General Category >> The Cafe >> 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)

Message started by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 05:50:18

Title: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 05:50:18

OK, we got a September run to go visit WD and we got some people wanting to go visit the Dragon in the earlier summer months so as to not conflict with the WD trip.  

This gives something for everybody for this year, you pick which party you want to go to (or go for both, as some will undoubtedly do)

Ring in and declare if you can go on each of the trips so people know what to plan for.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 05:50:41

2E0D0507040D0D0413610 wrote:

So, when do you want to go visit the Dragon again?  I'm up to split a room with you and Dave might want to come to make it a threesome (1 small room full up).

Here is your weather tool for the area so you can pick you a time with some good weather.   Last week of June gets too too durn hot lately with global warming and all (causes rear tire damage to the bikes it does).  

If you aimed your Dragon run on the early side of hot, it wouldn't interfere with the WD run in September -- and some of us might well do both (lacking all forms of good sense and all)


Next, what'cha got for a bike now-a-days?   Have you bought it yet?

I'm free just about any time. I am unemployable. Investigation after strokes revealed connections with medical problems mishandled while I was in the service. I'm 100% permanent. Military disability benefits have me taken care of. I get my kids every other weekend, 1/2 the summer and doctor appts about twice a month. Other than that I'm pretty much free.  My wife is awesome and tries to find ways to get me out of the house and doing stuff with others.

As for my new wheels its an '04 Kawasaki Mean Streak 1600.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/02/13 at 06:09:40

I'd like to make another dragon trip but can't confirm until dates are set. Should be able to go just about any time but not if it conflicts with coworker vacation. So keep this thread updated. Not sure which bike I'll bring. I'd like to bring the C50 this time (prolly won't keep up with the savages) but we'll see.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 06:42:27

Ok,  best temperatures around Deal's Gap start in late May and get too hot in late June.   So we are tentatively aiming around the first of June for a time frame.  

Deal's Gap Dragon Hotel gets restrictive about weekends (you have to pre-pay for the entire weekend with no leeway at all on early departure) so if we stay at the Dragon let's try to get us a shorter trip planned such that we will all be there all of the days.

Another thing that has worked is staying at the Blue Ridge Motorcycle place with the little 2 man cabins.  

Cost is equivalent (if the room is full) with the Dragon being slightly better accommodations and, after all, it is the Dragon.   Blue Ridge is nice enough, it has a nice lounge area but you have to walk to the bathroom at night.   We've done good trips out of both locations.

Another thing we have done in the past with 2-3 people groups was to split a hotel room near some attraction.  When we went to Wheels through Time harley museum we stayed at the Maggie Valley MicroTel Inn with a 24 hour heated pool and a hot tub and a free breakfast for what the Dragon 3 man room would cost us.  

We have also stayed in Gatlingburg NC in a $29 a night room (Hotwire can generally always get you into Gatlingburg for $29 a night as surplus rooms are always around in Gatlingburg).   This puts you close to Pidgeon Forge and all the Bass Pro Shops and Rocky Mountain Knifeworks and the other super outlet type stores.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 07:05:19

With a Mean Streak and a C50 in the group we won't be going Black Lining or doing really hard riding, so you guys pick some things to want to go visit and we can see what sort of trip we can put together that connects all those dots.

One of the bad things about going anywhere from the Dragon is that it is an all day affair just to get someplace and then get back again.

Based from the Blue Ridge Cabins, everything touristy you try to go to is much closer, that gives you more linger time and a less hurried pace to the trip.   The Blue Ridge Cabins are user friendly in that they will let you deramp your bike, park your car and trailer, then go off somewhere else for a day or so and wind up back there for a night before you pack up and leave.


Pace on these trips matters, and I think this will be a slower paced trip.

I'll give you an example of slower pace -- last trip Lancer and I got separated from the main group when we went back to locate Serenity when the group got separated.  

Once we got that straightened out, we leisurely stopped and ate a very nice lunch at a really cute little cafe place, we leisurely rode back to the Dragon Lodge and then we worked on our bikes all afternoon.   Serenity did a rubber plug job on his head and Lancer and I rejetted my bike and we drank some beer while we did that and we relaxed.   Lancer even got in a short nap.  

Leisurely ain't bad, we are all getting too old to play speed racer all the time.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/02/13 at 08:30:18

I look good from May thru the first half of June.  (heck, i look good all the time but that's a different story  ;D).  

The weekend before Memorial Day weekend may be too early for some but I've found that to be a great travel weekend.  Most places have everything cleaned up and ready for the holiday visitors yet the crowds haven't yet arrived.    

Some of us may be able to go anytime while others might need to anchor it with a weekend, such as a 3 or 4 day weekend.  I'm game for going up midweek and then meeting up with other folks that show later.

If I ride up there and back, I may need to bookend the trip with a little recovery time.  What I mean is that after riding 5 1/2 hours to get there I may not be ready for 6+ hours of the Dragon without a little rest.  Nor after riding around the Dragaon for 6+ hours on the final I may not be ready for a 5 1/2 hr ride home.  However the need for said recovery time can be greatly minimized if I trailor my Meanie up there.  Just might need a helping hand to get it off and back on.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/02/13 at 09:19:36

I would really like to get in on a Dragon trip but I might be limited to say a Friday night drive up and then ride Saturday and part of Sunday and have to leave Sunday afternoon.  I'll prob end up having to trailer up there and back and might possibly be able to bring a buddy on a vs700 if that's cool with all (course that all depends on if we have it on the road). Just keep us updated and I'll be able to let you know if we can lock down a date.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/02/13 at 17:02:14

Ok, sounds like Diamond wants to show up around Wednesday and Newriver wants to show up on Friday.

A scattershot arrival like that means we need to stay at the Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins as that minimizes the $$ bite for the early and the late people -- and BR doesn't suddenly inform you of penalty charges, etc that you owe them like the Dragon folks do whenever you get all raggedy at the ends of things like we always do.  Just never commit UP FRONT to the room beyond when it will be known to be full -- they will always let you stay an extra day as they are never full up.

Plus, we have done this trick in the past -- you book cabins by the pairs of people, and when you get a leftover 3rd person he can sleep on an air mattress on the floor rather than spring $45 for his own separate cabin.  Just be careful not say anything about it and remember not to step on him when heading out to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


general info at

They do serve meals at Blue Ridge but ask that you tick a list on the kitchen door in advance so they can plan the meal better.   10 minutes north is Bethel which has a 7-11 and a good sized cafe which is a good place to eat.  7 minutes south is Big East Fork which has a gas station, so no matter which way you go you can get gas and a drink inside of 10 miles.  There are vending machines in the lounge area for your late night perusal.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/02/13 at 18:58:01

How far is that from the Dragon? an hour and a half of thrilling approach roads on Fontana Dam Road, etc. You spend an hour trill riding to get to the big thrill  And the sooner we can nail down a date the better for me so I can get it in to work (I work for a small small I mean it's me and one other guy working for the company).  Also I have to try to plan around my drill weekend for the month but I usually find out about that about two months out...can see what I can find out in the tentative months.

The rest of us are flexible -- you tell us the weekend you are going to show up.  Your choices are June 1st weekend, June 8th weekend.   Memorial day is over on May 27th, so the place should be free.  Get up with your people and you tell us when you can finagle the weekend off.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/03/13 at 04:56:56

I am already missing not making this ride and it hasn't even happened yet !    :-?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/03/13 at 10:25:19

Yup Lancer, in respect for the old bodies we won't go blazing all over the place all the time, but I suspect NewRiverJunkie might want to play go fast a little bit on a rare occasion or two.   He's young at heart.

Fontana Road will warm him up pretty good, I think.   Diamond and Al will be riding bigger bikes, so they will play Toymaker for us.

I think we will start out in the morning after breakfast, Dragon until noonish and then sit down at the BBQ sandwich place for lunch, then mebbe do a Cherohola Skyway or some other loop to get back home.

I'll jest have to take them on the Road to Nowhere, all the way to the Glenn of the End as everybody needs that experience.

Do you remember the name of the little road that goes up the mountain through all them little switchbacks then turns into dirt at the crest?  I have forgotten the road's map name .....  If Dave comes, we might go do that on Savages as the bigger bikes need not apply for that one.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/03/13 at 16:00:13

6A4941434049494057250 wrote:

Yup Lancer, in respect for the old bodies we won't go blazing all over the place all the time, but I suspect NewRiverJunkie might want to play go fast a little bit on a rare occasion or two.   He's young at heart.

Fontana Road will warm him up pretty good, I think.   Diamond and Al will be riding bigger bikes, so they will play Toymaker for us.

I think we will start out in the morning after breakfast, Dragon until noonish and then sit down at the BBQ sandwich place for lunch, then mebbe do a Cherohola Skyway or some other loop to get back home.

I'll jest have to take them on the Road to Nowhere, all the way to the Glenn of the End as everybody needs that experience.

Do you remember the name of the little road that goes up the mountain through all them little switchbacks then turns into dirt at the crest?  I have forgotten the road's map name .....  If Dave comes, we might go do that on Savages as the bigger bikes need not apply for that one.

I do not remember the name of the road or even how we got to it now.  It sure was a fun road going up the mountain though.  180 deg turns with many having a turn radius of 3-5' made it a wee bit challenging.   ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/03/13 at 17:06:36

51727A787B72727B6C1E0 wrote:

Yup Lancer, in respect for the old bodies we won't go blazing all over the place all the time, but I suspect NewRiverJunkie might want to play go fast a little bit on a rare occasion or two.   He's young at heart.

I do like to twist the throttle a little hard on occasion...but also enjoy leisurely rides.  I'm starting to get geeked about this trip.  Already cleared it with the wife so I'm good on that front. Like I told OF I should be able to have an idea of when I can slip away after this weekend so I'll update all as soon as I can.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/03/13 at 18:03:28

Man I'd love to join you guys but between a 40/hour a week job,the chicken farm and a wife......... :(

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 01/03/13 at 18:37:33

I am probably in for a Thursday through Saturday kind of thing....more specifically arrive late Wednesday and leave early Sunday.

Accomodations are flexible for me - I can bring a cot and sleep in my trailer if there is no room at the inn!  Just a bath and shower are needed.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/13 at 02:17:27

Zar, you can come for a day -- you are local enough.   Lots of folks drop by for a few hours, chat for a bit then leave when they must.  Or they plan to stay a single night (we generally have free floor space in a cabin between the set beds).

OK, We got 3 people good for a Wednesday afternoon arrival.  Which Wednesday is still up to NewRiverJunkie when he gets his drill weekends all straightened out.

Cabin #1
Dave                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                      staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
New River Junkie          (still working on it)

New River Junkie is still tied up in his thinking with the previous months holiday week   (he doesn't get it that we AVOID holiday weeks like the plague due to car traffic and all the endless Hurleys on the roads, that we like quiet empty roads with no rolling road blocks holding us up everywhere ...)

We are currently considering Wednesday June 5th or Wednesday June 12 as theoretical start days, running to the following weekend.   Ending will get all raggedy like it normally does, but by staying at Blue Ridge Cabins we can downsize the $$ bite accordingly as needed.


FAIR WARNING:  all the mountain staying places will clip your butt for the extra days if you leave early on a weekend.  

Blue Ridge is better than most places, they allow you to pick a Friday/Saturday block or a Saturday/Sunday block.
I would pick the Friday/Saturday block, personally.

Smart people plan their trip to hit the start of our little excursions, and plan to sleep through Friday/Saturday block on a prepaid basis.   Then, if you want to stay longer you can combine with somebody that has some free space.  Otherwise, you or somebody gets screwed a bit by the weekend clause.

Example, I will find who else is gonna go on Wednesday and find out who is arriving first hauling a truck or a trailer.   I send them a check for my entire planned stay at $25 a night (half the cabin with the taxes included) so they have the money on hand to give to the Blue Ridge folks as a straight out up front cash sale which is the best way to do it.  Then, if I get back busted or whatever and have to leave early, nobody is out any money on my account.

Trouble always shows up at the end of these things when the person holding the cabin gets screwed up by folks leaving early on a weekend when the cabin holder is locked into renting the cabin for the entire two day block.  

Now these little 2 man cabins aren't that bad if this happens, but that 7 man apartment at the Dragon Lodge could easily hurt you for like nearly a hundred dollars a day when a couple of folks decide to cut out early.

So, plan your stay days carefully and when you commit, you will be willing to mail a check to the guy holding the room for the entire stay you committed to.  This is only fair.

Example:  I brought a guest to this past Dragon that I knew was a multi-years-long bike fixer and experienced rider.  He also had a bad back and a fixation on speed limits which I really didn't know all that much about ahead of time.  I prepaid Lancer for his bunk in the Dragon apartment for the whole stay and the dude left after the first night.  Lancer wasn't out any for his back issues and him leaving, but Lancer did get clipped a bit by the Dragon Lodge for other folks that chose to leave early.

So, pair up and send money to the person holding the room (the first person who is going to arrive).  Deal in cash with the Blue Ridge people if you can (tell them you don't have a credit card if you have to).  

Be aware that they want you to rent either Fri-Sat or Sat-Sunday as a locked together block if you are going to stay into the weekend.

Remember, if you plan to sleep on Saturday and leave on Sunday and you don't declare a Friday/Saturday block, then you are agreeing up front to donate $45 to the Blue Ridge people.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/04/13 at 10:15:30

Diamond Jim, Dave says he will bring a cot for him to sleep on so if you get no Wednesday-Friday/Sat taker to share a cabin with you can stay in our cabin 3 up with us until somebody shows up to fill out that second cabin.

Conversely, if you do fill out your cabin and NewRiverJunkie shows up and is odd-man-out we will take him in with us.

It all generally works out OK in the end anyway.      :D

ya see, they got this comfy big 'ol couch in the lounge and I have been known to crash out there after a bathroom trip rather than walk back to the cabins ...

Plus, since we always go on off weeks they always have lots of empty cabins so we can always pick one up as needed.  So, Diamond Jim can stay with us until somebody else rings in that they are going Wednesday-Friday/Saturday.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/04/13 at 10:56:54

Sounds good to me.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/04/13 at 12:14:13

Another possibility is setting up a tent. Usually I would rather get an air conditioned room, but it doesn't look like the cabins have a/c. Also it will be earlier in the year than the regular dragon trip, so it'll be cooler anyway. That might be an option for me (if I can make it this year).


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/04/13 at 14:21:09

If it's the same place some of us a few years back the little cabins do have a/c.  They are tiny, clean and spartan.  Bathroom/showers are in a central building about 75' away.

Lancer, we stayed in the one with the ceiling fan.  What you remember is the electrical wall heater unit I think.  We won't be needing AC during the time we are going this year -- it will be cooler weather at night.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/05/13 at 12:26:03

Fair warning:

While we are on the subject of Whoo Hooo !!! we need to be clear and up front about some things about these little trips.  

Speed limits are relative once you get on the NC side of the Dragon.   All NC unmarked road sections have a default speed limit of 55 which in the NC mountains is complete unobtainium once you get up into the real curves.  You simply can't go that fast up on those roads.

The little NC curve speed suggestions they post for each of the bad curves can be very helpful as it allows you to KNOW upfront just how bad the approaching curve can be.  Me, I know if I am going over 2x the marked speed to slow down to 10 over the marked curve speed.

Next, since BigZuk may not be coming this year due to his back troubling him, Dave and I will likely be up front at the head of the pack.  Dave rides better than I do (neat clean lines always) but I tend to be a little crazier and sloppier than Dave.  

BigZuk was the very best/craziest mountain rider of the lot of us, no holds barred.  But all of us have been doing this for pushing a decade now and despite all of us getting older the pace we ride at might not be something you can do.  

Especially if you are pushing a 600 pound bike around them tight arsed corners ......

So, we tend to string out by bike weight and skills and very quickly you figure out who is safe for you to be following behind.   I will follow Dave or Zuk, then if I get a wild hair I'll go out in front for a bit.

Tennessee is completely biker unfriendly and is in real need of some ticket revenue dollars to try to take better care of their roads.  THE DEFAULT SPEED LIMIT IN TENNESSEE IS 45 MPH.  When in Tennessee you need to stay within a few miles of whatever stupid speed limit signs they stick up or they will give you A BIG ASSED TICKET.  The last speed limit sign you saw applies until you see the next one, so if they say 20 mph and don't post a sign for the next 20 miles, you are stuck at 20 mph.  You will notice we stay in NC most all of the time (intentionally) and we ride sanely when inside Tennessee if we go there.

Rolling Road Blocks   are the endless delight of a mountain trip and give us most of the trills that we get.   Lancer got to maximize these thrills by getting caught out and having to do his classic "split the lane" right over the yellow line with opposing direction cages passing within a foot or so of him on either side  
(with him leaned over in a curve no less).   Remember the Lancer yellow line trick, it can save your butt if you need to use it.  Just focus your total mind on keeping your front wheel right on the yellow line and don't even look up at the cages as they whip past you -- they will move over to the edge of the road to miss you.

I personally never mastered that trick, it is too too butt puckering for me to even consider.

So we aim the trip week to avoid the on the road traffic in as much as we can.  What does exist, we can pass safely.

Harley Davison Deathmobiles   Hurleys are like big fat lemmings, they follow each other into deadly situations like ducks in a row.  THEY WILL NOT STAY IN THEIR LANE, they like to swerve over and use half of yours when oncoming on the Dragon.   90% of the fatal Dragon crashes involve Hurley riders ....

Trucks and Panel Vans    16 wheelers are banned from the Dragon now, but smaller trucks and panel vans still come on it.  They are longer than the turn radius on a lot of the Dragon curves and swing over into your lane accordingly.   However, they are so big and so slow they have a huge mass of traffic being held up both ways which alerts you that one is in front of you.

Sports Bike Riders  go past you so fast they are gone in a blink.   So, they are gone already, don't spend time worrying about them.

After your first Dragon Run you will find out that you are a better rider than you ever thought you were.  
And you will carry these reserve skill levels with you for the rest of your life.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/06/13 at 08:03:03

Hey just a question for planning purposes.  What are the helmet laws in NC and TN.  For instance I have a DOT modular but prefer to wear my half helmet.  Will that fly up there?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/13 at 13:13:04

Bugs will be your practical issue with the half-helmet.  I wear a full face shield and I take it in and de-bug it in the bathroom every time we stop for something to eat or drink.  

You'll be in there trying to get them little black no-see-um gnats off your teeth and them big 'ol yellow splatting Monarch Butterflies can be plumb fun too ....   plus it is right nippy cool when we first take out in the AM, too cool for a half helmet.

But a half helmet is legal, no sweat with the law in any of the states as long as the half helmet carries a DOT sticker.  

(note: many half helmets do not have the DOT sticker on them and that alone will get you a ticket all by its lonesome in Tennessee, the home of "a ticket for every unjust cause")

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/06/13 at 19:36:32

74575F5D5E57575E493B0 wrote:

Bugs will be your practical issue with the half-helmet.  I wear a full face shield and I take it in and de-bug it in the bathroom every time we stop for something to eat or drink.  

You'll be in there trying to get them little black no-see-um gnats off your teeth and them big 'ol yellow splatting Monarch Butterflies can be plumb fun too ....   plus it is right nippy cool when we first take out in the AM, too cool for a half helmet.

But a half helmet is legal, no sweat with the law in any of the states as long as the half helmet carries a DOT sticker.  

(note: many half helmets do not have the DOT sticker on them and that alone will get you a ticket all by its lonesome in Tennessee, the home of "a ticket for every unjust cause")

So OF,from what you are saying,I assume that unlike my home state of Kentucky,a helmet is mandatory on Tenn and NC ?  

AS to yer little buggy friends....even though I do forgo the lid much of the time I do find a pair of bugeye goggles handy.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/06/13 at 20:29:53

I just checked  the mileage from Louisville to Deals Gap. Looks like just over 300 miles. If I figure an average trip speed of 45mph(factored for towns heavy traffic and construction zones) running the two lanes and another hour for fuel stops/rest breaks(figuring 100 mile fuel runs) I can make it in 8 hours. I've never tried to make a run of that length before so if I can get away I'll need three days,two on the road and another to enjoy with you guys. That may take some extra finagelin...........  Of course I can always find a "roach motel" in some small town in southern Kentucky and still have a full day with you all. What's the latest you have to know on all this OF?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/13 at 21:28:12

OK, We got 4 people possibly good for a Wednesday through Sunday trip, arriving and leaving scattershot.  Which Wednesday is still up to NewRiverJunkie when he gets his drill weekends all straightened out.

