General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What a hoot.....

Message started by raydawg on 04/07/13 at 19:28:49

Title: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/07/13 at 19:28:49

When I need to keep things in perspective, a visit to any political message board fits the bill. Why anyone could invest any energy into believing politicians really care about anything other than themselves is beyond me. Oh sure, they will feign and act accordingly, but only after they dissect the issue/problem to see which side of the tit offers the most milk.....
Yeah, they care about D's and R's and the tooth fairy AFTER they assure more money and power to themselves implementing useful fools in the process.....and the press/media, works for them, untold billions are raised and spent campaigning through their outlets and airwaves.

Dance, dance my little children,
watch the flames leap about.....
It was Rome that burnt,
years ago...
asylum doors wide open,
crazy been let out!

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by 45acp on 04/07/13 at 19:55:44

well said

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/12/13 at 19:03:37

555A4C4C5A4F565A4D5C5A3F0 wrote:
well said

Thank you.......

Yeah, mirrors can be hard to look at. Most people really have no idea how indoctrination has distorted their depth perception.

A question to all, if you can. Do you welcome opposing beliefs, and views, as an opportunity to challenge your own, or do you buttress, and defend, them instead?

I know I have witnessed more closed minds, by those touting their own open-mindedness..... as if their own witness, and testimony, of themselves, make it true  :o  

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/12/13 at 19:17:05

While all of this is true ... no one is under any illusion that any side is good in absolute terms.

The only thing worse than this side my friend, is that side.

Being Open minded doesn't always imply open to everything. It may just mean open to some things. Example: I am open to gay marriage equality. I am not open to being gay.

So isn't that me being a hypocrite ... or is that me being close minded.

Yea whatever ... I dont care for labels, and I dont care for being judged and dont care if you are whatever you want to say you are or not.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by WD on 04/12/13 at 19:18:02

Hard to say Ray... I never swallowed the bilge of multiculturalism, organized religion, etc. I was raised as though it was still the late 40s or early 50s and none of the pc pansy-fication had been started.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/12/13 at 20:08:25

4B4A5156594C50380 wrote:
While all of this is true ... no one is under any illusion that any side is good in absolute terms.

The only thing worse than this side my friend, is that side.

Being Open minded doesn't always imply open to everything. It may just mean open to some things. Example: I am open to gay marriage equality. I am not open to being gay.

So isn't that me being a hypocrite ... or is that me being close minded.

Yea whatever ... I dont care for labels, and I dont care for being judged and dont care if you are whatever you want to say you are or not.


Lol....I'd not label you as a hypocrite (by what you wrote), no, but I could easily cast you as a contradiction  :-*

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/12/13 at 20:18:42

4251150 wrote:
Hard to say Ray... I never swallowed the bilge of multiculturalism, organized religion, etc. I was raised as though it was still the late 40s or early 50s and none of the pc pansy-fication had been started.

Swallowed.....oh yeah, then it wasn't sex  ;D  Sorry, me bad, but Clinton just came to mind and I'm very impulsive at times  ::)

Well you might not have swallowed it WD. but nevertheless, just being exposed to it through public policies, media, music, arts, have had to nibble on it, or live in a cave.

I am not putting any stamp on it you understand, but, by your own testimony, via the verbiage you close with, tells me it has indeed infringed upon your world to a point where you assign it as such.....

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by WD on 04/12/13 at 22:35:20

I'll admit to being born a couple hundred years too late...

I remember western WA before it was a..hmmm... not sure how to describe it now to be honest. So liberal it makes San Francisco look like 3rd Reich Berlin comes to mind...  ::)

Boeing, Martinac and Todd (shipyards), and the timber companies ran the state. Tucci and other mobbed up construction companies had a lot of pull then, but not like they did when I was back out there from 11/01-3/11... And there was no way card carrying commies like Locke and Gregoire were ever more than minor functionaries (instead of multi term governors who drug the state into the sewers to appease King County and other hotbeds of "the world owes me whatever I want" lunacy).

I can also remember quite generous daily bag limits for fishing and hunting, before the game dept got castrated and was no longer allowed to prosecute immigrants who were poaching. I remember free punch cards for salmon, no card needed for crab, steelhead, shellfish (except razor clams)... State parks that were not transient camps or meth labs... Evergreen was the only shame of the state college system...

Rant over (for now). At least here in the civilized world I can get 3 deer a day, all 3 seasons, for free...

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by Dane Allen on 04/12/13 at 22:43:34

081B5F0 wrote:
I'll admit to being born a couple hundred years too late...

