General Category >> The Cafe >> Ride in rain or cold?

Message started by BOBD on 01/09/13 at 03:46:45

Title: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by BOBD on 01/09/13 at 03:46:45

How many of you ride in the rain or cold on purpose?

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Greg on 01/09/13 at 05:02:10

It depends on your definition of cold. I have ridden when the temps have been in the 20sF on purpose. I will ride colder when it gets there. I don't get on the bike if it's already raining but if I get caught in it, I continue. I would consider stopping if there were lightning.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by 12Bravo on 01/09/13 at 05:43:10

I ride year round. Hail, lightening, monsoon, snow and ice will keep me off the road. As far as temps, as long as I can bundle up enough to stay warm and still swing my leg over the bike, I'll ride.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by hexnut on 01/09/13 at 06:28:28

gone fishing

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by BOBD on 01/09/13 at 06:41:18

I am old (68) and don't care to ride in the cold or rain, but I have a few times. I'd rather it be above 50 and prefer the 60's or warmer. Any more I wait until around 60 so's I don't have to bundle up. Just call me an old fart.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by hexnut on 01/09/13 at 06:47:18

gone fishing

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by BOBD on 01/09/13 at 07:02:23

Ever ride in the fog? I have. Not much fun.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by spacepirates on 01/09/13 at 07:28:33

I ride in both intentionally.

I'll ride in the cold if it is dry. I try to keep it above freezing, but the coldest I've done is a half-hour ride in 17 degree weather. I'll lower my temperature requirements if I haven't ridden in a few weeks. There are times that my hands get so cold I have trouble letting go of the handlebars and can't articulate my fingers enough to get my gear off.

Rain is trickier, because there is the potential for me being a dripping wet mess at the end of my ride, so I usually avoid rain on my way to work unless it is light. I don't care about heavy rain as long as it isn't cold. Cold and wet on a bike is about the worst thing ever.

I think I actually enjoy summer rain rides, below 30mph. Kind of refreshing.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by oldNslow on 01/09/13 at 08:02:06

Rain. Not if I can help it.
Cold. 40 degrees is about my lower limit if I actually want to enjoy the ride. Around these parts the road conditions are more of a factor than the temperature though. Even if the roads are clear of snow I won't take the bike out till the salt is mostly washed off the pavement.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by weracerc on 01/09/13 at 08:17:18

I every dry day of the year regardless of temps teens to 100's - i have done fog 3 times - not a fan but i am not going far - 5 miles to work - i dont do wet yet not comfortable with that aspect of riding only have 3 years experience. I have gotten caught out in rain by accident twice i got home but i was not a happy camper.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Paladin. on 01/09/13 at 09:15:20

11373837292B117672420 wrote:
How many of you ride in the rain or cold on purpose?
Ever ride in the fog? I have. Not much fun.  

I am in LaLaLand -- "rain" and "cold" is different here.  And I am retired, so I don't have to go out it I don't wanna.

Misty rain, not a problem.  Actual rain drops start to hurt over 40 mph.  Rain is a bother, but is still better than being in a cage.
Cold?  I have a heart problem, a 25% ejection fraction, and below 55* my fingers get numb.  Electrically heated gloves cost much for the little times I would need it, so I keep in the house until it gets warmer.  (Yesterday I could ride with no jacket, no gloves, wearing one of my Hawaiian Shirts.)

Fog is FUN!  3am in the fog, no one else on the roads, what is there not to like?

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/09/13 at 16:51:46

Cold yes...well to a point.  And it depends on what mood I'm in when I leave for work.  Monday before last I rolled over and looked at the thermometer and it said 27*...yeah took the wife's cage that day...course cold riding has gotten better since I got thick gloves.

Rain...depends.  If it's just sprinkling or on the way home (like spacepirates said).  I try to avoid it in the morning but if I get caught in it I won't stop and wait it out...usually just tuck the chin and roll on.

Fog is fun!!!  Kinda eerie if you ask me!

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by ZAR on 01/09/13 at 19:42:34

If 35*F is cold and 4" of rain in an hour equals wet then yeah,I guess I ride in cold and rain by choice. But I do not chose to ride in a 4"/hr rain at 35* ;D

I might be dumb but I ain't totally stupid :D

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Paraquat on 01/10/13 at 09:30:30

I don't care for riding in either.


Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by ZAR on 01/10/13 at 09:39:45

0435263525213520540 wrote:
I don't care for riding in either.


Steve I won't say I care to ride in those conditions.....but I have ridden in both by choice at times. Although sometimes "by choice" means either I ride 40 miles in those conditions to work or lose a day's pay!

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Trippah on 01/10/13 at 11:15:45

Not often below 40 degrees anymore, also being in my 60's.  Once you have hit black ice, its a memory that keeps itself fresh in my old and addled mind. :-X

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by raydawg on 01/10/13 at 19:37:07

I "was" riding in snow and rain, BUT, after last week, almost going down in hard ice, and watching other bikers tumble in it, and then telling my wife about it ( I was bragging I guess that the Harley boys can't touch me  :D ) she forbade me from riding under 40 degrees....
But she is right, I'll be 60 this Tuesday, a fall at my age could have consequences I'm not willing to pay. Living in the Pacific Northwest rain is my normal riding condition  :-*  you just ride accordingly and have good waterproof gear.
I use a full face helmet as those drops do sting, and I use a product called raincoat, I get it from an aviation supplier...its made for helicopters, it really works well, it beads up and slides right it, and anti fogging stuff on the inside keeps the nostril flare at bay too...