We are currently considering Wednesday June 5th or Wednesday June 12 as theoretical start days, running to the following weekend.   Ending will get all raggedy like it normally does, but by staying at Blue Ridge Cabins we can downsize the $$ bite accordingly as needed.

Cabin #1
Dave                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                      staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
New River Junkie             (still working on it)
Zar                                  (considering it)

Zar, the place is here, not at the Dragon.   You just cut almost 3 hours off your inbound trip.   We will go to the Dragon and likely ride through it going places several times but we are not planning to stay there.

general info at

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/06/13 at 22:11:26

Open the question up about actually staying at the Dragon .....

Dragon room #1
Dave                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
Oldfeller                      staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

We have 3 committed people (one room's worth) of committed full span staying people.  The room cost for 3 people (room always stays full) works out to $25 a night (same cost as the little cabins).  

Where it gets sloppy is that second room which never stays full and the folks staying in it wind up paying like $33-$65 a night when it isn't full.  

The next point is the Dragon always screws with you if you do ANYTHING other than stay "filled up" the exact full time that you reserved.   This is why we went with the Blue Ridge cabins as they scale up easier and aren't all gougy about it if you have an extra person in the cabin and the bite for being one up is a lot less.   $45 vs $69

So, I leave it up to you guys.  The Dragon is better accommodations with your own private shower and bathroom.  We are now at the very bottom end of the Dragon number range with 3 committed people.  If we go Dragon, you know what you are signing up for in that second room.

NewRiverJunkie, we need your reservist drill weekend information about us starting on either the 5th or the 12th of June.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/07/13 at 14:05:34

Oldfeller, I'll go with whatever you recommend.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/07/13 at 15:07:06

Either weekend will work for me.  I have AT starting the 22nd of the month so I'm clear for the first couple weeks of June (although the week of the 5th would be my personal pick but I'm good for either one).  My preference would be to stay at that Blue Ridge campground place...seems cheaper if we run into people having to duck out early and all, and cheap is always better for me.  8-)  Plus it kinda sounds thrilling to ride an hour and a half through the mountains to get to the Dragon.  8-) ;D 8-) ;D  But I'm pretty open to anything just let me know who I need to get money to and the address that I'm going to and I'll keep y'all updated on my status.  My buddy with the Intruder is still unsure because we are still trying to get it on the road.  I'm thinking about riding up there rather than trailering since it's only about 4.5 hours to that stops for fuel so I should be good to get in around 9pm or so on that Friday...assuming I don't leave work early that day but I still got some time to figure that out.  ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/07/13 at 16:31:56

32392B2E352A392E3629323735395C0 wrote:
My preference would be to stay at that Blue Ridge campground place...seems cheaper if we run into people having to duck out early and all, and cheap is always better for me.  8-)  Plus it kinda sounds thrilling to ride an hour and a half through the mountains to get to the Dragon.  8-) ;D 8-)

Wife and I stay for free at Harrah's Casino in Cherokee when we go up that way.  Nice place but no motorcycle atmosphere.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/08/13 at 00:25:57

Wednesday, June 12th is the start date then.   By the request of the late arrivers, we'll stay at the Blue Ridge Cabin place.

The Wednesday show up crew is Oldfeller, Dave and Diamond Jim.   All others come in when they get there.  

Right now late or not-yet-committed arrivals are NewRiverJunkie and Zar.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 01/08/13 at 09:10:08

Hey.  I've been MIA for a while, back now.  Good to see Diamond Jim back on the forum.  I want to tentatively schedule to come to the gathering 12June (Wed) through 15June (Sat).  I'm flexible on accommodations, might bring a tent or throw in with a couple of guys.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/08/13 at 20:29:17

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 4 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
Serenity                         staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

NewRiverJunkie             coming in Friday-Saturday nights
Zar                                pending

AlfromNewHampshire         thinking about it
MMRanch                           thinking about it
BigZuk                                 thinking about it
Toymaker                           wistfully thinking about it

Serenity will eventually decide on the side of creature comforts (a nice dry warm bed, a heated cabin, sheets changed daily) rather than spend them 50 degree nights out shivering in a sleeping bag & tent (on an air mattress that just went flat on him again).   It hasn't been worth the $12.50 difference in price to him (judging from years past) so likely he'll swing over the exact same decision sooner or later.  

Now if MM Ranch or Al were gonna be tenting out, he might just stick with the tent plan.

But, you see,  with the cabin he doesn't have to haul all that camping stuff around on his bike ..... plus, if he makes him some plans with the dubious duo to stay 3 up in a heated cabin it only costs him $2 more a night than tenting out on the cold wet grass would do.   but hey, they ain't said they are coming yet

  :D   it's not like we haven't gone through this like 5-6 times already in years past   ;D

Yup, you see if you don't mind somebody on the floor between the fixed beds splitting a $45 heated cabin 3 ways why then it only costs each of them $15 a night, plus tax.  And the Turrible Triple could certainly do that as all of them likes sleeping on the nice warm heated linoleum (compared to the cold cold dew wet ground anyway).


Thought, does anyone have Father's Day entanglements?   If so, we can roll the trip back a week to start on Weds the 5th.  

Me, I think Sunday is Fathers Day and I can do what I bloody well want to on it .... but you see I got no kids at home, etc. etc. to complicate things.   MM will tell us about Father's Day entanglements when he finally rings in ....

Speakie speakie, don't be squeaky ....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by rfw2003 on 01/08/13 at 21:29:36

To bad the Dragon is so far away for me with as much fun as it sounds, roughly 900 miles one way to the camp your listing.  No way could I afford to truck it in with the gas guzzler I have for a truck, and even with my efforts to making my Savage more comfortable I don't think I could make that kind of trip in a reasonable amount of time, so that I could be rested enough to enjoy the blasting through the Dragon.  

It's to bad we don't have anything down around TX that comes even close to that kind of ride or get together of the Savage riders.

Maybe once Lancer gets down to OK he can find some good riding areas to get some get together rides so that some of us in the Mid Southern States can get in on the fun of some of these forum get together rides.  I am only about 3 hours from where he will be moving to, so that would be something I could handle for sure.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/09/13 at 02:54:40

392D3C797B7B784B0 wrote:
To bad the Dragon is so far away for me with as much fun as it sounds, roughly 900 miles one way to the camp your listing.  No way could I afford to truck it in with the gas guzzler I have for a truck, and even with my efforts to making my Savage more comfortable I don't think I could make that kind of trip in a reasonable amount of time, so that I could be rested enough to enjoy the blasting through the Dragon.  

It's to bad we don't have anything down around TX that comes even close to that kind of ride or get together of the Savage riders.

Maybe once Lancer gets down to OK he can find some good riding areas to get some get together rides so that some of us in the Mid Southern States can get in on the fun of some of these forum get together rides.  I am only about 3 hours from where he will be moving to, so that would be something I could handle for sure.

Some of us have been talking about meeting up in Memphis in the fall at WD's place.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by rfw2003 on 01/09/13 at 03:37:36

424F404D4B5C1C192E0 wrote:
Some of us have been talking about meeting up in Memphis in the fall at WD's place.

Now that might just be a doable type of drive I can handle depending on the exacts of the dates for when it happens.  I'm sure I could do that trip in one day on the Savage getting in a day early so I could rest up some, so that I could be ready for the group stuff the next day.  That's only about 400 miles give or take a few so with stopping every 100 miles for a little break while fueling up and grabbing a snack and stretching my legs I should be able to handle that.


OF   This fall WD trip is up in the stickies right next to this one.   Go on over there and sign yerself up !!!   Here is your link

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/09/13 at 09:54:20


Our plan so far is " 3 nights at the campground near the bottom of the BlueRidge parkway ? "

That road between the end of the parkway and the campground is quite-a-ride in itself !  

I'm thinking " Wensday ride to the campground"
                 " Thursday and Friday day trips "
                 " Saturday ride back home "
                 " Sunday be home for Father's day"

Guy  and/or  Al ,   if ya'll want to split a cabin I'm bring a sleeping bag .   Other wise I'll bring a  two-man tent (7'X7' entrance doors on both ends) and a sleeping bag .    I'm OK with leaving camp set-up while we go ridding all day.  

Anybody planning any daytrips yet ?   Last year after seeing how handy it is to have a GPS unit I fixed one up on my bike.   Sometimes instructing it to take the "Shortest Route" gets real interesting !   Even local I have found roads I had no idea even exestisted must less went anywhere .


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 01/09/13 at 10:24:06

MM, As Oldfeller observed I probably would prefer cabin over tent, if only because it's lighter travelling.  So I say let's share a cabin.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/09/13 at 14:26:17

Do all of the cabins have reliable electricity?  I need it for my CPAP machine.

OF    Bring a 12 foot extension cord with multiple end, some cabins have a central light fixture with a socket on the side, some have a wall jack.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/09/13 at 18:26:16

I've been on the campground web site.   Seem like they book Weekend nights in pairs.    As in ; we can't have Friday if we doin't take Saturday too.  

OF    You can book Friday/Saturday as your two day weekend block, you just have to do it when you show up.   Otherwise, they default you to Saturday/Sunday as your block and clip you if you leave early.

So .....

Guy ,  mabby we should do a tent Friday instead of paying for Saturday too.

Wensday and Thursday cabin , Friday Tent ?   Check it out - see if I misunderstood ...

I looked at their breakfast menu.   Prices are normal enough.


I'm OK with a third person in our cabin.   But I need to ride West Saturday afternoon.

NewRiverJunkie you staying Saturday ?

DiamondJim   I'll bring a tent , Just to make sure all bases are covered.   Its straps on the front forks below the headlight  and is no problem.   :)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/09/13 at 19:00:22

MM yes I'm planning on staying Sat night and leaving Sunday morn/afternoon sometime as its only 4 1/2 hr or so ride for me.  If need be I can bring a tent as well and strap it somewheres on the ol' ride...would definitely prefer a cabin but if its lookin like I'll be an odd man out I can bring my solo pup with me.  There's a slight possibility I may be able to come up earlier as well...boss is talkin about shutting down for a week in June so I'm workin on gettin her to do it on the week of the 12th so I can spend a couple more days up on the Dragon.   8-) 8-)

OF   It may work out that NewRiver stays the night that MM leaves open, and the cabin stays two up the whole time.  But you guys need to talk that out and PLAN IT.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/10/13 at 01:06:20

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 6 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

Heated Cabin #3
Serenity                            staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
MMRanch                         staying Weds-Friday
New River Junkie               picking up Saturday night, cabin stays full

Zar                                 bumming linoleum space Weds&Thurs
AlfromNewHampshire         thinking about it
BigZuk                                 thinking about it
Toymaker                           wistfully thinking about it

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/11/13 at 18:51:06

Ok gang,here's the deal.......She Who Must Be Obeyed has given her blessing for me to run down for a couple of days. Work Schedule is not as agreeable just yet but the option is on the table at this time. It may be another month or two before I know due to a retirement and some shuffling going on(will they hire replacements or double up everybody's workload??)

If it works out I can make it,I'd leave the mountains before Friday noon to beat the weekend traffic so I'd need a spot to spread the bedroll Wed and maybe Thurs night. I think my old bones can handle a night or two on the floor ::)

So OF I guess I'm still "pending", just with a tilt toward "GO".

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/13/13 at 07:18:19

To the folks driving a vehicle

We will need at least one beer cooler.   Ice we can buy at the place or up the road, beer cooler/drink cooler we will need.

As we loop back in for the night we will have to hit a quick pick so folks can pick up what they need for the evening.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 01/13/13 at 09:44:38

I can bring a cooler.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/15/13 at 09:09:26

On one of our trip we found a road that used a series of "S"s  to wind its way up a mountain face (must have been 8 or more switchbacks).   Then turned to gravel and wound its way down the other side.   It seems like the local guy we met there mentioned the back side getting paved but didn't know when.     Question is :    Anybody remember where about it was/is  ?  :-?

It seem like somebody tried to slide off the back-side(gravel) of it a couple of time on the way down  ...  :)    .   Who was that ?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/15/13 at 15:46:50

I got all the way over to the edge of the danger side gravel once, but Lancer made it past the gravel and was dancing on the grass edge of disaster running right in front of me so I could watch him just barely avoid going over the edge.

This ride was NOT a place to take a 600 pound Kawachunkie ....  nor a novice rider.   But that was true of a lot of the shite we did on that particular trip.  

It was just Lancer Oldfeller and MMRanch off on a tear.

On the same paved section of that same ride I got pelted in the face with a solid stream of grass thrown up by a guy cutting his lawn, while I was full leaned over in a turn no less.

That wuz fun too ....   the little black line rides were always more fun than the big rides.

We can find the road the same way Lancer found it, look on the topographical map in the lounge area and spot the little black thread that is going over the very peak of the tallest mountain ....


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/16/13 at 02:33:45

She Who Must Be Obeyed has given her blessing for me to run down for a couple of days

Alternate rendering .... "WIFE, whom I love with all of my heart and soul, you deserve a break from me so I am going to remove myself to the mountains so you can spend a few days doing whatever it is you desire, and here is some money to pamper yourself with."  Then seal it with a KISS.   ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/16/13 at 08:53:54

I'm breaking down boys, I've just ordered a trailer hitch arrangement for my larger car.

Then I'll buy a used bike trailer or get a Harbor Freight $149 kit.

I then will be good to go for some longer trips, arriving all fresh and pookie in AC'd comfort.

I'm getting old, I guess.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/16/13 at 17:58:53

68656A6761763633040 wrote:
She Who Must Be Obeyed has given her blessing for me to run down for a couple of days

Alternate rendering .... "WIFE, whom I love with all of my heart and soul, you deserve a break from me so I am going to remove myself to the mountains so you can spend a few days doing whatever it is you desire, and here is some money to pamper yourself with."  Then seal it with a KISS.   ;)

Ah yes Lancer. I see you are fluent in matrimonial discourse also ;D!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/16/13 at 21:15:25


I know where there might be some floor space for a sleeping bag Wensday and Thursday if need be.  ;)

One of my brothers bought one of those "Trailer Kits (4x8) 12inch tires" about 15years ago and its been used a lot but still works just fine.    :)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 01/17/13 at 02:37:38

687A687A77646B666D250 wrote:

I know where there might be some floor space for a sleeping bag Wensday and Thursday if need be.  ;)

One of my brothers bought one of those "Trailer Kits (4x8) 12inch tires" about 15years ago and its been used a lot but still works just fine.    :)

I used one for 20 years; cross country and loaded down big time; pulled great at highway speeds; just 1 change of wheels/tires during all that time;  loved it.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/17/13 at 07:05:39

534153414C5F505D561E0 wrote:

I know where there might be some floor space for a sleeping bag Wensday and Thursday if need be.  ;)

One of my brothers bought one of those "Trailer Kits (4x8) 12inch tires" about 15years ago and its been used a lot but still works just fine.    :)

Thanks MM!  With the changes going on at the shop life is on hold right now. Hopefully they will get things lined out way before June but small businesses everywhere seem to be in the "Twylight Zone"  :-/

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/20/13 at 15:14:35

Well, as I post tonight I am sitting here digging them tiny irritating  little steel drilling slivers out of my hands ....

My Acura TL has a hitch bar installed on it now.

2 big boxes are sitting in the garage right now with my trailer in them, awaiting arrival of the title by mail before I open up the boxes to begin assembly.

Scroll down, the silly picture is detailed and immense ....

I upgraded on the trailer to the longer larger wheel model (no speed upper end, the tires are rated for 94+mph) that can be folded and stored upright in the garage.   Using the 20% coupon put the cost down to $223 which is better than a trailer that is too small and can't be towed fast enough legally (up in Tennessee, they stop you and check your trailer tire ratings, etc).

It will still be a small trailer.  Question is should I plan the holes to put two bike rails on it?


You Charlotte RYCA guys could catch a lift you know, arrival and departure could be wrist and leg agony free for you if you speak up soon.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 01/20/13 at 16:45:14

Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/20/13 at 18:17:06

7F746663786774637B647F7A7874110 wrote:
Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

junkie that's my plan for the trip down from northern Kentucky if things work out for me. Of course it may take me a whole day to make the 280+ miles. My fuel/rest stops can get kind of long :o  :-[ .

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/20/13 at 18:19:57

7251595B585151584F3D0 wrote:

Well, as I post tonight I am sitting here digging them tiny irritating  little steel drilling slivers out of my hands ....

My Acura TL has a hitch bar installed on it now.

2 big boxes are sitting in the garage right now with my trailer in them, awaiting arrival of the title by mail before I open up the boxes to begin assembly.

Scroll down, the silly picture is detailed and immense ....

I upgraded on the trailer to the longer larger wheel model (no speed upper end, the tires are rated for 94+mph) that can be folded and stored upright in the garage.   Using the 20% coupon put the cost down to $223 which is better than a trailer that is too small and can't be towed fast enough legally (up in Tennessee, they stop you and check your trailer tire ratings, etc).

It will still be a small trailer.  Question is should I plan the holes to put two bike rails on it?


You Charlotte RYCA guys could catch a lift you know, arrival and departure could be wrist and leg agony free for you if you speak up soon.

OF it looks good! With the stake pockets I can picture some plywood,a few 2x4's and a blue tarp.............  :-? ............ hillbilly travel trailer  ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/20/13 at 20:18:05

It will still be a small trailer.  Question is should I plan the holes to put two bike rails on it?


Put three Rails on it , so you can hall  (1) or (2) bikes  :)

Nice looking Trailer

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by verslagen1 on 01/20/13 at 22:23:43

435143515C4F404D460E0 wrote:
It will still be a small trailer.  Question is should I plan the holes to put two bike rails on it?


Put three Rails on it , so you can hall  (1) or (2) bikes  :)

Nice looking Trailer

+1  (or 3)   [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by rfbznb on 01/26/13 at 01:04:39

has anyone been to the Dragon Pitt Inn & BBQ down there
the wife and me might be going down there 6/11 to 6/16

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/26/13 at 11:04:19

Likely it had a different name, but we've eaten everywhere up there more than several times.

Shoot us a link so we can see what it used to be.

There is a hotel and a BBQ joint actually at the dragon, but they have always been named separately in the past.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by rfbznb on 01/26/13 at 15:00:53

here is the link to the place

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/26/13 at 21:50:26

Didn't we eat there last year ?  :-?

There would be a gift shop accross the intersection ...

The more rooms in the area the better the prices ought to be !

The BBQ was just fine and the guy cooking was very friendly .


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/27/13 at 00:33:05

Yep, we did.

I never realized the gift shop across the road had any rooms above it.  $65 a night for two beds isn't really even as good as the Dragon Hotel 3 man room would be cost-wise (but for taking the wife it would be fine as it looks a little less spartan-basic).

But we guys LIKE spartan basic, right?    ::)

MM and I stayed at the MicroTel in Maggie Valley once which was a very nice HotWire $29 room with a heated pool and a heated jacuzzi with hot waffles for breakfast the next day.  

It done spoiled us, bad .....  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 01/27/13 at 18:08:30

Dadgummit youse yer really playin dirty! Yakkin about bar-b-q :P . Iffen the boss cancels my vacation time I'm gonna really be grumpy  :'( .

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/27/13 at 20:34:55

Hay ????

Why can't we stay in Maggie Valley and day trip to Dragon Central  sometime ?

I've never tried to "Hot-Wire" more than one room  but it might work !    Of course there is the charm of the campground and the campfire and the clubhouse , etc. (not to mention the campfire beverages )  to be taken into account .    I did a HotWire in West Memphis for $29.oo too , turned out to be a nice motel w/breakfast tossed in to boot (we kept it for 2 days).

The wife woin't ride the bike that far and it ain't no fun by myself .


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/28/13 at 10:09:50

I keep saying the little trips are better than the big ones and that Hotwire trip we did was right much fun, wasn't it?

Best trip we ever did was the one with you me and Lancer.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/28/13 at 21:28:03

I like them all !    They all have points I'll never forget.   You remember that feller that brought the Venison wraped with backon  :) :) :) boy that was Good !   I think he brought his wife with him ?  

