General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Obama's vacations

Message started by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/02/13 at 09:50:13

Title: Obama's vacations
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/02/13 at 09:50:13

I jsut noticed that Obama returned to Hawaii today to "resume" his vacation, which had to be interrupted to attend to the nation's business during the fiscal cliff negotiations.

How much vacation does this guy take?  It's getting absurd in my view.  I took Christmas Day and New Year's Day off, and worked the remainder of the time.  I left my office at 7:30 PM on New Year's Eve.  But then, I don't have free trips to Hawaii aboard Air Force One.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/02/13 at 11:19:50

Yea lets talk about anything except those guns ...

Dude, these things are in the various contracts in the job. He's not your slave ... He is entitled to the same darn vacation Bush was and Clinton (though the rumor was, apparently you stuff a fat chick under the desk and clinton would go all night) ...

Anyway you may feel he's on vacation a lot ... its not you personally who gets to decide that.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by verslagen1 on 01/02/13 at 11:38:35

being a parent of present day underage children, you gotta take time to be with them during their vacation.

you gotta commend his willingness to interrupt this time to fly across the country to participate in a business meeting.  and he probably didn't play poker the entire flight back either.  

does the af1 have a hot tub?

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/02/13 at 13:12:39

7D6E7978676A6C6E653A0B0 wrote:

does the af1 have a hot tub?

Yes it does, Bushies installed it.
Of course he had to, Cos Nixon had it lined in Velvet, and it was begning to look dated. Remember Nixon ... the I stands for integrity. How can you go wrong with that as your motto ?


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by arteacher on 01/03/13 at 05:04:28

Remember- he doesn't get the kind of "vacation" we do.He can't leave his responsibilities to others, kick back and not worry about "work" for a couple of weeks, like you and I.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 05:45:12

3C37373E323D3C2627530 wrote:
Remember- he doesn't get the kind of "vacation" we do.He can't leave his responsibilities to others, kick back and not worry about "work" for a couple of weeks, like you and I.

But ... but ... but ... Bush did. To Cheney.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/13 at 05:59:31

President's take their office with them. Reagan spent time at his Californian ranch and Bush at his in Texas. I was actually playing golf once near Waco which is not far from Crawford and their were helicopters bringing in heads of states for meetings all day.

Actually Jerry; consider this. As long as Hopey's away, he can only screw things up so much. I'd just as soon he lay on the beach for the next 4 years.....

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Paraquat on 01/03/13 at 06:12:05

I didn't take a vacation last year.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/03/13 at 11:03:37

WEll,, as long as OTHERS did it, then  it MUst be Okay,,

When is wrong just wrong? Why cant people see the guy is soakin us for millions? They deserve such "vacationing" on our dollar while so many suffer? Sure they do, just like the CEO of a failing company "deserves" multimillion dollar bonuses while they lay off workers in preparation to close the place down.

JUstifying bad behavior with the bad behavior of others is childish.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by MShipley on 01/03/13 at 11:36:14

My brother just posted on face book that he just got his first paycheck for 2013 and it is smaller than his last check in 2012................don't know why since our government said they wont raise taxes on the middle class. :'(

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 11:38:31

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
WEll,, as long as OTHERS did it, then  it MUst be Okay,,

When is wrong just wrong? Why cant people see the guy is soakin us for millions? They deserve such "vacationing" on our dollar while so many suffer? Sure they do, just like the CEO of a failing company "deserves" multimillion dollar bonuses while they lay off workers in preparation to close the place down.

JUstifying bad behavior with the bad behavior of others is childish.

Childish as it is, I dont recall you saying this when the Bushies were president.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 11:39:05

59477C7D6478716D140 wrote:
My brother just posted on face book that he just got his first paycheck for 2013 and it is smaller than his last check in 2012................don't know why since our government said they wont raise taxes on the middle class. :'(

That's the consequence of missing the deadline.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/13 at 12:09:31

My brother just posted on face book that he just got his first paycheck for 2013 and it is smaller than his last check in 2012................don't know why since our government said they wont raise taxes on the middle class. :'(

ss tax went up 2%.
obamacare tax kicked in for some, not sure if for all.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by MShipley on 01/03/13 at 12:29:18

