General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Committe

Message started by Midnightrider on 05/06/13 at 08:16:08

Title: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Committe
Post by Midnightrider on 05/06/13 at 08:16:08

Did you know that Michele Bachmann is actually on the House Intelligence Committee? While this might immediately bring to mind a series of hilarious jokes, it is actually very serious  ;D ;D ;D ;D  Maybe she can ask Sarah Palin for advice.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Serowbot on 05/06/13 at 09:00:39

She thought she was volunteering as test subject, in the search for a cure...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/13 at 09:23:28

Yea? You think thats funny? Well,, IDK for sure, but Im Pretty sure I saw DR. Kevorkian hop in an ambulance with a few other EMTs to respond to a big bad wreck the other day.

Thats pretty much what we have in DC,, buncha Kevorkians dressed up & pretending to be our doctors.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/06/13 at 19:49:27

"Yea? You think that's funny? Well,, IDK for sure, but I'm Pretty sure I saw DR. Kevorkian hop in an ambulance with a few other EMTs to respond to a big bad wreck the other day." JOG

Umm, unless this is tongue in cheek...

June 3rd, 2011, 08:49 AM ET

Source: Detroit Free Press

Dr. Jack Kevorkian dead at 83

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the Michigan pathologist who put assisted suicide on the world's medical ethics stage, died early Friday, according to a spokesman with Beaumont Hospital. He was 83.

As for Michele Bachmann, her voice is less irrititating than Palin's whiny screeching.....Of course, what she says is invariably batsh!t crazy, but at least my cats don't run and hide under the bed when she comes on the TV. I do.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/06/13 at 20:19:55

nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to this moron...... Could only be a Democrat.....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/06/13 at 20:21:59

my cats don't run and hide under the bed when she comes on the TV. I do.

that's because you and your cats are both ???????

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/07/13 at 05:17:06

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:

nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to this moron...... Could only be a Democrat.....

Brilliant, I see your Hank "the island of guam is capsizing" Johnson BTW southern democrap = Old school republican but ... either way and I raise you a Michelle "I'll say hurricanes are a sign from god, not global warming" Bachmann who said this even better gem -

"Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too" -Rep. Michele Bachmann, getting her John Waynes mixed up during an interview after launching her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, where she grew up. The beloved movie star John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, three hours away. The John Wayne that Waterloo was home to is John Wayne Gacy, a notorious serial killer. (June 2011)

And better yet ... its on topic, see she's referenced in the title ...


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/13 at 09:23:15

Yea, I knew he was dead. Bachman on the intelligence committee makes as much sense as a Dr K for a first responder..

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/07/13 at 20:35:29

Oh come on how can you refute this peach from her ...

"Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, while campaigning for president in South Carolina on what was actually the anniversary of Elvis's death, Aug. 16, 2011 (Elvis was born on January 8)

That is just so "intelligent" of her.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/07/13 at 23:23:07

Bachman / "Intelligence"  Committee?.... talk about an oxymoron.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/08/13 at 18:34:04

sorry, but nothing beats a guy so dumb as to think an island would flip over if too many people were on one side......

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/08/13 at 18:47:49

033136272031261935263F540 wrote:
sorry, but nothing beats a guy so dumb as to think an island would flip over if too many people were on one side......

So say you ... OK Yea its pretty stupid ... so I should throw in this gem as well from the aforementioned Michelle Bachmann -

"But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. ... I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly -- men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, botching American history while speaking at an Iowan's for Tax Relief event in January 2011. The Founding Fathers did not work to end slavery, and John Quincy Adams was not one of the Founding Fathers.

A 2 fer - See there is also the constitutional history lesson you so need.

Y'know there is that 1 hank johnson quote ... but michelle bachmann is like the "Agent Smith" of matrix movies ... there is so many many many many many ... of hers ...


