General Category >> The Cafe >> Best April fools gag

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/13 at 10:42:01

Title: Best April fools gag
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/13 at 10:42:01

What's the best trick you ever pulled on April Fools Day?

I found a block of styrofoam that was almost exactly the size of a cinder block. Very lightly misted some black rattle can paint on it & it pock marked it up & turned it almost the right color. I would carry it, leaning back, making it look heavy & fumble it on people. Scared the hekk outta several people before word got out.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by ALfromN.H. on 04/06/13 at 14:12:41

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
What's the best trick you ever pulled on April Fools Day?

I found a block of styrofoam that was almost exactly the size of a cinder block. Very lightly misted some black rattle can paint on it & it pock marked it up & turned it almost the right color. I would carry it, leaning back, making it look heavy & fumble it on people. Scared the hekk outta several people before word got out.

I had something like that. I got it from universal studios in california and it looked exactly like a big chunk of granite. When friends were sitting around chatting in the living room, I'd toss it at their head. Very funny stuff. Too bad that was before video cameras.


Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/13 at 08:28:58

Ohh yea! "Hollywood" rocks. Ive seen them move on Star TRek, when someone would get knocked into one in a fight for their very lives against some very scary looking aliens who just happened to also be approximately the same size & general design as people, having 2 arms & legs & a head.

REally guys? 35 readers & only 1 of you has done anything worth mentioning? In THIS crowd? Ohh, please..

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by arteacher on 04/07/13 at 09:09:26

OK, OK,.......nothing recent, but years ago when my oldest son had just started walking to school on his own I put a sign on the front door that said "just waxed the floor, use the back door" with an identical sign on the back door. He went from front to back to front to back to front before he knocked to get in. He still remembers that.
Pop quizzes for my students at school on a topic we hadn't studied was another favorite of mine.
I once rented a car, told my wife I had bought it for her, had her drive it back to the rental agency on some pretense, and then told her "April fools."  
No nookie for a month after that. :'(

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by mpescatori on 04/08/13 at 01:55:17

I remember from waaay back, I was a little kid, my mom could imitate a TV comedian who did... imitations... :D

My mom phoned her BIL (my uncle) and in her best, bored-to-death-I-wish-it-was-sunday voice informed my uncle
"Congratulations you won the first prize in the XYZ raffle Mrs. (name) entered last month, when can we come to deliver the prize?"
"What prize?" my uncle didn't even know my aunt had bought a ticket...
"You just won a grand piano, when can we come and deliver?"
"A piano? I don't want a grand piano!"
"I'm sorry, Sir, you won the prize, we HAVE to deliver, when do you want it delivered?" (you could hear gum-chewing in the headset)
"We don't have room for a piano in the house!" my uncle was really getting concerned...
"Not a problem, Sir, we can keep it in storage for max one month, it'll be (loudicrous fee) per day, do you want us to deliver or to store it?"
... you could feel the tension rising on the other end of the line ...
"Just a moment,I'll get my wife... [muted hollering, muted chatting, angry whispers and whimpers, then a lady's voice...]
"Hello ? "
"Well, Ma'am, congratulations for the lottery win, when do you want the piano delivered? Can we come tomorrow?"
"... - dead silence - ..."
"Hello Sis, April Fools!"  :D :D :D

My mom and my aunt still laugh over this one, it must have happened a good 45 years ago...  ;)

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by ToesNose on 04/08/13 at 04:37:12

Back in the early 90's I used to live in a seven bedroom house with revolving room mates, we used to pull pranks on each other constantly.  The one they got me best on was I came home from bartending one night and there were probably ten or eleven friends hanging out playing drinking games. They coaxed me into joining them even though I was tired and it was 5 in the morning, I woke up the next after noon completely dissoriented and hung over. As I slowly awoke and tried to get my head together something didn't seem right........My room was off. I got up and tried to make my way to the kitchen, but the door wouldn't open!  :o  In total confusion I gathered myself and looked around at my room that wasn't really my room.

