General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> I was once stuck on the highway!

Message started by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 10:59:13

Title: I was once stuck on the highway!
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 10:59:13

First test ride today an about an hour into it the bike does in 5th gear and i cruise to the side an here I am stuck.   Bike has a full tank.   Bike won't even start on prime or on reserve.  What do I do,   Tow truck???

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 11:09:46

2023273320333C26373E3E3D66606160520 wrote:
 What do I do,   Tow truck???

How'd you ride for a an hour, and still have a full tank?... :-?...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:11:17

Because I was low and just filled up.  Started bak up,  had 2 more exits to drive to get to my destination and it quit :P

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:12:49

45 miles.     Keep in mind I just got my license yesterday so this is a crappy start to my first ride. Lol

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 11:17:12

Did ya' fill it with diesel?... :-?...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 11:18:53

You don't say if the starter spins or not.

Check all the "wooops" first.
Kill Switch in RUN position? - right handlebar
In Neutral?
Kickstand Down?
Clutch pulled in?

If Kickstand is DOWN, you can't start with the bike in gear.
Try putting the kickstand up and pull the clutch in.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:19:20

I'm in the median with 85mph cars speeding by me.  Please give me something useful to try or check or don't reply at all

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:20:38

Starter spins just doesn't start engine.  I let it cool for 5 min.  It started then died off again.  It just won't fire but it spins over

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:22:09

Maybe the fuel filter is restricting it

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 11:27:42

Possible that your battery is low.  A savage will spin the starter with low battery, but the CDI will not make spark.

About an hour is enough time to drain a battery while riding if the charge circuit is not working.
A few minutes resting can bring the battery back up to a point that it will fire ignition again, but it will drop too low quickly.

Without a volt meter, you can't tell if that is the problem or not.

OR, gas is not flowing enough.  Put petcock in ON, pull fuel line from carb, put petcock on PRIME and see if you get good fuel flow.
If so, spark (battery) could be the issue.
If not, something is keeping the gas from getting to the carb.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 11:28:08

3F3C382C3F2C233928212122797F7E7F4D0 wrote:
Maybe the fuel filter is restricting it

could be.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by BOBD on 11/28/12 at 11:29:19

Check the fuel filter by seeing if fuel is coming out past the filter by removing the line from end of filter and the carb. I don't use one. See answer from youzguyz.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 11:35:36

I'm not kidding about filling with diesel...  It's happened before...

You rode 45 miles, fine.. you stopped fer gas,.. 2 miles later, dead...
That's just time to empty the bowl of gas, and get to the newly added fuel...
Diesel... and she dies...
Smell the fuel in the tank...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:40:12

Well I got it started back up and I'm off the hwy and luckily I front of a auto zone.  Ill go buy meter and see what the deal is.  And prolly a new bike cause I'm so mad.  And stuck.  Lol.  Thanks all

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 11:42:07

Na I'm 100% it was gas.  Plus at $2.99 a gallon. There's no way it was deasel.    Sry about the comment.  I was just freaking out

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 12:08:48

Ok, I got a volt meter, when I put neg to neg and pos to pos, what numbers should I look for and what thing should I have this dial pointed to??

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by srinath on 11/28/12 at 12:16:46

3C3F3B2F3C2F203A2B2222217A7C7D7C4E0 wrote:
Ok, I got a volt meter, when I put neg to neg and pos to pos, what numbers should I look for and what thing should I have this dial pointed to??

Battery check - DC V - 20.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by BOBD on 11/28/12 at 12:18:49

Use the dc side at 20 volt setting and you should get around 12 volt reading. youzguys knows more than I do, listen to him. I just learned a few things myself by reading his answer.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 12:23:12

Copied from a post by Old Feller:

Put your volt-ohm meter into 20 volt range DC setting.

Stick the proper leads on the proper terminals on the battery (you can get into do this just by taking the seat off, the square cut outs are big enough).

Note the resting voltage of the battery as it sits before being started.  Write it down.  12.0 to 12.6 is a common resting range.

Crank the bike and get it to a good fast idle (at or over 1,000 rpm) check the battery voltage again with the engine running.

If resting voltage is over 12 volts and the running voltage is just over 13 volts you have a charging system that is working, but the regulator rectifier is getting marginal and old.   This bike may have issues with the battery not getting charged enough with short trips.