I remember western WA before it was a..hmmm... not sure how to describe it now to be honest. So liberal it makes San Francisco look like 3rd Reich Berlin comes to mind...  ::)

Boeing, Martinac and Todd (shipyards), and the timber companies ran the state. Tucci and other mobbed up construction companies had a lot of pull then, but not like they did when I was back out there from 11/01-3/11... And there was no way card carrying commies like Locke and Gregoire were ever more than minor functionaries (instead of multi term governors who drug the state into the sewers to appease King County and other hotbeds of "the world owes me whatever I want" lunacy).

I can also remember quite generous daily bag limits for fishing and hunting, before the game dept got castrated and was no longer allowed to prosecute immigrants who were poaching. I remember free punch cards for salmon, no card needed for crab, steelhead, shellfish (except razor clams)... State parks that were not transient camps or meth labs... Evergreen was the only shame of the state college system...

Rant over (for now). At least here in the civilized world I can get 3 deer a day, all 3 seasons, for free...

Wow, I've been gone a while but I didn't know it was that bad now. Went to Spokane in '96 and left the State in '01. I heard Dino Rossi lost to Gregoire after, like, the 4th or 5th recount and I knew the State was done. I go back to visit family but, yeah, even my conservative high school friends have switched teams but can't explain why. They spout the liberal talking points but break down after the first question I ask. They weren't give answers, just talking points. Pretty sad.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by WD on 04/12/13 at 22:55:55

So you know my sell out traitor little brother... who went from belonging the both the Sinn Fein and IRA, plus the American Nazi Party, who was a hard drinking, hard fighting typical Tacoma area thug... to having triplet girls with a psychotic ex-Mormon NYC/Dallas liberal who made him dump his sports car for an imported econobox sedan.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/14/13 at 13:34:53

I can't speak for anywhere other than where I live on the island, and yes, its a melting pot. We have many artist residing here, who bend to the left in the public eye, but in private conversations, they get more conservative when it comes to personal beliefs/choices, etc.

We also have a fairly large Lesbian population on this end of the island, and again, most live a very conservative lifestyle, yet endorse candidates pushed by the main stream media....

And of course we have a large segment of "sportsmen" who hunt, fish, etc, and I'd say they pretty much split a ticket, as they share a lot of environmental issues with the left. I'd guess that number will change tho because of the push against firearms..... not sure.

Most here live in harmony, very accepting and appreciative of ALL the diversity, beliefs, and POV's. I guess the small town influences holds more sway than the divisive crap you see in the media.

TV and major newspapers really aren't very popular out here....talking, and living life in person, as opposed to the tube, and INTERNET, etc, trump....
When you live life as such, you find out we all share a lot more in common, than that which separates us.

Nothing new with that, just forgotten in today's mindset is all  ;D

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/14/13 at 14:31:01

If you want to go hunting for the worst legislation ever passed go look for "Bi-Partisan Agreements",, neither party wants to be remembered as responsible & the globalists who are actually calling the shots demand it be passed, so, after much hand wringing & publicity showing members of both party looking down, kicking the dirt,, looking uncomfortable & talking about "The HARD Choices" they somehow manage to "Come Together" & screw us,, I mean, Do the best thing for the country..

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/14/13 at 16:56:37

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
If you want to go hunting for the worst legislation ever passed go look for "Bi-Partisan Agreements",, neither party wants to be remembered as responsible & the globalists who are actually calling the shots demand it be passed, so, after much hand wringing & publicity showing members of both party looking down, kicking the dirt,, looking uncomfortable & talking about "The HARD Choices" they somehow manage to "Come Together" & screw us,, I mean, Do the best thing for the country..

Well JOG I can't rebut your observation in factual content....but if we dig a little deeper perhaps we might find the root cause. Politicians have long ago abandoned leadership roles where they stake a claim, rising or falling accordingly. Today they all employ focus groups, polls, etc, trying to decide the best choice, or side, to take.....much like advertising firms trying to market a product with the best chance of success (sales). They have spin doctors who repair their lies, etc.

But lets be honest here, we, you and I, and everyone reading this, have abrogated our own responsibility in assuring our brothers and sisters needs are met at the neighborly level.....opting instead to let the government handle it, and I can't think of one program they do efficiently. Once vested with the responsibility, they use it to empower themselves....and you only need look at history to see how it has been deployed.          

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by oldNslow on 04/14/13 at 18:13:57

raydog wrote:

But lets be honest here, we, you and I, and everyone reading this, have abrogated our own responsibility in assuring our brothers and sisters needs are met at the neighborly level.....