Actually I know all this, I was just trying to dramatize the fact that our Government lies to us all the time. They have been grandstanding for 3 months on this fiscal cliff thing telling the sheepole they wont raise taxes on the middle class when they know all along they are. I guess I am just getting to old and cynical. I have been listening to these liars say "if we just had a little more money" for 50 years. Guess what???? after 50 years of more money the schools are worse, we are deeper in debt, were still at war and we still elect the same guys who run on the same lame platforms they ran on 50 years ago. The people are more polarized against each other and our Government wants to throw gasoline on class warefare..........God help us..........yes I am feeling a little down today. Probably from reading all this stuff on this section of the forum. Think I will bow out and get back to building my bike.  :-/

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by LANCER on 01/03/13 at 16:18:23

1C023938213D3428510 wrote:
Actually I know all this, I was just trying to dramatize the fact that our Government lies to us all the time. They have been grandstanding for 3 months on this fiscal cliff thing telling the sheepole they wont raise taxes on the middle class when they know all along they are. I guess I am just getting to old and cynical. I have been listening to these liars say "if we just had a little more money" for 50 years. Guess what???? after 50 years of more money the schools are worse, we are deeper in debt, were still at war and we still elect the same guys who run on the same lame platforms they ran on 50 years ago. The people are more polarized against each other and our Government wants to throw gasoline on class warefare..........God help us..........yes I am feeling a little down today. Probably from reading all this stuff on this section of the forum. Think I will bow out and get back to building my bike.  :-/

Fire all of them, defund the federal gov't except for the military and let the states handle everything else.  Our taxes would go down by 95% and everything would work a heck of a lot better.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 20:29:36

4A47484543541411260 wrote:
[quote author=1C023938213D3428510 link=1357149014/0#13 date=1357244958]Actually I know all this, I was just trying to dramatize the fact that our Government lies to us all the time. They have been grandstanding for 3 months on this fiscal cliff thing telling the sheepole they wont raise taxes on the middle class when they know all along they are. I guess I am just getting to old and cynical. I have been listening to these liars say "if we just had a little more money" for 50 years. Guess what???? after 50 years of more money the schools are worse, we are deeper in debt, were still at war and we still elect the same guys who run on the same lame platforms they ran on 50 years ago. The people are more polarized against each other and our Government wants to throw gasoline on class warefare..........God help us..........yes I am feeling a little down today. Probably from reading all this stuff on this section of the forum. Think I will bow out and get back to building my bike.  :-/

Fire all of them, defund the federal gov't except for the military and let the states handle everything else.  Our taxes would go down by 95% and everything would work a heck of a lot better.[/quote]

That sounds like a great plan for 2016 ... cos we suffered through 8 of bushies, so we are just going to have to compensate the american and not so american sheeple for that ...
BTW my best year of my life - 2011 followed closely by 2012 and 2010. Worst, 2001 then 2005, 2006, 2007 ... 01 I didn't have a green card, so it doesn't qualify ... so 05, 06, 07. I'd say I did badly in the boom cos it was a fake paper boom, and the recession I am doing fine, cos the banks have had to clean up their act, there by employing cleaner in cheif - me.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Starlifter on 01/03/13 at 21:05:57

"I just noticed that Obama returned to Hawaii today to "resume" his vacation, which had to be interrupted to attend to the nation's business during the fiscal cliff negotiations."

"How much vacation does this guy take?  It's getting absurd in my view.  I took Christmas Day and New Year's Day off, and worked the remainder of the time.  I left my office at 7:30 PM on New Year's Eve.  But then, I don't have free trips to Hawaii aboard Air Force One.Jerry

Jerry, I am quite sure that at this stage of your career you could arrange to take as many vacation days as you want to. However I don't think you want to for whatever reason.

BTW, of course you don't have free trips aboard Air Force One, you're not the POTUS.

Again,  "How much vacation does this guy take?  It's getting absurd in my view."

Sigh...It's that time of year again! Right wingers are in a tizzy about how the First Family is on vacation in Hawaii and how much it costs the taxpayers.

...Well, lets make a another  "childish comparison":

Bush Vacation Days in eight years of presidency: -  1020

Obama Vacation Days to date: --------------------------     78

There are only 2,922 days in 8 years. So he took vacation on over 1/3 of them....but then Cheney was in charge for the whole eight years, so I guess it doesn't matter. Cheney probably sent him away because it was easier to get "things" done without Bush underfoot.

...Seems Bush was always at that fake ranch clearing fake brush. He had a responsibility to clear that brush on his "ranch".
Can't get behind on a job like that or you never catch up. So what if Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US.

