General Category >> The Cafe >> Who are you?

Message started by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 08:43:12

Title: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 08:43:12

Just like ice cream, a whole bunch of flavors and ain't none of em' bad, I was wondering who everyone is....
I'd love to hear some of your background, kids, work, likes, etc..... sorta get a taste of just who all share our like of this bike. Nothing scientific you understand, just plain old curiosity and titillation  ;D

Anybody wanna up?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/17/13 at 09:31:23

maybe you should start?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by hexnut on 02/17/13 at 09:56:47

gone fishing

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by arteacher on 02/17/13 at 10:42:54

Starting up a dating service? ;D
Got a name for it too- Savage Mates. ::)

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Serowbot on 02/17/13 at 10:51:27

I'm a time traveler,.. currently living in 1961, awaiting my chance to prevent the assignation of President Kennedy...
Internet access is difficult here,.. tapping in through rotary phones... but I manage...
Traffic is much less, and gas is dirt cheap,.. so riding is great...

Nice song,... the Who?...  I think I'll buy their first album, when it comes out...
I can't wait to taste McDonalds french fries... :-?...

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 11:52:08

Fine....I never pass an open mike without availing myself  :-*

Since I am rather long winded, I will have to reply in installments, as it (this open window/domain) appears to close/shut before I can reply/post in total....

Who I is.....

I have 4 kids, one wife, who I credit in total for reaching the age of 60. If I had been left to my own accord I believe my demise whould have precceded the post, years, if not decades ago. So, blame her!

We were both natives of the state of California, having been raised in its sothern parts, we left a wee over a decade ago to land on Whidbey Island, Washington.
We found our beach hideaway and moved in.....

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 12:22:40

Well my wife is an artist  which led me to a like....
She thrust a digital camera into my hands with the orders to learn or starve...
Now I am not given to study, no, but I love to eat, so I learnt it, and came to found I love photography, taking landscapes, seascapes, etc where I live.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 14:10:23


Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by rl153 on 02/17/13 at 14:42:08

awesome pictures

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 15:24:08

4B42514E494216151E1E270 wrote:
awesome pictures

Thanks....I'll take that as a yes, yes?

I like to garden too, had a very big one the first year up but the deer ate me up good. Reduced it to deer free foliage to the most part, flowers!

And guess what, I like taking them too  ::)

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by arteacher on 02/17/13 at 15:50:29

Those pictures are professional quality. Why is the second one blurred?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 16:22:58

262D2D242827263C3D490 wrote:
Those pictures are professional quality. Why is the second one blurred?

I edit some of them to give a different feel/perspective......

Some seascapes perhaps?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by arteacher on 02/17/13 at 16:38:12

OK- you asked for it: I was born in 1949 in London Ontario, where I now live. I am an only child as my mother was born with a quarter sized hole between the two atria of her heart and had 6 miscarriages before she had me, after spending her entire pregnancy bed-ridden. She was very artistic, and painted and did ceramics, as much as she could. My father was a mechanical engineer, who at one time had the largest (hanger) doors in the world on his resume. His father was a commercial artist. The only surviving art of his still in use is the Schneider's girl, which the meat packing co. still uses. My parents were so worried about spoiling an only child that they went too far to the other side of the spectrum, and I had to earn, one way or another, everything I got.
I have had so many jobs that I can't remember them all, but my faves were: draughtsman,, Professional commercial photographer, and teaching, which I still do. I was a cub leader for 4 years.
We live in a small condo (paid for) in a middle class neighbourhood. I have two sons, 34 and 40. The 40 year old has 2 sons, 7 and 5. They are the light of my life. The older son lives in London, the younger in Whitehorse YT.
My wife and I met at the wedding of our first cousins, and were married 3 years later, in 1973. Since 1982 she has been stricken with Multiple Sclerosis, and is now in a wheelchair most of the time. I do all the cooking and cleaning. I am hesitant to leave her alone overnight, so my riding is day trips only.
My health is not so hot- I am diabetic (poorly controlled at the present, but working on it) and have congestive heart failure, recently diagnosed.
My wife and I like to watch movies, and I have a decent home theater, and a really good stereo, some nice camera equipment which I don't use as often as I would like, and a 2008 Scion xB souped up some.
I make wine too.
That's me, in a nutshell. :)
EDIT, 2/23/2013: I forgot about my bikes! In 1965 I bought a '37 Royal Enfield 500 from a neighbour , fixed it up and drove it 'till I needed money for college in '69. Met and married my wife, who had a Suzuki step-through, which we ran into the ground in about 5 years. Next was a Honda 750 four '80 vintage, which I kept for 5 years till I went back to school. Then the S40, reprising my big single roots.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/17/13 at 17:06:01

