General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?

Message started by Greg on 12/28/12 at 04:48:13

Title: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Greg on 12/28/12 at 04:48:13

I posted this question on my Facebook page but would like the input of the fine folks here as well.

I have a question. I am not being an instigator. I would truly like a good answer. If an adult believes he needs to carry a concealed weapon to protect himself or his family and it is not legal in his city/state, why doesn't he carry it anyway? I mean, it is a life or death decision. It is concealed. By the definition of the word, no one will know you have it. If you need it to defend your life, you use it. Would you rather be alive and going to court or be dead? I would be willing to bet many of the people who won't carry because it's the law are the same people who have intentionally broken many laws just because they wanted to, not because it was a life or death situation. Underage drinking. Smoking dope. Street racing. Speeding. Driving while intoxicated. Each of these things is illegal yet many people will do them for fun. If you are willing to break the law for fun, why not to save your life?

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Demin on 12/28/12 at 05:22:58

Good question.I've done everything you listed.Depending where I'm at(in my car)I've had my gun within reach.But I've never illegally caried.Maybe laws are stiffer,get shot by a Barney Fife cop,got older and wiser.I can't honestly answert that.In a bar fight/whatever I can usually hold my own.If it's close(in the car)I usually have a knife,screwdriver,something laying around.If need be I would use that....I guess.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Ed L. on 12/28/12 at 06:06:08

I think it has something to do with how we perceive ourselves. If the decision is made to carry concealed without a permit then we are taking the step down to the level of the criminal instead of abiding by the law. All the he!! raising done with drugs, speeding and drinking is more social done with friends. Carring without a permit is more of a personal choice which a lot of people won't share with others.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Paraquat on 12/28/12 at 06:09:21

People do but they do not advertise.
I know there's been more than one instance where people have been assaulted (because it's a verb, not an adjective) and were carrying in an area they were not legally permitted to carry in.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Ed L. on 12/28/12 at 06:31:29

Got to agree with Paraquat, there is no way to tell how many are carring without a permit. It's a personal choice wether to carry or not and don't ask, don't tell, is the rule.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 12/28/12 at 09:48:46

This happened a LOT in Texas after Luby's but before the law was passed.  One DA stated that he would be strictly enforcing the carry laws and ignoring the "travelling" defence and was almost recalled from office.  This is one reason why I am not too worried about what the national government does.

Also, if you study history you know that what prompted the Texas war for independence was Mexican gun control.  Something to consider.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Midnightrider on 12/28/12 at 21:08:04

I used to carry concealed when I worked nights. That was before there were concealed permits. If I had a flat tire or car trouble at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning I didnt want to be at the mercy of whoever came along on the backwoods roads I drove to work.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by thumperclone on 12/29/12 at 12:23:47

not illegal till you get caught

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 12/29/12 at 12:32:11

7B677A627F6A7D6C6360616A0F0 wrote:
not illegal till you get caught

Rather judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by LANCER on 12/30/12 at 04:14:58

282F3533342F2E222F2628400 wrote:
[quote author=7B677A627F6A7D6C6360616A0F0 link=1356698893/0#7 date=1356812627]not illegal till you get caught

Rather judged by 12 than carried by 6.[/quote]


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/30/12 at 18:42:09

My G'pa had a snubby 38. Went in his belt every nite as he closed the store up. When he put his $$$ in his bank bag & headed for his truck, he held the bag in his left hand, right hand ready to grab his gun. I guess every cop around knew he was packin, that was in 72,, Oklahoma, on a stretch of road between Tecumseh & Shawnee, pretty isolated & long before cell phones. He knew whose responsibility it was for him to get home safely. Americans have been slowly seperated from the land & growing food & canning & putting food back for times when it will be needed. Just as we have been slowly taken away from the idea of being self reliant in other aspects of life. If Johnny is picking on you, tell the teacher. Once upon a time, ya hit the punk in the face as hard as ya could as many times as ya could.. If someone is committing a crime, QUICK! Dial 911! America was a better place when people would come to the aid of a stranger by taking action directly against their attacker. Now, they make a call & Believe theyve "Done all they could do"..
I miss the America I loved so much.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by thumperclone on 12/30/12 at 21:58:52

