General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14! wow

Message started by srinath on 04/10/13 at 18:29:23

Title: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14! wow
Post by srinath on 04/10/13 at 18:29:23

Yea guns dont kill people, people kill people ... and you give lunatics a knife ... this is what they do ... very dangerous ... 14 injured. Stabbed.

we should have given him a gun ...

Yea like I needed proof ... people kill people, and with a gun, they kill people a lot faster, easier and with less chance of getting stopped.

BTW this was @ Cy-Fair - where I lived in Houston.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by houstonbofh on 04/10/13 at 22:27:26

Also the same school as the shooting in January.  All of the students are pissed that they are not allowed to defend themselves, and that "Gun Free" doesn't mean squat.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Paladin. on 04/10/13 at 22:32:35

One witness, identified only as James... said the suspect used what appeared to be an Exacto-knife to stab people.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/11/13 at 06:40:05

I know, the next thing you know there will be killers killing people with pink pongs. Sheesh, what is that scene is gonna look like ... 2-3 people will be really annoyed at having a white plastic ball come at them.

Really dangerous ... we need to give these people guns. How else can they hope to defend themselves against those little white balls.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/11/13 at 06:41:30

797E6462657E7F737E7779110 wrote:
Also the same school as the shooting in January.  All of the students are pissed that they are not allowed to defend themselves, and that "Gun Free" doesn't mean squat.

Hate to point out the obvious - there appears to have not been a gun in this story at all ... or am I missing something ?

Or you prefer he had a gun ... and you can shoot the shooter before he shoots you ...


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/13 at 07:29:43

Just reading the "failure to grasp reality" replies by this guy pisses me off,,
I dont know what youre here for. Youre so full of idiocy it diminishes the board having you here. PLease, go away, go somewhere else & "Educate" them.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by 45acp on 04/11/13 at 08:10:02

i dont want a crazy guy coming after me with a knife. it wouldnt matter though because my wife and i both carry guns. one of us would have shot him. hell we might have both shot him. we like doing things as a couple. ;)

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/11/13 at 13:34:55

JOG - You are yet to explain your "AMERICA" reply and sorry if you're not getting my reply I really cant explain it any further, I know you're getting my reply, you just dont like it.

Once again - Guns dont kill people, people kill people is fundamentally wrong.

People at best without guns wound people.

PEOPLE WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE. I know this hurts your brain to wrap around this.

45acp: Yes you would have shot him. However the point I was trying to get across is listed above. This incident is the proof. 14 wounded vs 28 dead in an incident that took 1/3rd the time. That's the difference guns make.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by houstonbofh on 04/11/13 at 14:02:22

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
what is that scene is gonna look like ...

Actually having friends out there I know exactly what it looked like.  Blood was everywhere.  People who did not see the attacker or any victims were still traumatized by having to walk through pools of blood for 20 feet before getting to a clean spot of floor.  Many people dumped their shoos after getting outside, rather than look at all the blood on them.  Some people simply could not force themselves to walk through it and had to be carried.

But who cares, it was not a gun...


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by houstonbofh on 04/11/13 at 14:03:50

6C5D505D5855523C0 wrote:

One witness, identified only as James... said the suspect used what appeared to be an Exacto-knife to stab people.

It was a dissection knife from the anatomy lab.  In other words, it was school provided.  Even a knife ban would have had no effect.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by rfw2003 on 04/11/13 at 15:31:27

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
JOG - You are yet to explain your "AMERICA" reply and sorry if you're not getting my reply I really cant explain it any further, I know you're getting my reply, you just dont like it.

Once again - Guns dont kill people, people kill people is fundamentally wrong.

People at best without guns wound people.

PEOPLE WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE. I know this hurts your brain to wrap around this.

45acp: Yes you would have shot him. However the point I was trying to get across is listed above. This incident is the proof. 14 wounded vs 28 dead in an incident that took 1/3rd the time. That's the difference guns make.