Running voltage at 13.5 to 14.5 is pretty sweet, your regulator rectifier isn't getting old and tired yet.  Your bike should recharge itself on short trips.

Over 15 volts, regulator rectifier is sick and is over charging your battery.

Stators rarely ever go bad, regulator rectifiers crap out much more often.  This test isn't hard to do and a Stealership will charge you $65 to $100 to perform it since you were silly enough to carry it to them to do it for you.  

They like your money in their wallet .....  that's why we call them Stealerships.

They can test your stator separately, both for resistance and for output voltage -- but get this ....

If the battery voltage on a running bike is in the right range, the stator and the regulator rectifier must be operating correctly for it to be there.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 12:31:32

and a post from Routy:

First, you need a good battery. If the battery voltage is dropping below 10.5 volts while cranking, it is getting a very weak spark, and would rather not start. If it cranks (spins) good, it should start good.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 12:33:29

The bike dies while in 5th that's the confusing part

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by youzguyz on 11/28/12 at 12:40:04

7F7C786C7F6C637968616162393F3E3F0D0 wrote:
The bike dies while in 5th that's the confusing part

I really doubt that has much to do with it.. but leave it in 4th until you get it home!

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 12:49:38

Fast idel is 13.35.  Resting is 12.3.  And I adjusted the idol a little cause it died like it was idling too low.  It runs fine now but I'm nervous to drive it back cause if it does it again then ill really be stranded  lol

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 13:56:31

Got it started again, made it halfway down the road and was in second, pulled in clutch and released throttle because of the red light and it died.   I'm so confused.  I can't risk riding it home and having it do that again at 75 so ill leave it in a parking lot for the night.   Any other ideas to try while I'm waiting for the taxi??

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by misterbbq on 11/28/12 at 14:16:58

can you try bumping your idle up a bit?  mine will die if the idle is set too low and i squeeze the clutch to change gear, etc.  pretty much anytime i let off the throttle.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 14:26:00

I did that which seems to help but then once it dies it doesn't start for another 15 min or so.  Is that still the idol ??

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 14:40:14

The engine runs but after a min or two it just dies.  I have the fuel filter off as well

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 15:18:22

I got it started, ride it down the street, get it up to 2nd gear,  have to slow down for the red ligh so I hold in cluth and Let go of the gas and it dies.  Then it's extremely difficult to start up again.  It's prolly something small that can be adjusted but idk.  Leaving it in a parking lot for the night

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by greenmonster on 11/28/12 at 15:27:20

I've had something similar happen. It was the connection under the seat. Basically what was happening was that the bike was running off the battery and the charge circuit was barely touching/touching intermittently. It would start up and run for a couple blocks and then die as soon as I threw on a signal light or let the throttle drop. Check those connections under your seat.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/28/12 at 16:30:43

You really need to get your story straight. It sounds like a fuel delivery problem, not electrical.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 17:10:42

Someone else told me on their bike, there was a problem with the filter in the tank that was damaged or clogged creating a vacuume and sucking the gas back up. Which is what the previous comment mentioned.   Does that sound like a possibility if it is a fuel delivery problem??

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 17:40:21

Not unless your gas cap is connected to your 5th gear... :-/...

We need you to study your symptoms...  instead of just firing off random possible solutions...

Also,.. some general info would help...
Where are you located?...
Are you male or female?...
Do you have any mechanical experience?...
What year is your bike,.. and how many miles?...
What mods does the bike have?...

...and could you post us a pic of your bike so we can get an idea of it's overall state of modification and condition?...

Until you give us some details... you'll just be chasing your tail...
Which is what's been going on here for 3 pages...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Blinky on 11/28/12 at 18:18:19

Fuel, air, spark.
Let me ask a few questions if I may.
1. How far did you travel after the fill up before it stalled?
2. How long were you stranded before it restarted and you made it to the parts store?
3. When you left the parts store, you said it made it half way down the road when it stalled at a stop sign. How far was that?

In posts a few days ago, you were having blinker issues and stated the brake light was flashing. There was also a reference to a short, pinching wires. An aftermarket horn was also wired into the system.

I am concerned you may have a cascade event here with more than one issue. Those can be difficult to diagnose so go back to the basics, fuel, air, and spark.

