General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...

Message started by Serowbot on 12/07/12 at 12:37:54

Title: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Serowbot on 12/07/12 at 12:37:54

Priceless... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/07/12 at 14:45:25

Ooo he does ? In public ? ... the perv ... ;D


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/08/12 at 05:48:41

President Barack Obama is headed to Hawaii for a posh 20-day vacation costing some $4 million to the taxpayers. The First Family will head to Kailua, where they’ll erect barricades to prevent the commoners from interacting with them. But it’s not the cost and inconvenience that Americans should wonder about – it’s the timing. President Obama heads out of town from December 17 to January 6. The fiscal cliff is slated to hit on January 2.

Can you imagine if Bush had done this?  You know, Bush quit playing golf when he got a phone call from Rice (you know Rice don’t you? The black woman named Rice who it’s perfectly acceptable to criticize and demonize… yea, that one.)  about a bad bombing overseas. I don’t think he played again during his term. Obama? He has zero care about such things.  What a POS.

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/08/12 at 07:37:18

Bush did plenty of it. And bush was slacker supreme BTW. Look it up.

Clinton was the last workaholic in the WH, and of course what was going on under the table there was what kept him motivated ...


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Serowbot on 12/08/12 at 08:52:07

Can't think of a reply to Mitch filibustering himself?... no problem...
Just rip Obama...

President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency.  Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years.  

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/08/12 at 09:02:58

I had no idea what you meant about Mitch. I happened to see a story about hopey running off on vacation for 20 days.

I'll put Bush up against Hopey any day with regards to respect for the country and office.

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Serowbot on 12/08/12 at 09:18:33

003235242332251A36253C570 wrote:
I'll put Bush up against Hopey any day with regards to respect for the country and office.

Go ahead,.. he'll lose...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/08/12 at 13:11:36

sweet, thanks for that photo. hadn't seen that one.

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/08/12 at 15:22:16

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
I had no idea what you meant about Mitch. I happened to see a story about hopey running off on vacation for 20 days.

I'll put Bush up against Hopey any day with regards to respect for the country and office.

Who's Hopey ? You mean Hoppy ?


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by 360k+ on 12/08/12 at 18:17:51

It's always amazed me that we require achievement testing for Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, etc.  Even vocational employment like Plumbers, Carpenters, and Mechanics must pass board level tests to be certified in their jobs.  Yet the most important job in America requires no such certification, testing, or even a minimum IQ requirement???


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Arizuno on 12/08/12 at 19:29:19

[quote author=5C5A4942020E0809023B0 link=1354912674/0#9 date=1355019471]It's always amazed me that we require achievement testing for Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, etc.  Even vocational employment like Plumbers, Carpenters, and Mechanics must pass board level tests to be certified in their jobs.  Yet the most important job in America requires no such certification, testing, or even a minimum IQ requirement???

[media][/media][/quote There's no question that W. has a minimum IQ...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/09/12 at 05:46:27

I believe Bush has a Master's Degree from Harvard or Yale. One of those two, not sure which.  Do you?

Hopey has.....   well no one really knows since he keeps his transcripts hidden.

Ari; you're confusing ability to speak well in public with intelligence.
I know I’m opening myself up to a host of comebacks, but I’m not particularly smart. I never finished college. But my job is to speak to engineers and I speak very well about my particular field of expertise so my customer’s think I’m a genius. They think I know more than they do which i really don't. I know one thing very well and speak well so they make an assumption that's not true.

 Hopey’s like that. He’s gone a long way on one talent, speaking. Actually two talents: he has an amazing aura around him of expectation. Somehow, people expect him to be some all powerful semi-God figure and he plays on that. His time at the Harvard Law Review for example was a joke. He published nothing worthwhile.  While he was there however, it was viewed as some kind of achievement, some great success.  He really isn’t particularly smart, he just talks well. Bush was the opposite. Clinton on the other hand was very smart and spoke very well. To bad he was a democrat with a one track mind. He could have been another Reagan.

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/12 at 07:27:36

"Hopey" taught Constitutional Law at UofC Law School......

"Hopey" was president of the Harvard law review, graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude,...

GW was a cherrleader...

GW was a legacy at Harvard,.. his grandad built a building at Harvard... GW would have got a degree even if he never showed up...

This is not a horserace... :-?...

Can you show me GW's Harvard transcripts?...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/09/12 at 09:42:59

And Hoppy was a constitutional law professor before he became a politician. He had student loans that he paid off just a few years ago, and he was born poor and raised by a single mother ... which obviously the Pugs dont count as a valid disadvantage cos "they can shut that whole thing down"

I dont know who hopey is ... Hoppy = President Obama.


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by arteacher on 12/09/12 at 14:05:53

I just happen to be taking a special education course at the present time, and Bush has some of the characteristics of someone with a speech disorder. Either that or he can't read his cue cards.

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/09/12 at 15:52:09

4A414148444B4A5051250 wrote:
I just happen to be taking a special education course at the present time, and Bush has some of the characteristics of someone with a speech disorder. Either that or he can't read his cue cards.

That must be why the rape-a-buickan's call Obama a Teleprompter in a suit. That's what they are used to leading them. That's the one they need so they can be lead by the nose like Rush "my black maid got me hooked on drugs" Lamebag and Duck "I'll help my friends over @ halibutron cos I screwed them as CEO" Cheney used to do.


Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/12 at 05:37:59

I just happen to be taking a special education course at the present time, and Bush has some of the characteristics of someone with a speech disorder.

My daughter in law is a special education teacher with a master's. Her sister is a speech pathologist with a masters. What characteristics do you see Bush having that leads you to believe he has a speech disorder?

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by Serowbot on 12/11/12 at 15:59:33

I believe the medical term is "Foot in mouth disease"...  ;D...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by srinath on 12/11/12 at 16:14:09

A classic example of that was when he referred to the big northeast power failure in 2005 I think as "rolling blackouts" ... really, you even know what a rolling black out is ...

Title: Re: Mitch McConnell Filibusters Himself...
Post by 360k+ on 12/11/12 at 19:17:05

Much Like John McCain, GW was pressed into service, not on his own merit, but on that of his relatives, relationships, and/or birthright.   I hate to say it, but much of our gub works via this principle.   We criticize the Brits for having a "royal hierarchy", but guess what folks?  We are not far off the mark.  In any case, political intelligence is not a DNA or inherited trait (assuming the forefather even had any merit of his own to begin with???), it is more a random event of social science awareness; i.e., a visionary who can see a bigger picture of mankind.   Arguably, we have probably as many bad ones as good ones - the luck of the draw.

I consider myself to be a pretty good judge of character as I'm sure many of you are.   It's the kind of thing where, after meeting someone for 5 minutes, you have a gut feel for whether this is the kind of person you'd like to hang out with, or not.   After hearing a few of GW's speeches in 1999, I had made up my mind.

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