General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardieu

Message started by srinath on 01/03/13 at 10:47:01

Title: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardieu
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 10:47:01

Man, I'd raise taxes too if Girard Depardieu was moving here.
I cant think of a better reason for raising taxes.


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 12:35:29

He he he he, move all you want Girard dePardieu, if you are a Us citizen, we still want your taxes ...


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 06:33:13

You guys can complain about Bush-Gore 2000 all you want but events sometimes work out for the good. It’s reported that Gore refused to sell Current TV to Glen Beck because it didn’t fit his point of view, but had no problem selling to Al Jazeera. Kinda tells you everything you need to know about the man……Can you imagine him as President on 9/11? He’d have apologized by noon and blamed the people for not getting out of the buildings quicker.

Gore snuck the sale in under the wire so he didn’t have to pay higher taxes. Yes, the French actor jumped ships and landed in Russia to avoid France’s ridiculous 75% tax rate. I know Hollywood says they’re in favor of liberal tax rates, but just wait until they try that here…. You think Hanks, DeCaprio  etc… are gonna sign on to make a movie for 20 million and just hand over 15 million to their pal Obama? Ha! Think again…

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 06:56:44

Dude, movies are a calssic example of Capital gains. You want to get movies off that list, you will have to redefine capital gains so deeply that it will turn oil companies into non cap gains and there will be a riot. After all they have our gasoline in their hands.

Straight income, as in movie stars per movie $ price - are taxed as income.


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/13 at 14:00:19

Okay, yea, Straight Income,.,
The French dude? He was getting ROBBED.. Dont think for a moment our citizens & busineses wont run away if taxes get too weird.

REmember how Texas economy improved compared to many others AND our population grew? OUr taxes, our taxes, our taxes,,

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/06/13 at 15:46:48

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
Okay, yea, Straight Income,.,
The French dude? He was getting ROBBED.. Dont think for a moment our citizens & busineses wont run away if taxes get too weird.

REmember how Texas economy improved compared to many others AND our population grew? OUr taxes, our taxes, our taxes,,

Oh yea being a shipping center, an oil center and a wind power center as well as a tech center has nothing to do with that huh ...

Citizens cant run, or they can, but they still get taxed, income anywhere else doesn't matter, US stil collects taxes.
Corporations can run, however they already have ... Google paid under 3% in taxes, they are in a nice little thing called a "double irish with a dutch sandwich" - changing tax laws gonna do nothing for that. Cutting off loop holes may, but you see without physically being in the US, google will never have grown into the behemoth it is - so we cut off the loophole that lets them physically sit in the US but incorporate in the bahamas etc ... we can easily collect more taxes and not hurt them otherwise.

There is a 1000 other ways the govt has been shafted in the last 15 years.
You buy a house ... you pay taxes on the purchase ... guess what, the owner of record in that purchase from the old owner to you - ... the owner of record, is the system called I think "RESPA" - it never changes, and they dont pass on your taxes to the govt. The local govts have been sueing respa and other banks to get that $.

Tax evasion needs to be stopped. The rich do it a lot more than the rest of us. Its not worth it to incoorporate yourself in the bahamas to save 30 bucks a year on your taxes. Google however saves like 30 billion. makes it worth it.

Anyway you can move all you want, except a small handful of countries, singapore and equador being the 2 I know of, will send you a statement saying they are reporting your income in their country to the US.

If you were to receive $ from the US, as pensions etc, they get that same statement from the US, so they can collect taxes on that $. That's the incentive for them to do that.


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/06/13 at 16:01:19

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
You guys can complain about Bush-Gore 2000 all you want but events sometimes work out for the good. It’s reported that Gore refused to sell Current TV to Glen Beck because it didn’t fit his point of view, but had no problem selling to Al Jazeera. Kinda tells you everything you need to know about the man……Can you imagine him as President on 9/11? He’d have apologized by noon and blamed the people for not getting out of the buildings quicker.

Gore snuck the sale in under the wire so he didn’t have to pay higher taxes.