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/09/13 at 05:56:56

I’m not nominating Backmann for membership in Mensa, but J.Q. Adams was a big anti-slavery guy and while not a founding father, was at least around the periphery.
Good old'e Hank is just a plain embarrassment…  I love the look on the face of the military guy who was supposed to answer that question. He was a real compliment to the Service cause he let Johnson off the hook.
Bottom line: there are a boat load of morons in Congress. Unfortunately, on both sides. Stupidity is inherent in liberalism so they pack in the majority, but Republicans have their own house to clean. I don’t have a feeling towards Backmann one way or the other. I’d throw McCain out of the Senate in a heartbeat for example.

as far as that's the only Hank Johnson quote; anybody that stupid should just keep quiet from now on anyway.....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/09/13 at 07:22:45

Oooo since you decided to rope in librulls ... Let me throw in a few gems from the republican communists (Republicommunists) stalwarts - not some rank and file congressman from a hole in Georgia ... but prominent party leaders ...

This beauty -
"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

Yea ... we're going to stand by our ally North Korea.

And this beauty -
"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic?" --Sarah Palin, admitting that her family used to get treatment in Canada's single-payer health care system, despite having demonized such government-run programs as socialized medicine that will lead to death-panel-like rationing, March 6, 2010

Yea ... she used canadian govt health care and decided to oppose it ... so she's just a freeloader ?

And lets try Mitt RMoney -

"When you have a fire in an aircraft, there's no place to go, exactly, there's no -- and you can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don't open. I don't know why they don't do that. It's a real problem." –Mitt Romney, suggesting it would be a good idea to crack a window at 35,000 feet, Beverly Hills fundraiser, Sept. 22, 2012

In a fire he wants to open the windows and let in oxygen ...

And who can forget this gem -

"As president, I will create 12 million new jobs." —Mitt Romney, during the second presidential debate
"Government does not create jobs. Government does not create jobs." —Mitt Romney, 45 minutes later (Oct. 16, 2012)

Gee which is it M.RMoney ?

And this -
"Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea." –Mitt Romney during the third presidential debate. In fact, Iran and Syria do not share a border and Iran has direct access to international waters through its large coastline on the Gulf. (Oct. 22, 2012)

Lovely ... gets better and better dont it.

Oooo one more ... please please please ...
"Is $100,000 middle income?" -George Stephanopoulos
"No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less." -Mitt Romney, ABC's "Good Morning America," Sept. 14, 2012
Oowwwww isn't that nice.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/09/13 at 08:42:47

funny that you ignore the dozens and dozens of stupid things hopey-change says...

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/09/13 at 12:04:18

Webby webby webby ... I got plenty ... you post ... and I'll refute or post a raise like a poker game ... see I can say refute ... not make up some crap like - this beauty by Sarah Palin -

Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate

Go on webby you know I am well armed ... take your best shot.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/09/13 at 14:21:37

As a life-long Republican, but hopefully, not Tea Party guy, if our party is to survive, we've got to distance ourselves from idiots like Bachman and Palin.
We need the Republican party of old - Senators like John Bricker from Ohio, Eisenhower, Jerry Ford, Dulles, Reagan, Goldwater, Dirkson  - solid conservatives who were statesmen, who knew how Washington politics should work, and who were able to reach across the aisle to good Dems like Johnson, Kennedy, Stevenson and get things resolved.
None of these kinds of statesmen, from either party, would have been in office had there been term limits in their day.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/09/13 at 15:33:36

Srinath; this is one of those times I have no idea what you are trying to say.....

Jerry; I understand your point but those guys would not survive in a world with untrustworthy partners like like Obama, Clinton, Durbin, etc....using the media like a foil?  Those great statesmans of old would turn pretty quick dealing with someone like Pelosi. You don't think after spending 10 minutes with Harry Reid, Reagan wouldn't have said 'wow, what a loser!'....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/09/13 at 19:13:26

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Srinath; this is one of those times I have no idea what you are trying to say.....

Oh gee Let me explain it for you ...

