General Category >> The Cafe >> so that slipping on gravel thing is real

Message started by LostArtist on 11/21/12 at 19:35:07

Title: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/21/12 at 19:35:07

And it hurts

Twisted ankle bad. 180 degrees wrong way kinda bad. Ankle was trapped under bike
Note to self buy real motorcycle boots.
Ankle is wrapped up and on ice now. Hope I can walk on Friday

Broken mirror. Cheap $30 fix
$130 towing fee
Scratched up fairing. Not broken though

I still think I'm invincible!

With better gear

Accident made me dizzy though. Helmet saved that from being worse

Was slowing down and making a right hand turn at an intersection.  Braking and turning in gravel on road = ouchy

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 20:09:12

One finger on the front brake on a Guzzi, just setting UP, barely even in the turn, on a gravel road. Went down so fast my feet were still on the pegs when I slid to a halt.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/21/12 at 20:29:27

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
One finger on the front brake on a Guzzi, just setting UP, barely even in the turn, on a gravel road. Went down so fast my feet were still on the pegs when I slid to a halt.

Yup I was just about to let off the brakes and really turn at the intersection

Wish my feet would have stayed on the pegs

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Starlifter on 11/21/12 at 23:10:22

Happened to me two years ago. I was on the ground faster than the speed of light...only a busted rear turn signal. No damage to me ATGATT.
Hope your ankle mends fast Lost...I'm very very very cautious of gravel these days, suspect you will will be also. ;)

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 23:12:52

Lost,.. I try to wear some amount of ankle protection, to protect against hard objects in a fall..
... but don't go to far... boots that immobilise ankle movement, are bad..
If your foot gets trapped and twisted,.. it will still turn,.. but with the ankle flexibility gone,.. the twist will be at the knee or hip... that's much worse...
Your ankle has some side to side flex... your knee doesn't...
Injuries get worse... knee and hip injuries are harder to deal with...

Thankfully,.. you're still here to post your tale...
Take care,.. speedy healing,
Serow  ;)...

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by PerrydaSavage on 11/22/12 at 00:13:41

Front brake + turn + gravel = ouch ... with reduced traction under the front wheel, it doesn't take much to lock it up ...

Glad you weren't hurt too badly ... heal fast and git back on 'er!

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by ToesNose on 11/22/12 at 04:29:16

Glad you are alright and that you have a possitive attitude afterwards   :)

ATGATT my man ATGATT, you just never know.  Make sure you get those boots  ;)

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Charon on 11/22/12 at 05:22:33

And you wonder why I think ABS should be mandatory.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/22/12 at 06:13:45

5C777E6D70711F0 wrote:
And you wonder why I think ABS should be mandatory.

Although I'm not against abs and wish I had it but I was coming off the brakes and just starting to lean in the turn. Idk I wasn't squeezing the brakes hard if at all. I want to go back to that corner and see the conditions there.  I'm definitely at fault for my accident.

just want to see how stupid I was

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/12 at 06:24:45

... and, from what I've read,.. isn't sand and gravel in turns, a notorious weakness in ABS technology...
I read a bike review that said the ABS function rendered the brakes almost non-existent in such circumstance...

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 06:30:27

Mite be a time when brakes need to not exist.. Theres only so much traction at any one time. If 55% goes to braking, while youre using 51% in a turn,, you are overdrawn on your traction account & you bounce your butt,,

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by ZAR on 11/22/12 at 09:29:26

When I was a kid(up until my early 20's) our roads were mostly gravel. Just like learning to drive a stick-shift car or truck before driving an automatic,learning to ride on gravel first is much easier. I still enjoy taking those rural gravel detours whenever I can but you do have to respect them.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Charon on 11/22/12 at 12:28:12

When I was a kid in Florida I had a newspaper route, which by my estimate had at least ten miles of sand roads. I ran it using a Sears Allstate Super Cruisaire, which was a Sears rebranded 125 Vespa. Not only did I learn to drive a scooter on sand, I learned a lot about changing control cables. Now I live outside town, and the absolute minimum distance from the pavement to my driveway is 2 1/2 miles of gravel. Perhaps best is when I go out for a ride, and on returning discover the county road maintainer has "rearranged" the gravel. Our gravel is not the angular kind, but the "pea gravel" kind much like millions of ball bearings. I'd sure like to try an ABS-equipped bike on that stuff, just to see what happens.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Ed L. on 11/22/12 at 15:28:28