If it was my bike, I would start by verifying fuel flow since this seems the most logical based on what I have read and since the battery seems to be good, unless of course, you went many, many miles between stalls.

Let us know and good luck.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 18:38:06

Left the house and traveled 35 miles to the gas station.  Filed up and traveled another 6, in 5th going 65mph, had to slow down because of a car changin lanes, completely let go of gas and it died. Held in clutch and coasted to te side of the road.  Waited approx 8 min and it started back up.  Traveled approx 300 yards , exited and released gas to downshift and it died. I coasted to my old apt complex and it sat there for 2 or so hours while I stopped cussing.   I then was told to check voltage and both rearing voltage and fast idol were appropriate levels.   I let the bike run for 15 min untouched before cutting it off and getting my gear back on.  I left my apt complex g

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 18:42:38

I left my apt complex.  Got up to 2nd gear,   About a block away from starting,  Had to slow for a red light.   Lego of gas, held in clutch and it died.  At that point I was so upset that its next to a muffler shop and I had someone come pick me up.   It could be anything but ill have to pik up the bike tomorrw and bring it back home and start checking I guess

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 18:43:44

.. some general info would help...
Where are you located?...
Are you male or female?...
Do you have any mechanical experience?...
What year is your bike,.. and how many miles?...
What mods does the bike have?...

...and could you post us a pic of your bike so we can get an idea of it's overall state of modification and condition?...

Until you give us some details... you'll just be chasing your tail...
Which is what's been going on here for 3 pages...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 18:45:36

I was located on I-45. A main freeway in houston Texas.  I am a 25yr old male with no motorcycle mechanical experience.  I like to learn as I go. The bike is an 01 with only an air horn mod.  

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 18:55:47

Thank you, RQ...  
You also have a chain drive...

From the pic,.. the lower part of the cylinder looks darker than the top...
Is that oil leak?... or paint...
I ask, because it could be a head gasket...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by 360k+ on 11/28/12 at 19:00:39

2533243921343922560 wrote:
Are you male or female?...

Serow looking for a date?     LOL    ;D

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Blinky on 11/28/12 at 19:00:42


Houston, my old home. R.E. Lee High School and the University of Houston, a heck of a long time ago.

hmmmmm. Ok, six miles is too far for a fuel delivery issue, unless the failure occurred right before the first stall. The second two, after about 300 yards and a block may indicate a fuel issue but the fact that it idled for a full 15 minutes in between the last two stalls has me stumped.

The common factor seems to be closing the throttle and pulling in the clutch.  Do you have access to a tachometer to check the idle speed?

Jump in here guys.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 19:13:14

That is the picture before I cleaned it.  Yes that is the residue of the "head cap seal leak".  Which I have not fixed yet.   No I don't have a tach to check the speed. How much are they and I will gladly buy one and test it.   Yess.  4/4 times when I'm riding if I let go of the throttle hard to slow down or wtv, it dies.   Then after dying. It takes multiple times to restart it.  Which is why I give it a rest cause I don't wana burn out the starter.    Yesterday I rode around my neighborhood for 15-20 min just feeling out the bike.  Stopping at many lights and stop signs.   And then today my first long trip and all this happened.    Maybe I should just give in and charge a mechanic 80/h to figure it out.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/28/12 at 19:25:11

This is like the blind leading the blind.

If the bike turns over (what you're incorrectly calling "starter spinning") there is nothing wrong with the battery or the charging system.

This is getting really stupid right now. 3 pages and you guys haven't figured out that his battery would be completely dead by now if it had to do with any of that?

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/28/12 at 19:38:51

Just put the petcock on "prime" and see if the bike runs.

There are too many people out there that are "just trying to help" but know as little or less than the person they're "helping." One such person would be someone who suggested checking the battery even though the bike turns over just fine, started up just a few minutes ago and was going down the highway when it died. A carbureted bike or even a carbureted car wouldn't die that fast from a dead battery and it sure wouldn't turn over or START a few minutes later. You're not helping, you're sending someone on a wild-goose chase.

Please, everyone, if you are taking shots in the dark with the excuse of "I'm just trying to help" you need to just stop. You're not helping anyone, you're making the situation worse. The best way you can help is to keep your mouth shut.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/12 at 19:38:54

3234272C6C6066676C550 wrote:
[quote author=2533243921343922560 link=1354129154/30#31 date=1354153221]
Are you male or female?...