You brought up Hank "guam is tipping over with 8000 soldiers) Johnson ... and I brought in Michelle "I'll pay Homane to a serial killer" Bachmann.

Then you brought in other librulls cos "Stupidity is inherent in liberalism" and I brought in the queen of the republicommunists Sarah "We will stand by our ally North Korea" and Mitt "250,000 /yr is middle income" Rmoney.

OK so I guess - We are seeing who is stupider ...

3F303C363D303B373027323027550 wrote:
As a life-long Republican, but hopefully, not Tea Party guy, if our party is to survive, we've got to distance ourselves from idiots like Bachman and Palin.
We need the Republican party of old - Senators like John Bricker from Ohio, Eisenhower, Jerry Ford, Dulles, Reagan, Goldwater, Dirkson  - solid conservatives who were statesmen, who knew how Washington politics should work, and who were able to reach across the aisle to good Dems like Johnson, Kennedy, Stevenson and get things resolved.
None of these kinds of statesmen, from either party, would have been in office had there been term limits in their day.

Oddly I think I am a Ron Paul Democrat. The republicans of today are communists. They want to cut taxes for the rich. They also want to cut services for the poor and middle class. The great "cut it from you, and cut it from you and give it to me ... cos you're government waste and I am job creator"
Reagan increased taxes on nearly everything. Except he did so without burdening the poor or middle class. The Idiot that is now running NC Republican pat McCrory has proposed to charge sales taxes on everything, milk and bread etc etc ... That will sock the poor ... the poor do better with inflation but worse with taxation. Those that have no $$$ @ the end of the month dont care about inflation. Their income will adjust cos that is what inflation is. But taxation will kill them.

The modern republican mantra is "Cut it from you, and cut it from you and give it to me ... cos you're government waste and I am job creator" ... It used to be centered around the idea of fairness in taxation when Regean was president.

Regean was also not afraid to tax imports in that time frame. Now we have a policy that says "Pay china first" ... no we can screw china, they dont have a prayer, we can print the $5,000,000,000,000 we owe them - in 1 nice bill ... not even wasting time ... and hand it to them.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Drifter on 05/10/13 at 05:26:41

We need an auto mute button for her and others...cats hiding under the bed that was great!! :)  Our dog howled and shook his head eek....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 08:33:18

Oh gee Let me explain it for you ...

I think you left out the part where you forget hopey-change's idiocy.....

The republicans of today are communists. They want to cut taxes for the rich. They also want to cut services for the poor and middle class.

As usual, you are wrong.  If you want to call it a cut to begin reigning in the government as a nanny state, they go ahead, but something tells me if your children grew up to adulthood, but still acted like children by demanding the same care from you as when they were infants, you probably wouldn’t put up with bankrupting yourself. If you want to call Republicans communist and evil for demanding some type of responsibility, go ahead.

I still say moochers like you should hang outside a steak house and ask rich guys for handouts. Cut out the middleman.....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/13 at 09:45:29

Neither Bachman nor Palin are Tea Party representatives, regardless of how often they claim to be.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Midnightrider on 05/10/13 at 10:41:24

Web I agree there are stupid democrats also like the island flipper but the difference between him and Bachman is he is not on the intelligence committe.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/10/13 at 15:08:03

you're right; he's 'only' on the Armed Services Committee....

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by bill67 on 05/10/13 at 15:47:30

Did you know that Michelle Bachman keeps men in a binder.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/10/13 at 21:58:23

6A585F4E49584F705C4F563D0 wrote:
Oh gee Let me explain it for you ...

I think you left out the part where you forget hopey-change's idiocy.....

The republicans of today are communists. They want to cut taxes for the rich. They also want to cut services for the poor and middle class.

As usual, you are wrong.  If you want to call it a cut to begin reigning in the government as a nanny state, they go ahead, but something tells me if your children grew up to adulthood, but still acted like children by demanding the same care from you as when they were infants, you probably wouldn’t put up with bankrupting yourself. If you want to call Republicans communist and evil for demanding some type of responsibility, go ahead.

