General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Nothings Changed

Message started by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 09:47:57

Title: Nothings Changed
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 09:47:57

This quote is from a speech that Congressman Louis T. McFadden delivered to the U.S. House of Representatives on June 10, 1932…


Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board has cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/05/13 at 10:15:07

Nice platitude, but what are the specifics of his complaint?

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/05/13 at 10:40:15

And remember that was in 1932 when we were on the gold standard.

Yea, after we went off the gold standard, it all got perfect.

Sheesh, the fact that you cant eat $ bills, pretty much precludes it from having any value. Yea, neither does gold, you cant eat that either.

So we need to be on the rice/wheat/corn standard.

The $ is backed by faith ... so is gold. I cant imagine any thing replacing either of the 2.


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/05/13 at 11:03:09

Srinath -

For once, we totally agree.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 11:36:14

4A45494348454E424552474552200 wrote:
Nice platitude, but what are the specifics of his complaint?

Jerry have you not seen the results of the so called Federal Reserve Audit. They gave away 18 trillion to Wall St Banks, Foreign Banks that finance terrorist operations and so on. At the time our US debt was 16 trillion. Your post about the Wall St boys paying their debt back  was total BS. They recieved trillions behind our backs. If you're OK with that so be it. It pisses me off to no end they have the power to to that behind our backs,

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/05/13 at 11:38:27

6669656F6469626E697E6B697E0C0 wrote:
Srinath -

For once, we totally agree.

As any economist worth his afternoon coffee knows ... these 2 questions and their correct answers ...

What is the US$ good for ?
Everything except the end of the US.

What is gold good for ?
Everything except the end of the world.

You are thinking of the end of the US ... buy gold.
You are thinking of the end of the world ... buy dry goods and cans of food.


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/05/13 at 11:58:20

77535E54535D524E48535E5F483A0 wrote:
[quote author=4A45494348454E424552474552200 link=1360086477/0#1 date=1360088107]Nice platitude, but what are the specifics of his complaint?

Jerry have you not seen the results of the so called Federal Reserve Audit. They gave away 18 trillion to Wall St Banks, Foreign Banks that finance terrorist operations and so on. At the time our US debt was 16 trillion. Your post about the Wall St boys paying their debt back  was total BS. They recieved trillions behind our backs. If you're OK with that so be it. It pisses me off to no end they have the power to to that behind our backs,[/quote]

Yea that is a good point.
Yes the fed totally screwed over the american public.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/13 at 12:09:38

Neither of you will understand unless you choose to open your minds to the possibility that w/o actual study on such a topic as money & currency ( & yes, there Is a difference) that its possible your understanding is based in what youve gathered from just being alive & its simply not enough of an education to actually understand the topic. Id LOve to explain it, but, the best book for beginners is almost 600 pages long.. REad it. Its absolutely engrossing. Its better than any mystery Ive ever read.
Jerry, youre an educated man. Its a shame that youve avoided exposure to the facts & maintain an opinion based solely in what the same system that depends on the Fed has FED us. Open that mind. Expose it to some ideas that are counter to what youve been taught.,

You can send it to others after youve had your eyes opened wide.

The CReature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin
Your view of the world will be changed, drastically

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 12:43:48

JOG don't believe everything you read,books are written to make money,The real true isn't usually very interesting,So they have to make it good  and beyond the truth  to sell it.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 12:55:44

"Yes the fed totally screwed over the american public." Sri they're not a part of the American goverment. Most people think they are because of their name. Thats why there's not been a bigger upraoar. If you call them the fed no one thinks anything about it. Ron Paul and the independent senator from Vermont Barney, I cant remember his last name were the only 2 congressmen with the the balls to stand up to them, now they're gone. The leaders of the reserve should be put on trial and the reserve shut down but we both know when there's a lot of money involved that never happens.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by houstonbofh on 02/05/13 at 13:09:04

4F4441411B1A2D0 wrote:
The real true isn't usually very interesting

Not always...  Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.  Totally true and totally scary.  And nothing to do with this, but a darn good read, and still all true.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 13:34:31

6A6D7771766D6C606D646A020 wrote:
[quote author=4F4441411B1A2D0 link=1360086477/0#8 date=1360097028]The real true isn't usually very interesting

Not always...  Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.  Totally true and totally scary.  And nothing to do with this, but a darn good read, and still all true.[/quote]
How do you know its true.I don't read books.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 13:39:02

Sri youre right, ya cant eat gold. The only thing in our favor is we're the #1 food producer. If we would cut our defense program, bring our troops home and put them to work here rebuilding our infrastructure and mowing down the criminals in Chicago, become energy independent, quit worrying about Israel and the rest of the middle east and the world as far as that goes we might stand a chance. They have to have our food right now. Thats our Ace in the whole. My health has gone to hell, dont know if I told ya I've got diabetes now. Dont know if I'll be able to or not but I'm gonna try to be in Mooresville Fri night. Dont hold me to it, right now I'm so weak I cant walk to the mailbox but if I can make it maybe we can get together. I'll stay in touch, take care my friend.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 13:48:58

