General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Republicans In Meltdown

Message started by Starlifter on 05/10/13 at 15:53:10

Title: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/10/13 at 15:53:10

Republicans In Meltdown Into after Jay Carney Repeats Benghazi Facts.<snip>

White House press secretary Jay Carney was trending on twitter Friday afternoon after a press conference in which he reminded reporters that Mitt Romney started the politicization of the Benghazi attacks. You see, conservatives are outraged that Carney repeated the Candy Crowley “lie” (also known as a fact in sane circles) that Obama referred to the Benghazi attacks as an “act of terror.”

Jay Carney said today, “There is the discussion about, you know, the Republicans again, and this ongoing effort that began hours of the attacks when Mitt Romney put out a press release to try to take political advantage out of these deaths, or out of the attack in Benghazi, and, in a move that was maligned even by members of his own party. And from that day forward, there has been this effort to politicize it.”

“If you look at the issue here, the efforts to politicize it were always about, you know, were we trying to play down the fact that there was an act of terror and an attack on the embassy. And the problem has always been with that assertion it is completely hollow because the President himself in the Rose Garden said this was an act of terror and he talked about it within the context of September 11th, 2001.”

This brought up the Romney debate wounds still simmering on the Right, who still to this day do not believe that President Obama used the words “act of terror” in his Rose Garden presser.

Full article here:

I celebrate their rage and the egg on their collective faces...snicker.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 16:15:06

If Stephens could talk, he’d snicker at you but he can’t. Thanks Barrack, thanks Hilary; you killed him.

Hopey and Hilary got caught believing their bullsh*t talking points about “if we just treat them right they’ll love us”, instead of reality. 4 people died including some who were begging for help while they fought on.  Then they sacrificed the career of a woman who was black so they figured they could use her race as cover the way Hopey uses it all the time. Didn’t quite pull it off so sorry Susan; all the work you did over the years was flushed so hopey didn’t look like the lightweight he is.

And that ladies and gentlemen is what you call Hope and Change!...

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 16:24:39

Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks.  We mourned with the families who were lost on that day.  I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed.  And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it.  Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.  Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America.  We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act.  And make no mistake, justice will be done.

And if this is yours and Hopey’s idea of calling something an ‘act of terror’, then you have a serious case of Neville Chamberlain disease….  Afraid to stand up and call it like it is. That wording was as pussylike as you can get….  I’m sure those guys are shaking in their sandals other there... I think they’re still walking around. Maybe Hopey should just call this ‘workplace violence’ like Ft. Hood so he can sick some local sheriff on them….

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/10/13 at 16:26:54

Never forget: The Bush Administration failed to prevent the September 11 terrorist attacks, even after they were warned, time and again.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by bill67 on 05/10/13 at 16:39:21

And the terrorist were trained right here in the USA. Thanks GWB and Company.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 16:45:22

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

yea, this is a class administration....

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 16:47:48

Never forget: The Bush Administration failed to prevent the September 11 terrorist attacks, even after they were warned, time and again.

That's just simply not true. The plan for the attack was started before you even heard of George W. Bush. If Clinton has used his balls instead of making some little girl play with them, there wouldn't have been one.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by bill67 on 05/10/13 at 16:57:38

Yep that Clinton was a bad president,When he left office the country was in bad financial shape.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 17:00:57

You know what’s perhaps the most ironic point to all this? The Obama administration dispatched more firepower to arrest the guy who made the video they tried to blame all this on than they dispatched to save two Special Forces guys calling for backup while they fought on, outnumbered.

In retrospect, maybe they should have said they were under fire from southern white boys with AR-15’s they bought at a gun show without a background check. Maybe that would have gotten Hopey out of bed.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/10/13 at 17:43:25

I've had enough with this Bengazi nonsense, and so have the majority of the American people.

It was a tragic attack that killed 4 Americans. It is possible that more security could have protected them, but the people there knew the risks. It is very unlikely that there was a coverup; the problem was fog of war and that is what all the military people have been saying.

That being said, can we start prosecuting people from the Bush administration days for the lead up to the phony, for profit, Iraq war? There is a real, well known conspiracy theory. I know that Obama didn't want to go after them in his first term, but it has become clear that the GOP is just going to constantly go after him looking for any excuse to impeach him for his second term. He might as well keep everyone occupied on a real story, and I think the American people would be very happy to see someone prosecuted for an illegal war.