My goodness, your plate is full indeed. I appreciate your reply, as well as your candor, and the apparent strength you have at accepting life as its dealt!  

This "snap shot" i quickly grabbed out in my backyard (need to weed a wee bit eh?) as a sun ray found its way through the tangles.

Not much on composition I admit, I like it because to me it represents how even in the disarray of life, the light of hope never need be extinguished, if we keep the right attitude about us.

I hope you like it too!

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by arteacher on 02/17/13 at 20:12:05

Trees are very hard to compose around, as they all have a strong graphic element that leads your eye out of the picture. The way around this is to have a very strong center of interest that pulls your eye back into the picture. Just my 2 cents. I just remembered: we got rid of the penny up here, so I guess it's my 5 cents now.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by MiCTLaN on 02/17/13 at 20:38:32

I've worked for the past dozen plus years at a small software company doing product support, training, etc.  Have lived in a relatively small town most of my life... have moved away and came back a few times at this point.  Have been dating a great girl for the past few years, we met online through a forum that we both frequent, met in person and hit it off.

My favorite pastime is probably cooking.  At the end of a long day of dealing with computer related issues, where you often feel like you're never accomplishing anything because once you tackle one issue two more pop up, standing in the kitchen chopping up vegetables and mixing up mirepoix for a stew is the best way I've found to relax.  Even so, I've managed to stay somewhere south of obese, unlike the rest of my family.

...and hey, since we mentioned photography, that's one of my hobbies as well.  ;) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

</end flood>

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/17/13 at 20:45:54

don't forget to watermark your art before someone lifts it.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by arteacher on 02/17/13 at 21:26:25

That's why I don't post many pics. And I love the reference to Escher.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by MiCTLaN on 02/17/13 at 21:35:37

I've never been a fan of watermarks.  My stuff is all available on Flickr anyway, and I maintain copyright on most of my photos (some I licence Creative Commons so people can use them).  I've only had to hunt someone down once or twice for using an image commercially, most of the time people ask.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by WD on 02/18/13 at 08:30:37

Age 40, born and raised in western WA. Now living on an old plantation in western TN (for the 2nd time), have lived in WA, MS, TN, Mexico and Spain. Jesuit educated, Eagle Scout, ex-Navy, ex-HAMC Nomad, ordained (pagan) clergy, reformed bootlegger.

Work background: zookeeper, logger, construction, bike shops, truck driver, hot rod shops. Currently in the credit card security compliance industry 1/2 time, farm the other 1/2 of my time.

Hobbies: Old bikes, old 4 wheeled vehicles, fishing, shooting, hiking, camping, racing (not for years but rebuilding an old flat track Honda), fossil hunting, on farm archaeology (our place has been a working farm since the 1790s), old building restoration, art nudes (photo or woodcarving)...

Currently low impact developing part of our 54 acres into a day use naturist facility (around our 2 acre pond). Repairing the docks, adding on to them, adding bbqs and fire rings, adding a sand volleyball court, adding a couple picnic shelters. All the improvements are being done (as close as we can afford to make them) farm wide, to western European standards.

You sure you wanted to know?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Pine on 02/18/13 at 09:04:16

I am quite the opposite of yall two.. I have zero artistic ability.

