General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Repeal Obamacare...

Message started by Serowbot on 01/04/13 at 09:55:24

Title: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/13 at 09:55:24

Michele Bachmann Introduces First Bill In New Congress To Repeal Obamacare, Again ...

I guess she figures the 34th time will be lucky...
What a useless, gnatbrained, you-know-what...:-?...

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 10:07:15

I got 3 words for her, it may work better than this Idea for her ...
Oil wrestling with sarah palin.

OK OK its more than 3 words ...


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/13 at 10:44:30

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
I got 3 words for her, it may work better than this Idea for her ...
Oil wrestling with sarah palin.

I just barfed up my poptart... :-?...

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 11:15:00

7462756870656873070 wrote:
[quote author=71706B6C63766A020 link=1357322124/0#1 date=1357322835]I got 3 words for her, it may work better than this Idea for her ...
Oil wrestling with sarah palin.

I just barfed up my poptart... :-?...[/quote]

Hey, ranting and raving, bible thumpers in bed with big businessmen and big money are hot too. I wants what I wants ... OK I think in light of this barfed poptart I'd like to make sure there is enough oil and the winner gets to sit on Grover Norqvist's lap, and the loser - remember there are no losers in this contest, the second winner sits on donald trump's lap.  ;D


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/13 at 11:54:15

End result

Less health care
more cost
healthcare professionals will quit
the goobs will TELL you you WILL take your shots OR you wont be treated.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 13:18:27


what does this word mean?

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 13:22:28

Yesterday alone, eight new bills were introduced relating to gun control.

Michele Bachmann Introduces First Bill In New Congress To Repeal Obamacare, Again ...

At lease repealing obamacare will actually acomplish something.....

I hope 34 is the lucky number.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by LANCER on 01/04/13 at 14:38:30

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Michele Bachmann Introduces First Bill In New Congress To Repeal Obamacare, Again ...

I guess she figures the 34th time will be lucky...
What a useless, gnatbrained, twatt...:-?...

Really ?  I am disappointed.  I thought you were better than that.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/13 at 15:36:30

6D606F6264733336010 wrote:
Really ?  I am disappointed.  I thought you were better than that.

Nope,.. I'm actually much worse than that...  :-?...

I use such language sparingly,.. and with feeling...
.. but, I do call a spade, a spade...

When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.- Hamlet

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/04/13 at 17:20:06

Really Lancer ? and I thought you were smarter than that.

Remember this headline shortly after President Obama's election?

Michelle Bachmann Warns Of 'Re-Education Camps'.

I can't even stand to look at a picture of that f*king lunatic.

She is a pig and a disgrace to America..

But I do hope she hangs around a long time - lunatics that get press make the GOP look entirely idiotic.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 19:03:50

"For the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American"
Michelle "The thingy"t Obama

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 05:06:55

Nope,.. I'm actually much worse than that...  ...

I use such language sparingly,.. and with feeling...
.. but, I do call a spade, a spade...

so, we have out standards laid out now. Any word is fair game towards any person.

you should apologize for the twatt comment Sew. It was out of line. I don't have a particular grudge against Michelle Obama, but i would never have called her that except to point out what poor taste is was for you to call backman that. I don't want to get in the habit of calling Pelosi or Boxer those names all the time.

this needs to be nipped in the bud now.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by thumperclone on 01/05/13 at 08:17:40

that T word is an insult to sara

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Uno-Lung on 01/05/13 at 08:27:03

The Liberal’s hate speech against conservative women, gun owners, and anything that is contraire to their agenda is truly a telling sign.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by thumperclone on 01/05/13 at 08:27:04

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:

what does this word mean?

a female twit

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/13 at 08:38:07

;D ;D ;D....
Web,... you're so funny...
Pot,... meet kettle...
;D ;D ;D...

Listen,... she's putting up a bill, that has been voted down 34 times already... up to a Congress that has fewer Rep's than the last 34 times...
... and, she's collecting a darn good taxpayer salary for that...
She's a waste of oxygen... :-?...

