General Category >> The Cafe >> oldfeller- Intel kills the PC

Message started by Pine on 11/27/12 at 12:16:04

Title: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Pine on 11/27/12 at 12:16:04

Next Intel will not have a socket...

AMD may be giving up as well>>>

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Oldfeller on 11/27/12 at 12:52:39

So, the predictions are coming to pass -- the PC as you know it is about over.

Net top devices (small form factor only) will remain for a while, as Intel is pushing their own manufactured Next Unit of Computing which is a net top device.

Look for those pocket riding cell phones that can energize screens and keyboards to come within the next 1-2 years.

You will only need one device then .... your "personal digital assistant"?

What name would you give it.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by verslagen1 on 11/27/12 at 13:29:03

61424A484B42424B5C2E0 wrote:
What name would you give it.

Mini Me

buhaha buhaha phfft.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by greenmonster on 11/27/12 at 13:33:56


cause it sure as hell isn't going to be Siri!

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/12 at 14:04:14

I just don't like the idea of my computer transmitting from my pants... :-?...

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by verslagen1 on 11/27/12 at 14:49:00

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
I just don't like the idea of my computer transmitting from my pants... :-?...

You gonna start wearing tin foil underpants?

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Oldfeller on 11/27/12 at 15:09:14

Now why would any spry young man mind actually talking directly with his real-brain instead of transferring the words up to the "talking points" machine sitting behind his mouth?

Mebbe with this arrangement his eyes can manage to look all the way up at the girl's eyes when he's talking to her.

.... but can you imagine the words that would be coming from the cell phone's speakers ???

:-?     whups, it's talking again ....

"Hey baby ..... nice  (you fill in the blank).   You wanna ....."

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by houstonbofh on 11/27/12 at 20:09:52

The panic is silly.  Laptops used to be socket as well and went BGA some time ago.  And there are still laptops.  Back in the day (386 or 486) when a socket would actually be around for a while, it made sense.  Now, no one upgrades their CPU anymore.  When it is time, you need a new motherboard and memory anyway.  So, now you will just get a motherboard and CPU combo that is a little more attached...

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/27/12 at 21:32:13

Kills the PC? Sensationalist bull. I buy mobo's and CPU's as one anyways, won't mean much to me. When RAM becomes soldered in and they remove all expansion slots - then the PC will be dead.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/12 at 21:50:57

mobo? I dunno nuthin bout no mobo,

I Do remember hollerin across the front yard to my dad, as he was about to go in the house..

"Dad? Whats MOFO mean?"

He got real quiet & REAL serious & said

" Shhhh!" &, a few years later,, I knew;

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Midnightrider on 11/27/12 at 23:01:44

There' too many gamers, I IRace, have a Windows Flight Simulator they train real pilots with, have an RC Flight Simulator and there's millions more out there with me. I IRace with drivers from all over the world, fly RC Combat missions with pilots all over the world. Cant do it on an I Phone. Serious gamers have 3 monitors. Probably will hurt desktop sales but they'll be around a while longer. The good thing is the price will drop on the desktops, they're getting cheaper everyday. My son built mine and its designed for some serious gaming.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Oldfeller on 11/28/12 at 02:17:27

Well, give it a few years and I guess we will all see what really happens.

Intel will still be around.  HP and AMD may not be (they have announced their plans already).

PC games require Direct X 11 support, right?   Got it covered ....  already shipping too.

Now Direct X 11.1 is a Windows 8 only exclusive item, with Microsoft not allowing anyone to use it but them.

Guess how many games will be written to/for Direct X11.1?    None, unless Microsoft does it with Halo just to jerk everybody around into buying a brand new Xbox or PC or forcing you upgrading to Win8 ....

:-?   .... and the Bald Ballmer would never do that to you, now would he?



Reference point for NOW

Just scan through this and count the desktop PCs that are for sale, we'll do this again later I suspect and we'll all see if it is any different.

I count 10 on the roll bar ..... and only 3 on the Featured section.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 01:16:33

Apparently you can run older Windows games under Android using this guy's app.