Just turned 50 (2-15) been married for 25 years and worked for the state for 25 years.. different jobs but always with computers. Currently work here:

I was born in MS, and except for 7 years in Idaho, lived here all my live. We have two kids daughter now at ole Miss and son age 15 in public school. besides computers and my suzuki, my only other hobby is my Dan Wesson revolver which I bought new in 1986. I dont watch any sports, or hunt/fish/golf.. nothing. I do game on the computer in spurts, and like to build them. Oh and I have a 1965 tbird I want to get rid of. Just not a good enough mechanic for that car (nor deep enough pockets).  

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Paraquat on 02/18/13 at 09:32:49

I love that 2nd sunset picture, RD.

...and Mict, is that a Recaro I see?

I'll be on later to post. I'm out of time here at work.


Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by MiCTLaN on 02/18/13 at 10:09:07

7746554656524653270 wrote:
...and Mict, is that a Recaro I see?

It's a "gaming chair", like this one... I probably should have moved it for the photo, it's received plenty of weird comments because of that ("Is that a woman in a burka?" being the most amusing).

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Sticks16 on 02/18/13 at 21:22:12

Good evening all,

My name is Jamey I'm 24 originally from NJ now living in FL. I can't see my history being as rich as most of y'all but we all have a story to tell  :P. I've been working since I can remember helping my father around his pool business, dock boy at a marina, cashier (couponsssss Noooo!) never again haha, dishwasher, a furniture store, restaurant, state job on parkway, post office on campus at college and now bartending. Needless to say I'm proud to say I'm not lazy and love working with my hands as most if not all of us do on here. I'm currently in the process of becoming a "Coastie" and couldn't be happier/more anxious to begin. My main hobby besides working on Savvy is music. I play the drums and have been for about 12 years. I've been in several no name bands but I have had the honor of playing with bigger acts of similar genres. It's amazing how much of an influence my father has been on my life. I play music because I saw him do it for so long as a kid and he's still at it today. I ride because I grew up riding with him. I remember Daytona and bike shows as a child and so the feeling I get when I ride is pure joy  ;D I'm happy to be part of this online community and have learned so much from so many of you already! My 96' Savvy is my second bike after an 84 Shadow vt700 and I must say this machine is FUN. Anyway.....Thanks for reading my rant.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 02/19/13 at 05:33:47

Have been a member here at since 2003 when I got my motorcycle license and purchased my first LS650, a teal green '03. Have owned a few different motorcycles since then, including another LS, a pearl white '05 S40.
Am 50 yrs old, work in the Engineering field ... was married for 23 years until I found myself unexpectedly thrust into single-dom 3 years ago ... which I am still trying to sort out :( ... Father to 2 lovely young ladies (22 & 23). Became a certified Motorcycle Instructor in 2008. Love everything about motorcycles! Also enjoy European beer and playing guitar. Met fellow member Reelthing, of Houston, Texas back in '06 when him and his lovely wife vacationed here in Nfld. ... nice people!
Live a relatively quiet life ... sometimes too quiet ...

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Sticks16 on 02/19/13 at 19:22:07

We're all here if you ever want to chat Perry! Keep on ridin' !

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/20/13 at 03:17:03

Thanks guys for sharing, pretty interesting group. C'mon gang, a lot more post here, who are you?

I got more, just short on time right now.....

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by 223fan on 02/20/13 at 14:33:14

I am 44,I have been married for 22 years have 2 children . I have been working with turkey's for 13 years , I have worked in a sawmill , junkyard , and pulled 4 years as one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. I like hunting, fishing, shooting , reloading and riding my S40.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Cavi Mike on 02/21/13 at 14:11:08

A Toys-[ch1071]-Us kid with much cooler toys than when I was smaller.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by rl153 on 02/21/13 at 14:24:21

My name is Robert, I'm 58, lived in CT all my life. I'm married for 34 years,1 cat. Had a bunch of jobs ,but presently working pt at a plumbers shop doing maintenance.Love the 2005 S40(5k mi),but i'm not quite as handy as some of you guys. Also ride bicycles, fool around on the computer, and do alot of maintenance on my 65 year old 1200 sq ft house. I love this forum, and have gotton alot help at times, and good advice.  :)

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by ALfromN.H. on 02/21/13 at 15:05:55

I'm AL. From N.H.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by newriverjunkie on 02/21/13 at 15:26:04

2F2F2E7B7C731D0 wrote:
...pulled 4 years as one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children.

