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Message started by Oldfeller on 04/08/13 at 10:30:28

Title: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/08/13 at 10:30:28

Looking to see a bunch of new stuff inside the next 2 weeks -- new new new forward reaching stuff, kept in deep dark secret places until it is trotted out on a show stage WOW type stuff.

Google has been uber secretive about Android 5.0 and the Nexus 7.7 and Nexus 10.10 and what the interrelations between the two are.

The Chinese (who make all the phones) have dropped working on ANY dual core phones as of a few months ago.   (You do know that the "new" phones actually at the AT&T store range back in time 1-2 years, don't you?   America no longer even gets the newest new stuff until 6 mos to a year passes.   We are no longer the prime sales market, Asia and Europe come first before we get it.)

We have some info from Linaro that great amount of work has been done recently to tune the kernel to properly support 4-10 cores of primary processor power.

We have incidental info from Firefox saying they are re-writing all their core products away from Gekko language (shaky 2 core support) to a new language that supports 64 bits and xx cores naturally.

We now know that Google has rewritten Chrome browser and Chrome OS away from webkit (2 core support) to a forked version of their own design (which will enter into the mainstream Linux Kernel in the normal fashion when it becomes prevalent).

Look to see the 64 bit change over start to start up in the next two weeks ....

The future, she comes ....

Prediction Time

Apple comes out with eyeball tracking and other tricks to make Ipads better than ever.

Android comes out with eyeball tracking and other tricks to make Nexus better than ever.

People won't be able to fully upgrade their phones if they have a dual core chipset, they will fall over the tech cliff into oblivion.

Some Chinese companies become household phone/tablet names staring next week.

Some American companies drop by the wayside.

Apple MUST play their new stuff game now, or they will lose some market share before Christmas of this year.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/10/13 at 07:04:10

And the first shot from the China show comes from ..... Intel.

"Hey guys, don't pay any attention to the rest of this show because our Bay Trail Chipset is coming in very late 2013 at 22nm and is is going to be a quad core that is gonna be really really great and just in time to miss the Christmas sales season."

Sad thing is Intel has been hawking this Bay Trail chipset for longer than one whole ARM development cycle now, and during that over one year period of time ARM has actually delivered up a whole bunch of quad core chipsets, the best of which are now at 20nm and shrinking to 16nm shortly.   Clover Trail is the chip set Intel actually delivered this year, and it is just another 32nm dual core ATOM chip in a whole world of 28nm quad core ARM stuff.

Intel yaks about their future vaporwear, while ARM delivers their quad core chips, then actually has the time to improve them for a full nm shift/generation before Intel even makes it to the starting gate.

Prediction:  by the time 22nm quad core Bay Trail actually ships inside a product there will be several 20nm octa core ARM chip sets inside a product shipping at or under 20nm.   Christmas will be ARM this year, quad core and 28nm or better across the board.

.... and Intel slips further behind from that point onwards, heading towards "who cares?' year by year by year.

At this point Intel has no answer to Big/LITTLE for power consumption and they haven't even announced any future vaporware plans for an octa core chipset for a tablet or a laptop.  Their developmental speed sucks compared even to the Chinese little guys and I suspect they will be lapped by them shortly as well as the new ARM generations keep rolling out year on year.

Prediction:  By 2016, Intel will not be in front of even the Chinese little guys on nanometer size or core count.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by verslagen1 on 04/10/13 at 07:10:45

If they did that last, there'd be no end to the laughter.
This way they just say next slide please... ok, comon... let's get serious... can we get some smelling salts up front... ok, ok, let's calm down.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by rfw2003 on 04/10/13 at 10:42:37

I for one can't wait for android OS 5,  I've already got a quad core phone just itching for a new o/s that makes full use of the cores.   I've also got a Nexus 7  16GB model but I can't remember what processor or number of cores it's got.

I use my phone alot more then I do the tablet for all my mobile needs, the screen is almost as big, it's the Samsung Galaxy Note 2


Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/10/13 at 17:40:21

First shot goes to Intel, first news story goes to Microsoft (who isn't even attending the Chinese show, but can still make the first big news story)

PCs hit by an ugly quarterly drop as Windows 8 flops is the headline.   11 to 14 percent drop in 3 months time is the number.

