General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The happiest place on Earth...

Message started by Serowbot on 01/22/13 at 17:49:52

Title: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Serowbot on 01/22/13 at 17:49:52

No,.. it ain't Disneyland, it's Norway...

It's one of the most socialist countries in the world... (E-gads!)
The country maintains a Nordic welfare model with universal health care, subsidized higher education, and a comprehensive social security system. From 2001 to 2006, and then again from 2009 through 2011, Norway has had the highest human development index ranking in the world. In 2011, Norway also ranked the highest on the Democracy Index.
Cradle to grave... government supports it's citizens...
With per capita GDP of $54,000 it is among the richest in the world and ranks first in social capital and second in safety and security.

It's a wealthy country, with a good economy,.. healthy, happy, people, making a good living... in peace and safety...

Now,.. where's the bad?...
What part of health, wealth, and happiness, do you find so frightening?...
Why are we,... the richest country in the world,.. not the wealthiest, healthiest, and happiest?...
What direction must we go, in order to achieve this ?...
We can't afford it?...
Well, they can...
Why can't we?...  isn't this the greatest country in the world?...

Think about it... Why not?... What's wrong with us?... :-?...
Peace... Serow...

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Starlifter on 01/22/13 at 18:08:15

Could it be that Americans are stupid? That they fall for every line of bullsh!t the moneyed interests feeds them?...hmm, I'd go for the first idea.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Serowbot on 01/22/13 at 18:15:40

46617467797C73617067150 wrote:
Could it be that Americans are stupid? That they fall for every line of bullsh!t the moneyed interests feeds them?...hmm, I'd go for the first idea.

That's a BINGO!...   ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Pine on 01/22/13 at 19:03:09

Discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters in the late 1960s boosted Norway's economic fortunes. On a per-capita basis, it is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East,[11][12] and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product.[1

Why so Rich... they have more oil and gas then people (
It is the second least densely populated country in Europe. )

Key domestic issues include immigration and integration of ethnic minorities, maintaining the country's extensive social safety net with an aging population

Hmm.. seems they are trouble in welfare land? Oh and sorry all non-vikings... your not wanted there either. So much so they refused to join the EU.

The Sámi people have a certain amount of self-determination and influence over traditional territories through the Sámi Parliament and the Finnmark Act.

Hey look they have a "certatin amount" of self determination. They aint free, but they are happy!

Most Norwegians are registered at baptism as members of the Church of Norway; many remain in the state church to be able to use services such as baptism, confirmation, marriage and burial, rites which have strong cultural standing in Norway. About 77.0% of Norwegians were members of the Church of Norway as of January 1, 2012. About 66% of all newborns were baptized and about 65% of all 15 year old persons were confirmated in the church in 2011.[121] However, only 20% of Norwegians say that religion occupies an important place in their life (according to a Gallup poll in 2009), the fourth-lowest such percentage in the world (only Estonia, Sweden and Denmark are lower).[122] In the early 1990s, it was estimated that between 4.7% – 5.3% of Norwegians attended church on a weekly basis.[123] This figure has dropped to about 2% – the lowest such percentage in Europe – according to 2009 and 2010 data

In 2010, the immigrant community grew by 57,000, which accounted for 90% of Norway's population growth; some 27% of newborn children were of immigrant background.
Yikes! too much herring?? Beer??

Too friggin cold ....

all quotes... wikipeida ( as directed by the OP)

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Serowbot on 01/22/13 at 21:35:17

Yes Pine,...  you have selectively pointed out the pee in the porridge... just as I selectively pointed out the cream...
... but,... the fact remains that Norway has a more contented populace than we do...  by nearly any measure you can find...

America,... is one of the few countries blessed with an abundance of nearly every natural resource, that modern society values...  
We have... natural gas, oil,... water, salt,... silver, copper, gold,... grain, fruit, veggies,... wood, iron,... tobacco...
We have more than anybody... of everything...
... and Norway,.. is first...
We are 12th...

Use your critical thinking, with equal verve, to find the flaws in our society... ... and see how it compares...

Look at our resources,... and our landmass,...  resources,... and climate...  .. and try to figure why...
We aren't first... and they are...

Americans are slowly realizing, the direction that will bring happiness and prosperity... and this shift is terrifying to the Republican party...
They are clinging to their fringe, single issue, voters,... and it's dragging them to hell...  Guns, abortion, racism, elitism, homophobia...
They have now concentrated their focus on the last resort they can find...
The only way they can win, within the foreseeable future...
So sad...  they choose to die for their benefactors... rather than lead for for their people...

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 01/23/13 at 18:45:11

Is norway on the top now ... he, makes me look really stupid ... cos in 1998 I passed up one hell of a opportunity to move to Norway. I moved to canada, and moved back to the US.
Now for most of the last few years the top 2 have been denmark and singapore.
Cant find more polar opposites.
Singapore is the land of corporal punishment and massive taxes and extremely crowded streets, stores, offices, apartments etc. Singapore also is immigrant central, and they have a land border with Malaysia ...
Singapore has an islam based single party system with really no freedoms. No guns, and no nothing, police state. However crimes against women are unheard of, and petty crime and nearly all other crime is just as rare. better yet, they manufacture very little, they import everything and they still have a good economy.

