General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who are the violent ones?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/14/13 at 10:55:13

Title: Who are the violent ones?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/14/13 at 10:55:13

The left SAYS theyre the warm, friendly & loving ones.They say they believe people should be accepted & treated as valuable, even if their behavior isnt what would be considered as "Good & acceptable" by 1950's standards. The Left believes in "Tolerance", or so they say, but I would say NO, thats not true. Actually, theyre dangerous control freaks, angry & violent & happy to watch anyone who doesnt agree with their social agenda be destroyed.

Alex Jones is being called Crazy & angry & dangerous by THESE people..

Jones is right. Morgan is wrong.

Look at the recent events. Ive heard 3 reports of women defending themselves & their kids from home invasion thugs. Men shot, children kept safe, by mom having the guts to grab the gun & get the kids in a back room & try to hide & shot when the thugs came thru that last door.,

Not on the news a lot, tho,, I Wonder WHY!!??

Study the data, allow science to guide your thinking. Allow common sense to guide your thinking,

Not real common to see these shooters & their rampages in places ather than Gun Free Zones, is it?

Look at the crime data. Rifles are BELOW fists in number of deaths.

Feel manipulated yet?

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Paraquat on 01/14/13 at 11:14:16

The media makes it sound like you can't walk down the street without having a full automatic "assault" rifle shoved in your face.


Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Trippah on 01/14/13 at 13:16:36

JOG what's your point?  You don't want anyone to shoot him?  Home invasions....everywhere apparantly...although most turn out to be friend or family, or gang related.  You know, if everyone carried a tactical nuke and walked up to question anyone in a hoodie, the Patriots would be coachless.  Imagine, a tactical nuke during the superbowel,  wow what a 2nd amendmend statement. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

And the cutie at the mall I approached to manipulate me just called security, what's that about...huh.

It is interesting that RFK thought the JFK job was NOT a lone shooter.  

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by LostArtist on 01/14/13 at 14:10:54

JOG, that's not violence, that's the freedom of speech thing, violence is an action, typing comments on a post isn't.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by bill67 on 01/14/13 at 15:45:49

Republicans shouldn't be allow guns,They be like thingy Cheney and go around shooting people.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Serowbot on 01/14/13 at 16:53:35

When Alex Jones goes batcrapcrazy on national TV and starts threatening to incite an armed revolution,... you can expect patriotic Americans to show their anger with equal fervor...

He represents the kind of loon we should be trying get guns away from...
He should be deported... exiled... Guantanamo'ed...

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by ZAR on 01/14/13 at 17:40:25

5E7D61665360667B6166120 wrote:
JOG, that's not violence, that's the freedom of speech thing, violence is an action, typing comments on a post isn't.

IF that is true LostArtist then why have several teenagers been arrested and charged for posting about shooting or bombings at their schools? Those posts were only speech,not actual acts,right?

Or is there a double-standard for us conservative gun owners?

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by LostArtist on 01/14/13 at 19:09:20

1D0615470 wrote:
[quote author=5E7D61665360667B6166120 link=1358189713/0#3 date=1358201454]JOG, that's not violence, that's the freedom of speech thing, violence is an action, typing comments on a post isn't.

IF that is true LostArtist then why have several teenagers been arrested and charged for posting about shooting or bombings at their schools? Those posts were only speech,not actual acts,right?

Or is there a double-standard for us conservative gun owners?

first, I fully support the right to bare arms, I don't think gun control is actually going to accomplish much anyway.

there's a double standard regarding an angry outburst on a comment section of a blog site and a more diary like atmosphere that facebook is. and there have been complete manifestos posted online giving very detailed plans on exactly what some is planning to do and those have been ignored so yeah I don't know why those were ignored either.  