There was some place we stayed that had fog so thick it made the road wet , it was surounded by high ridges (doin't have a clue where it was) but it was perty neet !

Mabbe I should write a book  ;D !     That Hot Coco on top Mitchell is right up there with the best of em !  :D   OF and it snowed some on our bare heads while we were drinking the hot coco

The Road to no-where !  :)  That was some place everybody ought to see.

so many !  Hwy 80 , etc.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/28/13 at 21:44:08

Yea OldFeller

It may be a good thing you got a trailer.   Seems like you and Lancer have been on all the  trips I remember.    We might have to haunt him out in Ok. after he settles in.

I'm thinking Sturgis this year .    Any of you fellers ever been ?    I understand there is plenty of camping space.    I suppect Motel are hard to find and very pricey ... so ... a cot in a tent ?  :-?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by verslagen1 on 01/28/13 at 22:26:30

yeah, that venison was good, I think guy with the super tank brought it.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/29/13 at 07:02:40


I think 4.5 gallons and druelllll  :P .   Is that the feller that cut the sides off and put spacers in ?    I doin't trust my welding that well , but an extra two gallons  :) :).

August 4-11 in SD.  If I get to go it will be "Hard Tailing" it.    Well my seat is really off a "Soft Tail" nice and wide and the Floorboards help too .!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 01/29/13 at 08:00:50

7B697B69647778757E360 wrote:
I think 4.5 gallons and druelllll  :P .   Is that the feller that cut the sides off and put spacers in ?    I doin't trust my welding that well , but an extra two gallons  :) :).

I would sure like to see this.  I looked at a stock tank to see how easy it would be to cut the sides off and weld is not as easy as it sounds.  The tank is a compound curve and when you slide the sides out - the curves in both directions get weird and hard to blend back in.  It would require a massive amount of shaping to get it right.

I did weld up the speedometer hole on a tank - but that only adds about a quart and you will have to move your speedo, neutral, high beam and turn signal lights somewhere else.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by verslagen1 on 01/29/13 at 08:25:06

sieversavage did the vn750 conversion that gave ~4.5 gal

I think the guy's name was daniel, I called it a super tank cause he cut the sides and expanded it out, and it looked like you could stick the super emblem on it and it would fit perfect.

Personally, I'd look at the vn750 conversion or a gs1100 tank, there's one with the same style as the savage or a cafe style.  and those would be ~5 gals.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ALfromN.H. on 01/29/13 at 11:25:20

Here's a couple pictures of the oversized s40 tank.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 01/29/13 at 11:34:19

You know, that's why I think that careful planning of a redux of "the best of the best" is a great theme for this upcoming trip.  

Let's go on all the good ones again.  

And if we decide we want to go to the knife works I know a way from where we are staying that only uses I 40 for just a few minutes before breaking out into a 32 mile long section of Dragon like road (even has a mile long bit of dirt road to keep it honest).

We can do a full trip just hitting the best of the best of the best.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 01/29/13 at 20:59:27

We can do a full trip just hitting the best of the best of the best.

Plot it out best ya can , I'm with ya on it !    

If thats OK with the rest of ya'll ?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 02/03/13 at 06:34:34

One of the things I'd like to do is Hwy 80 from end to end ! :)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 02/05/13 at 12:12:56

You are the man with the programmable route handlebar GPS device.   ;)

Just remember them gas stops at 80 miles and plan a place for a sit down lunch each day to provide a good mid-day break for us feeble old folks who have to sit down a spell to recover from them 4 hour stretches of hard riding.


Finished my trailer -- it looks like it is a one bike trailer as it is a whole foot wider than the mirrors on my bike (ain't got no room for a second bike beside it, in other words)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by splash07 on 02/27/13 at 07:07:46

   I am a maybe at this time, waiting to see what my work schedule does and if I can get someone to make the trek with me.

Side Note: I really really want to go this year, I have never been on a bike and am would love to meet some of y'all in person.

252E3C39223D2E39213E2520222E4B0 wrote:
Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

Hey Newriver/Lancer,
  I am in Charleston maybe we could plan to make the trek as a team. I was even toying with the idea of of trailering the bike. thoughts?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 02/27/13 at 13:52:12

3C3F232E3C277F784F0 wrote:
   I am a maybe at this time, waiting to see what my work schedule does and if I can get someone to make the trek with me.

Side Note: I really really want to go this year, I have never been on a bike and am would love to meet some of y'all in person.

[quote author=252E3C39223D2E39213E2520222E4B0 link=1357134618/45#54 date=1358729114]Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

Hey Newriver/Lancer,
  I am in Charleston maybe we could plan to make the trek as a team. I was even toying with the idea of of trailering the bike. thoughts?[/quote]

Very sorry to say but I will be moving to Oklahoma in about 2 weeks so I will not make this ride.  The first time in 8 years I will miss the Dragon/Smokey Mountain Ride.    :(

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 02/27/13 at 14:45:19

Yup, back when we started it was Toymaker, Lancer, Ed L and meself and we all had hair and it was all non-silver.

Been 7 good trips,  some were better than others but none that I would have missed.

They are good enough to buy me a trailer, by golly.


Here is where we stand right now -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up.


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 6 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

Heated Cabin #3
Serenity                            staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
MMRanch                         staying Weds-Friday
New River Junkie               picking up Saturday night, cabin stays full

Zar                                 bumming linoleum space Weds&Thurs
AlfromNewHampshire         thinking about it
BigZuk                                 thinking about it
Toymaker                           wistfully thinking about it

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 02/28/13 at 08:27:14

23203C3123386067500 wrote:
Hey Newriver/Lancer,
  I am in Charleston maybe we could plan to make the trek as a team. I was even toying with the idea of of trailering the bike. thoughts?

Splash I was just getting on here to update everyone that I am a maybe now.  I lost my job the beginning of the month so had to get a new one and don't knoww what my availability is going to be yet.  I am going to leave the weekend open and if I have to I'll just bring a tent.  I just wanted to tell y'all so you could take me oht of the cabin I was in.

Side note: Splash PM me your info so we can meet up some time.  This weekend is out because I have drill and as of right now my bike isn't running (waiting on jets from LABCER, should be here tomorrow).  But we'll get together and ride!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/01/13 at 07:39:51

I'm still a maybe at this time. I've already made arraingments for the time off of work, but I'm checking to see if there is any interest in a family motorcycle trip in the northeast. I have two brothers as well as several nephews and friends the ride, so I'm trying to set up a long weekend or even a week long trip. But don't count me out yet. It's still a possibility. If I do make it there, I'd be okay with a bunk (if one is available), or my tent. Either way would be okay with me.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by splash07 on 03/01/13 at 07:51:13

6B66696462753530070 wrote:
[quote author=3C3F232E3C277F784F0 link=1357134618/75#78 date=1361977666]oldfeller,
   I am a maybe at this time, waiting to see what my work schedule does and if I can get someone to make the trek with me.

Side Note: I really really want to go this year, I have never been on a bike and am would love to meet some of y'all in person.

[quote author=252E3C39223D2E39213E2520222E4B0 link=1357134618/45#54 date=1358729114]Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

Hey Newriver/Lancer,
  I am in Charleston maybe we could plan to make the trek as a team. I was even toying with the idea of of trailering the bike. thoughts?[/quote]

Very sorry to say but I will be moving to Oklahoma in about 2 weeks so I will not make this ride.  The first time in 8 years I will miss the Dragon/Smokey Mountain Ride.    :([/quote]

Well that is the saddest thing ive ever heard. It was always comforting knowing you were just up the road should I ever need help with ole Bonnie Blue. I wish the best of luck on you and you will be missed here in SC.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 03/01/13 at 15:00:44

76756964766D3532050 wrote:
[quote author=6B66696462753530070 link=1357134618/75#79 date=1362001932][quote author=3C3F232E3C277F784F0 link=1357134618/75#78 date=1361977666]oldfeller,
   I am a maybe at this time, waiting to see what my work schedule does and if I can get someone to make the trek with me.

Side Note: I really really want to go this year, I have never been on a bike and am would love to meet some of y'all in person.

[quote author=252E3C39223D2E39213E2520222E4B0 link=1357134618/45#54 date=1358729114]Looks good OF! I'm still debating if I want to trailer or just ride up there.  Thinking I'll just tackle the 278 miles with all my stuff strapped to the bike and just go...figure I can do it in about 3 stops (figuring 100 mile distance between fill-ups).  We shall see though.

Hey Newriver/Lancer,
  I am in Charleston maybe we could plan to make the trek as a team. I was even toying with the idea of of trailering the bike. thoughts?[/quote]

Very sorry to say but I will be moving to Oklahoma in about 2 weeks so I will not make this ride.  The first time in 8 years I will miss the Dragon/Smokey Mountain Ride.    :([/quote]

Well that is the saddest thing ive ever heard. It was always comforting knowing you were just up the road should I ever need help with ole Bonnie Blue. I wish the best of luck on you and you will be missed here in SC.


Thanks, I appreciate the thought.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by RAVAGE-SAVAGE on 03/07/13 at 22:08:10

Getting my bike ready for the trek. Looking forward to ride, my brother and I.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/08/13 at 16:22:37

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 6 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

Heated Cabin #3
Serenity                            staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
MMRanch                         staying Weds-Friday
New River Junkie               possibly picking up Saturday night, cabin stays full

Zar                                 bumming linoleum space Weds&Thurs
AlfromNewHampshire         thinking about it
BigZuk                                 thinking about it
Toymaker                           wistfully thinking about it

Ravage-Savage, when are you and your brother arriving and leaving?  Will you be tenting or taking a cabin?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 03/10/13 at 08:35:46

OF with my new job I need to be put on the maybe list.  I'm not sure what my new availability is going to be.  If I can make it I'll just plan on bringing my tent or crashing. on a floor.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/13/13 at 08:15:00

Roll Call Time !!!      
grunt some to tell us you are still alive and planning on going

Well, it is time for you to go book your cabin.   If anyone wants to try to roll the date to a different weekend this is your last chance to try to do that.

Phone number is (828) 235-8350

Place is

When you book, mention the group and remember to get the trip dates right.

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

Cancellation policy for our group is this -- IF YOU CALL BY JUNE 1st YOU CAN CANCEL AT NO COST.  This is a good deal just for us because by June 1st we will have a long term forecast for the area and know if we are rained out or not.

OK, We got 6 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  

Heated Cabin #1  
(Dave, we are booked already and are staying in #4 cabin which is the closest shot to the lounge area (midnight bathroom run)

Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

Heated Cabin #3
Serenity                            staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
MMRanch                         staying Weds-Friday
New River Junkie               possibly picking up Saturday night, cabin stays full

Zar                                 bumming linoleum space Weds&Thurs
AlfromNewHampshire         thinking about it
BigZuk                                 thinking about it
Toymaker                           wistfully thinking about it

Staying 3 up in a cabin -- is OK for our group.   We pay $45 a night plus tax and you can split it 3 ways if you want to.   Guy on the ground gets stepped on a lot, but hey, it is all part of the adventure.

Dave and I will hold our cabin at 2up so as to be able to take a straggler if one shows up unexpectedly.   If we can't fill up Diamond Jim's cabin at at least 2 up we'll take in Jim (and I will take a blanket and pillow over to the lounge area and sleep on a sofa)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 03/13/13 at 18:47:17

OF I'm still holding out hope for "THE TRIP". A lot still depends on how the job goes but it is looking better. With June in the heat of the mower shop busy season we'll see.

If things go as planned maybe I can split the cabin with Jim for a night or two and help him offset the cost. I'll have the bedroll either way.

Which brings up another question....are the cabins "smoker friendly"? Not a big deal,I'm used to sitting on the back stoop,just curious as to what to plan for.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/13 at 07:14:44

The cabins are tiny, you likely wouldn't be smoking in bed, right?  Other than that there isn't much said about smoking either way on the site and we always have a smoker or two or three in every group anyway.   Lots of outdoors 4 feet from the foot of your bed.


It's the mountain run .... them hillbillies smoke, by and large.   They wants them snaggly teeth to look proper after all.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 03/14/13 at 07:40:46

:-/ I'd rekon them mountian gals 'd be looking fer some   8-) Robert Redford lookin dude 'stead of me :'(! No smokin in the bed ;) ;D!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/13 at 07:42:31

We are 2 months out from trip time -- time to go look at your tires while there is still time to do something about them.

Last trip I had lots of rear rubber, or so I thought.  Mountain trips eat some rubber though and I wound up going home a day early due to total rear tire bald-itus.

Part of this was the heat -- it wuz HOT last year.   So hot we rolled the trip a bit earlier so as to get rid of the tire killing heat.  

(we also made room for a fall run to WD's farm by doing this, so a spring and fall run with them better riding temperatures works out pretty good for most of us).

Also take a look at your front brake pads, if they are down below 1/4 you might pack a set in your saddle bags.  Brake pads are an easy change item should you need to, and most evenings are spent fiddling with the bikes anyway.

You see, you think your bike is right when you come out on these trips, but very quickly the mountain roads show you what needs some tweeking.   Your normal day to day doesn't stress your bike much, the mountain trips DO.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Blinky on 03/14/13 at 07:43:54

7D5E5654575E5E5740320 wrote:
They wants them snaggly teeth to look proper after all.

Now, now OF. I know for a fact that the tooth brush was actually invented in the mountains in Tennessee. It has to have been. If it was invented anywhere else it would be called the teeth brush.  8-)

I follow this thread with some interest with the idea I may want to join the ride in a year or two. I still consider myself a novice rider and have yet to do a group ride. I am smart enough to know the Dragon is not the place to learn! Y'all have fun and post some pictures.

Good hunting

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/13 at 07:52:24

Blinky, we take a beginner or two just about every year.   We have always brought them back alive and kicking.

We do warp them some though, they go home to their local roads and do things with them local roads their riding buddies can't believe because they are so durn EASY you have to ride them hard just to get a ride in at all.  

Think of it as riding school fer the Savage.   Plus this ride we are not staying at the Dragon, we are staying on a nice calm rural road and touring out to here and there.   This one would be a good one for a newbie to go on.

Last year Dave was our new rider, on his brand new Savage.  You can ask him what it was like, he took to it like a fish to water.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 03/14/13 at 07:56:21

6661776E6E020 wrote:
[quote author=7D5E5654575E5E5740320 link=1357134618/90#90 date=1363270484]
They wants them snaggly teeth to look proper after all.

Now, now OF. I know for a fact that the tooth brush was actually invented in the mountains in Tennessee. It has to have been. If it was invented anywhere else it would be called the teeth brush.  8-)

I follow this thread with some interest with the idea I may want to join the ride in a year or two. I still consider myself a novice rider and have yet to do a group ride. I am smart enough to know the Dragon is not the place to learn! Y'all have fun and post some pictures.

Good hunting[/quote]

Blinky come on down,you'd be fine. As a rule I don't do "group rides" either but I plan on letting OF and the guys lead the way and I'll learn from them.

Which brings another question guys.....communications.....I have a FRS radio and my dual-band handheld ham radio. if any others have an FRS or ham radio we can link them and keep in touch if we get strung out too far.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/13 at 08:07:38

Mountains play hell with radio and cell phones, they just don't work in a lot of places.

MM does a lot of the ride planning, he passed out separate ride maps year before last but since he got a GPS on his handle bars we just keep up in sight of the rider in front of us.   Make you a point of carrying a NC state map, as sometimes you might could need it.

We string out in order of ride speed, so the slowest guy can generally see the one in front of him.   When we stop, the clot of bikes is right noticeable.

Now, there was one of us that used to get humorous sometimes and just take off and leave everybody behind.   He used to wait at the next intersection like a civilized person, then he got all funny minded and you'd see him go off fast, then he'd disappear and you wouldn't see him again, until you looked at the last guy in the run line and it was him, jest a sitting there grinning at you.

..... they wuz a talking about going back a ways and checking the shoulders for brake drag marks and the bushes for my corpse, they wuz

We only flat lost somebody once, and that was because we didn't count the riders before pulling out and left somebody sitting in the head.    We don't do that any more, we count the helmets before leaving.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Blinky on 03/14/13 at 08:12:39

Thank you for the invitation. It is very much appreciated.  But I will need to pass this year. My vacation schedule will not work out for June. But I may be able to do the trip to WD's place in September if the dates work out.

Thanks again

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/14/13 at 08:42:58

Mebbe never happens.

It is sad, but it is true.

What you need to do is say "Hell yes, I'm going to the WD trip!" and sign up for it now and take part in the date planning so you CAN go.

The WD trip date isn't set yet, it is still fluid so there IS NO EXCUSE for you not going as you get to help pick the date.

Schedule some off time with your boss and then suggest the silly dates -- that always works for some reason.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 03/17/13 at 07:40:23

Hi Fellers

I'll still here !   Just bussy all the time ....

Serenity if your still in I'll call and make sure we have a room .


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/17/13 at 08:23:14

Best dig out your contact card from last trip and give him a call.   Serenity reads this listing about 3 times per year, total.

Actually, he reminds me a bit of you in that aspect .....     ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 03/17/13 at 14:31:34

   Actually, he reminds me a bit of you in that aspect .....

Ouch ! ;D    

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/17/13 at 15:07:25


You coming to WD's in the fall?   If so I claim tent space .....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 03/18/13 at 21:39:48

Tent space, tent space , tent space !!!

Yea JD is only a few short hours west of me .     Be hard to mis that .
besides   ;   bike ridding and shooting at the same meet ... sounds to good to pass up ! :)   Might just have to pack my contender pistol and a brick of ammo.  ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ALfromN.H. on 03/19/13 at 07:04:44

I'm still not sure if I'm gonna make it. Things are pretty slow at work, so getting time off isn't a problem. But if things get any slower, I'll be looking for work, so I can't commit to anything right now. If I'm able to make it, I'll bring my tent.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 03/19/13 at 13:21:59

5F4D5F4D40535C515A120 wrote:
Hi Fellers

I'll still here !   Just bussy all the time ....

Serenity if your still in I'll call and make sure we have a room .


MM, I'm still in as far as I can predict.  Do ya need me to send some money, or do we just split the cost when we get there?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 03/19/13 at 13:26:00

2C0F0705060F0F0611630 wrote:
Best dig out your contact card from last trip and give him a call.   Serenity reads this listing about 3 times per year, total.


Yeah, I check in a few times a year.  I've got too many projects going right now to try to keep up with all the jawin' that goes on here!


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/23/13 at 16:49:13

Well, I coaxed my bike up on to the trailer by myself using my "break back" function and the 4 hold down straps.

Getting it off means getting the straps loose, putting it on the side stand with the tires still held by the rails, pulling the break back pins on the trailer chassis then sitting on the bike and rocking my weight backwards to roll the bike past the point of equilibrium.  Then the see saw tilts and I use the front brake to moderate the bike's exit off the trailer.  

(it is nice to have someone keep the trailer from slamming closed as the front wheel goes off the channel.  It won't hurt anything about the frame itself but the shock isn't good for the lights, etc.)

Trailer's done, need to fix up the bike a bit now.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 03/23/13 at 20:49:33

Guy we'll just split it when we get there .    I haven't called them yet but will next week.

My tilt trailer does the same thing getting the lawnmower on and off it.   How about tighting the piviot bolts or putting rubber washers in the piviot joints to slow it down ?     Truth is I haven't thought about it too much till you menitioned it.  :-?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/27/13 at 08:02:56

Mine breaks using the wheels as the pivot point, no way to "slow down" the return motion other than a helper standing by to slow it down by hand.

I never plan to have to deal with it alone up at a trip, always lots of folks to help unloading it.

I do have to put it on and take it off by myself at home, so I have worked that drill out pretty well.  I unfold the trailer, hook it up to the car, take a loop around the front yard and drive the car and the trailer perpendicular to my driveway with the car and trailer going down hill.   That way when the trailer breaks, the slope of the trailer is much less.   With 4 straps on it, I jack it up the slope and into position, then break the trailer back down and bolt / pin it all into flat running mode.

Unload is drive down the hill, break the trailer put some steady ropes on the handle bars, take the straps off, get on the bike and engage front brake, take off the steady ropes and roll backwards off the trailer.

I can do the same trick flat in the drive way, but I have to use two sets of steady ropes as the trailer tilt is much more severe and I roll the bike off from the back end of the bike, steadying it and letting the ropes out by hand slowly.


