General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> You're the most likely to be killed in

Message started by Midnightrider on 05/08/13 at 20:18:55

Title: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Midnightrider on 05/08/13 at 20:18:55

According to data from the FBI's uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 -- which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people.
The irony of such a grisly distinction is evident when you look at which state was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You guessed it -- it was California.
"What is very unusual is that California also has a program by which we can remove guns, recover guns from people who have a gun and then subsequently become prohibited or dangerous," Brady Campaign spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox said at the time.  The FBI data also notes that Washington, D.C. had the highest murder rate per 100,000 people. The nation's capital saw 12 gun murders per 100,000 in 2011. DC also finished first in gun-related robberies per 100,000 people - with 242.56.
In 1976, the District of Columbia required all guns be registered, banned new handguns and required guns at home to be stored and dissembled or locked up. Unfortunately, the draconian measures -- which lasted more than three decades -- didn't had the desired effect.            All this proves gun laws do not work!

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/08/13 at 20:27:38

I would make the case instead, that it proves that roads work ... I bought my gun in Spokane WA. Then I drove to CA.
There is also the roads from mexico that seem to work rather well, and not to mention a thriving gang culture in CA ...
You round up the bad ass gangs from NC and drop em into say Watts or Pacoima or Compton ... in a matter of hours they'd be crying like babies wanting their mommy.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/13 at 09:47:12

The way you manage to avoid the obvious & replace it with some twisted "logic" at every turn is just amazing to me.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/10/13 at 11:29:29

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
The way you manage to avoid the obvious & replace it with some twisted "logic" at every turn is just amazing to me.

Whoa, be careful, apparantly pointing out the massive holes in his logic constitutes name calling and he'll sic Star on you!!

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Starlifter on 05/10/13 at 16:23:55

Oh Daney Daney, still smarting from my tongue-lashing after you laughed and laughed at my attempt to bring a modicum of civility to the TT.
you're a card Daney. ;D

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 16:49:41

you laughed and laughed at my attempt to bring a modicum of civility to the TT.

everybody laughed at that because if was obviously b.s.....

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/10/13 at 22:09:39

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
The way you manage to avoid the obvious & replace it with some twisted "logic" at every turn is just amazing to me.

Dude ... state level or city level or municipality level gun control will work only if you walled in the area and inspected everyone entering for weapons. D-uh ...

NY, DC, Chicago etc etc have strict gun laws.
Nevertheless there is a ton of gun crime there ... and those guns are legitimately purchased in SC, TX or somewhere there are no gun laws.

I dunno how many times I have to point this out.
They increase penalties for gun trafficking along with every new gun law. Why ? what is gun trafficking ? You're really ignorant in the way modern criminals operate. We can enact a whole bunch of restrictions  for NYC or DC or CA. If we dont do the same in TX the guns will flow from TX to CA ad NY.

My neighbors traffic cigarettes and alcohol to NYC. They would do the same with guns if that wasn't a crime. Location specific gun laws dont work. That's cos roads do work. D-uh.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 00:24:20

Sri there are hundreds of Federal gun laws on the books, background checks are mandatory in every state. A few guns are sold at gun shows, a few people like me buy guns off the internet but most of the time its a legal transaction. I show them my permit and sign a bill of sale. But the bottom line is gun laws do not work or never will. The cities and states with the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence, Cal, Washington. Look it up. Disarming honest citizens like us will only make matters worse. You cant stop a criminal or a crazy man unarmed.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Jiggyfly on 05/13/13 at 03:58:38

Ever been to Chicago????
C(r)ook County?