Serowbot makes a good point, Alex Jones did threaten for a new revolution if guns were taken away on a broadcast show. so, threatening a revolution doesn't anger JOG but these lil idiotic posts do??  the internet is full of bombastic speech, this is actually kind of mild

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/15/13 at 08:26:05

Excuse me? Telling someone that IF they proceed to squash the right of the people theyll meet resistance is Batshit Crazy?
Americans have loist their understanding of what America IS,, & we arent any more. Its Painful to see. darn right, America is gonna go thru HELL if these idiots start going door to door taking guns away from citizens.,Why is making that statement somehow "Inciting" violence?

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Serowbot on 01/15/13 at 09:09:53

Pure foolish Chicken Little talk...
There was a ban on assault weapons in the nineties,.. no civil war happened,.. the sky didn't fall,.. the world didn't end...
A gun regulation isn't going to destroy America,.. neither will a national health,.. neither will a black president,..

Alex Jones has been predicting apocalyptic doom from every possible direction for a decade and nothing...
Turn him off...  he's an overinflated clown, ...literally and figuratively...:-?...

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/15/13 at 10:15:36

There was a ban on assault weapons in the nineties,.. no civil war happened,.. the sky didn't fall,.. the world didn't end...

neither would it have done anything to prevent Sandy Hook.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by srinath on 01/15/13 at 10:36:05

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
There was a ban on assault weapons in the nineties,.. no civil war happened,.. the sky didn't fall,.. the world didn't end...

neither would it have done anything to prevent Sandy Hook.

Correct again Web, as always, real smart you are.

Sandy hook happened in 2012. See... 12+ years later.

The Other thing is, sandy hook was a classic case of a gun being kept for protection from an intruder used on a family member, before it was used on strangers.

Any ban needs to be nationwide, and we need to confiscate or lock up everything that is out there ... that will never ever happen ... unless bullets are really really $$$$$$$ ... then every one will get locked up.


Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/15/13 at 10:38:37

When Alex Jones goes batcrapcrazy on national TV and starts threatening to incite an armed revolution,... you can expect patriotic Americans to show their anger with equal fervor...

He represents the kind of loon we should be trying get guns away from...
He should be deported... exiled... Guantanamo'ed...

He and Michael Moore should share a cell then....

I think you'd be hard pressed to win this bet: you pick 10 well known conservatives and post the worst things they've said about liberals.
I'll pick 10 well known liberals and post the worst things they've said about conservatives.

lets' see which ones are worst...... Wanna take that bet?

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/15/13 at 10:47:01

Correct again Web, as always, real smart you are.

Sandy hook happened in 2012. See... 12+ years later.

The Other thing is, sandy hook was a classic case of a gun being kept for protection from an intruder used on a family member, before it was used on strangers.

I’m going to take Lancer’s advice and assume you are missing the point as usual because of a language barrier….   So I’ll try to explain it again.

The point is the assault weapons ban that was in effect back then would not have stopped the purchase of the guns used at Sandy Hook. The bigger point is laws are followed by law abiding citizens and ignored by criminals and in this case, the mentally ill. With the supply of guns in the country, no law is going to make them disappear.

Any ban needs to be nationwide, and we need to confiscate or lock up everything that is out there ... that will never ever happen ... unless bullets are really really $$$$$$$ ... then every one will get locked up

So tell me, if bullets instantly cost $1000 each as you keep saying, with hundreds of millions if not a billion+ rounds of ammo in circulation, wouldn’t you just create a massive black market? wouldn't the organized crime that would sure follow make prohibition era gangsters looking like grade school girls?

However, I really hope your silly bullet taxing idea happens, because I figure I’ll be a millionaire overnight...

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by srinath on 01/15/13 at 12:21:42

407275646372655A76657C170 wrote:
Correct again Web, as always, real smart you are.

Sandy hook happened in 2012. See... 12+ years later.

The Other thing is, sandy hook was a classic case of a gun being kept for protection from an intruder used on a family member, before it was used on strangers.

I’m going to take Lancer’s advice and assume you are missing the point as usual because of a language barrier….   So I’ll try to explain it again.