Maybe our " brothers and sisters" ought to be workin'a little harder to meet their own needs instead of assuming it's our(or the government's) responsibility. Let's be honest here. Maybe you been sippin on some of that socialist kool-aid thats goin' around. Helpin' out a neighbor down on his luck now and then is one thing - providing for their NEEDS is something else altogether.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/14/13 at 19:46:33

4A7475796B7776180 wrote:
raydog wrote:

But lets be honest here, we, you and I, and everyone reading this, have abrogated our own responsibility in assuring our brothers and sisters needs are met at the neighborly level.....

Maybe our " brothers and sisters" ought to be workin'a little harder to meet their own needs instead of assuming it's our(or the government's) responsibility. Let's be honest here. Maybe you been sippin on some of that socialist kool-aid thats goin' around. Helpin' out a neighbor down on his luck now and then is one thing - providing for their NEEDS is something else altogether.

I honestly don't think so.....

I think those who you find wanting are just a symptom of a greater problem, which I alluded to previously. Most folk thrive when given an opportunity, self worth being the greatest asset in doing so....a great repair/solution to addictions (of all kinds) and mental health.

I love the analogy of the good Samaritan,  still has a ton o' merit even in today's "advanced" societies.  

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by oldNslow on 04/15/13 at 05:14:05

raydog wrote:

I think those who you find wanting are just a symptom of a greater problem, which I alluded to previously. Most folk thrive when given an opportunity, self worth being the greatest asset in doing so....a great repair/solution to addictions (of all kinds) and mental health.

Change "Most" to "Some" in the sentence above and I'll agree with you. However, there are far too many folks nowday who believe they are ENTITLED to having their needs(whatever they perceive them to be) provided by someone else. In the state where I happen to reside those folks now outnumber the people who actually work for a living by a rather significant margin. And some of them represent the second or third generation of people who are quite happy with that situation. They wouldn't recognize an opportunity if you hit them in the head with it. Unless of course it was an opportunity to game the system and increase their benefits.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by bill67 on 04/15/13 at 05:34:01

427C7D71637F7E100 wrote:
raydog wrote:

I think those who you find wanting are just a symptom of a greater problem, which I alluded to previously. Most folk thrive when given an opportunity, self worth being the greatest asset in doing so....a great repair/solution to addictions (of all kinds) and mental health.

Change "Most" to "Some" in the sentence above and I'll agree with you. However, there are far too many folks nowday who believe they are ENTITLED to having their needs(whatever they perceive them to be) provided by someone else. In the state where I happen to reside those folks now outnumber the people who actually work for a living by a rather significant margin. And some of them represent the second or third generation of people who are quite happy with that situation. They wouldn't recognize an opportunity if you hit them in the head with it. Unless of course it was an opportunity to game the system and increase their benefits.

I think all people on welfare should have WF tattooed on their forehead,With a optional T between that.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/15/13 at 05:56:22

796A2E0 wrote:
Hard to say Ray... I never swallowed the bilge of multiculturalism,  

In a little bit you dont have to worry about that. We will be mono cultural. It will be mexican, but if the republicans have their way, we'll all be living in the united states of mexico in about 10 years. The only problem is, they hope to cover the 30% difference in mexican votes by reducing it to say 20% ... only they will lose that 10% in white votes and go down to bigger defeats. In the process they will bury us in mexican crap.

So, multicultural no more ... hope you can speak mexican. My spanglish very good.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/15/13 at 16:31:51

5D5C47404F5A462E0 wrote:
[quote author=796A2E0 link=1365388129/0#4 date=1365819482]Hard to say Ray... I never swallowed the bilge of multiculturalism,  

In a little bit you dont have to worry about that. We will be mono cultural. It will be mexican, but if the republicans have their way, we'll all be living in the united states of mexico in about 10 years. The only problem is, they hope to cover the 30% difference in mexican votes by reducing it to say 20% ... only they will lose that 10% in white votes and go down to bigger defeats. In the process they will bury us in mexican crap.

So, multicultural no more ... hope you can speak mexican. My spanglish very good.


