General Category >> The Cafe >> change? better or worse?

Message started by LostArtist on 02/26/13 at 18:02:20

Title: change? better or worse?
Post by LostArtist on 02/26/13 at 18:02:20

I might have an opportunity to move from my current job to a better paying job but more production art oriented job so kind of a copy shop job, where now I do actually do graphic design but it's not high end graphic design so it doesn't and shouldn't pay much more than I'm making now. the new job would pay a bit better but not a life changing amount, but it is a day time job where now I'm working nights and I feel I'm missing out on life a good bit. So overall I feel the new job would be more positive for my life, but maybe not so good for my "career" but my "career" hasn't really gone anywhere anyway. . .  

maybe it's just my innate fear of change. . .  even though I adapt well to on the fly changes at work, big life changing things can kinda freeze my brain and I end up making bad choices sometimes. . .

just talking to myself, to help clear my thoughts before the interview tomorrow morning

my biggest problem is that I let my job define me . . . I need to find a better way

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by engineer on 02/26/13 at 19:04:47

Tough decision.  Whatever you do don't look back and ask yourself if you did the right thing because you'll never know how the other option would have turned out anyway.  Good luck.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by bobert_FSO on 02/26/13 at 19:17:33

I thoroughly understand the resistance/fear of change.  I am also very risk averse.

From your post, it sounds like you are thinking that the new job would make for a better life.  I would certainly think that for most people, moving from nights to days would be a really big deal.  It allows you to become part of the "normal" world and widens the opportunity for a social life.  For that reason alone, I would really look hard a making the jump.  If the new job is not as "arty" as the current job, you might be able to pick up some side jobs the satisfy your more creative needs.

That's my 2 cents.  Good luck on your decision.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/26/13 at 20:25:52

Never pass up an opportunity that seeks you out.
go find out what it's about, maybe not what you're thinking.

if this is the beginning of your career, don't be afraid to job hop.
just as long as you stay with a job for a few years to show consistency.
and that you weren't let go for lack of performance.

if a job makes you happy stick with it.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by arteacher on 02/26/13 at 21:46:24

Working nights will shorten your life considerably. Think of this job as a new start that will affect all aspects of your life for the better.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Serowbot on 02/26/13 at 22:58:05

Art makes a good point,... your life, is more than a career...
There may be social, mental, physical, aspects to this...
In the long run,... your mental and physical, health and well-being, do matter... more than anything...

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by LANCER on 02/27/13 at 03:14:28

I would go with the new job.
Better money and a day time schedule = better quality of life generally.
Seek outside avenue's for creative satisfaction, which may eventually lead to the ideal career you want.  It can happen.  It frees you to fully express your artistic gifts while still earning a living and having more quality time with the family & others.
Just my own thoughts ... I would do it.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/27/13 at 05:59:23

Life is meant to be lived, not toiling away in the dark. Get back on days, bring skills from your current & more creative job to this one, impress your new bosses, and look for further opportunities because we are all free agents.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Greg on 02/27/13 at 06:29:22

Just to play Devil's advocate, the night job has some benefits as well. Most professional offices are only open during the 9-5 hours so you need to miss work to visit any. You will have more time for riding since daytime riding is preferable to night time riding. If you have kids and they are young, you will actually get to spend more time with them if you work nights. If you are doing more of what you like now, don't change. Working nights allows you to find part time or just hobby work during the day. I have friends who absolutely hate the 9-5 world. They find it too restricting to doing the things they want or need to do.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 02/27/13 at 08:49:34

"Every decision means the death of all other possibilities" ... quote from the Sci-fi mini-series "Taken" by Stephen Speilberg.

Best of Luck to you whatever your choice!

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by LostArtist on 02/27/13 at 10:44:12

the interview went okay, if they offer me the job I'll say yes. It sounds kinda neat, more of a digital press operator/sign finishing position than anything as passive as I am now but I can see it being an okay job. yeah I need to move past the "my job = my life" thing, but I really don't have anything else, no family or anything so I have a hard time evaluating myself outside of my career.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Cavi Mike on 02/27/13 at 20:01:24

Who "toils away in the dark" on nights? When I go into work - the sun is up. When I get out - the sun is up. It's only dark outside when I'm at work and can't do anything anyways. Then again I'm actually talking about the night shift, not the 3-11 evening shift people always seem to call "nights" these days.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by WebsterMark on 02/28/13 at 05:09:49

Who "toils away in the dark" on nights?

Two new fonts need to be added…. One for sarcastic comments and one for metaphorical comments.

I was being more metaphorical than anything else. I was saying it would be a shame to toil away in a job that makes you feel trapped and unfulfilled.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by LostArtist on 02/28/13 at 10:15:35

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:

I was being more metaphorical than anything else. I was saying it would be a shame to toil away in a job that makes you feel trapped and unfulfilled.