I still say moochers like you should hang outside a steak house and ask rich guys for handouts. Cut out the middleman.....

Once again republican communists are the moochers.
We are not asking the govt for a hand out. We dont want the rich to be given the hand out - the rich have been crying for a hand out for years ... and the republican communists want to give it to them cos they are "job creator"

Republican communists dont want smaller govt per se ... they want to cut govt services and take that $.

Michelle Bachmann, sarah palin and Mitt Rmoney were presidential aspirational candidates. The island tipper was not.
Being stupid is a requirement for being a republican. Its optional for being a democrat.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/11/13 at 10:07:48

Its optional for being a democrat.

Maybe so, but Im still hunting the one that hasnt exercised that option,

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/11/13 at 11:08:10

"Being stupid is a requirement for being a republican. Its optional for being a democrat." there is a fact that even a dim-wit can grasp.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/13 at 17:43:35

If it makes you happy to believe it,
Both sides are criminally involved in destroying america,, keep pretending you have the moral high ground

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/12/13 at 18:28:11

I agree that both sides make mistakes; however, I do believe Republicans have the moral high ground. Any part that is in favor of slaughtering babies will forever take a back seat. Regardless of how far Republicans stray from time to time, they can't go so far over the edge that they give up their soul like the Dems have done in backing abortion rights.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Midnightrider on 05/12/13 at 20:45:30

7778747E7578737F786F7A786F1D0 wrote:
As a life-long Republican, but hopefully, not Tea Party guy, if our party is to survive, we've got to distance ourselves from idiots like Bachman and Palin.
We need the Republican party of old - Senators like John Bricker from Ohio, Eisenhower, Jerry Ford, Dulles, Reagan, Goldwater, Dirkson  - solid conservatives who were statesmen, who knew how Washington politics should work, and who were able to reach across the aisle to good Dems like Johnson, Kennedy, Stevenson and get things resolved.
None of these kinds of statesmen, from either party, would have been in office had there been term limits in their day.

If the Republicans will run Rand Paul and Dr Carter., someone who has the guts to stand up against the system and the brains to go with it they can come back. Mitt Romney was nothing but a yes man to the rich. Obama is not changing anything except maybe now you'll have to get a permit to buy a pressure cooker. The Republicans wanna buy the Hispanic vote which is a huge mistake. We need a Republican version of Jack Kennedy, a canditate who is not afraid to piss someone off who is rich and wrong.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/12/13 at 21:34:53

695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 wrote:
I agree that both sides make mistakes; however, I do believe Republicans have the moral high ground. Any part that is in favor of slaughtering babies will forever take a back seat. Regardless of how far Republicans stray from time to time, they can't go so far over the edge that they give up their soul like the Dems have done in backing abortion rights.

Not even close ... republicans sold their souls a loooooong time ago by cutting taxes for the rich cos they were "job creators". They want to saddle the poor with babies too so they get poorer and poorer, then they will put em on welfare.
Not to mention they support gun proliferation that kill 100X as as many as they save and wont back gay rights - dude we have 8 billion people, we dont need any more. If some gay people dont have babies we are better off.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/12/13 at 21:44:11

24253E3936233F570 wrote:
[quote author=695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 link=1367853368/15#29 date=1368408491]I agree that both sides make mistakes; however, I do believe Republicans have the moral high ground. Any part that is in favor of slaughtering babies will forever take a back seat. Regardless of how far Republicans stray from time to time, they can't go so far over the edge that they give up their soul like the Dems have done in backing abortion rights.

Not even close ... republicans sold their souls a loooooong time ago by cutting taxes for the rich cos they were "job creators". They want to saddle the poor with babies too so they get poorer and poorer, then they will put em on welfare.
Not to mention they support gun proliferation that kill 100X as as many as they save and wont back gay rights - dude we have 8 billion people, we dont need any more. If some gay people dont have babies we are better off.

