General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Hale To The Chief

Message started by Starlifter on 01/21/13 at 13:46:11

Title: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/21/13 at 13:46:11

Well whatever you are, left, right, or in've got to admit that the inauguration pomp, ceremony, parade et al, are really cool to watch. Yeah man, America knows how to celebrate. :D

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Dj12midnit on 01/21/13 at 18:40:15

It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/21/13 at 18:51:38

78762D2E7175787275681C0 wrote:
It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

We did this twice for that Idiot Bush and his sidekick satan himself Cheney, I think Obama has more than earned it.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/22/13 at 09:25:58

I am out of nausea meds, so I didnt watch.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by bill67 on 01/22/13 at 11:04:29

I watched most of it.Obamas a mans man and he has a beautiful wife and daughters.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/22/13 at 17:41:04

Spot on Bill. ;)

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 01/23/13 at 03:44:58

777C79792322150 wrote:
I watched most of it.Obamas a mans man and he has a beautiful wife and daughters.

Really  ? ?  
Because he can give a good speech when the words are put on the screens for him ? ?
That is a  mans man ?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 01/23/13 at 03:47:14

74756E6966736F070 wrote:
[quote author=78762D2E7175787275681C0 link=1358804771/0#1 date=1358822415]It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

We did this twice for that Idiot Bush and his sidekick satan himself Cheney, I think Obama has more than earned it.


Oh, come on now dude, don't hold back, quit beating around the bush and tell us what you really think.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/23/13 at 11:29:52

Obama is a lousy speaker BTW. I get tired and sleepy waiting for the next words out of his mouth. Dude you got a teleprompter, WTF you waiting for.
However he still knocks the living daylights out of Bush BTW.
Bush Called the North east power outage of 2005 as a "Rolling Blackout".
He claimed "our economy slipped into recession following the september 11th attacks".

What a moron. And a liar.

Obama is just a dude who puts me off to sleep ... not one that makes my blood boil.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/23/13 at 11:33:02

In what we call the reality-based community, which is defined as people who believe that truth emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.

Bush II was a favorite of Republican inner circles because he was incredibly stupid and therefore easily manipulated. Bush II continued to reach out to racists and to rightwing fundamentalists, but with the aid of Rove he also reached out to other crazies in a fine-grained manner and used fear of terrorism to dismantle democratic safeguards and undermine democratic institutions and understandings. That was the most frightening Presidency I can remember

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Dj12midnit on 01/23/13 at 19:17:07

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
[quote author=78762D2E7175787275681C0 link=1358804771/0#1 date=1358822415]It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

We did this twice for that Idiot Bush and his sidekick satan himself Cheney, I think Obama has more than earned it.


Obama earned it? Lets look at this from a logical stand point. The country is dangling off the cliff. All we hear is cut cut cut. But he hands out raises and blows close to 200 million on a party.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 01/23/13 at 19:33:21

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
Obama is a lousy speaker BTW. I get tired and sleepy waiting for the next words out of his mouth. Dude you got a teleprompter, WTF you waiting for.
However he still knocks the living daylights out of Bush BTW.
Bush Called the North east power outage of 2005 as a "Rolling Blackout".
He claimed "our economy slipped into recession following the september 11th attacks".

What a moron. And a liar.

Obama is just a dude who puts me off to sleep ... not one that makes my blood boil.


OK, that said, so what makes him a man's man ?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/23/13 at 19:42:11

He doesn't take any sh!t from stupid people and he is the first politician who has the guts to stand up to the domestic terrorist organization known as the NRA.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 01/23/13 at 20:08:55

143326352B2E21332235470 wrote:
He doesn't take any sh!t from stupid people and he is the first politician who has the guts to stand up to the domestic terrorist organization known as the NRA.

Terrorist organization? Since when? And what about all the left wing nuts calling for shooting/killing people?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/23/13 at 21:14:53

604752415F5A55475641330 wrote:
He doesn't take any sh!t from stupid people and he is the first politician who has the guts to stand up to the domestic terrorist organization known as the NRA.

I think you misunderstand what a terrorist organization is.  Or does a grass roots political process terrorize you?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/23/13 at 22:21:01

"And what about all the left wing nuts calling for shooting/killing people?"

Interesting, may I have the exact word for word transcripts and sources of this information?

"I think you misunderstand what a terrorist organization is.  Or does a grass roots political process terrorize you?"

Well I suppose then that the Talaban, the Klu Klux Klan, and the American Nazi Party are grassroots organizations

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 01/24/13 at 05:10:35

Here you go:

There are pages upon pages of the same thing.

