General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Navy Seal

Message started by bill67 on 02/04/13 at 07:55:43

Title: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/04/13 at 07:55:43

Sniper Chris Kyle was killed at a shooting range,If there had been more guns there and people who knew how to use them he would still be alive today. ::)

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by LANCER on 02/04/13 at 08:39:50

757E7B7B2120170 wrote:
Sniper Chris Kyle was killed at a shooting range,If there had been more guns there and people who knew how to use them he would still be alive today. ::)

Just SHUT IT Bill.

2 good men are dead and if you cannot be respectful of them and their families then be quiet.

Proverbs 19:29  "Judgments are prepared for scoffers, and strips for the back of self-condident fools".

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/13 at 08:52:38

Sadly ironic, that it should happen at this time...

Bill is just pointing that out...

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/04/13 at 08:55:17

I read his book. He was a real American hero.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Paraquat on 02/04/13 at 09:15:47

I read an article on Sunday...

"The Devil of Ramadi"
That's serious business to get a nick name from those guys, especially one like that. Four tours I believe it was.

I don't know any intimate details about what happened but the article said there might've been an altercation.


Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by WD on 02/04/13 at 09:36:41

This should have links to what is/has been determined about it...

Ah, the internet... where people can run their mouths at will courtesy of those of us who had the stones to suit up and defend their "right" (Free speech is only for those who say the right thing---Former WA state Governor Gary Locke) to do so.  ::)

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by WebsterMark on 02/04/13 at 11:00:51

Sadly ironic, that it should happen at this time...

Bill is just pointing that out...

Well, as the Mayor of Chicago said, never let a tragedy go to waste....
So make hay on this guys death quick before Kim Kardashian has a wardrobe malfunction and takes everyone's mind off gun control for a second...

Speaking of which, did you see Gabby Giffords husband on TV this Sunday? He might as well have been carrying a sign saying “Kelly for Congress”

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Trippah on 02/04/13 at 12:49:53

I think this points out one of the significant issues....a marine with PSDT (or whaterevr the letters are) might NOT be the best person to be holding a "machine Pistol"  a semiautomatic  I think  I heard on tv last night (I was starting my tax forms).  This is a major point in the gun control/2nd amendment brouhaha.  Weapons around strressed out folks makes for a continued 30 KIA? a month in this country.

Some of us will die from a knife, some from a hunting accident, perhaps a shotgun.  The goal should be to reduce the kills in a incident to as few as possible.  This is why semiautomatics and machine guns and large capacity magazines are a focus of interest, as well as mental health checks.

Obviously this much decorated SEAL knew his way arond guns as well as anyone; it will be interesting to see if this situation came up during a rehab session(in which case we might want to de-stress weapons and stress another aspect of military life in rehab programs ) .  As always, its sad.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by verslagen1 on 02/04/13 at 16:02:06

I believe it's Post Tramadic Stress Disease.

And I heard semi auto pistol.

A backfire or loud noise can set these guys off, so conditioning, with loud noises, in non-stressful times is the intent.

I'd have to commend the seal for his actions, to put himself in harms way once again.  He helped his brothers the best he could.  And we civilians benifitted from it.  It's a poor situation these fellows are in, with insufficient help.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/04/13 at 16:59:41

Jessica Lynch is my hero,She told the truth.She didn't go got the BS the military was making up.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by LANCER on 02/04/13 at 17:30:42

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
Sadly ironic, that it should happen at this time...

Bill is just pointing that out...

Nope; with the rolling of the eyes it was scoffing.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/13 at 17:47:58

6E636C6167703035020 wrote:
[quote author=4E584F524A5F52493D0 link=1359993343/0#2 date=1359996758]Sadly ironic, that it should happen at this time...

Bill is just pointing that out...

Nope; with the rolling of the eyes it was scoffing.[/quote]
I read it,.. that the scoff is to the idea that more guns are the solution to fewer shootings...
Not, as a disparagement to the victim...

