General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Turn in your weapons...

Message started by Midnightrider on 01/20/13 at 20:14:17

Title: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Midnightrider on 01/20/13 at 20:14:17  The highest suicide rates and poverty in the country.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/21/13 at 13:19:37

We just didn't take away their guns ... first we sold them the guns. They used to hunt with bows, arrows and spears. Not guns.

Then we sold them the stronger alcohol. Then we had them sell us their land ... they were amused. Yea the white man is going to "own the land" What next, why dont we sell them he air they thought. Then we put fences up and shot them for wandering onto our land. Then we put up railroads, and rounded up the wild buffalo and dammed the rivers and caught the fish into extinction. They starved to death.

Its not as simple as "taking away their guns" and they have the suicide and poverty rates. We took away everything ... including the guns that we initially sold them, and they got suicidal.

It happened in India too. We however used the second world war to make life difficult for them and they decided they had had enough. America ended the second world war. However Germany gave India its freedom. That is in a way 1 reason why Hitler isn't so reviled in India.

It is a characterstic 19th century western european/British thing.

The west Indies, australia, new zealand, most of the middle east have had foot prints of the british that still bear a big causation for their present day problems. It has however unified India and got India into the 20th and then the 21st century.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/21/13 at 13:21:33

Its not as simple as "taking away their guns" and they have the suicide and poverty rates. We took away everything.

Let them take the guns & see what follows..

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by oldNslow on 01/21/13 at 14:15:40

"They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they only kept but one - they promised to take our land - and they took it."

                                           Chief Red Cloud of the Oglala Sioux

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/21/13 at 19:08:37

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
Its not as simple as "taking away their guns" and they have the suicide and poverty rates. We took away everything.

Let them take the guns & see what follows..

They are usually pretty heavily armed ... they still hunt for food.
They didn't have guns to start with. The europeans first sold them the guns. They fought each other ... they let the moderate ones kill the more violent ones. Then the europeans slowly squeezed out the ones by tricking them into selling etc etc.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/22/13 at 09:25:06

You & your "Cool",, ugghhh,, Youre completely detached from reality.

Is there anyone here who does not understand that the 2nd amendment
was written down & included in our Founding Documents because it was so radical by being the first & only nation on the planet whose Founders Gave a Guarantee to the Sovereign Citizens that they would Always be able to Be Armed in order to throw off the Government SHOULD that Government become tyrannical?

The reason they didnt mention self defense against street thugs or hunting was

That stuff was Taken for GRANTED,, Its as obvious as the right to INhale & Exhale, everybody does it, SO, they didnt write those down,
They wrote down a Guarantee that Americans would be Unrestricted in their Right to Keep & Bear Arms,..

Do YOU UNderstand that?

If not, please, say so & we will work on helping you Get IT..

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by bill67 on 01/22/13 at 09:28:30

JOG I guess the slaves weren't Americans.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/22/13 at 09:29:43

TRY to stick with the point, Bill. Okay? I Typed that for a reason, it took time, respect it enough to stay on topic, would you?

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by bill67 on 01/22/13 at 09:39:54

The point is the right to bear arms.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/22/13 at 09:44:47

The point is the second amendment & TODAY, US, no one here is a slave & Im not here to parse the Constitution as it RElated to SLAVES,

Now, Back to My POst , & the questions it poses to ALL of you.

Is there anyone here who does not understand that the 2nd amendment
was written down & included in our Founding Documents because it was so radical by being the first & only nation on the planet whose Founders Gave a Guarantee to the Sovereign Citizens that they would Always be able to Be Armed in order to throw off the Government SHOULD that Government become tyrannical?

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by bill67 on 01/22/13 at 09:45:27

A friend of mine went to the largest gun store around here, Gander Mountain,He said 90% in their were Mexicans and Muslims,The other 10% retarded looking white guys.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by verslagen1 on 01/22/13 at 11:18:25

767D78782223140 wrote:
A friend of mine went to the largest gun store around here, Gander Mountain,He said 90% in their were Mexicans and Muslims,The other 10% retarded looking white guys.

