General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Whats Coming Next

Message started by Midnightrider on 01/13/13 at 11:33:42

Title: Whats Coming Next
Post by Midnightrider on 01/13/13 at 11:33:42

If we dont pull out troops and our money from overseas we're going to experience something called hyperinflation. You'll have to take a wheelbarrow full of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread, The Chineese know the Federal Reserve is just printing more money to pay off some of our debt. Guess what, that lowers the value of our dollar and the Chineese know it. Pretty soon they're not going to accept our dollar as a valid currency and thats when the fit hits the shan.Our monetary system will be in shambles. We've got to cut back on defense spending and foreign aid or its all over. Thats the biggest piece of the pie. American Taxpayers, the real ones, the middle class are tired of wars, money going to foreign countries who hate us. Cutting Social Security and sending tax dollars overseas should never cross anyone's mind.American moral is at an all time low, young people have absolutely nothing to look forward to. Bring our troops home and build bridges, schools, lakes for hydroelectric power, protect schools. I remember an ol Baptist Preacher growing up. He use to say you have to get your own house in order before you can help someone ese.

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/15/13 at 07:25:16

Midnight we have deflation in durable goods.

We have some inflation in food and fuel.

We are a very very very long way from hyper inflation.
Euro's collapse, the teetering greek, italian, spanish, irish, portugese, cyprean and other smaller euro economies will need to reverse course and literally turn the USD into toilet paper before that will happen.

We can print all we want ... we need to ... we need overall inflation. Japan and china put together count for ~25% or so of our debt. China is @ ~13%, seriously its not going to hurt us really if it is just china, and guess what, the chinese individuals trust our govt more than their own. Seriously the euro has to return ... then we are likely to be challenged.


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/15/13 at 08:29:34

Such a comfort. Economic analysis by Srinath. No clue about what the fed is, how it works, what it does, no grasp of Austrian economics to hold up & compare to Keynesian ideology. Ohh how we "Need" inflation,,
We "Need" a weak dollar. & People BUY that crap. That makes as much sense as saying "I need to be able to earn less per hour than my neighbors"..

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/16/13 at 12:13:48

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
Such a comfort. Economic analysis by Srinath. No clue about what the fed is, how it works, what it does, no grasp of Austrian economics to hold up & compare to Keynesian ideology. Ohh how we "Need" inflation,,
We "Need" a weak dollar. & People BUY that crap. That makes as much sense as saying "I need to be able to earn less per hour than my neighbors"..

Dude I never said we need a weak dollar ... I said we (The USD) are under no threat, our nearest competetior the Euro is the new toilet paper. We are stronger than the next 13 currencies combined.
I am Indian ... In india a country where there is a continous history of democracy for 60 years and has produced leaders the world looks up to (None of the Mao, Stalin, Kruschev types that were hated and feared inside the country and reviled outside) - anyway we who believe in India - trust the US Dollar.

Its a long way before china or euro, or the yen becomes a challenge to the USD.

We dont quite need inflation all over ... we need it in some sectors. We have deflation in durable goods. Inflation in the consumables. we could use a little inflation all around ...


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by Trippah on 01/16/13 at 20:45:21

Webbie - we need a weak dollar so our goods (made in America) can be sold competatively overeas.  At least that is the official line.  Does it help you as an individual when you travel overseas??No, you'll have to spend more us dollars to buy that new Camoflage "enfield"  but if a new Harley in India only cost 100,000 million rupees instead of 300,000 million rupees back when the dollar was strong, maybe we will finally see a Bollywood version of the wild ones (which had hardly a Harley in it).

Hope the new year finds us all with an increase in good health and personal wealth.

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by LANCER on 01/17/13 at 03:51:45


We can print all we want ... we need to ... we need overall inflation.

We can do it, but should we ?  NOPE ... no we don't ... NOOO
Inflation makes our money worth LESS and things we need for daily life cost MORE.
That is not a good equation.

Srinath, I have no idea of your income but let's just call it $5k/mo for calculation purposes.  If you make $5k/mo but you continually spend $7.5k/mo, borrowing $2.5k/mo each and every month, how long before you go bankrupt ?  Is that a good financial plan ?
Or would it be better to live on $4k/mo & save $1k/mo ?  And not borrow any ?
Which is the wise financial plan ?

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/17/13 at 08:03:19

4548474A4C5B1B1E290 wrote:


We can print all we want ... we need to ... we need overall inflation.

We can do it, but should we ?  NOPE ... no we don't ... NOOO
Inflation makes our money worth LESS and things we need for daily life cost MORE.
That is not a good equation.

Srinath, I have no idea of your income but let's just call it $5k/mo for calculation purposes.  If you make $5k/mo but you continually spend $7.5k/mo, borrowing $2.5k/mo each and every month, how long before you go bankrupt ?  Is that a good financial plan ?
Or would it be better to live on $4k/mo & save $1k/mo ?  And not borrow any ?
Which is the wise financial plan ?

Yikes - wrong on so many many many levels.
Govt is not a person. A govt cant live on 4K when it takes in 5K ... That will actually have to be the equivalent of shredding money.
We dont need to print - but we can not have deflation in any section of the economy for a prolonged period. That will kill that industry far quicker than china or nafta.