There is a big difference between a grass roots organization and a terrorist group And there are both right-wing and left-wing wing-nut radicals

It's ok for a liberal to compare somebody to the Nazis but heaven forbid if a conservative does it.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/24/13 at 06:11:18

515F0407585C515B5C41350 wrote:
[quote author=71706B6C63766A020 link=1358804771/0#2 date=1358823098][quote author=78762D2E7175787275681C0 link=1358804771/0#1 date=1358822415]It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

We did this twice for that Idiot Bush and his sidekick satan himself Cheney, I think Obama has more than earned it.


Obama earned it? Lets look at this from a logical stand point. The country is dangling off the cliff. All we hear is cut cut cut. But he hands out raises and blows close to 200 million on a party. [/quote]

Hey, old guys:
Any of you remember Jimmy Carter?
He addressed this nation wearing a sweater because he turned down the heat in the White House during the "energy crisis".
That's trying to lead by example.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/24/13 at 12:38:16

6E495C4F51545B49584F3D0 wrote:

"I think you misunderstand what a terrorist organization is.  Or does a grass roots political process terrorize you?"

Well I suppose then that the Talaban, the Klu Klux Klan, and the American Nazi Party are grassroots organizations

Really?  Show me these pictures from the NRA.

Comparing the two is total bullshit.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/24/13 at 15:39:30 it?

Dead is dead by beheading or bullet holes.

It is a fact that the NRA is responsible for the deaths and terrorism of more children in America than any other organization. School shootings, suicides, armed robberies, accidental shootings.... The list goes on. It's time America stands up against their powerful lobbies and demand responsibility.


The United States experiences epidemic levels of gun violence, claiming over 30,000 lives annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For every person who dies from a gunshot wound, two others are wounded. Every year, more than 100,000 Americans are victims of gun violence. In addition to those who are killed or injured, there are countless others whose lives are forever changed by the deaths of and injuries to their loved ones.

Gun violence touches every segment of our society. It increases the probability of deaths in incidents of domestic violence, raises the likelihood of fatalities by those who intend to injure others and among those who attempt suicide, places children and young people at special risk.
we lose more on any give year to guns than we ever did at the peak of the Vietnam war.


BTW If any of you gun-wads knew anything about history you would know that James Madison wrote the Second Amendment of the Constitution to assure his constituents in Virginia, and the South in general, that Congress would not be able use its new constitutional powers to disarm state militias. That's why it states that the people in "well regulated militias" would be able to "keep and bear arms."

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 01/24/13 at 15:51:35

OK we showed proof when asked for. Starlifter, show cold hard facts that the NRA is responsible for all the deaths that you claim.

And remember, my right to firearms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment is just as important as your freedom of speech guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by bill67 on 01/24/13 at 16:01:05

There isn't freedom of speech on this forum,If Old Yeller one of the mods here doesn't like what you say he deletes it.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 01/25/13 at 03:17:52

It is a fact that the NRA is responsible for the deaths and terrorism of more children in America than any other organization.

FACT ?  Really ? Facts from who/where ?
Are you taking your med's daily ?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/25/13 at 06:06:48

The NRA is responsible for enacting more gun laws than any other group.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/25/13 at 17:21:04

"The NRA is responsible for enacting more gun laws than any other group."

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/25/13 at 21:08:28

Disarming the law abiding citizens is not going to stop evil. Thats a well documented fact. Freedom to defend ones self and family shoud be as basic as freedom of speech. There's over 2000 gun laws on the books now. The NRA must not be all that powerful. I'm not a member but if they have kept the goverment from taking my guns I'm grateful to them. WHEN THE GOVERMENT STARTS TAKING AWAY MY GUNS ITS NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY, ITS TYRANNY! The majority want the gun laws left alone. This is just another case of our elected officials who are suppose to be working for us think they know whats best for us, it doesnt matter what we want, they know best. My heart goes out to the families in Colorodo and Conneticut but taking guns away from a sane honest person will not prevent it from happening again.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Dj12midnit on 01/25/13 at 21:24:56

It is amazing. Do you people really not understand. If they just get rid of the guns there would be no more violence.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/25/13 at 21:38:48

I understand. If we outlaw cigarettes there will be no more lung cancer. (I"ve had 4 friends die from lung cancer. One of them smoked)

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/26/13 at 13:55:57


Well, no one is trying to "take away your guns". :-/

At the heart of the issue is where do we draw the line between a musket and say an RPG, a flame thrower, anti-aircraft guns, hand grenades, surface to air missiles etc. etc.

There has to be a middle ground where both sides can meet and say THIS is where we draw the line...