So what if he was strapping pipe bombs to his chest instead.  It could have been 100 dead in seconds instead with hundreds more injured.  That's what we are trying to get across to you Srinath.  It is in fact people that kill people.  The tools they chose to use are of no consequence at all, they are just tools that's it.  The same person could also have used a vehicle and driven over several people killing them or injuring them just as easily, again it's just a tool.  Numerous things can be used as a weapon that are everyday things, and you can fashion a firearm out of just about any tube even make a completely functioning firearm from a 3D printer. As for the bullets you don't have to use traditional propellents you can just make black powder for use as the propellent,  all 3 chemicals for making black powder are very easily gotten by anyone with no age requirement at all.  Your so tunnel visioned on the firearm aspect of it you can't see that your tax solution won't work because they would use other methods that are much more effective at killing en mass at much cheaper costs.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by merpius on 04/11/13 at 17:33:11

293D2C696B6B685B0 wrote:
and you can fashion a firearm out of just about any tube even make a completely functioning firearm from a 3D printer. As for the bullets you don't have to use traditional propellents you can just make black powder for use as the propellent,  all 3 chemicals for making black powder are very easily gotten by anyone with no age requirement at all.

+1 on this
My mom works with Burmese refugees; those guys managed to make guns out in the middle of the jungle with just crap they could find. While being regularly shelled, harassed and/or having their village invaded by troops.
If they can manage a firearm under those circumstances, then I'm sure an enterprising young (or old) mass murderer could fashion himself something pretty spectacular with what one could find and/or buy in a western city while not being shelled by artillery.

Needless to say, the Burmese guys really appreciate the right to bear arms. Hunting is easier if you don't have to make your gun first.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by houstonbofh on 04/11/13 at 18:12:46

0F0710120B1711620 wrote:
[quote author=293D2C696B6B685B0 link=1365643763/0#10 date=1365719487] and you can fashion a firearm out of just about any tube even make a completely functioning firearm from a 3D printer. As for the bullets you don't have to use traditional propellents you can just make black powder for use as the propellent,  all 3 chemicals for making black powder are very easily gotten by anyone with no age requirement at all.

I posted this to Srinath before, but since it did not support his plan so he ignored it.

Weapons made in prison, in Germany.
+1 on this
My mom works with Burmese refugees; those guys managed to make guns out in the middle of the jungle with just crap they could find. While being regularly shelled, harassed and/or having their village invaded by troops.
If they can manage a firearm under those circumstances, then I'm sure an enterprising young (or old) mass murderer could fashion himself something pretty spectacular with what one could find and/or buy in a western city while not being shelled by artillery.

Needless to say, the Burmese guys really appreciate the right to bear arms. Hunting is easier if you don't have to make your gun first.[/quote]

I posted this to Srinath before but it did not support his argument so he ignored it.

Improvised weapons made in prison.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Midnightrider on 04/11/13 at 18:46:17

Early man killed with sticks and stones. Still can if they want to. There is no way to outlaw insanity and they'res some sick SOB's out there.Our troops are supposed to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. Bring our boys home and lets straighten out our own house and protect our children.The idiotic I don't know who elected these morons in Washington want us to hide under a desk with a pair of scissors. This ol mans coming out with guns blazing legal or not. When a law makes no common sense we need to take care of our loved ones and ourselves. That should be our number one priority legal or not.Joe Biden wants his wife to empty her gun and then get killed. Maybe he has a very large life insurance policy on her.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/12/13 at 18:22:34

The burmese made guns with stuff they found - like ... gun parts ?

Y'know I am actually experienced at making motorcycles ... I just need motorcycle parts.

We are talking about a 28 body pile in ~3 minutes. Pipe bomb can do that, yes but otherwise a gun is your best bet. maybe we clamp down on guns, they will start building pipe bombs, however the bomb maker wants to walk away from the bomb. Its not the case with the random sprayer.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Trippah on 04/12/13 at 20:57:05

Obviously, since it happened in Texas, the perp was hired by the NRA to use a knife to do evil; proving the point that guns are not bad, everyone should have 5-50 and carry 1-2. 8-)

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by WD on 04/12/13 at 22:49:02

40667D6464757C140 wrote:
Obviously, since it happened in Texas, the perp was hired by the NRA to use a knife to do evil; proving the point that guns are not bad, everyone should have 5-50 and carry 1-2. 8-)


It's so far beyond easy to make a time delayed improvised explosive that even stone age cave dwellers in Afghanistan regularly do so, w/o benefit of the internet for directions. Where you can just so happen to legally, for no cost, download the official US Army field manuals for said noise makers...