(that is a big drop in sales thrown up against a matching increasing market share uptick in Android and IOs products).

Once again, the buzz at the Chinese pre-show events is that the Microsoft Win8 partners have all taken it in the neck BIG TIME over Windows 8, the worst hit of the crew were the Windows phone and Windows RT partners who took BIG losses in stale inventory and tied up (idle) production lines.  

Best Buy had better MOVE some of that stuff at discount or else you are going to begin to lose some marginal vendors soon.

It is not accidental that Acer, Dell and Lenovo are shipping Ubuntu OS pre-installed on devices right now.   Folks feel a real need to hedge good 'ol Microsoft right now and they don't want to have to use super premium bits and pieces just to use Win8 RT or Win8 Pro for an OS.

Now, let's see what plays out with XP timing out soon (a synthetic forced MS obsolescence) and let's see what really happens to all those old machines that still comprise nearly 50% of the PC base right now.   "Education" in particular is filled with these old machines and there is no money to buy a new replacement unit right now .....

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/10/13 at 19:36:31

And Microsoft rings the news gong again .... not even being there they are once again hot news during pre-show time.

No Microsoft Office for iOS, Android until fall 2014?

"An alleged road map for Microsoft's coming Gemini wave of Office updates, if accurate, indicates Microsoft's Office for iOS and Android -- as well as Outlook for Windows RT -- might not happen as soon as many had hoped for and expected."

Now, bounce this around the China Mobil Conference for two weeks and let all the folks talk to it and about it during their various presentations of alternate tablet and phone OS systems.   You could get yourself a budding consensus of an action plan that simply doesn't include Microsoft at all, not even at the fringes, not even with the products that people actually like (but apparently cannot ever get).

Before long, somebody will have to ask Linus an innocent question at a Helsinki University Linux talk about this topic, and Linus may well have to apply his middle finger of death again to yet another uncooperative bullheaded vendor.

Fall of 2014 will be quite a ways out measured in ARM time, and everyone will then be deep deep inside the 64 bit changeover mode by then.  Things will be moving way way too fast for Microsoft to hit the hillside behind the backstop, much less hit a rapidly evolving and moving ARM/Linux target.  

And remember, Google just bought themselves a ARM/Android company that makes a Office compatible suit that opens, changes and saves a standard MS file just fine.   Such an item may well become the open source standard for MS file exchange, contributing code to Open Office and all the rest as needed to make MS's current stupidity/stubborness pretty much a non-issue by fall of 2014.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Cavi Mike on 04/11/13 at 02:06:56

I hope MS as a whole becomes a non-issue sometime in the near future. One can dream.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/13/13 at 09:43:58

Well, Microsoft/Intel's last chance at large scale relevance in phone/tablet space depends on ARM/Android/Linux screwing up the 64 bit transition in some meaningful manner, and making a bobble period that gives Wintel a chance to exceed/excel during that bobble period.

You can see that Intel's hardware timing for Bay Trail is aimed at the early half of 2014 and Microsoft is frantically working at optimizing Windows Blue (9.0) to fit that hardware feature set exactly, yielding optimized results.   Given a whole year, they might actually make it.

The weakest moment in any new hardware platform is the 64 bit transition period, when standards for the new 64 bit OS are not jelled completely and the hardware isn't compliant completely because the specs aren't shaken out completely yet and both are "searching" for a fit.

Yes, you see everybody working on 64 bit right now -- but are they coordinated enough?   ARM and Android and Linaro are in lock step so far, so if your cheap Chinese hardware isn't 64 bit standardized then you get booted down to the 32 bit execution mode instantly which is where you should stay.

My prediction here is that the Chinese quad core A9 guys make no effort to go 64 bit in any meaningful way, so the 2014 grades of Android must make a quick decision to execute in 32 bit mode and simply go that way for these products and always execute in 32 bit mode using fast 32 bit programming.   Actually, a separate 32 bit Android makes sense for at least one transition flavor of 64 bit Android ....