And yea Al Gore was a private citizen, I sold my bike a few years ago to a guy from Turkey. So what ?
He wasn't president ... he didn't use political office to do what he did. I dont see why you're complaining, Mitt RMoney made $$$ selling sheiete to chinese ... there its cool ... but al gore needs to do what you say he should ?

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by Serowbot on 01/06/13 at 17:03:19

Don't forget, Webby,... the Bush's were friends with the BinLadin family...
...(I can just picture Osama and GW as bunk buddies)... ;D ;D ;D...

PS... I sold my old DP bike to a Turkish girl, about 6 years ago... She was stunningly beautiful, and getting her Doctorate at U0fA......  
Definitely left me with a good impression of Turkey... :-*...

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by Starlifter on 01/06/13 at 17:51:49

"It's reported that Gore refused to sell Current TV to Glen Beck because it didn’t fit his point of view, but had no problem selling to Al Jazeera. Kinda tells you everything you need to know about the man." Webster

Ha ha, Glen Beck is an anti-American hate monger. A non violent domestic terrorist if you will. This fact alone would be reason for any patriotic American to NOT ever do business with the likes of Beck.

Of course Webster you would not know this as you believe that FOX is a legitimit source of news. You see, they're preying on low information viewers ignorance and bigotry (like you) in order to spread the lies and hate needed to promote their nefarious agenda.      
(We all know who the real media terrorist is.)    

Of course you do know that FOX is owned by an Australian extortionist and Saudi funders of global terrorism....No? well I don't wonder. Even when you are confronted with facts you scream LIES LIES!!...even if you research it for yourself it's still all lies.

Snort..I find it amusing that faux is calling out al jazeera in light of FAUX's own brand of terrorisim.
I think Al jazeera is exactly what we need. We need a channel that is not afraid to tell the truth as they see it. Americans need to learn what other global news stations are saying. 

Every time I've seen Al Jazeera (you can watch it streaming on line) it has been very unbiased & very informative as Al Jazeera covers the globe.

Webster, you really are a piece of work. Our own personal laughing stock. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/06/13 at 18:20:38

BTW something very ironic I saw today. This was a 1981 or 82 oldsmobile the guy was driving, and he parked in front of a single wide sitting almost directly under power lines on a piece of land that was maybe 1/8th of an acre, surrounded by similar trailers in a corner of cabarrus county, its seriously in a crappy area in a crappy town in cabarrus county ... and he had a whole bunch of Mitt Romney signs in his yard, as well as Ron Paul, and a "rush is right" bumper sticker on his car. Rush is right hasn't been on a sticker since maybe 94-95 If I recall.

I think since he wants to be rich, he's advocating for tax breaks for the rich. Sorta like the Joe the Plummer schpeal of McCain.
Or maybe he is rich already ...

Either way, talk about being out of touch with reality ... both this dude and McCain as well as RMoney.


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by Starlifter on 01/06/13 at 18:27:06

Maybe he bought that car from Webby.

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/13 at 06:26:57

Star; you're a liar.

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/13 at 06:29:20

now, if you'll excuse me Star for the rest of the week as I have to go make money so i can pay taxes which is where you get your handouts from so you can sit around all day and make up lies after not doing jacksh*t in your government job for 20 years while everyone else carried your load.


Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by srinath on 01/07/13 at 06:44:13

BTW I also have seen in a different county - gaston county this time, a shiny bloody new looking, full of chrome - H2 Hummer is a bright yellow, parked next to a single wide rust bucket of a trailer.
Like a 50,000 car and 500 buck trailer.

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by mpescatori on 01/08/13 at 00:45:13

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
now, if you'll excuse me Star for the rest of the week as I have to go make money so i can pay taxes which is where you get your handouts from so you can sit around all day and make up lies after not doing jacksh*t in your government job for 20 years while everyone else carried your load.


Guys, don't you LOVE IT how these two keep us entertained with their hate ?

It reminds me of Wiley "Ralph" Coyote and Sam the Sheepdog...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Raise taxes, french got rid of Girard Depardie
Post by Trippah on 01/16/13 at 20:12:55

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