Most of the shooting in Chicago are blacks killing blacks,So when one gets killed that one less welfare check going out.But I really hate it when a young one gets killed in the crossfire.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 14:16:01

I hate it when there's more people (black or white) get killed in Chicago than in Afghanistan. I guess the drug dealers get what they deserve but the innocent law abiding ciizens cant safely walk the streets. Its a shame the most powerful country in the world cant civilise one of its own cities. But we can go after Iran because somebody said they put a monkey in space.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by houstonbofh on 02/05/13 at 20:33:03

505B5E5E0405320 wrote:
[quote author=6A6D7771766D6C606D646A020 link=1360086477/0#10 date=1360098544][quote author=4F4441411B1A2D0 link=1360086477/0#8 date=1360097028]The real true isn't usually very interesting

Not always...  Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.  Totally true and totally scary.  And nothing to do with this, but a darn good read, and still all true.[/quote]
How do you know its true.I don't read books.[/quote]

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/06/13 at 16:30:54

757E7B7B2120170 wrote:
JOG don't believe everything you read,books are written to make money,The real true isn't usually very interesting,So they have to make it good  and beyond the truth  to sell it.

When I can look at what I call "Observed Reality" & it doesnt line up with
all the stuff "Everybody KNows is TRue" & I can read a book that explains things & see how it makes more sense than the "Truths" offered up by every easily accessed info source, then I have REason to believe the book. I read the book because I see loose ends in the Official Version
of the story. I didnt understand how the fed worked.

Think about it.
12 years, count them,, Twelve YEARS they have a kid in school. Why do they want us to go to school? I THought the reason they gave was so we would be able to live successful lives. Why is it that during those 12 years, they never REally explain how the economy works? Where $$$ comes from & all that? So, having these questions & Seeing the Monumental Failure of the Fed in its meeting of its goals, which were to maintain the strength of the dollar & make sure the economy didnt go thru wild swings up & down. What have we seen? What WAS a $20.00 coin, commonly in circulation, is now around $1,700.00 worth of green paper. IOW, 4 quarters, one lousy dollar out of my Grampas pocket now requires Eighty Five dollars out of mine. Yea, our economy is Steady, baby.

IF anyone here has ANY desire at all to understand whats happening instead of bloviating continually about your vast wisdom & grasp of the subject, READ something that explains the Mandrake Mechanism. Understand HOW money really comes into existance. Then, once you understand the process of the creation of money, youll shake in your boots when you realize, the Fed is buying its own paper.. Its an economic impossibility. YOu cant write yourself a check & create more $$$ in your account, can you? YOu cant buy your car from yourself, pay off the loan & keep the car, can you? THATS the equivalent of the Fed buying the T-bills, signing Me & You up for more debt & printing the bills up.

Bill I dont believe everything I read. In fact, when I see your name on it, Im fairly certain its either gonna be funny or just wrong. Your proud proclamation that you dont read books actually didnt stun me. I can believe that you dont read books, no problem.,..

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by bill67 on 02/07/13 at 14:18:48

JOG it looks like we pretty much view each other the same way.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Trippah on 02/09/13 at 19:27:45

OMG - does anyone think that the very wealthy, who run for office in campaigns funded by the very wealthy, get elected into office and then put people in strategic positions of almost uncontained power might chose a wealthy insider for those goodness, i am shocked.  As my mother from Maine used to say, when someone from the federal government drops you a line to help, lookout for the hook at the end.
When I returned home from Vietnam, waiting for me was letter from the CIA.  My mom said I don't know what you did over there in your Army Intelligence positon, but DO NOT work for the  CIA...I'll disown you (and she had previously backed me in buying motorcycles soI figure she got it right several times.) ;D

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by Trippah on 02/09/13 at 19:34:17

You know the Social Security fund is used to buy up lots of this great paper debt from the US Government- and then Congress has the gall to say the fund is gonna go broke....

even basic accounting makes no sense.  If I buy a car for 40K paying 4K down,  the 36K difference is an asset of the motor company or bank ( a debt owed them) if I can pay it off or not.  Really I don't get it. :-X

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/13/13 at 08:55:59

64425940405158300 wrote:
You know the Social Security fund is used to buy up lots of this great paper debt from the US Government- and then Congress has the gall to say the fund is gonna go broke....

even basic accounting makes no sense.  If I buy a car for 40K paying 4K down,  the 36K difference is an asset of the motor company or bank ( a debt owed them) if I can pay it off or not.  Really I don't get it. :-X

Well that's not the only reason why the fund is going broke.

Have you heard of the case of the first social security recipient ... she paid like 13 bucks and received 29,000 or some such ...
Inspite of that there were nearly a 1000 times as many people paying into it as there were being paid out, so SS was raking it in ... however in the last few years that number is closer to 1-1. I think its going to go soon into more drawing than paying in.
So its insolvent ... its not just the fact they bought US govt bonds.

The whole reason "govt spending is out of control" deal is due to 2 wars against 2 countries 1/2 way around the world and people getting older.


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/13/13 at 16:12:43

262D28287273440 wrote:
JOG it looks like we pretty much view each other the same way.