A major bobble would be having the software check every time a program lights up (slows down things considerably).    Much smarter would be having a separate Android xx for 32 bit processors and a fully optimized Android xx for the relatively few first generation 64 bit fully compatible devices.  

Or simply not allow incompatible devices to load the new 64 bit software in the first place.

This would give a cut off wall at Key Lime Pie for anybody who isn't fully 64 bit compatible.   Mellow Macaroon would not even start up unless you had a fully compatible 64 bit system to run it on.   Harsh, yes, but if you go muddled you give away relevance and a second chance to Wintel for in essence "better planning" than yours.

Microsoft/Intel's last true hope is a muddled up mess in Android land that allows them to excel for a short period of time.   We will see which camp can keep their act together better during this critical period.


......  Ballmer's Last Stand, Intel's Alamo

If I were Wintel, the people working on Bay Trail would sit in the same physical office as the Windows Blue people, desks side by side with the hardware/software guys from the two companies paired up for each major chunk of the software.   And their stated goal would be "excellence in optimization" right at the product launch.   They might even merge the two companies together (if Intel was stupid enough to do that to themselves).

Heck, if they want to be Apple so durn bad then by golly do it like Apple does ...

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/15/13 at 08:05:15

Cisco just sold the Linksys division to Belkin.
 I can remember when Cisco was the internet hardware god and Belkin was a chinesy Chinese rip off of a Netware device.

Things have changed, haven't they?


Rockchip's A9 multi cores (duals and quads) have all 100% swapped from the 40nm to the 28nm manufacturing processes.   The cheap Chinese stuff is now being built on last year's primo lithography process.

The silent inference here is that the brand new 16-20nm lines are busily making the big boys state of the art chipsets, you know, the ones that ran on the 28nm line last year.

OK, Apple ran their new stuff first, now comes the new 20nm Nvidia and Exnos and the Snapdragons.   We should see a wave of product intros starting soon.

I still have a hard time getting my head around the "cheap Chinese hand held stuff" using 3 year old ARM designs is now faster than a CRAY II supercomputer .....  my head just boggles at it.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by rfw2003 on 04/15/13 at 09:39:57

597A7270737A7A7364160 wrote:

Cisco just sold the Linksys division to Belkin.
 I can remember when Cisco was the internet hardware god and Belkin was a chinesy Chinese rip off of a Netware device.

Things have changed, haven't they?

Well now that that has happened maybe Cisco will get their act together again and start putting out decent switches again.  They really went down hill when they got on board with Linksys.


Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by houstonbofh on 04/15/13 at 16:16:51

382C3D787A7A794A0 wrote:
[quote author=597A7270737A7A7364160 link=1365442228/0#8 date=1366038315]
Cisco just sold the Linksys division to Belkin.
 I can remember when Cisco was the internet hardware god and Belkin was a chinesy Chinese rip off of a Netware device.

Things have changed, haven't they?

Well now that that has happened maybe Cisco will get their act together again and start putting out decent switches again.  They really went down hill when they got on board with Linksys.

They both tanked fast after the merger.  Now maybe Linksys can get better too...

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/15/13 at 20:16:39

My wife wants to use her Ipad to beam a movie over to the TV using air play.  This is a wifey request as we are considering dumping cable again and she wants to get to all her shows that she is currently watching on her Ipad up on the big screen.

Apple TV is quite expensive and it doesn't work 100% with older Ipads.   I told her this up front.

What to do?    :-/     What to do?      

I told her to get her Ipad upgraded to IOS 5 at the Apple Store in Raleigh NC, get her airplay button up on the screen and I'd try to get her a box for the TV.

I watch this shite go by all the time and I remembered seeing a box with a large wifi antenna and it had decent memory and it made some Airplay claims for Ipads mirroring to the big TV using a driver they supply.

So, what the heck, for $69 I looked it back up again and I bought one -- it will arrive in two weeks roughly.

I am not so naive that I expect it to actually suck a signal well enough from an across the room Ipad to watch a real movie out of it, but I do expect it to come in fully rooted so I can load a future OS on it later on after the wife tires of her new toy and I get to re-purpose it later on.   Until then, I got a cordless keyboard to drive the thing and I can play with Android a bit to see what it can do compared to my old PC (  ;) without risking or wasting anything as it is a Wifey Do Project  ::) ).



