General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Calling.

Message started by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 15:54:05

Title: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Calling.
Post by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 15:54:05

Some on this forum are acting like 2nd graders who cant get their way and result to name calling and insulting the opposition. Its time to grow up. If you have a point to make be man enough to accept the consequences. The more you result to name calling the more the rest of the community loses respect for you. Not everyone agrees with my post and that's the way its supposed to be. We need more discussion and less immature comments. We're lucky we have a forum that lets us freely speak our minds, most forums don't just for this reason. We're all adults here, act like it.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 18:08:55

define name calling.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 19:36:57

Moron, stupid, idiot are just a few that's been used on this forum.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 19:41:15

Take a bow Webster. ;D

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 19:49:43

Posted at 9:06 PM

"The point is morons, most items can be misused with tragic consequences. Like your brains for example."WM

Gag, see what I mean Midnight.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/13 at 05:36:22

but what if they fit?.....

In all seriousness; a couple years ago when I first got on here and it became clear I had the, for the most part, lone conservative point of view, I was attacked by Star and couple others.  I don’t cry about it. That’s what liberals do, I get it. I don’t call you any names Midnight because you don’t call me names. I don’t toss those words out to anyone who doesn’t deserve it.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by srinath on 05/14/13 at 07:05:11

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
but what if they fit?.....

In all seriousness; a couple years ago when I first got on here and it became clear I had the, for the most part, lone conservative point of view, I was attacked by Star and couple others.  I don’t cry about it. That’s what liberals do, I get it. I don’t call you any names Midnight because you don’t call me names. I don’t toss those words out to anyone who doesn’t deserve it.

And you are the one to judge who deserves it ?


Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Dane Allen on 05/14/13 at 09:16:01

735441524C4946544552200 wrote:
Take a bow Webster. ;D

Greetings Dane Allen, was wondering what sewer you recently crawled out of. So, you're another example of right-wing assholery in action eh?

I always figured RW assholery was rooted in a genetic like Webster seem to fit this profile perfectly...snicker..

BTW Daney, like Webster I pretty much figure that you also were too chickensh!t for military service.
All gung-ho for war but too chickensh!t to join the military. You two would rather be nameless faces cackling about how great war is instead..

And Jesus God! People like you two are allowed to vote and drive cars?? And breed??? Good God in heaven, the end times must be near.

You think your stupid rightwing screeds sway the opinion of intellagent people here?...than you two are dumber than I thought.

Oh, and another thing Daney, You like Webster, are just one more ignoramus in a long line of them I have dealt with in the past... Oh wait, I mean "IgnorANUSE" ...

(Ignoranus: A person who is both dumb as sh!t AND an not a very nice person.)

So, you both think my urging to bring civility and respect to this forum is laughable? (Yes, I should have known bad). You say I doube down on the nastiness?...You aint seen nastiness yet buddy.

So fine, bring it on assholes, you are no match for people who believe in reason and truth.

When you can post a coherent thought in English, we can have a discussion about the relative intelligence of individuals based on ideology.

Until then, F-off.

Take a bow Starlifter  ;) Own the filth you wallow in!!

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by bounder on 05/14/13 at 09:17:59

when did you get religion Midnight ?    Mick, other wise known as bounder, Yes Mike I'm back I couldn't get my old name back (Mick) your old buddy in Oregon

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by bounder on 05/14/13 at 10:28:48

64657E7976637F170 wrote:
[quote author=1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 link=1368485645/0#5 date=1368534982]but what if they fit?.....

In all seriousness; a couple years ago when I first got on here and it became clear I had the, for the most part, lone conservative point of view, I was attacked by Star and couple others.  I don’t cry about it. That’s what liberals do, I get it. I don’t call you any names Midnight because you don’t call me names. I don’t toss those words out to anyone who doesn’t deserve it.

And you are the one to judge who deserves it ?

and all that time I new it was you ,Amazing time will always tell.  Mick the athiest

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Starlifter on 05/14/13 at 10:43:45

Sir Mick! Is that you?? WELCOME BACK my friend. :D How are you doing health wise? I hope you are feeling well and getting along fine. ;)

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Starlifter on 05/14/13 at 10:49:41

Daney, why did you leave out the part where you and Webby laughed and ridiculed my post asking for peace and civility on this thread which prompted my firey retort??
Just asking.  ;)

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/13 at 10:50:26

And you are the one to judge who deserves it ?

when you started calling me 'tea-bagger'; you made the list.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/13 at 10:52:29

where you and Webby laughed and ridiculed my post asking for peace and civility

I don't want to put words in Dane's mouth, but probably because we know you...

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Midnightrider on 05/14/13 at 14:33:55

2D2C2B292F2F28291F0 wrote:
when did you get religion Midnight ?    Mick, other wise known as bounder, Yes Mike I'm back I couldn't get my old name back (Mick) your old buddy in Oregon

Mick I'm glad you're back. If you remember I've always been a deist. I've spent time with Preacher Mike and he walks the talk. He sends me a daily devotion I read everyday, as far as going to church or practicing any formal religion its not for me.

Title: Re: Its A Shame We Cant Debate Without Name Callin
Post by Midnightrider on 05/14/13 at 14:40:42

39383F3D3B3B3C3D0B0 wrote:
when did you get religion Midnight ?    Mick, other wise known as bounder, Yes Mike I'm back I couldn't get my old name back (Mick) your old buddy in Oregon

Mick if you remember I've always been a deist. I've spent some time with Preacher Mike and he walks the talk. He sends me a daily devotion. As far as going to church or practicing any formal religion it just hasn't worked out. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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