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
My G'pa had a snubby 38. Went in his belt every nite as he closed the store up. When he put his $$$ in his bank bag & headed for his truck, he held the bag in his left hand, right hand ready to grab his gun. I guess every cop around knew he was packin, that was in 72,, Oklahoma, on a stretch of road between Tecumseh & Shawnee, pretty isolated & long before cell phones. He knew whose responsibility it was for him to get home safely. Americans have been slowly seperated from the land & growing food & canning & putting food back for times when it will be needed. Just as we have been slowly taken away from the idea of being self reliant in other aspects of life. If Johnny is picking on you, tell the teacher. Once upon a time, ya hit the punk in the face as hard as ya could as many times as ya could.. If someone is committing a crime, QUICK! Dial 911! America was a better place when people would come to the aid of a stranger by taking action directly against their attacker. Now, they make a call & Believe theyve "Done all they could do"..
I miss the America I loved so much.

i remember those times a little differently
the watts riots
charles manson
patty hurst
vets getting stoned by civialians
jane fonda
agent orange
spiro t
j edgar
yea i remember too
dont miss it tho

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by srinath on 01/02/13 at 13:17:51

Carrying concealed works less effectively as a deterrent than carrying open IMHO. In NC you dont need a permit to carry open. Many states are that way.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/02/13 at 17:39:44

7A7B6067687D61090 wrote:
Carrying concealed works less effectively as a deterrent than carrying open IMHO. In NC you dont need a permit to carry open. Many states are that way.

Actually it is proven to be the other way around.  Criminals do not know who is armed in Texas until there is reasonable cause for lethal force.  So the Texas law also protects those who do not carry.  Open carry laws only protect those armed at the time.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by srinath on 01/02/13 at 19:51:04

3A3D2721263D3C303D343A520 wrote:
[quote author=7A7B6067687D61090 link=1356698893/0#12 date=1357161471]Carrying concealed works less effectively as a deterrent than carrying open IMHO. In NC you dont need a permit to carry open. Many states are that way.

Actually it is proven to be the other way around.  Criminals do not know who is armed in Texas until there is reasonable cause for lethal force.  So the Texas law also protects those who do not carry.  Open carry laws only protect those armed at the time.[/quote]

I cant believe that ... How would the criminals know that those who aren't carrying a gun are not concealing it ? OK Fine they assume they are armed ... so there is a few people carrying open and the rest unknown, wont the criminals assume the rest are concealing anyway ... Your "proven" fact seems nothing more than a few people's assumptions and that gets repeated and becomes ... well an often repeated lie.
No one may know what is true, but I cant see how in say a crowd, there is a few with visible guns, and in a location where concealed carry is the norm, I cant see how the fact that there is open carry makes any difference ...

I am sorry, I call bogus on this, and dont show me some paper article as your proof.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Face on 01/03/13 at 20:00:21

40415A5D52475B330 wrote:
Carrying concealed works less effectively as a deterrent than carrying open IMHO. In NC you dont need a permit to carry open. Many states are that way.

Utah is that way as well. However, from what I've seen, those that choose to carry open do so to exercise their rights. It's a pollitical statement, not an attempt to deter a physical attack. As for those of us that carry concealed legally, we are also not trying to deter anything. We just want to be prepared in the event we need to protect ourselves or our loved ones. With that said, when I do carry, I make a conscious effort to avoid any place that one might feel the need to carry. It keeps me out of trouble, and the last thing I want to do is have to take someones' life. Even if they're a criminal. But.........I will do what I have to do if put into that kind of situation.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by srinath on 01/03/13 at 20:33:46

In the history of our local mall, there have never been any serious incidents @ one local mall ... where the anchor store is bass pro shops, there is always rednecks walking around with fresh brand new guns and cross bows and all sorts of artillery. I look it up after I saw the stats ... I would have to assume the concealed carry guys are the same proportion as the rest of the area malls. Its just that the visibly armed are more in number which does not occour in other malls. Some malls have closed due to crime then blight in my town. Likely has affected the lower crime rate in that 1 mall.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Face on 01/03/13 at 20:52:03

Valid point.    I suppose, whatever the motivation of the carrier, criminals are less likely to try something if the guy standing next to them is strapped with an open .45

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by LANCER on 01/04/13 at 04:49:50

Like animals in the wild, bad people who want to do bad things to others, are looking for the weak of the population to attack.  If they have a weapon and you do not then you are the "weak one" in that encounter.  If they see you have a visible weapon they will not likely try to attack you; same if they THINK you may have a weapon concealed on you.
If you think about the mass killings in the past years, it was always against the weak & vulnerable who were attacked.  As soon as the criminal was confronted by someone else with a weapon they usually committed suicide like the cowards they really are.  

