General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why Romney Lost

Message started by Midnightrider on 01/19/13 at 17:32:12

Title: Why Romney Lost
Post by Midnightrider on 01/19/13 at 17:32:12

Roney promised if he were elected he would put eveyone back to work. 51% said screw that.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by ZAR on 01/19/13 at 17:51:20

65414C46414F405C5A414C4D5A280 wrote:
Roney promised if he were elected he would put eveyone back to work. 51% said screw that.

Valid point but it does not add up. You did not factor in the 40% with a guilt complex,the 37% that voted as their organised labor bosses dictated and the 83% of deceased that voted. By my 1960's mathmatics calculations that brings it up to 211% against Romney. No wonder he lost!

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/19/13 at 18:10:23

Dead people didn't vote for RMoney. Apparently they think McCain is one of them and have elected him.

Oh ... Oh ... here is a cool one. And real.

Apparently 47% of people voted for RMoney.


Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by Midnightrider on 01/19/13 at 18:33:45

"Apparently 47% of people voted for RMoney." I love it, LMAO

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by ZAR on 01/19/13 at 20:55:58

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
Dead people didn't vote for RMoney. Apparently they think McCain is one of them and have elected him.

Oh ... Oh ... here is a cool one. And real.

Apparently 47% of people voted for RMoney.


Srinath I know dead people didn't vote for Romney! That's my point...they voted Democrat....again!

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/20/13 at 02:31:43

72697A280 wrote:
[quote author=6D6C77707F6A761E0 link=1358645532/0#2 date=1358647823]Dead people didn't vote for RMoney. Apparently they think McCain is one of them and have elected him.

Oh ... Oh ... here is a cool one. And real.

Apparently 47% of people voted for RMoney.


Srinath I know dead people didn't vote for Romney! That's my point...they voted Democrat....again!

In a 2 party system a vote for any one but the second place is a vote for the winner.
And no 8 out of 9 dead people prefer John McCain.

Dead people dont vote democrat. Dead people are old people. They are repugs. They used to vote for Bob D'Old. But since he was in hospital recently ... they decided that he was alive. So they voted McCain.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/20/13 at 02:32:19

41656862656B64787E6568697E0C0 wrote:
"Apparently 47% of people voted for RMoney." I love it, LMAO

This is true. Look it up. 47.2% to be exact.


Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by Trippah on 01/20/13 at 18:53:57

i laugh at the derision put on entitlements - because entitlements are contracts made between the gvt and the people saying if you do your part, the gvt will do its part.  NOW, the wealthy want the gvt to renage on it contracts (sort of like they do when they close a business down and stick it to the workers, take the money and  run).  Do you see the pattern??

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/21/13 at 04:55:58

I paid into SS. I fulfilled MY end of the contract. I AM entitled to what the contract said Id be entitled to.
Unemployment? The employee pays into a fund. Well,, the Employer writes the check, but employees make the $$$ the employer pays it with, AND, if the employer Wasnt Forced to pay that $$$ to the State, he could pay it to the employee, so, YES, the employee Pays it.,
& consumers pay the taxes of the corporations.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by WebsterMark on 01/21/13 at 05:26:19

i laugh at the derision put on entitlements - because entitlements are contracts made between the gvt and the people saying if you do your part, the gvt will do its part.  NOW, the wealthy want the gvt to renage on it contracts

You paid into a Ponzi scheme and politicians of both parties have raided the money out of your  ‘lockbox’ and spent it on mostly worthless programs for the poor to buy votes for reelection. So now you fall for yet another lie that ‘rich Republicans want to end that program today so their rich buddies will get a tax break tomorrow. Never mind the fact that the numbers that don’t add up, never mind the fact that the demographics don’t add up, never mind it was expanded into areas never imagined, never mind all that. Just go ahead and vote for the guy the says what you want to hear, vote for the guy who makes the most convenient target, vote for the guy that tells you it’s the rich guys fault… don’t like him anyway cause it’s not fair he’s got everything you don’t…..

The whole thing is underfunded, bankrupt and cannot be funded as originally laid out. It’s impossible. But doggone it, as long as you get yours……….

Romeny and Ryan should be taking the oath today. At least they took SS seriously. At least they have the balls to take it on. Hopey will tell you whatever you want to hear and then kick that can right on down the road for the next guy to handle. And you sheep will line up right behind him with your handout ready for the next gov check to show up.....

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by Starlifter on 01/21/13 at 11:40:49

"Romeny and Ryan should be taking the oath today. At least they took SS seriously. At least they have the balls to take it on." usual, stupid, full of sh!t and f*cking nuts.

JOG is correct on this issue, and BTW those who raided the the SS fund DID NOT spend the money on helping the poor.

...oh, and RMoney taking the oath? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/21/13 at 11:54:44

RMoney was for all americans, both the rich and the super rich ... and dont forget the ultra rich. He was going to help them all. Sad. The Hoppy clan and the chicago guys robbed that from them.