Key thing here is I didn't spend a mint on an apple box that has known issues, and I can always claim the Chinese lied to me and show her the Youtube video of it working.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by verslagen1 on 04/15/13 at 20:37:06

you devil you   [smiley=evil.gif]

netflicks supposed to be over net

couple others too

let us know how it works.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by rfw2003 on 04/15/13 at 21:10:20

OF this is the one I would have gotten if I were you, it's got the Exynos 4412 Quad core cpu in it

MK4412 Quad-core Exynos 4412 Android 4.2.1 Mini PC (

It's on the same site from the link you provided above.


Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/16/13 at 09:41:19

I looked at the newer quad core sticks and the impression I get is that they aren't fully cooked yet.   THERE IS NO SOFTWARE can use the raw ability of those 4 each 1.6 mhz A9 cores quite yet.

This is an older box, using an older 4.1 "they call it stable" version of Jelly Bean Android that has all the bugs worked out of it -- supposedly.   The software that is out there can use the two cores effectively and there are Linux distros for the RK3088 sticks and mine is unlocked from the factory, just pop in the SD card with the distro on it.

At 1.6 mhz it is close to as fast as any dual core out there, it has Airplay ready to go supposedly and it has that big honkin' antenna which according to reports does totally fix the wifi issues as I have to use wifi for a connection.

Plus the price has dropped some, to half what your proposed box would cost.   I think I have enough excuse to buy it ....

NO, YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU BUY two weeks after you buy it -- Android is evolving just that fast.    Android evolves so fast that a kickstarter "state of the art" system is slightly moldy by the time it actually ships and the projects I watch with interest are the ones who have solid plans for processor board replacement that can happen periodically.

Last year this time an Allwinner A10 single core A8 processor was "state of the real" for stick PCs, 1 ghz processor with 512meg systems memory.   Video was a single core Mali 400 graphics chip at 200 mhz.

Same money this year can buy you a dual or quad core A9 with 4 core Mali 400 graphics at 500 mhz.  Folks estimate that improvements are coming at 4 times the best Moores Law speed that Wintel ever reached and software innovation is not keeping up with the hardware.

So, I bought for a stable respectable software/hardware match up that is actually doing the stuff my wife wants to do, at the best cost at the point in time I bought it.   I think that's the best I can do right now.

And at $70 shipping included, it is cheap enough to try try again in a year or so if it doesn't please completely.


Hope for the future is that Google actually enforces some real standards through Linaro and their Android software to force everyone to keep their stuff in fairly close compatability lock step going into the 64 bit change over.  

Issue is right now the Chinese are playing around with the Android OS itself to custom compile something that will run on their whacked hardware mix ups .... very very much non-standard right now.

If they go into the 64 bit change over all fragmented all over the place they give Microsoft/Intel their chance to shine next year.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by rfw2003 on 04/16/13 at 09:47:55

I hear what your saying OF,  it's just like the phone I've got now the Samsung Galaxy Note II,  it's got the quad core chip in it and I know the current Android OS doesn't make use of it, but I also know that the Android OS 5 would be coming out long before I upgraded again and it would be built to make use of the quad core chips.  That's why I bought the phone. That way when Google releases the OS and all the big guys on the hacking train get ahold of it, I'll have Android 5 on my phone long before Verizon ever sends out an update for it, if they even do.


Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/16/13 at 14:53:41

The prediction was that a Chinese phone becomes a household name this year.  Can you pronounce "zow-me" said kinda like in "wow me"?  
It is spelled Xiaomi in Chinglish.

"Xiaomi president Lin Bin aims to ship 15 million superphones in 2013" and he plans to penetrate the US market by selling the phones at cost.