& yet, FBI stats show gun violence has dropped in spite of the number of guns increasing dramatically.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/12/13 at 22:30:45


In the last 5 months there have been at least 71 kids killed by guns. Average age just under 6 years old.

Rates of firearm assault injuries have increased over the 2000s

Year Number of injuries Population Rate Age-Adjusted Rate**

2001   41,044 284,968,955 14.40 14.11

2002   37,321 287,625,193 12.98 12.75

2003   42,505 290,107,933 14.65 14.40

2004   43,592 292,805,298 14.89 14.72

2005   50,320 295,516,599 17.03 16.92

2006   52,748 298,379,912 17.68 17.45

2007   48,676* 301,231,207 16.16 16.09

2008   56,626 304,093,966 18.62 18.57

2009   44,466 306,771,529 14.49 14.50

2010   53,738 308,745,538 17.41 17.55

2011   55,544 311,591,917 17.83 17.85

NRA apologists do not understand data which contradicts their approved talking points, which in turn are derived from using only those parts of data which support their half-truths and outright lies.

medical data and other surveys in the U.S. show a rising number of serious injuries from assaults with guns. The estimated number of people wounded seriously enough by gunshots to require a hospital stay, rather than treatment and release, rose 47% to 30,759 in 2011 from 20,844 in 2001, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Midnightrider on 05/12/13 at 23:57:20

Single parent families, bloody video games, ruthless gangs and drug dealers, illegal aliens, Obama giving guns to the Mexicans innocent Americans were killed with, irresponsible parents, crazy a$$ cops, innocent kids being gunned down in a no assault weapon state, all that proves to me is I need my guns even more. This country has become morally bankrupt and its my job to protect my family and possesions. I cant do that disarmed while the criminals and crazies will always have guns and bombs.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Drifter on 05/13/13 at 05:03:24

No one has been talking about taking away any ones guns.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 06:24:12

In the last 5 months there have been at least 71 kids killed by guns. Average age just under 6 years old.

is this data in the link you included?

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 14:01:32

Stats. compiled by CDC


In the last five months there have been at least 71 of them. None older than 12, several as young as five or six months, all of their lives ended by a bullet.

There was four-year-old Trinity Ross in Kansas City, who lasted about a week on life support after a playmate came across her father's gun in the TV room. There was 10-year-old Alexandra Brown in Ohio, apparently murdered in the backseat of a car by her father just before he took his own life. There was three-year-old Jadarrius Speights, who got his little fingers on his uncle's loaded 9 mm in an apartment in Tampa, just Tuesday night. His death came one week after a five-year-old boy inside a rural Kentucky home pointed a small rifle at his two-year-old sister, Caroline Sparks, and pulled the trigger.

Sparks' death drew extensive media coverage and stirred particularly strong emotions, in part because the weapon used was specifically made for and marketed to kids. As I reported last week, its manufacturer, Crickett Firearms, has seen its business boom in recent years. The intense response to the tragedy clearly was also a legacy of the Newtown massacre, whose 20 young victims shook the nation and set off an extraordinary debate about gun violence.

But what happened to Sparks was not extraordinary. Her killing, and those in dozens of other American communities this year, is essentially business as usual—it happens on average about once every two days. An average of 197 children ages 12 and younger died from gun shots each year from 1999 through 2010, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dozens are killed annually in accidents—often with other young kids firing the gun—although the majority die in homicides.

Among the 71 shooting deaths we analyzed from the past five months:

40 killings were unintentional and 31 were alleged homicides.
The most common scenario was kid-on-kid: At least 29 of the accidental deaths occurred when a kid under 17 pulled the trigger.
The average age of the victims was just under six years old.
20 victims were girls and 51 were boys.
The problem was worst in the South: Florida had the most kids killed (four accidents, five alleged homicides), followed by Ohio and Tennessee (four accidents and two alleged homicides in each state), followed by Alabama (two accidents, two alleged homicides) and South Carolina (four accidents).
Details on all 71 deaths are in the spreadsheet below, including the name, age, and gender of the victims, the locations of the incidents, and links to news reports describing how the shootings occurred. The majority of the data was gathered using Slate's crowd-sourced aggregation of gun deaths, with additional details and research added by Mother Jones. The data set includes the majority of such gun deaths in the past five months, but almost certainly not all of them.

