General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Another one bites the dust...

Message started by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 05:42:21

Title: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 05:42:21

Michigan begins a long slow turn back towards sanity....  Along with Indiana and Wisconsin, that's 3 recently. If Illinois and California turned, this nation might have a chance to survive....

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Paraquat on 12/12/12 at 06:09:27

Information is lacking.

I see they repealed helmet laws in April.
I know Illinois and California suck for gun laws but I can't find anything about Michigan changing any gun laws.


Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 07:00:00

Sorry, more important than helmet laws or gun laws in the big picture.
Right to Work laws.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/12/12 at 07:10:46

I wonder how many would argue its wrong to make a woman carry a baby if she doesnt want to, but perfectly reasonable to force someone to join a union if they dont want to.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Paraquat on 12/12/12 at 09:07:05

Without an article I'm still in the dark.
I can tell you that I don't care for unions.


Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 09:55:21

It will be all over the news tonight. don't worry, NBC will give you the details in a fair and balanced manner...... ha ha.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/12 at 09:59:10

You can always count on Rep's to do anything to get wages lower... :-?...

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by thumperclone on 12/12/12 at 10:53:16

unions had their time and place
i was an open shop electrican in florida a right to work state
was doing an oil load out facility on the east end of tampa but..pipe fitters union derailed a loco which didnt gain anything
carpenters union piciketed florida mall in orlando the local leos escorted in and out
the union electrical shop workin on the core of the mall walked out in solidarity all that got them was an extended weekend
took two electricans 4 weeks to wire one of the mens room most of the time just sitting there
all these things did is drive up costs  

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 12:02:50

You can always count on Rep's to do anything to get wages lower

Prices lower, prices. Big difference.

and yes thumper; unions served their purpose, but their original mandate of safety and MARKET wages has been replaced by artifical wage gouging and as a safe haven for lazy slobs. I had a storm line replaced in my back yard this summer. The whole neighborhood laughed at these guys. Took 8 days to do a 2 day job. No one around here will ever vote to increase taxes to give the local sewer district more money after watching these clowns. lazy slobs had obama stickers all over their new ford F150's...... part of the 47%.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 12:09:50

It will be all over the news tonight. don't worry, NBC will give you the details in a fair and balanced manner...... ha ha.

well, that didn't take long to prove. Think we'll hear anything about that tonight? 50/50 at best. Black congressmen walks thru a tea party rally and lies about being called a name. All over the news and still reported. when footage of camera crew who followed him proved he was lying, strangely enough, nothing said about it. So, moral of the story is don't think for one second you'll get the whole story about Michigan Right to Work stuff on NBC, CBS, ABC or CNN for that matter.

Last night, all the major television networks chose not to show footage of violent union members in Michigan tearing down a tent owned by Americans for Prosperity, or footage of a union member punching Fox News contributor Steven Crowder in the face repeatedly.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by LostArtist on 12/12/12 at 14:13:10

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
You can always count on Rep's to do anything to get wages lower

Prices lower, prices. Big difference.

wages are prices, prices of labor, prices of work, if you really think that the devaluation of work is good, then move to China

not that same wages aren't inflated, but that's the fighting principle here

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by LostArtist on 12/12/12 at 14:25:42

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
I wonder how many would argue its wrong to make a woman carry a baby if she doesnt want to, but perfectly reasonable to force someone to join a union if they dont want to.

why are you bringing up abortion in a union argument?  they are not equivicable in any way, quit it

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 15:34:27

Unions artificially inflate wages which artificially increase prices.

the pro-choice argument is perfectly valid. Liberals love giving people choices when it comes to killing a baby, but how come a guy can't have the choice to pay union dues or not?

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/12 at 16:08:43

Most any hypocrisy arguments can be turned around...

Rep's want freedom of choice for union dues, but control over women's bodies... :-?...

How hypocritical... :P...

