General Category >> The Cafe >> Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacement

Message started by Oldfeller on 12/02/12 at 01:34:17

Title: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacement
Post by Oldfeller on 12/02/12 at 01:34:17

Gist of this is that once some international bank somewhere creates a gold backed circulating folding money certificate to use for trading in oil or anything else, our dollar will rapidly cease to be the default world currency and it will begin to be traded at its real value against the new currency.

What this means to you is that everything bought from overseas (and that is just about everything) will quadruple in price overnight.   What money in dollars you have in the bank will become closer to worthless.

Europe will be there too, we won't be alone -- but that is slim consolation when you can't survive month to month.

Think of it as a financial attack on the USA by certain countries and you won't be too far off the mark.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by mpescatori on 12/02/12 at 03:08:35

The first thing we should all realize is that GOLD and SILVER were the staple trading commodity for the last few thousand years, not the Dollar, not the UK Pound Sterling, not the French/Swiss Franc not the German Deutschmark.

Gold and silver.

Gold coins have been dug up in Mesopotamia and Egypt, as old as 3000 BC and even older.

Paper money is a very recent invention, and the tendency is for many nations to standardise their currencies into "currency blocs" to help internal trade.

The US $ exixts not because George Washington wanted it, but because it was the one common trading commodity within the newly established United States, for internal trade.

Similarly, the French Franc and the British Pound were extremely successful not because of stable governments bit because of the huge African/ Asian Empires which used that same currency for trade.

Word has it that the UN are studying a new, global currency called the...
United Future World Currency (UFWC, pronounced ... well, you know  ;))
It was designed by Italian engraver Sandro Sassoli of the Italian Mint (the Italian Mint actually mints for half the African and Asian Nations, it is one of the most active mints in the world)

The point is, ever since Pres. reagan unlinked the US $ from the value of gold, all nations have followed suit, and the currencies are now valued by estimates of industrial power and government stability, rather than gold and silver reserves... which means one can lie and claim "my plant is bigger than your plant" and print money to Kingdom come, and then when the cards are down you really see who has ooomph and who was bluffing.

It wpould be more than sufficient to link currencies to gold, without actually having to go any further.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by mpescatori on 12/02/12 at 03:09:14


Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by LANCER on 12/02/12 at 03:25:00

President Nixon, 1971, officially removed the US dollar from the gold standard.

President Reagan served from 1980-1988

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Serowbot on 12/02/12 at 03:33:21

.... but,.. gold/silver/ bullion... is now, artificially inflated by Fox news hucksters and R limpaw sponsors...
I bought gold/silver wayyyy back in 99'... $320/$5 an ounce...
Sold at $1200 and $30... okay,.. I'm clever, but not genius... :-?...

Now,.. it's value is as imaginary as any other commodity...
At today's prices... it fools errand... and remember, you have to pay tax on these purchases... that requires an 8% increase in value (here anyway), plus sellers price is different from buyers price...
Not a deal...
Real estate,.. is close to bottom,... interest is low...
Buy land,.. pay it off fast, cash if you can...
They ain't making more dirt....

PS... I've been livin', mostly, off gold and land for 10  years...
Gold is dead,.. land is hot...
(buy your neighbours house)...  ;)...

Trust me,.. I shop at thrift stores,.. drink moonshine, and smoke peyote'...

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by mpescatori on 12/02/12 at 07:51:02

6F626D6066713134030 wrote:
President Nixon, 1971, officially removed the US dollar from the gold standard.

President Reagan served from 1980-1988

Yikes !  :o Lancer, you're absolutely correct! How could I mess up my Presidents?  ::)

What was I thinking ? ...  :-* ...  ;)

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by 360k+ on 12/02/12 at 08:03:54

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
Trust me,.. I shop at thrift stores,.. drink moonshine, and smoke peyote'...

The kind of man we need to turn this country around!

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by 360k+ on 12/02/12 at 08:12:09

Seriously, we need to go off all current currency standards in favor of something serving global needs.   There is no reason why any one country or consortium should be able to keep the rest of the world in an economic stranglehold.   A new truly universal currency would be the answer to our global problems.  As such, I introduce the...

Future United Currency for Universal Economy,  the...    FUCUE     ;D

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by raydawg on 12/02/12 at 08:31:38

Can't we just get a chip implanted will remove so much crime and provide instant identity to everyone, no tax cheats, fraud, terrorist, etc.
Seems I've read about a one world order type thingy somewhere before....Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm????

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by on 12/02/12 at 11:56:00


We have been all through this gold thing once before.  For those who are interested in history, it was one of the underlying causes of the worldwide depression that lead to WWII.  Oh well, what goes around and all that.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Serowbot on 12/02/12 at 12:18:48

47544C51544252350 wrote:
Can't we just get a chip implanted will remove so much crime and provide instant identity to everyone, no tax cheats, fraud, terrorist, etc.
Seems I've read about a one world order type thingy somewhere before....Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm????

They'll still mug you,.. it will just include surgery...
No thanks... :-?...

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by raydawg on 12/02/12 at 12:50:35

283E29342C39342F5B0 wrote:
[quote author=47544C51544252350 link=1354440857/0#8 date=1354465898]Can't we just get a chip implanted will remove so much crime and provide instant identity to everyone, no tax cheats, fraud, terrorist, etc.
Seems I've read about a one world order type thingy somewhere before....Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm????

They'll still mug you,.. it will just include surgery...
No thanks... :-?...[/quote]

No, I think you mistaken buddy. A stolen chip would be like Gloria Steinman's pet fish need for a bicycle seat. An activated chips code coupled with an eye scan insures against fraudulent use, in other words, unless you want to perform really, really intricate cosmetic surgery, trying to use a bogus chip would get you instantly busted, tried, and imprisoned.....

