General Category >> The Cafe >> Am I  Mean?

Message started by ColoS40Girl on 12/08/12 at 16:59:08

Title: Am I  Mean?
Post by ColoS40Girl on 12/08/12 at 16:59:08


An occasional acquaintance asked if his wife could ride my S40 to see how if feels to ride a MC again.  She received her MC license about eighteen months to two years ago and has not been on a bike since the MC class. This means she has ridden all of three days max. They know I have a Harley. I am thinking they think I wouldn't mine if she rode the S40 as it is my second bike.  My first and quite frankly last thought is H*ll to the NO!  I just do not understand why people think it is alright to ask to ride someone else's bike. I would never asked to ride someone bike.  So, am  I mean, selfish, or right?  Be frank as I have a thick skin.   :)

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Demin on 12/08/12 at 17:06:12

Nope,you're not mean.What if she dumps it or just falls over for that matter?I let a few friends ride my bikes,but that's only because they ride.I don't just let anybody ride them.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by oldNslow on 12/08/12 at 17:07:55

Your first thought was the correct one.

Might be Mean but it's also Right.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Blinky on 12/08/12 at 17:09:39

I don't know you and you may be the meanest person on earth. But in this case, you were just showing very good judgement. They were out of line asking.

Good hunting

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by LANCER on 12/08/12 at 17:11:48

You are not mean, just being careful.
If she wants to check out riding again then she should go back and take the class again.
That is the safe way for her and you.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Serowbot on 12/08/12 at 17:36:49

If you told them where to shove it,.. you're kinda' mean,...
If just said no,.. you're pretty sensible...

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Paladin. on 12/08/12 at 18:10:14

4F6C6D6D6A66516A676670030 wrote:
... She received her MC license about eighteen months to two years ago and has not been on a bike since the MC class.
My first and quite frankly last thought is H*ll to the NO! ....

You may or not be "mean" -- but in this case you are being nice.  I do not understand why people think they are just hop up on a big motorcycle.  The S40 is a bike bike.  A middleweight would be a 250 class cruiser.  A motorcycle to ride to see if you want to ride would be a 50cc scooter.   Really.   We are going to Hawaii in 2014 and the wife will be riding a rental 50cc scooter.

I assume, from your name, you are in Colorado.  I assume they also in CO.  It is *cold*.  Vacation where it is warm -- Florida or Hawaii.  Both have scooter rentals.  Or a bigger scooter, a 150cc Vespa -- Eagleriders in LAX have at least one available since I rented it myself.  Other Eagleriders locations will have Vespas also.  RENT a scooter, or even a 838 Sportster, and ride for a day.

Then she can see if she liked the scooter and would be willing to buy a big bike for herself.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by ColoS40Girl on 12/08/12 at 18:34:11

Well I have owned a Vespa 150cc and it definitely does not ride like a MC. It is underpowered compared to the S40.  Also, a Sportster would be more than she could handle IMHO since she is short and an 883cc can be intimidating as she would not be flatfooted.  Yes I am in Colorado.  It is getting cold but we can still ride.  I think their thought is I would leave it with them for "awhile" as they live in a rural area where she could "practice" and see if she should purchase a bike.  Her husband has two bikes and he wants her to ride with him in the near future.  There are a lot of inexpensive bikes on Craigslist.  However, I like the recommendation that she should go back to a training class to sharpen up her skills while deciding if she wants her own bike.  

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by 360k+ on 12/08/12 at 18:41:12

If she was considering buying a car like yours and asked to drive your car, you probably wouldn't think about it in quite the same way.   In other words, you'd probably be a little more lenient.   However, the skill set for a motorcycle vs a car are entirely different, and just because someone has driven for years (a car) doesn't mean those same skills carry over to a bike.  I think one of the misconceptions that non-riders have is that they may think a motorcycle is just another vehicle, and so it's OK to ask.   As mentioned earlier, I have friends whom I would have no reservations about riding one of my bikes, but these are folks that I know personally to have riding expertise.

An extreme example...  I used to have an airplane, but there is no way I would allow anyone to take my plane for a "spin" without the skills and credentials to do so.

I think you made the correct decision, especially considering your friend's personal safety.  Think about how you'd feel if she darted out in traffic and was killed?

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/08/12 at 18:48:58

How much would ya sell it for? PIck a number. Tell her to write a check for that amount & bring her riding gear. If she dumps it, you keep the check,. & she owns a bent Savage.