Or if you were in college level ROTC for at a least a semester, it was issued to you... that's where I got mine...  ::)

If someone is hell bent on mayhem and destruction, bullets or no bullets, it is not hard to accomplish.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Paraquat on 04/13/13 at 05:36:49

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
Y'know I am actually experienced at making motorcycles ... I just need motorcycle parts.

Well then you're not that experienced. You are merely an assembler.
After all, Suzuki does it from raw materials...


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/13/13 at 20:13:24

5C6D7E6D7D796D780C0 wrote:
[quote author=6D6C77707F6A761E0 link=1365643763/0#14 date=1365816154]Y'know I am actually experienced at making motorcycles ... I just need motorcycle parts.

Well then you're not that experienced. You are merely an assembler.
After all, Suzuki does it from raw materials...


Yes my point exactly about people making guns from found materials while being bombed/shot in the jungles in burma. BTW my wife's ancestors are from burma, they are next door to India, they will do more damage to you with a rock than you can imagine, as well as they will kill birds with rocks and eat em etc etc. The caveman was relatively talented in using his hands, we suck in comparison.

Wd wrote:
It's so far beyond easy to make a time delayed improvised explosive that even stone age cave dwellers in Afghanistan regularly do so, w/o benefit of the internet for directions. Where you can just so happen to legally, for no cost, download the official US Army field manuals for said noise makers...

Correct, but see the bigger draw is that you are no where near it when it blows and takes out a bunch of random people. You get to walk away from that incident, or rather walk toward that scene and admire your work. IMHO, its a a big attraction over a shooting spree, where you will get killed, and usually they kill themselves. In a way the bomber is nearly a different animal than the shooter. Will shooters turn into bombers if the bullets cost so much they can only shoot 3-4 times - I doubt it. It remains to be seen, if we see a bunch of people with bomb vests ... that'd be an indication.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by merpius on 04/26/13 at 13:06:29

4C4D56515E4B573F0 wrote:
[quote author=5C6D7E6D7D796D780C0 link=1365643763/15#17 date=1365856609][quote author=6D6C77707F6A761E0 link=1365643763/0#14 date=1365816154]Y'know I am actually experienced at making motorcycles ... I just need motorcycle parts.

Well then you're not that experienced. You are merely an assembler.
After all, Suzuki does it from raw materials...


Yes my point exactly about people making guns from found materials while being bombed/shot in the jungles in burma. BTW my wife's ancestors are from burma, they are next door to India, they will do more damage to you with a rock than you can imagine, as well as they will kill birds with rocks and eat em etc etc. The caveman was relatively talented in using his hands, we suck in comparison.

Wd wrote:
It's so far beyond easy to make a time delayed improvised explosive that even stone age cave dwellers in Afghanistan regularly do so, w/o benefit of the internet for directions. Where you can just so happen to legally, for no cost, download the official US Army field manuals for said noise makers...

Correct, but see the bigger draw is that you are no where near it when it blows and takes out a bunch of random people. You get to walk away from that incident, or rather walk toward that scene and admire your work. IMHO, its a a big attraction over a shooting spree, where you will get killed, and usually they kill themselves. In a way the bomber is nearly a different animal than the shooter. Will shooters turn into bombers if the bullets cost so much they can only shoot 3-4 times - I doubt it. It remains to be seen, if we see a bunch of people with bomb vests ... that'd be an indication.


They made them from bamboo, leaves and various scraps of cloth. Ammunition was usually bits of metal and/or rocks, and Gunpowder was homemade. They MADE guns, not just assembled them.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Midnightrider on 04/26/13 at 23:58:51

If you really want a gun story-SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - A citizen with a gun stopped a knife wielding man as he began stabbing people Thursday evening at the downtown Salt Lake City Smith's store.

Police say the suspect purchased a knife inside the store and then turned it into a weapon. Smith's employee Dorothy Espinoza says, "He pulled it out and stood outside the Smiths in the foyer. And just started stabbing people and yelling you killed my people. You killed my people."