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Greg on 01/04/13 at 06:20:29

6568676A6C7B3B3E090 wrote:

If you think about the mass killings in the past years, it was always against the weak & vulnerable who were attacked.  As soon as the criminal was confronted by someone else with a weapon they usually committed suicide like the cowards they really are.  

Very true.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 06:41:43

I agree with your overall point Lancer except the coward part.

They are not cowards; they are mentally ill; severely mentally ill.  

Almost by definition, a 'coward' would not start a mass shooting he knows will eventually escalate to a confrontation with another armed person. The Columbine kids wanted a war; they wanted to be thought of as warriors. I’m not sure what the definition of coward is, but it is not a severely mentally ill young man completely delusional about the real world.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Greg on 01/04/13 at 07:10:06

Web, I agree with your point as well. There are many mentally ill people that never get the help they need and things like the school shootings happen. It is possible that the mental illness drives them and then cowardice takes over at the end. I refuse to believe that EVERYONE who kills other people and/or themselves as being mentally ill. Unless the definition of mental illness is just someone who's mind works differently than yours. We will never truly know how the mind works for the majority of the people, so we can't call the majority normal. Perhaps some of the mass killers just didn't know how to deal with all the brainwashing and chemicals that the government and others are forcing them to accept as correct and normal. They made their statement and killed themselves because they are cowards. But then again, cowardice can be called a mental illness. If it's not in 'the magic illness book', I am sure it will be soon. There is certainly a drug for that I am sure can make some big pharm company tons of money.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Retread on 01/04/13 at 07:58:34

 They lose their mentally ill status and move to the criminally insane as sonn as they pull the trigger...

  I have had a CC permit for the last five years, I am not renewing it, it is a ripoff by the government, the NRA, and the local Sheriff dept.. We are a open carry state, if I feel threatened, I'll carry..

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Greg on 01/04/13 at 08:18:41

I don't know if I could open carry. When in a crowd, I am constantly checking to be sure my wallet is still there. I can't imagine the paranoia I would have about someone taking my open weapon. I don't check for my concealed weapon except on the bike. I do that periodically if I can't feel it.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Retread on 01/04/13 at 08:33:43

212423282F25460 wrote:
I don't know if I could open carry. When in a crowd, I am constantly checking to be sure my wallet is still there. I can't imagine the paranoia I would have about someone taking my open weapon. I don't check for my concealed weapon except on the bike. I do that periodically if I can't feel it.

  Carrying concealed is a hassle, it is always poking into my back, always have to take it out when driving, it gets painful.. I have worn it on my hip when on my mountain property for a few days, kinda forget its there, once went into town for supplys, people kinda look at you strange.. In the old days never noticed it, all the local ranchers carried, every pickup had guns in their racks...

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Greg on 01/04/13 at 08:50:36

1D2A3B3D2A2E2B4F0 wrote:
every pickup had guns in their racks...

Not being a rancher, I didn't experience everything, but this was the norm when I was younger.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Paraquat on 01/04/13 at 09:13:40

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
I agree with your overall point Lancer except the coward part.

They are not cowards; they are mentally ill; severely mentally ill.  

You don't have to be mentally ill to commit a crime.
You could argue they are sane and competent and when faced with an issue made the only logical conclusion they could at the time.

Working long hours, being taxed to death, no money, starving and stealing food to stay alive as an example.
Although this is usually not the case from what I know regarding those who would commit crimes.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/13 at 09:21:15

Don't misunderstand my point. I'm not suggesting mental illness removes guilt after the commission of a crime or they are not criminals. I was just commenting on the coward comment, that's all.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by srinath on 01/04/13 at 10:13:34

4776657666627663170 wrote:
[quote author=142621303726310E223128430 link=1356698893/15#20 date=1357310503]I agree with your overall point Lancer except the coward part.

They are not cowards; they are mentally ill; severely mentally ill.  