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 10:55:49

She's a waste of oxygen...

so are you.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/05/13 at 11:05:53

"So, we have out standards laid out now. Any word is fair game towards any person.
You should apologize for the twatt comment Sew. It was out of line.....

I would never have called her that except to point out what poor taste is was for you to call backman that.

This needs to be nipped in the bud now."

,,,this admonishment is coming from ole' "F U Pig! Webster??? ;D ;D ;D

This from the guy who has started every single name-calling episode on this board??? What a down in the gutter hypocritical POS you are.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 13:31:15

,,,this admonishment is coming from ole' "F U Pig! Webster???

no Star; that was directly only at you. Well deserved i might add, but only at you.

This from the guy who has started every single name-calling episode on this board??? What a down in the gutter hypocritical POS you are.

That's just not true. As a well known and proven liar; you have zero credibility making a statement like that.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/05/13 at 17:14:48

People here are fed up with your nastyness and your unhinged rhetoric. You seem to thrive on cognitive dissonance and denial.

You never for one split second let reality or common sense or math get in your way. Please read, learn, read, research, educate yourself and become able to participate in adult conversations without acting like an ass.

...If not, then as I said before, maybe you could stick your head back up your ass and run along down the road.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/13 at 06:04:16

Star; you're a liar. You lie all the time. My favorite was when you tried to tell me you were an amateur  astronomer and posted some paragraph about the North Star which was word for word out of wiki and tried to pass it off as  your own. Who does that?..... You do provide entertainment however and I thank you for that.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/13 at 06:05:18

People here are fed up with your nastyness
by the way; I never called a woman out of the blue.... Your buddy did that. Talk about nastyness and hateful....

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Serowbot on 01/06/13 at 09:13:19

Lancer has some credibility here...
Web,.. you don't...
Get over yourself,...  your outrage just doesn't ring true...

Bachman has done nothing beyond symbolic, self promotion, since her election...
She's nothing more than an unattractive version of Palin...
Embarrassments to the Republican party... Brainless, bumper stickers, with fancy hair...
... and the Republican party is too spineless to point them out...  ... and this is what lost them the election...

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/13 at 12:24:20

No Sew, you have no credibility. The false credibility you built up is gone. No one other than you posted something that vile out of the blue and not in the heat of battle so to speak.  

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/06/13 at 14:12:32

Yea we need to Repeal Obama care, only Elizabeth warren can do that, And warren care sounds great. Elizabeth warren 2016.
Thanks guys.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/06/13 at 18:22:35

"My favorite was when you tried to tell me you were an amateur  astronomer and posted some paragraph about the North Star which was word for word out of wiki and tried to pass it off as  your own."

The North Star?? What the F**k are you talking about now you delusional mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging asshat.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/06/13 at 18:37:20

785F4A5947424D5F4E592B0 wrote:
"My favorite was when you tried to tell me you were an amateur  astronomer and posted some paragraph about the North Star which was word for word out of wiki and tried to pass it off as  your own."

The North Star?? What the F**k are you talking about now you delusional mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging asshat.

you delusional mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging asshat.

WOW!!!! Im still Laffing! I read that & actually got a mental picture!

BUt, Star,, ya really cant Blame a guy for not breathing thru his nose, when he's wearing "That" for a hat,,think about it,, you wouldnt breathe thru your nose with an anal sphincter pulled down to just over your eyebrows, now would you? & Of Course your knuckles would drag, with your back folded around like that your shoulders would be just below waist high,,SO, I think maybe the whole problem could be solved simply by figuring a way to get his head out of there,,, MMmm,, dang,, on second thot, thats probably not exactly gonna be simple,,

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/13 at 06:25:01

The North Star?? What the F**k are you talking about now you delusional mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging asshat.

I'm talking about the fact you are a liar. I've caught you lying several times and one of the funniest was once I had said something about the Big Dipper or the North Star. You posted that you were an amature astronomer. Since I know that would take a certain level of IQ you clearly don't have, i looked up the quote you presented as your own and found it word for word from Wikipedia. When I called you on it, you did what cowards and liars always do, ignored the fact you were busted and hoped no one else noticed.