RAH! Thank you for serving, btw I'm half way through a 6 year reserve contract with Uncle Sam myself.  

I'm 26 (in 5 days) and have been married to my beautiful wife five years this October.  We've got a 15 month old son, who is a typical boy, and my better half is due in early April with our second, sposed to be a girl.  I've lived as far south as SC, as far north as Northern MI, as far west as WA state and as far east as WV.  I finally (after 7 years of knowing my wife) convinced her to let me get a bike..."but babe it'll get better gas mileage than my truck...I can just trade the truck for the bike!"  I've been working for the better part of 12 years, been everything from a lawn mower to a welder to an armed courier/security guard.  I love to work on just about anything I can get my hands on and if my boy is anything like me he'll be taking his toys apart just to see how they work before to long.  Always loved working with my hands...not a real brainy guy but yet I currently find myself filling the shoes of a CNC Machinist...I like to be able to see what my work has done at the end of the day.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/21/13 at 19:10:41

My first love......

My new love.....

My commute.....

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Steve H on 02/22/13 at 05:58:26

I'm Steve.  I live in Spartanburg, SC. I am 49 years old.  I am married to my second wife.  I have 2 children, both boys, one 19 and one 10.
I've been riding since somewhere around 10 years old.  Got my motorcycle license in 1979.
I've had several bikes over the years and did all the wrenching on all of them.  As well as on several of my brother's.
I enjoy riding, savage pic attached, radio controlled aircraft, computers, woodworking, reading, not a big tv watcher.  I enjoy good food, belly is starting to show it too. Always willing to help someone out if I can. Just bought my savage last year, the weekend after Thanksgiving.  So far, only put about 50 miles on it.  I'm not a fan of cold. Gotta put my fender on when it warms up too.
Worked for 20 years as a computer service tech.  Certifications from HP, IBM, Compaq, AT&T, Novell, Microsoft.  Before that and currently as an offset and letterpress press operator and typesetter.
I've got carpal tunnel in both wrists.  The stock handlebars give me a fit. My hands get numb after about 30 minutes...gotta change those.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by ZAR on 02/22/13 at 19:10:48

Larry here. I'm 57 years old and live in Kentucky on part of the same farm I grew up on. I've been married to the same forgiving lady for 34 years. I work for an outdoor power equipment,serving as the pick-up and delivery driver and lately in the parts department.

Besides motorcycles I enjoy reading a lot,raise chickens,write poetry and am a amateur radio operator,my callsign is KG4ZAR and where my nickname Zar comes from. We also have two great dogs,both Brittany Spaniels.

I started riding way back in the 1970's, when big singles and British twins were in their heyday. Dropped out of the scooter scene for a long time until a couple of years ago.  I presently own two scooters, my 1996 Savage and a 1980 Kawasaki KZ440 LTD twin. I enjoy most all bikes but the big singles and paralell twins will always be closest to my heart. My next scooter will hopefully be a Triumph Speedmaster,but there will always be a Savage in the barn for those times I just want to get out and kick up some dust!

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/22/13 at 21:31:35

Hi... I'm verslagen1... and I'm a savageaholic.   [smiley=beer.gif]

Some know me as mike, but there are dozens of mikes here... so call me versy if you wish... just know I probably won't answer to mike w/o a prod.

I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.   [smiley=evil.gif]

I'm an mechanical engineer by trade, mechanic by birth.  Born and raised in California.  Dad owned and raced a Gold Star.  After he married, he converted it to a sidecar and raced that for 20 years more.  Brothers raced too, but we all retired together.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Jiggyfly on 02/23/13 at 03:12:35

My name is Shon, and I'm new here! I'm 42, married, & I have 2 boys- one 3-1/2, & one 7 months. I went to school for A&P mechanic, but I work as a mechanic in the food industry, (coffee). I grew up around motorcycles.....literally! We didnt have a garage, so my dad would park his '49 Panhead in the house in the winter. I'm originally from Rockford, Il, but I got so completely sick of winter I moved to Columbia, SC in 2011.
I bought my first motorcycle in 1990....I'd never ridden anything as the pilot previous to this.....EVER, not even a mini bike! Since then, I've owned over 100 motorcycles, ranging from Ducati 916 to XR600 to YZ250f to SV650, & on & on. My passion is road racing, which I've been doing since 1997. I've collected a couple handfuls of regional championships, & I've been on national podiums. I even managed to snag CCS regional championships the last to years, at my ripe old (racing) age. I'm also a track day instructor/coach.