Very sad. So next time Vote for Elizabeth Warren so this doesn't happen.


Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by MShipley on 01/22/13 at 09:31:48

LOL.....I love reading this stuff.

The really sad thing here is that so many people actualy beleive that the current admin. "cares for them"....Let me tell you something. Our Government (both sides) cares only about their power and wealth. We the people no longer have anything to do with it.

Both sides....Defend the wealthy and big business. The Democrats do it for the Union Companies, alternate energy, GE and such ,just like the Republicans do it for "big Oil" and Banking. At least these are the stereo types.

We are slowly creating a two class system. Them and the "middle class" (at least for now they will continue to call it that because it makes people feel like they are not the lower class). We will have soo many laws that if you aspire to be one of the Elite Class you will have to play by their rules or they will crush you. therwise you will be the middle class (nice name for bottom or non-elite class)

Elite class wil be wealth the middle will not
Elite class can inside trade to get rich, the middle will not
Elite class will have great health care middle will get what they give them
Elite class kids will go to good schools (protected by guns) middle will not
Elite class will drive in limos and fly, middle will take trains and drive Hugos
Elite class will not serve in the military and fight wars the middle will
Elite class will dictate how much money you are allowed to keep after they are taken care of.

A very wise many once said "There is nothing new under the sun". There is nothing new here either. Another great society born of a great idea that will come to end because of greed and power.

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring everything into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 07:27:53

Except this little factoid ... Union and alternate energy are big industries that back the good side of progress. Big oil, coal and banking are the Bad side of progress.

We are creating a 2 class system, only because the republicans are pushing against taxing the super rich. Obama will have set that limit @ 250K, without the republicans holding the economy hostage, in effect raising his own taxes. Not 450K and leaving his taxes as they are.

Greed and power = RMoney, we saw clearly how clueless he was about the plight of the non rich ... the fool told someone who lost their house in a hurricane that "Help is available for you folks, just go home and call 311" never mind that he wanted to kill that funding, and she had no home to go to, it was just blown away. Then after sandy he got photographed loading bags of food into a pickup truck 1500 miles away. yea they're gonna drive a pickup truck loaded with 300 bucks worth of food 1500 miles to deliver it to sandy victims ... fool. Looked and felt artificial and stupid.

And effectively - His best selling point was ... He was his own opposite.


Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by MShipley on 01/25/13 at 07:43:40

Srinith.... your reply is exactly the problem I just stated. You only see one side as the problem. I'm and telling you that none of these guys want to fix anything. They are playing your emotions and views and
using you for thier end.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by Starlifter on 01/25/13 at 17:17:36

"None of these guys want to fix anything."

...but one side (Dems.) wants to fix these things more than the other side. We may only get the crumbs from the Dems, but the other side will horde the crumbs just to laugh as the people beg for them.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 17:25:55

0B152E2F362A233F460 wrote:
Srinith.... your reply is exactly the problem I just stated. You only see one side as the problem. I'm and telling you that none of these guys want to fix anything. They are playing your emotions and views and
using you for thier end.

Right, and after 8 years of Cheney, I think about 20 years of democrats would be appropriate ... and that is If John Boenher shuts up.

BTW I want to join a union, and I am a software engineer. Democrats will eventually make that happen.


Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by MShipley on 01/25/13 at 18:27:56

I am sure Glenn Beck is not respected by a lot of people here but I have heard him make an interesting statement about our government (dems and Repu).    "They are both taking us straight to Hell, one just wants to do it faster than the other."    See the American people are currently polarized on defending thier side, that they are the better of the two.My guy is not as bad as your guy. But we miss the fact that we are being taken down the wrong road. Most of the Western world is tetterring on bankrupcy. When we get to Hell will it really matter how fast we got there or which party was the better of the two??? We will still be in Hell.    PS, Hell is a dramitization here I dont mean litteral Hell. That is another conversation.

Title: Re: Why Romney Lost
Post by srinath on 01/25/13 at 18:46:40

534D76776E727B671E0 wrote:
I am sure Glenn Beck is not respected by a lot of people here but I have heard him make an interesting statement about our government (dems and Repu).    "They are both taking us straight to Hell, one just wants to do it faster than the other."    See the American people are currently polarized on defending thier side, that they are the better of the two.My guy is not as bad as your guy. But we miss the fact that we are being taken down the wrong road. Most of the Western world is tetterring on bankrupcy. When we get to Hell will it really matter how fast we got there or which party was the better of the two??? We will still be in Hell.    PS, Hell is a dramitization here I dont mean litteral Hell. That is another conversation.

OK I agree, now since the alternatives are the same, lets just vote democrat for the next 20 or so years OK.
Yea John Boehner still needs to shut up.
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