General Category >> The Cafe >> Done with this

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/12 at 23:25:09

Title: Done with this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/13/12 at 23:25:09

Anyone interested in contact reply or PM me & Ill send my email, maybe, depends on who you are,

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Badass94Cad on 12/14/12 at 05:17:36

Done with what?  Your bike?  The forum?  Life?  :o

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Paraquat on 12/14/12 at 06:06:15

If you're leaving the forum I'd friend you on facebook but I don't even really use email anymore.


Title: Re: Done with this
Post by rl153 on 12/14/12 at 06:20:10

Going to miss you.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by verslagen1 on 12/14/12 at 07:09:38

I'm going to miss the true indepents viewpoint.
Don't burn your card, you may change your mind.
I hope you do.  

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by built2last66 on 12/14/12 at 07:22:02

Don't leave, just go absent for awhile... you'll feel better :D

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Serowbot on 12/14/12 at 08:33:33

Nooooooo!... :-?...

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by mpescatori on 12/14/12 at 09:19:33

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
Anyone interested in contact reply or PM me & Ill send my email, maybe, depends on who you are,

Whatchertalking about, Willis ? JOG ???
He!!, I know you ever since you had to reregister because your old handle was broken!
Remember? JOG ... JOG 2 ?

Awwww... I don't even know your real name, now I'll have to friend all the John Does on FB ???  :D

C'mon, be a sport, become JOG 3, huh ?  ;)

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by v-pilot on 12/14/12 at 09:34:22

Don't go...I'm new here but enjoy reading your posts.  If someone or something got under your skin, just pause and don't do anything rash.  Maybe a bit of a hiatus is what the Doctor ordered. :(

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by WD on 12/14/12 at 09:43:37

I know having me back on here isn't the easiest thing in the world but come on, I'm not THAT mean am I...

I took what, 2 or 3 years off the forum when I was riding Kawasakis or not riding after I tore up my back?

You're gonna miss some good stuff, I still haven't gotten fully caught up (and was surprised I could still log in).

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Serowbot on 12/14/12 at 09:48:59

Noooooooo!... :-?...

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/14/12 at 09:51:41

What!!?? Please don't go away Justin! You are one of the valuable, regular "old timers" here at ... we've lost too many regulars over the past while (sluggo and reelthing come to mind :( ) ... please stick around ... diversity is th spice of life!

BTW WD I for one am glad to see you postin' again! :)

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/12 at 11:28:17

This is what I posted on the Guzzi site. Pardon the language. Its very direct & to the point, pointing out the pointlessness of pointing out to the dumb masses whats happening.

Im not leaving because of anyONE or any thing,, its the TWOT of it.. ( That's "Total Waste Of Time")

There are plenty here to remind people that they dont just DO things to the bike. If youre going in, know Why. & make sure troubleshooting has been done so that you KNow its"In There"..

I Thot the point of debate was to share ideas & someone get a clue that their ideas arent right & step back & rethink themselves. Ive seen a grand total of ONE who had the balls to see himself thru right lenses & change his thinking. Its not easy or fun to look in the mirror & REALIZE, "Wow,, Ive been wrong, all my crappity smacking LIFE Ive been looking at this wrong. Ive been DUPED! They crappity smacking LIED to me & I believed it.". It isnt even w/o Physical discomfort, once the depth of it floods across the mind, I know I was queasy & disoriented a little for a few days. OUr Core beliefs are things we KNOW, no questions asked, we Take these things for Granted, & when it is demonstrated that some of them are illusion, its really uncomfortable. I know, because I set out to prove some of my own core beliefs were lies. I knew it would suck to learn it, but, IF in fact evidence existed to Prove that what I had "KNown" ( It was common knowledge, Everybody "knew" it, just like it was common knowledge the Earth was the center of the universe.) was in fact, not true, then I wanted to know. I had always had a gut feeling that things werent "As Advertised" anyway.

Well,, IM not typing my life story here, I eventually met people who obviously knew one hell of a lot more about how things really are & they told me what to read. Even tho I had suspected things were a total scam, seeing the proof of it was still very unsettling. I can ALMOST understand the reluctance of others
& their clinging to the indoctrinated beliefs. Almost,, but not quite., Would you rather avoid the pain of knowing youve been duped or die KNOWING you were too gutless to even go see? Could anyone be a bigger coward than one afraid to KNOW?

I knew when I was a kid they were doing something to education,. didnt you?

Did it not seem odd they said " Ohh,, we have problems., changes Must be made"

POwer to make change was granted, Monies disbursed, Changes implemented & WUUHHH???

