General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice...

Message started by WebsterMark on 04/28/13 at 20:36:55

Title: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice...
Post by WebsterMark on 04/28/13 at 20:36:55

Government Accountability Institute conducted an analysis of how much time President Barack Obama has spent in economic meetings of any kind, Presidential Daily Briefs (PDBs), and personal recreation (vacations and golf outings).

Our sources included: the White House official calendar; Politico’s comprehensive calendar; and media reports. The study covered the president’s 1,532 days in office up through March 31, 2013.

Key Findings:
• President Obama has spent 3.6 % of his total work time in economic meetings or briefings of any kind (assuming a six day, 10-hour a-day workweek) throughout his presidency
• President Obama has spent a total of 474.4 hours (or 47.4 10-hour workdays) in economic meetings or briefings of any kind throughout his presidency
• In 2013, President Obama has spent 6 total hours in economic meetings of any kind
• The number of days with some sort of economic meeting have declined
significantly throughout President Obama’s time in office. Throughout 2009, President Obama had 140 days with economic meetings. By 2012, the number of days with a scheduled economic meeting decreased to 29 (an 79 % decrease)
• President Obama has attended a total of 645 PDBs (intelligence briefings) since taking office (42.1 % of the 1532 days we reviewed)
• Throughout his time in office, President Obama has played 115 total rounds of golf and spent 86 days on vacation, for an estimated combined total of 976 hours

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by Paraquat on 04/29/13 at 06:15:51

I haven't taken that many hours off in 3 years.


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 04/29/13 at 08:07:05

6051425141455144300 wrote:
I haven't taken that many hours off in 3 years.


Yea you didn't ... but Bush did ... and he had to start 2 wars ...
Between starting wars and taking vacation he was swamped. He had to let Cheney take car of the wars too.

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/13 at 09:07:19

Yea you didn't ... but Bush did ... and he had to start 2 wars ...
Between starting wars and taking vacation he was swamped. He had to let Cheney take car of the wars too.

that was a 100% predictable response....

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 04/29/13 at 09:32:36

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:

Yea you didn't ... but Bush did ... and he had to start 2 wars ...
Between starting wars and taking vacation he was swamped. He had to let Cheney take car of the wars too.

that was a 100% predictable response....

As was your original post ... so what's your point ?


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by bill67 on 04/29/13 at 12:39:46

7372696E617468000 wrote:
[quote author=6051425141455144300 link=1367206615/0#1 date=1367241351]I haven't taken that many hours off in 3 years.


Yea you didn't ... but Bush did ... and he had to start 2 wars ...
Between starting wars and taking vacation he was swamped. He had to let Cheney take car of the wars too.
Cheney also  shoots people for GWB

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by WebsterMark on 04/29/13 at 13:35:47

I posted an interesting article that had backup to support their position, (mine as well), which is Obama is an absolute loser.

You posted allegation in return that Bush had done the same with no backup to support.  oh, and your usual started 2 war thing despite the fact that almost everyone in Congress as well as rest of the world did the same.

by the way, it's becoming more and more clear that Obama has pretty much left many of bush's terrorist policies in place. Other than beating his pud while our ambassador died and going out of his way not to use the actual word terrorist, he's left Gitmo in place, finished the surge etc....

darn that Bush was the right guy at the right time....

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 04/29/13 at 19:46:36

Webby webby webby ... the problem is you post the same thing every 3 or so months ... and the last time you were rebutted with evidence not by me but someone else ... not sure who - so ok here is the backup you so crave -

I have a feeling it will have as much effect as blowing a conch shell into a deaf guys ear ...

Calls to several Presidential libraries reveal that President Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, was on vacation more — 1,020 days — than any U.S. President since Herbert Hoover and possibly more than any other President in history.

Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was in office 12 years from 1933 to 1945, was on vacation less days than President Bush at 958 days.  Calls to several Presidential Libraries reveal that no President can come close to Bush’s 1,020 days on vacation in an 8 year period.  Even Lyndon Johnson, who spent 484 days at his ranch in Texas and at Camp David during his presidency, came in under Bush’s vacation time.  Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.

A recession started in 2001 as Bush took office after 22 million jobs were created during the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2000.  Bush began wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and presided over the loss of 4 million jobs.  The debt when Bush left office was $10.6 trillion.  In 2005, the Washington Post noted President Bush’s frequent vacations in a piece titled Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record as Bush took the longest single vacation — 5 weeks — of any President in 36 years.

President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency.  Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years.  At 1,020 days, Bush was close to being on vacation more days than President John F. Kennedy’s total days in office (1,036).  Representatives at the Nixon and Johnson Libraries indicate those two Presidents were on vacation less than 1,000 days during their terms.

President Obama has been on vacation 78 days from 2009 to 2011.  At the three year mark into their first terms, George W. Bush spent 180 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas and Ronald Reagan spent 112 vacation days at his ranch in California.  Of course, staff was around all three Presidents on vacations and all White House aides argue that the commander-in-chief is never “out of touch” with work.

Got it from - -

So for the 3rd or 4th time ... Obama doesn't even come close.


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 04/29/13 at 19:51:16

Once again Obama 976 hours in 4.5 years.
Bush 1020 days in 8.

That is 24 times as much vacation in just over 2 as much terms ...