Really? Take the baddest NC gang & drop them off in Watts?
That's about like saying, "take the baddest high school football team & drop them in the NFL!"
I grew up in Rockford, IL....9th most violent city in the nation. Right up the alley from Chicago & Gary, IN. Like I said, ever been there??? Cabrini Greens projects? (It's gone now), the police wouldn't even go there in the 90's! The criminals there don't casually commute to another state, buy a weapon, & drive back. It doesn't work like that. A house is broken into, guns found, and sold on the street. Pretty simple. Gun laws will never work because laws only apply to law abiding citizens. Gang members don't give a flying %*#! about if they're rolling illegally. Thats why they're called "criminals". The only time they care about the laws is when they're standing before the judge & jury.

Another time they should consider the laws is if they come in my house, or threaten my family's well being. I for sure wont be calling for police "assistance"!!!  :D

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 05:33:03

There is a ton of crime committed in NYC and Wa DC where they can trace the gun back to a legal sale in GA or SC. There are people trafficking them. That is how it works these days. Yea "criminals" may not do that, but people without criminal records do it. They are just aiding and abetting.

Gun laws dont work ... of course they dont work if you implement them in 1 county and leave the one next door wide open.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/13 at 10:17:31

Gun l;aws work fine. The law abiding people obey them,,those selling them against the law ARE felons, theyre just not yet caught,

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/16/13 at 10:39:24

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
Gun l;aws work fine. The law abiding people obey them,,those selling them against the law ARE felons, theyre just not yet caught,

And after several 1000 murders they still roam free ... huh interesting method of defining that gun laws work.
I'm telling you, SC can supply the whole eastern US with lal the illegal guns they need. Chicago, DC, NYC, everywhere - 6 hr drive, a trunk full of guns gets you several 1000 more in NYC.

Then Of course CA has TX.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/13 at 12:07:57

Your position is easily applied to the drug problem,, drugs are illegal everywhere, but, theyre,, well,, Everywhere. So, drug laws dont work, well,, except on law abiding people,

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/16/13 at 13:11:54

0C3E39282F3E29163A29305B0 wrote:
you laughed and laughed at my attempt to bring a modicum of civility to the TT.

everybody laughed at that because if was obviously b.s.....

And I'm still laughing  ;D ;D ;D You're limp "thingy'ed" attempt to bully me and the others here is just plain pathetic and just sad, really. As I said, you are who we knew you were all along. Please don't flatter yourself that I even notice you let alone allow anything you spew to have any effect on my day-to-day life.

The best way to deal with a childish tantrum is to just ignore it and you are easy to ignore.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/16/13 at 15:44:10

756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 wrote:
Your position is easily applied to the drug problem,, drugs are illegal everywhere, but, theyre,, well,, Everywhere. So, drug laws dont work, well,, except on law abiding people,

Yea we are in rerun season.

AFAIK, no one is making guns in their closet. They are making drugs there. The drugs in cities like NYC and where ever come from drug labs 100 or so miles around. SC drugs may make their way to NYC - maybe.  I have not looked into that.

The guns getting into NYC are coming from someplace like SC or where ever gun laws are loose. They are not made in people's closets. When that happens, gun laws prevent good people from getting guns, and dont stop the criminal.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Starlifter on 05/16/13 at 16:28:20

Mr. Allen, FYI we are ALL in the process of attempting to bring civility to the thread. Kindly do your part. ;)

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by bounder on 05/16/13 at 21:17:54

I agree Mr.Starlifter, I was reading some stuff Mr. Allen was gibbering about I thought I might like to join your English class, is everything working out ok for you ? I come from England We had 9 gun related murders.  Mind you, there was a whole nuts load with swords .  

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by bounder on 05/16/13 at 21:29:23

Hey Star , how goes it ? this Allen guy seems determined to have a battle of wits , I think he might be unarmed. A shame, I remember you used to love little arguments, someone might come along real soon . As soon as I get my computer working properly.  Mick

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/17/13 at 05:09:16

2425222026262120160 wrote:
Hey Star , how goes it ? this Allen guy seems determined to have a battle of wits , I think he might be unarmed. A shame, I remember you used to love little arguments, someone might come along real soon . As soon as I get my computer working properly.  Mick

Mr. Allen is well armed with obscenities.


Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/17/13 at 09:38:47

75515C56515F504C4A515C5D4A380 wrote:
According to data from the FBI's uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 -- which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people.
The irony of such a grisly distinction is evident when you look at which state was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You guessed it -- it was California.
"What is very unusual is that California also has a program by which we can remove guns, recover guns from people who have a gun and then subsequently become prohibited or dangerous," Brady Campaign spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox said at the time.  The FBI data also notes that Washington, D.C. had the highest murder rate per 100,000 people. The nation's capital saw 12 gun murders per 100,000 in 2011. DC also finished first in gun-related robberies per 100,000 people - with 242.56.
In 1976, the District of Columbia required all guns be registered, banned new handguns and required guns at home to be stored and dissembled or locked up. Unfortunately, the draconian measures -- which lasted more than three decades -- didn't had the desired effect.            All this proves gun laws do not work!

The Tyrants are the only demographic protected by gun laws. The country has become increasingly fascist in the last 10 years but really much more so in the last six years, when the Press decided it's job was to protect liberal fascists from the American people.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/17/13 at 09:42:58

725540534D4847554453210 wrote:
Mr. Allen, FYI we are ALL in the process of attempting to bring civility to the thread. Kindly do your part. ;)

Oh yeah, that has been very apparant, how could I miss that? With all the teabagger, pro-rape and crawl-out-of-the-sewer talk from you and Srinath I must have missed the new civility that only I am supposed to follow while you are free to insult. If you want more civility then I would suggest trying to act civil. Give that a shot and maybe you won't be the joke of the forum. ;)

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/17/13 at 09:45:51

2B2A3136392C30580 wrote:
[quote author=2425222026262120160 link=1368069535/15#17 date=1368764963]Hey Star , how goes it ? this Allen guy seems determined to have a battle of wits , I think he might be unarmed. A shame, I remember you used to love little arguments, someone might come along real soon . As soon as I get my computer working properly.  Mick

Mr. Allen is well armed with obscenities.


Yes, the new civility is working well. Got anymore "Republicans are pro-rape" links? I sure miss those.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/17/13 at 09:49:17

7B7A7D7F79797E7F490 wrote:
I agree Mr.Starlifter, I was reading some stuff Mr. Allen was gibbering about I thought I might like to join your English class, is everything working out ok for you ? I come from England We had 9 gun related murders.  Mind you, there was a whole nuts load with swords .  

Nice!!! What are the Assault statistics over there? Rape? Robbery? Burglary? How many people are prosecuted for defending themselves? How many people chose to just let crime happen so as not to risk prosecution for defending one's self? You are gonna need to climb a steep learning curve... :(

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Starlifter on 05/17/13 at 21:10:09

"Got anymore "Republicans are pro-rape" links?" Daney

...well, here are some Republican talking points you might want to consider.
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down.”

(You see, Repubs DO NOT condone all rapes, just LEGITIMATE rape.) Read more:


Missouri Rep. Todd Akin, Republican Senate nominee and member of the House Science, Space and Technology committee, said pregnancy from rape was "really rare" because "if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down."

<end snip>

(Holey Sh!t!! He;s on the Science, Space and Technology committee???)


In 1998, Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Stephen Friend said the odds that a woman who is raped will get knocked up are "one in millions and millions and millions" because rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that kills sperm.


Rape is a wingnut family value slong with marrage,,,after all, it's in the bible don'ch know.

Rape is one of the EIGHT BIBLICAL TRADITIONAL FORMS OF MARRIAGE: Republicans have been approving government-compelled birth of rape-children in many states. Rape is a GOP FAMILY VALUE.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29
New International Version (NIV)

28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.


