General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Steering lock, and security measures

Message started by wheelsoffreedom76 on 03/02/13 at 08:07:40

Title: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by wheelsoffreedom76 on 03/02/13 at 08:07:40

The steering lock on my S40 will not lock, it seems simple enough but maybe there is a trick I dont know. I have tried turning the key applying light pressure while turning the bars slowly back and forth looking for the spot it will lock the pin but it is smooth all the way and the key never tries to turn further at any point. :-/.
     On that note I've always been skeptical of steering locks because if someone tried to jimmy it and failed, I may not be able to unlock it at that point if they have bent the pin, or ruined the lock cylinder and I'd be calling a tow truck to get the bike home.
     I have watched some youtube videos on almax chains and various other super thick chains. How do you guys protect your bike while you are in the workplace, or the mall etc. I have a large cable lock going through the back wheel and around the frame when leaving it unattended away from home. I know any locking device will only buy time for me or someone to question a would be thief about why he's messing with the bike and locks.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/13 at 08:29:38

Well, you're right... A steering lock ain't much...
I posted a utube vid a while back of a guy stealing a bike...
He broke the steering lock in a couple of seconds just by turning the handlebars...

A Savage is not a popular bike for thieves... because it's not a popular bike... it also lacks the expensive plastic frills that squids are so good at scratching and breaking... and the expensive add-on parts that adorn Harleys...
So,.. it's not likely to be stolen....  if it is, it will be some kid lookin' for a joy ride...

At night, I run a cable through the spokes and lock it to the disc...
In parking lots,.. just try to park in an open, visible, area...
I also leave my helmet and gloves unattended on the bike... (this may make thieves think I'm not gone for long)...(I've even left shopping bags of stuff bungied to the bars)...
Never had anything stolen...

Those disc locks are supposed to be good,.. but two strong fella's can just lift the bike and throw it in a truck... (I've even seen a Harley stolen that way)...

I just try to make it look like this a bike you don't want to try to steal... (this bike belongs to someone that might not like you touching it)...

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by arteacher on 03/02/13 at 08:43:42

If someone wants it bad enough they will take it no matter what you do. Fork locks are useless and serve only to stop kids from rolling your bike around. (other than in circles) Cable locks can be cut with bolt cutters. Locks on brake disks can be picked easily. All it takes for someone to do spend some time picking, cutting,ect. without questions being asked is to have two guys there, one with "locksmith" on his shirt and another pretending it's his bike. No-one would ask questions anyway.
The good news is- nobody wants to steal our bikes. There is no market for parts, so they are not stolen to chop up. If your really worried, park it beside a Harley. ;)
The best way to prevent someone from driving away on your bike or car is to install a hidden cut off switch in the starter circuit, or coil.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by DavidOfMA on 03/02/13 at 19:23:34

49565B5B524D5158584C5B5B5A515309083E0 wrote:
The steering lock on my S40 will not lock, it seems simple enough but maybe there is a trick I dont know. I have tried turning the key applying light pressure while turning the bars slowly back and forth looking for the spot it will lock the pin but it is smooth all the way and the key never tries to turn further at any point. :-/.
     On that note I've always been skeptical of steering locks because if someone tried to jimmy it and failed, I may not be able to unlock it at that point if they have bent the pin, or ruined the lock cylinder and I'd be calling a tow truck to get the bike home.
     I have watched some youtube videos on almax chains and various other super thick chains. How do you guys protect your bike while you are in the workplace, or the mall etc. I have a large cable lock going through the back wheel and around the frame when leaving it unattended away from home. I know any locking device will only buy time for me or someone to question a would be thief about why he's messing with the bike and locks.

Until I realized nobody would likely steal my bike, I locked it with a Kryptonite-type U-shaped lock around the rear wheel. Afterward, I used the fork lock when I didn't want people to be able to move it around. The lock took a few applications of WD-40 before it loosened up enough to work. Spray some in the cylinder and work the cylinder, pushing down on the key as you rotate it, until it will move in and lock. The correct handlebar position is about 1/8" short of being turned all the way to the left.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by rfw2003 on 03/02/13 at 22:37:09

I think I used the Fork lock on mine all of 2 times after I bought the bike.  To be honest it's more trouble then it's worth.  Locks in general are only there to keep honest people honest.  It doesn't matter how good of a lock or how many you have on your bike or what ever your locking up, if someone wants it they are going to take it.  That's why newer vehicles have go to transponder type keys that are tied to the ECM's.  Granted that still doesn't make them un-stealable, but it takes a whole new class of thief to be able to pull it off, unless you did something stupid like install a remote starter system on your vehicle, because with those you have to use either a box that is programed to bypass the key to ecm transponder system or leave a programed key hidden in the vehicle within a certain distance of the ecm itself for the remote starter system to work.


Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Jack_650 on 03/03/13 at 00:08:56

I used to have one of the front disc locks. Easy to forget it's on there, even with the bright plastic cable they have you run up to the handle bars. Seems like about the easiest option as long as unlike me, you don't try to ride off with it locked in place. Good news - you don't get up much speed before it stops you. Bad news - you might be having to do a load of laundry after the first time you get surprised by the front wheel locking up and the back wheel trying to be somewhere else for a split second.

Ah, good memories of good times.


Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Gyrobob on 03/03/13 at 05:21:40

Locks of any sort will not stop a skilled motorcycle stealer who really wants to steal your bike.

Locks, do, however, slow them down a minute or two.

Locks, even cheapo locks, will dampen the enthusiasm of a stealer who wants to steal the bike quickly and easily,.... and can find a more convenient source without having to mess with a lock.

Locks also tend to keep folks, who actually aren't stealers but just want to mess with the bike, away.

Decades ago I bought a box of good, medium-sized Master locks, keyed alike.  For the rest of my life, then, I am able to use those locks for just about everything,.. sheds, toolboxes, several motorcycles, lockers, etc.,.. and yet all I had to carry was one key.  I realize they won't deter a skilled stealer, but they do work for usually honest people having a momentary problem with judgement.  

I use one on the RYCA bike putting it on the rotor,... with a thin bungee that goes from the lock to the handlebars to remind me the lock is there, so I don't break anything by trying to ride off with a lock on the brake.  I have seen someone actually do that,.. that is when I started using the skinny bungee cord.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/03/13 at 07:16:07

Parking the Savage procedure.

Roll up to "Wherever".
Sidestand down, key off.
Sit there & take off the gloves & helmet.
Walk in store, leaving keys dangling.

Of course I jest, but I cant tell you how many times Ive done it. Get ready to leave & slap my pocket, looking for keys & "Theyre GONE!",, scary, but its always been there.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by DavidOfMA on 03/03/13 at 09:19:47

785351596D040702320 wrote:
I used to have one of the front disc locks. Easy to forget it's on there, even with the bright plastic cable they have you run up to the handle bars. Seems like about the easiest option as long as unlike me, you don't try to ride off with it locked in place. Good news - you don't get up much speed before it stops you. Bad news - you might be having to do a load of laundry after the first time you get surprised by the front wheel locking up and the back wheel trying to be somewhere else for a split second.

Ah, good memories of good times.


I'm not worried about a skilled thief. He doesn't want my bike, he wants one that's worth something on the market or as parts. I do want to deter someone who thinks it would be fun to wheel it away when, say, I'm at some motel mid-way between where I started and where I want to wind up, and I think the fork lock is just enough of a discouragement to do that, so I no longer bother with the Kryptonite lock on the wheel.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Serowbot on 03/03/13 at 09:33:05

The other thing,... speaking of malcontents rather than thieves, is that if someone is just looking to make trouble, and they find that the bike is locked, they just push it over, or vandalize it...
Seems like you just can't win...

I only ever lock it at home, for overnight protection...
In public, I work on the principal if I make the bike look unprotected, they will assume I'm nearby,...
... and confident...
...(for whatever reason they might imagine)... ;D...

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by wheelsoffreedom76 on 03/03/13 at 13:44:41

Well, I tried pushing in on the key and turning and it locks just fine. I had it in my head for some reason that the lock just turned back and forth. Thanks for the help guys, It's a learning experience for sure.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Serowbot on 03/03/13 at 17:22:39

514E43434A5549404054434342494B1110260 wrote:
Well, I tried pushing in on the key and turning and it locks just fine. I had it in my head for some reason that the lock just turned back and forth. Thanks for the help guys, It's a learning experience for sure.

Oh yeah,.. could be that... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by ZAR on 03/03/13 at 18:23:38

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
[quote author=514E43434A5549404054434342494B1110260 link=1362240460/0#10 date=1362347081]Well, I tried pushing in on the key and turning and it locks just fine. I had it in my head for some reason that the lock just turned back and forth. Thanks for the help guys, It's a learning experience for sure.