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by LostArtist on 12/12/12 at 16:42:07

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Unions artificially inflate wages which artificially increase prices.

the pro-choice argument is perfectly valid. Liberals love giving people choices when it comes to killing a baby, but how come a guy can't have the choice to pay union dues or not?

"Unions artificially inflate wages which artificially increase prices."  I bet that affect is marginal for most markets, yes in some markets like autos that does have a more sever effect, but I'm not sure the prices of movies have gone up because of SAG. so it just depends, and again, lands on the shoulders of company management

the pro-choice argument is not perfectly valid. LIFE vs MONEY  or in your world are they the same???

and I"m not pro-union or anything but I am glad they were around when working conditions were crappy and pay was total sh!t. yes they have some very corrupt elements to them, but no more so than a corsortium of companies lobbying the government for this or that tax benefit or break or this law or that law.

I do find it unreasonable though that just because someone works in this or that field that they are forced to pay dues.  or at least the same level of dues, since they do benefit from the union's efforts regardless of if they pay or not.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/12 at 17:18:19

but control over women's bodies

wrong. I don't want control over a woman's body, i just want control over an innocent life being taken. Big difference. There is no war on woman etc....   One side thinks a baby should have a chance at life, the other says to the unwanted baby, 'sucks to be you....'.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by LostArtist on 12/12/12 at 17:26:37

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
but control over women's bodies

wrong. I don't want control over a woman's body, i just want control over an innocent life being taken. Big difference. There is no war on woman etc....   One side thinks a baby should have a chance at life, the other says to the unwanted baby, 'sucks to be you....'.

and this thread is officially de-railed   >:(

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Starlifter on 12/12/12 at 18:54:55

"Perfectly reasonable to force someone to join a union if they don't want to". JOG

Umm...JOGi, if someone elects to NOT join a union, then they do not pay dues to support the union..

However, if a non-union employee NEEDS the backing of a union, the union is still obligated to represent him or her, paying member or not.

So this "Right to Work" BS is nothing more than a scheme to bankrupt and destroy unions.

Oh, and BTW, this "control over a woman's body" that Webster advocates, is so laughable that I have no words for it. He wants to "control an innocent life as he puts it. But once a fetus is born, then SCREW IT. Some welfare queen's baby or whatever eh? Let it starve.

Umm, yeah Web, that's what Jesus would do now, don'cha know?

Yep, Webster's Jesus is an armed, blue-eyed, white skinned, blond haired, American, gun toting, anti poor, anti sick or dying, anti "feed the hungry" screw you jack I've got mine, f*ck you"! Jesus that votes Republican and advocates war and killing as long as we do it in some poor third world country and not here....

Oh, remember the horror of "Shock and Awe"? Yeah man!! Jesus loved that!!! YEE HAW! The killing of civilians, children, pregnant women, fetuses, embryos, zygotes, mothers, fathers, Christians, Moslems. WOOT WOOT! way to go! Serving JESUS!! USA USA WE'RE NUMBER 1! WE'RE NUMBER 1!

Ya know Webster, I hope there is a Hell...take some marshmallows and weenies with you when you go Web, and have a good time!

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/12 at 05:15:02

However, if a non-union employee NEEDS the backing of a union, the union is still obligated to represent him or her, paying member or not.
what's the difference between that situation and the obama cell  phone lady? she contributes nothing, but i'm forced to pay for her lifestyle.

But once a fetus is born   it's not a fetus; it's a baby.

Let it starve  no idea what you are talking about. I don't know anyone who says let a baby starve.

Yep, Webster's Jesus is an armed, blue-eyed, white skinned, blond haired, American, gun toting, anti poor, anti sick or dying, anti "feed the hungry" screw you jack I've got mine, f*ck you"! Jesus that votes Republican and advocates war and killing as long as we do it in some poor third world country and not here....

nope; probably looked more like Bin Laden than Brad Pitt; anyone who can zap a fig tree with a word wouldn't need a gun, anti poor? no, but he'd be pro-work, anti sick or dying; what?...  who is 'pro-sick? don't think Jesus would have voted, would only be an advocate the 'final war'

Oh, remember the horror of "Shock and Awe"? Yeah man!! Jesus loved that!!! YEE HAW! The killing of civilians, children, pregnant women, fetuses, embryos, zygotes, mothers, fathers, Christians, Moslems. WOOT WOOT! way to go! Serving JESUS!! USA USA WE'RE NUMBER 1! WE'RE NUMBER 1!   Anyone typing that nonsense and feels the need to include fetuses, embryos and zygotes; well that tells you all you need to know about him....