HEY, for the record, I'm all against this "marking" at ANY cost, but it has already been determined, and forecast, and mankind will drink lustily of the kool-aid until denial provides the truth, and then the fat "gal" is on stage singing her tune, and no one is dancing, anymores....

And conversely, thank you all very much  :-/

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Oldfeller on 12/02/12 at 16:16:38

You need to make much less sense and thank much more profusely ....     :D  

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Midnightrider on 12/02/12 at 22:36:00

Investigate the Federal Reserve. Anyone who has ever stood up against them except for Ron Paul has had something horrific happen to them. Sen Charles Lindberg fought the Fed. Reserve and his child was kidnapped. John F Kennedy came out with the silver certificate which would have shut down The Federal Reserve. Four months later he was dead. Ron Paul got what was called an investigation and what was shown to them is the Federal Reserve printed 19 TRILLION of our dollars and gave it away to some of our banks, foreign banks and countries with known terrorist in control. Our biggest enemy resides right here in our country. 911 funding can be traced back to the Federal Reserve. When the results of the audit came out everyone was too busy with the election to realise what is really going on. Take the time to read "The Creature From Jekyll Island" A dollar bill is now nothing but a promise that can easily be broken. Last I heard the national debt was 17 trillion. The criminals who run the Fed. Reserve have printed 19 trillion behind our backs (that they admitted to) and gave part of it away to our enemies and no one seems to care. The election is over, its time to stop these criminals but how can you do it when they can print all the money they want to and put it in your hand.  

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by J C Stokes on 12/02/12 at 22:47:55

Signor Pescatori, I hope this United Future currency is patented and trade marked, as that is the name for a somewhat obscure political party in New Zealand.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Cavi Mike on 12/03/12 at 00:46:26

Our currency never should have been the world standard in the first place. What's that saying? Too big to fail? Oh wait - Kodak, the Big 3, Hostess, that can't be the right saying. Oh yeah! The bigger they are the harder they fall. That's the saying! Oh crap.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Pine on 12/03/12 at 08:20:50

1) Shouldn't this be in Tall Table?

2) Old news, as in 5 to 6 years ago this was spoken to by many.

3) I have bought Gold and silver without paying taxes on it (gold eagles) Which may be nothing more than the tax already being in the price. Still, I dont think there is a tax on US Eagles, as they are noted with values. All other bullion, probably.

4) Bots right.. Actually, though holding anything liquid that not dollars is a win, right now as inflation is eating us up.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Serowbot on 12/03/12 at 08:50:36

1821262D3C273A480 wrote:
Shouldn't this be in Tall Table?

Conversely,.. the Tall Table should be here... :-?...

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/12 at 22:14:11

Lots of people are finally aware of the symptoms. The cause seeoms to elude the masses. Now why would that be? Could it be because of the ubiguitousness of it? Could it be because we all went to school for all those years & no one taught us about it? Could it be because people simply dont want to address it?

Its the Fed here & the same people own the privately owned central banking systems thru out the world. PLease, PLEASE, NOTE, Iraq didnt use the globalist central banking system, neither did Libya.. & they were BOth EEeevil & needed to be taken down,

Confessions of an Economic Hitman. John Perkins, IIRC.

& Of course, Creature from Jekyll Island

Of course, the option is to flop around stabbing at answers,,

The dollar is already dead, it just hasnt fallen over yet.

When one of these central banks starts buying nothing but gold( theyre already buying gold as fast as they can w/o signalling to the dumb masses whats going on) instead of Goob Bonds, the game is over.

China produces lots of gold, & Is Buying gold, & I dont think theyre exporting any.

The Fed is & has been buying its own debt paper.

That, alone, should be enough to alert anyone.,
Do not ask me to explain it again. I wont do it.

consider this, YOu need a loan, can you loan yourself $$$?

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Boofer on 12/05/12 at 00:07:33

I remember Dave Ramsey making the statement that money wasn't the problem during hurricane Katrina, but a bottle of water or a bag of ice was the best currency you could have. May not fit in this discussion, but something to think about.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by LANCER on 12/05/12 at 04:49:20

Best be self sufficient or working to get yourself there quickly.
Katrina ... Sandy ... What happened when the daily supply system broke down ??
It does not have to be a storm.  Anything that disrupts the system will cause severe problems.  If power goes out there is no water, food, gas, medicine, etc etc etc.  Everything runs out in just a few days.
If it is localized then help can get there eventually but if wide spread then who is going to help when everyone is trying to keep their own family alive for just today ?

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by Paraquat on 12/05/12 at 06:10:30

666B64696F78383D0A0 wrote:
If it is localized then help can get there eventually but if wide spread then who is going to help when everyone is trying to keep their own family alive for just today ?

And they are local to me.


Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by ToesNose on 12/06/12 at 05:14:13

And they are local to me.


Guns are great against looters, but you can't eat least none that I've ever owner   :D

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by srinath on 12/06/12 at 08:34:01

5269637548697563060 wrote:

And they are local to me.


Guns are great against looters, but you can't eat least none that I've ever owner   :D

Wait till you see my latest invention ... the twinkie gun ... and I am local to you.

Title: Re: Alert for world change -- US Dollar replacemen
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/06/12 at 08:42:41

Self defense & hunting were as normal as breathing. The 2nd has nothing to do with that. The Framers introduced a concept to government unique to America. That the people created & own the government & have the right, should that government become tyrannical, to dissolve it & start anew, & that the People, Being the Sovereign, have the Right to keep & bear arms. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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