John Boehner was totally silent when President George W. Bush was setting the presidential record for most vacation days. Bush was not only on vacation more than any other president. He spent more money on non-official travel than any other president in American history. As president, George W. Bush used Air Force One to fly to his ranch in Crawford, TX for vacation.

Boehner’s comments about the cost of Obama’s travel got us thinking about how much money the Republican Party owes taxpayers for George W. Bush’s non-official vacation travels. Using a method that we have cleverly coined Boehner Math, this is what we came up with.

Number of George W. Bush flights for vacation in Crawford, TX: 77

Cost of running Air Force One: $179,000/hour

Flight time one way from the White House to Crawford: 4.5 hours

Cost of one way flight: $805,500

Roundtrip cost: $1,611,000

Total cost to taxpayers of Bush’s vacation trips to the ranch: $124,047,000.

Unlike President Bush who used Air Force One as personal vacation and campaign jet, President Obama’s events were held to discuss the public policy issue of the impending increase in the student loan interest rate. Bush spent over $124 million of our tax dollars flying to Crawford to clear brush, and while he was doing this Republicans like John Boehner never demanded that he pay back the cost of his travel to the taxpayers.

Dodging responsibility is a core Republican "Family Value" as Republicans demonstrate repeatedly with their vast cabal of "leaders" who are tax dodgers, draft dodgers, and work shirkers like George AWOL Bush.

No wonder people no longer respect Republicans. They really haven't earned any respect at all.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 05:57:27

This whole thing is nonsense; President's are never really on vacation. Bush's ranch in Texas was WH West as are Obama's Hawaian getaways.

But I seriously doubt the numbers Star came up with. If I pro-rate his numbers, Bush took 510 vacation days in 4 years?! That means Bush was on 'vacation' 35% of the time?. No, didn't happen. Show me where the numbers came from because I don't believe them.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/04/13 at 06:49:36

I don't give those numbers a lot of credibility either.  My father had a very good saying, "Figures don't lie but liars can figure".
Not calling my friend Star a liar, but I am questioning whoever it was who came up with those numbers.

I did read somewhere that Obama has already played more rounds of golf in 4 years than any other president, including those who had two terms played in their 8 years in office.

And, for Star - my vacation time is minimal.  I've never really enjoyed going someplace and vegitating.  We've been fortunate enough to see most of what we've wanted to see.  Going and lying on a beach - never; how boring !!!  I can get a sunburn in my own yard if I want one.  I like to see buildings, ancient ruins, Mediveal castles and cathedrals, and I've seen those I want to see.  So, I guess I do get more enjoyment out of working, and making a deal happen for a client than about any other use of my time.
Remember another old saying - an entreprenuer works 80 hours per week for himself so he doesn't have to work 40 hours per week for someone else.  I like that one - very true.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 06:54:01

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
This whole thing is nonsense; President's are never really on vacation. Bush's ranch in Texas was WH West as are Obama's Hawaian getaways.

Good, Glad you feel that way. You should say that to the OP.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 07:20:11

You should say that to the OP.

what or who is the OP?

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 07:34:54

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
You should say that to the OP.

what or who is the OP?

Original Poster.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Retread on 01/04/13 at 07:49:26

 Evey source I have acessed puts this President's vacation time lower than the previous Presidents.. Except for Clinton and Carter...

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 07:59:42

695E4F495E5A5F3B0 wrote:
 Evey source I have acessed puts this President's vacation time lower than the previous Presidents.. Except for Clinton and Carter...

Clinton was a workaholic apparently ... bush was a 9-5 guy ... Obama is supposedly inbetween. However all of this is reasonable, you cant tell a repug that ... they will pretty soon trip themselves into the right conclusion but for the wrong reason.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/04/13 at 08:39:50

Yes, and Clinton is in very poor health - 4 way bypass several years ago and now is on a vegan diet to try to atone for decades of Big Macs.
Bush (GWB) is still apparently very healthy.
Of course, being as young as he is, I'd expect Obama to still be in good health and he apparently is.

I've always been amazed that most former presidents live to a ripe old age, exceeding the life expectancy for whatever generation they were.  LBJ was an exception, but look at Ford, Reagan, Carter, GHWB - all either died at a very old age, or are still alive well into their high 80s.

