General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Let' Try This Again

Message started by Dane Allen on 04/12/13 at 08:35:42

Title: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/12/13 at 08:35:42

I am giving this another shot and with a better explanation of where I am going with this thought so I can get some feedback from the group. The point of the Political Correctness as a tool of Marxism is that we seem to see all these attacks on our culture, freedom and way of life and tend to think of them as different and separate attacks.

But, after watching this documentary I am under the impression that all this crap today, Abortion, Illegal Immigration, Gun Control, Free Speech Zones, Environmentalism, Massive Debt, War on Minorities, War on Christmas, War on Women, War on Jobs, Morning After Pill for Children, Death of Journalism, etc. is all from the same source, Marxism.

I put forth the idea that there are no liberals, socialists, communists but all of these are just extensions and flavors of Marxism. The goal is Marxism is to destroy the current culture of a region and replace it with dictatorship and you can see this in the arguments and ideas of it's adherents/worshippers. Your thoughts?

Those videos are found here and are, I think, about 10 minutes each.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/12/13 at 17:46:59

Yes Dane correct you are, and the communists are the republicoms ... see its just a easy read for republicommunist ...

They want lower taxes for the wealthy, who now pay around 1/2 the taxes of the working class stiff. Correct as always Dane.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/13/13 at 20:30:09

787962656A7F630B0 wrote:
Yes Dane correct you are, and the communists are the republicoms ... see its just a easy read for republicommunist ...

They want lower taxes for the wealthy, who now pay around 1/2 the taxes of the working class stiff. Correct as always Dane.


Wow, have you been replying to my posts this whole time??? After we agreed not to reply to each others posts, and I have essentially forgotten all about you, I discover you are still replying and trying to engage me, it seems you still need to be associated with me, for some reason. It's kinda sad, really, you keep following me around trying to be seen and I have not even noticed you.

I took the advice of the moderator to help make this forum a better place for all involved and have not even read anything you have written since the agreement but you obviously still need me. Pretty sad... :(

Anywhoo, I am going to go back to ignoring your existence and, to avoid anymore embarrassment for yourself, you should just let me go and do the same. If it makes you feel any better, it's not you, it's me :(

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/13/13 at 20:41:40

You can try to keep me away from your posts while lying in your posts - sorry not likely to work. You could stop lying, and I'll read and move on ... Its not all about you however you cant just start a new thread with the same lies ...


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/14/13 at 19:33:05

See? I just hit reply and I haven't read anything you have written. Clearly you care about me for some reason but, for your own sake, you need to move on. I'm not wasting my time reading whatever it is you write anymore. If you wrote something nice above then I apologize for this but it is way too late for niceties now. Anyway, back to ignoring your existence ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 00:59:46

Dane Its never too late for niceties. 6 months ago webster was your equivalent in arguing with me - and look at how we post now to each others threads.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by WebsterMark on 04/15/13 at 05:04:32

For the record Srinath; I don't think I ever argued with you, I laughed at you....

You answer 99% of every post with an air of “expertise” written in what can best be described politely as, challenging sentence composition. I still have no idea what your position is on most topics and I suspect you don't either.  

as I said, you make me long for Starlifter.  

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by WebsterMark on 04/15/13 at 05:12:14

To your point, I did not watch the videos, but I don’t believe the transition is from a concerted and organized Marxist effort.  I think it’s a natural evolution that occurs when the media chooses a side and that side is liberalism. The liberal message simple overwhelms the masses day after day, movie after movie, commercial after commercial, newspaper after newspaper, song after song, billboard after billboard.

As it’s been said; the cultural default is center left, probably more left than center.  Conservative ideology has always been (and always will be) a harder road to travel because if requires self-control for the greater good which is a concept lacking in liberalism and atheism for that matter.  

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 05:38:54

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:

as I said, you make me long for Starlifter.  

Maybe that's cos you're not being beaten @ your game by star ...

I know very well what my stand on issues is. The problem is most of the time you dont ... example: You harp about deficits when Obama is president, but stood quietly by when Cheney ran them up just the same when interest rates were 3X as much cos cheney said "Reagan proved deficits dont matter". if you change your stance when the wind blows ...