I joined the forum to pick brains & find knowledge on the platform. Like many others here, I'm doing a Ryca build, scrambler version. I just got the bike, & it will have a couple different twists. I'm doing a couple downshifts on the racing in 2013, with the addition of son #2, (hey! Racing ain't cheap!), so I'm building this to get more bike time, as well as I enjoy wrenching & fabricating.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/23/13 at 08:06:45

What a wonderful mix of blokes who have a thump in common, too cool....

versy, I grew up in socal, lived in Redondo Beach/Torrance most of those years. Surfed before the stupid leash brought evey yahoo into the water and worked on the fishing boats out of Redondo Sportfishing for a spell when I was younger. You know the area?
My nephew use to motocross at Ascot, I'd go and watch him.

I still fish and crab for my dinner out front of my house....
I can catch dungies and be eating them in 30 minutes, thats FRESH seafood!

and salmon too!

Weird thing since I started riding, I think it has to do with my seems the shape of my head has changed to accommodate its snugness...I dunno. Anybody else have this problem?

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/23/13 at 08:29:41

A few more pixs of my digs....

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/23/13 at 08:32:07

Had an Uncle in Redondo, but we never spent much time there.

Dad at ascot

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 02/23/13 at 08:42:27

Very nice pix, considering the gear the detail frozen at that speed is spot on, the eyes of the riders really tell of their that your pa on the bars or is he the one dragging his arse.....   :-*

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by verslagen1 on 02/23/13 at 08:54:37

Dad is the pilot, brother is the monkey

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by Boofer on 02/27/13 at 20:07:31

5147504D55404D56220 wrote:
I'm a time traveler,.. currently living in 1961, awaiting my chance to prevent the assignation of President Kennedy...
Internet access is difficult here,.. tapping in through rotary phones... but I manage...
Traffic is much less, and gas is dirt cheap,.. so riding is great...

Nice song,... the Who?...  I think I'll buy their first album, when it comes out...
I can't wait to taste McDonalds french fries... :-?...

Serowbot, did you mean assignation or assassination? From the rumors I hear either is ok.  ;)

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by LANCER on 02/28/13 at 04:23:41

4F6C62627C63697C050 wrote:
My name is Shon, and I'm new here! I'm 42, married, & I have 2 boys- one 3-1/2, & one 7 months. I went to school for A&P mechanic, but I work as a mechanic in the food industry, (coffee). I grew up around motorcycles.....literally! We didnt have a garage, so my dad would park his '49 Panhead in the house in the winter. I'm originally from Rockford, Il, but I got so completely sick of winter I moved to Columbia, SC in 2011.
I bought my first motorcycle in 1990....I'd never ridden anything as the pilot previous to this.....EVER, not even a mini bike! Since then, I've owned over 100 motorcycles, ranging from Ducati 916 to XR600 to YZ250f to SV650, & on & on. My passion is road racing, which I've been doing since 1997. I've collected a couple handfuls of regional championships, & I've been on national podiums. I even managed to snag CCS regional championships the last to years, at my ripe old (racing) age. I'm also a track day instructor/coach.

I joined the forum to pick brains & find knowledge on the platform. Like many others here, I'm doing a Ryca build, scrambler version. I just got the bike, & it will have a couple different twists. I'm doing a couple downshifts on the racing in 2013, with the addition of son #2, (hey! Racing ain't cheap!), so I'm building this to get more bike time, as well as I enjoy wrenching & fabricating.