Serow looking for a date?     LOL    ;D[/quote]
Next question,.. are you hot?... ;D...

Naaa,.. I would just be a little more delicate in my replies if it was a girl...
RQ's a man... so I won't tiptoe...
I'm a chauvinist pig, or a chivalrous gent,... depending on your level of feminism... :-?...

I think that head leak looks a little low for the head cap... could be a head gasket, or loose head bolts...
Anybody else think so?... (maybe it's just been too long since I dealt with one)...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the f'ing highway.  Reply quick p
Post by paulmarshall on 11/28/12 at 19:43:11

3132362231222D37262F2F2C77717071430 wrote:
Na I'm 100% it was gas.  Plus at $2.99 a gallon. There's no way it was deasel.    Sry about the comment.  I was just freaking out

is your choke out

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/12 at 19:43:56

Make sure the idle isnt set too low. Just raise it up, as long as itsd low enough you arent unable to ride at 15 MPH w/o pulling the clutch, do it.\
This is just to prove something, not how it will stay.

Mine used to die, running down the road, Id feel it hickup & then, dead.
Good battery, But, it wouldnt spin over. I eventually put an emergency start button under the frame, it eventually quit doing that, I never found the problem,

IF after it dies the starter will not engage & there are no good obvious reasons, like Kill switch in Kill position, you may have to do what I did.,
After it dies, will the starter engage & spin the motor?

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Oldfeller on 11/28/12 at 20:20:57

6143544B6F4B4947220 wrote:
Just put the petcock on "prime" and see if the bike runs.

Cavie has a good point.   Although I think we were told he has a Raptor in an earlier thread, I think I see a vac petcock in the picture.

Take a close up pic of your petcock so we can see it clearly.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/28/12 at 21:05:53

Choke is out to help start it but pushed back in immediately and it stays on while in park.  But once I start to ride, it's like it drops way below normal idol and kills

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/28/12 at 21:37:17

Sounds exactly like it's getting starved for fuel. You say it dies once you get it in 5th gear. This has nothing to do with the gear - it has to do with the amount of fuel your engine needs while going that fast under that much throttle. If you have the Raptor petcock - pull the choke and see if it runs better. The choke doesn't actually choke the carb - it's an enrichment valve - It just lets more gas into the engine. If the bike runs now, the carb is getting gas from the tank but not from the main jet and the jet is clogged. If the bike still dies, it's not getting gas from the tank.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/12 at 22:05:14

Then lets prove it,, pull the line off the carb & time how long it takes to drain a cup.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by SuperSavage on 11/29/12 at 00:02:33

What about your air cleaner? It could be super dirty or clogged with oil, preventing the proper fuel/air mixture. Worth a shot.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 01:01:09

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
Then lets prove it,, pull the line off the carb & time how long it takes to drain a cup.

Justin's and Cavie's point is good, pull the line and count the seconds to fill up a cup with gasoline.  (use your wife's clear measuring cup)

Post a pic of your petcock while you do this test, we need to know exactly what petcock equipment you are using and exactly how fast it passes gasoline in the ON or RUN position.  Then again in the Prime or Reserve position (depending on your actual petcock).

Lastly, look carefully at the drained gasoline in the cup after it settles a bit, report any water or solid sediments you see in the bottom of the cup.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Gyrobob on 11/29/12 at 04:57:50

Isn't it enthralling to note that anyone of several of us here, in five minutes, could probably have the thing running well enough long enough to get home or to some other location where it could be worked.  All these posts, speculations, frustrations, luckless fantasies,.. it is at least entertaining, and THAT is one of the main reasons for a forum like this.

Reading all this back and forth reminds me of someone unsuccessful at stimulating someone of a different gender, hopping out of bed, doing some research on his Droid real time, and jumping back in bed with a new "idea" on how to get her excited.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/12 at 10:10:08

RQ,.. can we see a current pic of your bike?...  The one you posted doesn't show the new horn...
I've been thinking about a new one myself...

Plus,.. a current pic might help us see something related to your problem...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 10:54:43

7F7C786C7F6C637968616162393F3E3F0D0 wrote:
First test ride today an about an hour into it the bike does in 5th gear and i cruise to the side an here I am stuck.   Bike has a full tank.   Bike won't even start on prime or on reserve.  What do I do,   Tow truck???