From Boy Scouts to 4-H and beyond, there is a long American tradition of teaching kids how to use and responsibly handle firearms. (It's a tradition I know firsthand, having grown up shooting bolt-action rifles and shotguns for sport.) But federal law prohibits the sale of a gun to anyone under 18, and in accidental-death cases the issue of adult responsibility is paramount. A torrent of harsh online comments was directed at the parents of Caroline Sparks in the days after that story broke. Beyond the responsibility of adult guardians, legal culpability varies by state and can be difficult to prove, as shown in the Trinity Ross case, in which the prosecutor found insufficient evidence for pressing charges.

A gun company that makes hot pink rifles for girls came under fire for featuring photos of tykes and infants with weapons.
Since Sparks' death, debate has intensified around whether a company like Crickett Firearms—whose website featured photos of tykes and infants with guns until the company took them down last week—is ethically off-target. The company, which says it is the leading rifle supplier in the youth market, produces firearms with different barrel and stock designs, including some made in hot pink to appeal to young girls. That may help boost sales, but there are other potential consequences: In February, two young siblings in South Carolina apparently mistook a pink handgun for a toy when three-year-old Temorej Smith was fatally shot in the head.

Many accidental shootings happen in or around a family home, often involving kids playing with guns. Others involve parents accidentally shooting their kids. These incidents don't exactly shore up the gun lobby's claim that Americans need to secure their homes with handguns or even AR-15 assault rifles. Public health researchers have found that having a gun in the home puts gun owners and their families at higher risk of being shot intentionally or accidentally. Forty-three percent of homes with guns and kids contain at least one unlocked firearm. And one study found that a third of 8- to 12-year-old boys who came across an unlocked handgun picked it up and pulled the trigger.

Child deaths from gun shots are statistically rare on a per capita basis and in absolute numbers. But it's important to note that the CDC data cited above only gives a sense of the overall problem. As Daniel Webster of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research explained to NBC News, inconsistency in how states report shootings leads to less reliable national statistics. That in turn underscores how relatively little good data we have on gun violence, thanks in no small part to the National Rifle Association's efforts to deep-six serious research.

And the number of kids who get shot each year is significantly larger when you include those who survive: According to a report by NPR, emergency rooms treat more than 3,000 children for accidental shootings annually. That number now includes a seven-year-old boy in Houston, who was recently shot by his five-year-old brother.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Midnightrider on 05/13/13 at 14:07:52

In NC now if you purchase a new firearm you have to sign a paper saying you will keep said gun locked away from children. Of course that doesnt mean anyone will abide by it.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 15:25:57

hmmm..... according to stats from the same site; 2 children per day drown; most of those in home swimming pools. That vastly out number the number of firearm deaths so I assume somewhere on another site; you are on your high horse to outlaw home swimming pools or pass a law demanding the federal government provide lifeguards to be paid for by a tax on T-bone steaks I guess...

I actually know personally 3 children who have drown but I know no child killed by a gun. The drowning stories are just as tragic as the stories you tell below.

here's a idea: how about you shut the hell up and let people live their own life without you telling them what to do.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 15:40:05

Webby - Oy vey this garbage again ...

The children drowning in swimming pool are usually the kids of said owner of pool. Dead child = punishment.

The killed children are usually not children of owner of said gun. Unless the child mistakenly kills sibling or him/herself. So there is no in built guilt. Unless the kid kills him/herself or sibling.