The point is the assault weapons ban that was in effect back then would not have stopped the purchase of the guns used at Sandy Hook. The bigger point is laws are followed by law abiding citizens and ignored by criminals and in this case, the mentally ill. With the supply of guns in the country, no law is going to make them disappear.

Any ban needs to be nationwide, and we need to confiscate or lock up everything that is out there ... that will never ever happen ... unless bullets are really really $$$$$$$ ... then every one will get locked up

So tell me, if bullets instantly cost $1000 each as you keep saying, with hundreds of millions if not a billion+ rounds of ammo in circulation, wouldn’t you just create a massive black market? wouldn't the organized crime that would sure follow make prohibition era gangsters looking like grade school girls?

However, I really hope your silly bullet taxing idea happens, because I figure I’ll be a millionaire overnight...

1. There will have to be be no way to advertise and sell a bullet.
2. The bullets should not be that $$$$, not 1000 ... closer to 100. It should make you want to lock yours up ... afterall, tommorow it will be worth more and more and more ...
3. It must be extremely difficult to get any of the components that make the bullet.
4. Truly self defence nuts will keep the bullets for protection, the rest will get sold and used up. BTW you dont know when you're buying off someone, you never know how old it is or how it was kept. That will prevent a serious black market. In any case it will be a temporary market.
Prohibition was futile, you could brew the stuff, or like the gangsters did, get it from canada.
This will have to be continent wide ... and near impossible to make, and near impossible to sell ...without the gubbamint getting its $$$
I dont anticipate anyone being able to get super rich ... you could double your $$$ ... unless you had trillion $$$ worth.


Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by syko on 01/25/13 at 21:35:32

0F2C30370231372A3037430 wrote:
JOG, that's not violence, that's the freedom of speech thing, violence is an action, typing comments on a post isn't.

If anyone said any of this about Obama they'd be held for hours and questioned, because "freedom of speech" is out the door and it's a thought crime...

Liberalism always reminds of a one way street for some reason..

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Starlifter on 01/26/13 at 14:30:37


"The left SAYS theyre the warm, friendly & loving ones.They say they believe people should be accepted & treated as valuable, even if their behavior isnt what would be considered as "Good & acceptable" by 1950's standards. The Left believes in "Tolerance", or so they say, but I would say NO, thats not true. Actually, theyre dangerous control freaks, angry & violent & happy to watch anyone who doesnt agree with their social agenda be destroyed."

This is such a goofy and nasty thread. You have such distain and intolerance of liberals (and anyone in general who doesn't buy into your weird ideas and theories.)

You posted those batshit crazy facebook comments from obviously mentally disturbed people crying out for torture, violence and death to those who don't share their distorted view of reality, and then you expect others to take you seriously??

Your generalizing is waaay over the top. Please calm down and collect your thoughts...I don't believe you are that nasty.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Midnightrider on 01/27/13 at 09:03:13

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over each time expecting different results. Chicago is proof that gun laws dont work. Its safer to live in Afghanistan. Theres evil individuals out there who prey upon innocent citizens and theres batsh!t crazy people who love to start shooting at anything or anybody. I should have the right to protect myself and my family and possesions. Everytime I turn around something is happening making us closer to a 3rd world country. 3.5% of murders are with rifles, dont know how many were with so called assault rifles or how many were self defense. I think the goverment has more pressing issues than worrying about my guns. My guns give me a better chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I'm within my rights according to the constitution so leave me and my guns alone.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/27/13 at 10:51:29

I stand by my statements based on my Own observations. Liberals are mean & violent people.

I wouyld refer you to the people who thot how funny it would be to see Alex Jones shot,,

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Starlifter on 01/27/13 at 13:53:10

"Liberals are mean & violent people."

Uh huh, I think you mean gun-nutz doncha'?

Liberals / AKA "progressives" stand for defending labor, environmental protection, consumer protection, class consciousness, anti-fascism, solidarity, economic justice, health and welfare for all the people and other such positive things....conseratives, not so much.