Espinoza says, the knife wielding man seriously injured two people. "There is blood all over. One got stabbed in the stomach and got stabbed in the head and held his hands and got stabbed all over the arms."

Then, before the suspect could find another victim - a citizen with a gun stopped the madness. "A guy pulled gun on him and told him to drop his weapon or he would shoot him. So, he dropped his weapon and the people from Smith's grabbed him."

By the time officers arrived the suspect had been subdued by employees and shoppers. Police had high praise for gun carrying man who ended the hysteria. Lt. Brian Purvis said, "This was a volatile situation that could have gotten worse. We can only assume from what we saw it could have gotten worse. He was definitely in the right place at the right time."

Dozens of other shoppers, who too could have become victims, are also thankful for the gun carrying man. And many, like Danylle Julian, are still in shock from the experience. "Scary actually. Really scary. Five minutes before I walk out to my car. It could have been me."

Police say right now they have no idea what caused the suspect to go on the dangerous rampage. (We will update as soon as we learn new information.)

So far, police have not released the names of the suspect, the victims or the man who pulled the gun.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by 45acp on 04/27/13 at 07:16:18

should have shot him. he will get out of jail and do it again.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Midnightrider on 04/28/13 at 08:50:01

This guy is a terrorist. He was trying to prove a point. On the other hand you have criminals. They're in it for personal gain, example, thieves, gangs, pimps, drug dealers. murdering the opposition. They sell drugs and run the streets. A terrorist doesn't care if he survives and he will use any weapon available.He's just out to prove a point, its a form of insanity. Bombs, knives, anything that can be used to kill someone are the tools of his trade. A criminal wants to survive and profit. A gun fits his lifestyle better. A criminal is easier to catch because he is out in public more often. To help prevent a criminal attack stay off his streets or the bad part of town. Every town has a bad neighborhood or two.. There's no hiding from terrorist. Terrorist love public crowded places Terrorist hide out while planning mass destruction and are more hard to capture.. A terrorist does not care if you outlaw guns. There are bigger and better weapons out there. As the country spirals downward terrorism will become more widespread. People are frustrated and depressed and they're looking for a way to relieve all the bad feelings and are trying to prove a point. As the economy keeps getting worse their will be more criminal activity. Now more than ever we need our guns for self protection.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Midnightrider on 04/28/13 at 08:58:35

4946505046534A46514046230 wrote:
should have shot him. he will get out of jail and do it again.

On the other hand if we have to deal with them its good to capture one alive every now and then and try to find out why they do it. We already know physciatric drugs are a major part of it. What else is going on? I agree he should never be let out of prison!

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/28/13 at 09:21:42

Gun control is meant to prevent crazies from buying em.
No one is going to stop the non criminal from getting them.
A $100 bullet wont stop either in this case. The 100 bullet will only stop the sprayer.
Anyway the recent massive purchases by the govt - that may have caused the guy to buy knives instead of guns or bullets ... and 2 people injured ... no one dead. If it was guns it would be 10 dead 20 injured if there were that many ...

And the good samaritan would have had to shoot and kill him ...

Crazy people are everywhere.

Guns let them pile up the bodies fast.

Knives make a smaller pile and takes longer.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/28/13 at 19:21:10

2C243331283432410 wrote:
[quote author=4C4D56515E4B573F0 link=1365643763/15#18 date=1365909204][quote author=5C6D7E6D7D796D780C0 link=1365643763/15#17 date=1365856609][quote author=6D6C77707F6A761E0 link=1365643763/0#14 date=1365816154]Y'know I am actually experienced at making motorcycles ... I just need motorcycle parts.

Well then you're not that experienced. You are merely an assembler.
After all, Suzuki does it from raw materials...


Yes my point exactly about people making guns from found materials while being bombed/shot in the jungles in burma. BTW my wife's ancestors are from burma, they are next door to India, they will do more damage to you with a rock than you can imagine, as well as they will kill birds with rocks and eat em etc etc. The caveman was relatively talented in using his hands, we suck in comparison.

Wd wrote:
It's so far beyond easy to make a time delayed improvised explosive that even stone age cave dwellers in Afghanistan regularly do so, w/o benefit of the internet for directions. Where you can just so happen to legally, for no cost, download the official US Army field manuals for said noise makers...