You don't have to be mentally ill to commit a crime.
You could argue they are sane and competent and when faced with an issue made the only logical conclusion they could at the time.

Working long hours, being taxed to death, no money, starving and stealing food to stay alive as an example.
Although this is usually not the case from what I know regarding those who would commit crimes.


You're talking career criminals. In a way those neccesitated by circumstances are not ones you can stop by passing any gun related law ... unless you had done it 200 years ago ...

I am talking whack jobs who really need help ... but till they get that help, they need to be kept away from sharp objects, or hanging rope, or anything else they can hurt themselves with and especially weapons they can hurt others with.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by LANCER on 01/04/13 at 15:01:48

5C5D46414E5B472F0 wrote:
[quote author=4776657666627663170 link=1356698893/15#26 date=1357319620][quote author=142621303726310E223128430 link=1356698893/15#20 date=1357310503]I agree with your overall point Lancer except the coward part.

They are not cowards; they are mentally ill; severely mentally ill.  

You don't have to be mentally ill to commit a crime.
You could argue they are sane and competent and when faced with an issue made the only logical conclusion they could at the time.

Working long hours, being taxed to death, no money, starving and stealing food to stay alive as an example.
Although this is usually not the case from what I know regarding those who would commit crimes.


You're talking career criminals. In a way those neccesitated by circumstances are not ones you can stop by passing any gun related law ... unless you had done it 200 years ago ...

I am talking whack jobs who really need help ... but till they get that help, they need to be kept away from sharp objects, or hanging rope, or anything else they can hurt themselves with and especially weapons they can hurt others with.


And how do you, or anyone civilian or in gov't, decide who those people are BEFORE they do the evil deed ?
In 99.99% of the cases you can't, because you cannot read another persons mind or know what is in their heart.  Are not most of the mass killers "LONER'S" ?  If they are loners then there may be no one who has a clue of what is on their mind or in their heart.  There is no way to stop someone like that before they do evil.

Another person could look at you and having heard that you grew up in India, decide that you may be associated with a terrorist group, and call the Fed's to report you.  Would they be correct ?  Not that I know of you, but who knows what they may think ?  If they called the Fed's would you think it was fair ?  I doubt it.

Anyway, point is that unless you have personal knowledge of factual information of a criminal conspiracy there is nothing that can be done.
The fact is that evil happens.  It is a terrible thing but this is the world we live in.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Starlifter on 01/04/13 at 18:48:46

I own five weapons, four of them hand guns. I also have my federal LEO credentials (retired) that entitle me to carry concealed anytime any place.

Having said that, I have never carried since I retired. I have never felt the need to. Granted I live in a very safe area, but I'm sure there are as many people who carry here as any other place (in the north) dangerous or not.

I think that for those who feel compelled to carry at all times, they are either paranoid, or relish the feeling of power they get from the gun. You know, they think "Ha, no one can see my gun, they don't know that I have the power of life or death over them." I believe the pleasure they feel in carrying and thinking about the gun they carry is giving them a psychological high that is rewarding to them.

I am not denigrating those who feel this way, I'm just offering my opinion as to perhaps one of many reasons a person feels compelled to carry.

Now if someone is required to walk or drive around in the bowels of some inner-city ghetto in the dead of night, well they may carry for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/04/13 at 21:51:23

4B6C796A74717E6C7D6A180 wrote:
I think that for those who feel compelled to carry at all times, they are either paranoid, or relish the feeling of power they get from the gun. You know, they think "Ha, no one can see my gun, they don't know that I have the power of life or death over them." I believe the pleasure they feel in carrying and thinking about the gun they carry is giving them a psychological high that is rewarding to them.

On July 7th or this year I watched a driver back over the top of the heart of my life.  He hit me too, but I never noticed as I was totally focused on her.  I thought she was going to die in my arms.  As a former paramedic, I went into medical mode, and treated her, got an ambulance in route, and properly packaged her for transport.  That said I felt totally powerless.  There are no words to say how empty I felt.

