General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Post the stupidest name you have heard

Message started by srinath on 05/01/13 at 15:10:22

Title: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 15:10:22

OK I ran into a nice little girl called M'Keeba - and I said oooooo after Miriam M'Keeba ... and her eyes light up ... oooo you're the first person to ever have known of her ... my mom was a big fan ...

There ended the good part of that conversation ...

Stupid me had to piss her off saying ... Y'know in that case I'd have just named you Miriam and you'd have a normal name ... She wanted to strangle me.

Idiot parents name their kids ... girls "Kennedy" ... WTF ... Reagan double WTF ... What next ? Bush ? Obama ... I better not meet a girl child named Barack or Obama for that matter ... though Bama is a Indian girl name.

Last names dont make good first names for the opposite gender.

However composite names are the worst of the bunch ... Yea the vampire movies "Reneesme" not withstanding.

The worst name I have heard is "Ecretia" said ay-cre-sh-a ...

I think there oughta be department in the hospital that will do a check on names and reject it if its really stupid.


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by WebsterMark on 05/01/13 at 15:11:39

stupidest name: Srinath

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 15:26:04

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
stupidest name: Srinath

Dude - its not an english name.
There is a 1000 names begining with "sri" in india.


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by bill67 on 05/01/13 at 15:51:25

My newest granddaughter's name is Kennedy,But nothing to do with  president  kennedy

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 16:03:17

4D46434319182F0 wrote:
My newest granddaughter's name is Kennedy,But nothing to do with  president  kennedy

Oooo why kennedy ? I thought they were named for president kennedy.
And why Reagan ?

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by WebsterMark on 05/01/13 at 17:06:47

you walked right into that one and you had to know that was coming from someone. I just got there first.....

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Serowbot on 05/01/13 at 18:27:13

For a grown man?,... I'd say Newt... ;D...

It's cute for a 5yr old...

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 18:36:22

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
you walked right into that one and you had to know that was coming from someone. I just got there first.....

Actually I didn't think anyone was going to be dumb enough to think my name is english ... guess I was wrong.

BTW - My neighbor's name is "Abonge" and it is said like "a bong". Her daughters name is Monga.
However they not a funny name IMHO cos its not a english name.


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by WebsterMark on 05/01/13 at 18:48:21

Actually I didn't think anyone was going to be dumb enough to think my name is english ... guess I was wrong.

no one's dumb enough to think your name is English......

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by WebsterMark on 05/01/13 at 18:49:51

For a grown man?,... I'd say Newt

how about Barack?.... oh wait, this was suppose to be English names..... nevermind...

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 19:05:00

4056415C44515C47330 wrote:
For a grown man?,... I'd say Newt... ;D...

It's cute for a 5yr old...

Its a composite name ... it stands for Newest Turd.


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 19:06:31

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
Actually I didn't think anyone was going to be dumb enough to think my name is english ... guess I was wrong.

no one's dumb enough to think your name is English......

Then ... how is it funny ?


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by TheSavagePJ on 05/01/13 at 19:10:25

One of my old patients had the misfortune of being named Little Mathias Johnson. Really funny, down to earth guy, cool enough to laugh at his own name.

I cringe when I hear people who are named after booze. Hennessy, Cristal, Johnny Walker etc.

Kid will have a bright future of alcoholism in his future... he/she can't escape it!  :)

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by bill67 on 05/01/13 at 19:15:40 8-)

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by WD on 05/01/13 at 21:27:46

Female (pronounced fuh-mah-lee). J'america. Those two were students at the middle school an old friend taught at in the late 90s.

One of our newscasters is a woman named Mearl...

Jaqutia (juh-kwe-tuh) who happened to be a nearly transparent Celtic redhead...  :-?

Anymore, I hear a 'hood name, I just turn off the television.  :-X

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Midnightrider on 05/01/13 at 22:16:29

I can walk into a school and read the roll and I cant pronounce any of the kid's names correctly.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by prechermike on 05/02/13 at 02:51:13

I had a couple of kids with funny names at camp over the years.

One was a little guy whose first name was Mister.  Can't remember his last name now.  Funny calling a 10 year old, Mister.