Why,, that didnt work out,, well,, darn,,

II KNow! More power, more $$$ THATLL do it...
& On & ON it went, & You buncha gutless wonders would rather shoot the messenger than look at the message & SEE how it lines up with


& Yet, you continue to believe its all just a big crappity smacking accident,,

So, I ask you, Whats the point of all this if no one has the guts to open an eye?

Wanna know whats coming? Look around.

TSA will be at the malls soon, Police state is here, & growing. Weve got crappity smacking Drones flying around out HERE. I havent seen one yet, BUT NEws REports SAY theyre out here & Ive heard others say theyve seen them, The Awww Thor u Taze Say they have them,

All you who laff at the conspiracy theorists with your little tin foil hat pics are just too stupid to save.
The Game is played with such precision its amazing. The Wildest & Most outlandish Conspiracy theories are put out by the criminal gangs themselves. Get it?

If the owners of all the NFL teams held talks , sealing themselves off from the world for a few days, no media allowed, you people would be running in circles wanting to know WTF is goin on, Ohh, but let the worlds powerful & wealthiest meet in secret every year & , at first, I was crazy for believing it happened, then its happening, but theyre just chatting,, while wealth is concentrated further & further into the hands of a few, Odd,, Looks to me like things are going for them quite well,, more accidental stuff I spose,.

& the most outlandish theory?

PLanes hijacked, after YEARS of quick interception by the AF, Nope, Not Today,,

Building 7 hadnt fallen, yet, the reporter had already declared it had co0llapsed into its own footprint,

The list goes on & on, but whats the point? Those of you who cant allow yourselves to see, will not see..
&, Since I KNOW all of you & all of you Are Intellectually capable of seeing this, then I can only conclude the inability falls to unwillingness, unwillingness due to fear of the pain of knowing youve been wrong & duped & that the reality of it is, America is not what we grew up believing & its not gonna get better. The die is cast.

There is no greater coward then he who fears the truth.

Ill know who my friends are soon. Somehow, Im not expecting any Email address info requests from very many. If I already have that info from anyone, I have just had to get a new Email, justin_o_guy@yahoo was corrupted & died, so, gimmee a holler. Ill check in for the next coupla days.,
Corporations have no soul. They are like tin men with no heart, scarecrows with no brains.. We are like lions that roar with no courage.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Serowbot on 12/14/12 at 12:00:15

Jog,.. what you believe, is what you believe... but, I don't see what quitting here will change...
What are you going to do instead?.. Worry more?..
Leaving does nothing more than let go of some friends and good laughs...
The worse the world gets,.. the more friends and laughs you need...

Take a break if you need to,.. but don't burn yer' bridges...
We're here...  and we're here for more than just fixin' petcocks...
We're here to have a break from out there...


Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Bubba on 12/14/12 at 13:06:12

sorry to see ya go...
don't do anything stupid....

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Demin on 12/14/12 at 13:21:58

You are an asset to this board.Or is that ASSet.Just kidding.If you remember back,me and Greg were getting bitched at for telling people to buy a manual first thing.And we were be a**holes.BUT what better place to look for how to .....whatever,then come ask and we all helped.I remember being a newbie here.I read alot then ask questions.That's why awhile back when you told hexnut about his questions,I explained to him that key words make it easier to find stuff.But then again there have been a couple idiots on here.Moral is:Don't let a couple bad apples ruin it for the rest.There has been alot of knowledge leave here already.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by 23Skidoo on 12/14/12 at 15:47:32

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
JOG,.. if you ever leave...
I'll lose my partner in crime... :-?...
It'll be Jerry without Dean,.. or Dean without Jerry?...  :-?...
Then,... only the French will like me?... or is that you?... :-/...
OMG!,.. if I'm Dean,... only drunks will like me...
... (oh yeah,.. that's probably true now)... :-?...

Or Worse only Drunk Limeys will like Serow... We Don't do French over here since the Napolean incident.....

Seriously I clock on several times a week since joining here... I've asked some dumb questions but have had some good advice and that's helped me help myself..

I've tried to read between the lines and even looked at your old threads mate and my advice as a Mod and Admin on other forums would be to take a breather and come back when you're ready..

It's the people that make the Forum mate..  But from experience I know the Forum can take over the Person..

Take it easy Mucker and don't drift too far away...


Title: Re: Done with this
Post by raydawg on 12/14/12 at 15:54:22

First off, cowards are not those who refuse to see the truth, no, but quitters.....are.
And to your theorist of rich manipulations, I question if you really have a grasp of what motivates mankind. To think those folk could ever muster a shared consenus to the point it appears you believe would require of them a characteristic they have not....

Oh I do believe the end, as we know it presently, will end, for it has already been foretold. We can't change that, but we can offer hope of another world.

Solomon nails it pretty good, man and life, and what it all means....many artist have used his observations to write prose and music. It might help you put yourself into perspective, I dunno....