Denmark - total freedoms, big safety net, you wanna quit your job and explore your painting ... yea sure.

Both of these were really high on the list.


Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/24/13 at 13:56:49

Norway and Denmark are great, IF you like being taken care of by your gov't.

What liberals fail to recognize is that there are many people who don't want to be taken care of by the gov't, nor by any other organization, for that matter.

For me, I'll take a middle ground approach.  I like our current system of gov't aid, or whatever you wish to call it, for the disabled, the elderly, the mentally ill.  But for me, while I'm still relatively healthy and able to work, the gov't can stay out of my life.  When I need their help, I'll ask for it, and thanklfully, when it's truly needed, it's already there.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by mpescatori on 01/24/13 at 14:40:32

The Sámi people have a certain amount of self-determination and influence over traditional territories through the Sámi Parliament and the Finnmark Act.

Hey look they have a "certatin amount" of self determination. They aint free, but they are happy!

Pine, you are just a leeetle bit a hypocrite !

Where is the Seminole Nation ? Where is the Navajo Nation ? Where is the Sioux Nation ?

Reserves ? Hellooo ???  :P

By the way... I was in Sweden in December 2005, yes it was cold but it was DARK !
I was guest of the Swedish Army and guess what ? My "escort Officer" was Sami!
Whereas we imagine Swedes to be big abd blond, Samis are short and back haired.
They're mostly known as "Laplanders" although that name is incorrect...
And when herding reindeer, they live in ... Teepees !!!  :D
Samis circa 1856 - 1920 (date unclear)

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 06:47:38

6A65696368656E626572676572000 wrote:
Norway and Denmark are great, IF you like being taken care of by your gov't.

What liberals fail to recognize is that there are many people who don't want to be taken care of by the gov't, nor by any other organization, for that matter.

For me, I'll take a middle ground approach.  I like our current system of gov't aid, or whatever you wish to call it, for the disabled, the elderly, the mentally ill.  But for me, while I'm still relatively healthy and able to work, the gov't can stay out of my life.  When I need their help, I'll ask for it, and thanklfully, when it's truly needed, it's already there.

What repugs fail to recognize but repeat all the time with their "my gun is for my personal protection, just in case there was a intruder that will jump out of that closet in my house" is that ... humans are hard wired for safety and security over freedom. In fact most animals are. That's why you have deer run across the road with your approaching headlights ... when without your headlights it would have been content to wander on that side of the road. They dart to their "safe" place. If it was on the opposite side of the road, so it is. So effectively the human nature would very much put denmark, norway and singapore over america. America is all about freedom, and humans and most animals would rather have security. Since we have not known anything else, we cant imagine it. In fact we are terrified we will lose the freedom and not get safe either. In a way I agree with that paranoia too.


Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/25/13 at 07:17:50

This is my last reply to you until you quit insulting people by calling them "repugs".  And whjile you are at it, get rid of that stupid "cool" before your signature - it makes you appear to be a juvenile.
Grow up and communicate effectively, and maybe with just a little bit of class in your style.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/13 at 09:00:21

This is my last reply to you until you quit insulting people by calling them "repugs".  And whjile you are at it, get rid of that stupid "cool" before your signature - it makes you appear to be a juvenile.
Grow up and communicate effectively, and maybe with just a little bit of class in your style.

Amen Jerry. I'd rather buy Starlifter a few beers than spend one more second ready anything from Srinath.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Serowbot on 01/25/13 at 09:40:46

7778747E7578737F786F7A786F1D0 wrote:
Norway and Denmark are great, IF you like being taken care of by your gov't.

What liberals fail to recognize is that there are many people who don't want to be taken care of by the gov't, nor by any other organization, for that matter.

For me, I'll take a middle ground approach.  I like our current system of gov't aid, or whatever you wish to call it, for the disabled, the elderly, the mentally ill.  But for me, while I'm still relatively healthy and able to work, the gov't can stay out of my life.  When I need their help, I'll ask for it, and thanklfully, when it's truly needed, it's already there.

I can understand wanting to be independent... ... but, isn't it easier to do, if you know there is a safety net?..
I think more people would follow their dreams, and likely be a success, if they had that kind of security...
So many talented people here, are locked into their 9 to 5 for the sake of health needs of a family member, or financial concerns...
It's admirable if you can manage it in this country,.. but, the system limits success to people in fortunate circumstance...
That wastes a lot of talent...

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/13 at 10:01:54

So many talented people here, are locked into their 9 to 5 for the sake of health needs of a family member, or financial concerns...

I agree with that statement 1,000%. The idea that people make employment decisions based upon healthcare is one of the largest wrong turns this country has ever taken.

It's admirable if you can manage it in this country,.. but, the system limits success to people in fortunate circumstance...

that statement, I wouldn't agree with quite so much.