For me, I think that owning a battlefield ready assault rifle has crossed that line.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/26/13 at 16:42:34

0534273424203421550 wrote:
[quote author=515F0407585C515B5C41350 link=1358804771/0#10 date=1358997427][quote author=71706B6C63766A020 link=1358804771/0#2 date=1358823098][quote author=78762D2E7175787275681C0 link=1358804771/0#1 date=1358822415]It was sure nice of us to foot the bill.

We did this twice for that Idiot Bush and his sidekick satan himself Cheney, I think Obama has more than earned it.


Obama earned it? Lets look at this from a logical stand point. The country is dangling off the cliff. All we hear is cut cut cut. But he hands out raises and blows close to 200 million on a party. [/quote]

Hey, old guys:
Any of you remember Jimmy Carter?
He addressed this nation wearing a sweater because he turned down the heat in the White House during the "energy crisis".
That's trying to lead by example.


And ... bush drove us to that cliff ... so whatever Obama does is effective as it is damage control. Its not the best it can be ... but you see Bush was  -100. Obama is 0. You want a +100 ... sadly we dont have anyone who was a +100 ... therefore we're gonna have to say ... 0 is better than the -100.

Jimmy carters sweater ... of course when he wore it no one really thought it was smart. They wanted him to kick OPEC's ass.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/27/13 at 09:21:59

"For me, I think that owning a battlefield ready assault rifle has crossed that line."  I agree but thats not what the legislation is about. Battlefield ready assult rifles are fully automatic. The legisltion is about semi automatic rifles. Probably 3/4 of us on this forum grew up with a Marlin 60 or a Ruger 10/22. We shot squirrels and rabbits and beercans, never pointed it at anyone, took one out of the chamber when we got home with it. Where I lived it was part of growing up. I want my grandsons to be able to do the same if they're interested.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 01/27/13 at 09:40:20

1A3D283B25202F3D2C3B490 wrote:
At the heart of the issue is where do we draw the line between a musket and say an RPG, a flame thrower, anti-aircraft guns, hand grenades, surface to air missiles etc. etc.

For me, I think that owning a battlefield ready assault rifle has crossed that line.

For one, fully automatic weapons (machine guns), RPGs, AA guns, grenades, missiles, etc. are all ready tightly regulated by the National Firearms Act and NOT readily available.

My AR15 is a semi auto rifle and IS NOT a battle rifle, it also has plenty of sporting uses: competitions, hunting, home defense. Get your facts straight and read all of the current laws, National Firearms Act of 1935, Gun Control Act of 1968. Firearms, NFA weapons, etc are all ready well regulated. And as far as a battle ready rifle, I guess you would like to see everyone turn in their bolt action rifles too since they are all based off of military issued rifles. The funny thing is most (if not all) hunting rifles are way more powerful than the AR is.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/28/13 at 15:43:13

143326352B2E21332235470 wrote:
Well, no one is trying to "take away your guns". :-/



And this is the second proof I have posted to your BS claims, and you have yet to answer the first one.  Either put up or shut up and apologize for calling the NRA a terrorist organization.

And I would much rather be shot than to have my head slowly sawn off while alive.  Look at those pictures again.  That is pure human evil, and no guns required.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/28/13 at 16:29:50

Jerry, as you are an attorney, I would very much like to hear your opinion on this volatile gun issue. :o

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/29/13 at 06:18:30

797E6462657E7F737E7779110 wrote:
[quote author=143326352B2E21332235470 link=1358804771/15#28 date=1359237357]Well, no one is trying to "take away your guns". :-/



And this is the second proof I have posted to your BS claims, and you have yet to answer the first one.  Either put up or shut up and apologize for calling the NRA a terrorist organization.

And I would much rather be shot than to have my head slowly sawn off while alive.  Look at those pictures again.  That is pure human evil, and no guns required.[/quote]

I'm still waiting to hear back on this one:

1627342737332732460 wrote:
[quote author=537461726C6966746572000 link=1357999747/45#52 date=1359039644]"Confiscate"....Bullsh!t.

In addition to organizing a rally in Hartford on Feb. 14, CAGV has proposed legislation that:

Requires that all weapons defined by law as assault weapons must be destroyed, turned in to law enforcement, or removed from Connecticut
Does not grandfather existing weapons
Large capacity ammunition magazines of more than seven rounds are to be destroyed, turned in to law enforcement, or removed from the state

You may say I am "parroting" again but I call it citation.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/29/13 at 06:37:28

Star -

My views as an attorney aren't worth a whole lot.  I'm neither a Constitutional lawyer nor scholar of the subject.  Frankly, Con Law was one of my most disliked course in law school - the Supreme Court is all over the place from one generation to the next.
Take segregated schools for example.  In the late 1800s, spearate was OK so long as the physical facilities were "equal".  In 1954, the Court said that separate is inherently unequal.  I don't disagree with that, but I use it as an example of how the Court shifts from time to time.