They went through the trouble of painting the garage the same color as my room and putting false doors where my doors would be in my room! They moved all my furnature and belongings and set the garage up as a copy of my room LOL. Later I found out that they were all drinking water and feeding me vodka during the drinking game  ;D   I wound up sleeping in the garage for a few days untill I could get some of them together to help me move everything back   :)

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by mpescatori on 04/08/13 at 06:51:37

That's terriffic !!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/08/13 at 07:07:01

Ohh,, theres a coupla Good ones there.. Thats some funny stuff..

Okay, wasnt April fools, but
I knew this lady who owned a hobby shop. Hung out with her family, we all flew control line airplanes. I knew her schedule & I knew she would be at her desk counting out the $$ to put in the register., I had practiced & gotten the routine down,, I called her, when she answered I went into the
"Im sorry, but the number you have dialed is not in service" spiel.
I could tell she had let her arm relax, the phone had fallen away from her head, but I could still hear her say

"Now who the hell did I Call?"

Then I started laffin,, & she kinda cussed me out,,, & kinda laffed, too,,

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by tarkm812 on 04/08/13 at 08:58:42

Years ago when I used to solder a lot at my work I would take an unplugged (cool) soldering iron and touch it to my hand, scream in agony, and immediately touch it to whoever was nearby.  People would just about fall out of their chair to get away.  Always made me laugh but would piss them off.  I didn't make many friends.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by Cavi Mike on 04/08/13 at 15:16:29

I've never done any real pranks on April Fools but the best I've seen is when my Mother got her hair trimmed and had it pinned way up to make it look like it was boy short. My step-father HATES short hair and he was pretty pissed. That's not the best part though. Later he goes and gets a clump of her cut hair from the trash, goes up to my mother and pretends a huge chunk of her hair just fell out. She freaked. It was a good day.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by arteacher on 04/08/13 at 17:29:42

Still not April fools, but whenever my MIL calls i answer with something like "city morgue- you kill 'em we chill 'em" or "stiff nipples air conditioning- we're so cool we're hot" or" Children's aid society- 24 flavors to chose from", or "London Fire department - just piss on it" or "Karl's Radiator service- a great place to take a leak"- you get the idea.
BTW I am running out of ideas- not to change the direction of the thread but you could you guys help me out with more? :-?

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by Dave on 04/09/13 at 09:39:13

0C07070E020D0C1617630 wrote:
Still not April fools, but whenever my MIL calls i answer with something like "city morgue- you kill 'em we chill 'em" or "stiff nipples air conditioning- we're so cool we're hot" or" Children's aid society- 24 flavors to chose from", or "London Fire department - just piss on it" or "Karl's Radiator service- a great place to take a leak"- you get the idea.
BTW I am running out of ideas- not to change the direction of the thread but you could you guys help me out with more? :-?

How about:

"Office of Student Affairs......Would you like one?

Jack's Plumbing.....Where a flush beats a full house!

Bert's Plumbing......We're No. 1 in the No. 2 business!

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by Dane Allen on 04/09/13 at 11:15:48

Not April Fools but a couple guys passed out at a bachelor party and we took them out on the couch they fell asleep on down to the street corner. After applying the make-up of course. I was sure the honking would wake them up...but no.

Unplugging something always was an April Fools staple whether it be keyboard or monitor power cable.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by arteacher on 04/09/13 at 16:47:48

7A414C5B4A465D5B4048455A290 wrote:
[quote author=0C07070E020D0C1617630 link=1365270121/0#10 date=1365467382]Still not April fools, but whenever my MIL calls i answer with something like "city morgue- you kill 'em we chill 'em" or "stiff nipples air conditioning- we're so cool we're hot" or" Children's aid society- 24 flavors to chose from", or "London Fire department - just piss on it" or "Karl's Radiator service- a great place to take a leak"- you get the idea.
BTW I am running out of ideas- not to change the direction of the thread but you could you guys help me out with more? :-?