1: Polygamous Marriage (lots of same-sex women married all together with one man, 1 Kings 11:3, CH 11:21 Rehoboam had eighteen wives and sixty concubines)

2: Leverite Marriage (bigamy with brother's heirless widow, (De 25:5)

3: A Man, A Woman, and Her Property (wife's slave, Gen. 16:1-6, Gen. 30:4-5)

4: A Man, One or More Wives, and some Sex Slave Concubines (Judges 19:1-30, David's son, Solomon, chose 700 wives and 300 concubines, totaling 1,000 women in 1 Kings 11:3)

5: A Male Soldier and a Female Prisoner of War (DT 21:10-14, NU 31:17-18, )

6: A Male Rapist and His Victim (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

7: A Male Slave and A Female Slave

8: Monogamous Heterosexual Marriage

Umm, all of this biblical law is (no pun intended) gospel to the wingnuts.

BUT, two people of the same sex who desire to marry?? Quick pass laws prohibiting such an abomination!...The wingnuts squeal: We need a "marriage protection" amendment to the constitution NOW to save the sanctity of holy traditional marriage (while we runaround on our wives, divorce one after another to marry a new tart or whatever...can you spell hypocrisy?...snort.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Midnightrider on 05/17/13 at 22:56:36

5F7A757E5A77777E751B0 wrote:
[quote author=7B7A7D7F79797E7F490 link=1368069535/15#16 date=1368764274]I agree Mr.Starlifter, I was reading some stuff Mr. Allen was gibbering about I thought I might like to join your English class, is everything working out ok for you ? I come from England We had 9 gun related murders.  Mind you, there was a whole nuts load with swords .  

Nice!!! What are the Assault statistics over there? Rape? Robbery? Burglary? How many people are prosecuted for defending themselves? How many people chose to just let crime happen so as not to risk prosecution for defending one's self? You are gonna need to climb a steep learning curve... :([/quote]
One thing about England I love, in the court system the loser pays both lawyer fees.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/18/13 at 05:45:30

Divide and Conquer! The 2 party system is an illusion to keep Americans divided. Democrats and Republicans are 2 sides to the same coin. Both are part of the WAR PARTY. It matters not which has the upper hand, the path remains unchanged.

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 12:42:19

14303D37303E312D2B303D3C2B590 wrote:
[quote author=5F7A757E5A77777E751B0 link=1368069535/15#22 date=1368809357][quote author=7B7A7D7F79797E7F490 link=1368069535/15#16 date=1368764274]I agree Mr.Starlifter, I was reading some stuff Mr. Allen was gibbering about I thought I might like to join your English class, is everything working out ok for you ? I come from England We had 9 gun related murders.  Mind you, there was a whole nuts load with swords .  

Nice!!! What are the Assault statistics over there? Rape? Robbery? Burglary? How many people are prosecuted for defending themselves? How many people chose to just let crime happen so as not to risk prosecution for defending one's self? You are gonna need to climb a steep learning curve... :([/quote]
One thing about England I love, in the court system the loser pays both lawyer fees.[/quote]

I bet a lot of those go unpaid, just guessing  ;)

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by Dane Allen on 05/20/13 at 12:57:35

6C4B5E4D5356594B5A4D3F0 wrote:
"Got anymore "Republicans are pro-rape" links?" Daney

...well, here are some Republican talking points you might want to consider.

You really need to talk to someone about your rape fetish!!! It's really getting uncomfortable for the rest of us :o :o :( :(

Title: Re: You're the most likely to be killed in
Post by srinath on 05/20/13 at 17:08:16

6D48474C6845454C47290 wrote:
[quote author=6C4B5E4D5356594B5A4D3F0 link=1368069535/15#23 date=1368850209] "Got anymore "Republicans are pro-rape" links?" Daney

...well, here are some Republican talking points you might want to consider.

You really need to talk to someone about your rape fetish!!! It's really getting uncomfortable for the rest of us :o :o :( :([/quote]

Yea the pro rape are really against talking about it. Must be the thought that some of those rapes end in abortions ... oh shudder.

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