General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucket.

Message started by srinath on 12/21/12 at 11:05:21

Title: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucket.
Post by srinath on 12/21/12 at 11:05:21

OK Yes we have all heard the fundamental reason the gun exists is to kill.

Buckets, ping-pongs, flatscreens etc etc etc are not made to kill. They are accidental instruments of death. Yes we have all heard that and with the exception of a few people agree to that.

Here is another reason I have to say was not crystallised in my mind till the ping-pongs, flat-screens and buckets story on savage ...

In case of flat screen, ping-pongs and buckets deaths, the most likely victim is related to the owner/provider of said instrument. People die accidentally from various objects in and out of the home. Other than vehicle accidents (which are heavily reglated and insured the living daylights out of BTW) the rest are all likely to kill members of your own family.

You may be careless and leave banana peels lying round your house ... likely you or your family will slip on them.
Same with buckets of water.
Same with Flatscreens.
Same with "Ping-pongs".

No so with a gun. Yea I know that whole cleaning and it went off story ... otherwise it is someone else's family that gets killed by a gun.


Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Serowbot on 12/21/12 at 11:46:37

Hmmm... maybe they should require yearly registration, and mandatory liability insurance for guns...

One advantage to riding a Savage,.. is the insurance and registration is so much cheaper than a Hayabusa...
Insurance on a .22 rifle would be a lot cheaper than an AR15...

It would sure make me thin my collection... :-?...
I never intended to have a collection of guns, really... they just came out of wanting to try different things,.. and they're so darn hard to sell anymore... (I think I have 8 now... 5 are locked in a safe that takes me 20 minutes to open... ;D)...

PS... don't rag on me,... this is not an entirely serious suggestion,.. just a thought...

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by 223fan on 12/21/12 at 11:50:19

Mine must be defective,they have never killed anyone.They have helped feed my family when times were tight,they have gave me and my family hours of fun shooting cans,targets,& game,and sense the police only show up after a crime has occured they make me sleep a bit sounder.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by srinath on 12/21/12 at 11:59:37

Yearly registration wont work, what would happen if you dont ?

1 time registration and insurance for the life of the gun, paid @ the time of purchase will work, but will do nothing for all the ones currently out in people's hands.

RFid this or that for trigger locks etc etc will work, but not for those in circulation.

Seriously I think we should stop making guns or ammo period for anythign that has been made so far. The guns and ammo should only be made for a size that isn't already out. An odd size like a .31 or a .33 or something very small, like a .15 or .16. Those need genetic coded or rf-id coded trigger locks etc and no high capacity nothing is going to be made for those. Again rifles and big, hard to conceal guns should be a lot cheaper than small guns as well as easier to get.

If we did that, maybe in 20 years we can see an effect. Cos there is that much out in people's hands. That combined with the enhanced mental health monitoring etc could be the ticket.

We will be squeezing the market, not be able to stop it. Yea people can make bullets ... but we will be selling bullets cheap for a rf-id tagged gun, and the gun itself we will offer trade in's, so eventually the market for the current type of guns will dry up.

I dunno, it still seems a clunky solution to me.


Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Serowbot on 12/21/12 at 12:30:11

If one's intention were to get rid of ammo... Stop the sale of primers...
People could reload for decades,... but I don't think anybody makes their own primers...
There would be a virtual civil war over that type of action...

I personally think a federal gun buyback could reduce the total number of guns by 50%... voluntarily...( it would cost a few measly billion,.. but, WTF... that's chump change nowadays)...
Like I said,.. I don't need half the guns I own,.. but they're just too hard to sell nowadays...
You can't put ads in the paper, weeklys, or Craigslist, any more...
... and gun dealers want them for half value...
The only way I've sold them in the last ten years is to slap a for sale tag on them and walk around a gun show...  (...and I'm not really the gun show type)...

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by srinath on 12/21/12 at 13:20:25

OOoo dont the crazies that make their own bullets make the whole bloody thing, like the gunpowder etc etc.