Just finished up some rounds for my Ruger 10-22 deuce.   You jest got to like the short light form factor of the 10-22 for screwing around shooting at cans, or for squirrel hunting.   I only have a low magnification 4x wide field scope on the gun as my eyes do need the help seeing a bushy tail peeking one eye out past a trunk or a branch.  Since mine is a deuce, I can still give him a right nasty little surprise when he tries to hide around the trunk from me like that.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 03/27/13 at 21:52:24

Well guys !

Looks like I'm bring a two-man tent , and scratching cabin #3.   But that's OK ,   I'm still ScoutMaster Mike !   Getting along with a tent comes natural anymore ...

I understand Guy will probely show up and claim half the tent for one evening (doint know which one yet).    But I plan on staying Wensday,Thrsday,and Friday.

I haven't done any day-ride planning yet but one of the days would like to work Hwy80 into the plan .    

Anybody know what "Black-Mountain" is , a buddy is building a cabin there-a-bouts ... Might be nice to swing by and say Howwdy !.

Its about time for ride suggestions if ya got em ! ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 06:06:56

Here is where we stand right now -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up.    

We got us some second hand info about some folks plans, so this is really a meatball guess right now as some folks have not roll called lately.  


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got two coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin and one tent at this time.

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
Zar                                   staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
New River Junkie             staying Saturday night, prefers cabin

2 man Tent #1
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date

Folks we need to hear directly from about their current plans are Diamond Jim, New River Junkie and Serenity.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 07:43:14

Ride suggestions --- I'd like to rediscover that road that goes up over the mountain top and goes dirt on the other down side.

If we want to go to Rocky Mountain Knife works one day (up and back) I have a path that stays off of I-40 but for one short inescapable little bit right around the tight mountain pass area.   That is if anyone has a real burning itch to go there, it is a full day's ride after all.   Might hold that off until Saturday, that way MM can break off from there to go on home and not waste any riding miles for much.

We are really only planning rides for Thursday and Friday for everybody, then Saturday can be Rocky Mountain Knife works and back as we escort MM towards home.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 03/28/13 at 07:54:10

Still planning to be there but things are still day to day for me OF. Being one of the new guys on the ride I'll follow along with what experienced folks suggest. Looks like I may have to brush up on my gravel road and "creek-bed" manuvers though ;).


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 08:14:45

Zar, give us some idea of when you are thinking about coming as we have 1 cabin still in the wind (not reserved yet) and we have folks staying in tents that were originally staying in a cabin.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 03/28/13 at 08:20:55

Oldfeller are you talking about the road that starts at a park and goes to the dragon? If thats the one its a fireroad and not well kept, friend and I did that one with me on a supermoto and him on his marauder.
Its called Parsons Road or Parsons Pass Road or somesuch, i'll look it up. It starts in Townsend and goes over the mountain

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 08:39:19

Aha !!  Another obscure road we have never been on !!

And here is a fuzzy out of focus picture of the around the tree squirrel killing 10-22 deuce round .....


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 03/28/13 at 08:46:26

1C3F3735363F3F3621530 wrote:
Zar, give us some idea of when you are thinking about coming as we have 1 cabin still in the wind (not reserved yet) and we have folks staying in tents that were originally staying in a cabin.

OF I'm still looking at coming down Wed(late afternoon arrival) and leaving Friday morning-noonish. Splitting a cabin works for me(if the other party don't ming snoring :o :-[!)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 03/28/13 at 08:53:13

The road is really rough for a cruiser type bike but my bud did really good with the marauder. The road is Parsons Branch Rd. , it starts in Cades Cove outside of Townsend and runs over the mountain to the Dragon Tail. If you can recall the dragon has a road off it that says "one way do not enter" that is parsons branch road. Oh and a hint, do go on a Holliday! the cove was packed and the loop road only goes one way, it took us an hour and a half to get to the backside of the cove to forge creek road, which leads to parons branch road. People actually camp off of parsons, but i'm not sure I'd do it as there are no ammenities available and you would really be "roughing it" and I've had enough of roughing it for a lifetime! LOL

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 08:53:58

Zar, you need to PM Diamond Jim and New River Junkie and you guys figure out who is going to reserve your cabin and get it reserved before they are all gone.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/13 at 08:54:53

Here is where we stand right now -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up.    

We got us some second hand info about some folks plans, so this is really a meatball guess right now as some folks have not roll called lately.  


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got two coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin and one tent at this time.   We have one cabin full "floating in the wind" as the cabin is not reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                             staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Diamond Jim                  staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
Zar                                   staying Weds-Friday
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night, prefers cabin

2 man Tent #1
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date

Folks we need to hear directly from about their current plans are Diamond Jim, New River Junkie and Serenity.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by newriverjunkie on 03/29/13 at 03:40:37

Sorry for the delay in my response guys.  Things have been hectic in the Junkie household with the birth of our second.  OF as of right now I am a possible because of my new job situation I do not think I will be able to make it and that truly bums me out.  If I do make it I'll strap a tent to the bike in case there is no ca mebin space for me.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/04/13 at 04:35:23

Well, Zar and I have both tried to get up with Diamond Jim over the last 2 months and we both have failed to do so.

MM, you want to team up with Zar and take the cabin?   He's interested.

That way when the one day guys show up we can put them on an air mattress or we can toss them a rolled up tent to put up for that night.   The cost to them is pretty much the same either way and we can't plan for folks who don't have any plans to share with us.

And that is why we picked this place, they tend to have open cabins during the week and they have a TON of tent space nearby the cabins.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 04/04/13 at 18:40:17

Calling MMRanch....Calling Diamond Jim.....Time to speak up for space in the bunkhouse! And if any of the members are or can be in contact with these guys,let them know we're looking for them.

If we don't here from these guys in another week or so I'll be looking for some one to split a cabin with for Wed and Thurs nights.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 04/04/13 at 22:25:01


I'm staying wensday, thursday, friday  nights and will need a place.   I'll bring a tent for back-up. but a cabin is OK too !

Weather its a tent or cabin doin't mater much to me.   So if someone who needs a bunk comes along they can have the other half of your's ...  but .... if its unspoken for  at the time I'll split rent with ya !  :)      And if all the cabins are gone I'll still have a two man tent with doors on both ends , our Boy Scout troop has a bunch of really nice matching tents and I'm ScoutMaster . :D      one is all I want to tote

There was a time before I retired that I needed a cot , I know how living with a back-acke   :(  can be.    sometime its plenty serious !!!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/05/13 at 08:50:58

We are less than 2 months out and are refining our plans to the real level -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up right away.    


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 4 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got two coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin and one tent at this time.   We have a second cabin in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Zar                               staying Weds-Friday
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday

2 man Tent #1
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date

Folks we need a current update from (whenever their plans solidify)  Diamond Jim, New River Junkie and Serenity.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 04/08/13 at 05:26:00

I am still in for the trip......

I have been working long hours on the Cafe' conversion and hope to be able to bring it to ride.  If I absolutlyl can't get it done in time, I will rent a bike and come ride with ya'll.  It amazes me how long some of this stuff takes.....I spent all day Saturday and Sunday building and installing a battery box and doing some wiring - and they were both 12-14 hour days!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/08/13 at 22:14:18

You'll get it done, we are still two solid months away from trip time.

Here is a way to make sure it is ridable -- when you are three weeks out, stop changing things and concentrate just on finishing up what you have in motion at that time.  Call it Beta Test version 1.0 in your mind, the proof of concept model, the one that is not expected to be totally complete in all aspects.  Cosmetics be dammed, will it ride OK?

You may not have everything diced the way you finally want it, but let me tell you a secret -- it will NEVER be totally the way you want it because what you want will change on you periodically.

Now, a question .....  if this is a cafe you are building, how did you go about making it comfortable enough to ride hard for 4 hours at a lick?  

Bring it on the trip, definitely, because you need to learn something that the trip will be able to teach you -- before you finish building it all the way to "painted beautiful".  

You see, you gots to build in some ride-ability and some comfort or else you are building another "looks good" garage toy that can only run up to the bar and back before it starts killing your butt/back/wrists/shoulders etc.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 04/09/13 at 07:30:23

OF......I am concentrating on making it rideable at this point.  The important stuff like brakes, lights, controls, seats, license plate,muffler,  etc.  I am not going to worry about paint, body panels, etc.  I want time to ride it around and ge the jetting right, as I have just put on a carb I got from Lancer, the new air filter, and a new exhaust I have yet to build.

For comfort.....I have a few options.  The handlebars can be moved from under the top tripple clamp to above it...if they prove to be too low.  The seat may have to modified to have more padding than the stock RYCA seat.   Time will tell how long I can ride this thing at a stretch.......No idea at this point.

One of the problems I have in knowing if I can get it I have a lot of evening meetings and I can't work on it every night.  And the grass is starting to grow around here and that will soon take 4-5 hours of my spare time every week.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/09/13 at 09:39:36

Decide which elements aren't going to make the deadline and jest screw them temporarily .... that way you can incorporate more of what you learn on the trip with less wasted redo.

Exhaust will likely be a item that gets missed for this trip, so screw it.   Try to get your padding increase and your raised bars if you can.

Beta units aren't supposed to look pretty ...  we all know that.

You are trial running the crouch riding position, that is enough for this trip.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 04/09/13 at 12:07:41

7251595B585151584F3D0 wrote:
Exhaust will likely be a item that gets missed for this trip, so screw it.   Try to get your padding increase and your raised bars if you can.

At this point....I got nothin'.  I sold the SuperTrapp and Dyna muffler I had, as I didn't think they would clear the rear sets or rear brake rod that is now much lower.  I have a nice megaphone that I need to build "guts" for.....maybe that will be done this week. In a pinch I could just weld on a small glass pack!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 04/14/13 at 09:28:43

Hey guys, I'm sorry that I dropped off the face of the earth for the past several weeks.  I got really sick and then I got really into a new line of custom intakes being that me and a buddy of mine are starting to get to market.  

It looks like i won't be able to make the Dragon run.  My apologies to all if this change effects you.  I would love to but I'm just not up for it.  Two things have made me aware of this.  First was a friend coming over and together we tuned his power commander.  In doing so we spent some time hitting a lot of curvy roads in my area.  I normally ride pretty conservative and all around town.  It showed me that the strokes from 2009 have really taken the edge off my ability to ride even semi-aggressively  through curvey roads.  The other was this past weekend.  I drove up to a friends house in Chattanooga (about 3.5 hours away).  That whipped me.  I don't think i could have made it another half hour.  Hopefully in time I can build my endurance and abilities back up to normal.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/14/13 at 13:24:00

Jim,  far better to figure it out before you actually went -- our trip sections each run 2-4 hours long and I have been known to stretch out on a overlook wall at the end of one.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by diamond jim on 04/14/13 at 16:50:50

Yeah, it's kind of hard to accept it though.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/14/13 at 17:19:48

No, it isn't easy to accept -- this getting old stuff.  

I just got told I've got heart valve issues that are building now to the point they will require annual monitoring.  I simply can't do what I used to be able to do, that is becoming unavoidably clear, so I will do what I can do while I still can.

You are simply a mile or two further down the road than I am.   I'll certainly raise a beer for you in remembrance of all the folks who wanted to be here, but could not go due to circumstances.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/14/13 at 17:24:31

We are less than 1 1/2 months out and are refining our plans to the real level -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up right away.    


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 4 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got two coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin and one tent at this time.   We have a second cabin in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Zar                               staying Weds-Friday
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday

2 man Tent #1
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/15/13 at 09:07:16

I'm still plannin' on going last week of this month or 1st week of may...if any of you all live in the area and want to suck down a brew or somethin'. Talked to a buddy of mine he wants to take his suzuki marauder (circa 1980 or 90 something), but he snores like a ol' lumberjack suped up chainsaw! LOL, anyway he can't afford a room so i'm going to try to get one in robbinsville and ride 129 from south to north for a day at the dragon and then maybe ride a few local other roads on day two and head back on day 3. I should have a set in schedule by this friday, he wants to wait till taxes come back in a week or two...LOL prolly take a month.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/18/13 at 08:44:03

My bud backed out (getting a different job) so i'm headed up there myself at the end of the month. Leaving thur. 25 gonna ride the dragon on fri. if it isn't raining, saturday just goofin' off and ride a few places, sunday try more places i've never been, to find spots to take the wife to when we ride up here together, then back home on monday.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/18/13 at 09:25:14


Actually, riding up in the mountains by yourself for a day or so can be sorta peaceful.   No rush & no fuss ....  

..... downside is if you take a spill you gotta doctor yourself and with any major hurts that is durn near impossible.

Still, I like company too and a small trip like we are having this time sorta combines the best of both worlds to me.

Why don't you just plan to go with us since your buddy dropped out on you -- you can have some company that way.


Zar, Dave and I are supposed to be staying in Cabin #4 which is closest to the lounge area.  When you reserve, you can try to get #5 or #6 so we will be close at hand.  

There are some picnic tables (you go steal one and move it to be nearby your cabin) and every cabin has a fire pit.   I will bring a couple of lawn chairs, everyone else who is driving needs to bring a couple of something to sit on so we have enough chairs.

We will likely eat breakfast there at the camp ground (need coffee, you know) and will eat lunch/dinner out on the road.

One of the charms of the place that MMRanch loves is walking around talking to all the riders from all over the US and Canada that show up at the place.   Them crazy drunk braggin' dragon dudes are sorta shallow and egotistical compared to the cruiser/touring folks who frequent this place.   Blue Ridge has the much better conversation potential to be sure.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/18/13 at 18:06:47

Sounds really good OF but..... on may 1st I have a PET scan and if it goes sour I won't be able to make any trips after this one cause i'll have to start radiation and chemo again. Doc told me not to get too optomistic cause my cancer has "unknown origins". Anyway, i'm hitting the road while I can, and there should be lots of folks on the dragon next weekend so i'll have plenty of folks who "could" stop and assist.
If all goes well, I might still be able to make a second trip, but i'll probably just bring a pup tent since it will be warmer in june/july, as it is i'm still not working and spend most days at home to save up a little moola's to make trips on.
I'd really like to hang with a bunch of fellas what like to sit around the fire and bull after a long day of riding the twisties and seeing the sights, and maybe i'll get that opportunity.
Got the ninja ready to go already

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/18/13 at 18:33:43

Pretty bike, looks very mil-spec.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 04/18/13 at 18:42:55

Dragons......Ninjas........Why do I get the feeling something mysterious is about to happen? :-?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/18/13 at 18:43:30

If I get the harley sold I might buy me a savage, but i'll have to have forward controls...LOL.. road the wifes day before yesterday for 2hrs and was hurtin', kinda hunched up position, like sitting in on a bar stool. Fits the wife perfect, but i'd have to stretch out a bit.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/18/13 at 18:47:23

4F74796E7F73686E757D706F1C0 wrote:
Dragons......Ninjas........Why do I get the feeling something mysterious is about to happen? :-?

Had tried to get the ninja forums on fire with "The 300 take on the dragon". Was trying to get 300 ninja 300 riders to show...didn't take off..too many folks have other things to do... so i'm just gonna sneak up on the dragon ninja style and slay it myself!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/19/13 at 11:06:14

Got another of my friends says he wants to go, we are setting up the finals on tues. at breakfast and leaving thur. morning at 7am. Got the reservations all set, picking out my tool kit/w can of goop, and an air compressor. LOL, this time I'm going to write down phone numbers in case i missplace my phone!
Going to be a leasurely paced ride, going to take all day for an 8 hour ride there, taking numerous breaks. Once we get there we will have 3 days just to tool around and enjoy the sites.... he has some friends in knoxville, so we will head that way on sat or sunday and visit for a few as its only 1.4hrs away from the hotel.
I here there are some places in gatlenburg to see also, we might do that

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 04/23/13 at 05:56:18

Whew! I've had too many projects going for several months. My bike is still "in process" of re-assembly so it's one of my projects. I poured a garage slab at our mountain property and plan to frame it in May. And we're getting our current house ready to put on the market. So I'll just have to see what works out for the June Dragon trip.

While my bike has been down I got a custom fade paint job done on the tins, so I'm looking forward to riding my "new" bike when I'm done with "some assembly required."

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/28/13 at 14:00:42

Had a blast on friday the 26th, but rained out my weekend, wife says I might be able to come up on her bike in I love my partner, she's the best! We shall see what happens, i'll put away some of the saved up cash and see if I can add to the stash. Going to see if I can borrow some camping equip. from friends or find some cheap. Anyone ever use one of those hammocks that have netting and tent top attached?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/28/13 at 21:34:34


We are any bike friendly, we have ridden with Ninjas 250s before and they kept up just fine (better than some of us did, actually).   Light and agile bikes do better in the mountain twisties compared to the midsized or larger cruisers.

It pays big convenience dividends to rent a half or a third of a cabin as you don't have to ride in on a bike covered with camping stuff.  Since we are bringing a tent already, you might not have to.

Cost per day per cabin is $45 and we plan them out at 2 people per cabin knowing full well we can stick a third in there on the floor on an air mattress as we have done it before (and are precleared as a group to do so again)

Half cabins cost $23 and thirds on a cabin cost $15.   Camping in a tent costs the same as a third of a cabin.

So, plan to come, read this thread and PM the cabin owners on sharing a cabin with them.   Post what days you are coming and what arrangements you make and we will include it in the posted roll call roll ups.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/28/13 at 21:47:52

Well, we are a month and a week out -- so it is time for an update.

Dave is making better progress than anticipated on his Ryca, so his likelyhood of bringing it for Beta Testing on version 1.0 keeps going up and up.   Remember to be kind to him, he has exhibited the guts to actually BRING a Ryca to the mountains so he gets a pass on all discoveries he makes in doing this.   Of the group of us he is "young" and very fit and trim, so if anyone can do it, Dave can.

Serenity is trying to come, but he has lots of stuff going on and is honest that he might not make it.

Old-rider is gonna be posting and PMing and he will likely make it.  Him and somebody else could take yet another cabin (if available).    

Another option is MM's tent, which is planned to be in use Saturday, but will be there available on Wednesday -- Saturday


We are less than 1 1/2 months out and are refining our plans to the real level -- if you are planning on coming and don't see yourself please do speak up right away.    


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 4 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got three coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin and one tent at this time.   We have a second cabin in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
Zar                               staying Weds-Friday
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday    .....   cabin reserved ???

2 man Tent #1
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date
old-rider                           tent shows up with MM on Weds -- will be filled only on  Saturday

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 04/28/13 at 22:06:12


I haven't reserved a cabin ,  my big plan is to bring a tent for sure and split a cabin if 1/2 of one is open !    Fact is I'm just as good either way.   If you need a cabin go ahead and reserve one.  

I invited a feller to join us on our adventure.   Not sure he will yet, but he rides a sportster 1200 so if he does ride with us  OldFeller your going to have to behave (a little).    He seemed a little supprised when I told him I couldn't make a 1200 sportster run-off and leave a 30Hp , 1980's designed motorcycle up in hill country.   He seems to mild manered to push the sportster to its limits more-so than most of you fellers.   But still the more riders the better ! ;)

Old Rider  that sure is one fine looking bike !

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/29/13 at 00:02:09

Both me and my bike are getting older and creakier, so we will tend
to behave better and better as time goes on.

Remember, small trip rules, we do what we do when we get there.

It tends to work out better with the fewer folks anyway.

Smaller trips have always been more fun, IMHO.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 04/29/13 at 02:04:24

Sure would be nice to be there; awlful lot going on though...y'all have fun & be safe.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/30/13 at 18:32:11

I will know for sure the 6th of may,  I have my oncology test results due to the doc by then and will know what kind of treatment (if any [fingers crossed]) i'll have to do.
If not I will get a cabin if someone will go in half with me, if not, i'll have to suck up with the missus for about six months! LOL ;D
I'll plan on getting there wed. (with bike in back of my truck!) and leaving sunday morning, unless I have to lock in the weekend also, then i'll leave on monday morning (and i'll really have to suck up to her, plus some!).