Have you no common sense.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 15:59:05

...snort...I personally know of a child who choked on a piece of hotdog...should we ban hotdogs?...oh wait, hotdogs are not manufactured to kill people.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/13/13 at 18:07:56

That's what you're going with? Built in guilt? That's your determining factor on if a items should or should not be sold without federal oversight?  No wonder you and Star are buddies.....

The point is morons, most items can be misused with tragic consequences. Like your brains for example.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 18:22:10

[quote author=5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 link=1367853368/30#42 date=1368493676 8-)
The point is morons, most items can be misused with tragic consequences. Like your brains for example.


Yes ... "misused" ... with guns the intended use is tragic. He he ... no wonder the NRA de funded all studies about what guns are doing once they are in the hands of people ...
Even cheney couldn't help shooting his fellow hunter ... though with cheney you never know.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/13/13 at 19:56:07

Oh, give Cheney a break, after all he was blind drunk that day, and besids the guy who was shot in the face apologized for being in Cheney's way. ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/13 at 10:56:52

all he was blind drunk that day,


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by Starlifter on 05/14/13 at 11:16:12

Oh yes, that's why they didn't report it until hours and hours after the fact. Google it.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/13 at 12:46:30

0C2B3E2D3336392B3A2D5F0 wrote:
...snort...I personally know of a child who choked on a piece of hotdog...should we ban hotdogs?...oh wait, hotdogs are not manufactured to kill people.

Neither are guns. They CAN kill people & are readily used for just that, but theyre designed to sling a projectile. How they get USED is determined by whomever is holding it.
Cars arent intended just for killing, but they do a lot of it,, swimming pools, baseball bats & knives

More die every year from physically being beaten & kicked to death than are shot by rifles, yet Im sure youre all lathered up & foamiong at the mouth in support of banning those Murderous Assault Weppunz!

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/14/13 at 14:43:11

the timing of this article is perfect:
Should you ask your neighbors if they own a gun before your child plays at their house? And what do you do if they say yes?

After the tragic accidental death this month of a two-year-old Kentucky girl who had been shot by her five-year-old brother, the answer may seem obvious: Do not let your child play at a gun owner’s home, at least if you are not sure he is locking up his guns.

This shooting came just a couple of days after a prominent opinion piece in the Motherlode blog at the New York Times, in which a parent, Lisa Maxbauer, worried about her six-year-old’s visiting homes of gun owners. Another recent article at CNN, by Judith Palfrey, warned readers: “Never keep a loaded gun in the house or the car,” and “guns and ammunition should be locked away safely in separate locations in the house.”
The CDC reports that for 2010 (the latest year available), one single six-year old died from a gunshot. For all children younger than 10, there were 36 accidental gun deaths, and that is out of 41 million children. Perhaps most important, about two-thirds of these accidental gun deaths involving young children are not shots fired by other little kids but rather by adult males with criminal backgrounds. In other words, unless you send your child to play at a criminal’s home, she is exceedingly unlikely to get shot.

Indeed, if you are going to worry about your child’s safety you should check into other, perhaps less obvious dangers lurking in the playmate’s house: swimming pools, bathtubs, water buckets, bicycles, and chemicals and medications that can cause fatal poisoning. Drownings alone claimed 609 deaths; fires, 262 lives; poisonings, 54 lives. And don’t forget to ask about the playmate’s parents’ car and their driving records if your child will ride with them: After all, motor-vehicle accidents killed 923 children younger than 10.

In her CNN article, Judith Palfrey wrote: “According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6,570 people ages 1 to 24 died from firearm injuries in 2010. That’s 18 people every day and a staggering seven a day for children ages 1 to 19.” But these numbers tell us nothing about the point of her piece: the risk to young children of guns in the home. About 56 percent of her number comes from homicides for 17- to 24-year-olds, which overwhelmingly involve gang activity and drugs. Another 27 percent involves suicides for 18- to 24-year-olds, and she ignores the overwhelming research showing that people can easily commit suicides in many different ways.