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 05:49:32

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
Conservative ideology has always been (and always will be) a harder road to travel because if requires self-control for the greater good which is a concept lacking in liberalism and atheism for that matter.  

True, true, and it is harder because it means giving over all our $ to the rich people. And we the working poor dont like that. But if we did, it will be a great deal for the rich people that is.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/15/13 at 11:30:27

655750414657407F534059320 wrote:
To your point, I did not watch the videos, but I don’t believe the transition is from a concerted and organized Marxist effort.  I think it’s a natural evolution that occurs when the media chooses a side and that side is liberalism. The liberal message simple overwhelms the masses day after day, movie after movie, commercial after commercial, newspaper after newspaper, song after song, billboard after billboard.

That is what I thought, and still somewhat think, but the sticking point is the actions of these players, media for example, do not correspond to their nature. The media today are not acting like media but those who are pushing an agenda.

And the art of pushing a message that is detrimental to culture is a marxist goal. They are trying to destroy the existing culture so as to replace it with who knows what else. The takeaway I got from the videos is that everything that is happening today can be logically linked to the Marxist push (and whether or not we are turning marxist or socialist or liberal or it's all the same) we are under attack and are losing badly. Never thought a Hitler/Stalin/Mao/Etc could end up running the country but it seems frighteningly close at hand.

As it’s been said; the cultural default is center left, probably more left than center.  Conservative ideology has always been (and always will be) a harder road to travel because if requires self-control for the greater good which is a concept lacking in liberalism and atheism for that matter.  

Yes, very true, the easy route is what most people want and that is hard to fight. Thank you for positively adding to the conversation!!

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 11:55:17

Oooo faux news is left leaning ? really ? really ?

Yea we did come frightening close to having a communist regime, TBH within 4% points and 100 or so electoral votes ... sheesh, was a nerve racking night nov 6th.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by houstonbofh on 04/15/13 at 16:35:32

585942454A5F432B0 wrote:
Maybe that's cos you're not being beaten @ your game by star ...

The only person you are beating is yourself.  (Actually, that clarifies a lot of things...)  ;D

585942454A5F432B0 wrote:
I know very well what my stand on issues is. The problem is most of the time you dont ... example: You harp about deficits when Obama is president, but stood quietly by when Cheney ran them up just the same when interest rates were 3X as much cos cheney said "Reagan proved deficits dont matter". if you change your stance when the wind blows ...

Why does no one ever remember us bitching about the Bush spending?  Sigh...

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 17:11:34

51564C4A4D56575B565F51390 wrote:
Why does no one ever remember us bitching about the Bush spending?  Sigh...

That's cos your memory is very selective ... or made up on the spot.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/15/13 at 22:31:52

282F3533342F2E222F2628400 wrote:
Why does no one ever remember us bitching about the Bush spending?  Sigh...

Because it doesn't jive with the make-believe going on in their heads. I keep reminding him about the 3 million in taxes Romney paid plus 2 million to charity and how he only paid a paltry 23% of whatever. I don't read anything he write so I'm not sure if he says anything. But the point is people like just just set a story in their heads that Olbermann or Mathews or that dude with the girls name tells them to think. Notice how impervious to reason he is?

Oh, and it would take Bush 32 years to spend what Obama has spent  in his first four years in office.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by rfw2003 on 04/15/13 at 23:25:20

Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 05:32:37

77525D56725F5F565D330 wrote:
Because it doesn't jive with the make-believe going on in their heads. I keep reminding him about the 3 million in taxes Romney paid plus 2 million to charity and how he only paid a paltry 23% of whatever.

Yea more misquoted bull manure - RMoney paid 13% - not 23%.

The rest of the working class stiff pay over 20% Obama included.

RMoney paid 50% less than Obama did.
RMoney paid 75% less than I did.

Taxes are for things you have used.

Charity is not tax. Not to be added to your taxes to twist the truth.