Wonderful little piece of ambiguity here, so which one do you have?   Prime belongs to a vac petcock and reserve belongs on a Raptor.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by youzguyz on 11/29/12 at 11:13:22

54777F7D7E77777E691B0 wrote:

[quote author=7F7C786C7F6C637968616162393F3E3F0D0 link=1354129154/0#0 date=1354129153]First test ride today an about an hour into it the bike does in 5th gear and i cruise to the side an here I am stuck.   Bike has a full tank.   Bike won't even start on prime or on reserve.  What do I do,   Tow truck???

Wonderful little piece of ambiguity here, so which one do you have?   Prime belongs to a vac petcock and reserve belongs on a Raptor.

Geeee OF, I hope I misread your post.  BOTH kinds of petcocks have a reserve.
If he has Prime, it is not a raptor.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 13:13:42

So, you think he has a stock vac petcock that will not freely pass gasoline on either prime or reserve positions.

But, given enough time, it will dribble enough gas to get him started again and let him run for a few more miles before starving him again.

Sounds like he needs a Raptor then, doesn't it?

Or Routy or Verslagen can coax him through a stock vac petcock rebuild.


me, I'd wait to see the picture of the bike to KNOW what he has on it.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by verslagen1 on 11/29/12 at 13:19:43

ya know... somethin's screwed up

somethin' probably pretty obvious to someone who knows the bike

somethin' like pluggin' the vent lines into somethin' they shouldn't be.

or dead spiders

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Routy on 11/29/12 at 13:38:16

Perdy simple, when he wouldn't even pull a hose off the carb, I'd'a closed the thread. Why waste time helpin those that won't help themselves ?

Oh, I forgot,.....its called entertainment here. ::)

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Dave on 11/29/12 at 14:05:31

7A756F74686E7D7F77796E1C0 wrote:
Perdy simple, when he wouldn't even pull a hose off the carb, I'd'a closed the thread. Why waste time helpin those that won't help themselves ?

Oh, I forgot,.....its called entertainment here. ::)

I agree with Routy......I am done trying to help on this thread until some actual work is performed on the bike.  Fuel Tank, petcock and carb cleaning for a start...........

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Badass94Cad on 11/29/12 at 14:44:42

This thread needs a popcorn smiley...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 19:48:32

hey guys, sorry i havent replied the last day, the reason is because i left the bike over night because i dont have a truck and had to way to pick it up.  I now have the bike back at my home and will start doing what everyone told me to do.   So ill start on page 4 and work response by reponse

My idol is set a little higher that what it originally was whenever i bought the bike. I set it higher prior to my last attempt at riding home  and it still died off

I dont believe i have a raptor, this looks like just a stock petthingy but i have taken multiple pics

I pulled off the line from the carb and while in the "on" position, i would have been there for 4 years before it filled up a cup, it was drip by drip, and then almost like it stopped.   i then turned it to reserve and the gas flowed very quickly.

The air cleaner/ filter is i believe just like an air filter that gets changed in a car. If so, that was changed the day after i got the bike.  

sorry it took so long to respond and post pics, i didnt have the replys set up to notify my phone so i didnt get back on.  

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 19:48:56

2nd pic

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 19:49:09

3rd pic

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 19:49:24

4th pic

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 19:50:16

5th.     hope this helps.   Thanks all again for taking time to help me.  This was my first bike and i dont wana sell it cause i know the issue is prolly a small one.  But im no mechanic and am just stuck on this one

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Routy on 11/29/12 at 20:31:30

I pulled off the line from the carb and while in the "on" position, i would have been there for 4 years before it filled up a cup, it was drip by drip, and then almost like it stopped.   i then turned it to reserve and the gas flowed very quickly.
That would tell me the tank is almost M T !
That would also tell me that if you switched to reserve, it will run good.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by verslagen1 on 11/29/12 at 20:40:08

where are the vent lines?

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 20:51:45

The tank has gas about 1/4 left so its not bone dry.    But i can not daily run the bike with the switch on reserve can I??