I have never heard of Alex Jones. So I looked him up and read this:

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has written about the Alex Jones show, calling it anti-government and a platform for conspiracy theories. They have further characterized the shows' host as harboring anti-Israel positions, though he has not been labeled as anti-semitic. Conversely, the show has been targeted by anti-semitic websites and radio shows that claim the show is part of a Jewish conspiracy citing the Jewish heritage of the host's wife and some of the show's sponsors.

If he is anti-government, why do so many hate him? I thought being anti-government was in vogue these days?

As for conspiracy theories, it would be entertaining to hear them all presented. Some have merit, most don't. It's up to the individual to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/27/13 at 19:50:26

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
3. It must be extremely difficult to get any of the components that make the bullet.

How is it that you keep saying this when it is totally not true?  The Chinese were making gunpowder in the 9th century.  It is sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter.  This is trivial...

As for the rest, if shells get hard to come by, you will see a lot of ball and powder revolvers.  All you need is gunpowder and something heavy.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by srinath on 01/27/13 at 21:34:33

3B3C2620273C3D313C353B530 wrote:
[quote author=47465D5A55405C340 link=1358189713/0#14 date=1358281302]3. It must be extremely difficult to get any of the components that make the bullet.

How is it that you keep saying this when it is totally not true?  The Chinese were making gunpowder in the 9th century.  It is sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter.  This is trivial...

As for the rest, if shells get hard to come by, you will see a lot of ball and powder revolvers.  All you need is gunpowder and something heavy.[/quote]

Yup, like the ones Mel Gibson used in "the patriot" And we need that to happen. BTW that was the "Arms" referred to in the second amendment.
It will entirely reduce the fatality rate among the receivers of the bullets ... and those that truly use it for self defence, will get bullets refunded when the intruders dead body is removed.

Y'know we were doing a lot of things in the 9th century that are now near impossible to get your hands on. In places like "Sivakasi" in southern India - the fireworks capital of India they can make fireworks out of their sand. So are parts of china I would guess, cos they make a lot of firecrackers nowadays. Try that in any other part of the world or the US. There are a few spots around the world where that flammable sand or in the case of the oil shale flammable rock are readily abundant ... it cant be used to make bullet ammo, but its interesting nonetheless ... without using a factory and a mass production of gun powder and hence the components to cram it into a bullet, its near impossible to get a true regular reliable "bullet" for under $100.


Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by LANCER on 01/28/13 at 04:00:28

This past week I saw an interview with the former Wash. DC district attorney, who was in office at the time DC passed a complete city wide ban on guns.  He said the violent crime rate jumped 45% the very next year.  The criminals they caught said THEY felt safer because fewer people had guns to shoot them with.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by Midnightrider on 01/28/13 at 07:16:00

There were two major Japaneese Generals during WW2. One of them wanted to actually invade the US. The other one looked at him and said are you crazy, there's a rifle behind every blade of grass in America. He wasnt referring to the military, it was weak at the time.He was referring to the armed American citizens.

Title: Re: Who are the violent ones?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/28/13 at 16:02:23

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
Y'know we were doing a lot of things in the 9th century that are now near impossible to get your hands on. In places like "Sivakasi" in southern India - the fireworks capital of India they can make fireworks out of their sand. So are parts of china I would guess, cos they make a lot of firecrackers nowadays. Try that in any other part of the world or the US. There are a few spots around the world where that flammable sand or in the case of the oil shale flammable rock are readily abundant ... it cant be used to make bullet ammo, but its interesting nonetheless ... without using a factory and a mass production of gun powder and hence the components to cram it into a bullet, its near impossible to get a true regular reliable "bullet" for under $100.

And this is all totally unrelated.  It is easy to make gunpowder.  Look it up.  It is as easy as cooking.  And look at the guns made by these guys and a much more restrictive environment than even you would promote.

Yes.  Guns made in prison.  And you think people can not do this in their homes? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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