There was also a girl, who came back year after year, really sweet girl, whose name was Calamity Jane Smith (Smith is not right, but I want to protect the innocent).  They called her Calamity, finally someone came up with the idea of calling her CJ.  She ended up in the navy, and I am sure she is doing well.  She was a super girl.  I always wondered what her momma was thinking.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Pine on 05/02/13 at 08:27:53


Lemonjello ( La' - monzgelo)

Orangejello (Oran'zgelo)

also second on the Female ( Fee-molly)

On a dating website:

nationality: russian
Breast: 2

Sadly, "hood" names are so prevalent here that they dont even register any more:
Names from Work:
The maid in my office Latasha
lady up front Antronette Lavancia
and we have 2 Chamika's

You can definately tell who is "older", just by names:
Frank <<< me
Wesley ... black dude with dreadlocks
Helvi <<< originally from Estonia!
Misty ( with twin sister Christy)
2 Linda ( one black, one white)

and so Sri doesnt feel left out Shantanu.. who I just Shan

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Paraquat on 05/02/13 at 11:15:19

Tell Misty and Christy I said "Hi".


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/02/13 at 12:16:34

764F4843524954260 wrote:
and so Sri doesnt feel left out Shantanu.. who I just Shan

Is his last name one of Pal or paul, Bose, dutta, (or other bengali) its a classic bengali name.

And yea say hi to Misty and christy too ... are they identical ?


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/02/13 at 13:29:27

About 20 years ago we were having a political fundraiser party at my old law firm.  One of my partners, a black guy who is very successful and a superb lawyer, asked one of my clients, who is a gazillionair real estate mogul, to give advice to the black partner's young nephew about becoming successful.  He told the young man that he should adopt these traits:

1.  Pay your bills, live within your means, and have a good credit score.
2.  Buy an alarm clock, learn how to use it, set it for no later than 7 AM every morning, and get up when it goes off, regardless of whether you have any specific plans - learn to get up in the morning.
3.  Learn to speak the King's English without jive slang, or swearing to make a point.  Those who have to .
4.  Give your kids normal, English names.
5.  Learn to dress properly.
6.  Learn to say please and thank you.

Item #4 was expanded upon, and is important.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by bill67 on 05/02/13 at 13:39:25

My grandmothers name   Lallie Sota    1 aunt  Lula Mae    1 aunt   Laddie Dee      one uncle  Exmas           Guess what state their from.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/02/13 at 13:53:18

Item #3 in my earlier post wasn't finished.  I got off track taking a phone call.
My client told the young black man that those who have to swear to make a point, or use swear words as adjectives, are simply demonstrating their poor vocabulary.  You should learn to use words to provide emphasis in your speech that show your expanded vocabulary, not your lack of one.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by bounder on 05/02/13 at 14:39:39

I did find out that President Washington was the last white guy to have that name .

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Ed L. on 05/02/13 at 15:53:14

Wierdest name so far is Mo-sha pronounced Mo Dash ah. There are over 20 ways to spell the name "Unique".
 Went to high school with a guy who's last name was "Backup" think he became a proctologist after college. ;)

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/02/13 at 16:06:08

Oooo There is one in my hood - Latonjula - yea, she's "late on jula" ...

My friend calls people with names like hers a "Ghetto bird"


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by scanlory on 05/04/13 at 08:37:53

I went to school with a Mike Hawk.  Stupid? No.  Probably just unfortunate.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by shovelbum87 on 05/13/13 at 16:37:13

mine is Yvonne- My mother set me up for a looonnnggg road of misspellings, misspronunciations and cracks like Ivan, Avon Its not that hard I know its spelled different than it sound but its pronounced E-von very simple if you call me ya-von I will find you and stab you

I have a girl i know, Tanika, shes white her mother screwed her over for life!

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/13/13 at 18:19:32

3A21263F2C252B3C24717E490 wrote:
mine is Yvonne- My mother set me up for a looonnnggg road of misspellings, misspronunciations and cracks like Ivan, Avon Its not that hard I know its spelled different than it sound but its pronounced E-von very simple if you call me ya-von I will find you and stab you

I have a girl i know, Tanika, shes white her mother screwed her over for life!