Let us not forget that guns do provide self-defense, as I examine in detail in More Guns, Less Crime. Guns are used defensively some 2 million times each year. Even though the police are extremely important in reducing crime, they simply can’t be there all the time and virtually always arrive after the crime has been committed. Defending oneself with a gun is by far the safest course of action when one is confronted by a criminal. In several recent cases in which guns in the home were locked and inaccessible, the intruders killed the children in the home.

My research on juvenile accidental gun deaths for all U.S. states shows that mandates that guns be locked up had no impact. What did happen in states with such mandates, however, was that criminals attacked more people in their homes and crimes were more successful: 300 more total murders and 4,000 more rapes occurred each year in these states. Burglaries also rose dramatically. The evidence also indicates that states with the biggest increases in gun ownership have seen the biggest drops in violent crime.

Asking neighbors about guns not only strains relationships, it also exaggerates the dangers and ignores the benefits from guns. In the end, some good might come out of all this gun phobia: If your neighbor asks if you own a gun, rather than sarcastically asking whether they own a space heater, why not teach them about guns and offer to go to a shooting range together?

— John Lott is a former chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission and the author of More Guns, Less Crime and, most recently, At the Brink.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 07:49:14

Ohh we are in rerun season already. Oh man ...

Once again - Lots of things kill ... but only guns can kill several 100 people in seconds.

You can kill people with cars @ that rate ... if you had free reign to plow people down in say manhattan. Else where you wont make it past the first 2 cos 100's of people are not walking being targets.

And - laws are made for the way people currently behave. You see "no shirt, no shoes no service - and you dont see "no pants no service" - that's cos we dont usually walk around with no pants. Even the punk wanna be gangsta kids walk with pants round their ankles ... not no pants.

When we see mass murders committed with things like pink pongs (or was that pink thong) ... anyway mass murders with something like cars will have the laws coming in for countering it.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/13 at 08:15:41

Once again - Lots of things kill ... but only guns can kill several 100 people in seconds.

airplanes, trains, cruise ships, ferries, buses.

We have laws regulating all of these, yet the accidents still happen and far more frequently than mass shootings. The bottom line is there are 300 million guns in the US. How many of these 'assault weapons' they want to ban have been used in mass shootings this year? One?

When there is a plane crash, we go back and examine what happened and take appropriate steps. We don't ban planes.

After Newtown, the appropriate step would be to review mental health capabilities.

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 08:21:32

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
Once again - Lots of things kill ... but only guns can kill several 100 people in seconds.

airplanes, trains, cruise ships, ferries, buses.

We have laws regulating all of these, yet the accidents still happen and far more frequently than mass shootings. The bottom line is there are 300 million guns in the US. How many of these 'assault weapons' they want to ban have been used in mass shootings this year? One?

When there is a plane crash, we go back and examine what happened and take appropriate steps. We don't ban planes.

After Newtown, the appropriate step would be to review mental health capabilities.

Yea we examine planes ... but we are not allowed to examine guns, and their owners ? Especially when it has been well documented its the person who is the killer and not the gun that is to be blamed ?

And mental capablities - yes as soon as the TEA baggers release the 3-4 trillion needed for it to start up, and maybe 1/2-1 trillion a year needed to keep it going, we are all for it.

Without the examining of gun owners how do you determine who fits in the mental program ? So that will have to be done.


Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/13 at 08:41:51

I'm trying to live up to Midnight's request to play in the sandbox nicer, but anytime I see the phrase TEA baggers; it ain't gonna happen.

so, if you admit enjoying being on the receiving end of a tea bag then you are free to use the phrase all you want. Otherwise, drop it.  

Title: Re: Michelle Bachman is on the Intelligence Commit
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 08:51:40

Dude I am not calling you a TEA bagger. If you choose to adopt that moniker - I dont think I'm responsible for that.
And I also use "TEA" - its an acronym.
I can say - these Idiots - or that idiotic idea - how else do you criticize the idea.

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