General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Threats

Message started by Starlifter on 11/26/12 at 23:16:26

Title: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/26/12 at 23:16:26

Suurrre, there are no racists in America, and God forbid there are any here amoung us...snort.

"President Barack Obama Is the Most Threatened President In History."

Source "Boston Globe" Op-Ed

"President Barack Obama Is the Most Threatened President In History."
How does that make you feel?  How does it make Sasha and Malia feel?  How about President Obama's wife, our First Lady?

I know how it makes me feel: wearied and worried; wishing sometimes that he hadn't been re-elected, because he made it safely through four years as our nation's first black President,and none of us want his luck pushed by hate. Read that sentence again; soak in the sorrow of those absent serifs.

From Secret Service Says The Number Of Threats Against The President Is Overwhelming.

President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched Secret Service.

He is the most threatened President in history.

Since the President took office in 2008, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400% cent.

Some threats to the President have been publicized, including the well known alleged plot by white supremacists in Tennessee to rob a gun store,
shoot 88 black people, decapitate another 14 and then assassinate the first black president in American history.

Most however, are kept under wraps because the Secret Service fears that revealing details of them would only increase the number of copycat attempts.

The death of President Obama would be a symbolic blow so crushing that it would rip our nation apart at its existential root.
People would fight; people would leave; an entire generation would be left permanently marred by an illusion that was all too good to be true,
an illusion we rode for four lucky years and we wished we could for four more.
America is a post-racial society in name and desire only.

Attitudes toward racial integration have warmed, but in our homes and communities, we're as segregated as ever; attitudes toward interracial dating have also warmed, but dating patterns remain mostly unchanged,
with only 1% of all American marriages taking place between a black and a white person.

Yet the historic election of President Obama temporarily halted the cloud of racial pessimism that has hovered over our society since the 1600s and followed us through succeeding eras of hard-earned, if altogether underwhelming, progress.

We have 44 African-American Congresspersons (out of 435, or 10%, near-parity), zero black Senators (out of 100), 1 black governor (out of 56), and just 250-500 black mayors (out of 19,000 cities, or 2.6%).

But we do at least have one amazing black President.

The President is not made aware of all threats against him, however, because as the Secret Service says, "the sheer number would be overwhelming and, frankly, distracting."

That's 43,830 death threats for his first four years alone. But he, the most threatened president in history, still gets up each day to fight for us, befall what may.

For those of you who believe in a god, pray for our President, pray for us, that our fears and angst, that my wear and worry, end up being mere markers of the best in us, rather than a prescient affirmation of the worst in us.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Pine on 11/27/12 at 08:01:59

"President Barack Obama Is the Most Threatened President In History."

Abe Lincoln
John F. Kennedy
Ronald Regan
General George Washington

Might all argue that statement.

None-the-less I have no doubt that he, as president has been threatened and not just for his politics but also his race. Which is a SAD SAD testement to the culture of our country.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Paraquat on 11/27/12 at 09:19:15

Do or do not. There is no try.


Title: Re: Threats
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/12 at 09:30:25

I think only a small part of it is actual racism... but, the sad thing is, the Rep's are more than happy to play on it...
The rest is dire, apocalyptic, predictions of doom constantly put out by Fox and the righty radio players....
If anything ever does happen to Obama,... they will be responsible...

Title: Re: Threats
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/12 at 15:58:29

If anything ever does happen to Obama,... they will be responsible...

oh F that.... If anything had happened to Bush, would you blame MSNBC???


Title: Re: Threats
Post by WebsterMark on 11/27/12 at 16:05:38

If anything ever does happen to Obama,... they will be responsible...

and another thing...

People like you and Star are the reason why obama knew he could send susan rice out there to lie her tail end off about getting our ambassador killed because if called on it, all he has to do is play the race card. Plus he gets the side benefit of playing the 'picking on a woman' card as well.

i give Hopey credit for knowing how and when to bring his useful idiots into the game.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Serowbot on 11/27/12 at 16:08:39

6A585F4E49584F705C4F563D0 wrote:
If anything ever does happen to Obama,... they will be responsible...

oh F that.... If anything had happened to Bush, would you blame MSNBC???


There's a difference between biased reporting... and, absolute lying...
Birtherism, etc,.. is not legitimate, and strictly done to incite fear and hate...
Huge difference...
So, stop with the daft comparisons...