Including charity even for 2012 (a very lean year for my charity I am around 30%). Still 25% more than RMoney.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/16/13 at 09:14:55

7B6F7E3B39393A090 wrote:
Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


I can understand someone being stubborn if they were both reasonable and had the facts straight but he is neither. It's all just bluster, insults, spurious reasoning and innuendo and absolutely no contribution to the conversation. When he is proven wrong he still fights, not for truth but seemingly just to win, or maybe not even to win but to bludgeon.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by houstonbofh on 04/16/13 at 11:22:16

4C69666D4964646D66080 wrote:
[quote author=7B6F7E3B39393A090 link=1365780942/15#15 date=1366093520]Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


I can understand someone being stubborn if they were both reasonable and had the facts straight but he is neither. It's all just bluster, insults, spurious reasoning and innuendo and absolutely no contribution to the conversation. When he is proven wrong he still fights, not for truth but seemingly just to win, or maybe not even to win but to bludgeon.[/quote]
He counts people walking away in stunned disbelief as a win.  ;D

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by rfw2003 on 04/16/13 at 11:38:24

494E5452554E4F434E4749210 wrote:
[quote author=4C69666D4964646D66080 link=1365780942/15#17 date=1366128895][quote author=7B6F7E3B39393A090 link=1365780942/15#15 date=1366093520]Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


I can understand someone being stubborn if they were both reasonable and had the facts straight but he is neither. It's all just bluster, insults, spurious reasoning and innuendo and absolutely no contribution to the conversation. When he is proven wrong he still fights, not for truth but seemingly just to win, or maybe not even to win but to bludgeon.[/quote]
He counts people walking away in stunned disbelief as a win.  ;D
It's not stunned disbelief for me,  I just get tired of and endless argument that will never stop with an idiot that can't see the light of day with his eyes wide open  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 12:44:28

Oooowwww You 2 Idiots are so caring about me ...

Dont worry, I am fine, paying 23% in taxes compared to RMoney's 13% ... You see My name doesn't have Money in it, so I guess I have to pay more.

You 2 really dont get it ... the republicommunists are so far up your a$$ you are thinking they are part of you.

They pay 13% and want it lowered ... cos some 47% are paying no taxes and are on welfare which is a govt waste. Excellent, take that $$$ and give it to me philosophy. Much like the "school system that armed people out of their own budget" ... like they had $ that wasn't given to them by tax payers. You're swallowing all the lies hook line and sinker ...


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/16/13 at 12:56:39

42455F595E454448454C422A0 wrote:
[quote author=4C69666D4964646D66080 link=1365780942/15#17 date=1366128895][quote author=7B6F7E3B39393A090 link=1365780942/15#15 date=1366093520]Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


I can understand someone being stubborn if they were both reasonable and had the facts straight but he is neither. It's all just bluster, insults, spurious reasoning and innuendo and absolutely no contribution to the conversation. When he is proven wrong he still fights, not for truth but seemingly just to win, or maybe not even to win but to bludgeon.[/quote]
He counts people walking away in stunned disbelief as a win.  ;D

That is why I just walk away before I even read anything he writes, he can count it however he wants.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/16/13 at 12:58:03

74607134363635060 wrote:
[quote author=494E5452554E4F434E4749210 link=1365780942/15#18 date=1366136536][quote author=4C69666D4964646D66080 link=1365780942/15#17 date=1366128895][quote author=7B6F7E3B39393A090 link=1365780942/15#15 date=1366093520]Yes I have Dane,

That's why I'm very selective about responding to his posts in this area of the forums.  Most of the time I only respond to the ones where someone quotes him.  The few times he posts in other areas of the Forum he can be quite reasonable but in here he's more stubborn then a mule.  ;)


I can understand someone being stubborn if they were both reasonable and had the facts straight but he is neither. It's all just bluster, insults, spurious reasoning and innuendo and absolutely no contribution to the conversation. When he is proven wrong he still fights, not for truth but seemingly just to win, or maybe not even to win but to bludgeon.[/quote]
He counts people walking away in stunned disbelief as a win.  ;D
It's not stunned disbelief for me,  I just get tired of and endless argument that will never stop with an idiot that can't see the light of day with his eyes wide open  ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

Yeah, he's like the black knight in Quest for the Holy Grail that gets all his limbs removed but still thinks he's winning the fight.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 16:16:17

Keep dreaming my friend. And learn spanish, or spanglish, cos soon you'll be buried in their crap if the republicommunists have their way, and pay taxes, 25% and rising, unless you're uber rich, then its 13% and falling.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Starlifter on 04/22/13 at 10:15:36

Wow, there a some fools on this thread and Srinath is not one of them. I haven't read such nonsense since "Alice In Wonderland".