If you are still in Columbia then call, email, text or just holler real loud.
I am moving and too many parts in the garage to take with me.
I will PM you as well.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by LANCER on 02/28/13 at 05:37:52

769 moons since drawing my first breath in northern California, back when most people there were rational.
Left in '67 after H/S, from what is now silicone valley...back then it was strawberry fields and cherry orchards; where Apple's HQ is located was considered the "wrong side of the tracks" back then.  Missed out on a good investment there.
Went to school with the 2 Steve's that created Apple...another investment opportunity lost.    :(
2 yrs studying Aerospace Engineering @ Parks College then left to fly helicopters for the Army, which included an all inclusive all expenses paid vacation for 1 full year in the beautiful tropical paradise of SE Asia.  
What a deal ! ! !
Survived; married; back to school BS in Agriculture; kids; Navy; moved to SC in '87 and been here since.  
First wife passed away and now remarried to a wonderful woman...just passed our 1 year anniversary.   :)

Riding since '66; first bike '66 Suzuki 150 2-stroke and pretty much bullet proof...sure took a lot of abuse anyway.
Got a BSA Goldstar in '69, built for flat track racing, and fell in love with the animal inside of it.  It topped out at 110 mph but it was sure a wild ride getting there, and it got there in freaking short order.  Verslagen grew up with them ... he knows.
Had to sell it in the early '90's during extreme times of financial difficulty.  Stuff happens.  Very sad heart.  Maybe some day I can get another.  My son, upon finishing school and becoming gainfully employed, knowing where my motorcycle heart was, bought me a new '96 Savage in 2000 for Fathers Day.  Yep, a very good son.
During the years have had '56 BSA 650 twin single carb, '78 Yamaha SR500 & SRS600, 2 Sporty's, and ....... hmmm, brain freeze...there is another one in there somewhere but cannot think of it.
Currently:  '96 Savage ( REX )
'09 S40
'05 Sporty 1200 Custom
'86 Flat Tracker project bike

Moving to Oklahoma very shortly

Which location should I build the house on ? ?
Not me, just a cool photo of some fine flying and "superb control touch".

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by WD on 02/28/13 at 14:21:58

Away from the pond... Alligators keep moving north and west. So do cotton mouths. I'll bring you a few to seed it with on your way by...  ;)

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by MShipley on 02/28/13 at 17:05:07

Huumm, I have been avoiding this, not sure why. I'm 58. Grew up a military brat. I'm from Oklahoma. Maybe I will see you there someday Lancer. Spent most my youth trying to kill myself with Drugs and Alcohol. Got sober 28 years ago. I am the VP of Operations for a Company that I am a partner in. Came a long way from where I started. Was married for 37 years to my high school sweetheart that tolerated me through all my bad times. I have one son who is now 33. I lost my dear wife to cancer last August. Used to know why I got up in the mornings, now its just hard to get up some times.

Started riding again just a few years ago.  I have a 1999 1100 ACE Honda and after my wife left I went out and got the S40 to build a bobber to occupy my time. I posted pictures of it about a week or so ago it was brown with the cream racing stripes.

I am also a follower of Christ and I spend as much time as I can with my church and I love doing mission work with my friends in Nicaragua. Will be heading back there in May. Have very much enjoyed being on this forum. Certainly have learned a lot. Gotten a little aggrevated over in the Religion/Politics area but God created us all uniquely for a purpose. There are a few people over in the religion/politics area that I would like to take to Nicaragua with me some time, most of us Americans take for granted the precious gift we have living here.

Anyway I am just rambling like an old guy now. I am not telling you guys this stuff looking for sympathy, just telling you who I am.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by LANCER on 03/01/13 at 03:28:06

1506420 wrote:
Away from the pond... Alligators keep moving north and west. So do cotton mouths. I'll bring you a few to seed it with on your way by...  ;)

No gators yet but cotton mouths have been around since ... well, they have been there since I can remember.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by raydawg on 03/01/13 at 16:22:03

"Anyway I am just rambling like an old guy now. I am not telling you guys this stuff looking for sympathy, just telling you who I am."

I can't speak for others, but for me,  I don't sympathize you, no, I admire you. Many will pass this life never coming to grips with themselves, now that is sorrowful.

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