A gun would never help in that situation.  It happened too fast, with no way to prevent it.  But there are situations where a gun would help.  If I was ever in one of those, and Aida died because I did not feel like having a gun that day, I do not think I could survive it.  At least not as the person I am today.  If we could some how know in advance when we would need to have a gun, or lock the doors, or wear a seatbelt or helmet...  But we do not.  So we do those things each time, in the fervent hope that it will be totally unnecessary.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Starlifter on 01/04/13 at 22:05:27

Houstonbofh, What a terrable thing to happen...please tell me that Aida made a full recovery and is fine today.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/13 at 22:49:13

Houston,.. that is a tragic story...
... but,... if you give concealed carry some thought... it is such a rare instance in which it would be useful, it enters the absurd...

I do have a gun for home protection, in hopes that I will have a few seconds to get my mind around what is happening...
... and I've been in that situation a couple of times... ( never used it)...
But, I have realized,.. that in a face to face,.. I have no option...  The initiator has the jump... and I will force his hand if I attempt to draw...
This ain't the movies... and the good guys don't always win...

Hearing a noise outside,... and a glass break,... is very different than getting gunfire, out of the blue, in a public place...
It's just common sense... no matter how good you think you are,.. you can't outdraw, a drawn gun...
Face the reality,.. give up what you must... and live to fight another day...
(possibly,... in court, but not from a casket,..)...

You get right down to it,.. and I'm as conservative as you get...
I won't die for a principle... at least not for the principle of self defense...
That would be nonsensical...

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Dave on 01/05/13 at 04:51:37

311603100E0B04160710620 wrote:
I think that for those who feel compelled to carry at all times, they are either paranoid, or relish the feeling of power they get from the gun. You know, they think "Ha, no one can see my gun, they don't know that I have the power of life or death over them."

Now if someone is required to walk or drive around in the bowels of some inner-city ghetto in the dead of night, well they may carry for obvious reasons.

I got my concealed carry permit as a result of an encounter with the meanest, nastiest, most hateful man I ever met.  I was doing my job as building inspector/zoning administrator/engineer for a small city I work for.  This man wanted to open a business and refused to get any  permits or to install the required EXIT or emergency lights - or to comply with the safety codes in any way.  He started doing plumbing and electrical work in a commercial building by himself.....and it was done poorly.  I found out that he had been convicted previously of carrying a weapon without a pemit, and when I went to post a STOP WORK order on the building I took the Police Chief with me.  The man and his partner at the site claimed they would have the place opened in 2 weeks - they said they have dealt with people that were tougher than us!  The next day the Police found out that this man had felony warrants for his arrest, and he spent the next 7 days in jail with a newfound hatred I imagined.

It turns out this man lived 3 miles from my house, and I honestly had no idea what he would do.  I installed a gate at the end of my driveway - which turned out to be a good thing as we had several break ins around the neighborhood and our gate probably saved us.  I also got an unlisted phone and enrolled in the Concealed Carry Class.  Eventually this fellow just disappeared and he is now gone I believe.  I usually have a gun with me whenever I leave the property - it is the only way to know for sure that you will have it when you need it.  I never have the attitude of having the power of life and death over anyone.....but I feel like I might have a chance of not becoming a victim.

How do you know when to shoot?  I have often wrestled with that thought and wondered how to make the correct decision.  If I am standing in a convenient store and the guy in front of me pulls out a gun to rob the it my job to protect their money? (If he is going to actually shoot someone the the decision is easier......but how do you know in advance?)  I saw a video once of a fellow with a shotgun in a grocery store that was just walking around casually and killing that case the decision would be easier to make....but I am not sure what chance I would have had against his weapone - but I might have been able to pin him down until help arrived.  I had a relative that was in law enforcement previously, and he attended a tactical training session for civilians.  He got lots of training on shooting.....and on the social and mental issues.  They said that if you shoot someone - you could very likely lose everything you own - even if you were justified and legally innocent.  Even if you have enough money to make it through the Police investigation, and trial if there is one......the family can file wrongfull death suits against you in Civil Court and the legal fees could completely use up any finances you have.  In KY the Material Fact is in your favor when you defend if someone points a plastic or unloaded gun and you shoot him.....odds are in your favor.  If you were standing in that convenient store line and you shot the robber and his gun is not loaded or is a plastic copy....the Material Fact is not in your favor and you could well be in trouble....both with the Police and the Civil Court if they file suit against you.  Justice is not speedy, and trials go on and on and on and your legal bills will keep sccumulating as you attempt to defend yourself and prove your innocence.  You may ultimately win....but have nothing left.        