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/30/13 at 19:22:17

Question, what is the parking like? If I bring my truck, could I feesably use it to camp in? I used to make a tent setup outta my truck bed when I was a young man, inflatable mattress in the back of the pickup with a tarp over top. My truck is an extended cab so I could store the tent material in the back seat area and put it up when I get there...just a thought mind you, that way I could bring a small camp stove, bring a cooler full of stuff. Do they have ice machine available? LOL, should I just call them?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 04/30/13 at 19:42:40

There is a creek, we park on one side of it and we ride our bikes across the bridge to the camp ground proper.   You would be all alone in the parking lot if you did that.

And you don't have to sleep by yourself in a parking lot -- a tent will be there for you to use, or you can crash on a cabin floor, or you can wait until "later" and sleep on a couch in the lounge area.

I take it you are hauling your bike in on a truck/trailer -- so are most of us.  Lots of parking for cars, trucks and trailers.  

You need to read up thread to where we posted links and videos of the camp grounds so you can get the layout of the place.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 04/30/13 at 20:32:50

Well, so long as they have a ramp and I don't have to bring mine, I'll put the savage in the back of the truck. I do have a campstove or two for morning coffee, but sounds like they might sell it there. LOL, i've been known to survive on a gatorade and payday candy bar for two days.....don't ask...LOL. :o
So I guess i'll revert back to the cabin rental, should I ask to reserve one next to the other two?
Won't be doing this untill after the 6th tho...but I want to be ready as soon as possible.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/01/13 at 04:23:59

So, how many days will you be there, when are you showing up, where are you staying, etc.    We need to update the whuppie list ......


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got two coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin.   We have a second and third cabin in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1       (Dave and I are staying in their cabin #4)
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2      
old-rider                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block

Heated Cabin #2
Zar                               staying Weds-Friday
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday    .....   cabin reserved ???

2 man Tent
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/01/13 at 09:17:02

Cabin for sure, will lock it in after doc appointment on the 6th, i'll be geting there wed, with wifes savage in the back. I'll book for wed-thur and a fri/sat block and leave on sunday.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 05/01/13 at 15:18:13

Better hurry with making the reservations; cabins are booked up for Sat and Sun 15th & 16th already, but Wed-Fri there are still some of a few minutes ago.  You guys are waiting waaaaay late to make res's.
This could end up being a tent camp meeting for most of you.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/01/13 at 18:54:14

During the week cabins may still work out -- but you are right, the cabins are going fast for the weekends.

Tent city USA .....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 05/01/13 at 19:35:09

Hey guys.....just needed to pop in and let you know I'm back on the fence again due to illness in the family and a couple other problems Took dad to hospital Sunday morning,possibly another stroke but maybe something else,they are not sure yet. I don't want to commit to a rental with things so unsure around here so you guys go ahead and work things out as you need too and I'll play it by ear.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/02/13 at 04:16:14

Weeeeeee !!!!    Reality, she comes .....

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 4 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got three coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of one cabin.   We have a second cabin in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1       (Dave and I are staying in their cabin #4)
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  prepaid

Heated Cabin #2
old-rider                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block
MMRanch                   staying Weds-Friday    .....   cabin reserved ???

2 man Tent
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date
Zar                               staying ???

Old-rider, you and MM need to verify you really got a cabin, or else MM's tent will get some earlier usage.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/03/13 at 10:01:57

Been trying to PM some folks but the messages are not showing in my out folder so I don't think they are going thru, keep getting some message about my clipboard when I hit the reply button, I accept, but nothing shows in my out folder so i'm taking it that nothing is going out.
My email is   maybe that will help

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/04/13 at 07:28:55

Anyway since ya'll were telling me to reserve, I did, can't get a weekend tho, buddy of mine is coming with me so I gotta bring ear plugs (snores like a lumberjacks two man chainsaw)!
I'll be there wed. and plan to stay thru sunday and leave monday, kevin (my bud) says he has a two man and we can use it if a weekend slot doesn't open up.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/04/13 at 07:59:54

THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got three coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of two cabins.   We have a third cabin or tent in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1       (Dave and I are staying in their cabin #4)
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed

Heated Cabin #2
old-rider                          staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent
old-rider's buddy               staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent

Cabin or Tent
MMRanch          (who doesn't check in often enough to keep up with the changes and who hasn't made any reservations yet either, so he is likely reverting to his tent)

2 man Tent
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date
Zar                               staying ???

Well, we are getting closer to the one month out range.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 05/04/13 at 09:39:33

MMRanch          (who doesn't check in often enough to keep up with the changes and who hasn't made any reservations yet either, so he is likely reverting to his tent)

;D ;D ;D

OK  :)   :   Thanks for trying to get me in a cabin ,  back when I was working " FULL  TIME "  I needed a cabin/cot  couse my back was in a constant state of anagoniee .   I've been retired (early/reduced $)  6 years now  and can do a sleeping bag just as easy as a cot.  So , I doin't feel the need to reserve a cabin.   However if it works out where someone is having to pay the full price of a cabin from lack of someone to split it with , then I'll take the slack up for em and be glad for the company.  :)

I'm wanting to run hwy 80 from end to end , ride up to Mt.Mitchel again, and did we ever do that other run that's named after the other reptile (was it Cobra ?/near the Dutch? village).   I might have to get there tuesday instead of wensday just to get more riding in !

There is a web-site called "Roads and Rides" but I haven't looked at it in a while.   That's where I got the maps last year.   I get to looking at all the places to go in that area and want to do all of them , them my computer gets Druell all over it , and it turns into a big mess .   so I kinda stay away from it most of the time .   :P

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/04/13 at 15:54:31

Yes, we did the Diamondback up near Little Switzerland, it was over pumped and not as good as the Dragon by a long shot -- the only fun part of it was the one little section that was falling off the mountainside in three steps/stages with a six inch fall off between sections (on an outside turn to boot).

Eeeeeek !!  Where did the road go ???  I'm flying all heeled over in a turn here you idiots !!!  
And here comes two more just like it !!!  
Eeeeek !!   Eeeeek !!

Other than that, it was forgettable.   Except for this Hurley Sportster dude shelling out his primary crankshaft teeth trying to bust out on a couple of Savages that is.  

Saturday, we go up to the knife store so we can see you part of the way on your way back home.   We will go a way that has 28 miles of near dragon like freshly paved road .....    8-)

So, Mount Mitchell won't be hard at all, we are a lot nearer to it for one thing and we know to take an NC road map with us and NOT to trust the tourist maps at all.   Heck, we could get tricky and just go straight north on the Blue Ridge Skyway getting on it just uphill from the camp ground.

Getting lost is our art form though, we find our very best roads that way.

The only challenge on the trip is trying to find Lancer's road up over the top of that 7 switchback mountain .....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/06/13 at 12:50:43

My PET scan came back "no anomolies noted", so no rads or chemo, next scan in 3 months, doc said if I feel like it do it!
See youz guyz there! Now to see about the ultra pack mod...LOL :o

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 05/06/13 at 13:34:23

Yep, a good report from the Doc can be downright invigorating !   ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/08/13 at 17:03:46

Somehow I think this might affect your cornering and balance a little bitty bit ......


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/09/13 at 04:14:23

Actually its not as heavy as you would think, i'll throw it on the scales after momma gets up, so I don't wake her.
Just doin' it for grocery runs or when ever we wanna do a little shoppin', and I'll probably bring it with me to the dragon meet just to get a look at them hurley guyz faces.  :o

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/12/13 at 19:38:42

Well, we are at one month out and counting down from 30 .....

Does everybody know where they are sleeping?

Has everybody said when they are arriving and leaving?

======================   Here is where we are right now --

Dave has a running bike and it is looking very nice for a Beta 1.0 test bed bike.  

Old-rider has a cabin reserved and MM will back him up with a tent for Friday night.

Zar is dealing with what comes with his Dad, like he needs to do.

Weather is warming up now, so we should be able to pull down a 2 week weather forecast for the area as our next required step.


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th afternoon arrival.  We got three coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of two cabins.   We have a third cabin or tent in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1       (Dave and I are staying in their cabin #4)
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed

Heated Cabin #2
old-rider                          staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent on Friday
old-rider's buddy               staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent on Friday

Cabin or Tent
MMRanch          (who doesn't check in often enough to keep up with the changes and who hasn't made any reservations yet either, so he is likely reverting to his tent)

2 man Tent
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date
Zar                               staying ???

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 05/17/13 at 10:23:17

I'm not gonna make it to this year's gathering.  APPLICABLE CLICHE`S:  I've got "too many irons in the fire" and they're getting hot all at once.  Things I've been trying to "keep on the back burner" have slid up to the front burner and are about to spill into my lap.  I haven't been "watching my pots" and they've all started to boil.

Oh well, maybe my "absence" will make your "hearts grow fonder."  Hope ya'll have a great time.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 05/17/13 at 22:16:54

you have to come and drop off that front sprocket !   This big rear tire woin't last forever and then I'll need to get the taller gear another way... ;)


We need to see ya for at least one day !  :D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by serenity3743 on 05/18/13 at 05:31:28

Yeah, I've got your sprocket, Mike.  My bike is still in process of re-assembly so I don't have anything to ride.  Maybe ya'll can come see me at my Black Mountain property toward the end of the week.  I should have a standing garage by then.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/18/13 at 12:19:59

Mike, plan a day to go to see Serenity at Black Mountain then go up to catch some snowflakes at the top of Mount Mitchell -- they aren't that far apart after all.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 05/18/13 at 20:10:40

Guy how far are ya from Mitchell ?   How about you put in a fire pit and We'll bring some Dogs and Chips ?


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/18/13 at 23:48:30

If we were going up the Parkway to get to Mount Mitchell, then Black Mountain would be a <10 mile on each leg on I-40 type side trip.

However, mountain roads being what they are, and the Parkway being what it is, the entire Mount Mitchell trip to and back on the Parkway would take a full half a day to do it and the gas tank mileage would get stretched to the 80 mile mark in several places on the Parkway loops.

But that isn't an issue since I can carry a spare gallon gas jug in my saddle bags.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/19/13 at 00:30:40

Let's see, required items to bring with you.

Sun block (if you don't put it on your neck and arms you will regret it)

Full face helmet with bug shield if you don't have a wind shield on your bike.   A full face shield sure is nice when a shower starts or the butterflies or the june bugs get bad.     (june bug = death beetle)

Bring a jacket and some long sleeved shirts, you will need them in the mornings as it is still quite cool when we pull out.    You peel them off by lunch time and stuff them into your bags.   Bring riding gloves.

YOU MUST BRING A REAL GENUINE NORTH CAROLINA ROAD MAP and carry it with you at all times.    We have had riders get left at a gas stop before accidentally and they needed that map to get back to home base.


Let's see, for the new folks going on the trip for the first time some basic understandings that need to be stated clearly.  

We ride strung out with fastest in front and the slowest lagging back behind.   It is your responsibility to keep up with the group, to stay within eyesight of the people in front of you.  

Riding rates change up according to the terrain.  When it gets all knarly & twisty we generally whoop with joy and go faster ....  but on more open roads where cops might be lurking we generally stay within eyesight of the posted speed limit.

At stops, you get gas and get a drink or snack and take a piss.   We stop every tank full, so we don't generally ride but for one to two hours at a lick.   Failure to try to take a piss when stopping can get way past uncomfortable before the next stop comes around, so generally try to take a piss at every stop if you can.

Drink stuff.   You can get dehydrated from the constant wind and the joy of the mountain roads without thinking about it ....

If you start hurting, say so.   I will be saying so if I need to, so you can too if you want to.   We have cut jaunts short when 2 or more got to hurting pretty good, enough so to say so anyway.  We can also split the group up and let a couple limp home if need be, so understand that cutting it off short is in the cards when you ride with a group of old creaky people.

Riding skills are learned by watching others ahead of you.   If you think you ride well now by the time you finish the trip you will ride much better.  

Don't ever follow someone you can't keep up with too closely in the tight twisty stuff, as you will get sucked into turns that they just breeze all easy like into that you simply can't do at that particular pace.

Example:  don't follow Dave at full speed in the tight twisties.   He rides better than I do.   I can keep up after a fashion, but I have to cheat to do it while he always keeps cutting these nice neat riding lines that never ever drift over the double yellow.  

When we go up to the Dragon, you are in flat danger from the other riders.  They can't stay in their lanes and want to use half of yours ....  so expect it.    We have never gone up to the Dragon without there being at least one wreck while we were up there (outside our group of course) so don't let crazy johnny road racer take you out with him.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/19/13 at 00:55:39

Weather is looking about "mountain normal" on the long forecast, with the only actual light rain predicted being on the arrival day when we are trucking the bikes up to Blue Ridge Campground.

Always read this with fore knowledge that it rains every afternoon somewhere out on our various riding loops, and we stop and eat dinner when it starts to look nasty and it is generally dry by the time we finish eating.   And that we always get wet at least once, but always dry out fairly quickly from the riding wind.

So, apart from the arrival day on the 12th, we look good to go moisture wise.

Also note the forecast changes the closer in you get, with actual rain percentages quoted inside the last couple of weeks.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 05/21/13 at 09:42:23

04272F2D2E27272E394B0 wrote:
Riding skills are learned by watching others ahead of you.   If you think you ride well now by the time you finish the trip you will ride much better.  

Don't ever follow someone you can't keep up with too closely in the tight twisty stuff, as you will get sucked into turns that they just breeze all easy like into that you simply can't do at that particular pace.

Example:  don't follow Dave at full speed in the tight twisties.   He rides better than I do.   I can keep up after a fashion, but I have to cheat to do it while he always keeps cutting these nice neat riding lines that never ever drift over the double yellow.  

OF....Thanks for the support and compliment......but I felt like I was learning how to ride from you, MMRanch, BigZuk, Lancer...and the rest of you guys that drag pegs on the corners.  I came home with nary a scratch on my pegs!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/21/13 at 14:34:06

You rode in the #2 or #3 spot the whole time.   I couldn't keep up with BigZuk in #1 spot (never have been able to, really) but I can whup up on MM fairly well as he believes in speed limits.  

I followed you several times and I couldn't keep the same neat lines you did and I did scrub my pegs a goodly bit of the time.   And you did keep up with Zuk, something I can't do.  

Some of that has to do with carrying an extra 100 pounds or more of carcass weight on the light Savage rear suspension .....

Riding your new stripped down RYCA based bike you should be king of the board walk this time out, especially since I grew a few new medical conditions that are going to make me have to be actually be a little bit conservative (compared to year's past anyway).

We'll see how it shakes out when we get there ...

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 05/22/13 at 07:22:10

01222A282B22222B3C4E0 wrote:
We'll see how it shakes out when we get there ...

Going to be a good test of your "dark side" rear tire! ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/22/13 at 09:17:57

i've gone on more mountain trips with a darksider tire than with a bike tire, so  I am not really worried about that very much.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by engineer on 05/22/13 at 17:43:45

I wish I could make it, sounds like a blast.  All of us who can't go to this event would certainly like to see some videos of you guys wearing down your foot pegs.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/22/13 at 18:31:15

We need to get old-rider to do a daily newbie report to everybody as he will have a fresh perspective as the trip will be all new to him.

I remember when Southpaw was our newbie and he did his daily perspective report for us -- it was very entertaining.

But I was all green colored back then, with warts and all and MM hadn't learned to read speed limit signs and Lancer was still trying to get Rex to run for more than 20 minutes at a lick.

And we all had hair and it wasn't white ....

And we had a Toymaker to provoke us to excess, continually .......

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 05/22/13 at 20:17:57

Guys, I see the light at the end of the tunnel....and it's the darn train heading right for me :o . Things around here have gone from bad to downright agravatin,but at least dad is doing much better!

With that said, the trip is just not in the stars for me this year. Maybe WD's meet this fall,but that's a long way off.

And a comment on the riding classes...... OF you're right about trying to keep up and over-riding your'll git ya! "Ride your own ride" is the word around here amongst the smart folks! Watch the really good riders and soon you'll be one of them ;). Enjoy the ride ...I'll be thinking of all of you!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/26/13 at 11:09:14

We are 3 weeks out from trip time -- weather is drifting about one day each week as we get closer (with the 12th all clear now and the drizzly day on the 13th with the drift continuing).

Look for this "one day later" thing to continue drifting as we get closer in to the actual week of the ride.

We spit on the ride in one week, so keep looking at the weather and say if you have any reservations come the spit day which is .....

Friday, May 31st

This is the day we commit or we abort on the trip -- the last day to cancel on the cabins without cost.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/27/13 at 19:02:27

Thinking now on just riding the wifes savage all the way up there. Its running really well, just valve tappage is all i'm hearing. I'll change the oil and inspect everything I can. Here is the setup i'm going with if I ride the round trip (although the seat is not as comfortable as i'd like it to be, after about 1-2 hours my lower back hurts a little depending on my sitting position.
I will strap my tent and pad and sleeping bag on top of the cooler and luggage bag.

What do ya think? My rain suit is in the right side saddle bag, my mini compessor, green tire goo and tools are in the left saddle bag, and all my personals will be in the big bag. The cooler can be used for beverages/food or just for waterproof storage.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 05/27/13 at 20:42:51

Rain every day ! :( :( :(

How about the last week of June ?  :-? :-? 8-)

I've got BoyScout Summer Camp the week after Father's day.

Old Rider
Best to put the light stuff high and the heavy stuff low .  Thinking about the tent on top reminds me of SouthPaw.   He had a duffle bag vertical on the seat reaching for the sky.  It didn't work-out too good .   I've had some sucess with the tent below the headlight tied to the bottom of the tripple tree, but my tent is kinda heavy duty.  :)  Just saying ...

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/28/13 at 05:50:03

Just have a small oak creek two man fiberglass pole hexagone tent, wieghs bout 7lbs. And a 30degree and above sleeping bag, small lighwieght, unless I bring the bigger one, its your average sleeping bag, just bulky not too heavy and it might make a good headrest LOL... ;D
The tools and raingear are heavy and in the saddles, big square bag might be a problem as the little seat might not keep it upright very well. I might have to improvise a bit more.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/28/13 at 06:22:26

Look at the weather report again and start talking about a potential reschedule .... MM is asking for a cancel and reschedule due to the predicted weather for the week of the 12th.

He is suggesting the last week in June but he needs to get more specific about the dates and such.

BEFORE YOU GET ALL HYPED UP ABOUT THE WEATHER, go look at it again.   This is North Carolina mountain weather and the predictions change every day and now they say sunshine on the 12th and 13th with only a small percent chance of occasional light rain the rest of the time, generally in the afternoon.   Duh, that is typical mountain weather ....  it happens anyway if predicted or not.   Sunday is now your "worst day" and that will slip off the trip zone with the next prediction.

I have noted that the entire prediction pattern is slipping over one day for every 4-5 days, like the overall weather pattern is moving slower across the nation and isn't going to arrive as fast as they thought a week ago.

Literally, the weather predictions will change again the night before we go and will only be 80% accurate even then.

The general drift in the forecast has been away from rain towards sunshine.   Actually, it is like they predict 50% chance of occasional rain as their generic, then they refine to "more real" inside the last couple of weeks.

Like I said, go look at it again and always talk to the current forecast whenever you post comments.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 05/28/13 at 19:51:15

Yep, this being the SE section of the US, there will always be weather systems moving across and there is no dependable way to know when or where it may or may not throw some rain out of the "rain warehouse" up above.
Trying to second or third or fourth guess what will happen 3 or 4 weeks out is just fanciful thought.  
Might as well go with current plans and pray daily trusting God will take care of things...and if not then thank Him for the refreshing rain.   ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 05/28/13 at 21:34:43

Yeah, my last trip was supposed to be really nice, but turned out crappy, first day was beautiful tho and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Second day rained, but had a blast at some local eateries and walkin' in the cold rain, LOL. Third day started out crappy but that afternoon we rode for a bit and had a good time. Our trip home was only wet when we got 6 miles from home, then it poured! was only wet for about 10 minutes and I stripped in the garage! The trip was a good one tho and we enjoyed it because of the company we had....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/29/13 at 05:23:14

They roll the forecast dice again every two to four days apparently and the rain generally shifts to the right one slot.

What I have learned is that the mountain forecast CHANGES too durn much to be useful as a two week out tool, that as always you are going to get rained on some in the afternoons as you ride around out there somewhere.

Still, on Friday we will all have the chance to vote go or no.   As of now I don't see any steady rain predicted anywhere for our time period, just some occasional afternoon showers on Thursday & Friday (ie normal mountain weather).