Good luck on your journey.....

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Uno-Lung on 12/14/12 at 17:16:46

And to your theorist of rich manipulations, I question if you really have a grasp of what motivates mankind. To think those folk could ever muster a shared consenus to the point it appears you believe would require of them a characteristic they have not.... [/raydawg]

Money motivates mankind even the elites, and musters them to be on the same evil page.  IMHO, Jog is the one with the Kung foo grip on reality and you, raydawg, have been manipulated and brainwashed by the mass media that forms the sheeple concensus that the elite would never try to pull the wool over the unwashed masses eyes.

two words:  power and money

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by raydawg on 12/14/12 at 17:53:31

784342006158434A2D0 wrote:
And to your theorist of rich manipulations, I question if you really have a grasp of what motivates mankind. To think those folk could ever muster a shared consenus to the point it appears you believe would require of them a characteristic they have not.... [/raydawg]

Money motivates mankind even the elites, and musters them to be on the same evil page.  IMHO, Jog is the one with the Kung foo grip on reality and you, raydawg, have been manipulated and brainwashed by the mass media that forms the sheeple concensus that the elite would never try to pull the wool over the unwashed masses eyes.

two words:  power and money

I never said it wasn't........
What I eluded to was the very fact that these power/rich hungry people could never share that power for very long as they want it for themself....
It is wonderful motivation for turf wars, eh?

But, I'll take you compliment as having a clean mind anyway.......  :-*

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by thumperclone on 12/14/12 at 22:07:26

"id love to change the world but i dont know what to do so ill leave it up to you" A. Lee

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/14/12 at 22:10:27

Thats alluded..
not eluded.

no wonder youre so confused, Ray

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Boofer on 12/14/12 at 22:43:44

Naw, man. I have tried to dump my crap on you and Serowbot equally for a couple of years. Serowbot can't handle it all. There are some real assholes and haters on here, but I'm just grateful I don't have that attitude and wonder what kind of life they have. The forum has changed a lot in the last year with more book smarts than experience and common sense. I don't always agree with your thoughts, but I would trust you to work on my bike and use my tools. I have learned that your motives are good. If you don't think I consider your thoughts--you are wrong. Please stay. I am concerned for you, and we need your special brand of wit and humor. And you have never offended me. I value your friendship. Sincerely, Barry (Boofer)    

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by jcstokes on 12/14/12 at 22:58:15

JOG, tomorrow and next week/month are other days, I think your skills would be missed internationally.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/15/12 at 03:51:51

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
Jog,.. what you believe, is what you believe... but, I don't see what quitting here will change...
What are you going to do instead?.. Worry more?..
Leaving does nothing more than let go of some friends and good laughs...
The worse the world gets,.. the more friends and laughs you need...

Take a break if you need to,.. but don't burn yer' bridges...
We're here...  and we're here for more than just fixin' petcocks...
We're here to have a break from out there...


Could not have said it any better my friend!

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by ToesNose on 12/15/12 at 04:38:07

JOG I truely hope you will consider taking a break from the forums instead of cutting the rope.  Not only because you are a wealth of knowledge who has helped numerous self wrenchers, but you have also been someone to break tensions, settle the dust and get posts moving in productive directions again.

You are an asset, mentor and consort and would be dearly missed by the vast majority of active members..........

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by raydawg on 12/15/12 at 04:44:12

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Thats alluded..
not eluded.

no wonder youre so confused, Ray

I stand corrected, thanks....and yes I'm confused, but ain't knowing that half the battle? And b'sides, who says we have to know it all JOG? Nah, I'll just look for joy, and pay no heed to the discord, as that merry go round seems to only go in circles....

Ifyou stay around here awesome, if not, be well were you spend your time, and yes, please correct my grammer, punctation, speling, for its the only wayz I lern.....   :D

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by kimchris1 on 12/15/12 at 08:02:37

Jog, I do hope you change your mind. I for one have read the majority of your posts. I have never been offended by anything that you have written.
You have alot of great knowledge on this bike as well as other topics.
If you do actually decide to leave, I hope it is for just a short period of time.
Afterall, you have to come back and view the pic of myself in my new chaps.. ;)
Take care my friend,, :-* :-* kim

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Boule’tard on 12/15/12 at 09:45:09

Man, if you want to go, just go.  No need to post up a "hey everyone, watch me leave" thread, which has the effect of forcing a bunch of "NO!! your contributions are so valuable" type responses, and then if you don't actually quit posting here, makes you look like a foolish drama queen. Just go and let the chips fall where they may.

That is not to say I'd want you gone.. Even if I don't respond to one of your threads, I totally enjoy your friendly nature, folksy tone.. and not many of us share the same libertarian stripes.  