Im not sure what a vent line is so idk either...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by oldNslow on 11/29/12 at 20:59:30

494A4E5A495A554F5E5757540F0908093B0 wrote:
hey guys, sorry i havent replied the last day, the reason is because i left the bike over night because i dont have a truck and had to way to pick it up.  I now have the bike back at my home and will start doing what everyone told me to do.   So ill start on page 4 and work response by reponse

My idol is set a little higher that what it originally was whenever i bought the bike. I set it higher prior to my last attempt at riding home  and it still died off

I dont believe i have a raptor, this looks like just a stock petthingy but i have taken multiple pics

I pulled off the line from the carb and while in the "on" position, i would have been there for 4 years before it filled up a cup, it was drip by drip, and then almost like it stopped.   i then turned it to reserve and the gas flowed very quickly.

The air cleaner/ filter is i believe just like an air filter that gets changed in a car. If so, that was changed the day after i got the bike.  

sorry it took so long to respond and post pics, i didnt have the replys set up to notify my phone so i didnt get back on.  

That's not a stock petcock. Your bike has had some mods done to it by a previous owner.

If your tank is in fact full then the passage in the petcock when it's in the "on" position is plugged up for some reason. You're going to have to pull it out of the tank and take a look. Pull the gas line off the carb and stick the line into a CLEAN gas can. Just turn the petcock to reserve and let the gas run till it stops.

When the tank is empty remove the two screws that hold the petcock to the tank and slide it out. Be careful not to damage the gasket. When you get that far post some pics of the petcock.

Take a look at the gas you drained out of the tank. Make sure it doesn't have rust or dirt floating around in it.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by oldNslow on 11/29/12 at 21:06:50

Everything I said in my last post was based on the assumption that you had a full tank of gas. You said your trouble started right after you filled up. If you've only got a quarter tank your petcock might be fine.
Fill up the tank and check again. :-[

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 11/29/12 at 21:14:02

Yessir.   Thanks all.  I will do that tomorrow

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/12 at 21:14:59

Also,.. since you have a Raptor, that you didn't install...check on the right, (muffler side) of the carb,.. and see if there is a line tap that is capped... It should be capped... It's a vacuum line that is no longer used...
See here... it's where the top arrow is pointing...

PS.. thanks for the horn pic... I'm debating a curly type one like that for mine...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/29/12 at 21:16:20

What were you using to gauge how much fuel was in the tank when you "filled" it up? A little bit of gas splashing off the baffle and into the nozzle will shut the pump right off like the tank was full. I can only assume that's what you did because you sure didn't fill the tank.

Next time when you fill it up, don't stick the nozzle all the way into the tank and don't squeeze the lever all the way. As far as worrying about filling it up too far - you need to learn that one way or another whether you do it by sound, feel, or watching your mileage and the pump gauge.

5 pages for an empty tank. That's priceless.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/12 at 21:32:43

Yes... what Cavi said...
The tank is full,... when fuel is just touching that tube in the filler hole, with the bike vertical...
It takes some getting used to,.. to find the right spot...

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 21:38:54

Conversely, I have to agree with Cavi's earlier thoughts instead of Serowbot -- the gas went from full to just about full to just about empty -- instantly as needed.   The petcock went (first part of first previous thread) from Raptor over to stock petcock & Prime position then over to "I don't know what I've got" when the pictures were required.    

I guess "I don't know what I've got" and "I don't know how to fill up a gas tank" is supposed to excuse everything, you see.

Serowbot has accepted this explanation and will now be mulleted back & forth endlessly because ANYTHING can be changed at will now and can be excused by "I don't know what I've got" & "I don't know how to do that".  

Suggestion:  Make him show pictures and correctly name his pieces before giving him any instructional thread to read.  

Then make him ask questions based on the new understanding gained from the instructional thread.   If his excuse is he doesn't know anything, then he has some work to do to get knowledgeable enough to run a motorcycle.


So, the entertainment continues unabated.  Pop a beer, get your popcorn bowl and pull up your comfy Barca-lounger -- this will be a long one as a brand new moderator gets broken in the hard way.  

You see, I own a Raptor as do about half of us now-a-days and we all are sitting here knowing full well his pics don't show any kinks in his hose and a Raptor simply can't do what he says it was doing.

Tell him to put some gas in his gas tank and try again .....