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/27/12 at 18:26:41

"If anything had happened to Bush, would you blame MSNBC???"WM
;D...Don't worry, your Bushie is safe, he's "white" in case you haven't noticed. ::)

Title: Re: Threats
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/12 at 19:41:38

NOW we talk about threats,, you were pretty quiet while Romney was being threatened.. YOu have some decent ideas, but youre way too biased for me

Title: Re: Threats
Post by WebsterMark on 11/28/12 at 09:46:38

There's a difference between biased reporting... and, absolute lying...
Birtherism, etc,.. is not legitimate, and strictly done to incite fear and hate...
Huge difference...
So, stop with the daft comparisons...

Really? Do you really want to go there?

yea, I agree, stop the daft comparisions. It's not even close to what was done to Bush. Not even close. I'll save you the embarrasment of me posting all the kill bush signs, protest or even an off Broadway play about it. Obama has it easy compared to Bush.  

Title: Re: Threats
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/12 at 09:52:34

I say theres plenty of reason to doubt Everything about Obamas past, including where he drew his first breath,

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/28/12 at 20:35:14

"I say theres plenty of reason to doubt Everything about Obamas past, including where he drew his first breath."

Oh come on JOG, you are so articulate and informed on other issues, please tell me you are not a "birther". ::)

Title: Re: Threats
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/12 at 21:52:40

YOure correct, I am informed, I have reason for doubting his origin. Look at how he has worked to seal his entire history..

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/29/12 at 17:31:52

7E594C5F41444B59485F2D0 wrote:
Oh come on JOG, you are so articulate and informed on other issues, please tell me you are not a "birther". ::)

Look...  I have a messy house, but it does not take me 4 years to find a birth certificate...  And there are other reasons to hide it than being born elsewhere...  It is the fact that he hides it at all.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/29/12 at 20:09:32

"It does not take me 4 years to find a birth certificate...  And there are other reasons to hide it than being born elsewhere...  It is the fact that he hides it at all".

Oh for the love of God. You people need to be locked away for good. Do you not see how crazy you've become??? Racism and bigotry will eat your soul, and this is positive proof of that.

When I was younger, conservatism had some principles. They were anti-communist. They were against some of the largess of liberalism, but they had some sanity to them.

Today, the movement has devolved into nothing more than pure racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and of course, sexism. They no longer have any principles. They no longer have any reason to really exist. Their only mission is to decrease the already low tax burden on the wealthy. They have no answers to any of our problems. None.

Please read, learn, research, educate yourself and become able to participate in adult conversations.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/29/12 at 20:59:13

795E4B5846434C5E4F582A0 wrote:
"It does not take me 4 years to find a birth certificate...  And there are other reasons to hide it than being born elsewhere...  It is the fact that he hides it at all".

Oh for the love of God. You people need to be locked away for good. Do you not see how crazy you've become??? Racism and bigotry will eat your soul, and this is positive proof of that.

When I was younger, conservatism had some principles. They were anti-communist. They were against some of the largess of liberalism, but they had some sanity to them.

Today, the movement has devolved into nothing more than pure racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and of course, sexism. They no longer have any principles. They no longer have any reason to really exist. Their only mission is to decrease the already low tax burden on the wealthy. They have no answers to any of our problems. None.

Please read, learn, research, educate yourself and become able to participate in adult conversations.

Sorry...  I lost track there.  During all that outrage did you ever say why after four years he still can't find his birth certificate?  I mean it really should not be that difficult a thing to produce.

Unless it and the college transcripts that are also missing show foreign student aid that as a natural born citizen he was not authorized to have.

See...  Lots of valid and plausible reasons to hide it.  None of them good, but plausible.

And every time you call me racist, I laugh at you.  You do not know me.  You do not know the color of my skin.  You do not know the color of my wife's skin, or if the colors match.  But go ahead and yell RACISM again.  We know that means you have nothing more to say.  ;D

Title: Re: Threats
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/12 at 00:56:45

And every time you call me racist, I laugh at you.  You do not know me.  You do not know the color of my skin.  You do not know the color of my wife's skin, or if the colors match.  But go ahead and yell RACISM again.  We know that means you have nothing more to say.

OHHH Stoppittt!!! My leg is red from thigh to knee from slapping it & laffin my BUTT OFF!

Title: Re: Threats
Post by WebsterMark on 11/30/12 at 06:05:09

Houstonboth; nice reply. Haven't seen you on here much but didn't take you long to peg Star.  Charges of racism is a stock reply of his. Of course, when pressed why he didn’t support Herman Cain or says horrible things about Condi Rice, he’ll say his objections are based on his objection to their beliefs, not because of the color of their skin. We don’t get that same benefit. Classic MSNBC thinking….

Title: Re: Threats
Post by built2last66 on 11/30/12 at 06:13:33

Why do liberals use racism as an insult? I can't understand it... everyone is racist to an extent, it's just human nature. Everyone is different and every race is different... but that doesn't mean that every single person of a certain race is a certain way.