I'm not sure that the 2nd amendment protects much.  As I said in a lengthy, earlier post, I think the Framers were talking about people being armed to defend themselves against a tyrannical gov't.  Since the new republic ( not a democracy, by the way ) was totally untried, nobody really knew if one bad gov't might just be being replaced by another, and perhaps the citizenry needed to be ready to revolt again.

But that was in an era when the only difference in armament between armies and common folks was that armies had cannons.  Yet, cannon were fairly small, easily mobile behind a team of horses, and could be stolen from the army and used by the revolters.  Basically, both armies and common folks had muzzle loading rifles and primitive pistols.  So, making sure that Farmer Jones had a musket put him on equal footing with a soldier.

Obviously, today is much different - we, the people, don't have RPGs, tanks, fighter jets, and on and on.  So trying to say that the 2nd amendment assures me the ability to arm myself against a tyrannical gov't just doesn't hold water anymore.

But, was that the purpose of the 2nd amendment?  No one realy knows 230 some years later.  That's why I dislike constitutional law as a subject - nothing is clear, nothing is fixed in time.  You can make a valid argument that covers many different course of action, or many different theories of what the words mean.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/29/13 at 09:34:48

JE this is brilliant. No wonder you have a high regard round here even among your opponents in debate.

Thanks. (No C word - As a courtesy to your very eye opening post)

313E3238333E35393E293C3E295B0 wrote:
Star -

My views as an attorney aren't worth a whole lot.  I'm neither a Constitutional lawyer nor scholar of the subject.  Frankly, Con Law was one of my most disliked course in law school - the Supreme Court is all over the place from one generation to the next.
Take segregated schools for example.  In the late 1800s, spearate was OK so long as the physical facilities were "equal".  In 1954, the Court said that separate is inherently unequal.  I don't disagree with that, but I use it as an example of how the Court shifts from time to time.

I'm not sure that the 2nd amendment protects much.  As I said in a lengthy, earlier post, I think the Framers were talking about people being armed to defend themselves against a tyrannical gov't.  Since the new republic ( not a democracy, by the way ) was totally untried, nobody really knew if one bad gov't might just be being replaced by another, and perhaps the citizenry needed to be ready to revolt again.

But that was in an era when the only difference in armament between armies and common folks was that armies had cannons.  Yet, cannon were fairly small, easily mobile behind a team of horses, and could be stolen from the army and used by the revolters.  Basically, both armies and common folks had muzzle loading rifles and primitive pistols.  So, making sure that Farmer Jones had a musket put him on equal footing with a soldier.

Obviously, today is much different - we, the people, don't have RPGs, tanks, fighter jets, and on and on.  So trying to say that the 2nd amendment assures me the ability to arm myself against a tyrannical gov't just doesn't hold water anymore.

But, was that the purpose of the 2nd amendment?  No one realy knows 230 some years later.  That's why I dislike constitutional law as a subject - nothing is clear, nothing is fixed in time.  You can make a valid argument that covers many different course of action, or many different theories of what the words mean.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/29/13 at 11:07:51

6D626E646F6269656275606275070 wrote:
Frankly, Con Law was one of my most disliked course in law school

Don't worry...  I think Constitutional law is one of the most disliked subjects in Washington as well...

On second thought, worry.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/29/13 at 17:47:14

Yes Jerry, your insight and reason are very much appreciated.

I will never understand why the gun-wads get hysterical at any even mention of gun regulation... No one wants to "take away their guns". All we ask is that there be reasonable regulations on firearms.

Even with that, America will still be the most "armed to the teeth" fearful, frightened, and paranoid nation on the earth.

How did we ever turn into a nation of COWARDS whom must have lethal weapons just to walk out to their mailboxes?...I just don't get it.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/29/13 at 21:21:16

527560736D6867756473010 wrote:
No one wants to "take away their guns".

This is the second time you have said that, and the second time I have refuted it.  People do, and we know it, and we will not let them.  What ever that takes.

And you still have not apologized for the NRA terrorist comment, or found some pictures to refute mine.

Just standing on a chair and shouting at the top of your lungs does not make you right.  It makes you 6.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/29/13 at 22:32:42

People are getting fed up. There have been over a hundred sherriffs down here in the south who have said they will not enforce any new federal gun laws. Star dont you just love us good ol southern boys? I loved the Black Police Chief of either Chicago or Detroit who said he will no longer force someone out of their home due to a foreclosure. Congress has a 80some percent disaproval rating, ya think they want us armed?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/30/13 at 02:25:13

New York made a map of where every gun owner lived signified by a orange dot. Texas decided to follow suit except the whole state was colored orange. Except fur their duh,duh, dud, govenor you gotta love em.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 01/30/13 at 02:48:37

694E5B4856535C4E5F483A0 wrote:
Yes Jerry, your insight and reason are very much appreciated.