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Boofer on 01/10/13 at 20:25:33

I use insulated coveralls and ride if I have a destination in mind. I am good for 40 miles at 40 degrees. I also have a good hunting quality "sleeve" that works as a 'boggan or a neck warmer. Keeps wind off my neck. Got caught in rain after not being able to ride for a couple of months. Took a chance and lost/won. 25 miles in rain was worth it.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by HoustonBussa on 01/11/13 at 02:06:51

I have in the low 20's (F). Great when I was 16.. Now days I'll avoid it.

If I get caught in the rain, I won't stop unless it's too bad.  But I do try to plan for rains if I'm going to spend most of my time in town like going to work or places I want to be dry at.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by BOBD on 01/11/13 at 03:45:38

Definitely too cold here in Ohio at the moment anyway.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Demin on 01/11/13 at 05:59:42

684E414E5052680F0B3B0 wrote:
Definitely too cold here in Ohio at the moment anyway.

PFFFT.WIMP...........Just kidding ;)

I ride all year 'round.When I was in Dallas,my '86 was my only transportation.And it Does get cold in Dallas.19 degrees the morning I hit black ice and went down.2 years ago I rode to the local HD shop,they have a contest every January to ride your bike in.Called the Winter Warrior.I had slush and icicles on my bike when I got there.12 degrees that day.Last year,mid 60s.Tomorrow 60....I'm there.I don't intentionally go in the rain unless it's my only transportation,but I've gotten caught in it.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by kimchris1 on 01/12/13 at 15:57:06

I don't intensionally set out to ride in the rain. However here in
the PNW, weather can change every 5 mins or less.
I have also been caught off guard and come out in the a.m. after
working all night to ice on my windshield and seat.
Then their is the fog. Omg, a few mornings this pass fall it was so
foggy I could hardly see in front of me. The shield kept fogging up
and I had to keep swipping my sheld to allow me to be able to see
what little I could.
That was actually scary and yet the vehicle behind me gave me
plenty of space as in no tailgaiting.
My cut off temp is usually 40 degrees. Then again as I stated I have
been caught off guard a few times.
I am starting to get itchy and want to ride as has been awhile and then again with the temps barely above freezing during the day and getting down to the 20's and even the teens this evening, I will wait it out.
:) kim

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by diamond jim on 01/14/13 at 18:54:01

Neither cold, rain or cold rain bothered me much when I didn't have a choice. But when I can choose, I choose neither.

I like to ride when it's 50 degrees or warmer and dry. Got the gear and always prepared for less than favorable conditions.  

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by thumperclone on 01/14/13 at 23:51:10

not below 40f unless its the toy run
rain if i get caught in it,happens here in the mountains,snow in summer happens too
high winds im headin for the barn been blowed into the wrong lane b4 was not a clean seat experience

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by mpescatori on 01/15/13 at 06:37:24

3536467665726B040 wrote:
I ride year round. Hail, lightening, monsoon, snow and ice will keep me off the road. As far as temps, as long as I can bundle up enough to stay warm and still swing my leg over the bike, I'll ride.

Ditto that.

I commute a good 20 miles/day in downtown Roma, with cobbled streets, streetcar rails and white plastic pedestrian crossings... the lot !

Riding in July is like July in Miami, 35°C+ and 80% humidity, yet I insist on a FF helmet for safety.

Riding in January is like January in NYC or San Francisco (well... maybe more like San Francisco)
this morning it was an acceptable 12°C and light drizzle, two days ago it was 3°C and fog so thick I couldn't see my arms outstretched  :P
last December it was a few degrees below freezing.

February 2012 we had a surprise snowstorm that left quite a few inches of snow for the entire weekend,
and about half the commuters had to leave their cars at work or stranded in the streets and walk their way home.
I left my bike (you can't ride in 6" snow!) and walked the 10 miles home.
Climbed on a bus only the last two miles because it was less than 1"snow, quite mushy, but the city center was a whiteout!
(psycologically speaking... imagine 6" snow in Los Angeles...)

Else, my philosophy is


Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by WD on 01/15/13 at 09:12:15

If it is above 10F I'll go out and play, but serious riding, forget it. I've got an aircooled VW (same orange as the bike) for bad weather if I can't stomach driving a fuel infested liquid cooled mini truck with functional heater...

Cold isn't a big deal, but high heat plus high humidity? My bikes are parked in the summer in Dixie, you can only undress so far and still ride safely... ;)

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by mpescatori on 01/16/13 at 00:42:33

It was a close miss this morning...

Rained all yesterday afternoon (got home wet, have a good weatherproof riding jacket but had no rain trousers  :P) rained hard all night, rained even harder very early in the morning.
Roads were waterlogged.