This is one reason for my need from time to time to take a month or two hiatus from the madness here.

You right-wing nutbags would rather surrender your freedoms (even in the bedroom), and work for peanuts to serve the uber rich under the CONservatives and their radical agenda. How rational (I assume) people can be so brainwashed by the egregious lies they hear is beyond me.

The fact that you choose to ignore someone's comments here suggests that your minds are closed to any information that does not reflect your warped sense of reality, and presenting any amount of reason or facts is wasted effort because facts will never sway your brainwashed thought processes. You are convinced to think and vote against your own self interests to serve the interests of others.

Simple people are especially susceptible to propaganda outlets such as FOX news. They evolve into sheeple willing and eager to follow the Judes goat to their own destruction....sad.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/22/13 at 10:59:20

1C3B2E3D2326293B2A3D4F0 wrote:
Wow, there a some fools on this thread and Srinath is not one of them. I haven't read such nonsense since "Alice In Wonderland".

Oh no!! There's more of them? Look over the last few weeks of posts and, if you are a logical and resonable thinker then you will change your mind about Srinath. I'm not holding out hope.

This is one reason for my need from time to time to take a month or two hiatus from the madness here.

I had to stop reading his posts altogether for about a week then I read some of his nonsense by accident and go sucked in again.

You right-wing nutbags would rather surrender your freedoms (even in the bedroom), and work for peanuts to serve the uber rich under the CONservatives and their radical agenda.

Yep, a distinct absence of logic and reason. Too bad I can't set my browser to filter out fool-speak.

How rational (I assume) people can be so brainwashed by the egregious lies they hear is beyond me.

Check your premises and you will see it isn't us who is brainwashed.

The fact that you choose to ignore someone's comments here suggests that your minds are closed to any information that does not reflect your warped sense of reality,

What you are choosing to ignore is that we chose to ignore the comments after repeated requests for clarification went ignored. We asked logical and reasonable questions and all we got back was dodge, deflect and evade.

and presenting any amount of reason or facts is wasted effort because facts will never sway your brainwashed thought processes.

This is exactly why we ignored him. See how you criticize us above as having closed minds and then claiming reason is a wasted effort. Funny how only your views are claimed as openmindedness and then call us brainwashed if we totally thrash your world view with logic and reason. Not everyone believes in your liberals religion.

You are convinced to think and vote against your own self interests to serve the interests of others.

Ah yes, the ole "only the socialist welfare model of government serves the people" bullsh$t of yore. Maintaining my civil rights and restraining the repressive government out to control me is in my best interests. Maybe I'm just not a selfish person and am not out to only get something for me and only me. Maybe I think that we can all get ahead if we work together. Maybe the fact that Socialism has never worked where it had been tried is another issue.

Simple people are especially susceptible to propaganda outlets such as FOX news.

Let me guess, you only listen to the "official truth" as dispensed by Hufpo, NYT, old MSNBC, and the rest of the liberal MSM. Do you ever read what you write a think "hmmm, I sure am a hypocrite"?

They evolve into sheeple willing and eager to follow the Judes goat to their own destruction....sad.

Yeah because America from 1776 till now was like a concentration camp and now that we are free to have government dictate our rights to us we are finally free to live the Marxist ideals of poverty for all (except the liberal elite, of course).

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/22/13 at 11:19:52

082F3A2937323D2F3E295B0 wrote:
You right-wing nutbags would rather surrender your freedoms (even in the bedroom)....sad.

I had to come back and really hit this foolishness hard. That conservatives would scale back freedoms, civil rights actually, is a joke at best. Come to California and see how much freedom the liberals have allowed us to have.

liberals restrict income
liberals restrict property
liberals restrict activity
liberals restrict expression (free speech zones anyone?)
liberals destroyed the family
liberals restrict the pursuit of happiness
liberal's death panels will restrict life
liberals restrict liberty through political correctness
liberals foster the mentality that if something isn't expressly approved then it must be illegal

That you don't have the guts to own up to it or admit it, let alone justify it, says to me that you are in no position to criticize me.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/22/13 at 19:41:03

Sheesh, the same lies need to be dispelled again and again.

Yea this is the garbage I've had to deal with. Anyway here is my corrections to Dane's points.