Well not being able to sell em, only hurts the ones selling it above board.
I think we get 50% of it off the market right away, and squeeze the rest out we are good, criminals are not going to spend 300 bucks on a gun and 500 on bullets to rob a flucking mini mart and barely make 1/2 of that from the till.

The crazies would, but in a few years it will start to get so much more $$$ it wont be cheap and quick, and there will be databases and help for the crazies. Then we have the hunters who will ahve to think twice about shooting that deer ... and we will supply them with these rifles for which we sell bullets cheap all they gotta do is turn their 9mm in.


Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 12/21/12 at 14:01:33

I'd like to see some reliable statistics on gun deaths in the U.S. that:

First, eliminate all of the deaths of drug dealers, shot by other drug dealers, in deals gone bad, or as a means of how they deal with their kind who flake out on drug dealing debts - I'm glad this group shoots each other and helps rid us of at least a few of their kind.

Next, eliminates any other felon who shoots a fellow felon - again, good riddance.

Once that real number of good people who are killed by any gun could be determined, my guess is that it's a very small number in the larger schme of things.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Paladin. on 12/21/12 at 18:23:10

222D212B202D262A2D3A2F2D3A480 wrote:
I'd like to see some reliable statistics on gun deaths in the U.S. ...  First, eliminate all of the deaths of ....

2007:  2,423,712 deaths
Assault by firearm, 12,632 deaths
Suicide by firearm, 17,352 deaths (58% of gun deaths)

2006: 2,426,264 deaths
Assault by firearm, 12,791 deaths
Suicide by firearm, 16,883 deaths (57% of gun deaths)

2005: 2,448,017 deaths
non-suicide by firearm, 13,692 deaths
Suicide by firearm, 17,002 deaths  (55% of gun deaths)

2004: 2,397,615 deaths
non-suicide by firearm, 12,819 deaths
Suicide by firearm, 16,750 deaths (57% of gun deaths)


NOW you can start substracting those good people killing crooks and the drug sells gone bad.  I have read before that that is about 1/3 and 1/3 of the firearm homicides.  The last 1/3 are people breaking up marriages etc..  Usually women killing men by firearm -- the men prefer knives (i.e.: O.J.)

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/22/12 at 07:33:28

media hypes the killings. How many times are Crimes Averted by a gun wielding victim Unreported? Would YOu call the cops & say "Hey, a bad guy just tried to mug me, but I stopped him because I was situationally aware & armed."? If you did, would the Crime Stopping moment moment be what made the news or your arrest?

Early reports had multiple shooters & a maroon SUV leaving the scene w/ a window shot out.,

The story has morphed & morphed, smells bad.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Midnightrider on 01/06/13 at 23:55:33

Here's a statistic for you. Goverments are directly responsible for the deaths of 290 million people, men, women, and children. The first step invovled disarming the citizens. You can imagine what happened next.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/13 at 01:05:36

Why / How will a person die ?

- old age,
- illness,
- accidental trauma,
- accidental violence,
- wanton/criminal violence.

Old age is something we're all accustomed with, and we will mourn friends & family, but accept death as a "passage beyond".

Illness is also something we're all accustomed with, and we will do our best to find a cure to anything which may happen, yet are also aware that it is still possible, in this day and age, that people may die through illness. We will mourn them too, and pray/hope/work towards finding a cure.

Accidental trauma is when the little boy falls out of his treehouse, loses control of his bike and lams into a lightpost or drowns in the swimming pool; or when we end up looking at the underside of another vehicle.
These bad things should not happen, but they dom and we try our best to create rules to ensure they will not happen again.
We mourn those who fell victim to these accidents and pray for them, but accept fatality.

Accidental violence is when we quarrel and fight over something which may appear important at the time, and sometimes is, but the immediate consequences are someone hitting his head or falling over etc., and the coroner has to come and inspect.
I believe the definition may be "manslaughter", I may be wrong here.
We mourn the dead, try the "attacker", who is often released as it was self defense, or who may be sentenced because the "accident" was disproportionate to the initial provocation.