Title: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?!?!
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 12:39:59

Hey everyone, this is a continuation of my last post about a week ago, i just took some pics like I was advised. Pretty much for everyone who doesnt know, My bike started dieing on me almost everytime i released the throttle all the way, like as if i was shifting to a lower gear or coming to a stop light.  After dying, the bike wont start for another 10-15 min.  After starting, it will stay on while in neutral but once i get back on the road and start shifting gears and down shifting, its like it runs outa gas and sputters out.  The bike does have gas, and the idol has been raised so it idols higher.  Started it up this mornign pulled out the black knob like i always do for a cold start, started right up, after a feww minutes, i  pushed in the black knob cause it was getting warmed up and the bike died. Its happend before and it always starts back up but this time it didnt, so like i was told previously, it could be a petcock issue so i took pics and the petcock looks fine to me, does anyone see anything out of the ordinary??

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 12:40:21


Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 12:40:35


Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 12:40:48


Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 12:42:11

#5      Aslo in picture number one, this plugs into my engine but as you can see under the gas tank, it was very loose.   I tighted it but i dont think that was my problem since the bike still dies.  what is it??

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by verslagen1 on 12/05/12 at 13:34:05

That's called a speedo cable.

next, that petcock is not stock. thatsa raptorcock.

150611100F0204060D52630 wrote:
[quote author=435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 link=1349044907/0#0 date=1349044906]If you need help with a mechanical problem... Ask your question in the Rubberside section...
We will need to know a bit about your bike, and you...
Year, Miles, modifications that apply to the problem.
Your mechanical experience, and let us know if English is not your first language...
Where you are located is helpful, too...
What was done just before the bike started acting up, including filling up with gas.

Ran fine for months, now it won't start, cuts out at speed, or what?

if its a clutch problem, what oil is in it?

1... Clymers has errors... Suzuki/Clymer Manual Errors (;action=display;num=1119775997)

2... Owners will sell a bike rather than do maitenance... Cam Chain Adjuster check (;action=display;num=1191167029)

3... Lot's of info in the tech section.  The link is in my sig where the orange is pointing.  Control F will help you find what you're looking for.

4... Don't ask about oil, not even where it goes.  Especially not to bill.[/quote]

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by srinath on 12/05/12 at 13:43:51

How are the valve clearances ? a tight valve will do nearly what you described. Except you can rev it and keep it running. Let it idle and it will die when hot.

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Qball52087 on 12/05/12 at 13:55:23

i have no idea about valve clearences. How can and shoudl i check those??

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by verslagen1 on 12/05/12 at 14:17:47

These need to be answered before we go on

We will need to know a bit about your bike, and you...

Year, Miles, modifications that apply to the problem.

Your mechanical experience

Where you are located is helpful, too...

What was done just before the bike started acting up, including filling up with gas.

Ran fine for months, now it won't start, cuts out at speed, or what?

if its a clutch problem, what oil is in it?

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/05/12 at 14:29:11

Lets see!!    2001 ls650 with 19000 on it.  Only mod done is an aftermarket air horn.   I usually talk under the screen name robquarantello but I'm on my brothers today.   No mechanical experience except being addicted to tools and a general knowledge regarding mechanics.   I rode the bike about 40 miles before it cut out on me while going 50 mph.  I had just refueled with refusal gas and only up to 3/4 tank.  Oil was changed 1 month ago with proper oil.  I just forget the grade

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by verslagen1 on 12/05/12 at 15:13:57

So I've reviewed your posts and I see you mentioned that you had the head cap leak and that you're going to get into it.... DID YOU?

Title: Re: Bike starts up, dies, then fails to stay on?!?
Post by Dj12midnit on 12/05/12 at 18:16:22

6261657162717E64757C7C7F24222322100 wrote:
Lets see!!    2001 ls650 with 19000 on it.  Only mod done is an aftermarket air horn.   I usually talk under the screen name robquarantello but I'm on my brothers today.   No mechanical experience except being addicted to tools and a general knowledge regarding mechanics.   I rode the bike about 40 miles before it cut out on me while going 50 mph.  I had just refueled with refusal gas and only up to 3/4 tank.  Oil was changed 1 month ago with proper oil.  I just forget the grade

You are leaving out some Mods like the raptor and the chain drive.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/05/12 at 18:19:26

