General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...

Message started by Serowbot on 01/07/13 at 22:49:34

Title: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Serowbot on 01/07/13 at 22:49:34

This is a poll on pot...  a,.. Pot Poll... :-/...

We comprise, at least 3 generations,... and all have been exposed to the opportunity of smoking pot....
It may be,... a first,... in that the first generation is the more likely to have indulged in this illegal activity that the most current... (the young, are the conservative,...and the oldest are the liberals)...
...( a result of the "war on drugs")...
In most instances,... progress has moved faster than that....
So,... where are you?...

PS... polls are no fun,.. if you don't play... :-?...
Remember,... these polls are anonymous,... unless you care to comment...
You must vote,.. in order to comment...

(In my teens,.. I once talked to a cop, with a light joint in my hands)...
(Progress,.. seems to have been goin' bacards on this this issue)...

Vote.. it don't work, if you don't vote... it's anonymous.. -Serow

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by rfw2003 on 01/07/13 at 23:09:59

I'll be honest here,

I tried it twice, both times it sent me into a severe allergic reaction. I have never even thought about using it again.  I smoked regular cigs since I was 15 and dropped them about 3 years ago and went to e-cigs and have been using those since.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Serowbot on 01/08/13 at 00:24:42

That's weird,.. I never heard of an allergic reaction...
(then again,.. I didn't know you could be allergic peanut butter, until 10 or 15 years ago... parents never thought of such a thing)...

First 2 or 3 times I tried it,.. I thought it was a joke... It did nothing... then,.. the next time...
I was alone on a baseball field for about 4 hours... was over, and everybody had left...
Just sat there alone all day...
Don't know what I was thinking... but,.. I didn't mind...

Most people I've known... it goes in a cycle...
Nothing... first couple times...
Giggles... go on for a year or two...
Zen, yoda stage... years...
then,.. either it becomes unpleasant,.. or less fun...
... or a lifestyle...
After a time,.. it actually triggered panic attacks in me... so I quit for a period...
Then, I tried it again, after several years.. and it was okay again...
It's much more powerful nowadays than it used to be... refined by technology, I suppose...

Medical stuff is so refined that they different blends for different symptom relief...
Chemo nausea blends...
Pain relief blends...
Midnight,... I believe they have blends for Lupus...
I have friend in Cali, who's wife has suffered with Lupus for decades...
It's versatile drug...

I read the same thing about nicotine in an article once...  
Smokers intuitively puff aggressively and tobacco becomes a stimulant,... or do slow drags to calm their metabolism when under stress...
Bummer that the side effect is cancer and emphysema...
I also read somewhere,.. that every culture seems to invent 3 things that don't seem to logically advance their culture in a direct way....
Religion, drugs, and cosmetics...
Kind of...
Insecurity, escapism, and vanity?... :-?...
3 necessities of self awareness?... :-?...

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by LANCER on 01/08/13 at 02:04:43

My first experience was when in the military; had an injury and in a "hold" status with a guy named Sky who had a sister named Star ... he was from Hollywood.  LOL.  Really.  It was quite enjoyable ... yep.
Next stop was Vietnam and when there, after a day of dodging bullets & rockets, we tried to relax a bit.  Some went to the shack and drank and others went to the hill and smoked.  Then we slept before getting up to spend another day dodging.  That was a very relaxing hill.
Not long after that I stopped (regular p___ testing) and did not use for a long time.
After my first wife passed away, I later remarried a girl from California who had a script for med. marj....   Really good stuff.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by srinath on 01/08/13 at 06:09:28

It makes me sleepy. I have done it middle of the day and regretted it.
I typically like it after 2 drinks and I can get to sleep. More drinks and I start feeling too drunk ... fewer drinks, it still makes me sleepy, but not as much.


Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Greg on 01/08/13 at 08:29:22

There is no "I used to when I was young but now am afraid to get arrested at my age" choice...

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/08/13 at 08:46:47

I can honestly say that I've never even had one joint.  During college in the mid 1960s, I wanted to go to medical school.  After doing poorly in the higher math and science courses early in pre-med, I saw that med school wasn't in the cards.  So I finished a poly sci degree, figuring that after I got off active duty in the Army, I'd go to law school.