But that forecast will change at least 5 times during that two week cabin lock-down period.   Heck, it will likely change again by Friday.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 05/29/13 at 21:26:03


I'm with you fellers !


What do those "Weather" people know anyway   :-?

Half the time they doin't know which way the wind is going to blow !  and the half they get it right they are only guessing ?

Odd's are most of us need a bath anyway !  ;)

Mabby I'll bring " TWO " decks of cards  ,,, just incase one deck get wet !  ;D

Besides I've got three rain suits and none of them ever get used !  :P

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/13 at 04:13:45

Given the best information available (and understanding THAT IT WILL CHANGE OVER THE TWO WEEK LOCK DOWN PERIOD) the trip looks like it maybe will get sprinkled upon slightly sometime or another on mebbe two of the afternoons.   The drift pattern to the right sez this will drop down to mebbe only one afternoon by trip time.

That is pretty much normal for our trips, so I'd say ---- go.  

Remember to bring your sunblock as the UV goes right through the clouds at that altitude and the majority of our days are sunny part of the day anyway.

(here is the prediction at Thursday, May 30th that the "go" is based upon)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 05/30/13 at 08:43:54

Dave, I called the Blue Ridge Campground people and locked our cabin for Weds-Saturday night.  

We is committed .....      :D

You tent people need to call the Blue Ridge Campground at 828-235-8350 and ask them about cabin cancellations -- with all the crazy weather forecasting we have been tracking lately I bet they got some cancellations and if you are quick you can capitalize on somebody else's short term misfortunes of weatherish judgement.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 05/30/13 at 11:59:04

Well I am towing my bike down in a trailer.  If we get a downpour.....I can follow you'all around in my car.  I got room to haul some towels!

Why is that lady on the right side of the weather report crynig?  Hasn't she ever seen wet bikers before?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 05/30/13 at 16:04:21

33080512030F141209010C13600 wrote:
Well I am towing my bike down in a trailer.  If we get a downpour.....I can follow you'all around in my car.  I got room to haul some towels!

Why is that lady on the lright side of the weather report crynig?  Hasn't she ever seen wet bikers before?

Sure she has...and she's cryin cause she remembers the smell.....something akin to a wet dog :o

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/01/13 at 06:17:33

Ok, fella's, been workin' on the wifes savage so's I could ride it up to NC in a few days, but have noticed a fine film of oil on the filter side housing. Proabably means the big thin "O" ring isn't doing its job, there was a little bit of sealant on the housing when I took it apart, but the seal that was in there was cut (was too small) and extra sealant was in the groove. I cleaned it all up and put it back together without any sealant on the housing but with a new correct sized outter "O" ring, still getting a fine film of oil on the housing after a few rides to town and back but not noticing any loss in oil level so it might not be doing too bad. Not sure I should trust it or the full ride up and back (i've not done a verslavy yet or even broken that side open yet).
Would it be ok if I brought my lil' 300 ninja? I'm thinkin' the harley trike system would make it if I brought a spare, but I don't think i'd like to be riding it in the twisties (pain in the butt to steer).

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/02/13 at 06:54:32

Old-Rider.  Bring whatever you want to ride.  The Savage will probably be fine, and there will be a lot of people there to help fix it.....but ride what you feel comfortable with.

I got my bike "officially ready".  I have the carb where it should be and took the oxygen sensor off and put the chrome pipe on.  On Saturday I rode around a lot.....and fueled up.  I went 136 miles and the bike took 2.4 gallons, which is 57 mpg.

I also added some artwork that I bought on the Dragon Run last year.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/02/13 at 09:06:11

Yeah, talked to the wife, she won't mind me "adapting" the bike to fit me, so long as I can put it back to how she wants it, and i'm bringing a quart of oil, just in case. I'm gonna look around for a seat cushion or make one, sometimes I think its just my sitting position that causes problems (I slouch alot). I'm changing the oil this week (lol, not saying to which one but its one of the advised ones ::) ), so it will be fresh and clean, will also change it when I return to see what kind of wear if any it will have. Today i'm adding a power plug for a gps (I dislike maps because I can't remember five minutes later what road I should be on, but will have one for backup) so I can find my way there, i'll trust you all to get me back to camp on the daily rides.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/02/13 at 12:38:18

Added the power plug adapter, works fine, put it with fuse inline, then switch, adapter then grounded it to the frame at the forward rightside reflector, then put a ten amp fuse on it and wondering if I should go to five, the gps only needs 1amp. The switch and adapter are rated at 20amps on sixteen guage wire so I should be good to go, came off the battery post so I wouldn't be in the bike harness.
I'm thinking on tackling the valves because they are rattling louder than the speedo, well least I think they are, I might try a video see how it works and link it up so ya'll can hear them and fill me in on how loud they should or should not sound.
Got a vid uploaded, but the sounds kinda muffles at 1:20, camera does that don't know how to change it, but you can still hear the valves at first. (

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/02/13 at 13:14:33

Well, we done said very clear like early on that the forecast was gonna change every few days during the two week lock down period.

So far I'm likin' the direction the changes are taking .....


My bike is the same old dirty grey bike and the exact same tune level I took last time, I too have some oil weep going on at the head area, but mine is likely just the head bolt rubber plug making it's every 10 year appearance yet again.

This trip should finish off the faux BMW touring front tire finally and break the rear tire in good, so rubber wise I am fine.

BRING YOUR SUN SCREEN -- weather man sez he's gonna fry your arms and neck and that little spot where your jeans gap open in the back on four days out of the five with ceaseless harsh brutal cloudless high altitude UV laced low ozone sunshine ......  

(with a daily high of 82F so you can't even sweat decently while your skin is sizzling from the solar death rays)

I am going to go unload my tool box and take it into the kitchen and clean it out and put the tools back in neatly so I can find the stuff I need on the road easier.

-- take the car, bring the toolbox.

(it is a written guy rule, don't cha you know)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/02/13 at 15:06:05

Well, I did it.   Cleaned out the tool box that is.

Stripped all the stuff out of the drawers and pulled the drawers and sprayed all the sawdust out of all the the little cracks and crevices with the garden hose.

..... my tool box sits next to the miter saw, so there is a lot of sawdust .....

All the tools are wiped down and ready to go back in and I have had a thought, a brand new thought.

(for me, anyway)

I have not owned an American based car at any time in the last 25 years.   I buy Nissans and Acuras .....  

Why am I cluttering up my main tool box with inch based sockets and wrenches?

I took them out and put them in a separate basket.   My metric stuff fits a lot better now and I can actually can pick up and carry all the tools I will actually really ever use again.

Next, I started another storage basket for the "speciality tools".   This includes all the modified one off things you did over the years that ruined that particular set of pliers (except for popping off radiator wire curl clamps, which it does very well indeed except they don't use the things any more).

These two changes have cut the carry weight of my tool box in half, easily.

Weight loss is good, being able to find stuff easily is good.  I really didn't toss anything, but am I really going to need all those diamond grit ignition point files ever again?

Specialty tool basket, along with the rest of the obsolete car technology stuff.


Change is something I notice, me, I like watching the stuff roll on along.   Cleaning my tool box was fun because I was able to see the generational effect in a short condensed fashion.

I was raised in post WWII America, and we had the best stuff of anybody.  It was 100% inch based.  

We put Japan back together after the war and sent them our best instructors, like Deming to teach them the theoretical best way to do things.  We couldn't be bothered using SPC ourselves, but the Japanese didn't know any better so they used SPC and continuous improvement and all the other American invented stuff that Americans were too durn lazy to use.   The Japanese started building really good cars, in metric.

America didn't go metric intentionally, we just quit making competitive stuff here in America so we had to buy it from Japan and Mexico and Taiwan and now China (in metric).

I was there, working as a Supplier Quality Engineer when we had to teach the Taiwanese how to build a quality power tool.   At that point in time the Chinese were hopeless, not even Hong Kong attempted to export Chinese power tools to anywhere as the quality was "hammer and file" crude.

Then we NAFTA'd everything America based down to Mexico but we sent the tooling and some of the people with it and it ran as good as it ever did in the USA.    But Mexico then passed a law that all parts had to be metric and all parts had to be produced on tooling that was no older than 5 years old .....  

(get the stupid Gringos to pay for modernizing their manufacturing infastructure is what they were doing)

oopsie .... time to move to Taiwan/India/China.

Inch still exists in furniture
and in a very few items intentionally built expressly to the inch standard.   My Harbor Freight bike trailer is a good example of a Chinese good that was built completely to the inch standard.   Every fastener is inch as well.   This has to do with the old DOT requlations on trailer bolt sizes which don't mention any metric anything.   Trailers are heavily regulated, BTW --- try to get a home built trailer jobbie licensed in North Carolina sometimes.

I thought on this a bit as I scrambled to locate my inch sockets and wrenches to fit the bolts the kit is put together with -- the tools hadn't been used in over 20 years.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/03/13 at 07:34:40

Was the video a success? Kinda wanna know what ya think, or should I post in a trouble shoot area?

Taking the tent outside today to water proof it, just in case and for the dew factor. Only going to bring a foam pad and my "wooly" sleeping bag/blanket.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/03/13 at 08:44:01

65666E78636E6F780A0 wrote:
Was the video a success? Kinda wanna know what ya think, or should I post in a trouble shoot area?

Taking the tent outside today to water proof it, just in case and for the dew factor. Only going to bring a foam pad and my "wooly" sleeping bag/blanket.

I didn't know it was a video.....I thought it was a photograph.  When I clicked on the photo then it linked me to the video.  I didn't hear anything weird....but then I don't hear high pitched sounds, squeaks or rattles very well anymore.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/03/13 at 09:05:25

I listened to it, sounds normal to me.    Camera microphones aren't the best thing in the world, but what I heard was "normal" enough.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/03/13 at 09:58:41

Huston, we are T-9 days out and counting, with BIG GIGANTIC ENORMOUS sunshine yellow balls visible on each & every single day of the forecast and we are continuing counting down to launch day   ----    T-10, T-9, .....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/03/13 at 10:34:58

Thanks OF,  well the tent prep is a no-go today... raining now...made it back from the store just in time.

But i'm going to be adjusting her engine guard foot rests and such, i'm nixxing the cooler and am going to go with 2 soft textile bags, one large and one medium. Going to put the tent, bed matt and bed roll on top of the small bag at my back (might use it as a backrest if it is full enough).

Thinking about transfering my cup holder from my Harley to the savage, test drove the gps today, might have to work out a vibration situation, not sure, going to try the other gps to see what it does.

Just fine tuning everything now, heh, got rid of the guage vibes with a popcicle stick for the time being, i'm not going to mess with it this close to "go" day.

How many are on the "show list" now???
I am actually thinking on leaving on tues. and riding from the bottom of the mountain range, not sure yet, buddy might not want too.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/03/13 at 12:35:57

There have been several trips that I left early with a companion and we rode several places before showing up with the main group, it is a trick that can work out well.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/04/13 at 08:01:32

47444C5A414C4D5A280 wrote:

How many are on the "show list" now???
I am actually thinking on leaving on tues. and riding from the bottom of the mountain range, not sure yet, buddy might not want too.

This tight in, we assume that everyone is coming and are surprised when someone doesn't show up.

REMEMBER, we are all trying to show up by 1:00 PM so we can get organized, get the tents set up and get us in a short trip in that includes dinner.   That way we actually really all get there in time to ride out to go eat.


THE TRIP:   Wednesday, June 12th arrival day at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Cabins/Campground.  Leaving Sunday AM (Father's day)

OK, We got 5 people good for a Wednesday, June 12th 1:00 PM afternoon arrival.  We got three mebbe coming "as they are able to come".   We have confirmed rental of two cabins.   We have a third cabin or tent in the works but the cabin is not actually reserved yet.

Heated Cabin #1       (Dave and I are staying in their cabin #4)
Dave                          staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed
Oldfeller                        staying Weds-Friday/Saturday block,  confirmed

Heated Cabin #2
old-rider                          staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent on Friday
old-rider's buddy               staying Weds-Thurs in cabin, confirmed, switching to tent on Friday

Cabin or Tent
MMRanch          (who doesn't check in often enough to keep up with the changes and who hasn't made any reservations yet either, so he is likely reverting to his tent)

2 man Tent
New River Junkie             possibly/mebbe staying Saturday night
Serenity                         staying one night, variable date
Zar                               staying ???

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/04/13 at 08:35:05

I am able to meet the 1 PM arrival time for Wednesday.

It is supposed to be a 6 hour drive for me......1:00 PM - 6 hours = 5 AM departure.......YIKES!  Maybe I will leave late Tuesday night and sleep in the back of my trailer with my bike.  It will bring back memories of when I picked the bike up and slept with it on the way back from New York.  Sure hope I can find a rest area without that darn Reefer Truck!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/04/13 at 09:16:38

Guys, we TRY to hit the 1:00 arrival time, but nobody actually really does it.  

Never have.   I am generally the first person there and the earliest I ever made it was 1:30 when shooting at 1:00.   Gas stops and such put you later than you plan, always.

Lancer and I generally would hit between 1:00 and 2:00 even with the best of intentions.   It was always plenty early enough because we were staying in a cabin or a room and it took us a big half hour to get the bikes off the trailer and put our carry bag of clothes into the room.  

Then folks would trickle in over the next 3 hours.   MM runs latest of the lot of us because he has further to go (and he believes in speed limits when he is in Tennesee).

Dave, leave at when you feel cuddly getting up, I certainly wouldn't spend a night sleeping awkward somewhere over a 1:00 arrival time.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/04/13 at 09:51:49

694A4240434A4A4354260 wrote:
Dave, leave at when you feel cuddly getting up, I certainly wouldn't spend a night sleeping awkward somewhere over a 1:00 arrival time.

So.......there will still be a mint on my pillow if I am a bit late?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/04/13 at 10:38:02

Well, the ticking got to me... I fiddled with the headlight and somehow its not making any noises now, I popsicle sticked the speedo and its not vibrating, so I scheduled a valve job at my local fav motorcycle shop. They will do it thurs after my wed. afternoon drop-off, i'll bring her home thur. and change the oil, then pre-pack it up and test drive fer balance.
Sound like a plan?

P.S. I'm not afraid of the valve job, just want to be able to take my time, and if anything happens be able to leave it set for a week if I need too. Same with the verslavy... i'll get to it when I return, its not making any noises that I can hear over the valves.....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by OldSport on 06/04/13 at 11:57:40

Going up to Blue Ridge Motorcycle Camp Ground with a group from Georgia this weekend.  I seldom get past Deals GAP any more to many folks mugging for the cameras or trying to drag a peg for the picture.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/05/13 at 13:43:03

Now that we are inside 10 days you can get all sorts of weather forecasts from many sources, none of which agree with each other for very much on the details for any given day .....

All they agree upon is that we are going to have occasional showers in the evenings.


.... duh, it is mountain weather !!!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 06/06/13 at 06:56:53

I've got one day-ride ready to go.   It goes NE of the campground up to Marion area and should take 6 +/-  hours with a stop at Mt.Mitchell and another with lunch.    

There is one of those Reptile rides called "Copperhead Loop"  2.5 hrs.  running SE of the camp ground 72.4 miles.

Thats only 1.5 days  ,    Thursday and half a day Friday ... I'm thinking we should  add some onto the "Copperhead" to make it a full outting.  

Any special request ...  I'd like to go see Guy , but he doin't check-in offten enough to help plan anything I think his bike is stilll broke.    The back-up-plan  ....  search the map thursday nite for a Friday ride !  :-?

I'm leaving Wensday Morning (9-10-ish CT) for a 6 hour ride to the campground .   Hope ya'll get a cabin near the campground . :)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 06/06/13 at 07:13:39

Guys I'm out. Things around here just are not working out. On top of everything else,our VP/General manager has decided to move on after 26 years. Understand this is not your normal situation. The guy basicly built the business for the owner over the past 26 years. He took care of all the dealing with the sales reps for whole goods and was the kind of guy that brought in most of the customer base. Now it's up to those of us left to try and keep the business afloat,if the employees don't decide to bail out too. This guy was the one with ALL the "people skills" not the owner,so you can see the way we may be heading! guys enjoy! I'll be thinking about you and praying for a safe ride!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/06/13 at 07:18:49

ZAR....Sorry you can't make it.  "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans!"

We need to get together and ride when you can fit it in.  Maybe a ride over to "Rabbit Hash", KY.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/06/13 at 07:27:10

Black Mountain is nearby to Mt. Mitchell, so hunting for his mountain place can fill up the rest of your day for that trip.  

Do you still have your ride card that you made up with his phone number on it?   I still have mine if you don't, so PM me for his phone number if you don't have it.

A Dragon Cherohala loop would take us a day, so that can fill up one of your days, or we can filler it up some with a stop at Fontana Dam.   I bumped into a factoid that might explain all the stuff under the visitor center, so we might could stop by and ask the attendants a question or two and ask if they have some pics from back the 1950s when the visitor center was added to the dam.

Saturday we were going to mebbe go up to the knife store as we escorted you towards home, so that could take care of Saturday.

But as always, we will sit down at the table and find out what the boys want to do as we won't know until we ask them.


Occasional weather check is good to do .....

Thursday sez "intervals of clouds and sunshine with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm" and that ain't bad for the worst day of the trip.

Looking Black Mountain for the same day yields the exact same verbiage so Thursday is a Blue Ridge wide crapshoot of a day for a thunder boomer.  Big thunderboomers are readily visible up in the mountains and we tend to go the other way quick-like for a while until we can find an air conditioned place to roost and feed our faces until it blows over.

Adds excitement & spice to hunting up some Mount Mitchell snowflakes and finding Black Mountain Mike.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 06/06/13 at 07:46:10

5E65687F6E62797F646C617E0D0 wrote:
ZAR....Sorry you can't make it.  "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans!"

We need to get together and ride when you can fit it in.  Maybe a ride over to "Rabbit Hash", KY.

That we do Dave! I'll see what the schedule holds in the next few weeks and go from there.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/06/13 at 14:32:06

Got the bike back, no valve tappage...but im still hearing engine rattles...hope you guys can tell me and show me how a "real savage" sounds and looks like, got the oil changed out, was filthy! and I just changed it two months ago.
We are leaving on tuesday and takin our time getting up there, no rush, google and map quest say 8hr 40ish minutes, but with gas stops, old man breaks (achy breaky), and lunch, it will probably be more like 11hrs, so we are stopping north of atlanta and will drive leasurely there wed. morning and enjoy the mountain scenery on our way.
Here is the setup i'm going with

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/07/13 at 04:46:09

Looks like you have everything + some more !   ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/07/13 at 05:25:09


Yikes......we got the Ying/Yang pair of motorycles on the trip.  You got everything on your bike, you are riding to and from the trip, and you are completely packed and ready to go.

Me.....I have stripped everything off my bike, I am trailering to the trip, and I have not even started to think about packing.......

Regardless......We both got everything we need to have a great time!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/07/13 at 07:19:13

All the bags can be removed in a couple of minutes, only thing left would be the piece of plywood I added to the rack to support the bag in the back. And your right, i've actually got too much room, i'm not packing any foodstuffs or cooking implements since there will be a snack area and food services. I am bringing a collapsable chair even though I probably don't need too, i'm also bringing my laptop so I can download videos and photos to it for saving at the end of the day, I usually bring my kindle fire cause its smaller and I can still get internet access if I needed it.
I've been jonesing to get out of the house for awhile and just "ride" to be riding.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/07/13 at 08:36:01

Let's see, since I am in a car and have "unlimited space" I am bringing two lawn chairs, a tool box, a pillow, a light blanket, a coat, riding gloves, a val-pack of toiletries, a long sleeve shirt, some pants, short sleeve shirts, a bathing suit, underwear, socks.

.... and I always take my spare gasoline bottle and my road rash kit.

We always eat out and we don't carry much with us other than a cell phone and a wallet when we are out on the road.


Did I mention that we tend to roam wide and far and fast and free?    

That we always carry the bathing suit with us on the bike (along with some spare underwear) as the only time we would actually dare to go swimming is if the nubile young girls are doing the mountain siren thing off in the too too cold mountain burbling brook and such like irresistible nonsense?

Do bring a suit though, as we can never tell when the urge to get into a big round rubber boat and get our old bodies all beat up again might overcome our God given common sense ....