From a Wikipedia page: Arcturus is 36.7 light years (11.3 parsecs) from Earth, relatively close in astronomical terms

From Star’s post: Didn't know that I'm an armature astronomer did you. The star it points into is Arcturus. It is 36.7 light years (11.3 parsecs) from Earth, relatively close in astronomical terms. However if you think I or anyone else can travel there in a 1975 VW. you are even dumber than I thought.

Hmm…… I guess someone who looks up info on Wikipedia and tries to pass it off as knowledge they’ve built up over the years outside on cold nights with one eye plastered to an eye piece is an “amateur astronomer…”

The above is from a post from 12/13/11. You should probably go ahead and look it up yourself since I've heard liars have a hard time keeping track of thier lies so I'm sure you've forgotten.

The really funny part is you said I was dumber than you thought…. AFTER you just posted a big fat lie! Too funny.....

You’re a liar Star. Nothing you say can be trusted without verification.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/07/13 at 06:57:15

Well,, youre dumber than I thot you were.If I C&P something from Wiki instead of typing it that I KNOW doesnt make me a liar. That youre so desperate to "win" that you cant see past your own hatred is telling.
That said, I disagree with Star on MANY Important items, but hes sure got your number

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/07/13 at 08:05:59

Stop fighting about arcturus, especially on the day when arcturus is the closest star in the zodiac (In constellation Bootes) to the moon in the second 1/2 of december first 1/2 of january that too ... when the srinath was born ...

AKA, as per the lunar calendar, today is my birthday, and my star is Arcturus - so when the moon is close to arcturus in the lunar cycle straddling jan 1 ... bingo.


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/08/13 at 12:37:04

Is arcturus one o those "wide stance" republicans?

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/08/13 at 12:58:08

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Is arcturus one o those "wide stance" republicans?

Yes It also was that ...

Its also an alpha star in a dis-enfranchised constellation Bootes, when the earth's axis shifted away from Lyra in vega to Polaris aka alpha in ursa minor (Thanks google for correcting me from canis major to ursa minor) ... Bootes (said boaates) got dis-enfranchised, it was no longer on the ecliptic  :(

Arcturus is on the arc between the tail of ursa major (big dipper) and spica. The brightest star in virgo ... so arcturus is easy to spot, its also the brightest star in the northern hemisphere if I recall. Well what about sirius you ask ? He he ... sirius is visible in the northern hemisphere ... in the earth's north, but ist part of the southern celestial hemisphere. I think arcturus is the second brightest star visible from the northern hemisphere. The 2 others Alpha centauri and canopus (thanks wikipedia) are visible only just around the equator and south.


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/08/13 at 17:09:30

Yes we used to say "arc to Arcturus" Arcturus is known as the Spring star. When you can see it coming up in the evening, you know that springtime is here.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Starlifter on 01/08/13 at 18:49:07

"I've heard liars have a hard time keeping track of their lies so I'm sure you've forgotten.

The really funny part is you said I was dumber than you thought…. AFTER you just posted a big fat lie! Too funny.....

You’re a liar Star. Nothing you say can be trusted without verification."

Um, you thought that I know by memory the distance to every star in the heavens in fractions of light years and parsecs??

You thought that I was the person who determined the distances to the stars??

And you say that I TOLD YOU this information. claming that I was the one who discovered these thing??

Of course I look up this kind of mathematical information TO BE EXACT WHEN POSTING. And yes I am an amateur astronomer. I have a six inch Newtonian reflector on an equatorial mount with clock drive.

And I still say WTF are you talking about with this North Star business? I say Polaris, not the North Star.

Webster there is something very wrong with seethe with anger and hatred. You desperately need professional help my friend, please seek it at least for the sake and safety of your family.

And finally, speaking of liars, YOU claim both to be a Christian, and a Sunday School teacher???...where? The Church of Satan? ;D

Just whom are you trying to kid with such BS and nonsense??  ;)

As I've said before, you are no more a Christian than Saddam Hussein was. You prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt every day on this board.