Republicommunists evade taxes.
Republicommunists reduced taxes for the wealthy.
Republicommunists want to give out guns till one of them gets shot (Gabby Giffords)
Republicommunists are pro unfunded wars till we need to pay for them and then they go TEA.
Republicommunists are for robbing seniors, war vets, and injured people cos there is fraud.
Republicommunists are for letting wall street oligarchs have their way just so they can create a job for us.
Republicommunists believe that if we give all our $$$ to the rich people, maybe they'd let us clean their toilet.
Republicommunists are for letting illegals become citizens in the hope that they'd vote for them.
Republicommunists are called republicommunists cos communism is all about taxing the workers and giving breaks and incentives to management for flogging the workers to death.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Dane Allen on 04/23/13 at 12:12:39

5C5D46414E5B472F0 wrote:
Sheesh, the same lies need to be dispelled again and again.

But you never seem to get around to doing it.  All BS and no substance is all we get from you.

Yea this is the garbage I've had to deal with. Anyway here is my corrections to Dane's points.

Evading, dodging, deflecting and running away are not in the definition of "I've had to deal with" and it is funny how you portray yourself.

Again, with the Republicommunits, do you even know what this means?

Republicommunists evade taxes.

Like Tim Geithner? Charlie Rangel?

Republicommunists reduced taxes for the wealthy.

I'm pretty sure someone with communist in the name doesn't do this.

Republicommunists want to give out guns till one of them gets shot (Gabby Giffords)

So, Gabby Giffords is a Republicommunist...still not making sense.

Republicommunists are pro unfunded wars till we need to pay for them and then they go TEA.

Democrats voted for this all this too and didn't stop it when they had to power to do so.

Republicommunists are for robbing seniors, war vets, and injured people cos there is fraud.

Anyone who commits fraud to get gov't aid should have it taken back so I have to admit I agree with you (shudder)

Republicommunists are for letting wall street oligarchs have their way just so they can create a job for us.

Well, they gave soo much to Obama's campaign (and other democrats) they should expect something in return. Job creation is an added bonus. Hey, if you get $500,000 you can buy a night and lunch with Obama and tell him your unconstitutional $100 bullet tax idea.

Republicommunists believe that if we give all our $$$ to the rich people, maybe they'd let us clean their toilet.

Give me all your money and I will let you clean my toilet, I don't think that is a deal anyone can pass up. How do we give all our money to the rich people,btw?

Republicommunists are for letting illegals become citizens in the hope that they'd vote for them.

Ok, are these liberals we are talking about again because I might be agreeing with you again and that is twice in one post so something must be wrong? Your confusing use of labels is very bizarre.

Republicommunists are called republicommunists cos communism is all about taxing the workers and giving breaks and incentives to management for flogging the workers to death. we are talking liberals then. I have no idea what is going on in your head.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by srinath on 04/23/13 at 20:03:14

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
I had to come back and really hit this foolishness hard. That conservatives would scale back freedoms, civil rights actually, is a joke at best. Come to California and see how much freedom the liberals have allowed us to have.

Wow, wasn't the Gubernator a republicommunist ? 8 years of him and you are in bad shape ... huh ... I thought he was gonna fix everything.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict income

How - by taxing the rich ? Oh yea the joe the plummer argument ... If you made over 250K this may be relevant ... this is the most over used argument by people making 50K like joe the plummer.  

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict property

Like what ... those no trespassing on my property sign - I dont think that's really a liberal idea. But OK.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict activity

Activity ? like say buying guns and shooting up a school ?

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict expression (free speech zones anyone?)

I dunno what which liberal said you cant say ... you seem to have some personal issues here dane.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals destroyed the family

By allowing gay's to marry ... wowee ... someone else marrying makes your marriage destroyed ? wow ... y'know you riding a bike 3000 miles away makes my car not run right.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict the pursuit of happiness

By allowing gays to marry you cant pursue happiness ? Huh ...

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberal's death panels will restrict life

But the solar panels will restrict light ? This death panel is a well beaten republicommunist lie.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals restrict liberty through political correctness

Yeaaa I saw that whole 20 minute you tube clip. Impressive ... I am holding my breath. They were going to turn america into a marxist state right, and they were starting in san diego. Must have spread to you by now. But I'll let you know when I see it over here OK.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
liberals foster the mentality that if something isn't expressly approved then it must be illegal

Republicommunists do this already. That's how RMoney pays 13% in taxes.