How about:

"Office of Student Affairs......Would you like one?

Jack's Plumbing.....Where a flush beats a full house!

Bert's Plumbing......We're No. 1 in the No. 2 business!

Thanks- those are on my list now.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by Face on 04/09/13 at 20:27:52

4A717C6B7A766D6B7078756A190 wrote:
[quote author=0C07070E020D0C1617630 link=1365270121/0#10 date=1365467382]Still not April fools, but whenever my MIL calls i answer with something like "city morgue- you kill 'em we chill 'em" or "stiff nipples air conditioning- we're so cool we're hot" or" Children's aid society- 24 flavors to chose from", or "London Fire department - just piss on it" or "Karl's Radiator service- a great place to take a leak"- you get the idea.
BTW I am running out of ideas- not to change the direction of the thread but you could you guys help me out with more? :-?

How about:

"Office of Student Affairs......Would you like one?

Jack's Plumbing.....Where a flush beats a full house!

Bert's Plumbing......We're No. 1 in the No. 2 business!


Joe's Bar........liquor up front, poker in the rear.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by Serowbot on 04/10/13 at 00:24:39

I'm not any good at practical jokes...
... and this ain't on April Fools day...

... but, once upon a time...

My dog, Milo, was afraid of thunderstorms...
So, I made it a habit of acting thrilled at the first sign of rain,.. and hurrying outside to the patio, to watch the storm...
This got my dog to like the rain,.. instead of fear it...
... and I thought I was so clever...curing his fear...
Well,..this became a ritual...

One afternoon,... the storms started in,... so I gets all excited and go out on the patio to watch the storm, and Milo eagerly follows, and we sit on this old wooden bench,.. like always... and the rain comes pouring down...
... and, after some while, I get up to set my drink on the table...
When I start to sit back,.. my dog, Milo,... is in my place...
This has upset the routine,...
I always sit on the left, and he's at my right hand...
...but,.. I'm flexible,.. and I take the right...
Then, I notice the drip,..
...steady on the top of my head... my roof has a leak...
...and Milo has decided that he would let me sit under the leak...
I look across to my left, at Milo, he desperately tries to avert his gaze... like he don't notice...
His head is locked in a forward gaze,.. but I can see his eyes as they shiftily peek over at me, and then, back forward,... again, and again...
He resists turning head so hard, a small, gutteral whimper escapes...
... and I wonder... is that guilt,.. or a suppressed chuckle?...

I got punked by my dog... :-?...

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by arteacher on 04/10/13 at 17:48:49

Joe's Bar........liquor up front, poker in the rear.

;D ;D ;D- what makes it so funny is that she wouldn't get that.

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by houstonbofh on 04/10/13 at 22:15:44

6472657860757863170 wrote:
I got punked by my dog... :-?...

That is awesome!

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/13 at 08:26:29

454E4E474B44455F5E2A0 wrote:
Joe's Bar........liquor up front, poker in the rear.

;D ;D ;D- what makes it so funny is that she wouldn't get that.

& I wish I hadnt seen it,, gross, dude,

Rowboat,, thats a Fine dog,,

Title: Re: Best April fools gag
Post by arteacher on 04/22/13 at 07:21:09

I just remembered a joke I played on a friend of mine a long time ago. I have a record of a radio show taped in St Louise in 1958.(Cruisin' 1958) I made a cassette of the record with added "tuning" noises at the beginning and static at the end. I had the tape in the player when I went to pick him up to play golf. I put the player on and fiddled with the tuning knob as if I was looking for a station (thus the "tuning" noises) and let the tape play. The recorded broadcast even had adds on it "Mercury for "58......". I made comments about atmosphere bounce and things like that. (we were near London Ont. at the time.)
He fell for it hook line and sinker. ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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