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/12 at 05:29:30

in an attempt to turn this back to unions; not a word in my paper this morning about a news reporter attacked by union thugs at the rally in Michigan the other day. Again, a false allegation about n word at a Tea Party rally held the national news for weeks and the lie is still repeated today. two reasons why this has been ignored.
1) main stream media covering up for it's side as usual
2) it's not a surprise that union thugs attacked someone. it's what they do. when a dog bites a man, it's not news...

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by srinath on 12/13/12 at 10:24:44

456277647A7F70627364160 wrote:

Ya know Webster, I hope there is a Hell...take some marshmallows and weenies with you when you go Web, and have a good time!

Yea he has to remember to get marshmallows ... the rest he has covered.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/12 at 13:33:29

yea, don't dodge the issues fellas.....

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by LostArtist on 12/13/12 at 16:38:24

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
yea, don't dodge the issues fellas.....

you and JOG started that  ::)  mm hmmm    :P

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Retread on 12/13/12 at 17:48:47

  Right to work means right to work for less, PERIOD! It splits the workforce, destroys unity in the workplace, and enables management to cut wages, benefits, destroy safety.. You can argue all you want, but I personally have seen what right to work does up close and personal..

  The idiot that got attacked WANTED to be attacked, he came in and goaded Union members according to eye witnesses.. Got what he deserved and wanted..

   You always have a choice to join the Union or not, just don't take a job where it is required! Just another ploy by GOP to destroy the middle class, destroy any power held by the common working man (Unions)!

And people like Webby back this crap!!! Whats wrong with you? Are you indenpendently wealthy? What did a Union member ever do to you? Is the personal jealousy that strong that you would like to see a working slob lose all say in his working conditions and pay? Do you think that somebody making 60K a year in a crappy job is harming you???

  Somebody needs a wake up call, this state has gone completly over the edge, return to sanity???? You have to be kidding... Thats the issue!

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/12 at 18:49:57

The idiot that got attacked WANTED to be attacked, he came in and goaded Union members according to eye witnesses.. Got what he deserved and wanted..  

really; that's an interesting position to take. I'm guessing those who marched across the bridge wanted to get attacked by dogs.....

You always have a choice to join the Union or not, just don't take a job where it is required

again, hope you feel the same way about a host of other issues. I'll keep your pro-choice point of view in mind

And people like Webby back this crap!!! Whats wrong with you? Are you indenpendently wealthy?

i wish, but nope.

What did a Union member ever do to you?

I had no real opinions about unions until I was forced to deal with them and then I found out they are were stupid and lazy people go to work.

Is the personal jealousy that strong that you would like to see a working slob lose all say in his working conditions and pay? Do you think that somebody making 60K a year in a crappy job is harming you???

no, but I don't think someone making 600,000 a year harms me either. You don't.

Title: Re: Another one bites the dust...
Post by Retread on 12/13/12 at 20:30:53

 You don't walk into a dog pen loaded with angry dogs and start pulling tails!

  You always have a choice, if you don't like Unions, don't look for a Union job! And no one is forcing you to, now you can get all the benefits of a Union and not pay, let your fellow worker carry your load! Now thats MY interpetation of a LAZY SELFISH POS!

  Why are you trying to destroy that working slob making 60K then? Why Webby? Is it just petty jealousy, did one of your xworkmates in the Union chew your arse? Steal your wife? Show you up? Thats what I'm guessing...

   The guy making 600K can afford to pay his weight in taxes and keep his crap above board... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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