Obama has to take the next 3 years completely off, OK fine 2.5 years out of the remaining 3.5 will do ...  


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by WebsterMark on 05/01/13 at 05:42:08

I think the major difference is when those other presidents went on 'vacation', often it was at a specific place like their ranch or home in Maine. These basically become working vacations. Obama just goes places to visit and doesn't particularly care if something's going on that maybe he should stick around for.... Hell, when his ambassador was killed, he ran off to Vegas and then J-Z's house for a fundraiser.
besides, the point of the article was Obama apparently paid very little attention to what he said was his number one goal; the economy. 6 hours? crap, I've spent more than 6 hours talking to people about the economy....  

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by bill67 on 05/01/13 at 06:33:07

And what pisses me off he shoots baskets every day.Right Web.At lease Bill Clinton stayed at his desk while he did his thing. Thats all very discussing.

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 08:31:12

182A2D3C3B2A3D022E3D244F0 wrote:
I think the major difference is when those other presidents went on 'vacation', often it was at a specific place like their ranch or home in Maine. These basically become working vacations. Obama just goes places to visit and doesn't particularly care if something's going on that maybe he should stick around for.... Hell, when his ambassador was killed, he ran off to Vegas and then J-Z's house for a fundraiser.
besides, the point of the article was Obama apparently paid very little attention to what he said was his number one goal; the economy. 6 hours? crap, I've spent more than 6 hours talking to people about the economy....  

Ooooo with that said yea the 976 hours really dwarfs the 1020 days ... yea.
Dude you can work with a laptop from a golf cart. I have worked 4 hours from a parking lot leaving a client site when something else @ another location went kaput. When It started to rain I had to shut myself in the cab of the truck to keep the lap top from getting soaked.

Never mind that, 976 hours is more than 1020 days ... I got it.

Oh yea Bush spent a lot more time about the economy ... but that was only cos he was trying to spell it.

Man every 2-3 months we get the same posts over and over again from the same people ... its like we're in rerun season.


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/01/13 at 10:32:07

Okay, Bush was wrong,, we cant stop that now, now can we?

WHO is the president NOW?

How is he doing?

Was it okay for Bush to be on vacation so much?

If NOT, then ,, its Not Okay for Bammy, either.

We do not justify bad behavior of "Our Guy" by the bad behavior of someone else..unless of course, we wish to demonstrate our intelectual dishonesty.

Right is right
wrong is wrong
no matter who does it.

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by bill67 on 05/01/13 at 10:43:33

JOG I bet you never tried to stop a runaway stagecoach,Thats what Obama got when he went into office.

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 10:47:43

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
Okay, Bush was wrong,, we cant stop that now, now can we?

WHO is the president NOW?

How is he doing?

Was it okay for Bush to be on vacation so much?

If NOT, then ,, its Not Okay for Bammy, either.

We do not justify bad behavior of "Our Guy" by the bad behavior of someone else..unless of course, we wish to demonstrate our intelectual dishonesty.

Right is right
wrong is wrong
no matter who does it.

Hey I am only bringing out the other 1/2 ... webby posted 976 hours as it is some type of record breaking deal.
I just pointed out his guy had 1020 days. Over 24 times as much.

No one disputes we have a dirt bag in the WH. The only point I would make is, we averted a bigger bag of dirt from getting in, and we replaced the mother of all dirt bags after 8 years not to mention the mother of all Vice dirt bags right. Hey the Vice dirt bag didn't take a vacation at all right ... that's cos evil never sleeps ... evil just gets heart replacements and lives forever. Evil doesn't budge when its daughter is a lesbian ...


Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/01/13 at 10:58:22

No one disputes we have a dirt bag in the WH. The only point I would make is, we averted a bigger bag of dirt from getting in, and we replaced the mother of all dirt bags after 8 years not to mention the mother of all Vice dirt bags right. Hey the Vice dirt bag didn't take a vacation at all right ... that's cos evil never sleeps ... evil just gets heart replacements and lives forever. Evil doesn't budge when its daughter is a lesbian ...

Well,, while the presidents advisers are all from the same places, R or D, doesnt matter, then we will keep getting what weve been getting.
You elect someone who will NOT be a dirtbag & do what the globalists want & he will get shot. America is done for, no matter who is elected, unless we can get the globalist influences out of our politicians lives. Not just the pres, but for sure, if the pres wont veto the bad laws, were screwed.
Did we get the lesser dirtbag? Maybe.. Our pres is selected by the globalists & they choose whoever they believe can best sell their agenda to us. WE are screwed either way. America would have elected Ron Paul, BUT
the globalists put the hounds on him, minimized him & demonized him in the media, told everyone it would be a wasted vote. He saw the best he could do was split the vote & virtually assure a D win, so, he dropped out.,

Title: Re: Dr. Obama: or how I learned to cure my slice..
Post by srinath on 05/01/13 at 11:31:27

We have a dirtbag who pays 20.5% in taxes as opposed to 13% and crying about it being too high cos he's "Job creator".
We have a dirtbag who is trying to put a few laws in place against felons who can buy guns .. as opposed to a dirtbag who will not have. OK maybe he would have, CT and MA are close in many respects.
We have a dirt bag who wont cut taxes for the uber wealthy ...

Looks like we are on a slipper slope that is less slippery and less slopey ...

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