I've always made the choice to go with the job I was more comfortable and fulfilled in and it seems that's always been a mistake somehow, it always hurts financially, and now I'm not sure I can afford that choice anymore.  

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/13 at 10:33:46

I had a guy try to hire me away from a job Id had for more than 5 years. He offered a Big raise. More than 20%. but, I didnt know the guy. Didnt trust him, AND, he told me he was a Christian Three Times.,.,Immediate red flag for me,I went to my boss & told him what the guy was offering. He said he could afford to pay more to keep me, but couldnt match it. I got a decent raise & stayed. As it worked out, he just really wanted to go to the Las Vegas electronics show. He hired a guy & kept him for just 6 weeks,, I woulda been out of a job in 6 weeks had I taken that,, But, my old boss woulda rehired me,, I know that, cuz he did. I did take other jobs, he hired me back twice,cuz I made him good $$$.

I stayed that time, because I knew how he treated me. He was al;ways honest & fair with me. I knew he wasnt a screamer or slave driver.
KNowing the environment isnt toxic helps a lot when the alarm clock goes off. Waking up & getting a pain in the gut, knowing youre gonna spend the next 8 or 10 hours in some level of emotional pain because the boss sucks isnt worth $20.00 a day. Keep beans on the table working with good people.,

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Greg on 03/01/13 at 10:52:07

Very true JOG. I left my last job because we weren't compatible moral- and virtue-wise. They were lying to people and companies and ripping them off. It made me physically ill to participate. I had no where to go when I left. I can tell you my final 2 weeks were pure Hell. I initially accepted their offer because it was for lots more money and a crap ton of benefits. I guess they had to bribe their employees. I guess I wasn't for sale.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by arteacher on 03/01/13 at 14:06:24

I have made a similar decision a couple of times in my life. I left a high stress job that paid serious money with good benefits to pursue something I liked 22 years ago. I have not made as much money in a single year as I did the last year in the high stress job, and have no benefits, but I like to go to work in the morning. I am sure that decision 22 years ago saved my marriage, and my relationship with my kids, and postponed my heart problems. If I had stayed working nights I would probably be pushing up daisies now.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/03/13 at 07:36:54

Uh OHHH,, I guess I messed up Again.. Looks like I demonstrated operating out of principle. Giving up $$$ for something as useless as decency & peace.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by ZAR on 03/03/13 at 19:18:49

0D2E3235003335283235410 wrote:
[quote author=152720313627300F233029420 link=1361930540/0#12 date=1362056989]

I was being more metaphorical than anything else. I was saying it would be a shame to toil away in a job that makes you feel trapped and unfulfilled.

I've always made the choice to go with the job I was more comfortable and fulfilled in and it seems that's always been a mistake somehow, it always hurts financially, and now I'm not sure I can afford that choice anymore.  

LA I've screwed myself and my wife financally several times in my job choices and most of those involved going to "better" jobs that promised a good increase in salary and benefits. Every time I either ended up with less money or in an emotional bind. I'm almost 58 years old and have no fortune hidden away,no big retirement nest-egg and no mansion. BUT.....our land and trailer is paid for as are car,truck and bikes. We have learned to get by on less than $25K a year and be comfortable,if not in luxury. I've done this by working for small,private or family owned companies and working in areas I enjoy,mostly rural/farm related fields in service/transport positions.

I don't claim everyone should live like I do,but it seems that most of the "old school" bikers have followed this pattern. It's part of the freedom of the "biker lifestyle". And I ain't talking about the 1%ers or the "bike nights at Hooters" lifestyles either one. Just your average scooter tramps that quietly live and work and play,and rack up 8,10,12 or even 25 thousand miles a year on their bike while few people even notice they're around.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by ZAR on 03/03/13 at 19:27:28

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
Uh OHHH,, I guess I messed up Again.. Looks like I demonstrated operating out of principle. Giving up $$$ for something as useless as decency & peace.

If ya messed up yer in good company Nolan. I sense this forum has more than it's fair share of good rebels. My,yours(and others round here)principals may not be mainstream but they serve us well.

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Boofer on 03/03/13 at 21:24:22

Hey, didn't read any of the responses, so consider that. I am nearly 60, but a friend of mine was discussing change with someone recently when she said this: "I don't like change for the sake of change. But if it's an actual improvement, count me in." I've used her line about a million times this year. Never too late to learn something. Especially when you're as dumb as I am.  ;D

Title: Re: change? better or worse?
Post by Trippah on 03/04/13 at 06:42:24

Lost - obviously the artist part of your monniker speaks volumes and do not doubt that we all think of ourselves to one degree or another in relationship to our professions and current job.  Night work will reduce your years (unless ye changeth into a vamp). I agree with the previous posters and say go for it;if your present nightime position was that fulfilling you wouldn't have started this post.   Best of luck..0 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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