Bottom line (or common ground I guess we could say) is moving healthcare out of the domain of employment is an end game I think almost everyone would agree with.

I just don't think Obamacare is a workable solution. He should have started on a smaller scale. McCain's proposal during his campaign would have been a good place to start AND they could have added Obama's guaranteed coverage and 100& portability requirement ideas. That would have begun the process of portable healthcare insurance being purchased competitively by individuals on the open market.  I think that's the logical first step to driving down healthcare cost. When insurance companies (and doctors for that matter) have to compete for business, free market forces take over and prices are forced down and quality is forced up.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/25/13 at 12:02:18

Srinath said

humans are hard wired for safety and security over freedom.

You just decide that or since thats how you are, you believe that to be universal?

I disagree. Im not that way. And, for an example, youll note that many Indians chose death over going to a reservation. They fought to the death for their freedom over the promise of being kept, being allowed to live in peace, if only they would move to a new place. That you would fold your tent & move only speaks to what kind of man you are. Dont project your gutlessness onto the rest of mankind,

& Im sick of Cool, too.
If I could find another name Id type that.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/25/13 at 12:16:10


Has he disappeared?

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 16:03:43

You guys are so full of yourself. Repugs bugs you eh ... OK fine how's republicons ... I'll stop saying that when you stop calling names of the other side ... actually I dont care, I wont. Call away and so will I.

Lets see here ... happiness surveys always put denmark, switzerland, sweden, norway and singapore on the top of the list. Its been that way for atleast 15 years.

You know who else prefers freedom and death over most anything else ? The taliban. Its a "promise of heaven and 72 virgins" in their case, I guess you have a promise of "Heaven and guns" ...

The difference between humans and animals is ... animals cant be trained to act against their self interest.

I dont live on this site ... I have things to do. Sometimes i may not respond for a while. So dont get all excited that I have left.

And sorry Jerry I aint changing the Cool. Unless I have to thank someone where I say thanks in my sig. Think what you will, I dont care.


Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 16:24:11

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
This is my last reply to you until you quit insulting people by calling them "repugs".  And whjile you are at it, get rid of that stupid "cool" before your signature - it makes you appear to be a juvenile.
Grow up and communicate effectively, and maybe with just a little bit of class in your style.

Amen Jerry. I'd rather buy Starlifter a few beers than spend one more second ready anything from Srinath.

Oh gee webster ... you got tired of losing huh ? I know, I'd feel the same way.
Anyway you I will still meet you if you come by charlotte NC.
You may want to make good on your beers to starlifter and cement that backstop in so atleast you only have that much to slide.

BTW I used to be a debate champion in 2 languages, worse yet, I also would do funny debates ... where the whole premise is to turn out jokes in the argument. Something like you start with the Picture Midnight posted and talk about gun control, or what happened when I went to archery last year, a chick with a big rack got twanged with the bow string when standing in front of me ... decided to pretend she didn't just get violated by the bow, but ... well her nipples said a different story. It was a warm day ... but you could see em across the street ... and I was 4 feet away. I looked away, but not at the speed @ which it happened, I still beat her turning away though.


Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/26/13 at 09:14:58

Hope springs eternal

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by SixSixtySix on 01/27/13 at 22:38:42

Who says they're happy? Just because they look good on paper doesn't mean they're chipper.. look at that article "Will moving to California make you happier?"

Another example is Thailand. They seem pretty impoverished but it's called the Land of Smiles, and for a reason (of course that country has it's downfalls like every country). The grass is always greener on the other side to Libs, and it's always about money shrouded by illusions of freedom and prosperity, as long as it hits that "control itch" in their brain.

I woke up the other morning wondering if Libs ever had the urge to ban all shoes, except the pairs that fit them :D

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 01/31/13 at 14:03:32

What are you saying ...
That happy countries have people lying ? but in California they are not ?

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Buil2Last on 01/31/13 at 14:45:17

6E6F74737C69751D0 wrote:
What are you saying ...
That happy countries have people lying ? but in California they are not ?

No, what I'm saying is far as living in a certain area that happy is usually "Quality of Life vs. Weather" and that's what the article is talking about.. I need to have my coffee before I post :D

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by Starlifter on 01/31/13 at 15:54:56

"The grass is always greener on the other side to Libs."

Only because we see how much better life COULD be in THIS great land if it wasn't for the Cons.

Title: Re: The happiest place on Earth...
Post by srinath on 02/01/13 at 19:48:04

5245595C44025C5143440606300 wrote:
[quote author=6E6F74737C69751D0 link=1358905792/15#19 date=1359669812]What are you saying ...
That happy countries have people lying ? but in California they are not ?

No, what I'm saying is far as living in a certain area that happy is usually "Quality of Life vs. Weather" and that's what the article is talking about.. I need to have my coffee before I post :D[/quote]

That makes even less sense. The weather in Norway is really lousy. They are completely north of the arctic circle aren't they
Does that make them even happier ?

California IMHO was really really congested and expensive and what not, I was really really stressed out ...

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