General Category >> The Cafe >> Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!

Message started by Oldfeller on 03/13/13 at 06:58:09

Title: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Oldfeller on 03/13/13 at 06:58:09

Well, the future she come to pass when your back is turned .....


Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by PerrydaSavage on 03/13/13 at 07:53:34

That's pretty cool ... at home I still have and use an old Dell desktop PC bought in 2005 ... a real dinosaur, but the darn thing has hardly been turned off in 8 years ('cept when the power goes out! LOL!) and yet it still works and allows me to surf the net and do email ... sure it's slow as cold molassas, but as reliable as a brick!

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by bobert_FSO on 03/13/13 at 10:44:34

Ya'know...  I just can't visualize using a touch screen while sitting at a desk.  My arms would fall off from having to reach up and over to the screen.  I'll keep my mouse, thanks.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/13 at 11:17:57

The latest entry is the Dell XPS 18, a Windows 8 computer with an 18.4 inch touchscreen, a 5 hour battery, and a starting price of $900.

and a starting price of $900.

starting price of $900.

price of $900




Errrrrmmm,,, no..

HOWEVER,, I would be willing to take any suggestions from knowledgeable people. My daughter dropped her laptop. Fell about 18", landed on a corner. Now, when it warms up, the screen changes colors & looks weird. I dont think its reapirable now, because weve been in it twice & last time in I used super glue to hold stuff in one of the hinge areas. I doubt itll ever open & close right again if it gets taken apart again,It was a pricey dude about 4 years ago.

She is in College, needs a computer. Not necessarily a laptop or tablet. It could stay right on or under her desk,, need to be able to spreadsheets & basic business app type things. Im pretty sure the college website wont even work with a Non windows machine,,( that aint right, IMO)
anyway, Bang for the buck, who has a good solution?

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Greg on 03/13/13 at 11:27:36

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
She is in College, needs a computer. Not necessarily a laptop or tablet. It could stay right on or under her desk,, need to be able to spreadsheets & basic business app type things. Im pretty sure the college website wont even work with a Non windows machine,,( that aint right, IMO)
anyway, Bang for the buck, who has a good solution?

Many college campuses require an OS that works on a domain. Many only support Windows "pro" versions. Double check with the school before you purchase anything. As far as a suggestion, I purchased refurbs from for my business. They work great and were cheap.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/13/13 at 12:04:23

Those are much appreciated nuggets. Will do & Ill check New Egg out before we do anything.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Steve H on 03/13/13 at 16:16:24

You might find a  display assembly cheap on ebay and swap out the whole thing.  Many times when I was in the repair business, screens changing colors turned out to be either loose or cracked display signal cables.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by rfw2003 on 03/13/13 at 16:47:25

383D3A31363C5F0 wrote:
Many college campuses require an OS that works on a domain. Many only support Windows "pro" versions. Double check with the school before you purchase anything. As far as a suggestion, I purchased refurbs from for my business. They work great and were cheap.

Linux will work with active directory domains without any issue.  This was done a long time ago, also I believe Macs also support it as alot of college students use macbook laptops in college now.

As for the issue of possibly requiring a windows os at the college it would most likely be due to certain applications that are specifically written for each course, some will work in linux with Wine but some won't depending on the college and maker of the programs.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Pine on 03/14/13 at 15:00:51

I ALWAYS build my own. Its a heck of alot easier than setting the carb on savage. Just saying.

i just finished building my mom a whole new desktop. The PC itself was about $500 with 8GB RAM and 320GB HDD and the cheapest AMD x86 chip I could find. My Mom is 80-ish and has to have EVERYTHING in white.. the case.. keyboard.. mouse.. even the monitor which is an LCD TV from Target ( 23"). With TV and windows 7 64bit.. total outlay about $750.

now she wants a $80 touchpad from Logitec.. so she can play FreeCell better!

Building a PC is just plain fun.. just as much fun as adding new doodads to the bike! My PC even has a radiator, window, and tach!