Never been zip lining yet either.      ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/07/13 at 13:10:26

LOL, its aleady packed, just in case I wanna jump in the nearby creek.... along with my khaki shorts and flip flops. I'm getting together a small toolkit tonight, last thing on my list. I'm even bringing my hand cranking emergency siren/light/compass/flasher/am/fm radio thingie, in case I break down and need to listen to local music radio while waiting for help to arrive.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/07/13 at 14:12:01


We kinda got this unrwritten rule that a Savage rider should plan on stopping for gas every 100 miles to avoid hitting reserve in the middle of nowhere.

I am better start looking for gas every 80 miles! ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/07/13 at 14:19:25

ROFL! yeah... I kinda got a "wind sail drag factor" going on, but I think i'll get average mpg cause I only weigh in about 150lbs, my gear probably wieghs 40-55ish lbs. Gonna take an hour and a half ride on sat. to fine tune the wieght ratio and make sure it can do a little interstate, it cruises right nicely at about 65mph.
Still not sure if I wanna wear my modular or just stick with my half helmet and a mask and ear plugs, we shall see.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/08/13 at 05:30:37

There's no denying that a full/modular has more protection but I sure like riding with a 3/4 & movable shield so I can feel and smell the wind in the cool mountain air.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/08/13 at 05:47:57

6B66696462753530070 wrote:
There's no denying that a full/modular has more protection but I sure like riding with a 3/4 & movable shield so I can feel and smell the wind in the cool mountain air.

Lancer.....We are sure gonna miss you this year.  Whose gonna keep us all in good behavior?

I saw this helmet on the US129 website.  Kinda cool!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/13 at 06:03:45

Lacking both Lancer and Toymaker to help moderate the excesses of the group (snicker snicker) I guess the mountain moderation duty falls on .....

Sir Dave the Moderate

I am no longer moderate as such (simply crip & old now).   And on mountain trips I have never been known much for moderate.

So, we put Dave out front on his RYCA and I'll follow along somewhere behind him, gently encouraging him some.

So, we got Old-rider to be our daily chronicler and picture taker reporting back to the list, MM to be trip planner and Dave to be pack leader of the riding string in the curvies.   MM and I are the mountain trip old timers, so we will just crack jokes all the time and enjoy ourselves.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/13 at 06:10:59

This is now your "fairly" accuweather forecast, being only 4 days out and all.

Thursday is still the booger day, with a 60% chance of an occasional thunderstorm happening abruptly -- dropping 0.2 inches of rain where/whenever it hits (a real thunderstorm in other words).

MM, you need to be close to civilization, close enough to find us a eatery fairly quick like in the afternoon time as we will need a place to hide out if old thunderclap starts to chasing us again .....

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/08/13 at 06:21:15

7C5F5755565F5F5641330 wrote:

Lacking both Lancer and Toymaker to help moderate the excesses of the group (snicker snicker) I guess the mountain moderation duty falls on .....

Sir Dave the Moderate

So, we put Dave out front on his RYCA and I'll follow along somewhere behind him, gently encouraging him some.

I am not much on leading.....I am too easy lost on those roads.  Last year I just kept BigZuk and MMRanch in sight.....and motored along behind without worrying about where we were.....or where we were headed.  Like being a Kid again........"Are we there yet?"

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/08/13 at 08:23:57

LOL OF! ok, i'll try, but sometimes Its hard for me to remember what I had for breakfast the same day at dinner time! Sounds like fun, I have two of three ways to capture footage, but alas I still don't have editing software to scrunch video down into uploadable bits or cut it up into sizes that I can upload...still experimenting with that and hope I can find a way. Maybe ya'll have a way, so I'll just capture and someone can edit.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/13 at 15:06:32

Just take a lot of digital pictures and make up a lot of stuff about what pics turns out good.    Video footage takes a lot of memory space and we never have anything good show up on video (that we are willing to talk about anyway).

We got wives you see, and if they knew what we really did we'd all be like Toymaker, forbidden to come back next year by wifely decree.

Nobody believes what we do on these trips anyway ....       8-)

We have told sooooo many tall tales about running Hurleys off both sides of the road (two at the same time no less) that the only folks who believe anything about these mountain trips are the ones that actually go on them.

That's why we always have the new person to be the chronicler, to him it is all fresh and new and folks think he MIGHT be telling the truth, mostly.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/08/13 at 15:13:55

Dave, if you think you have gotten us lost then you are in good company.   Just ask MM where to go and he'll finish whatever you got started, getting us lost-wise.

Me, I just wait for all you guys at the next intersection.   My life is very simple, really.   GO !!!  weeeee   ....... stop.    GO !!!  weeeee  ....... stop.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/09/13 at 05:40:49

Lancer.....We are sure gonna miss you this year.  Whose gonna keep us all in good behavior?

Thank you.
I started missing the mountain air months ago.
Keeping in good behavior ? ? ?
While riding in the mountains ?
With a bunch of unruly characters ? ?
That's an impossible task.   ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/13 at 06:20:51

Take cheer, Lancer.    We rode together as fast and as far and for as long as we could up in them thar purty mountains.  

And we will get to see you in the fall for the fall scoot & shoot at WD's place so we won't forget what you look like.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/09/13 at 07:30:52

65464E4C4F46464F582A0 wrote:
Take cheer, Lancer.    We rode together as fast and as far and for as long as we could up in them thar purty mountains.  

And we will get to see you in the fall for the fall scoot & shoot at WD's place so we won't forget what you look like.

Looking forward to WD's, but still miss the mountains; this is the 9th year ...yes ? ?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/09/13 at 14:36:34

Something like that.  I generally just count up the various trips because we generally had something going both summer and fall for the past 3 years.

Counting trips, we are well over 12 trips now.   The small ones were the best, imho, with you me and MM jest a going up & doing it.

My mother in law had a birthday party this past Saturday and she insisted everybody watch "The Carolina Traveller goes to the Dragon" that she had taped, a 10 minute episode about Deals Gap and how dangerous it was.   Did you know that over 50 non-fatal injuries take place in each of the summer months, with an average of a fatality a month and it is the rated most dangerous road in the lower 48 states?

BAD IDEA, that -- all the old hens started clucking about how I was going to get hurt going up there with all those hundreds of crazy motorcycle people.   I set them straight on that topic, I was the one that the "they" needed to be afraid of, not the other way around.

My daughter got it and gave me the quiet grin, my wife has always known it but she didn't like me saying it out loud in front of the hens.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 06/10/13 at 08:44:40


I'm going to have to wait till Thursday to ride ya'lls direction  :( , Things worked out for me to go pick up a Second bike Tuesday  :P  but its a 16 hour  ride to  go-get-it :( .   So I'll need a day of rest inbetween trips.  

So as of now I can leave Thursday and be there for a Friday ride , then back home on Saturday.   (Think I'll bring the Monkey-Butt Powder this time ) ... :-[

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/10/13 at 10:02:47

[quote author=1C0E1C0E03101F1219510 link=1357134618/240#244 date=1370879080]Think I'll bring the Monkey-Butt Powder this time ) ... :-[/quote]

What's a matter MM......The black leather chaps start "chapping" about the 16th hour?

Might be a bit of a coordinating nightmare....but maybe we could meet you somewhere and ride you in.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/10/13 at 10:34:08

Tell us all about the brand new scooter ...... because we know when you get it home you are gonna be fiddlin' with it instead of riding all the way across Tennesse twice to get in a single day's ride.

We knows you, we do .....


Oldrider, you DO need to pack that tent now.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/10/13 at 14:15:10

I do, its a small hex tent two person...not much on space but at least two folks can lay down in it....however two folks + gear might be a tight fit.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 06/10/13 at 18:22:20


Ya'll remember the  04, 1200 Sportster .   This one is the fuel injected 883 version (07).
Sundowner seat
Case guard
Foward controls
Mag wheels
Factory soft bags
Polished case version (not black or brushed)
Tank Bib
4.5 gal tank
only 7K miles

The only things left to add is a luggage rack , rear trunk , and a windshield.    :D    mabby ???  ;)

And the bib almost covers the Harley name !

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/11/13 at 05:11:56


I have had 2 incredeibly busy days at work......a Council meeting last night and I will have a very intense Planning and Zoning meeting tonight.  I was able to get the bike loaded up and get all my things gathered together last night after I got home from the meeting.  This afternoon I will go home and attach the trailer and load everything up, and start my drive right after the meeting.  I should be able to get 2-3 hours of driving in tonight.  I can sleep in my trailer with my bike and start out again tomorrow morning.  I should have no trouble making the 1:00 arrival time.  I will be so keyed up after this Planning Meeting I won't be able to go to sleep for a while anyhow.....I might as well be driving.

I imagine I will be "offline" sometime around 3 this afternoon.  See you all soon.  This is what my rig looks like.....if you see me running around lost you can flag me down!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/13 at 05:25:24

Wow, looks like you have a plan.   Just tell them you are the early arriver for Cabin #4 and I will call them to tell them to give you the keys so you can unpack & set up when you arrive.   I want the left hand bunk (my roll out of bed routine only works on the LH bunk) otherwise I am working towards by bad side and it is sort funny to watch me try to get up .....

Crip old man means exactly that you know -- about half my joints have gotten sorry now.

Good, that means you will be there early so we can help each other get the bikes off (de-trailering is where more of the stupid bike boo-boos happen, did you know that little factoid?)

See you tomorrow -- we is gonna have us some fun.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/13 at 07:11:26

I called them, they said OK, no problem.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by verslagen1 on 06/11/13 at 08:12:03

What trailer is that dave?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/11/13 at 08:20:27

33203736292422202B74450 wrote:
What trailer is that dave?

The trailer is made by Homesteader and is a Challenger model.  It is 48" tall, 40" wide and 8' long inside.  I bought it used from a fellow that used it to haul show rabbits all over the country.  He installed the windows so he could keep the rabbits cool.  It was funny as everytime he got a trophy showing his rabbits he would put a little bunny sticker on the side of the trailer.....It looked like I had hundreds of "bunny kills" when I bought the trailer.  I took the spring axle off and put a rubber torsion axle on it so I could lower the trailer to work well with the Vibe.  It is a great trailer and tows well behind the mileage drops from 32mpg to about 25 when I tow.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/11/13 at 12:43:11

Made it to suwanne ga. at the comfort suites, yeah we are ruffin' it the first night. Gonna to hit a restaurant fer some early dinner. :D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/13 at 15:37:15

Well, we have 3 out on the road now.

 I'm at work now, I'll leave in the morning early so I may well be the last one to arrive.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/11/13 at 16:53:40

Back from eating, outback ribeye... had to fuel up for the weekend... never know if we'll be out in the hills, lost and eatin' pinecones. So I added a few pounds and so did Kev.
Bike is still chattering, either rockers or maybe a bushing or something, you should hear me coming tommorrow...bout a mile away.
Although there were a couple times after riding about 62-64 mph were it just seemed like I hit a "zone" and didn't really hear anything except the thrum of the engine and felt the vibes of the road (well that and the pain in my azz and elbow that never went away totally), it was great feeling and I couldn't help but smile...really big ;D
We stared out in the fog of the morning, cool to hot to cool and back to hot, fogged up my glasses and sometimes the fog got so thick we had to slow to about 45mph for fear of rearending someone. Couldn't see behind because the mirrors fogged too, was like that for about 3hrs till the sun finally burned the fog up.
Anyway we made it to Atlanta and it only took us 9 hours...ok, I complained alot, and stopped for gas every 90 miles to be safe. Put in about 1.7 gal. per 90 miles so i'm figuring 52-ish mpg? and at 2.9ish gal I guess I really could push 140 miles per tank if I needed to I suppose.
Loggin off, gonna do some other surfin' and get showered and slept up till the mornin', I don't know when we will leave, got plenty of time to get there.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/11/13 at 18:39:44

See, he is going to be a very good chronicler.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 06/11/13 at 18:57:59

694A4240434A4A4354260 wrote:
See, he is going to be a very good chronicler.

Shore 'nuff 8-)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/12/13 at 12:44:22

Lancer couldn't stand it, he was waiting for us at the unloading ramp when we got to the Blue Ridge Campground.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/12/13 at 14:06:19

I was sworn to secrecy I tell ya!  My roomy is Lancer not my bud Kev. Well I got here last, because, well, let's say this, I'm the first blood sacrifice! Yup, an hour out I pulled into a parking lot to call the wife (she buzzed me), and as I turned in I hit a patch of loose gravel, down I went!
Almost immediately gas started draining from the cap onto the ground. I had hit the kill switch on the way down, but being excited I thought there might be a fire if it got on the pipe, so I tried snatching it up, ya know,clean and jerk.
Well I ended up popping something in my lower back, know I'm gonna change my name to old stupid rider. >:(

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/12/13 at 14:09:10

I will update the first day when the camp owner gets back and I can get internet on my laptop, for some reason myaptop won't connect but my wifi phone will.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Steve H on 06/12/13 at 16:03:03

I was hoping I would be able to ride up Friday and maybe meet yall for lunch or something and say hi to everyone.  But, it didn't work out.  Too many commitments around here.

I hope you all have a great time.  :)


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/12/13 at 18:39:52

Well we are all settled in and livin' the mountain man's life...well thats if he had 'lectricity and runnin' water, we are high faluttin' mountain men!

Havin' a good time so far... Lancers wakin' up road kill with his loud pipes and Dave is lookin' like a youngin' on his racer...and Old Feller, well... if he would bring it outta light speed once in a while we could see him. And when we do see him he's a flappin' his wings and trying to make that savage of his fly! I just keep hearin' that song "I believe I can fly"...everytime he does it.
So far they have held me down to the local roads so's my back can start feeling better from goofin' it up this mornin'. Hope it feels better tommorrow so we can head out and get in a full day of riding. Here is a link to my photo bucket 2013 NC savage album.

Old-rider signin' out fer the evenin'......

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/13/13 at 18:26:56

Day 2 was almost as fun as my trip up here....LOL... almost.
I got up at O' dark thirty to go make the coffee so's the older members wouldn't have to wait for it to brew...then had to log on so I could fill them in on any important news.
After they got up they decided to yak fer a bit while I was sweeping out the cabin...oh the joy's of the new guy :(
Out we went for breakfast a short trip, well semi-short trip to find walmart and a breakfast place nearby, well after only 2 wrong turns we found one. Food was good, bellies full and sunshiny day...lets go!
We headed out after lookin' at a map and took a long fast....did I say fast? cars were blurrin' buy and I could only manage warp 2 to OF's 5 or 6, the interstate was great to us, we hit our turn-off and off....road we went.
Did I say off road? well after about 20min of blacktop we were climbin' hills that donkey carts could climb (or a good four wheel drive vehicle).
About 25 minutes into the hairy-hair pins and loop-back gravel deathtrap we decided that google didn't know what a blacktop was and turned back around and headed downslope, yeah...dave didn't have to even turn his racer on but once, he coasted.
Well we got back on the road and hit up the wheels of time museum only to find out that there was a can-am convention on that side of the mountain....holly hanna's...literally thousands of them!
After spendin' about an hour at the museum we decided to split.... Lancer headed back and OF, OR and Dave decided to hit the dragon and loop back around.
Yeah we did a loop alright, loopdy lue and a thunderstorm or two! We spent most of the rest of the day dodging raindrops and getting soaked, while Lancer hit wally world and got a smidge wet, the terrible three were soaked to the bone! I've still got cold feet!
After we returned home in the third downpoor of the day, it stopped rainin' yeah Stopped! So we dried out did some laundry, Dave washed his bike (yeah even after all the water that soaked us he washes it) and guess who shows???  MMR!!! yeah buddy! and now there are 5! The fearless five! ok... fearless four...i'm still a little timmid  :-?
Anyway I didn't spell check or anythin so i'm done for the day...

Old_Rider out!

P.S. I hope this link works

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/14/13 at 15:51:44

Day 3 we went to Mount Mitchell area and Marion.  Rode highway 80 from beginning to end no wrecks no blood no problems.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ZAR on 06/14/13 at 20:44:47

46656D6F6C65656C7B090 wrote:
Day 3 we went to Mount Mitchell area and Marion.  Rode highway 80 from beginning to end no wrecks no blood no problems.

Musta wore OR out though....seeing as how yer doing the reportin tonite  :-/

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/15/13 at 11:41:00

647F6C3E0 wrote:
[quote author=46656D6F6C65656C7B090 link=1357134618/255#265 date=1371250304]
Day 3 we went to Mount Mitchell area and Marion.  Rode highway 80 from beginning to end no wrecks no blood no problems.

Musta wore OR out though....seeing as how yer doing the reportin tonite  :-/[/quote]

Yeah mountainous terrain got to my already bad back....had to bow out for the day, infact I am now at a hotel north of atlanta, my back could not handle chasin' down those porkchops on the dragon, OF said he would eat me some. Lancer and me called it quits this morning and took off for home, next time I will most likely trailer what ever bike I bring and make it easier on me and my back LOL.......
I enjoyed every minute of the riding, seems like even tho my back was hurting just getting on the bike is theraputic, I even stopped at walmart and got me a backbrace and heating pad for tonight, so I can take the long ride tommorrow (8hrs). If I don't feel like I can make the whole 8hrs I will stop somewhere again....maybe i'll visit an old Air Force buddy in pelham, al. and stay the night.
It was an honor to meet the fella's that I just see in words, so much more to them in person. Thanks again for a good time time I will be fit enough to ride more than I did this time. :-[

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 06/15/13 at 15:35:49 time I will be fit enough to ride more than I did this time

Ya know we gona "Hold Ya To It "

Better show up on something either too Big for OldFeller to eat or too Fast for him to catch-it !

I had a rather uneventfull trip home (300 miles/7hours).    The bike rally was still going on when I got to town !   That was a nice supprise.  The races start in an hour and a half so I'm off to the shower and on to the races I hope .  :)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/15/13 at 18:09:04

Best bring something bigger than a 1200 CC Sportster and faster than a Ducati.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/13 at 03:48:18

Please excuse the errors I am talking this into my  phone on Saturday.   We went to the Dragon Saturday AM and then we ate lunch at the barbecue place at the Dragon.  Then David I went up to the knife store and then we rode back on highway 32 which is a dragon like road that is 30 miles long then we ate dinner and made it back to the campground and tried to relax a bit.  It was a very full day.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/16/13 at 04:59:06

How was your saturday ride? wish I coulda stood for it. I still have to bring the wifes bike back up there to ride the dragon if my list is gonna get crossed off.
Talked to a friend in alabama last night, he might be able to buy the little 250 honda rebel, so thats one I won't have to ride the dragon
Just got done eatin' breakfast and takin' my i'll be hot footin' it for home in about an hour, we'll see how far I can get.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/16/13 at 17:04:00

6D6E66706B666770020 wrote:
How was your saturday ride?

It was much the same as the same Dragon/knife store run last year.   Only difference was Dave had his new bike and he was willing to let it off its leash a little bit more on Saturday.    He is able to run away from me at will (his bike is much more powerful and is better handling as well).   Dave also gets nearly a 150 pounds in weight savings over my carcass weight plus another 50 pounds due to his stripped clean bike with aluminium rims, etc.

When I say he can spank me at will  if he opens the throttle all the way, I mean it.   Whack it open and Dave wins.

This is his first high speed run on his new bike, and he didn't want to mangle it up by abusing it.  So he didn't whack 'er open all that often.

The newly paved Hwy 32 was finally found and it is Dragon like and it is about 3 times longer than the Dragon.  There is absolutely no traffic on it, no cops on it and the only thing not to like is the leaf and branch debris that is present on the practically deserted road.  

Being all dragon like means the stuff pops up on you right sudden like ....

:o :o :o

MM is talking like he wants to host an event at his farm next year, so we will let him announce his event on another thread.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/16/13 at 17:11:04

Rolled in a few hours ago; the  drive home was difficult with headaches plaguing most of the way but I'm now in loving and comforting hands. :))

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/16/13 at 17:24:34

I just got home around 7:00 PM on Sunday night.  After Old Fellow and I loaded up our bikes I sent OF on his way....I ate Biscuits and Gravy at the campground eatery....figured I would not get a better breakfast anywhere on the road.  For some strange reason my car did not turn toward home when I left the campground........but it turned toward Deals Gap instead!  I could not resist taking a slight detour to take one more run up and down the Dragon.  I arrived at the Dragon Inn about 10:30 and made one run up and back, then ate a BBQ and left about 2:00.  When I left my way home made it necesary that I drive the Dragon in my car and trailer to get is much more fun on the bike.