Do you guys just sling the racism word so your target has to throw up the "I'M NOT RACIST!" shield so you can you derail their point?

I wish we had a Libertarian president darnit!  :D

Title: Re: Threats
Post by WebsterMark on 11/30/12 at 07:45:30

Do you guys just sling the racism word so your target has to throw up the "I'M NOT RACIST!" shield so you can you derail their point?


Title: Re: Threats
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 11/30/12 at 13:24:47

There was very credible info going around in the1990s, after his retirement from the Army, that Colin Powell's wife's objections and fears where perhaps the prime reasons that he didn't run for President against Clinton.  She didn't want her husband, who was tremendously popular with both parties at the time, to be the first black president.  She feared that he would be assasinated.

Even Gerry Ford was shot at by that loonie woman, Squeaky Frome.

Since Eisenhower, JFK was killed, Gerry Ford narrowly escaped being hit, Bobby Kennedy was killed, Reagan was severely wounded.  Looks like 2 Rs and 2 Ds either were killed, severely wounded, or narrowly missed being hit, either as Presidents or while running for Pres.  All of them were, of course, white males.
Then we have Rep. Giffords in Arizona, the target of another loonie who should have never been loose in the first place - a white woman, albeit Jewish.
I really am scratching my head to think of a black politician who has been shot at - anyone know of any?

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Midnightrider on 11/30/12 at 16:04:59

77504556484D42504156240 wrote:
"It does not take me 4 years to find a birth certificate...  And there are other reasons to hide it than being born elsewhere...  It is the fact that he hides it at all".

Oh for the love of God. You people need to be locked away for good. Do you not see how crazy you've become??? Racism and bigotry will eat your soul, and this is positive proof of that.

When I was younger, conservatism had some principles. They were anti-communist. They were against some of the largess of liberalism, but they had some sanity to them.

Today, the movement has devolved into nothing more than pure racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and of course, sexism. They no longer have any principles. They no longer have any reason to really exist. Their only mission is to decrease the already low tax burden on the wealthy. They have no answers to any of our problems. None.

Please read, learn, research, educate yourself and become able to participate in adult conversations.

That's the reasons I'm no longer a Republican. That along with their spokesperson I'd love to Crush Limbaugh.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/30/12 at 19:20:14

"During all that outrage did you ever say why after four years he still can't find his birth certificate?  I mean it really should not be that difficult a thing to produce."Houstonbofh (whatever that name means.)

His already-released birth certificate, short form, long form, all forms, are all incontestable truth.

Every birther is can deny it to your heart's content, but we all know that you would not say a word if President Obama was a white man. That's a fact. Own it.

You birthers never questioned Mitt Romney's Mexican daddy now did you??... You do realize that George Romney ran for President and the question of his "naturally-born citizen" status never came up AT THAT TIME?

And in 2008 did anyone of you say that McCain was ineligible because he was born in Panama?

Birthers are the uglist racists of all because they don't admit they are racists. Have the Balls to admit you are racist instead of hiding behind a B.S. story.

Obama obtained a valid U.S. passport as a child, when he went to Indonesia with his mother and then returned to the U.S. to live with his grandparents... How do you birthers explain his passing that proof-of-citizenship process??

I think you Birthers are an example of people 'wearing their' institutional racism - with honor! (of course you no longer have to wear those annoying white sheets.)

The bar keeps getting moved with you birthers, first it was that he was born outside the US. Then when that was pretty obviously not true, you went the "father wasn't an American" route" (which is immaterial). Then you went to "he renounced his citizenship when he lived in Indonesia" (minors can NOT renounce citizenship.)

You birthers don't make sense, and throwing facts at you is like trying to kiss a pig. At best you get dirty and kiss a pig, at worst... well, there isn't any worst.

Oh yeah, and in case you haven't noticed, EVERY birther is a ultra right republican!

I know dam* well it bothers my white brethren that a black family is occupying the White House. That's it...Period...Admit it...Own it...Get over it.

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/30/12 at 19:41:50

485F43465E18464B595E1C1C2A0 wrote:
Why do liberals use racism as an insult?

The sad part is that the overuse of the term has made actual racism much more socially acceptable.  Not surprising, really, just sad...

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Starlifter on 11/30/12 at 19:56:32

"has made actual racism much more socially acceptable."

...socially acceptable??...I see that you live in the south, but what do you mean by "socially acceptable"??