Correct, but see the bigger draw is that you are no where near it when it blows and takes out a bunch of random people. You get to walk away from that incident, or rather walk toward that scene and admire your work. IMHO, its a a big attraction over a shooting spree, where you will get killed, and usually they kill themselves. In a way the bomber is nearly a different animal than the shooter. Will shooters turn into bombers if the bullets cost so much they can only shoot 3-4 times - I doubt it. It remains to be seen, if we see a bunch of people with bomb vests ... that'd be an indication.


They made them from bamboo, leaves and various scraps of cloth. Ammunition was usually bits of metal and/or rocks, and Gunpowder was homemade. They MADE guns, not just assembled them. [/quote]

OK then ... how many bullets a second ? what muzzle velocity ? and how accurate would a bamboo leaf and cloth gun be ? Really I would like to know ...
So when someone says they are a man of the cloth ... we could ask them what about bamboo and leaf ?

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Dane Allen on 04/29/13 at 13:07:51

36312B2D2A31303C3138365E0 wrote:
Also the same school as the shooting in January.  All of the students are pissed that they are not allowed to defend themselves, and that "Gun Free" doesn't mean squat.

Excellent point!! Since it was a gun free zone then it is obvious no one got injured as gun free zones guarantee people's safety. Therefore, this didn't happen, move along, nothing to see here. Now Global Warming definitely could have caused the injuries described above, greenhouse gases are the real culprit.

Anyone who says different is in violation of the speaking outside the 5 by 5 foot square free speech zone located between the backside of the football field 5 yard line bleachers and the campus boiler vault.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by bill67 on 04/29/13 at 13:15:57

Kids should not be allowed in Kindergarten unless they are  50% accurate with a lease one type of gun.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 04/29/13 at 19:41:08

6D48474C6845454C47290 wrote:
Anyone who says different is in violation of the speaking outside the 5 by 5 foot square free speech zone located between the backside of the football field 5 yard line bleachers and the campus boiler vault.

That's what the republicommunists would like us to believe ...

"Gun free zone" = people (students) get arrested for bringing a gun into there ... like students bringing guns to school ... which believe it or not, happens far more often than a school stabbing or a shooting.


Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by Dane Allen on 05/03/13 at 10:13:51

67667D7A75607C140 wrote:
[quote author=6D48474C6845454C47290 link=1365643763/15#26 date=1367266071]
Anyone who says different is in violation of the speaking outside the 5 by 5 foot square free speech zone located between the backside of the football field 5 yard line bleachers and the campus boiler vault.

That's what the republicommunists would like us to believe ...

"Gun free zone" = people (students) get arrested for bringing a gun into there ... like students bringing guns to school ... which believe it or not, happens far more often than a school stabbing or a shooting.


This cannot happen!!!! It is a gun free zone so you can't arrest someone for doing the impossible. No one brings guns to school because it is a gun free zone, didn't you read the sign?? May as well blame a student for causing a supernova 200 million light-years away.

Title: Re: Crazy guy goes on killing spree and wounds 14!
Post by srinath on 05/03/13 at 10:18:57

42676863476A6A6368060 wrote:
[quote author=67667D7A75607C140 link=1365643763/15#28 date=1367289668][quote author=6D48474C6845454C47290 link=1365643763/15#26 date=1367266071]
Anyone who says different is in violation of the speaking outside the 5 by 5 foot square free speech zone located between the backside of the football field 5 yard line bleachers and the campus boiler vault.

That's what the republicommunists would like us to believe ...

"Gun free zone" = people (students) get arrested for bringing a gun into there ... like students bringing guns to school ... which believe it or not, happens far more often than a school stabbing or a shooting.


This cannot happen!!!! It is a gun free zone so you can't arrest someone for doing the impossible. No one brings guns to school because it is a gun free zone, didn't you read the sign?? May as well blame a student for causing a supernova 200 million light-years away.[/quote]

Right right right ... and when it does happen like it did a few days ago ... the fool can get kicked out. Duh ... that what the rule is there for ... you dont have to get a gun in there and start shooting ... you get a gun there its a crime.

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