I suppose that's guilt by association.   ;D

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by bill67 on 01/22/13 at 11:56:01

Another shooting today at a Texas campus,Looks like the USA is turning into a Arab type country.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Paraquat on 01/22/13 at 16:41:46



Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by houstonbofh on 01/23/13 at 10:54:24

2D26232379784F0 wrote:
Another shooting today at a Texas campus,Looks like the USA is turning into a Arab type country.

As I live near there, and know people that attend that school, I will answer.  A gang banger in a gun free zone took out an illegal weapon and shot someone he was arguing with, and then accidentally shot a bystander and himself.  Other than proof that "gun free zones" aren't, it means nothing.  Gang bangers shoot each other every day.  The only way to stop it is to stop all the gang bangers.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/23/13 at 11:11:21

4443595F5843424E434A442C0 wrote:
 The only way to stop it is to stop all the gang bangers.

Y'know till that happens -  even a gang banger wont be flippant about dumping 4-500 worth of bullets over an argument ... or a random bystander.

The only way to stop it till we stop all gang bangers ... is actually a $100 bullet. Sure they can make it ... but that requires effort and cash, cos the components shouldn't be easy to find or cheap either.

You have to make the people want to treat guns and bullets the same way they would treat their jewelery.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/23/13 at 11:17:47

If more honest citizens had a gun handy they could drop a punk when he pulls out his 9.,.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/23/13 at 11:22:58

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
If more honest citizens had a gun handy they could drop a punk when he pulls out his 9.,.

You do know that honest citizen guns have been used in several shootings of late right ?
Then how to find an honest citizen ? He may be honest ... till he goes nuts.
The Va tech guy, the AZ parking lot guy, the sandy hook guy, the sikh temple guy and all the rest were non criminal psychos. Only the Webster guy was a criminal.
Yes that means background checks and in effect probing into all aspects and past of the aforementioned psychos. Once the NRA signs on to that much scrutiny, wake me up, till then I'm suggesting a $99 hit in each bullet.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Starlifter on 01/23/13 at 11:23:18

That's the ticket, MORE guns MORE guns USA USA USA.

BTW, how many 'punks' have you guys dropped lately with all your guns?

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/23/13 at 12:11:08

I dont live in that kind of area. Do you?

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/23/13 at 18:18:42

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
I dont live in that kind of area. Do you?

I do, and there are people selling drugs in my hood, there is cops going down the street 3-4 times a day, many of em visit my neighbors. When one of the idiots call my HOA with a "vehicle taken apart" violation on me, they politely tell them to worry about the bigger things in the hood. My hood's playground has a few bullet holes, its so bad, I haven't been there in 5-6 years.

I still see the possibility of using a gun as extremely remote.
However I also would credit the fact that I look like the ring leader of the hood. Plus I run a motorcycle gang on the side.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by houstonbofh on 01/23/13 at 21:12:34


1) I can make bullets for far less than $100.  People like me will make a fortune with your idea.

2) "The Va tech guy, the AZ parking lot guy, the sandy hook guy, the sikh temple guy and all the rest were non criminal psychos."

Wrong.  The Sandy Hook guy was in the process of being committed, and bared from purchasing a gun.  The system worked, so he killed and robed someone with a gun.  He did that without a gun, too...

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/24/13 at 13:50:24

The more gang bangers who shoot each other the better.  Vermin control, plain and simple, to me.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Paraquat on 01/25/13 at 09:12:50

5B5A4146495C40280 wrote:
[quote author=4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 link=1358741657/15#16 date=1358968667] till then I'm suggesting a $99 hit in each bullet.


You could destroy the brass before it ever hits the market.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 16:09:21

0A0D1711160D0C000D040A620 wrote:

1) I can make bullets for far less than $100.  People like me will make a fortune with your idea.

2) "The Va tech guy, the AZ parking lot guy, the sandy hook guy, the sikh temple guy and all the rest were non criminal psychos."