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/30/12 at 20:06:58

You seem to think that saying something over and over, regardless of the facts makes it true.  I disagree, but I am willing to look into it.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
"During all that outrage did you ever say why after four years he still can't find his birth certificate?  I mean it really should not be that difficult a thing to produce."Houstonbofh (whatever that name means.)

Really?  OK.  Houston.
It is a town in Texas.
It is the 3rd or 4th largest metropolitan region in the US depending on how you measure greater metropolitan regions.
It was the first word spoken from a natural orbiting body not the earth.  (That would be the moon in case that escapes you)
It has been voted in the top 10 of places to live, growing economies, and places to start a business in several national magazines for several years in a row.
It is the home of a former president. (Of the United States)
It was never the home of his son...

bofh  Hmmmm....  How about
Does that help?  (Hint, I might be in the IT field...)

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
His already-released birth certificate, short form, long form, all forms, are all incontestable truth.

The laughable image posted on the whitehouse website has many documented errors.  But more to the point, in the court case it was never entered into evidence.  It was also never referred to on the website as a legal birth certificate.
This may help.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
Every birther is can deny it to your heart's content, but we all know that you would not say a word if President Obama was a white man. That's a fact. Own it.

I am not a birther.  I just find it disturbing that he can not produce the documentation.  But even if I was a birther, your argument is totally false.  Take a logic class.  Really.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
You birthers never questioned Mitt Romney's Mexican daddy now did you??... You do realize that George Romney ran for President and the question of his "naturally-born citizen" status never came up AT THAT TIME?

I actually meat George Romney once.  I was only a few months old at the time, and unable to vote, so forgive me for not confronting him on that issue.  Nat that I care, really.  You are still missing the point and I am not surprised.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
And in 2008 did anyone of you say that McCain was ineligible because he was born in Panama?

You mean on a Panamanian US Military base in a Panamanian military hospital, to two US Citizens, one serving in the military, on US Controlled territory?  With documentation, and witnesses willing to step forward?  What was I thinking?

Oh, yeah...  I didn't vote for McCain.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
Birthers are the uglist racists of all because they don't admit they are racists. Have the Balls to admit you are racist instead of hiding behind a B.S. story.

I think I will cut and paste this one...
I am not a birther.  I just find it disturbing that he can not produce the documentation.  But even if I was a birther, your argument is totally false.  Take a logic class.  Really.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
Obama obtained a valid U.S. passport as a child, when he went to Indonesia with his mother and then returned to the U.S. to live with his grandparents... How do you birthers explain his passing that proof-of-citizenship process??

Really?  I live in Texas.  I can find 5 people right now with passports that were not born here, and did not come here legally.  Some documentation is a poor argument.  And besides, he still can't produce the documentation!

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
I think you Birthers are an example of people 'wearing their' institutional racism - with honor! (of course you no longer have to wear those annoying white sheets.)

I think I will cut and paste this one...(again)
I am not a birther.  I just find it disturbing that he can not produce the documentation.  But even if I was a birther, your argument is totally false.  Take a logic class.  Really.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
The bar keeps getting moved with you birthers, first it was that he was born outside the US. Then when that was pretty obviously not true, you went the "father wasn't an American" route" (which is immaterial). Then you went to "he renounced his citizenship when he lived in Indonesia" (minors can NOT renounce citizenship.)

Nope.  Never moved.  I want to see the actual documentation, and he ain't got it.  I do not care about his father.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
You birthers don't make sense, and throwing facts at you is like trying to kiss a pig. At best you get dirty and kiss a pig, at worst... well, there isn't any worst.

Again, I am not a birther, and your sexual proclivities with barnyard animals is not something I want to hear about.

And you are an idiot.

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
Oh yeah, and in case you haven't noticed, EVERY birther is a ultra right republican!

You know them ALL?!?  :o

76514457494C43514057250 wrote:
I know dam* well it bothers my white brethren that a black family is occupying the White House. That's it...Period...Admit it...Own it...Get over it.

You know what?  I was wrong.  That repetition does work!

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/30/12 at 20:10:41

Before I get slammed for the previous...

1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt", usually conveyed through irony or understatement. Most authorities distinguish sarcasm from irony; however, others argue that sarcasm may or often does involve irony or employs ambivalence.

I do not really think Starlifter is an idiot, but I am willing to keep an open mind. :)

Title: Re: Threats
Post by Serowbot on 11/30/12 at 21:30:38

Houston,.. you have a problem... :-?...

Title: Re: Threats
Post by houstonbofh on 11/30/12 at 21:51:23

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
Houston,.. you have a problem... :-?...

I have heard that before... :)  Right now my bigest problem is that untill I get both bikes fixed from the wreck, I can't ride...  Once I can ride again, I will spend a lot less time on the forums.  ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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