In a case of "reverse screwed" I called my co worker Ivan as Yvonne - and he corrected me a 1000 times till he realised it was my accent ... I was south Injun, all the injuns he knew were northerners and well .. we have a different set of speech anamolies.


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by mpescatori on 05/15/13 at 05:30:22

33282F36252C22352D7877400 wrote:
mine is Yvonne- My mother set me up for a looonnnggg road of misspellings, misspronunciations and cracks like Ivan, Avon Its not that hard I know its spelled different than it sound but its pronounced E-von very simple if you call me ya-von I will find you and stab you

I have a girl i know, Tanika, shes white her mother screwed her over for life!

Lovely name... it's French, its origins can be traced back to the ancient Celts who used the wood from the YEW tree (= IVV) to make cerimonial implements.

Incidentally, the word "IVV"  also meant "bautiful, pleasant to behold".

It should be pronounced "ee-VOnn".


Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by Pine on 05/15/13 at 15:01:20

1213080F001509610 wrote:
[quote author=764F4843524954260 link=1367446222/15#17 date=1367508473]

and so Sri doesnt feel left out Shantanu.. who I just Shan

Is his last name one of Pal or paul, Bose, dutta, (or other bengali) its a classic bengali name.

And yea say hi to Misty and christy too ... are they identical ?


Godbole .... good guy.. we cruise up the bike shop so he can drool over the crotch rockets... He hates RE and anything that sounds like one (thus he has no love for my savage)

Yeah Misty and Christy are identical.. though I have never met Christy. I don't think I will tell her hi for yall. She might get the wrong (or right) idea of a bunch of "bikers" saying hi. Either way it would scare her.   8-)

I have said it before on here. Shan, Dayong, and I go out for lunch rather often. Its very fun to quiz each other on our differing cultures. Shan is vegetarian.. and allergic to shellfish. So it can be hard to get a place where we can all eat properly.  We often end up at the local Chinese place... cause everyone loves Chinese food (Shan gets noodles).

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by shovelbum87 on 05/15/13 at 16:24:33

Lovely name... it's French, its origins can be traced back to the ancient Celts who used the wood from the YEW tree (= IVV) to make cerimonial implements.

Incidentally, the word "IVV"  also meant "bautiful, pleasant to behold".

It should be pronounced "ee-VOnn".


Yes I am the only sicilian with two french names, my mother was confused! A very italian family I have two brothers both very italian names, and I get a very french one... What was she thinking???
I do have to say that I like it though, its different.

Title: Re: Post the stupidest name you have heard
Post by srinath on 05/15/13 at 17:40:10

0F36313A2B302D5F0 wrote:
[quote author=1213080F001509610 link=1367446222/15#19 date=1367522194][quote author=764F4843524954260 link=1367446222/15#17 date=1367508473]

and so Sri doesnt feel left out Shantanu.. who I just Shan

Is his last name one of Pal or paul, Bose, dutta, (or other bengali) its a classic bengali name.

And yea say hi to Misty and christy too ... are they identical ?


Godbole .... good guy.. we cruise up the bike shop so he can drool over the crotch rockets... He hates RE and anything that sounds like one (thus he has no love for my savage)

Yeah Misty and Christy are identical.. though I have never met Christy. I don't think I will tell her hi for yall. She might get the wrong (or right) idea of a bunch of "bikers" saying hi. Either way it would scare her.   8-)

I have said it before on here. Shan, Dayong, and I go out for lunch rather often. Its very fun to quiz each other on our differing cultures. Shan is vegetarian.. and allergic to shellfish. So it can be hard to get a place where we can all eat properly.  We often end up at the local Chinese place... cause everyone loves Chinese food (Shan gets noodles).


Oooo Godbole - said more like coat po lay ...

There was a bengali movie in the 80's that was an adaptation of Madame Bovary that was made by satyajit ray where the central character was called Mr Godbole. To me not being a bengali speaker we watched it as a family - I, my cousin and aunt and we were free to make up our own story. Hilarious what we did. Of course being 10-11 we had no clue about Madame Bovary. The sky was the limit.

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