I will never understand why the gun-wads get hysterical at any even mention of gun regulation... No one wants to "take away their guns". All we ask is that there be reasonable regulations on firearms.

Even with that, America will still be the most "armed to the teeth" fearful, frightened, and paranoid nation on the earth.

How did we ever turn into a nation of COWARDS whom must have lethal weapons just to walk out to their mailboxes?...I just don't get it.
Star darn it we're getting old. I've said it several times I didnt start locking my doors till the 90's. Whether we like it or not things have changed. Sometimes carrying a gun is smart like wearing a seatbelt. It doesnt make you a coward, its just common sense. I've tried to convince Sri of that. 20 years ago my place wasnt eat up with coyotes. Now they're everywher even attacking young and old citizens. They killed my daughters beagle. A bear was killed 1 mile from my house but what worries me the most is a gang of bangers moved 2 doors down. Gas has been dissapearing from my truck ever since they moved in. I'll get em, its just gonna take a little time and planning. One of em going to have to have stitches in  his hand before long. He'll be bleeding so bad I can track him home. Thats one house I hope they foreclose on soon. In certain neighborhoods in certain hours  carrying a gun doesnt make you a coward, it gives you a chance to see the sun come up tomorrow.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/30/13 at 17:14:01

As per the NRA we just need to enforce all the laws on the books ... as in get rid of the loopholes and enforce it ? I guess not.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/31/13 at 06:46:50

7273686F607569010 wrote:
As per the NRA we just need to enforce all the laws on the books ... as in get rid of the loopholes and enforce it ? I guess not.


The laws worked.
Adam Lanza could not purchase a rifle because of the necessary 2 week waiting period to have a background check through NICS.

What law stops him from killing someone?
The law against murdering people and, depending on who you ask, "Thou shalt not kill".

What stops him from stealing a gun?
There are laws regarding penalties for this as well.

If you are determined enough you will find a way and if you have no regards for the laws of man then nothing will stop you.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/31/13 at 09:01:19

78495A49595D495C280 wrote:
What stops him from stealing a gun?
There are laws regarding penalties for this as well.


To that point ...
You see if the bullets had cost $100 a pop, mommy will have locked em up ... and had a lot fewer of em. No one gonna buy 50g worth for "self protection" and you're not gonna leave em lying around. You'd buy 200 worth and keep em locked up.

I wonder if mommy got em for protecttion from him ? Even then if he steals it, he may try to sell it.  


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/31/13 at 09:23:29

If they were $100 a piece and mommy had 20k worth "laying around" I still don't think he was sound of mind to say "I can sell these for money and invest in my 401k because I plan on retiring".


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 01/31/13 at 11:25:12

4C7D6E7D6D697D681C0 wrote:
If they were $100 a piece and mommy had 20k worth "laying around" I still don't think he was sound of mind to say "I can sell these for money and invest in my 401k because I plan on retiring".


People dont leave 20K worth of anything lying around. I dont leave $300 worth of receiver lying around and it weighs 60 lb. The busted and parts receivers I leave in the car/truck/garage ... the instant it starts working fine, it gets carted into the house and well its not locked up cos the thing isn't going to shoot people. But Still being $$$ makes it very much a "Lock and key" item.

We have been screaming for people to secure their guns ... to no avail. This will make it happen in an instant. A gun with a few bullets will be left in easy access. The big stash ... yes locked up like it should be.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Paraquat on 01/31/13 at 16:00:27

I was using 20k in your $100 dollar each bullet senario.

I secure everything. Why am I being penalized?


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 01/31/13 at 16:31:17

"And you still have not apologized for the NRA terrorist comment."

Houston, You have a problem.

Hell will freeze over before I apologize for stating the truth. The NRA is murder Inc. A "domestic terrorist organization".

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 01/31/13 at 16:34:51

436471627C7976647562100 wrote:
"And you still have not apologized for the NRA terrorist comment."

Houston, You have a problem.

Hell will freeze over before I apologize for stating the truth. The NRA is murder Inc. A "domestic terrorist organization".

Typical response based solely on emotions with no facts back it up.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 01/31/13 at 20:44:39

6A4D584B55505F4D5C4B390 wrote:
"And you still have not apologized for the NRA terrorist comment."

Houston, You have a problem.