Being deemed a fool by you is not a pain for me,, trust me,,Ive seen what you say. Your prod proclamation that you dont read books is supposed to do what? Impress me that youre so wise you need nbo further info?
I suppose youd like to explain how the fed works, OOO wise one?

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/13/13 at 18:03:19

Oh no Bill67 ... JOG has reverted to his favorite topic ... Oh wait, what happened to monsatan ? Oh that is so last month ... gotcha ...


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/14/13 at 10:05:48

He can explain how Monsatan has done things , I dont care, Id like to see him have some thot other than pure support for authority & corporation.
BTW, YOu surprised me the other day,, congrats,

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by WebsterMark on 02/14/13 at 12:30:56

The whole reason "govt spending is out of control" deal is due to 2 wars against 2 countries 1/2 way around the world and people getting older.

wrong on the war comment, partial credit for age comment.

Add up the cost of the wars and subtract the cost of the defense budget before the wars. That's the amount the wars cost.

(I'll even give you a break and not ask you to use President Hopey's formula for what value his economic stimulus money brought to the economy. If money sent to Union thugs to dig and fill in holes can be used as positive economic multiplier, surely buying bombs from Boeing has a similar positive multiplier....)

Now, look around and find federal expenses / programs greater than that number.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/14/13 at 19:30:06

645651404756417E524158330 wrote:
The whole reason "govt spending is out of control" deal is due to 2 wars against 2 countries 1/2 way around the world and people getting older.

wrong on the war comment, partial credit for age comment.

Add up the cost of the wars and subtract the cost of the defense budget before the wars. That's the amount the wars cost.

(I'll even give you a break and not ask you to use President Hopey's formula for what value his economic stimulus money brought to the economy. If money sent to Union thugs to dig and fill in holes can be used as positive economic multiplier, surely buying bombs from Boeing has a similar positive multiplier....)

Now, look around and find federal expenses / programs greater than that number.

More fuzzy math eh ... OK let me save you some trouble ...

Ramping up an attack force and attacking a country you use bombs that were made years ago and equipment that has been sitting round un used for decades maybe ... The real expense of a war comes in when your soldiers come back with missing limbs ... you need to treat them their entire rest of their life. So no .. you cant add and subtract your way out of the lies from Cheney and the 2 wars we have as a result.


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/15/13 at 21:36:46

So, you dont think we are spending billions a month in these wars?

I mean on equipment & war making materiel, not just feeding & payinf soldiers. YOu think the bombs & equipment are old & when used, notr replaced? You think bullets are just stacked on shelves & when used, not replaced?  You clearly dont understand that there are people making fortunes on these wars, SELLING these things,

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/18/13 at 17:48:55

617E787F62655464546C7E72390B0 wrote:
So, you dont think we are spending billions a month in these wars?

I mean on equipment & war making materiel, not just feeding & payinf soldiers. YOu think the bombs & equipment are old & when used, notr replaced? You think bullets are just stacked on shelves & when used, not replaced?  You clearly dont understand that there are people making fortunes on these wars, SELLING these things,

OK lets back up a little ...

In 2001 bush waged a war on 1 country and soon added another country to the list. The first few years we had fresh soldiers and lost of equipment that had till then sat unused.

So the first few years of the 2 wars were run off what the tax payer had funded prior to the start of the war.

Then there are casualties and need for fresh soldiers and the need to re arm what we used up.
That stage has been going on for 5-6 years ... smack into Obama's first and second term. Therefore, Obama is paying the bill for Bush's war. Bush used up the credit from Clinton administration's payments to the future war, then ran up a bill for Obama to pay.

Wont it have been cool to have let Clinton loose on the countries that did 9/11 ... he'd have slept with all the 42 wives of Bin laden and told him y'know when you fly these planes into the building your wife is screwing around on you with an infidel.

Yea yea yea defense contractors and halliburton etc etc making $$$ ...


Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by WebsterMark on 02/18/13 at 19:12:28

In 2001 bush waged a war on 1 country  No; Bush did not wage a war.  Congress authorized and dozens of countries joined in so let's keep a little perspective here.

Therefore, Obama is paying the bill for Bush's war.  oh, poor little Barack.....    Tell me, do you have the same sympathy for Bush having to clean up Clinton's mess?...

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by bill67 on 02/19/13 at 05:25:44

Are you talking about the USA bank account that Clinton had that GWB cleaned out.

Title: Re: Nothings Changed
Post by srinath on 02/19/13 at 06:07:14

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
In 2001 bush waged a war on 1 country  No; Bush did not wage a war.  Congress authorized and dozens of countries joined in so let's keep a little perspective here.

Therefore, Obama is paying the bill for Bush's war.  oh, poor little Barack.....    Tell me, do you have the same sympathy for Bush having to clean up Clinton's mess?...

Rubber stamp Congress authorized the Bush's war based on the lies presented by Cheney ...

Cleaning up clinton's mess ... I dont recall any countries with armies and large scale offensives that need to be wound back up ... you're thinking fat chicks under desks ... OK I'll grant you that, Busha had to fish out the fat chicks ... but it was easy ... he just set some cookies out and waited ...

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