&, in answer to your question, What Rowboat said,

When I went to visit a guy in HOuston, he had a 1,000CC Guzzi. He told me I could ride it. I passed. Im not comfortable on big bikes. Im not good with a heavy ride, & I KNew I wouldnt be happy paying for any damage & I KNEW I would have to pay if I messed it up. Well,, I wouldnt Have to,, I could just can a friendship & hang it in his butt,, but IM not wired that way,
I think anyone who asks to ride your bike w/o offering some security in advance is irresponsible & I just dont like her,, but hey,, I wont be picking your friends today.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Charon on 12/08/12 at 19:28:21

A fairly easy out is to just tell them your insurance will not cover anyone other than family members (or yourself) driving your motorcycle. Most people will accept that reason without taking offense.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by ZAR on 12/08/12 at 19:29:36

You did just right ColoGirl. A bike is a personal thing and besides the above-mentioned safety and liability issues I just do out give out "joy rides" to anyone. Only one friend has ridden my scoot and he is a trusted brother and rider of many years. He was also suprised at the power of "that little thumper" It had been a while since he'd moved up from the old Brit bikes to the Harleys ;D

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by houstonbofh on 12/08/12 at 20:44:54

Sharing a bike is like swinging...  It is OK to offer, but not to ask. ;)

I agree that a 2 year lag with three days experience is scary.  But I have "hosted" beginners before and will again.  It really depends on the person.  (Both rider and owner)  I have a friend that I have known for 25 years, and we have been riding together most of that time.  He still would not let me barrow a bike.  Or his wife...  And I am fine with both of those choices. :)

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by cowboy on 12/08/12 at 21:08:48

hell no don't do it. it never ends well :'(

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by stinger on 12/09/12 at 04:11:40

For insurance reasons not a good idea. If she has no bike then most likely she has no insurance of her own and yours most likely only would cover you. And then if a accident happened she could sue you for everything you own.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Dave on 12/09/12 at 05:02:37

You did good.  I would never let an unexperienced rider loose on one of my bikes.  I will let competent people on my bikes for a ride around the block......not for an afternoon ride.

If you friend had a bike she was riding regularly and she is practiced and is a different situation.  But I still would limit it to a quick test ride.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by LANCER on 12/09/12 at 05:03:47

Regarding the insurance:  my Progressive policy for the state of SC states that coverage applies to me and any relative living in my household, and any person I, or relative in my household, may give permission to ride my bikes.
Of course policies vary considerably based on what you choose to buy, or by insurance company, and between different states.  
The only way to know for sure is to read your policy VERY carefully.
But even if the other person is covered if you give permission for them to ride, I don't think it's a good idea to do so unless I/you know they have the skills to handle it and have confidence in their GOOD riding judgement.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by ToesNose on 12/09/12 at 10:06:39

You mentioned that her husband has two bikes and I'm sure they are full sized bikes that she would not be comfortable riding, with that said if he owns two bikes why would he think it's ok to ask to borrow your bike for her?  :-?  Bikes are very personal possessions to most people, besides all the liabiliaty issues and potential for them damaging the bike itself.

No you are not mean, and I wouldn't be happy being put in such a possition by a friend.  Figuring out how to tell them no is the most difficult decission in my opinion, not the answer itself  :o

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by houstonbofh on 12/09/12 at 13:40:20

013A30261B3A2630550 wrote:
You mentioned that her husband has two bikes and I'm sure they are full sized bikes that she would not be comfortable riding, with that said if he owns two bikes why would he think it's ok to ask to borrow your bike for her?

That is actually a big deal.  If a person is not "comfortable" on a bike, they should not ride it.  It is risky enough, and being stressed does not help.  I have loaned out bikes before for "sizing purposes" and had no problems.  Some to brand new riders.  (In a parking lot, with me right beside them coaching.)  But I have said no to several as well.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by ColoS40Girl on 12/09/12 at 18:32:36

003B31271A3B2731540 wrote:
You mentioned that her husband has two bikes and I'm sure they are full sized bikes that she would not be comfortable riding, with that said if he owns two bikes why would he think it's ok to ask to borrow your bike for her?  :-?  Bikes are very personal possessions to most people, besides all the liabiliaty issues and potential for them damaging the bike itself.