Remember the time - the 1960s.  While the hippie movement was alive and well, most drug offenses were felonies, and if you're convicted of a felony there was no chance that you'd go to either medical or law school.  That was a big motivator not to smoke pot.  Plus, alocohol is legal, so if I wanted a buzz, why not just drink?  You don't have to deal with a felon to buy a drink.

When I went to law school in the early 1970s, the hippie movement had died out some, and we were far more interested in getting thru school and getting into practice than anything else.

Those of you who do indulge; that's your business, not mine.  But be aware that pot is at least 10 times more carcinogenic than tobacco - 2 joints has the cancer causing effects of a whole pack of cigarets.  One of my law school buddies, who smoked weed every night, died of lung cancer in his mid 40s.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by srinath on 01/08/13 at 09:59:12

I suspect most of the carcinogenic effect if from the fact its is being smoked. Is is the same if you baked it or cooked it into porridge ?
I believe it is not, cos there are old and frail people in india who have drank it all their lives, the 2-3 I knew were maybe in their late 80's back in the day.
Of course you can smoke 20 joints a day but I dont see someone drinking 20 cups of porridge, and these guys were think as a rail ... OK I can see how its a self limiting theory.


Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by WD on 01/08/13 at 09:59:30

No effect, no munchies even. Waste of money.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by houstonbofh on 01/08/13 at 15:46:20

I refuse to lay on the ground with a question that may incriminate me...

Or something like that. :)

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Face on 01/08/13 at 18:40:31

I'll chime in as one of the younger member of the forum (I think). Tried it during the "rebelious, and wanting to experiment" part of my youth, but never cared for it. I don't care if you do it, it's just not for me. I did, though, develope the unfortunate tobacco habbit.

I also think Serrow's right. It does seem, in this case, that the older generations are the proponents of it. Interesting.  

And yes, contrary to popular belief, if is possible to find drugs and alchohol in Utah! ;)

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by rfw2003 on 01/08/13 at 19:28:02

5D4B5C41594C415A2E0 wrote:
That's weird,.. I never heard of an allergic reaction...
(then again,.. I didn't know you could be allergic peanut butter, until 10 or 15 years ago... parents never thought of such a thing)...

I'm one of those people that is just about allergic to everything under the sun.  Most of the time I'm either allergic or have a complete and total opposite effect on me when it comes to any type of pharmaceutical weather it be physician approved or not.

As one of the extreme examples of the opposite reaction on me,  I suffer from Insomnia and have for most of my life.  One of my Dr's tried me out on a script of ambien,  Well after 1 tablet of that I felt like I was bouncing off the walls and was up for almost 6 days straight.  Needless to say, I've never taken ambien again.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Trippah on 01/08/13 at 19:32:01

Did it once, for about a year and a half.  Stopped while in basic training and resumed when I arrived in Vietnam.  First mortor attack on our compound, i sat on the top of the bunker going "wow" to all the explosions.  Nest day on a run back from "Majic Mountain" the MP's tried to stop us, so I drove accross a field the MP's stopped at the edge of the road.  So how was I to know it was a mine field..but the next day I came down and never "smoked" again..figured it out, it could be dangerous. ;D

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Serowbot on 01/08/13 at 21:36:51

30243570727271420 wrote:
As one of the extreme examples of the opposite reaction on me,  I suffer from Insomnia and have for most of my life.  One of my Dr's tried me out on a script of ambien,  Well after 1 tablet of that I felt like I was bouncing off the walls and was up for almost 6 days straight.  Needless to say, I've never taken ambien again.

I'm with ya' there...  valerian,.. triptophan,..and melatonin... treat me like 6 cups of coffee...

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by rfw2003 on 01/08/13 at 21:54:03

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
[quote author=30243570727271420 link=1357627774/0#11 date=1357702082]As one of the extreme examples of the opposite reaction on me,  I suffer from Insomnia and have for most of my life.  One of my Dr's tried me out on a script of ambien,  Well after 1 tablet of that I felt like I was bouncing off the walls and was up for almost 6 days straight.  Needless to say, I've never taken ambien again.

I'm with ya' there...  valerian,.. triptophan,..and melatonin... treat me like 6 cups of coffee...