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by LANCER on 01/05/13 at 07:31:09

06213427393C33213027550 wrote:
I own five weapons, four of them hand guns. I also have my federal LEO credentials (retired) that entitle me to carry concealed anytime any place.

Having said that, I have never carried since I retired. I have never felt the need to. Granted I live in a very safe area, but I'm sure there are as many people who carry here as any other place (in the north) dangerous or not.

I think that for those who feel compelled to carry at all times, they are either paranoid, or relish the feeling of power they get from the gun. You know, they think "Ha, no one can see my gun, they don't know that I have the power of life or death over them." I believe the pleasure they feel in carrying and thinking about the gun they carry is giving them a psychological high that is rewarding to them.

I am not denigrating those who feel this way, I'm just offering my opinion as to perhaps one of many reasons a person feels compelled to carry.

Now if someone is required to walk or drive around in the bowels of some inner-city ghetto in the dead of night, well they may carry for obvious reasons.

When you were carrying did you have paranoia, feel the power or get a high ?

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/13 at 07:41:04

Just yesterday. I'll bet this woman was glad she had a gun....
the guy hunted the entire house to find her. He wasn't do that to just say hello....


A woman hiding in her attic with children shot an intruder multiple times before fleeing to safety Friday.

The incident happened at a home on Henderson Ridge Lane in Loganville around 1 p.m. The woman was working in an upstairs office when she spotted a strange man outside a window, according to Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman. He said she took her 9-year-old twins to a crawlspace before the man broke in using a crowbar.

But the man eventually found the family.

"The perpetrator opens that door. Of course, at that time he's staring at her, her two children and a .38 revolver," Chapman told Channel 2’s Kerry Kavanaugh.

The woman then shot him five times, but he survived, Chapman said. He said the woman ran out of bullets but threatened to shoot the intruder if he moved.

"She's standing over him, and she realizes she's fired all six rounds. And the guy's telling her to quit shooting," Chapman said.

The woman ran to a neighbor's home with her children. The intruder attempted to flee in his car but crashed into a wooded area and collapsed in a nearby driveway, Chapman said.

Deputies arrested 32-year-old Atlanta resident Paul Slater in connection with the crime. Chapman said they found him on the ground saying, "Help me. I'm close to dying." Slater was taken to Gwinnett Medical Center for treatment.  Chapman said Slater was shot in the face and neck.

In February, Slater was arrested on simple battery charges, according to the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office. He has been arrested six other times in the county since 2008.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by diamond jim on 01/05/13 at 07:47:21

The Luby's massacre took place on October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, when George Hennard crashed his pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's cafeteria, shot 50 people (killing 23), exchanged shots with responding police, and then hid in a bathroom and fatally shot himself. It was the deadliest shooting rampage in American history up to that time.

I remember initially being pissed at my squad leader for making me miss our weekly lunch at Luby's that day.  >:(

Not quite so pissed later that day.  

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Retread on 01/05/13 at 08:12:08

 You have to ask yourself are you willing to kill other person to protect yourself or others? Then you have the situation itself to deal with, usually a fire fight is one of the most chaotic, deadly things you will ever experience. Some people can only pee themselves and shake, other react with returning fire, and calmness, each person reacts different.
There is no knowing what YOU will do until you are in the fight, and even then EACH time carrys different circumstances, different reactions.


Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/05/13 at 10:41:28

Thank you so much for your concern!  That same concern from friends, family, and the biker community in Houston really made a huge difference those first few weeks.

To answer your question, yes, Aida and I have recovered.  We still have movements that pinch, but we do not let them slow us down.  We went for our first ride since the wreck (took a while to fix both us and the bikes) on Christmas day.  Having her with me was all the Christmas present I needed!

But back to the topic...

Serowbot...  You are more likely to defend yourself with a firearm than be in a plane wreck.  Do you ware a seatbelt on a plane?  The statistics on bystander CPR survival rates are as low as 6%.  If you drop, do you want us to bother?  It does not matter if the chances are one in a million, if you are that "one."

Diamond Jim...
I actually know people that were there at Luby's.  And this video sums it up.
The classic one in front of congress...

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Starlifter on 01/05/13 at 11:42:39

Houston, I am so very glad you both fully recovered. Peace.

"When you were carrying did you have paranoia, feel the power or get a high?" Lancer

No, but I was fully trained, and of course carrying a weapon was a condition of employment. I was carrying in a official capacity and had to qualify at the range six times per year.