Bengazi isn't working wingnuts because even the dimmest bulb out in potatochip land can see that no President can, or should, micromanage each US embassy, and whatever the staff/budget/security shortfalls there were (if any - it looks like there weren't any), it certainly isn't the fault of the President.

BTW Bengazt was NOT an Embassy / Consultant, it was a Diplomatic Outpost, and the people who volunteered to staff it were paid very well to do so.

Hey, I've got a better idea. Lets prosecute Bush, Cheney, and Condi Rice for lying about WMD and causing the deaths of nearly 6000 Americans there, plus the 3000 Americans they let die in 9/11.

Your feigned hysterics over Bengazi is laughable.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/10/13 at 22:14:44

What is even worse is ... the republicommunists didn't get the timing right either. They wont get enough dirt on Hilary to last the next 3.5 years before her presidential run ... and they wont get their name in the positive column to help them in 2014. They are not moving positive, they are moving hilary to negative slightly and it will be washed away well before she makes a WH bid.

In an attempt to score political points ... this is the most inefficient way.

I am however glad for the divisions it will cause, so immigration reform could crash and burn.


Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/10/13 at 22:17:23

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
Never forget: The Bush Administration failed to prevent the September 11 terrorist attacks, even after they were warned, time and again.

That's just simply not true. The plan for the attack was started before you even heard of George W. Bush. If Clinton has used his balls instead of making some little girl play with them, there wouldn't have been one.

Little girl ? dude ... you need to get your eyes checked. She was your regular super tanker. But in his defence ... have you seen his wife ? I hear she's a lesbian and she's not lipstick, she's lumberjack.


Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/11/13 at 05:54:49

I've had enough with this Bengazi nonsense, and so have the majority of the American people.
I’d say the same thing if I were in your shoes and had the media trying to keep up their duty while protecting their boy king.

It is very unlikely that there was a coverup; the problem was fog of war and that is what all the military people have been saying.
This from a guy who in the next breath will go on and on about bush and cheney starting a war so they could profit…..

Bengazi isn't working wingnuts because even the dimmest bulb out in potatochip land can see that no President can, or should, micromanage each US embassy,
When your guys call that they are under attack and dying; even the dimmest bulb out there knows a President should do something besides dreaming about hanging out with Beyoncé in a couple days…

BTW Bengazt was NOT an Embassy / Consultant, it was a Diplomatic Outpost, and the people who volunteered to staff it were paid very well to do so.

To quote ‘Secretary of State’ Hilary Clinton; what does that matter? The Ambassador was there.

Hey, I've got a better idea. Lets prosecute Bush, Cheney, and Condi Rice for lying about WMD and causing the deaths of nearly 6000 Americans there, plus the 3000 Americans they let die in 9/11.
Sure go ahead. Along with the current and former Secy of State, ¾ of Congress, Colin Powell, most of the intelligence agencies and you might as well throw in most of the UN too…

Your feigned hysterics over Bengazi is laughable.
I’m not hysterical. I just think it’s pathetic Hopey and Hilary got some people killed so they could keep giving their version of ‘Mission Accomplished’ to the media who ate it up like spoon fed ice crème.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Drifter on 05/11/13 at 08:02:54

Starlifter +2

Jerry +1

Bill +1

Amazing how they forget the Irag scam, how many THOUSANDS died and want to spend endless time and money on a women who they hate as much as her husband.  Palin for prez in 2016.. ;)

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/13 at 10:06:02

Lifter, if you could stop with the pretense that only your side cares about injustice for a while & have a look at some of this, at least the 1st video.

Yes BUsh was warned. Yes, 9/11 involved some guys , "devout" Muslims, who, BTW, hung out in bars & drank & played with the girls,, REal devout,,
& they were trained in America,, & the ties to our own inner circles go on & on & on,, & How exactly does ANY of that make criminal activity by
"Your Side" somehow palatable for you?  Do you really want to throw your support to someone who is a criminal? Sounds like it, Sounds to me like youd support your guy no matter what, as long as you could find some evil deed "The OTHER Siiiide" committed to use to justify it with.

It is a diseased mind that supports the bad behavior of an ally based on the bad behavior of someone Other than an ally.

Right is right
wrong is wrong
even when its YOUR GUy.

