the guys that need to keep it in their pants.

So here we go with welfare moms raising 5 or 6 kids all by different fathers. That's great! Encourage them to have 5 or 6 more, it beats abortion.

So if you are anti-abortion, don't complain about welfare moms, pay up.

(Note) this is not to be construed as a pro-abortion post, just pointing out some side issues.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by raydawg on 05/16/13 at 03:30:41

Well first of all when it comes to this act.....and this time I CAN speak with authority, men have no brains, or have abandoned them entirely for the "moment"  8-)


We are told again and again, and it is used as trump that its a woman's "right" to choose, a man has no say in the matter. With that understanding then it rest upon her shoulders. Now of course if the decision is flipped, he must support the baby, but we know many never do,.... but that is a different horse.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/13 at 05:52:56

So if you are anti-abortion, don't complain about welfare moms, pay up.

Don't complain about welfare moms, pay up?...! Just exactly why am I suppose to 'pay up'?

Hey, how about everyone else out there send me a few bucks to make up for the mistakes I made. That seems fair doesn't it?....

Looser abortion laws as well as welfare for that matter, encourages behavior, it doesn't lessen it. There is very little stigma association with either and that is a darn shame.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by srinath on 05/16/13 at 06:32:23

Yea one more of those "You need to live the way I say you should, and it shouldn't cost me anything" line of government.

So we have these 2 tenets ...

Cut it from you, cut it from you and give it to me, cos you're govt waste and I am job creator.


You need to live the way I say you should and it shouldn't cost me anything.

As much anti abortion I am, I would before we touch anything regarding abortion - make all the other options adoption and birth control and counselling and everything very very robust. Everything is so onerous and then we are complaining there are people having abortions. That's speaking out of both sides of your mouth.


Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/13 at 08:22:41

Yea one more of those "You need to live the way I say you should, and it shouldn't cost me anything" line of government.

So we have these 2 tenets ...

Cut it from you, cut it from you and give it to me, cos you're govt waste and I am job creator.


You need to live the way I say you should and it shouldn't cost me anything.

not at all and I never said that. this is  your rhetoric; not mine. I simply said why does the rest of the population have to pay more and more while those creating the expenses have no societal brakes to at least help slow down this behavior. something tells me if these same women demanded government funding to buy them radios so they could listen to Glen Beck, you'd be singing a different tune.

No public funds for abortion. Planned Parenthood is a murderous organization and I resent my money going there.

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/13 at 10:08:11

No public funds for abortion. Planned Parenthood is a murderous organization and I resent my money going there.

& WHERE is PLanned Parenthood most readily available?
Black neighborhoods.

YOu people need to realize that the woman who promoted that whole idea was a eugenicist who absolutely hated the black people. Called them weeds .

Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by srinath on 05/16/13 at 10:35:03

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
Yea one more of those "You need to live the way I say you should, and it shouldn't cost me anything" line of government.

So we have these 2 tenets ...

Cut it from you, cut it from you and give it to me, cos you're govt waste and I am job creator.


You need to live the way I say you should and it shouldn't cost me anything.

not at all and I never said that. this is  your rhetoric; not mine. I simply said why does the rest of the population have to pay more and more while those creating the expenses have no societal brakes to at least help slow down this behavior. something tells me if these same women demanded government funding to buy them radios so they could listen to Glen Beck, you'd be singing a different tune.

No public funds for abortion. Planned Parenthood is a murderous organization and I resent my money going there.

You didn't say that ... really ...

OK you want taxes lowered for the rich while welfare and benifits cut cos its govt waste - AKA pillar #1 of the republicommunist party ... OK so you said that first statement.

Then you dont want to expand welfare - you have said that, and you're anti abortion. AKA you say, I dont want to spend my $$$ but you need to live the way I say ... you've said the second point.

Cant have it both ways webby.

Planned parenthood isn't a murderous organization any more. They have free condoms. The are an anti murderous organization ... contraception so they dont have to abort.

In the 30's it was started to abort black babies. That was before condoms.


Title: Re: And the only difference is........what?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/13 at 12:13:38

& yet, the most dangerous place for a black baby is in the womb,, where more than 50% of them die. Something is WRONG in our society & it started in the 60's. That women get more $$$ for living w/o a man in the home is paying to destroy families.,thats Crazy!No wonder the situation just keeps getting worse.
Destroying the family is part of the plan.,destroying the black family is part of the eugenicists plan against the blacks & our very welfare system is part of that plan.,Its designed to create people who need the goob dollar, not to create self sufficient, strong individuals, but its Sold to those who have that warm fuzzy idea that theyre really caring for others, when in fact, theyre paying to screw them up..
Not saying No charity, just saying the way its being done is a mess..
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