Oh yeah,.. could be that... ;D ;D ;D...[/quote]

Just don't ask for a show of hands how many of us have made the same oops :-?


Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Dave on 03/04/13 at 09:04:24

607F72727B6478717165727273787A2021170 wrote:
Well, I tried pushing in on the key and turning and it locks just fine. I had it in my head for some reason that the lock just turned back and forth. Thanks for the help guys, It's a learning experience for sure.

Yep.....the first time I locked mine it was an adventure.  The second time it went much better.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/04/13 at 09:35:14

12292433222E353328202D32410 wrote:
[quote author=607F72727B6478717165727273787A2021170 link=1362240460/0#10 date=1362347081]Well, I tried pushing in on the key and turning and it locks just fine. I had it in my head for some reason that the lock just turned back and forth. Thanks for the help guys, It's a learning experience for sure.

Yep.....the first time I locked mine it was an adventure.  The second time it went much better.[/quote]

Absolutely,, quick learning curve.. But, after about 6 or 8 times I stopped messin with it,, No ones gonna up & swipe it, not where I live, anyway. Or at a store. If I lived in an apartment, Itd be locked to something at nite. If I lived in a place where it was in site at nite?? Locked up,,

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by jcstokes on 03/04/13 at 11:26:33

How many have climbed on, put the key in the ignition and then realised they had locked the forks?

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by paulmarshall on 03/04/13 at 11:44:37

555C4C4B50545A4C3F0 wrote:
How many have climbed on, put the key in the ignition and then realised they had locked the forks?

I'm guilty of that but not the steering lock instead a chain through the rear wheel. ::) Most embarrassing.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by DavidOfMA on 03/05/13 at 07:24:12

Once tried to take off with a lock through the rear wheel. Didn't get very far.... Part of why I switched to the fork lock.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Gyrobob on 03/05/13 at 14:01:27

676E7E796266687E0D0 wrote:
How many have climbed on, put the key in the ignition and then realised they had locked the forks?

How about this guy,.... ?
-- His bike is on the centerstand.
-- He hops on the bike.
-- Starts it up, pulls in the clutch, and puts it in gear.
-- Rocks it forward off the centerstand without taking his feet off the pegs.  (his way to show off in front of the rest of us hanging out in front of Kirby Hemby's motorcycle shop in Valdosta, GA)
-- He obviously wants to show us how cool he is by getting the bike rolling immediately with throttle and clutch as soon as the rear wheel hits the ground.

Guess what he forgot,...

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Serowbot on 03/05/13 at 16:34:32

457B706D606D60020 wrote:
Guess what he forgot,...

Pants?...... :-?...

... petcock?...

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by ZAR on 03/05/13 at 17:54:48

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
[quote author=457B706D606D60020 link=1362240460/15#18 date=1362520887]Guess what he forgot,...

Pants?...... :-?...

... petcock?...[/quote]

:-? ::) yeah,I can remember those days....kick her over,klick into first and roll out hard......just to sputter to a stop. Forgot to turn on the fuel ....again :o

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Cavi Mike on 03/06/13 at 01:47:11

1B252E333E333E5C0 wrote:
Guess what he forgot,...

Unlock the forks?

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by verslagen1 on 03/06/13 at 07:21:09

6C4E59466246444A2F0 wrote:
[quote author=1B252E333E333E5C0 link=1362240460/15#18 date=1362520887]
Guess what he forgot,...

Unlock the forks?[/quote]


Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Charon on 03/06/13 at 11:28:14

2D3E2928373A3C3E356A5B0 wrote:
[quote author=6C4E59466246444A2F0 link=1362240460/15#21 date=1362563231][quote author=1B252E333E333E5C0 link=1362240460/15#18 date=1362520887]
Guess what he forgot,...

Unlock the forks?[/quote]


Nice thing about my Ninja is that the ignition switch is also the fork lock. Too bad cruisers aren't so well designed.

Title: Re: Steering lock, and security measures
Post by Gyrobob on 03/06/13 at 16:56:04

2D3E2928373A3C3E356A5B0 wrote:
[quote author=6C4E59466246444A2F0 link=1362240460/15#21 date=1362563231][quote author=1B252E333E333E5C0 link=1362240460/15#18 date=1362520887]
Guess what he forgot,...

Unlock the forks?[/quote]

Bingo X 2

It was funny for a few moments, but then, looking at the scratched up bike and helmet, and a few raspberries, it started sinking in,.. "there but for the grace of God,..." » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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