On one of my many many Dr's I've seen over the years trying to figure out what is causing alot of my medical issues it was a Neurologist, and they finally boiled it all down to and I quote "You just have a very odd electrical system about you, and that is what causes everything to go out of whack when we try to treat you for anything."

So most of the time when I have to get a pharmaceutical treatment for anything they have to do lots of bloodwork and do special compounding to get something made that will actually work with my body, instead of my body making it do all sorts of weird stuff.  Heck I don't even get to enjoy the high that most people get from the good pain killers when they go to the hospital like morphine,  all it does to me is give me a migraine headache that lasts for days. Surgeries are literally a nightmare for me, as they have a hell of a time putting me down and when they finally are able to, it doesn't last.  When I had my gallbladder removed, which is only a 45 min operation, I started waking up before they were done and was fully aware by the time they were taking me out of the O.R. and taking me to recovery,  talk about a bad day. :(

With all the heart issues I've got, and my cardiologists talking about the need of a pacemaker at some point, you can imagine I'm not looking forward to that day, with the issues they have trying to keep me under for even a simple short length operation.


Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by arteacher on 01/09/13 at 03:44:48

I did it off and on while I was in art college. In those days in Toronto's student village guys and girls sold it door to door. No kidding- one guy would hump around a garbage bag of it and sell it. (You want papers with that?) The cops turned an unfocused eye to it because they were interested in the hard stuff, and they only had enough narks to sit ten abreast on the rail across the street from Rochdale. ;D
Some of my students, when they find out how old I am, ask if I was a hippie and did drugs. I tell them that contrary to popular belief there were no drugs in the 60's and 70's because Kieth Richards had them all. More and more I am getting the reply "who's he?" ;D

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by LANCER on 01/09/13 at 04:39:15

606B6B626E61607A7B0F0 wrote:
I did it off and on while I was in art college. In those days in Toronto's student village guys and girls sold it door to door. No kidding- one guy would hump around a garbage bag of it and sell it. (You want papers with that?) The cops turned an unfocused eye to it because they were interested in the hard stuff, and they only had enough narks to sit ten abreast on the rail across the street from Rochdale. ;D
Some of my students, when they find out how old I am, ask if I was a hippie and did drugs. I tell them that contrary to popular belief there were no drugs in the 60's and 70's because Kieth Richards had them all. More and more I am getting the reply "who's he?" ;D

Yea, history classes just aren't what they used to be, are they ? ?   ;D

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by MShipley on 01/09/13 at 06:07:51

Your missing a choice of "used to but no more" In the late 60's and 70's and early 80's, well lets just say it was a way of life along with a lot of other bad things. Been sober now for 28 years.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by ZAR on 01/10/13 at 10:00:06

Yeah, like a good number of us that grew up in the "hippie" era,I tried it a couple of times. I didn't like the effect at all! Made me super sleepy and everything seemed to go in v e r y s l o w m o t i o n ......

On the other sure did make the girls MUCH more friendly and willing........

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by v-pilot on 01/10/13 at 21:51:58

Just about partied my way out of college 30 years ago.  My friends said it made me rather entertaining.  Tried it again 6 or 7 years ago with same friends...made me not want to be real sociable.  Guess it's not for me any more.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by srinath on 01/27/13 at 21:42:33

Actually apparently its not that much of a carcinogen -

Bottom line: Though marijuana most likely pales in cancer risk when compared to cigarette smoking, it's better to play it safe. There are reasons in addition to lung cancer risk (and the fact that it is illegal) to avoid marijuana. Marijuana likely increases the risk of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, a type of brain tumor, and the risk of leukemia in the offspring of women who use it during pregnancy.

Google it I tried "Does marijuana cause cancer" and read the links etc.

I thought it was the tar in cigarettes that are the culprit, that tar is not a natural substance, its been added as a chemical to get you hooked.

I cant stand cigarette smoke, however when you roll MJ in a tobacco leaf, I smoke it easy ... cigarette smoke causes me to cough and retch in 1 drag. It also gives me a headache being round it. Cigars and pipe tobacco dont atleast for me.


Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by Starlifter on 01/27/13 at 21:45:27

Yes, about the same here.

Title: Re: Did it, do it, never did, use'ta did...
Post by LANCER on 01/28/13 at 03:40:52

.it sure did make the girls MUCH more friendly and willing........

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