Unless Americans GROW UP & accept this & start to hold Their Guys feet to the fire, America is finished.,.
How can anyone not see that?>

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/11/13 at 11:00:07

"I just think it’s pathetic Hopey and Hilary got some people killed so they could keep giving their version of ‘Mission Accomplished’ to the media who ate it up like spoon fed ice crème." WM

The hearings have shown that everything that happened in Benghazi was totally above board and that any response by the military could not have happened in a timely manner. That was testified to by the commanders of the troops. I mean the big boys. Who else can you ask to testify?

All these numb-nuts who sat on their hands and watched as we wrought death and destruction upon entire nations of innocent people are now angry about a single embassy attack. Even though more than 4 dozen embassy attacks occurred under GWB's watch. Even though the incredibly thorough and long-winded congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack has turned up essentially nothing.

US Embassy and Consulate Attacka Under George W Bush:

January 22nd 2002:  US Consulate At Kolcata  -  5 Killed

June 14th 2002:  US Consulate At Karachy  -  12 Killed

February 28th 2003:  US Embassy at Islamabad  -  2 Killed

June 30th 2004:  US Embassy at Tashkent  -  2 Killed

December 6th 2004:  US Compound In Saudi Arabia  -  9 Killed

March 2nd 2006:   US Counselate In Karachy  -  2 Killed

September 12th 2006:  US Embassy In Syria  -  4 Killed

March 18th 2008:  US Consulate In Yemen  -  2 Killed

July 9th 2008:  US Consulate In Istanbul  -  6 Killed

September 17th 2008:  US Embassy In Yemen  -  16 Killed



Yes, where was the outrage back then??

Such hypocrisy!!

And don't forget when Ronny-Raygun caused THESE deaths of American Marines.

Yes. Where were the Republicans when.....

Marines were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons

-....According to Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, the commander of the Marines in Beirut: “It didn’t take a military expert to realize that our troops had been placed in an indefensible situation. Anyone following the situation in Lebanon in ordinary news reports could realize a tragedy was in the making.

-....The Reagan administration immediately attempted to deflect blame for the attack with a deluge of false statements and misrepresentations. In a televised speech four days after the bombing, the president insisted the attack was unstoppable, erroneously declaring that the truck crashed through a series of barriers, including a chain-link fence and barbed-wire entanglements, and argued that the U.S. mission was succeeding.

-....Despite the fact that Reagan had dispatched the Marines into an impossible situation and then had issued orders that led to their inability to defend themselves, he suffered relatively little criticism from the press or partisan opponents, and after months of vigorous campaigning was overwhelmingly re-elected the following year.

Those Marines had been ordered into Lebanon by President Ronald Reagan as a part of an international peacekeeping force following the June 1982 Israeli invasion of that country and the Palestine Liberation Organization’s withdrawal.

Making an already-dangerous situation even more hazardous, the Marines were under strict presidential orders not to load their weapons — this, so that they would appear as peacekeepers and not as armed belligerents in the conflict and despite the fact that they were moving into a war zone.

Realistically, they had become “sitting ducks” from the moment they entered Beirut. And as a result of their absurd orders, when the explosives-laden truck sped toward their doomed barracks, the two unarmed guards had no way of stopping it.

A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.

"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials.

Thanks for nothing, you big-mouthed, unprincipled Republican chickenhawk hypocrites.

It is a witch hunt. And Nancy Pelosi was kind enough not to start impeachment proceedings on Bush....big mistake...huge.

Love it when Daney and Webby try to re-write history to suite their own wingnut version of past events and current events.

It's sooo tiring and such a waste of time continually correcting their lies and made up nonsense. Spoon fed by FOX, and regurgitating the same BS over and over again. This is what you get from low information gullible FOXbots.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/11/13 at 18:13:12

hey, brainless; how many US Ambassadors were there in your list who died while asking, no begging, for help and were told nope, sorry, but this situation doesn't help our election so you're just gonna have to take one for the team...

and, if this whole thing amounts to nothing, why did the White House rewrite drafts over and over and came up with a story to blame this on a video when everyone on the ground at the time knew that wasn't true?

Obama and Hilary are lying sacks of feces... and they got caught.  end of story.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/11/13 at 18:53:39

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
hey, brainless; how many US Ambassadors were there in your list who died while asking, no begging, for help and were told nope, sorry, but this situation doesn't help our election so you're just gonna have to take one for the team...

This is what republicommunists did after they cut funding.

