General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill

Message started by Midnightrider on 04/22/13 at 07:24:28

Title: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by Midnightrider on 04/22/13 at 07:24:28

I don't believe it, don't know where they get their figures. A majority of the south and southwest were against it. I'll agree a majority were for it but not 90%. I agree with stronger background checks but the bills tacked on to it and registering guns I've had for 20 years, hell no. None of the people I associate with were for it the way it was written. There were so many people against it the members of the House were scared to vote for it, afraid they wouldn't be reelected.

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by oldNslow on 04/22/13 at 07:36:15

I don't believe it, don't know where they get their figures.

They call up 100 democrats in NYC. 90 say they favor the bill. 10 hang up. There ya go. If you ask the question the right way, and/or call the right people, you can get a poll to prove just about anything.

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by Dane Allen on 04/22/13 at 09:29:46

506E6F63716D6C020 wrote:

I don't believe it, don't know where they get their figures.

They call up 100 democrats in NYC. 90 say they favor the bill. 10 hang up. There ya go. If you ask the question the right way, and/or call the right people, you can get a poll to prove just about anything.

;D ;D ;D Boy, ain't that the truth!! The only part you missed was all the re-counts they did to get it up to 90%  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by Pine on 04/22/13 at 11:02:20


Yeah I.. kept having to change the change every single time any spoke about the legislation they would pull out that number... finally even Brokaw said it was horse crap. Its not 90% of americans.. its like 90% of the parents of school age children at Sandyhook.

The other number that is pure crap 68% of american say they are for gay marraige.

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by rfw2003 on 04/22/13 at 11:06:46

I know I'm on a few senators and congress men/women's mailing lists and I wasn't invited to the poll at all.   I have sent numerous mails to them about a range of topics and always receive replies when I send them,  I also get random mailings from all the ones I have contacted about certain issues on "the hill" so to speak, but this poll was never sent out to me. So it must have been a very targeted or dare I say it a non-existent poll that was made up.


Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by Midnightrider on 04/22/13 at 12:54:29

I'm on several congress person's email list because this isn't the America I grew up in. I voted several times on the gun issue polls.. I'm registered democrat, that's probably why. You guys are right, never thought about them rigging a poll but they rig everything else, why not rig a poll. Like I said before I didn't mind the stronger background checks but its no one's business but mine whats been in my house for years and years. We all know gun registration will one day lead to gun confiscation. A lot of younger kids are crazy and they don't think twice about killing someone. Thats why I don't mind stronger background checks. I carry concealed and if someone attacked me I wouldn't shoot to kill unless it was a dire situation. I would try to plant one in their crotch or bust their kneecap out. I'd sleep better at night knowing I disabled them rather than killing them. Use to be a big time hunter and I don't even want to kill animals anymore. I have a houseful of rescue animals. I have a rescue English Mastiff, a mutt, a feral cat I rescued, a paralised squirrel that has to have special care everyday and my wife and I are raising two baby squirrels. Their mother was eaten by a hawk. When I was growing up I lived off of squirrel and rabbit meat. I still remember how fried , squirrel stew and fried rabbit and gravy taste but I just cant pull the trigger on one anymore. My wife buys 100lbs of shelled peanuts monthly to feed all the wild squirrels around the house and I enjoy watching them on my front porch. There's a raccoon that comes on the porch to eat at night. He or she will not run from me, I can walk right up to her but I've got enough sense to not touch her. Life is a gift, even an animals life. I've got friends who hunt and I don't hold it against them, its just not for me anymore.

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by srinath on 04/22/13 at 19:07:23

I dont know what news you heard about 90% being for the gun bill ... cos no one I am certain has seen "the gun bill" ... and I have not heard that at all ... maybe a "gun bill" ...

However, what I heard repeatedly was that 90% of americans were for background checks for all gun purchasers (or is that purchases) either or ...

Big big difference there ...

Much like the Immigration reform bill has riders for ski resorts to hire foreign ski instructors and other assorted horse crap ...


Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by Midnightrider on 04/22/13 at 21:58:10

The president claimed 90% were for the gun bill in his speech in the rose garden after the vote. I watch Bill Maer's show, he said the same thing, 90%. A lot of people like me wanted the background checks to try to catch the mentaly ill but no gun owner wanted the other bills tacked on it. Sri you don't want them knocking on your door taking your gun away leaving you defenseless against your drunk crazy neighbors, you know they will have illegal guns. That's what gun registration is all about. The day will come they'll knock on our doors and take the guns away from law abiding citizens like us, then only the criminals will have guns. You've seen it in other countries, the UN is for it and unless we stand together its going to happen here. The government wants to know where every gun in the country is at and who owns them.

Title: Re: The Dems claim 90% were for the gun bill
Post by srinath on 04/23/13 at 04:32:06

Ok I dont think I heard that speech per say. But that 90% number ad nauseum is repeated in the context of background checks on the newses I listen to ...

There is all sorts of riders tacked onto to all sorts of bills. I think we should have a bill on 1 item only ... one more item that was tried and failed if I recall a year or so ago.

I am not that concerned about my gun being confiscated. My gun has not seen any action since maybe 2002. My neighbors dont have guns now ... stolen ... the funny thing is, if they were to get a confiscation done in my hood, I'll be a far bigger bad ass ... the assumption will be that there is no way this guy gave up all his guns ... he's prolly got 10 hidden just in his garage not to mention the other 300 things he could use as a weapon.

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