Wrong.  The Sandy Hook guy was in the process of being committed, and bared from purchasing a gun.  The system worked, so he killed and robed someone with a gun.  He did that without a gun, too...

1. You think you can buy gun powder, the jackets and lead and the shells and the rest of it. We put all of that on a controlled list and dont let you get it off the shelf. Plus it will be illegal to do so. Yea you can make it all ... but soon enough it will be harder and harder and you'd get arrested if one of the fools you sell it to gets caught with it. They say you made/sold it and there you go, accessory and trafficking in a controlled substance etc etc.

2. Hell no, the system didn't work. 27 dead people prove that. The checks and BS you say worked ... but the thing is Mommy didn't lock it up and stockpiled bullets ... making her do that ... $99 a bullet. There will still be a few cases of that after the $99 bullet tax ... but it will get choked out in a few months/years.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 16:10:31

202F2329222F24282F382D2F384A0 wrote:
The more gang bangers who shoot each other the better.  Vermin control, plain and simple, to me.

Right and I dont think the $100 bullet would make a difference in that. Most gang killings are over bigger things than $100.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by WD on 01/26/13 at 16:50:56

Maybe where you live, but around here the bangers kill each other over the pettiest of perceived slights. "He looked at me wrong" "She waved wrong" "Her brats cornrow beads wasn't da right color" "Dat car done lookt funny" "Wrong side of the street" "Hat wasn't worn right" "His rock was priced wrong"...

You really need to come to a third world rat hole like Memfrica and get a reality check... They can't even consolidate schools here to save a few bucks over fears of killings because "this block has been warring with this block for so long that we'd be putting the chirren at too great a risk"... that's from the mayor.

The problem isn't just the ready access to guns. The biggest problem is the idolization of the lowest common denominator, the complete lack of any social values.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/28/13 at 13:01:14

3625610 wrote:
Maybe where you live, but around here the bangers kill each other over the pettiest of perceived slights. "He looked at me wrong" "She waved wrong" "Her brats cornrow beads wasn't da right color" "Dat car done lookt funny" "Wrong side of the street" "Hat wasn't worn right" "His rock was priced wrong"...

You really need to come to a third world rat hole like Memfrica and get a reality check... They can't even consolidate schools here to save a few bucks over fears of killings because "this block has been warring with this block for so long that we'd be putting the chirren at too great a risk"... that's from the mayor.

The problem isn't just the ready access to guns. The biggest problem is the idolization of the lowest common denominator, the complete lack of any social values.

Yup we got pockets like that too ...

Its a human tendency to do much of that and yea we must change that. However that costs $$$ and time and if the govt program to do that does get funded without touching my taxes ... we will be all for it. Till then having $$$$ bullets will make them resort to knives, pool sticks and ping pongs. Memfrica will be memfrica ... but on a severe budget. Sorta like being downgraded from being shot to being stabbed to being beaten with a ping pong.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by LANCER on 01/29/13 at 03:30:31

Srinath, it is not about the price of a bullet or restrictive gun laws, it is about people with evil in their heart who do harm to others whether with their fist or a kitchen knife or baseball bat or pistol or rifle.

Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by srinath on 01/29/13 at 10:00:03

2F222D2026317174430 wrote:
Srinath, it is not about the price of a bullet or restrictive gun laws, it is about people with evil in their heart who do harm to others whether with their fist or a kitchen knife or baseball bat or pistol or rifle.

Yes it is, and with a baseball bat, a kitchen knife or a ping pong people will kill each other ... but they will be a lot more slow and guess what, someone will shoot em, and when the cops arrive be given back the bullets along with a thank you note.

To find and isolate the evil, and treat it and eliminate itis a huge social program, the biggest ever conceived. It will never get funded well enough, it will be 1/2 assed and it will fail and the TEA party will scream about it. Taxing a bullet will cost nothing and go most of the good guns do now, and cut out most of the bad.


Title: Re: Turn in your weapons...
Post by Midnightrider on 01/29/13 at 11:36:07 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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