I had a great time and am well pleased with how my bike ran.  I think I put about 700 miles on it!

It was nice to see Old Fellow, Lancer, MMRanch again....and meet Old-Rider.  Great bunch of guys to hang out with!


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by ToesNose on 06/17/13 at 04:46:43

Sounds like you guys had a great time!  How are you feeling now Old Rider, any better? And thanks for posting pics up for those of us that couldn't make it but would have loved to be there  ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/17/13 at 07:05:51

7C474D5B66475B4D280 wrote:
Sounds like you guys had a great time!  How are you feeling now Old Rider, any better? And thanks for posting pics up for those of us that couldn't make it but would have loved to be there  ;)

I still feel older than all you guys...LOL... and i'm the kid of the group! Tried to call in a appoitment this morning and was told they are full up for the day call back tommorrow morning or go to the ER...not going there! I'll just call back in the morning at 7am and make sure I get on the list.

I took a short video of the campground I think, i'll have to find my camera, haven't unpacked yet....heh... hit the heat pad at 8am when I woke up, got me some coffee, gonna get some breakfast next, then pain pill and maybe by lunch i'll get up enough gumtion to go unpack!

I really enjoyed myself up there, so much so, I can't wait till the next one! Hopefully i'll have my own savage adapted to my likings and be able to ride it there.
After seeing the pictures the wife wants to go up to the campgrounds for a couple days, maybe we can get her up there to ride the dragon...hope the folks up there can stand someone who would corner about 15mph....LOL !

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by MMRanch on 06/17/13 at 08:40:42

dragon...hope the folks up there can stand someone who would corner about 15mph....LOL !

My first year had a lot of 15 mph curves in it too !  :P


The more the better !  :)

besides  ... She can't call ya if she is riding right behind ya ...   ;)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/17/13 at 08:49:56

Old_Rider wrote:

...hope the folks up there can stand someone who would corner about 15mph....LOL ![/quote]

OK....The secret to that is to follow some truck or camping trailer on the Dragon.  You can always put the blame on them for holding you back.  

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/17/13 at 08:55:05

After Action Report and Discussion

OK, everybody said they liked the Blue Ridge Campground for being more peaceful and serene.   Dave admitted it was peaceful, sometimes too peaceful at times and that he missed the Dragon Lodge "hectic" at times.

I found that I slept better at Blue Ridge, but that has to do with me most likely.   Traded off against that was the walk across the grass to the bathroom, but that wasn't a real big price to pay for the birds singing and the butterflies and such.

Major trip distances are less when based from BRC even with us making a full day loop out of Fontana Dam Road, Dragon and then Cherohala Skyway then down to dinner and then back home.   We picked up a new dragon like road when going to the knife store, Hwy 32 is going to be a big plus for future trips.

Nobody got screwed on room rent at BRC (this always happens at the Dragon Lodge, BTW)

Cabin #4 was an unexpected deal as we could have put 4 people inside it which would have been CHEAPER than even tenting as a one person tent.

Meals are a snap since they feed you every weekend night and we go by Waynesville and Cruso every trip so stopping for dinner is easy.

They have a massive library of bike magazines and books that folks have donated over the years sitting in the lodge area.  Folks have also donated neat stuff like boot dryers and such for folks to use.   Coffee is free in the lodge area 24 hours a day.

Last positive was the all the people our age from all over North America for you to talk to --- when you sit down at the camp fire at BRC the wives keep feeding you free jerky and chips and some hubby is always offering you a mixed drink or a beer.   Most of the folks are couples and the women all ride.  Some are pretty good looking for being our age bracket.  We had folks from Canada to Florida to Oklahoma at our camp fire, so you get a much wider spread of folks riding all sorts of non-crotch rocket bikes.

Compare that to listening to drunk crotch rocket guys brag about how far they slid and how well their leathers protected them from road rash (which is the most common discussion topic at Dragon Lodge camp fire).


I think BRC seduces the folks who aren't feeling 100% into skipping out on a ride whereas the Dragon Lodge would have encouraged you to ride partially wounded as it is so busy and noisy all the time that nobody wants to stay there during the day.   BRC can keep you in by offering you nice couches and reading material and free coffee and people to go visit with .... and when the ride you are skipping out on is likely gonna be a nasty one then heck yeah, it gets considered.

BRC facilities are not in prime shape compared to years past, the current owner is letting it go downhill a bit.   The TV definitely needs replacing.  Paint in the shower area needs repainting.  Me, I miss the all the little people and all the fairy lights in the bushes .... I miss the previous owners cooking and the wife's skills in landscaping/gardening the place into spots of astonishing beauty.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by engineer on 06/17/13 at 18:08:59

I've read these accounts with great interest and viewed the pictures.  I can't describe how much I would have liked to have been there.  I would like to see some pictures that identify who is who and I really want to see a picture of Dave's racer bike that OF says can leave everybody behind eating dust!  Thanks OF and OR for all the reports and photos, great stuff.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/17/13 at 18:34:43

I titled most pics, can't see what they say?  I added tags today, check again to see if you can see those.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/13 at 04:15:41

Meet your Chronicler, Old Rider --- the man with the camera.   When you are the Chronicler you generally don't get into the pictures very much, so I made sure to get a few shots of our new Dragoneer.

Old Rider also fulfilled this other job (the one we didn't tell him about).  

You see, he wasn't supposed to be the Volunteer Road Sacrifice, the friend he was bringing with him was supposed to be the one.   But they wuz all tricky on me and the friend was Lancer who the Dragon had already tasted.

(The Dragon always takes a nibble taste of all the riding groups that go up there every year and it is believed that he samples each & every one of us repeat return people eventually given enough time.  

We used to have Toymaker who was the Volunteer Road Sacrifice for year after year -- he seemed to like it ....)

Here is the cabin that Lancer and Old Rider stayed in.   Two single beds set up in parallel, can sleep 3 with one on the floor.

And here is the new best cabin, Cabin #4 --- it can sleep 4 with 2 on the floor.   Also here is a good comparative shot of Dave's Slim Jim vs a standard Savage.

Dave was the best rider of the trip, inexhaustible and always ready to go.  I tried to pound on him with an endless supply of hard riding roads, but if you stopped long enough to keep me going it allowed him to regenerate completely -- a friggin' Energizer Bunny he was.    MM and Dave ought to go riding together, they would cover a WHOLE BUNCH of ground together as they both only have a "GO" button.

Dave keeps the neatest lines you ever saw in a nasty turn, I'd glance back when I finished a tough curve and Dave would be jest sailing right on through it all sweet & neat & clean like .....


Dave has been just about fully corrupted now, passing stuff on mountain roads isn't a big deal to him any more.   MM is way past corrupted, he can't even ride with a group of Hurleys any more without working his way up through the pack and waving bye bye to the ride captain.

Lancer oversaw my corruption, so I can't say much about him.

Old Rider wants to come back next year and complete his corruption process.  He won't have a hurt back to hold him up next year.


Why do we have the new person to be the Chronicler?   Because they are fresh, everything is new to them and they are honest about what they see.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/18/13 at 05:31:48


I might ride smoooth.....but I believe that you and MMRanch are stilll faster riders than I am.  Those tight corners can really come up fast and I have a hard time opening up the throttle too much on the straights, only to find a really sharp curve at the end waiting to take a taste of my flesh.  Those curves can be realy sneaky and start out kind of gentle at the beginning....then get really tight.  I always tried to leave some extra margin for braking case I needed it.

I have learned a lot on those corners.  I have learned that our bikes are fun, far more nimble than big cruisers and tourers....and that they can't compete with a good rider on a sport bike.  (I did pass one rider on a sport bike that was not very good at cornering).  The tires on the sport bikes are far more glue-like than what we can buy for our bikes, and at one stop I saw a sport bike with racing slicks....big ole soft, sticky, glue like tires.......we don't stand a chance with those guys!

For those considering the Dragon Trip.....we all ride at our own pace and we stop and collect everyone up at the next intersection.  The trips are planned with stops and rest periods that match the temperment and durability of the group....we are not trying to set any endurance records.  It is a fun trip.    

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/13 at 06:29:27

Yup, as long as I am along you can count on stopping about every hour and a half (my leg duration ain't so great).

With MM, you stop whenever he needs gasoline --- and when he was on his Sporty that was too too too long in between.   I'd chase him down and signal for gas whenever my legs started to go bad.

My ride speed really isn't near as good as Big Zuk's was, he was the Jedi Master of the mountain riding at speed on a Savage late braking techniques.   And since he didn't show up this year we dropped back to my lesser speed rates.

Zuk had crazy good braking techniques and he stood on both brakes late into the curve compared to anything I was originally willing to do.  But he taught me that we really can ride that fast in the rain and braking late in a turn ISN'T going to turn you into a pumpkin so I am thankful I got to ride with him for so many years.

Last time Zuk and I rode hard together was that first year you went to the Dragon, Dave.   Remember how both Zuk and I had turned our rotors royal blue (grossly overheated) on the second day?   I pointed it out when we were at the Dragon overlook resting -- it was funny because I was copying his late braking techniques when I was following him and he thought I was pushing on him from behind.   Fat chance that, he was that much better than I was.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/18/13 at 06:43:01

The 600cc crotch rockets and them boys in full leather gear come in two main groups.  The real ones pass you like you are sitting still and are GONE while you can occasionally pass them "I wanna be a crotch rocket guy" slower type boys in a curve (you won't catch them in a straight away).

We sorta rule on the Cherohala because it is too boring for the crotch rocket boys to do more than once.

Parkway we rule because the crotch rocket boys won't even go there.

Bigger crotch rockets actually go slower in the mountains than the light & nimble 600cc class -- they weigh too much.   Ducatis as a group are relatively slower, BMWs are slower still ....

But, since the 600cc class bikes all can make 100+ hp and they can stay in second gear all the time so if they want to they can trash us easily if the rider has any goodly amount of Dragon time under his belt.

Roll on, roll off (brakes)  ----  it is simple and easy for them to wipe us up.   They are actually holding back to keep the front wheel down on the road.

Plus, them crazy boys actually go practice falling down in curves, slapping on a set of new slider bumpers and then trying it again.   A crotch rocket with torn up sliders on both sides and scarred up plastic is the one to be worried about .....  them guys leathers look like they have been in the wars too.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/24/13 at 04:45:23

Well.....I figured for a few bucks I would buy proof that I was on the Dragon on Sunday.  There wasn't anyone else from the group to act as a witness!  It was far less crowded on Sunday afternoon than it was on Saturday.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/24/13 at 05:18:38

That's a purty bike being rode in a purty fashion.   Beautimus even.

:D   Me, I ain't so purty, but I can still get around OK.   :D

FYI, my front brake pads weren't worn out, the outside one was thin but the inside was only half worn down --- what we were eyeballing was the curled up red paint from where it had worn down over the years.  

However I changed them out anyway (but I saved the thick side for future use).  Pumped the system down with fresh brake fluid too.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/24/13 at 07:48:53

Dang fine pic Dave, just wish I coulda done the video of the Dragon like I planned, although I doubt I coulda kept up with you three hollagans. Got xrayed wed. last week and they still haven't called with any results, dang military doc's are slow.
Wife wants all the rattles fixed now so I guess i'm pulling the tank this week and trying to find her a different headlight setup.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/24/13 at 08:45:03

4B4840564D404156240 wrote:
Dang fine pic Dave, just wish I coulda done the video of the Dragon like I planned, although I doubt I coulda kept up with you three hollagans. Got xrayed wed. last week and they still haven't called with any results, dang military doc's are slow.
Wife wants all the rattles fixed now so I guess i'm pulling the tank this week and trying to find her a different headlight setup.

Our office manager says I need longer pants!  I am not sure why they tilted the camera.....I was working hard to lean it over and he straightened me back up by tilting the photo!

Hope you get to feeling better soon.......nobody likes the wait to heal.  I am  not sure why the chose the word "patient" for someone needing medical help.......seldom is that the way anbody feels when they need to be worked on.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/25/13 at 18:55:34

Hey OldFellow!  Remember that rattling noise you heard the last day we were riding together and our bikes were idling side by side?  It was my bike.......and it was louder tonight.

It is the headlight ring.  It is really loud, and it makes a sound like the top end is coming apart at idle.  If I take my hand and hold the chrome headlight ring......the horrible racket goes away.  Thank goodness it is not another post Dragon Trip engine rebuild!

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/13 at 20:04:17

Yup, you was making a little rucus, you were.  

But nothing serious, I was just amazed my "never adjusted for 2 years" valves were quieter than yours so I remarked some about it.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/25/13 at 20:14:10

Now Dave, since you have had time to think about it some -- I got a tight curlies question for you.

Dragon tight curlies or Hwy 32 tight curlies -- which was the most entertaining to go around?  

Which was the most alarming?   (unexpected/surprising, if you prefer)

Which was the most dangerous?  (tried to kill you the more times)

Which one was the best "controlled portion" of thrill ride (and why)?

Which one would be best for a controlled race (assuming you could do such a thing by having a cell phone equipped person at each end to verify the road was empty of all traffic)

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/26/13 at 04:22:48

70535B595A53535A4D3F0 wrote:
Now Dave, since you have had time to think about it some -- I got a tight curlies question for you.

Dragon tight curlies or Hwy 32 tight curlies -- which was the most entertaining to go around?   The Dragon is more fun for killin' Hurlies and catching up to follks.......Route 32 was more fun as it was very long and devoid of traffic.

Which was the most alarming?   (unexpected/surprising, if you prefer)
Route 32 was the most alarming as I had never been on it before and had no idea what was around the next corner, and several of those corners had wood on the road from the Thursday storm.

Which was the most dangerous?  (tried to kill you the more times) I really don't think either one tried to kill me......that SUV with the couple sitting crosswise in the middle of the road was a bit is hard to imagine why anyone would sit crosswise on both lanes to look at a map or read their directions.  The Dragon worries me as it is busy, and very often bikes and cars drift over the centerline and into my lane.

Which one was the best "controlled portion" of thrill ride (and why)?
Not sure what this questions implies.  Both roads offer cool turns and twists and hills and they both offer curves that you can't go around and maintain te speed limit.  The Dragon is fun for the Carnival atmosphere.....Route 32 is fun for the remoteness and really long ride.

Which one would be best for a controlled race (assuming you could do such a thing by having a cell phone equipped person at each end to verify the road was empty of all traffic)Route 32 would be best, as there is no traffic and probably no law enforcement.  I don't support the idea of racing on public roads.......they have track events for that.  I just enjoy the curves at a brisk pace......with some reserve left for braking and evasive moves if they become necessary.

I want future Dragon Riders to know that everyone can ride at their own pace, and that the occasional blast around the corners by some of us will be followed by the group waiting for all riders to catch up and join the group.  It is not a 3 day street race.....but we do sneak in some spirited riding when the opportunity arises. ;D

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by LANCER on 06/26/13 at 05:02:18

Curves at brisk pace with reserve for braking and URO's (unexpected road objects)... Yep, fun stuff.  I really wish I had felt better and been able to enjoy more of the ride.

Really ?  A car parked crossways in both lanes on a curve while looking at a map ?
Did you stop and suggest they move before they or someone else dies?

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Dave on 06/26/13 at 05:08:23

2D202F2224337376410 wrote:
Curves at brisk pace with reserve for braking and URO's (unexpected road objects)... Yep, fun stuff.  I really wish I had felt better and been able to enjoy more of the ride.

Really ?  A car parked crossways in both lanes on a curve while looking at a map ?
Did you stop and suggest they move before they or someone else dies?

Yep.....We came around a corner and discovered an SUV diagonal in the highway and right on top of the centerline.  I think they became complacent about  how deserted this road was.  We rode for what a local fellow said was 30 miles and that was the only car we saw.  I need to check the distance and see how long that road really felt like it was twice the lenght of the Dragon.....the curves just kept on coming, and it was all smooth, fresh asphalt.....except for the last 2 mile gravel stretch.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/26/13 at 07:31:24

I think Hwy 32 is the more dangerous road as it allows you to do what you are going to do in a completely unobserved & unrestricted fashion.

The mix of curves on 32 is insane and some of them are tighter than any that exist on the Dragon so you can't ride at a constant "speed range".  Dragon always has you going about 15 to 50 and all the curves have been rebanked so you can keep to that general speed range.

Hwy 32 has you down as low as 5-10 mph with tires just a scrubbing just to get around a couple of the inside hairpins.  Some are just about "folded road" tight.

The length of paved 32 is considerable right now and if they pave it all it will be 3x longer than it is now.

Dragon is relatively short and it has been just about memorized now.  The Dragon does have things to pass on it and that adds to its appeal.  8 porkchops and a trailer and a van on a single pass is the largest plate I was ever served on a one way Dragon pass, so Hwy 32 definitely lacks in the snack department.  

;D  They try to make up for it by parking in the middle of the road though.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by old_rider on 06/26/13 at 08:26:41

I will definately be back up there next year and hopefully with a savage that I will have fitted to me.
Got a call back from the xray doc, I guess I fractured my L3, go figure. She says my bones are thin? Got an appointment to see my regular doctor, but not untill aug 5! Guess the fracture ain't that bad, told me not to go jumping no busses or tractor trailers on the motorcycle.
I should be healed up by the time WD's get-together happens, just gotta figure what to ride up there.

Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Oldfeller on 06/26/13 at 08:58:35

655E5344555942445F575A45360 wrote:
[quote author=70535B595A53535A4D3F0 link=1357134618/285#292 date=1372216450]

I just enjoy the curves at a brisk pace......with some reserve left for braking and evasive moves if they become necessary. [/color]

I want future Dragon Riders to know that everyone can ride at their own pace, and that the occasional blast around the corners by some of us will be followed by the group waiting for all riders to catch up and join the group.  It is not a 3 day street race.....but we do sneak in some spirited riding when the opportunity arises. ;D[/quote]

:D   :D   :D

All you young little squiddlies, ya'll do plan to come to the mountains with us next year.  

Secret is to start out at the rear of the pack and "ride your own ride" like you always have.   Then you notice how the guy in front of you is doing it, and you start doing that way.   Always copy from the folks in front of you who ride better than you do, that is how you learn.

You come back next year because it was fun, and before long you are in the middle of the pack and are slowly moving up.  Then one day for no reason, it all clicks together and you start to RIDE your motorcycle and you don't even notice it.

Kel was our classic case of this learning progression, he was sitting at dinner one afternoon (on his third trip) arguing that there was no way in hell he was going any 70 mph on the Cherohala Skyway, that his bike wouldn't do 70 on those hills and he can't ride that near fast under those conditions .....

.... until the cell phone with the GPS speed/distance app lit was laid down beside his plate.   74.3 mph top speed, taken from the guy behind him.

He stopped and took a gulp of tea -- he wuz a Dragon Rider now fer shure.

"But we were all just cruising along in a spaced out row, no fuss no bother ...."

For example, Dave rides better than he thinks he does.   He was trying to get home in the rain and was going 65+ along Cruso Rd trying to get back to the cabins so he could take him a hot shower.  

He was wet and he was miserable and he just wanted to get there.  He couldn't read his speedo for all the mist and rain and he wasn't worried about it for much at that point anyway.    I wuz stopped suggesting a stop at a place with an awning to get out of the driving rain but Dave blew on past me, headed for home.   He warn't stopping fer nuthin'.

He made me work to catch him, he did.


and then on Sunday after packing up to go home, he went back for yet another dose of Dragon .....

..... straighten that road back to horizontal and tilt 'ol Dave over to where he was really riding -- that's a Dragon Rider right there by golly.

He still ain't admitting it to himself, but some day soon he'll pass something out in the real world because "it's just going so durn SLOW I jest can't take it any more" and then he'll remember this and do a golly gee to his forehead over the slow corruption that has crept up upon him.


Title: Re: 2013 Dragon Run (early summer)
Post by Steve H on 07/04/13 at 11:06:39

Here's dave with the road leveled. He's leaning into it pretty well there.

Glad you all had fun.  Wish I could have come at least for an afternoon. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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