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
and, if this whole thing amounts to nothing, why did the White House rewrite drafts over and over and came up with a story to blame this on a video when everyone on the ground at the time knew that wasn't true?

That is pretty much conjecture. They all got caught with their pants down ... unless you're one of em "everything is a conspiracy" people.

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
Obama and Hilary are lying sacks of feces... and they got caught.  end of story.

That is always your opinion ... now what the public wants to know is ... was it negligence, intent, or cos funding was cut.


Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/11/13 at 19:14:22

Well Webby, I see as usual you have no facts to come back with, just more name calling.

There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Midnightrider on 05/12/13 at 12:59:44

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/13 at 17:40:13

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:

Lifter, if you could stop with the pretense that only your side cares about injustice for a while & have a look at some of this, at least the 1st video.

Yes BUsh was warned. Yes, 9/11 involved some guys , "devout" Muslims, who, BTW, hung out in bars & drank & played with the girls,, REal devout,,
& they were trained in America,, & the ties to our own inner circles go on & on & on,, & How exactly does ANY of that make criminal activity by
"Your Side" somehow palatable for you?  Do you really want to throw your support to someone who is a criminal? Sounds like it, Sounds to me like youd support your guy no matter what, as long as you could find some evil deed "The OTHER Siiiide" committed to use to justify it with.

It is a diseased mind that supports the bad behavior of an ally based on the bad behavior of someone Other than an ally.

Right is right
wrong is wrong
even when its YOUR GUy.

Unless Americans GROW UP & accept this & start to hold Their Guys feet to the fire, America is finished.,.
How can anyone not see that?>

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/13 at 18:31:33

US Embassy and Consulate Attacka Under George W Bush:

January 22nd 2002:  US Consulate At Kolcata  -  5 Killed

June 14th 2002:  US Consulate At Karachy  -  12 Killed

February 28th 2003:  US Embassy at Islamabad  -  2 Killed

June 30th 2004:  US Embassy at Tashkent  -  2 Killed

December 6th 2004:  US Compound In Saudi Arabia  -  9 Killed

March 2nd 2006:   US Counselate In Karachy  -  2 Killed

September 12th 2006:  US Embassy In Syria  -  4 Killed

March 18th 2008:  US Consulate In Yemen  -  2 Killed

July 9th 2008:  US Consulate In Istanbul  -  6 Killed

September 17th 2008:  US Embassy In Yemen  -  16 Killed

Star; you are a well known liar and you are trying to do it again so I will ask again: in which of the above did a US Ambassador die?

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/13 at 18:35:11


Pat Smith, mother of murdered State Department employee Sean Smith, wished former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a happy Mother’s Day. “I want to wish Hillary a happy Mother’s Day,” she said. “She’s got her child. I don’t have mine, because of her.” Smith pointed out that Clinton had “blamed the video just like the rest of them did.”

She added, “I want someone to admit that they blew it, and that they made the wrong decision … The government doesn’t care.”

She went on, “We have other sons and daughters over there. It’s too late for my son, I know that, but we have more out there and they will be treated the same way.”

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/12/13 at 19:57:13

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:

Pat Smith, mother of murdered State Department employee Sean Smith, wished former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a happy Mother’s Day. “I want to wish Hillary a happy Mother’s Day,” she said. “She’s got her child. I don’t have mine, because of her.” Smith pointed out that Clinton had “blamed the video just like the rest of them did.”

She added, “I want someone to admit that they blew it, and that they made the wrong decision … The government doesn’t care.”

She went on, “We have other sons and daughters over there. It’s too late for my son, I know that, but we have more out there and they will be treated the same way.”

Ooooo so you're saying she's the Cindy Sheehan of 2013.

OK then I'll tell you why she's the Joe the Plumber of 2013 ...

Hilary or Obama didn't lie to people and send them to war. They were in cross fire or in a flash riot or a planned riot or something that we couldn't defend ... to be determined what. Not lying to wage war.


Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/13 at 21:45:50

She darn sure lied when she was blaming that video & she knew it,.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/12/13 at 23:00:12

"Star; you are a well known liar and you are trying to do it again so I will ask again: in which of the above did a US Ambassador die? WM

...umm, so only a US Ambassador's life is important?? Just plain old GI Jills and Joes lives don't count for anything? Mean nothing?

You hit every button on my creep-o-meter, and on top of that, you're too pathetic even to be ashamed of yourself!!!