7D58575C7855555C57390 wrote:
That you don't have the guts to own up to it or admit it, let alone justify it, says to me that you are in no position to criticize me.

The only one who cant own up to the problems of their side here is you Dane.

You say Obama is a dirt bag ... I say yes, and the possibly only bigger dirt bag was RMoney.

You say ... how dare you call RMoney a dirt bag ... bla bla bla ...

Dont bring up problems from 1 side alone. Dont blame Obama for what bush did and what RMoney will also have done. Dont compare Obama to someone hypothetical that may or may not have ever lived. Only valid comparisons are to Bush, McCain, RMoney, Clinton ...

And sorry communism is wholly translated into the modern republican designed tax structure.


Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Starlifter on 04/23/13 at 20:40:06

Well, your problem is that the "CONS" poisoned the well for you.

The thing with you Cons is that something like a genetic impairment makes you incapable of independent thought or reasoning. You need Fox, Hannity, Limbaugh and others to let you know what to think.

They trick you to vote against your own best interest and you don't even know it.

You are for freedom of religion...except for Muslims. Freedom of speech...except for Occupy Wall Street. Privacy from government...except when it involves a woman's right to control her own body. Against government handouts...except for oil companies. Hypocrisy doesn't begin to describe your thought patterns.

Here's a partial list from another source:


You want no government

You want everyone to carry guns like the old west.

You want smog like China & India.
You want zero taxes on the rich and 110% on the poor.
You want no trees.

You want no clean water.

You want cars that get 1 MPG.

You want women to have babies from rape & molestation because "it's life at conception".

You want a military that rules the world.

You want only white men for President.

You want the poor & disabled to starve.

...and on and on.

The idea that you and people of your ilk want to intentionally destroy the country is the stuff of nightmares.

No matter what, we liberals are "the enemy" to you. You have been trained for thirty year to fear, loathe, and despise anything that your trainers say is "liberal." That's all it's about.

Again, the brain-washed are impervious to reason or facts...too bad for you.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Midnightrider on 04/23/13 at 21:56:41

Good to see ya back again Star , right now neither party is serving my best interest. If it were up to me there would be maybe three congressmen left after I throwed the lying cheating bastards out. There would not be a two party system, something is either right or wrong, Dam voting one way because your party is voting for that particular bill. I believe in popular vote, the hell with the electoral college. 90% of our men overseas would come home and help build this country the way it was 30 or 40 years ago. If you're able to work instead of drawing welfare and unemployment checks you would go to work helping rebuild the infrastructure. The women could help run day care centers for the workers. Political contributions would be limited to $100. There would be more political debates on TV and less political comercials.There would be universal health care similar to my Blue Cross policy, simple, fair copay. Blue Cross can do it, so can the government. All medical facilities would be non profit. Our schools would be protected by the military or National Guard. They're getting a check, they might as well earn it. Schools and community Colleges would work more closely together to provide a better workforce for the area they are located in. Apprenticeship programs should start in the 10th grade, if you wanna be a car technition you work on cars half a day and do the English, math, etc the other half. If you want to go to college and be a doctor or lawyer you work in their offices half a day. We can cut a year or two off of college this way and it wouldn't cost near as much to educate your child. We quit selling our oil to foreign countries and learn to live with what we have. The Hell with the Middle east, that includes Israel. They have more money and can take care of themselves better than we can. Immigrants have to learn English and pay taxes. If you're caught stashing taxfree money overseas you automatically lose your citizenship and leave the country. We destroy the Federal Reserve and go back to work producing a precious metal based currency. Our military spending would consist of protecting our borders and protection from terrorist. If we mind our own business terrorist will have nothing to fight about. We will have a fair minimum wage. Our Constitution supercedes local laws. We withdraw from the United Nations, we become one nation, indivisible with truth and liberty for all.

Title: Re: Let' Try This Again
Post by Starlifter on 04/23/13 at 22:16:42

Hi Midnight, good to be back.
Lotta wisdom in your post my friend.  ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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