That statement was not ment to paint every CCW with the same broad brush, but to point out that there are too many yahoos out there who do carry for this reason.

For example in the instance of Dave's encounter with a threatening nut while doing his job in an official capacity, he was totally justified in obtaining a CCW permit.

Oh and Dave, you shoot only in the gravest extreme. To save money or property (not your own) no. When your life or someone else's life is in imminent danger, you shoot. No warning shots, no shoot em' in the leg, you shoot to kill. We were trained to put two in the chest and one in the head very quickly and very accurately.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by houstonbofh on 01/05/13 at 13:16:50

For the Texas CHL we are not trained to shoot to kill, but to shoot to stop.  This means center mass as that is most likely to both hit and stop.  The fact that the heart is there is purely coincidental.  Some of the instructors I know also say that every bullet fired in defense costs $100,000.  The legal costs can be expensive.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by LANCER on 01/05/13 at 16:17:16

6F485D4E50555A48594E3C0 wrote:
Houston, I am so very glad you both fully recovered. Peace.

"When you were carrying did you have paranoia, feel the power or get a high?" Lancer

No, but I was fully trained, and of course carrying a weapon was a condition of employment. I was carrying in a official capacity and had to qualify at the range six times per year.

That statement was not ment to paint every CCW with the same broad brush, but to point out that there are too many yahoos out there who do carry for this reason.

For example in the instance of Dave's encounter with a threatening nut while doing his job in an official capacity, he was totally justified in obtaining a CCW permit.

Oh and Dave, you shoot only in the gravest extreme. To save money or property (not your own) no. When your life or someone else's life is in imminent danger, you shoot. No warning shots, no shoot em' in the leg, you shoot to kill. We were trained to put two in the chest and one in the head very quickly and very accurately.

I too have been trained and spend range time every month or two to maintain proficiency, and did carry as a condition of employment but no longer of course.  I have personally not come across very many I would put into the "yahoo" catagory, but then I did not carry a badge either.  I would expect that by the very nature of the job you would have contact with many more than the rest of the general population.  If your job is to deal with bad guys then you meet more bad guys.
I agree that you do not pull a weapon unless you are prepared to take the other person down in defense of your or someone else's life.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Starlifter on 01/05/13 at 16:35:50

Yes, spot on Lancer. ;)

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by MShipley on 01/06/13 at 05:40:38

I have a permit in VA, They teach two chest one head. But I rarily carry a gun, I just dont have a fear for my life. However, I do enjoy shooting. I got my permit because there was a time in my life that I did fear for it due to some unfortunate firing situations but hopefully that has all past.

Star you are probably right there are those that carry because it makes them feel like a bada--. I hope that is far and few between.

There seem to be two overwhellming solutions,  "more guns" or "no guns". At least these are precieved by the opposite sides as the answer. These extreme answers are based on the fear that the other side may win. OK, start your negotiations high, but no one wants to be the first to give a little. Consiquently we will do  nothing.

Title: Re: Why not carry concealed even if it's illegal?
Post by Dave on 01/07/13 at 06:47:17

7C5B4E5D4346495B4A5D2F0 wrote:
For example in the instance of Dave's encounter with a threatening nut while doing his job in an official capacity, he was totally justified in obtaining a CCW permit.

Oh and Dave, you shoot only in the gravest extreme. To save money or property (not your own) no. When your life or someone else's life is in imminent danger, you shoot. No warning shots, no shoot em' in the leg, you shoot to kill. We were trained to put two in the chest and one in the head very quickly and very accurately.

I agree that the only time to shoot is when you or your family are in a life death situation.  If someone was robbing me and I was only going to lose some money or credit cards - I am sure it is not worth shooting.  But how do you know that they won't shoot you after you hand over your wallet?  It is impossible to know in advance.

For a few years I worked closely with a local Police department and I shot a tartet pistol in the state Combat Competition as a civilian.  I learned a lot from hanging around with these men.  I learned that the only time you pull your weapon is when you are willing to kill someone to save our life - you never pull the weapon out with the intent of just wounding someone.

Having a Concealed Carry Permit and a loaded gun with me has made me aware that it is best to avoid shady areas and situations that are questionable - I am much more careful now. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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