Of course, many were athletes ( Ford and Reagan especially ), GHWB was a college baseball player and a Naval aviator, so his physical condition as a young man was above average, Carter is a Naval Academy grad, so he had years of good physical conditioning.  Clinton was neither an athlete nor served in the military, and the old phots of him eating Big Macs and smoking cigars are accurate predictors of his present poor health.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 09:20:32

They are pretty wealthy, I think Obama may have been the poorest of the bunch. Dont underestimate the power of privelege.
I can easily see Hilary's problem in someone else her age but less wealthy, just getting an embolysm and dying.
Regardless of your political slant, wealth brings with it the freedom to take off work if needed to get to the doctor or hospital or heck take a year off to heal like my feet need.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 01/04/13 at 10:52:16

Yes, they all have access to the best medical care.  But supposedly they also had the world's most stressful job, at least for 4 years in the cases of Carter, Ford and GHWB; 8 years for the others.

Actually, Clinton may have been the poorest in his childhood - it's a close tie between him and Obama.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Paraquat on 01/04/13 at 11:07:17

I'm confident Obama knows the struggle. I'm sure he worked 70 plus hours a week and ate nothing but ramen noodles for almost a year struggling to put himself through HARVARD LAW.

I did. Through community college though.


Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 11:19:23

1425362535312530440 wrote:
I'm confident Obama knows the struggle. I'm sure he worked 70 plus hours a week and ate nothing but ramen noodles for almost a year struggling to put himself through HARVARD LAW.

I did. Through community college though.


You mention the word harvard, and people would be lined uo round the block giving you "student loans"
Obama paid his loans off sometime around 2005 if I recall. - Google and abcnews to the rescue -

"Check this out, all right. I'm the president of the United States. We only finished paying off our student loans off about eight years ago. That wasn't that long ago. And that wasn't easy--especially because when we had Malia and Sasha, we're supposed to be saving up for their college educations, and we're still paying off our college educations," he said.

That was august 2012 - so 2004.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by arteacher on 01/04/13 at 15:32:50

Most post secondary education in Germany is free, or close to it. Why can't we do that in North America?

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Starlifter on 01/04/13 at 17:36:06

"Bush (GWB) is still apparently very healthy."


Have you not seen a picture of him in the last 12 years or so??

Did you not see all of the pictures of him at the summer Olympics drunk and incoherent? Running onto the beach volleyball court and slapping a bikini clad girl on the ass? Waiving an American flag upside down? And finally being carried off by the Secret Service while Laura and the girls looked on in disgust?

Bloated, red-faced, slurring, stumbling, sores, bruises, and cuts all over his face...

I think a lifetime of booze and cocaine will do that to a person.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 19:01:20


Have you not seen a picture of him in the last 12 years or so??

Did you not see all of the pictures of him at the summer Olympics drunk and incoherent? Running onto the beach volleyball court and slapping a bikini clad girl on the ass? Waiving an American flag upside down? And finally being carried off by the Secret Service while Laura and the girls looked on in disgust?

Bloated, red-faced, slurring, stumbling, sores, bruises, and cuts all over his face...

I think a lifetime of booze and cocaine will do that to a person.

Star; you are a monstrous idiot. A colossal liar of unbelievable portions. None of what you said is true.
Turn around. See that rock? Climb back underneath it; it’s time for you to go home.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Starlifter on 01/04/13 at 21:53:51

"Star; you are a monstrous idiot. A colossal liar of unbelievable portions. None of what you said is true."

...ha ha, let me help you out here. Just go to Google, click on images, type in "Bush drunk at Olympics" hit search. Then look at all of the pages of photos.

What an embarrassment to our country...(as you are an embarrassment to this board).

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 05:02:31

I did moron. they are all out of context photos.

do you think for one second Bush would be that drunk in public and NBC wouldn't lead with the story? You don't think Huffington Post would have it on every day for months? Are you that stupid? bush was not falling down drunk at the olympics. you are hands down the biggest fool i know.

Go Eastwood yourself.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by Starlifter on 01/05/13 at 10:46:48

...None are so blind as those who will not see...ass-hole.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/13 at 10:50:46

& not being left or right I agree & I see both sides of the street,, I see more a holes than any of ya

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 13:32:58

JOG; there is truth and untruth.
Star is passing along lies that any fool knows is not true.

Title: Re: Obama's vacations
Post by srinath on 01/05/13 at 14:49:10

747F7F767A75746E6F1B0 wrote:
Most post secondary education in Germany is free, or close to it. Why can't we do that in North America?

Because the repugs will scream about govt spending ...

In india, we pay for all of it out of your pocket. The govt subsidizes for low income, but there are schools and colleges @ all levels of cost.
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