Since you brought up the example: The closest I can use a person - or me as an example is this - I make 5K. I live on 4K and the 1K I save comes out of my food budget. To the extent that I buy no food. You kill social welfare and other safety programs that is what you are doing.
You want schools to be secure and you want to have guns - that is a bullet proof vest and guns, you have that, you want industrial growth that is motorcycles and cars. You want energy subsidies - you got that as fuel and electricity. You can live on 4K sure, but not the way you're suggesting. You want to kill social programs and medical ... that is the equivalent of not eating or going to the doctor. Yea you save 1k a yr, but you'd dead from starvation.


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by Serowbot on 01/17/13 at 15:26:10

If the Chinese ever decided that our money has no value,... their trillion dollar investment in out debt would turn to zero... ... and, they'd have to stop selling goods to us...
Their economy would collapse... ;D...

I'm not so worried...   :-?...

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/18/13 at 13:43:13

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
If the Chinese ever decided that our money has no value,... their trillion dollar investment in out debt would turn to zero... ... and, they'd have to stop selling goods to us...
Their economy would collapse... ;D...

I'm not so worried...   :-?...

Not quite ... china holds just about 15% of our debt.
Japan holds another 15%. 33+% is held by americans.
There is another 5-6% held by russia.
The rest are by countries that explicitly and implicitly trust the US. Brazil, UK, switzerland, france, germany, India ...

No more than 20% is in countries that have an interest counter to ours.

And yes ... I am not worried.

And no its not economic analysis by srinath. Its economic analysis by several economists who are not affiliated with one party or the other.


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by LostArtist on 01/18/13 at 16:21:38

most of the debt america has is to americans not other countries, we're a long way from having another country call in its debt and that causing a melt down in our economy

now our economy isn't healthy for other reasons but the threat of "hyper inflation" isn't really legit, if you want to see hyper inflation, put our money back on the gold standard, there's not enough gold to back up our currency

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by Midnightrider on 01/18/13 at 23:15:15

Thats just it. Theres nothing backing a dollar bill up. Its nothing but a promise that can be broken anytime. The Federal Reserve can print all they want to and hand them outbehind our backs which they are doing regularly. Why is Congress so scared of auditing the Federal Reserve?

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by LANCER on 01/19/13 at 02:04:38

6C48454F484649555348454453210 wrote:
Thats just it. Theres nothing backing a dollar bill up. Its nothing but a promise that can be broken anytime. The Federal Reserve can print all they want to and hand them outbehind our backs which they are doing regularly. Why is Congress so scared of auditing the Federal Reserve?

May be that an audit would show the FedRes is printing and giving or selling money to "who knows who" without the public or even Congress knowing about it.  It's called "RAIDING THE TREASURY".

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/19/13 at 08:45:59

No one has currency backed by gold.

The whole idea of $$$ - we dont need to be gold ... we just need to be better than most of the rest. In fact we are not even required to be the best. We just need to be the best among big economies. The pound and the marc and swiss frank are all pretty strong, even stronger than USD. However there isn't a few quadrillion of those in use.

USD is it, nothing else is close. The euro was once a contender, it sadly now is the new toilet paper.


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by LANCER on 01/20/13 at 00:16:49

2D2C37303F2A365E0 wrote:
No one has currency backed by gold.

The whole idea of $$$ - we dont need to be gold ... we just need to be better than most of the rest. In fact we are not even required to be the best. We just need to be the best among big economies. The pound and the marc and swiss frank are all pretty strong, even stronger than USD. However there isn't a few quadrillion of those in use.

USD is it, nothing else is close. The euro was once a contender, it sadly now is the new toilet paper.


It's all a house of cards; wake up and see how those running the world financial system and those in the political system have run this whole thing in the ground.  They have put this plane in a nose dive and when it crashes they will use the disaster to place the whole planet under absolute monetary control to "Protect us" from another disaster.  When that happens they will control  EVERY aspect of our lives.  You will not be able to buy or sell anything without being approved first, and if you don't do what they want then you are "Off the list".  No food, no shelter, no nothing.
It's called SLAVERY.
Do you think that is far fetched ? ?
Study your history.  It has happened over and over, but just not on a global scale.  With the technology we have now it is doable.
Don't be naive.  Many in positions of power are not there to do good, they are there for their own benefit and to have the control of the Kingdom.  

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/20/13 at 02:22:38

Lancer - very nice theory ... but also very vague and non descript. It can be anything.
Midnight started talking about hyperinflation due to chinese imports.
Serow and I didn't agree.
I take it that you dont agree with me, but you're too general to make any specific point.

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/21/13 at 04:54:15

Youre clueless Sreinth. YOu know nothing of the history of $$ or what Keynes does to us all. That "No one is using gold backed money" is no comfort. Its just the way theyve played the game against the whole world. Rothschild sent his 5 sons out into the world & look what theyve done!

Will you PLEASE take note of the siumple fact that Every One of the Arab Spring countries & all those places WE say are "EEEVil" & need sanctions, etc, are not part of the banking system? Would you do that? PLease?!?!

YOuve no idea how naive you are & you see yourself as soooo sophisticated & well informed..Its frustrating being talked down to by someone so uneducated as yourself.
REad Creature from Jekyll Island , do everyone a favor, including yourself.,

Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by srinath on 01/21/13 at 13:01:37

Yea you need to read a few 100 books, including Ramanyana and Mahabharatha in the original sanskrit.

Dont throw books @ me ... I have read plenty and have easily seen the underlying assumptions and biases.


Title: Re: Whats Coming Next
Post by Starlifter on 01/21/13 at 14:31:37

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