General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Mods

Message started by bill67 on 04/27/13 at 12:24:12

Title: Mods
Post by bill67 on 04/27/13 at 12:24:12

Sluggo had no problems being a mod,Now it takes 3 to do what he did and he didn't delete posts that don't go along with their way.You know how little kids are when they don't get their way.

Title: Re: Mods
Post by Serowbot on 04/27/13 at 13:02:09

No Bill,.. how are you when you don't get your way?...

I tried to be nice yesterday...  now, you're just being petty...


Title: Re: Mods
Post by bill67 on 04/27/13 at 13:52:04

Serowbot,How would you like your posts being deleted,Would that be petty.I'm not the only one thats had post deleted I've saw others,And I'm sure theres ones were that I didn't see.I post what I think and what I have seen from experience.Now is this the USA. or N.Korea or Iran.

Title: Re: Mods
Post by Dave on 04/27/13 at 17:57:00

So this is what this place looks like.....Never been here before!


I guess that it takes 3 of us to moderate as the place is very busy, and we are not always on the computer.  I only spend about and hour a day on the forum, and that time is spent trying to answer questions from members who are trying to solve problems.  In that process if I see a recommendation that is misleading, incomplete or wrong....I will try to understand their point of view and their supporting information.

When the Oil Threads were hot I did not get actively involved....but I got to watch you spar with the others.  You never did offer any supporting data or facts....just dug your heels in.

Recently when you have posted something that I thought was wrong I would try to work it out with you, and explain why your recommendation was not helpful.  About a month ago you recommended SeaFoam to a fellow whose bike had stopped running.  The bike would no longer start......and you recommended SeaFoam.  As wonderful as you believe the product is......when the tank is so full of rust and gum that it has filled the carb with the stuff, SeaFoam is not going to help.  If you had read the first post he made he said the bike would no longer run....and when I pointed this out to then suggested he take the float bowl off and fill it with SeaFoam.  SeaFoam is not that good!  And recently you recommended SeaFoam to a fellow who wondered if he should rejet because he changed his muffler.......SeaFoam is not going to solve that problem.

You also stated in a discussion about porting and polishing that the engine would have less torque....and after I deleted and sent you a personal message that explained posted it again and made a comparison with porting 2 cycle engines?????  We were not talking about making big ports.....just a bit of rounding off the sharp corners, smoothing out the casting marks, and trimming that donut at the end of the port.  Lancer, Serowbot and I have all done it, we did not lose torque, and they run great.

You also claimed that premium fuel runs cooler and makes less HP......once again without any proof or basis for the statement.

The Rubber Side Down is not a "free speech" is moderated section dedicated to repair issues.  When any of the moderators believe that the information posted is not helpful...we can delete it.

I wrote you in a personal message and ask that you no longer post in the Rubber Side Down, as your suggestions to use Klotz and SeaFoam are just not helpful.  While the Moderators and a number of well qualified helpers will read what is posted and type long responses that often include photos or links - most of the time you post a single sentence that suggests SeaFoam or Klotz (and you seldom return to see if the problem has ever been corrected).  As a moderator I have stopped trying to sort through your information and determine which works and which doesn't.  Since you have ignored the request to stop posting and have actually started posting misleading and hateful message on purpose.....I have just been deleting everything you post....that way I have more time to actually spend helping people.

Based on the things you post in the Rubber Side Down.....I just don't think you are mechanically inclined enough to be helping people with repairs.


Title: Re: Mods
Post by 45acp on 04/27/13 at 18:47:57

:o ouch :o

Title: Re: Mods
Post by WD on 04/27/13 at 23:57:31

606F79796F7A636F78696F0A0 wrote:
:o ouch :o

Actually a rather light punishment. There have been more than a few members outright banned for less. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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