No you are not mean, and I wouldn't be happy being put in such a possition by a friend.  Figuring out how to tell them no is the most difficult decission in my opinion, not the answer itself  :o

His bikes are larger so it would not be wise for her to try and ride his. And you are exactly correct, I am is a bad position.  I plan to telling her my insurance covers only people in my household -"ME".  People have offered for me to ride their bikes. I respectfully decline and will not even sit on their bikes.  I understand it is an object that can be replaced but why would I want to fix something that I did not break. Also, the liability issue that was brought up is a big deal as well.  

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Boofer on 12/09/12 at 20:47:48

First off I DID NOT read any replies. There was a great funny article in one of the cycle magazines this month. The title was "May I Borrow Your Personality?" Long story short, the answer is no. I would let Versy, Serow, Justin, Preacher, Baby Hog, KChris, and a few others ride my bike but they know better than to ask. A swap ride would probably come up or maybe a straight out loan, but it wouldn't be asked...just kinda happens. Exactly three people have ridden my bike besides me since I bought it. A Harley friend who hangs with a drag racing crowd, a friend who rides KLR 650s now after earning a wall full of trophies on KTMs, and my brother, who after 20 years off bikes didn't figure on first gear being so high and ran through his wife's flower bed. Just say no.  :)

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by jcstokes on 12/09/12 at 23:08:14

Common sense dictates that you have used common sense by declining the reqest.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by prsavage on 12/10/12 at 00:15:01

Give them directions to the nearest Suzuki dealer to ask them about a test ride.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by ToesNose on 12/10/12 at 04:59:27

55575D5454320 wrote:
Give them directions to the nearest Suzuki dealer to ask them about a test ride.

+1!   ;)

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by WD on 12/10/12 at 08:06:36

PR, most stateside metric dealers don't offer test rides.

I've let friends who've ridden for years borrow my Savage. But ONLY when it was in "back up bike who gives a s**t" status. And at that, if they weren't current or former club members they were told NO.

AND I always required some kind of security against the bike, usually the titles for at least 2 bikes, since mine is heavily modified from stock. Once a fellow ex-club member borrowed it with his girlfriend as insurance... ::) She's a lot cuter than the Savage...

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Dj12midnit on 12/10/12 at 11:55:52

I was going to go to a demo day to test ride a c50 and a buddy I ride with said "Just take mine for a ride"  I said thanks for I would feel more comfortable on the dealer bike. Doesn't matter how long you been riding, It happens. I could never risk wrecking someone baby.

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by mpescatori on 12/11/12 at 00:50:15

Hi ColoS40, this is Maurizio from waaay across the Ocean.

One thing nobody has mentioned.


Even among two bikes of the same model... no two bikes are the same.

Throttle response, accellerator cable lag, clutch lag, rear brake setting...

I've listed only four issues which will be typical of my bike, vs. your bike vs. anybody else's Savage/S40.

The bike your friend used for MSF Class was not only a different model with different performance characteristics; it had different throttle response, braking response, seat height, foot peg position etc...

So... what if all goes well, she rides around the neighborhood and locks the front wheel on gravel as she proudly comes to a stop in your driveway?
Who sues whom for damages?  ::)
Are you sure you want to lose a friend? I'd rather look selfish for a few days than lose a friend forever  ;)

Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by Paraquat on 12/11/12 at 09:16:08

1D131446565D454A50240 wrote:
hell no don't do it. it never ends well :'(

When I was in high school I moved to CT. I had my bike shipped from FL to CT. When I got it I rode it everywhere. I was hanging out with three friends; all of whom were interested in riding it.
One wasn't in any hurry and bragged about having ridden dirt bikes on trails behind his house. The other two were green.
First kid took a go at it and slowly idled at about 5 mph into a headstone in a parking lot, stopped, and fell sideways.
He said he couldn't turn the bike.
The second kid rode without incident.
The third, the dirt biker, dropped it before shifting into first.

I now have less friends and a nicer bike.

I don't even like walking too close to other people's bikes. I do like that swinging reference. It's ok to offer but never to ask.


Title: Re: Am I  Mean?
Post by tizzyfit on 12/11/12 at 17:17:53

If this blithering idiot has a motorcycle endorsement, direct her to the local motorcycle dealership and have her ride one of their demo's.  If she drops it, she can work out the financial issues with them, not you. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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