I have absolutely no idea what you mean, it in any language....  :o

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/13 at 11:57:35

Well,,, much as I hate to admit it, I kinda get what hes saying, I think,,BUT, it would take a long time to load your brain with the details he is drawing from to tie those dots together. REmember, the border isnt open because of the ingenuity of the immigrants, but because we have refused to protect it & enforce the laws. He is stuck on blaming the bubs & thyeyve happily taken on that black mark in order to further the notion that there is some measurable difference between bubs & dems. Each party has its "Black Eyes" to bear, but each has had ample opportunity to deal with the border issue. The people who actually make the decisions are globalists & what he is saying has some merit, tho he lays it at the wrong feet.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 12:07:19

JOG: I am blaming the bubs for it for these 3 reasons.

1. Even Faux news called George W Bush as Jorge W Bush for his pro illegal policies. Not to mention many other news organisations who berated him for not enforcing illegal immigration. Of course Ron paul and the 17th amendment ... we know that.

2. In the first 2 years of Obama he's deported more than Bush did in 8, a lot more. I dunno what happened after that ... maybe it takes another yr or so to get it.

3. The bub's are tripping over themselves to give illegals citizenship.

The problem is that that move will back fire. Only they dont realise that yet.

You may lay it @ the dems feet cos the immigrants voted for them 70-30. That is a self reinforcing trend I think.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/16/13 at 17:40:12

7F7E65626D78640C0 wrote:
JOG: I am blaming the bubs for it for these 3 reasons.

1. Even Faux news called George W Bush as Jorge W Bush for his pro illegal policies. Not to mention many other news organisations who berated him for not enforcing illegal immigration. Of course Ron paul and the 17th amendment ... we know that.

2. In the first 2 years of Obama he's deported more than Bush did in 8, a lot more. I dunno what happened after that ... maybe it takes another yr or so to get it.

3. The bub's are tripping over themselves to give illegals citizenship.

The problem is that that move will back fire. Only they dont realise that yet.

You may lay it @ the dems feet cos the immigrants voted for them 70-30. That is a self reinforcing trend I think.


So...if I understand you correctly, you're saying the majority of the Hispanic vote (be it legal, alien, or whatever) vote for the democrat candidate, even tho the republican candidate (party) wants them to be here regardless.....of statute, eh?
Why then do they vote for the party that wants to deport them, as you report?
Do you think they don't understand what is in their best welfare then, or are they just dumb?
So, if I want lower taxes then I should vote for the democrats who raise that the same mindset/reasoning?    

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 18:16:32

Raydawg: I cant explain for every immigrant/alien ... but so far the democratic slant in non native born US citizens is almost 70% to 30%. I think that was what it was in 2012 - I wont bother looking it up now cos you could do that just as well ... anyway, whatever it is, these are working class by 99% to 1 which was why we were dragged here in the first place - in my case it was to write code that I would do for minimum wage and live 6 to an apartment and think "we've so made it" and as such we identify with democrats ... we think they are more accepting, we think the rich white man runs the republican party (and I know its not rich white man, its just rich man now) ...

So we run in the direction of what would be considered "labor" in the english sense.

Republicans want to give citizenship to illegals now.

1. The legal immigrants hate that, we see that as the rug being yanked out form under our feet ... there were scraps that we were getting that will be given to the next array of pathetic people we think ...
2. We know its a knee jerk reaction to the 2012 beating they took and they think we would vote for them. Its not based on principle.

The fact that they would give this to career illegals makes me much more unlikely to vote for them. Its almost like the richest have conspired to replace the lowest in society with an even lower rung and letting the 2 lowest fight each other. I knew US slavery history, that part I wont complain about cos I knew that and if I didn't like it, I could have left. But the illegal immigration is like they changed the rules on it after the game was 1/2 way done. You know the boston marathon ... yea 10000 people start it. They are running, some have run 1/2, some have run 3/4th ... all are running as well as they can ... and then @ the start line they suddenly say ... yes you can use your car to get to the finish line ... WTF.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 18:17:51

I dont think I answered your question per se, but I am hoping we can have a clear headed discussion about this.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/16/13 at 18:53:25

I'm still uncertain how you blame the republicans for the problem of Hispanics, sorry.
I get email from the DNC constantly asking for money, and other considerations. From Obama, Biden, Hillary, Wassermann, and a lot more. Look at this letter I received. Please explain how if differs from what you lay lay on the RNC's doorstep, if you would.


Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Ray --

Yesterday was a proud day for me. President Obama laid out steps to fix our badly broken immigration system.

He addressed all facets of immigration reform: strengthening border security; a path to earned citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are already in the United States, including children who were brought here through no fault of their own; cracking down on companies hiring undocumented workers; and streamlining legal immigration.

Reform is within our grasp. It'll grow our economy, and it'll make our nation stronger. But it won't be easy.