If there had been more guns there and people who knew how to use them he would still be alive today.  ::)

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by houstonbofh on 02/04/13 at 18:02:45

So, even if guns in the hands of the public have saved more lives than they have taken, because they do not save them all, we should ban them?

Bull nuts.

And trying to use the death of a hero to advance an agenda he would never support is inexcusable.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by houstonbofh on 02/04/13 at 18:03:36

2423393F3823222E232A244C0 wrote:
Bull nuts.

I did not type nuts.  I was revering to something a bit further south, and lower...

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by srinath on 02/04/13 at 18:35:44

Yup we need better trained gun owners ... aka good guys with guns ...

Those snipers they are just foo foo ... you need real training ... like ?? >:(


Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 09:41:33

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 09:46:04

Bill you know thats not true, ever been to a VA office?

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 09:55:28

I have 4 kids the youngest is a boy 40 years old,Not a one have ever shot a gun or care too.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 10:03:39

My son hunted with me growing up and I bought him a few guns. He hasnt hunted since he is grown but he came by here the other day and picked up his guns I bought him when he was a teenager. I've been holding them for him. His wife is a elementary school teacher, that might tell you something. She never wanted guns in her house but she has changed her mind.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 10:04:57

17333E34333D322E28333E3F285A0 wrote:
Bill you know thats not true, ever been to a VA office?

Yes I was at a VA hospital yesterday for yearly exams.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 10:07:04

7B5F52585F515E42445F525344360 wrote:
My son hunted with me growing up and I bought him a few guns. He hasnt hunted since he is grown but he came by here the other day and picked up his guns I bought him when he was a teenager. I've been holding them for him. His wife is a elementary school teacher, that might tell you something. She never wanted guns in her house but she has changed her mind.

I prefer the way my kids are,And they don't want weapon in schools were their kids go.And neither do I,Thats the dumbest thing that can be done.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Paraquat on 02/05/13 at 11:16:28

That may be fine and dandy for you, Bill.
It's a different way of life for me.

My grandfather helped to form the fish and game club I am a member of. He was president for many years before my uncle took over.
My father told me he used to go hunting with my grandfather until he realized that he enjoyed spending time with him and stopped carrying a rifle into the woods but still went with him.
I can remember being 5 or so. I got a Red Ryder BB gun. I remember going to that club with him all the time. As I grew up in Florida with my mother my vacations were all spent here in CT with him. We'd always go up to the same fish and game club. There are tons of baby pictures of me wearing a diaper and camo T shirt up there.

My cousin is now the president of the club. My father and I still go there to shoot but not as often. Regrettably I think we only went twice in the past two years.
I've only been hunting once (pheasant) and didn't shoot anything. It isn't my cup of tea.
It's almost becoming a legacy now that I'd love to pass on to my offspring.

See, that's what makes... made... this country great. I can do my thing and you can do yours.


Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 12:16:24

Bill there's too many crazys out there its foolish not to protect our children. The only way to protect our children is to shoot back, like what happened in Atlanta the other day. Bill we're getting old and everything has changed. No more child discipline, instead of a swift kick in the ass they get a pill. Dad mows the yard because he doesnt want Jr tearing up his $5000 John Deere. Mom hires a maid to clean the house. Children set on their ass and play violent video games. Schools are chaos because their is no acountability for misbehavior. The only way to stop school shootings is to take the shooter down. Even the people at Newtown agree. Its too late when you call 911.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 12:29:02

No stranger is going to want to shoot me if he does he gos to jail,Ok he might want to rob me for some money so he pulls a gun to rob me and I give him what money I have,Hes not going to shoot me because he don't want to go to jail or get life or what ever if he kills me.If I go to pull a gun then hes fighting for his life,So he will shoot me before I even have my gun fully out.And most likely he is within 5 feet or less when this would happen.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by houstonbofh on 02/05/13 at 13:05:20