AND you claim to teach Sunday School?? ;D ;D

I KNOW that is a BALD FACED LIE because any parent who has ever had the misfortune to know you wouldn't let their children within a country mile of you, much less let YOU' teach their children...sheech, what a LIAR you are....but as I said before, please seek

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/10/13 at 10:31:53

Oh no star that's all wrong ... they are republican ... its easiest to explain it like this.
They are the center of the universe ...

That's it.


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/11/13 at 08:46:06

OK, you guys.  Enough of the hate talk and insults all of the way around.

Personally, I'm getting sick of it.  And, I'm also sick of the fact that some of you choose to coin words like "repugs" to describe those of us in the other party.  You'll note that in all of my many posts, I've never done that toward anyone.

I'll say it again - while Star and Serowbot have far different opinions on many issues from my own, I always have treated them with respectful replies, as their opinions deserve respect, regardless of whether I agree with them.

Now as to Bachmann - she is an embarrasment to our party, as is Palin.  I'm a life long Republican, and will stay that way to the core.  But I have little use for extremists of any sort, Tea Partiers among them.  They only further polarize any attempt at intellectual discussion and make compromise and statesmanship almost impossible.

The Dems had their versions of nuts back in the 1960s and 70s when extreme left wingers hijacked their party for a couple of decades.  In the end, all ofthe extremists lose, but do a lot of damage to their respective parties in the process.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Paraquat on 01/11/13 at 09:04:25

I do believe the Tea Party guys were doing their own thing when the Republicans decided to join their faction.

I do know that some were worried the Democrats were going to join the Occupy movement and destroy it as a result. At the time I heard this the comparison made was how the Tea Party lost all it's steam after they joined forces.


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by bill67 on 01/11/13 at 10:35:28

For all you republicans that don't like a 1/2 black president,What are you going to think when next president is a woman,Yes are initials are MO.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/11/13 at 10:52:16

616A6F6F3534030 wrote:
For all you republicans that don't like a 1/2 black president,What are you going to think when next president is a woman,Yes are initials are MO.

I was thinking EW ? where you get that info about MO ?

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/11/13 at 11:23:15

Inhalers that WERE $45.00 last year? Now $90.00.. Yea,, Bammy Care is gonna HURT,,

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by srinath on 01/11/13 at 11:38:40

37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 wrote:
Inhalers that WERE $45.00 last year? Now $90.00.. Yea,, Bammy Care is gonna HURT,,

I paid 6g in 2004 for insurance ... and 20g for a family of 3 in 2011. Bushcare seems to have killed me.

Bammycare OTOH, got me a 330 somehting refund due to 80% rule.

You sure your Inhaler is up due to bammy care ? Your inhaler may be using some banned chemical that only comes form a mine in tibet and china has swallowed up tibet and has it sky rocketing.
I dont see much change in anything from 2011-12-13.

Your state may have done something to "show" that bammy care is bad for you to get you to vote against it next time ... aka rent a republican.


Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by bill67 on 01/11/13 at 11:46:51

Gasoline prices got over $4.00 a gallon in 2008,Maybe GWB had a interest in the oil industry. ::)

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/11/13 at 13:05:12

Bill -

Gas is nearly $4 right now in Chicago.  I was there this week.  I don't think Bammy owns any oil companies, does he?

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/11/13 at 13:08:32

Bill -

We may get a woman president, but I doubt she'll be MO.  Maybe HC, but she's looking pretty bad these days, and in 4 more years, she'll be nearly 70.

Britain's best PM in recent history was Maggie Thatcher, so I'll take the right woman as president over the wrong man anyday.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by bill67 on 01/11/13 at 13:20:02

Jerry this is 5 years later,I'm paying $3.15.

Title: Re: Repeal Obamacare...
Post by bill67 on 01/11/13 at 13:33:52

I think HC is looking to bad too,At the end of her four year she would most likely be far worst,A lot of Democrats wanted her instead of Obama,I think our country will be in good shape at the end of Obama"s tour which is very good,Romney said in 8 years he would have the country back in shape,So I think MO will have a very good chance,She is a very caring person and nice personality. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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