If Wine can run it, then likely this trick can run it under Android.   The game might would work better with a keyboard and mouse if it were designed to run that way (Android runs with keyboard and mouse natively since 4.0 so this isn't really an issue).  

Let's see, I bought this old white box to run a hot new game, Far Cry it was, the first unlimited open area action shooter.  Does this old game run on Wine?   Yup, Platinum level run on Far Cry 1 and Gold on Far Cry 2.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/29/12 at 01:54:58

Yeah but can it run Crysis?

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Pine on 11/29/12 at 06:47:59

4C6E79664266646A0F0 wrote:
Kills the PC? Sensationalist bull. I buy mobo's and CPU's as one anyways, won't mean much to me. When RAM becomes soldered in and they remove all expansion slots - then the PC will be dead.

My last two rigs each ended up with CPU upgrades. My current rig was built in Jan 2006 with a AMD Phenom II X2 550, early this year I bumped that to the AMD Phenom X4 980. Neither of those were top of the line when I bought them, yet both are very good for my purpose. But I think the real fear is lack of choice... Intel COULD decide not to sell CPU's independent of THIER motherboards.  You like ASUS? MSI? Gigibyte?.. too bad.. if you want Intel then your motherboard will be Intel. Further the design will be what main demand is, so if Dell wants 10,000 ho-hum motherboards then Intel will make that.. price on that will be great. Want an UBER fast motherboard that is steamlined with no built in VGA... or support for pata? either it wont exist... or you will pay out the nose.  

I do not consider laptops having/not having sockets an apple to apples comparison with desktops, Laptops are 'more' proprietary and much more general purpose than  what a homebuilt desktop would commonly be.

My game of choice is still being tweaked ( just released) but is already known to make many a CPU beg for mercy (including mine). No way, could a little phone even pretend to be workable.

Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Oldfeller on 11/29/12 at 12:34:01

7A584F507450525C390 wrote:
Yeah but can it run Crysis?

My first thought was that Far Cry 2 was the more modern & demanding game, but then I asked google and found out that "Yeah but can it run Crysis?" was an Wintel fanboy canned response to all things Linux.

Well, hate to tell you this but ....

As far as a phone chip not being as good as an Intel megachip, duh, it isn't a mega chip yet (not for 2 more years anyway).

So yes, you can Rest Easy in your response ..... for a while anyway.  

Point we are making is that the world is revolving out from under you and Wintel isn't going to be relevant much longer unless they revolve with it some and at least TRY to compete (beyond just talking about it).

BTW, I think they missed their promised October ship date .....

Intel's Next Unit of Computing shows that they understand where things are going, even if they are still grossly overpriced with their little box PC (propose price is $499).   Pricing can change, and Intel has always made a set of vanilla completely finished boxes for a lot of the minor store brand sellers so they have long experience in the whole PC manufacturing arena.

So, should Chipzilla decide to come to the market, they know how to do it, they have been doing it and they CAN do it at a reasonable price.

But will they?    

So far the answer is no.

The issue is price & volume and Intel is still able to sell their total production as laptop chips and a few desktop chips.   So, why should they change?

They have lots of money, so they can ride the desktop-as-we-know-it down into irrelevance and then supply laptop chips for everybody but APPLE.

But, Intel does like to make them huge wafers.  At low manufacturing cost.   This will have to change when they can't sell enough chips to keep their current 22 nanometer production lines busy.   And they would be foolish to move to less than 20 nanometer on their major production lines without a customer to buy the MASSIVELY greater number of smaller say 14 nanometer chips that would come off a huge 450mm wafer.

So, Intel needs some volume based business to keep them pumping out chips.  But they still shun the volume based price that is associated with the new volume based businesses.

Something has to give.


Title: Re: oldfeller- Intel kills the PC
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/29/12 at 14:03:04

"Can it run Crysis" was really just a funny comment that was more meme-like than anything that everyone used to say a few years ago about any rig - because nothing ever could actually play it that well. With as much as you know about computers, I figured you would have got the joke since it's more of an inside joke. I'm an AMD fan, btw. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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