O yes sry,   I just wrote what I did.   It is chain driven and from what I've been told also had a raptor.   The bike may have other mods but I'm not knowledgeable enough to notice then if they aren't an obvious mod.  Pretty much I think that is it.     I have not messed with the head cap.   I cleaned up the residue and the bike leak seems to drip so little that it doesn't bother me.  I think the previous owner never cleaned the bike so it looked like a worse leak than it really wad

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by clearush on 12/05/12 at 18:28:52

What part of Houston are you in. I'm Pasadena/Deer Park local and might be able to help you trouble shoot this live if you want. 8-)

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/05/12 at 18:30:24

I'm about 2 min from university of houston and 5 min from George r brown. And that would be awsome cause I seem to be real bad at verbalize mg what's happening

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by verslagen1 on 12/05/12 at 18:35:06

Ok, great.

from the mileage, the 1st thing I'd do is check the cam chain.
the fact that the bike was dirty, he didn't bother to clean to sell it, pretty much tells me he wasn't up on maintenance.

and from your newbiness, I'd say you need to find someone who'll take you under his wing.

we can explain what you need to do, but it looks like you're in too much a hurry and don't have a clue.

the cam chain procedure is in the tech section, you can read thru it and decide.

ps:cool, someones already offered.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by verslagen1 on 12/05/12 at 20:33:25

Have you done the basic maintenance stuff?

air filter?
oil filter?
spark plug?
new air in the tires?

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by houstonbofh on 12/05/12 at 20:56:03

I am also in Houston, near the Galleria.  And, Aida has a pickup. :)  Hit me with an e-mail or a PM or the guy from Deer Park.  Or we can all get together for a ride when you are working again.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/05/12 at 22:02:39

Sounds great

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Gyrobob on 12/06/12 at 16:01:46

43504746595452505B04350 wrote:
Have you done the basic maintenance stuff?

air filter?
oil filter?
spark plug?
new air in the tires?

 I love it.  
-- It is quite important to NOT have stale air in the tires.  The gyroscopic quotient degrades markedly above 93 mph otherwise.  
-- Another important often-overlooked item fuse maintenance.  One must pull out each fuse, rotate it 180 degrees, and plug it back in to the slot, thereby reversing the DC electron flow relative to the fuse.
   --- This makes sure in DC systems like ours that electrometallic fatigue is held in abeyance pending isochronal degaussing of the fuse panels.  
   --- Of course, motorcycles with AC systems must use circuit breakers, not fuses, no matter how often they could be rotated.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/06/12 at 16:13:54

Yes I have done the basic maintainer since I have received the bike. Except the spark plugs.  Because the bike starts up fine , it just dies unexpectedly

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by greenmonster on 12/06/12 at 16:22:34

0A343F222F222F4D0 wrote:
[quote author=43504746595452505B04350 link=1354129154/90#93 date=1354768405]Have you done the basic maintenance stuff?

air filter?
oil filter?
spark plug?
new air in the tires?

 I love it.  
-- It is quite important to NOT have stale air in the tires.  The gyroscopic quotient degrades markedly above 93 mph otherwise.  
-- Another important often-overlooked item fuse maintenance.  One must pull out each fuse, rotate it 180 degrees, and plug it back in to the slot, thereby reversing the DC electron flow relative to the fuse.
   --- This makes sure in DC systems like ours that electrometallic fatigue is held in abeyance pending isochronal degaussing of the fuse panels.  
   --- Of course, motorcycles with AC systems must use circuit breakers, not fuses, no matter how often they could be rotated.

That's priceless!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by clearush on 12/07/12 at 11:12:14

gyro that's pretty funny.

hey I'm Saturday to Tuesday before I go back on my 10. and I'm available any time Sunday afternoon till Tuesday evening just need to set up a time.

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by Dave on 12/07/12 at 11:48:08

I'm going to change the Title of this post.......Nobody is stuck on the side of the highway anymore.

I was once stuck on the highway!
That's much better than what I was gonna' call it...  ;D... Serow

Title: Re: I'm stuck on the highway.  Reply quick plz
Post by rquarantello4232 on 12/07/12 at 13:22:07

Sounds good to me. Haven't had time to sit down next to the bike and try to figure it out since my lasts posts. But I'm finished posting in here, it's up to me now to take the time to look closely at what everyone suggested.     Thanks all » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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