General Category >> The Cafe >> a weekend to fear

Message started by Steampowered Boy on 03/05/13 at 21:08:07

Title: a weekend to fear
Post by Steampowered Boy on 03/05/13 at 21:08:07

let me tell you about my weekend: I went riding with a group that I had never ridden with before.  I went to their website ahead of time and noticed they were all riding sport bikes so I asked if it was an issue that i have a cruiser.  The group collectively reassured me it wouldn’t be an issue, so I went to meet them in La Canada to ride along the CA 2 about 35 miles to Newcomb’s Ranch for lunch.

Right away I knew there was a problem; the majority of them were doing twice the speed limit in most sections and just generally acting risky.  I kept up for about 15 miles until someone came inside of me (right side) on a fairly sharp ride curve.  I was probably going 45 or so, so he must have been going 70mph.  As he passed in the curve on a narrow single lane, it forced me to the painted line in the middle where all the gravel and pine needles are.  I began to feel the rear tire slide but was able to tap the rear brake and accelerate to straighten up and ride out of it.  Meanwhile the other rider was on the gas and close to a half mile ahead of me.

As I rode the rest of the way to the restaurant, there were sections of visibility for 2-3 miles but I could not see a single bike in that distance; the group had abandoned me.  By the time I got there, they were already off their bikes and at the table ordering.  I ate my food, got back on my bike and rode back the way I came leaving the group to continue the rest of the day.

Once I got home, I told my girl all about it and how I had left early because I felt it was just dangerous riding and didn’t feel comfortable with it.  A few hours later, I check the website and it turns out that one of the organizers went wide on a turn about a half hour after I left, hit a sign, totaled his bike and broke both his legs.  He is now awaiting surgeries to put metal rods on his femurs.  One of the other members in a separate incident the same day went down and broke his collarbone and two ribs.

I don’t know, was it really worth it for them?  All I know is that I’m going riding again this week and they won’t be able to for several months at least.

And the part that bugs me most is if I HAD gone down in that corner, there was no one within 2 miles of me; i could have crashed and been badly injured and have to just wait for a random stranger to help me.  I know when to cut and run but someone else may not have and would have felt that they should try to keep up or be labeled a “squid” or a “wimp” and gotten maimed or killed.

So, i wish those two a quick and uncomplicated recovery but I hope you learned something; the Haddon Matrix exists for a reason as my Doctor friend says.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by jcstokes on 03/05/13 at 22:35:56

I'm in a far away country and I don't know about Haddon things, I do know you reacted correctly under the circumstances. You got out of the slippery situation, rode at what you considered a sensible speed and had a pleasant solo ride away from people who were potentially hazardous to you. The stock S40/Savage cant compete with sport road bikes, so you would have been foolish to try. I go over a good hilly twisty road called Highway sixteen. If I see sport road bikes behind me, I simply wave them past. I am not a highly experienced motorcyclist, 9 years and about 45000 miles and one of the most sagacious things that was said to me by a very experienced biker was "motorcyclings a lonely business" and I do any open throttle stuff well away from others. Enjoy many miles of S40/Savage at the pace that suits you.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Serowbot on 03/05/13 at 23:06:53

... and you don't have two broken legs and a trashed bike... (and,... I bet you scored some brownie points for sensibility from your significant one!)...

I was offered to join a friend, in a Guzzi ride group,.. and I know he's a regular 3 digit rider,... so I said, "I don't think I'm in your league"...
He's ridden with me before.... and he said,... "You won't be in the front,... but, you'll be far from the rear,... We ride our own ride in the Guzzi  group"...
...(Guzzy guys are pretty cool,.. because they are mostly fast and experienced, but without the ego)...
Point is...  Whether it's the bike yer' on,... your level of experience or skill,... or just being in mood to enjoy the scenery,...
In group ride,... you still ride yer' own ride...

A ride, particularly with strangers, shouldn't be a contest...

Everyone has something to prove against new people...  
Riding your own ride, proves you're not stupid... and not impressed, or intimidated...
Smart move... ;)...

PS... Psychologically speaking... even a squid will like you more, if you modestly acknowledge that he smokes you,... rather than if you try push, and endanger you both... (even if he ain't that fast... pushing a guy with an ego on a bike, can cause bad things)...
Humility and deference, gets a lot of respect when you are the FNG ... (FNG,... you get that, right?)...

Ride safe, on the first ride, be humble, and don't push...  once you know the style of the group. you can open up a bit... but, by then, the group is with you and not threatened....
... and,... you don't have to be first...

I'm older now...
If I'm first,.. it's only because no one else is...  
Putt, Putt, Putt..... ;D...

Lots of guys here,... probably think I'm way faster than I am...    
... because I'm so humble...
Psych!... ;D ;D ;D...
No honestly...
Double psych!...  ;D ;D ;D...
;D ;D ;D...
See how that works?...
;D ;D ;D...

Putt,.. putt,.. putt... :-?...
Oh yeah,...  
putt,.. putt,.. putt... :-?...

You give a good lesson here, Steamboy...
I just had fun playing with it...

Ride safe,

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Wolfman on 03/06/13 at 03:59:33

Putt putt putt...
You need to lay off the

SPB,ride your ride and don't worry about what others think. It will keep you alive n healthy.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by youzguyz on 03/06/13 at 11:21:10

If that group had been doing any kind of proper riding, they would have had a sweep (tail gunner, etc).  
That is an experienced rider, who is ALWAYS the last bike in the group.  He does not go around anybody for any reason at any time.  He is there to make sure everyone makes it to the next stop.
Guess they didn't have one of those.. eh?

You did the right thing, as long as you told them you were leaving the ride.  That is your responsibility.  Don't have to say why, just that you are leaving.

Lesson learned, and you are in one piece.  :D

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Arnold on 03/06/13 at 12:39:59

Kids, that's why I never ride in groups.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Steampowered Boy on 03/06/13 at 12:54:05

I have ridden with groups a lot of times and never had any problems. It just seem like this group was all out for themselves and trying to see how fast they can go through a fairly dangerous area that include rock slides Highway Patrol and frequently stalled cars. So I don't think the point is that you should not ride with a group, but you should be smart about the group you ride with.

This group had no clear person leaving the ride, no sweep person, and no blockers to speak of it was just a recipe for failure from the get go.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by zieglarf on 03/06/13 at 21:33:02

That's not group riding - that's a bunch of individuals going to the same location.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Jiggyfly on 03/06/13 at 23:32:00

You did the right thing, no doubt.
If I've ridden 100k miles on the streets, 90k of them have been solo, for these exact reasons. People are just an idiot when they hit that starter button & think a motogp contract awaits them. Now, partially in defense of them, a modern day 600cc sport bike is so capable, & fast, it's ridiculous.
This last weekend I coached at Carolina Motorsports Park for Track Tactics......on a Yamaha R6.....banging 4th gear at 115mph headed downhill into turn 8 made the front end get wiggly! Their almost impossible to ride slow!!!!!

None-the-less, the street isnt the place for it!

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/13 at 07:14:33

I just dont like riding with a group. Ive ridden with 3 others, once.Ill ride with a friend. Id ride with a few friends, but I have no interest in riding with people I dont know. If I was on a trip & ran into some folks riding the same way, I'd ride along with their crew if they wanted me to, but if I was uncomfortable with how they handled themselves, Id bail out.

Title: Re: a weekend to fear
Post by Trippah on 03/07/13 at 11:40:03

Well, the group proved that, while they've got enough going to buy motorcycles, they may not have enough to contribute to the gene pool.

There are organ donor banks that would like the groups' website - you should get carbon calves to pre-register himself and his legion of flying squids. ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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