242F2A2A7071460 wrote:
No stranger is going to want to shoot me if he does he gos to jail,

So how do you explain ALL of the mass shootings?  Some times evil is just evil.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 13:27:22

If someone shot me it wouldn't be a mass shooting,Most mass shooting have some kind of crazy motive behind them.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 13:56:02

Bill he has to get caught if he goes to jail. Look at Chicago, how many shooters get caught. I take it you like guns, I admire your Henry's. Any crook can break into your house and try to steal them. Get you a Ruger LCP for $300 and stick it in your pocket. Nobody can tell its there.I've got one and you can hide it just about anywhere on your person. Glad to see ya back, I missed you while you were gone, dont want to see you get harmed. We've got to start shooting back. I wish this country was like your children but its not. Sounds like you did a great job raising them. The only way to fight evil is to fire back. Laws or Law Enforcement cant protect us, its up to us to defend ourselves and our family.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by bill67 on 02/05/13 at 17:01:21

I have about 15 guns,None are loaded,I haven't even shot any in last couple years.There isn't anyway I wouldn't even think of carrying a gun on me.I'm not worried.I have a Ruger 10/22 stainless i bought at Walmart              maybe 10 years ago the barrel is 2 inch longer than standard they were made for Walmart.I have a 25 shot clip and can shoot all 25 in about 4 seconds,By vibrating my finger in the trigger housing.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/05/13 at 17:36:16

Bill you probably live in a decent neighborhood in a good town and have good neighbors. Not all of us are that fortunate. 30 years ago I stayed in downtown Winston playing bars and clubs at night, never thought nothing about it. There's no way I would go down there at night now unarmed. I've said this before, I never locked my doors until the ninety's, but things have changed. I have a Ruger Marklll but its to big to carry. Its one of my plinkers. I have a S+W 357 with a shoulder holster I can hide under a jacket but its really to big to carry. That little LCP is perfect. If you live in a town or out in the stickswhere you dont have to worry about other people you're a lucky man. 27 years ago I built my house in what at the time was a great neighborhood. Thats no longer true.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Paraquat on 02/06/13 at 06:14:13

I was at Advanced Auto buying something. I had to wait for the counter jerk. I was pressed for time and also had to pick up something at Radio Shack. The two doors are literally 6-8 feet away. I asked my girlfriend to wait in Advanced with my credit card for the counter jerk while I went to Radio Shack before they closed. (It was probably ~8:50PM on a week night as they close at 9PM.)
She couldn't walk from one door to the other without being harassed by ... a certain "minority" group.

I don't think I've been out shooting in almost a year and a half.

I don't get how any of this ties into the death of an American Hero?


Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by WD on 02/06/13 at 06:29:50

Midnight, look up where Bill lives... 2010 census puts the population a little over 3000 people. The piddly podunk town closest to us has 3200+ by the same census, but, it's not all that far (20 miles or so) from  Memphis so we see all the big city crime spilling over into our area. It's gotten bad enough that state legislators are seriously considering bringing back county militias... and there is a huge push to do away with "gun free zones" away from the big cities (Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Bristol).

Local news reported that Memphis is now averaging 2 homicides a day during the work week... like the hood rats here actually work... an average weekend sees 3-10.

Not unexpected, huge influx of "people" returning from Deadtroit and Chicongo.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by Midnightrider on 02/06/13 at 11:38:38

I use to live in a rural area, now I'm in the city limits. High population defenitely increases crime rates.

Title: Re: Navy Seal
Post by srinath on 02/07/13 at 07:56:28

7A5E53595E505F43455E535245370 wrote:
I use to live in a rural area, now I'm in the city limits. High population defenitely increases crime rates.

And its the apartments and subdivisions and the fact that there is a medium term transient population. Like they live in the house for 3-5 years ... in a way they dont care what happens ...

I know many marriages like that too. I've married her/him for the next 3-5 years.

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