Hell will freeze over before I apologize for stating the truth. The NRA is murder Inc. A "domestic terrorist organization".

I asked for an apology or proof, now three times, and you have still provided neither...

But you do parrot back unsubstantiated statements very well.  So, I think it is you with the problem.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Serowbot on 01/31/13 at 23:38:43

Youz guyz defending your right to own assault weapons,... are not arguing on how to save children... but how to save toys...
20 children are dead...

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Do not imagine that you are defending yourself, or your country, against tyranny, or any such nonsense...
You are willing to let children die,.. for your toys...
This is shameful,.. and indefensible...
If you need 30, 50 100, rounds to defend yourself,... you were dead 20 rounds ago...
Get real...  
"Shall not be infringed" happened eons ago...
The founders,...(as Jerry pointed out),.. had single shot, muzzle loaders, and could not conceive of 100 rounds on one person... (and what comes next?)...
If you fashion a need for that much firepower,... you are either not realistic, or already dead...
Tyranny,.. overthrow,.. militia,... these are obsolete terms... in this day...
We are down to, hunting, home defense, and target/ plinking...
Don't even try to justify your need for arms, as something patriotic...
We are defending our toys... against lives...

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by WebsterMark on 02/01/13 at 06:31:47

Youz guyz defending your right to own assault weapons,... are not arguing on how to save children... but how to save toys...
20 children are dead...

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Do not imagine that you are defending yourself, or your country, against tyranny, or any such nonsense...
You are willing to let children die,.. for your toys...
This is shameful,.. and indefensible...

"Shall not be infringed" happened eons ago...
The founders,...(as Jerry pointed out),.. had single shot, muzzle loaders, and could not conceive of 100 rounds on one person... (and what comes next?)...

Tyranny,.. overthrow,.. militia,... these are obsolete terms... in this day...
We are down to, hunting, home defense, and target/ plinking...
Don't even try to justify your need for arms, as something patriotic...
We are defending our toys... against lives...

All this coming from a man who believes these same men of 250 years ago saw a constitutional right for a woman to suck the brains out of her living unborn child because she just decided she didn’t want it any longer….And do not say this is off topic because it is not. You brought up children in an attempt to shame people.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."……  those children who had their brains sucked out never got to live to adulthood to put away those childish things.

At least firearms are specifically mentioned in the constitution. Don’t recall seeing anything about killing unborn babies.

I’m pro-choice. I choose to own a firearm. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do.

The vast, vast majority of firearms do not harm to human beings yet you cling to a 'right' that kills 100% of the time. Who's the one who should be ashamed of themselves?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Serowbot on 02/01/13 at 10:12:23

Way to obfuscate, Web...  ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by WebsterMark on 02/01/13 at 11:01:59

no, you're wrong Sew. Don't claim outrage only over the dead children that happen to help  your cause.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Starlifter on 02/01/13 at 11:43:36

"I’m pro-choice. I choose to own a firearm. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do."

Who are YOU to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 02/01/13 at 14:45:01

725540534D4847554453210 wrote:
"I’m pro-choice. I choose to own a firearm. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do."

Who are YOU to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body?

It's not her body, but the body of the baby within her that is being denied its rights when it is killed even up to the very point of delivery.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by WebsterMark on 02/01/13 at 16:01:51

Who are YOU to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body?

1) fine, then stop telling me I can own an 'assault rifle'
2) let's ask the child what he or she wants to do with her body. Does the child get a vote?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 02/01/13 at 19:25:56

687E69746C79746F1B0 wrote:
If you need 30, 50 100, rounds to defend yourself,... you were dead 20 rounds ago...

I can think of some people durring the LA riots that were protected by having more than 7 rounds.

As to the "protect the children" crap...

The average number of people killed in a rampage when stopped by the police is 22.  The average number when stopped by a citizen with a gun is 2.

Who is wanting to kill children again?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/01/13 at 19:43:03

7F4E5D4E5E5A4E5B2F0 wrote:
I was using 20k in your $100 dollar each bullet senario.

I secure everything. Why am I being penalized?


Once again you're the exception ... everyone here who isn't posting from prison due to being jailed after committing multiple homicides with a gun and bullets they "found" is the exception.

You want a loaded gun in easy access to use for "protection" ... OK but if that falls into the wrong hands, the damage is limited.

LA riots - and if you had to use 100 bullets to defend yourself, the cops will have to document it and waive the $99 tax for those.

In the 22 years since then ... we have had exactly how many more of those ?


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by houstonbofh on 02/01/13 at 20:11:43

Just curious...  At $100 a bullet, how do you expect people to practice so they can actually hit the broad side of a barn when they have to use it?