Wanton violence is what we all abhor, and it is against wanton violence that we should work together.

There were just as many murders in Victorian London as there are today in many modern metropoles. Yet there were precious few guns, and all these murders were by knife.
Remember "Jack the Ripper"? Anybody ever proposed to ban knives? Hunting Knives? Anybody ever hunt by knife?  ::) Anybody ever considered banning Kitchen knives?  :-?

The only acceptable reaction is to ensure that :
a) guns don't fall in the hands of the unreliable,
b) only once a person is certified as "trained" may a gun be purchased,
c) guns should be registered as you would register a car, i.e. registered with the local Sheriff.

"Holocaust" scenarios where a mad mayor/governor goes on rampage and impounds all firearms is simply not an acceptable scenario in the US, because of your cultural and historical background.

The US are NOT a feudal country gone modern, the US were BORN modern in 1776.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by srinath on 01/07/13 at 06:11:11

75515C56515F504C4A515C5D4A380 wrote:
Here's a statistic for you. Goverments are directly responsible for the deaths of 290 million people, men, women, and children. The first step invovled disarming the citizens. You can imagine what happened next.

290 million ? a year ? in what country ?

In the US, the govt has already disarmed you. They have serious weapons, including nuclear, you have ... well toys.

In other countries like say syria - no one has guns except the govt. Opression works quite well there by disarming the people. NATO is ensuring a no fly so its tanks vs people who didn't have guns, who now do.
Good ole fashioned shoot out @ the OK corral.


Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by mpescatori on 01/07/13 at 08:43:42

NATO is NOT involved in Syria. No way.

Perhaps the US may be doing something (odd, the Italian news have not said anything about it)
Turkey is doing something about it (because Syrian planes flew to bomb refugee camps in Turkish territory)

But IN NO WAY is NATO involved ! If it were, I would be involved, and I'm not.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Paraquat on 01/07/13 at 09:09:39



Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by Midnightrider on 01/07/13 at 19:05:41

4342595E514458300 wrote:
[quote author=75515C56515F504C4A515C5D4A380 link=1356116722/0#9 date=1357545333]Here's a statistic for you. Goverments are directly responsible for the deaths of 290 million people, men, women, and children. The first step invovled disarming the citizens. You can imagine what happened next.

290 million ? a year ? in what country ?

In the US, the govt has already disarmed you. They have serious weapons, including nuclear, you have ... well toys.

In other countries like say syria - no one has guns except the govt. Opression works quite well there by disarming the people. NATO is ensuring a no fly so its tanks vs people who didn't have guns, who now do.
Good ole fashioned shoot out @ the OK corral.

Everysince they've started keeping records of such and that includes all countries. Our ancestors killed millions of Native Americans, I herd 50 million but that seems high to me. Goverments are the biggest murderers of all. I know my little Ruger 10/22 isnt going to protect me from the goverment but at least I'll go down fighting. I would have never in my lifetime expect to see states wanting to withdraw from the union, take ALL our guns away, an 80 some% goverment disaproval rating, the Federal Reserve printing our money and giving it to our enemies and so on. Having the strongest defense system does not make us the greatest country in the world. It just makes us the biggest bully.

Title: Re: Why is a death by gun not the same as by bucke
Post by srinath on 01/07/13 at 19:44:38

Midnight: Why you no call this weekend ?
Anyway 290 million in the history ... thats a pittance ... We probably let that many starve to death ever decade.

Paraquat: Medical malpractice isn't Obamacare ... Obamacare isn't your doctor or hospital or even your bloody pharmacist. Obamacare is just the insurance company (for medicare/aid) or the law that makes you have insurance. Stop repeating the lies.

Its like blaming the inventor of glass for the drunk drivers. Obama care is not even an insurance company. Its a law that specifies what insurance you should have.

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