But you have to remember what these forums are for.  They are for sharing motorbike information, and maybe a bit of LIGHT HEARTED entertainment here and there, that's it.  They are not meant to be a platform to convert others to any particular way of thinking.  To make it all about getting people to buy into this or that conspiracy theory, and then getting frustrated at your lack of progress to that end, then throwing the baby out with THAT bathwater.. well that's foolish IMO. Keeping the forum's original purpose in mind would, I think, help you maintain a healthier attitude toward it.

I am reminded of a general bit of advice on moderation, which I'll paraphrase: If you want to post a lot, post a little.  Then by not burning out, you'll be around long enough to post a lot.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by 23Skidoo on 12/15/12 at 18:40:23

I've spent more time modding massive forums to the point I've had to take a step back from the pressure it put on me and my family... Seriously it's a 24/7 hard job... I Liked Boule’tard's post cos he obviously knows...

My advice is take a break...  We all need one from time to time...

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Oldfeller on 12/15/12 at 19:43:08

Chilluns, please play nice right before Christmas.   Santa is coming to town, and you all want to get all your new fork braces and gel seats and rear tires and such, right?

Santa also remembers for next year those who complain about everybody "not being sensitive" all the time (jest a mashing on that moderation button) and Santa notices when they flip over into doing some personal attack on a mebbe a stressed exhausted wounded folk who aren't here to defend themselves at the moment.  
Makes Santa sad, it does .....

So, remember the Christmas rules.

"Peace on earth, good will towards man....."

MERRY CHRISTMAS!      Ho  Ho  Ho  !!!

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by LANCER on 12/16/12 at 06:36:42


Good will toward all.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/12 at 09:33:32

No ones behavior has caused me to not invest hours here. Ive just lost interest. Im in the house for a few, Im alone & thot Id see if theres anyone in need of something I can offer,,, 10 minutes is about all I can sit here & not just feel my energy drop.. I meant every word of what I posted about how I see things & how I see people who simply will not accept that the observed reality fits perfectly with the things Ive said caused it.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Oldfeller on 12/19/12 at 02:50:22

Wouldn't have anything to do with the normal yearly mid-winter short days cold season Christmas time blah period, now would it?

We always start up a war or two around this time just to let everybody work off their seasonal angst and get their juices flowing.   But what's left to fight over?

Trouble is, we've worn them standard arguments all to a frazzle, ain't much controversy left about how to take care of your bike any more.

Plus, when you get this old, your new car tire you just put on might just out live you -- now that's a real controversy brewing to be sure.


Yeah, it does seem kinda tame around here right now, don't it?    

Can't even scare up a good Dragon trip discussion, them Dragon boys are all tuckered out.   No, what has really happened is them durn GARMINs popping up on everybody's handlebars -- we can't get ourselves lost good any more and go accidentally find neat little riding roads any more.  

We keep on following the Garmin guy and he can only see the real fer serious roads which are boring as dirt and you can't get off of them or the little brit girl bitches at you to turn around & go back 400 yards to the next intersection.

;D     fun to watch a line of Savage riders pulling a group "U" turn in traffic, right comical it is ....

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by mpescatori on 12/19/12 at 07:32:42

JOG, get yur a s s out and do something like this

then log on and tell us about it !


Title: Re: Done with this
Post by tizzyfit on 12/19/12 at 16:57:25

First Bill67 and now you???????????  Say it ain't so! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/19/12 at 20:54:54

Got exactly NUTHIN to do with anything other than the post I laid out. That its so difficult for so many to grasp what is in front of them is IT.
REad what I said. Thats WHY, Okay? Im not interested in trying to open the eyes of those unwilling to see any more. Im DONE. Ill come by & read the " 1-800- HelpMee" stuff once in a while & IF I think I can offer assistance, Ill type out a reply.

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by PerrydaSavage on 12/20/12 at 06:00:36

I, as a long-time Member of this website (2003) totally respect your decision Justin ... though am disappointed that you won't be around as much.

Take care my friend and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Ride Safe in 2013!

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Charon on 12/20/12 at 07:07:45

Signor Pescatori, is that your Vespa?

Title: Re: Done with this
Post by Trippah on 12/21/12 at 20:34:21

and is that tunnel facia church like in case  you meet someone coming from the other direction???    

JOG - you do realize I hope that if you get too worked up about politics and the machinations of the uber wealthy, you'll end up like millions of Romans who said, and I quote "  Oh I can't quote them cause their whole Empire is long GONE.   Smile at your neighbor, help the old with their chores, watch over the young that noone brings them harm, and ride ..for real if you can, in your mind if you must.  PAX  ;)

That's a pretty good one,... Trip... I'm gonna' try to remember that... ;)... Serow » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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