Simple answers, arn't.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/02/13 at 03:54:19

57504A4C4B50515D5059573F0 wrote:
Just curious...  At $100 a bullet, how do you expect people to practice so they can actually hit the broad side of a barn when they have to use it?

Simple answers, arn't.

Oh yea you're going to be shooting an intruder in your house from 100ft away that you need the "Practice" ? dude, the self protection isn't for assasinating people. You're mean to shoot someone point blank or close to it ... else you're a sniper.

Simple answers sometimes are ... but sometimes they aren't (Like the 999 plan of that Pizza baron in the repiblicon primaries).

What is simple also changes ... 20 years ago, a motorcycle mechanic used to shudder @ the very mention of a fuel injected motorcycle ... Today you show them a carburetor they ask ... what the hell is that ?


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Ed L. on 02/02/13 at 08:38:30

How would ammo for an air rifle or BB gun be classified? Currently there are air rifles that fire a BB at close to .22 caliber speeds. If you make fire arms unafordable then the market will just change over to some other high powered weapon be it a BB gun, electric rail gun or mini cross bows and arrows. Lets not even get into other forms of killing people like mass poisonings. You aren't going to be able to prevent people from killing each other, it's just the way humanity has evolved.  

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 02/03/13 at 09:02:37

There's a video on you tube of a guy killing a wild boar with a pellet gun. I've got a RWS pellet gun that cost more than my deer rifle. Its scoped and deadly to 75 yards. I've got a crossbow I've killed four deer with. Take away a murderers gun theres plenty other tools to use. If I'm a mechanic and you take away my wrench I'll grab a pair of pliers. May not be as neat but I'll get the job done. When your "government" tells you that you don't need your guns, that is when you REALLY need them.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by LANCER on 02/03/13 at 12:33:23

When your "government" tells you that you don't need your guns, that is when you REALLY need them.

Who, after all, is the government ?
Just some other  person who actually works for us but THINKS he knows better than us how we should live your lives, while he usually exempts himself from the same rules.  
Example:  politicians and high ranking bureaucrats who feel THEY NEED armed protection from US.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Midnightrider on 02/03/13 at 18:13:25

54554E4946534F270 wrote:
[quote author=7F4E5D4E5E5A4E5B2F0 link=1358804771/45#48 date=1359676827]I was using 20k in your $100 dollar each bullet senario.

I secure everything. Why am I being penalized?


Once again you're the exception ... everyone here who isn't posting from prison due to being jailed after committing multiple homicides with a gun and bullets they "found" is the exception.

You want a loaded gun in easy access to use for "protection" ... OK but if that falls into the wrong hands, the damage is limited.

LA riots - and if you had to use 100 bullets to defend yourself, the cops will have to document it and waive the $99 tax for those.

In the 22 years since then ... we have had exactly how many more of those ?

How many houses will be broken into tonight in Charlotte where you live?

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/04/13 at 19:16:29

1B3F32383F313E22243F323324560 wrote:
[quote author=54554E4946534F270 link=1358804771/60#60 date=1359776583][quote author=7F4E5D4E5E5A4E5B2F0 link=1358804771/45#48 date=1359676827]I was using 20k in your $100 dollar each bullet senario.

I secure everything. Why am I being penalized?


Once again you're the exception ... everyone here who isn't posting from prison due to being jailed after committing multiple homicides with a gun and bullets they "found" is the exception.

You want a loaded gun in easy access to use for "protection" ... OK but if that falls into the wrong hands, the damage is limited.

LA riots - and if you had to use 100 bullets to defend yourself, the cops will have to document it and waive the $99 tax for those.

In the 22 years since then ... we have had exactly how many more of those ?

How many houses will be broken into tonight in Charlotte where you live?[/quote]

And when the intruders or savages are shot, and cops show to count the dead bodies, the bullets will be given to the owner.

Recently there has been a rash of car break in's on the south west side, and 2 fools shot and wounded a couple of cops in east charlotte today.

I dont think the $110 buck bullet is going to impede much self defence.

You have air and BB guns capable of killing ... fine, however you cant rain bullets on people with those anyway, I wont bother taxing them.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/04/13 at 19:21:13

4E434C4147501015220 wrote:

When your "government" tells you that you don't need your guns, that is when you REALLY need them.

Who, after all, is the government ?
Just some other  person who actually works for us but THINKS he knows better than us how we should live your lives, while he usually exempts himself from the same rules.  
Example:  politicians and high ranking bureaucrats who feel THEY NEED armed protection from US.

I dont think the govt is telling you you dont need your guns.

The govt is telling you we are going to keep records on who has guns. When you become a criminal, your guns need to be confiscated, along with your gun license and good citizen badge.
That law BTW the NRA supported, till they decided to oppose it. BTW it is on the books as a law, and since they want all the laws to be enforced, it should be as well.