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Greg on 03/14/13 at 15:25:44

A little off topic but...

rfw, my buddy uses a computer for p0rn. Period. I got tired of fixing it and set him up with Ubuntu. No more issues. Linux is truly p0rn-friendly!   ;D

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by rfw2003 on 03/14/13 at 15:32:34

6A6F6863646E0D0 wrote:
A little off topic but...

rfw, my buddy uses a computer for p0rn. Period. I got tired of fixing it and set him up with Ubuntu. No more issues. Linux is truly p0rn-friendly!   ;D


well the reason for that is,  because Linux isn't as prone to viruses like Windows is, unless your logged in as the root user.  Mainstream computer users are dominated by Windows O/S of one version or another so those that are intent in doing harm to someones computer with viruses and hacking tend to stay within what the mainstream people use.  Linux hasn't really gained a big foothold in the households and businesses yet so those people don't target those O/S's to exploit any possible vulnerability in the system.  But if Linux was the dominate in the O/S scene instead you would have the same problem as you do with windows now with viruses because then they would be coding directly for that particular O/S to exploit it even though it is harder to accomplish with the way that Linux is setup to protect the system files.


Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Cavi Mike on 03/14/13 at 19:43:14

No, I'm getting a Surface.

But seriously, I will get one with the mechanical keyboard. Been dying to try Win8 on a touchscreen and I need to replace my poor little pathetic 900MHz netbook.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by rfw2003 on 03/14/13 at 20:09:02

7F5D4A55715557593C0 wrote:
No, I'm getting a Surface.

But seriously, I will get one with the mechanical keyboard. Been dying to try Win8 on a touchscreen and I need to replace my poor little pathetic 900MHz netbook.

I can honestly say, I will have no use at all for winblows 8, and will not be buying a copy of it at all.  I messed with it a little at Bestbuy on one of the display computers plus during the alpha and beta stages, and I can't stand it.  winblows 8 is not setup at all easy use as a desktop O/S unless it's touchscreen and even then I think it's awful. It's basically a carbon copy of the new windows mobile phones.  I'll be sticking with Winblows 7 for those few proggies that won't work under wine in linux that I use all the time and a few games that I play every now and then, and Linux for the rest of my stuff.

I'm also like Pine,  I build my own computers.  I have done this since my second computer.  First one was a Tandy HS1000.  Only computer other then the first one that I have built is my laptop computer, although it was custom built for me off of a universal clevo based laptop that is easily upgraded on all major components including the GPU.


Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by MiCTLaN on 03/14/13 at 21:17:50

I've recently been using Windows 8 as my primary OS, after using it off and on for testing ever since the RC came out for it and absolutely hating it.  We purchased some new laptops at work that came with Windows 8, a few Dell XPS machines that look awfully similar to Macbook Pros, and found that the "legitimate" downgrade process was somewhat more of a pain than we had been promised by the manufacturer.  I discovered if you disable a lot of the stuff that makes Windows 8, well, Windows 8... it's actually a lot like Windows 7, which I like quite a bit.

The most important thing was getting rid of the new tile-based Start menu (well, pushing it to the background, actually) by using a nice little tool called Classic Shell (  The next was disabling a lot of the gestures from the touchpad, which completely drove me insane when using it without a mouse.

There are some things that I really like about it... The improvements they have done to simple things are making it grow on me: a more useful dialog when copying large amounts of files from one place to another (similar to some of the things I've seen in Linux desktops), a task bar designed for multiple monitors (even better than Ultramon, imho), if you're familiar with that), etc.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Cavi Mike on 03/15/13 at 00:22:49

I build my own comps too but I don't carry my desktop rig to work with me. I need a portable Windows machine so I can run MasterCAM. As far as using Win8 on a desktop, I'm not wasting my time with it, Win7 does what I want just fine and I don't want my taskbar on any of my other monitors.

Title: Re: Hey dude, you're getting a Dell !!!
Post by Oldfeller on 03/16/13 at 05:16:56

Have you bumped into the new marketing thing for Office 360?   You can rent the software (the whole enchilada) from MS for just $100 per year.  

Why?   Because businesses can expense rental differently than buying software -- one is a fluid expense and can be charged off in the year of the rental, the other is an asset that has to be pro-rated over the years of use.   Plus with rental you always get the current stuff as upgrades are automatic.

But, when you look at it the way my wallet sees it, it is $100 smacks a year for something I could get for free in Linux/Android/Google/etc.   And as an older American, I don't WANT unnecessary changes and learning curves in my software. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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