The secret is you may be using this guy's phone already but it has AT&T or Verizon marked on the body and they were marked up a WHOLE BUNCH.  
Foolish Americans, I sell them at YOUR cost, not my cost ..... I make plenty yen profit.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/18/13 at 07:24:18

I mentioned Dell and others are shipping Ubuntu boxes and laptops now for folks who hate Win8, so lookie what else Dell is now selling as a "thin client" that is matched up to their web based services so you can run "whatever" software you want on the server and beam it to your office wall display device at will.  

Android is the OS under the skin of the device itself, so if you break through the skin you have all the stuff in the Android market available to you.

Now, this thought of using main servers to hold and run "whatever" software isn't new, Google has been offering it for a while as well as an adjunct to their Chrome OS business.   And yeah, this stick PC is just being used as a display device for a big flatscreen -- it isn't being thought of as a PC yet.

Now, if Google offered this sort of service for free, then you could run your "full power" windows world off your cell phone if you wanted to.

Prediction was that Android begins to gain traction as a real OS inside the business world ....  might actually be starting to happen some, who knows?   If you count the Apple devices, then yes it has begun to change.  IT departments are making allowances for IOS for the mac lovers.

Anyway, Dell and HP have started marketing Android to mainstream USA now and are incorporating it into the USA's home and business life products.

This means that Wintel's old "we'll lock you out" threat to the American hardware folks isn't being seen as effective any more.

The internal pressure level at Wintel from Win8 flopping must be immense right about now ....  ditto for at their old solid & faithful business partners.   Win9 comes soonest, with bells on no less.

Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by rfw2003 on 04/22/13 at 13:19:48

Well the Big Little is reaching the cell phone market finally along with the Android Key Lime Pie.  Samsung will be putting the big little with the 4 A15 and 4 A7 processors and the mali 400 on it in the Samsung galaxy S4 in select markets and when they release the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in September it will have the same Octo core big little but with the mali 600 series graphics core in it. Both phones with the Big Little will be clocked at 1.9ghz from the factory.


Title: Re: Tech News for Android 5 & Chinese show
Post by Oldfeller on 04/22/13 at 18:08:17

If they hit reality with 1.9 ghz octa-core chipset with 20 something graphics core in a Mali 6xx chipset in September that is really gonna put a hurting on poor ol' Intel when they come churning up next year with a lesser 4 core chip configuration than what sold all last year in ARM/Android land.

Watch out for Android/Linux to release off a kernel that has full 64/32 bit support and do it one full generation in advance of the actual 64 bit chips hitting the ground  -- this gives a little extra time for folks to get coordinated with the real actual 64/32 bit program on both the software and hardware sides (cuts down on bobbles, it does).   It also gives a full debug cycle to the 64 bit OS in advance of normal customers getting hold of the hardware software combo in a widespread fashion.

Not to mention the A57/A53 generation will be out starting sometimes next spring/early summer at 64 bits no less ....   I bet Google releases a 64 bit Beta hardware/software laptop system early to their dedicated supporters so they can help kick all the bugs out before the 64 bit Android goes public.   They have done this before for this exact reason -- successfully, BTW.

These new 64 bit ARM chips will hit the ground at around 2 ghz per core and go up from there speedwise as the nanometer goes down and down and down over the generations  .....

...... and the sea of core counts will go up and up and up and up.   Intel will start to see a match up at each of their power levels with a matching ARM core count and configuration (at about half the cost).

The first of these new 64 bit ARM chipsets will come out of the gate at the old CRAY III performance level.    Somebody will post a code off between a CRAY III and a handheld Android device using same/similar tests if they can swing it just for the PR value of the event.


Reality check time.   Gaming has come to Linux in a significant fashion (Steam).   Apple has invaded the business world with laptops and tablets and been accepted and supported by IT departments.   Google is becoming supported by business using the Chrome OS system to make life easier for corporate IT departments to keep up with executive's laptops.    The same one Google executive manager is in now charge of both Android and Chrome OS .... and Google is actively denying "any plans exist to merge the systems at this point in time" .....

Microsoft has fielded yet another flop again, Win8 is not on the corporate upgrade path at this time in its current form.  

Windows8 RT for ARM processors was stillborn at delivery .....  

(the doc spanked it and everyone who mistakenly bought one cried, but the baby itself died in the delivery room without making a sound) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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