What the govt is implying is that your guns are toys compared to what we got. You dont need it to over throw us. Its a joke what you have, so you can forget about having guns to protect yourself against us.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/13 at 22:10:00

7479767B7D6A2A2F180 wrote:
Who, after all, is the government ?
Just some other  person who actually works for us but THINKS he knows better than us how we should live your lives, while he usually exempts himself from the same rules.

Aren't they also the guys that have the healthplan we wish we had?,... and the retirement benefits?,... and the salary?,.. and the vacation days?...
... and aren't they the guys the majority of us (in most cases),... chose to decide for us?...

Man!,... I really need to run for Congress... :-?...

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 02/05/13 at 10:24:36

Everyone loves to get all worked up.  The plain fact is that the Sandy Hook killings were, what, about 6 or 7 weeks ago?  In that time, how many kids have been killed by abusive babysitters, parents, or others who were supposed to be looking out for them?  I don't know, but I bet it's more than 20.  How about car accidents with parents on cell phones?

Of course, I am saddened every time an innocent person, child or adult, meets an untimely demise at the hands of another.  But, no endeavor of mankind will ever be 100% save, and all things have to be taken in context.

And please don't quote me the total number of people killed with any sort of firearm, unless you divide that total number out into the numbers of those killings involving drug deals gone bad, gangsters killing one another, or addicts killing one another, about all of whom I say, Good Riddance. A very high percentage of these deaths are suffered by people who, to me, have little or no value to society, and who are mostly a danger to us all.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/21/13 at 20:14:32

6A65696368656E626572676572000 wrote:
Everyone loves to get all worked up.  The plain fact is that the Sandy Hook killings were, what, about 6 or 7 weeks ago?  In that time, how many kids have been killed by abusive babysitters, parents, or others who were supposed to be looking out for them?  I don't know, but I bet it's more than 20.  How about car accidents with parents on cell phones?

There is one huge difference between a parent killing a child by being on the cell while driving or some other ill advised action ... they kill their own ... they will live all their lives in regret, they will live the rest of their lives paying for it even if no one ever told them anything ...

The gun carrying fool who sprays school and gets a prison sentence and a asylum bed will for the rest of his life enjoy his day of power and how for 20 days after that his name was on the news everyday and how he inspired the copy cat who eventually replaced him in the news.

That is how death of a child by gun is different than death of child by driving when on cell phone.


Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by 12Bravo on 02/22/13 at 10:42:24

46475C5B54415D350 wrote:
[quote author=6A65696368656E626572676572000 link=1358804771/60#70 date=1360088676]Everyone loves to get all worked up.  The plain fact is that the Sandy Hook killings were, what, about 6 or 7 weeks ago?  In that time, how many kids have been killed by abusive babysitters, parents, or others who were supposed to be looking out for them?  I don't know, but I bet it's more than 20.  How about car accidents with parents on cell phones?

There is one huge difference between a parent killing a child by being on the cell while driving or some other ill advised action ... they kill their own ... they will live all their lives in regret, they will live the rest of their lives paying for it even if no one ever told them anything ...

The gun carrying fool who sprays school and gets a prison sentence and a asylum bed will for the rest of his life enjoy his day of power and how for 20 days after that his name was on the news everyday and how he inspired the copy cat who eventually replaced him in the news.

That is how death of a child by gun is different than death of child by driving when on cell phone.


Any death of a child is saddening no matter the cause!

As far as the "gun spraying fool", don't let them sit on death row for years, carry out the sentence as soon as possible!

I work with abused children and it is sickening how the justice system lets perpetrators and murders off with light sentences.

Don't blame the tool instead blame/punish the sick person wielding the tool.

Title: Re: Hale To The Chief
Post by srinath on 02/23/13 at 15:11:51

0003734350475E310 wrote:
Any death of a child is saddening no matter the cause!

As far as the "gun spraying fool", don't let them sit on death row for years, carry out the sentence as soon as possible!

I work with abused children and it is sickening how the justice system lets perpetrators and murders off with light sentences.

Don't blame the tool instead blame/punish the sick person wielding the tool.

Will the tea baggers stop screaming about expansion of govt programs when you're trying to find the mentally ill. Even so, there may be more important uses for the funds. There may be a huge expense with very little to show for it cos we may round up 100 nuts and treat them, when only 1 was risky, and we may lose the 1 that was and he'd do a spree and we'd blame the program for not working.

The tool makes the pile bigger faster and you dont even have to get out of your car ... you can "drive by" a school. We there for clamp down on the tool.

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