Add your voice at this critical moment. Tell Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Yesterday the President said something that is important to keep in mind as you talk to friends and family about this: "Remember that this is not just a debate about policy. It's about people. It's about men and women and young people who want nothing more than the chance to earn their way into the American story."

This week, a bipartisan group of senators offered their own plan that's consistent with the President's ideas. We are as close as we've ever been to passing comprehensive immigration reform, but close isn't going to fix what's broken.

The lives and futures of millions of hardworking people are at stake. This is our opportunity to do the right thing not only for them but also for our country.

Let the leaders in the House and Senate know that the American people are ready for comprehensive immigration reform:

Thank you for making your voice heard,


Juan Sepulveda
Senior Advisor for Hispanic Affairs
Democratic National Committee

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/16/13 at 19:04:34

When did you think either side cared for the common man.
The dems were always sorta for it. They only wanted to do 1/2 assed measures for 100 years while with the other hand they were deporting them like crazy, almost like hold it in the current mess in 1 hand while deporting with the other hand. Yes 2 faced, but I like those faces.

Of course the bub's have jumped over them and seem to be running toward a finish line. So the dems are following - the bubs are not going to get enough illegals to cover the number they will lose in whites and minute men and current legal immigrants.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/13 at 22:37:43

70716A6D62776B030 wrote:
JOG: I am blaming the bubs for it for these 3 reasons.

1. Even Faux news called George W Bush as Jorge W Bush for his pro illegal policies. Not to mention many other news organisations who berated him for not enforcing illegal immigration. Of course Ron paul and the 17th amendment ... we know that.

2. In the first 2 years of Obama he's deported more than Bush did in 8, a lot more. I dunno what happened after that ... maybe it takes another yr or so to get it.

3. The bub's are tripping over themselves to give illegals citizenship.

The problem is that that move will back fire. Only they dont realise that yet.

You may lay it @ the dems feet cos the immigrants voted for them 70-30. That is a self reinforcing trend I think.


You BLAME whomever you please,, the Dems didnt do FUKKALLL to stop it..Its all a game, its the same UNELECTED voices driving the decisions.
LOOK at the names of the [presidential advisers, Look at who they are associated with, look at how many are there for every time the president changes party, LOOK at the names weve seen in DC,, darn, wake up.

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by raydawg on 04/17/13 at 03:53:26

60617A7D72677B130 wrote:
When did you think either side cared for the common man.
The dems were always sorta for it. They only wanted to do 1/2 assed measures for 100 years while with the other hand they were deporting them like crazy, almost like hold it in the current mess in 1 hand while deporting with the other hand. Yes 2 faced, but I like those faces.

Of course the bub's have jumped over them and seem to be running toward a finish line. So the dems are following - the bubs are not going to get enough illegals to cover the number they will lose in whites and minute men and current legal immigrants.


Ok, if they share equally as you report in making a mess for the "common man" (whatever that is, one that holds a selfish belief in getting what they need addressed firstly?).......
Then why do you appear in your post, and replies, so fixated on the republicans?
It reminds me of how NOW only represents liberal women, and not conservative, when the exact same problem is experienced by either one......

Care to explain?

Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/17/13 at 04:04:53

Dems are deporting illegals while paying lip service. The rules are to deport, and not pay lip service.

Bubs are jumping over them to run to the finish line.

I think if the bubs were to also keep quiet and not jump to break the rules, the dems would have kept quiet, and deported.

Ergo - the democrats in this case are doing the correct thing, while saying the wrong thing. They dont share equally in screwing over the common man. Bubs have screwed them far worse. Dems have only said they would screw the common man.


Title: Re: What a hoot.....
Post by srinath on 04/17/13 at 07:25:29

382B332E2B3D2D4A0 wrote:
It reminds me of how NOW only represents liberal women, and not conservative, when the exact same problem is experienced by either one......

Care to explain?

So NOW's charter as per wiki is - The current membership brochure paraphrases and expands upon the above excerpt to read: "Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society—sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination." This brochure also states: "NOW is one of the few multi-issue progressive organizations in the United States. NOW stands against all oppression, recognizing that racism, sexism and homophobia are interrelated, that other forms of oppression such as classism and ableism work together with these three to keep power and privilege concentrated in the hands of a few."[10]

Is that somehow liberal ? and if it is - then they have said it is - so you should call it liberal organisation.
If its not liberal, but as you see it they have a liberal agenda - well you should complain to whomever is in charge of complaining about these things.

I have no clue what they do, are these the people that protested the Iraq war naked ? Man I think I want to join them.

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