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/13 at 23:12:35

He didnt do anything wrong, Lifter. He is just pointing out the Difference.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 01:13:10

Back to the original subject, Obama is going to get blamed for all of Congress's screw up's. As far as I'm concerned Obama has made his share of screw ups. He's proved beyond a doubt he's pregidous by having rappers in the Whitehouse who advocate killing cops and whiteys. If I were president and had David Allen Coe perform in the Whitehouse I would be immediately impeached. He's got away with murdering innocent civilians and death without a trial. He's spent way too much time trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment while the economy is still going to hell and millions are out of work. When he appointed Rohm Emmanuel to his first cabinet (Golman Sach's boy) and one of Monsantos leaders I knew immediately we were in deep sh!t.  He and Congress raised taxes on the middle class and they're not through if the House appoves the internet tax which is highly illegal. A states power stops at its border. They're desperate, they're running out of things to tax. All the Republican Party now has to do is to quit trying to buy the Hiapanic vote and run someone with brains and balls. There's a few of them who are honest businessmen and put em out front. Palin and Bachman need to go and have their own comedy TV show. They can have Herman Caine as a guest. The Tea Party needs to realize the Koch Bros. are running them, two of the most evil destructive men in the US. I doubt this will ever happen, but one can always hope.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Drifter on 05/13/13 at 05:17:44

Starlifter, when are you going to learn you cant use reason and rational thought with these people...they have rabies and foam at the mouth!

1 guy dying is far more important than THOUSANDS under bush!!!

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 06:20:17

Dear Morons;

Hopey and Hilary got caught lying about an attack on the anniversary of 9/11. They lied because Obama was in the middle of an election and was  seen as more than a bit confused as far who’s side he’s on sometimes, the US or those who conspire against her. He put a lot of time and energy into spinning the picture that because of him, Muslim – US relations were better and terrorist we’re looking at other targets.

Most likely obama and hilary denied request for security from stevens so as not to look the administration was talking out of both sides of their mouth. When it blew up on them, (literally) they had to make a decision; respond with force or pray the attack was minor and nothing serious would happen. They gambled and lost. 4 people dead and on top of that, evidence a couple died while asking repeatedly for backup.

So they had to come up with something, so they made up a story about a demonstration gone bad over a Youtube video. By the way, they had no problem responding with force and having the guy who made the movie arrested on an unrelated charge….  

This is what you people don’t get: Bush didn’t lie about WMD. 75% of the world came to the same conclusion so you can just shut up once and for all about that. Hopey didn’t lie until it became clear Stevens was dead. Obama really believed his BS about Muslims liking the US again. He was wrong and it cost a US Ambassador his life.  So he’d lied and worse than that, send Susan Rice out as a sacrifice hoping because she was a black woman, she’d get a pass. That’s pretty f’ing cowardly.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 06:24:55

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
Dear Morons;

Ha ha ha ... this is why we know you dont have a leg to stand on.
Bye. You've lost.

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 09:46:11

Ha ha ha ... this is why we know you dont have a leg to stand on.
Bye. You've lost.

Honest? you're going to leave? If I'd have known calling you a moron was all it took........

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 13:38:43

Webster, your ridiculous posts reflect delusions, and indicate serious undressed mental issues. No one without a degree in psychiatry can properly diagnose you, especially from afar. however a major symptom of schizophrenia is Believing that what other people are saying is not true despite given factual information (delusion.)


The study of the schizophrenic reveals an individual who is incapable of feeling guilt or remorse. They are generally cunning, manipulative and know the difference between right and wrong but dismiss it as applying to them.

They demonstrate extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior, and consistently lie. They also assume that what they believe is true, and that those who thoughts or beliefs do not coincide with their own are somehow intellectually inferior to themselves...morons is a common adjective used to dismiss others. ;)

...I guess even your nutty buddy daney has seen through your BS and deserted you.

BTW Srinath hasen't gone away, that's just one more of your crazy delusions. ;D

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 15:27:13

That has to win the prize for the dumbest post ever in the history of the TT.....

Title: Re: Republicans In Meltdown
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 15:34:14

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
Ha ha ha ... this is why we know you dont have a leg to stand on.
Bye. You've lost.

Honest? you're going to leave? If I'd have known calling you a moron was all it took........

Ha ha keep dreaming. You've lost cos you're calling people names instead of making points.
That "Bye" was for between you and common sense.

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