Donned rain gear, FF helmet, pulled out the BMW (I will not ride the Savage in the rain if I can help it, and the Beemer has a better frame and ABS!)

My morning commute consists of several miles of local neighborhood traffic, a few miles of 4-laner and more miles of downtown traffic.
Don't let the terms "neighborhood" and "downtown" fool you, Rome is NOT Manhattan !

Starting from home, these are my first few miles... it was pouring this morning...

I then climbed onto the 4-lane bypass...

And finally made my way through downtown Roma

40 minutes for a mere 10 miles... it could have been worse ! (it snowed in the outskirts... :-/)

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by PiaFea on 01/17/13 at 14:15:37

Only rain and sleek will keep me off my bike!
Rain, because I do not want to clean my bike after a wet ride.
Sleek, because I have not much control when riding.
Cold, I can bundle up and still ride in the cold air. BTW, I prefer to ride cool or cold better than hot in the Texas sizzling sun!!

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Blinky on 01/17/13 at 16:25:51

You are a better rider and braver man than me. My commute, rain, snow, cold, or hot is about 15 feet, the length of the hallway to my home office.

Ride safe and good hunting

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by ToesNose on 01/21/13 at 16:43:13

When I was younger and living on LongIsland, NY I used to ride in just about any weather except a few days after it snowed, that's when I would bite the bullet and take the bus to work since the ice and slush was just too bad.....UGG 45 minute bus ride used to sux.  Now I'm a fair weather rider, typically above freezing and try to stay out of downpours. Not too much snow to worry about in N.C. now   ;D

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by weracerc on 01/22/13 at 06:30:34

28F this AM ride was good - tomorrow 18F we'll see - only 5 miles I should make it ok.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by arteacher on 01/23/13 at 15:47:04

Currently around 2f deg here. Not this puppy. :o

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Face on 01/24/13 at 19:53:01

Freezing rain in SLC this morning. Coats every surface in a thin layer of super slippery ice. I guess it's common in other parts of the country, but we've never seen anything like it. There's no way in Hell you'd catch me riding in it, but I did see a guy on a sportbike on the way to work. Every vehicle around him was sliding all over the place, but he (or she) was just toodeling down the road like it was nothin'.  Wasn't sure if I should be impressed or worried.  :-/

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by stinger on 01/27/13 at 00:44:48

I have two riding buddies that ride all year long. The other day both of them went down in separate accidents riding in freezing weather and icy streets. One on a 1200 BMW was not hurt. The bike was not quite so lucky. But he did loose his $800 coat and riding pants sliding 150 ft down the road into oncoming traffic.Fortuantly it was early and no cars. The second friend slid into a curb and was throw on to a curb where it broke 7 ribs and injured his spleen. The same guy fell asleep on his bike 4 years ago and broke his back, ankle, wrist, some broken ribs and they had to remove one rib and fractured his neck. This was his second warning and I bet he won't get a third. When it rains or snowing, take the car or stay home. On wet roads your just asking for it.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by raydawg on 01/27/13 at 10:47:40

Stinger, I think you have a perception that does not lend itself to every rider. I agree w/ ice. I put my bike away for 3 weeks as the temp stayed low all day and night long, leading to ice in the shade, etc. Ice without the proper tires is almost impossible to safely ride. As to snow and rain, I have done both, rain, a just have to ride smart. Don't ride as perfect conditions, dial it back, slow down, keep your vertical center of gravity true and the torque to the rear wheel under control, good gear, and I have no problem. I tell you what, sand,dirt, etc, pose a much greater risk in perfect weather if you ask me, it has caught me a few times as I was looking much further through the turn, and my speed, lean, etc was matched to a dry perfect condition....
I'll ride again this week to work, in rain, I feel safe, just cautious

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by Doug B on 01/27/13 at 11:43:42

I can recall pulling sleds on the road with our IT and YZ Yamahas back in 78-79   in below freezing temps   The good old days   The mid and late 70's were a magical time for kids/dirt bikes  and seemingly  adults/road bikes  there seemed to be more interest in motorcycles during that era   Now - I ride for the sheer joy of it/not transportation

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by on 01/27/13 at 17:55:37

I grew up here in the desert, so rain is precious.  I frequently go out and ride in the rain. You ride, you get wet, you dry out.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by hexnut on 02/08/13 at 06:38:34

gone fishing

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by 223fan on 02/10/13 at 06:09:10

I ride in the rain I always have my rain gear with me. I keep it in a small material igloo cooler . I will ride my bike with temps as low as 20  degrees as long as the roads are good and dry , but if it's raining and cooler than the  mid 40's  or they are calling for rain with temps below the mid 40's , bike stay's home.

Title: Re: Ride in rain or cold?
Post by MarcosS40 on 02/10/13 at 07:33:28

Reality check from N. Central PA. - Just checked TWC and it's 17* out right now. As I look out the window at my bike sitting under it's cover, buried up to it's axles in snow, I can only dream of getting on it and riding.  The alley leading to my parking area is sheer ice.  :o

Mid fifties is my low limit. I don't like to ride in the cold or rain and will not if I have a choice. If I get caught in the rain, I'll finish the ride.    (btw, I'm 57.) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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