I did a flying waldo thanks to some gravel under the front tire while stopping at an intersection. Nothing beats a low speed high side to test out helmet construction and how well the leather works. I ended up with four cracked ribs. Rode the beat up bike about 25 miles to get home.
 Hope the healing goes quickly LA, it sucks to go down, at least when you are on a bike.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by 360k+ on 11/22/12 at 15:48:44

14350E1D7F510 wrote:
I did a flying waldo thanks to some gravel under the front tire while stopping at an intersection. Nothing beats a low speed high side to test out helmet construction and how well the leather works. I ended up with four cracked ribs. Rode the beat up bike about 25 miles to get home.
 Hope the healing goes quickly LA, it sucks to go down, at least when you are on a bike.

I once pulled up to a stop where the road was slanted downward on my left side.   I put out my left leg down knowing it would be a stretch, and wouldn't you know it, right into a patch of sand.  As soon as my foot hit the ground it started sliding outward, and in spite of me trying to hold the bike with thigh muscle power, I slowly did a scissor split and laid the bike over, slow motion fashion.   It was a 4 way, and of course, there were cars at each intersection watching the entire spectacle.   These things never ever happen when you're all alone on a country road.      :-[

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 15:56:30

I call that move "The POwer Splits", cuz there is an external power
" helping" . & yes, Ive practiced that move more than once.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/22/12 at 18:44:12

So yeah there was a huge pile of gravel right at. the turn. I still should have done something different for sure could have taken the turn wider

But anyway now I'd like to turn this discussion towards boots

I'm looking around for a good pair of riding boots now. Not sure if I want to go full racing style protection but after having my ankle twisted around and then having a 500lb bike fall on it pprotection and ridgedity is definitely a prime concern

Any suggestions or direction?

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Boofer on 11/22/12 at 19:28:56

Tried to go go down at a four way stop I was about to run on a residential street in a town of 3000 people. I mean our biggest problem is traffic jams from people setting there saying, "You go...No you go". I was going maybe 15 or so. Grabbed a double handful of front brake. Tire actually squealed or chirped as it started to do that sideways thing. I let off and it, through no fault of mine, straightened right up. Guy in the Chevy truck on my left didn't even have time to say, You go first..." Hope you heal fast.  :)

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by 360k+ on 11/22/12 at 20:32:11

I ride with regular MC riding boots, except when I'm just cruising to our local store, about 5 miles away on a 2 lane mountain road.   Then it's usually tennis shoes or whatever I have on, with the exception that I NEVER ride with sandals or shorts - a line I do not cross!   Since you had the injury, you should be able to best assess the gear you'd want, under the circumstances.

Keep in mind, you cannot anticipate every conceivable event, so like every other situation in life, you plan for the "average". This means whatever kind of gloves, pants, shirt, or jock strap you feel you need, combined with rational common sense.   Whatever your choice, it will probably be wrong the next time, when your new boots protect your ankles just fine, but the handlebars slice across your neck violently ripping out your jugular.  Statistics show that motorcycling is not the safest lifestyle you can choose.  Just making a point...

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 20:40:17

Statistics show that motorcycling is not the safest lifestyle you can choose.

I would like to point out to the uninitiated that this is what some would call a perfect NO DUHH statement,

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by ZAR on 11/23/12 at 06:26:44

Riding footwear seems to be a BIG topic across all types of riders. As pointed out above,sandals and flip-flops are  a no-no for any time. I will not wear sneakers,dress shoes or any other low cut shoes either.

Having said all that, I find the "riding boots" very uncomfortable for my type of riding,which is riding to get somewhere. They are so-so while on the scoot but not made for walking or working at all.

I've found that standard lace-up work boots(my favorites are Danners,expensive but long wearing and very comfortable) or pull-ons that are "western-styled" but with round toe and no fancy stitching work best for me.  A good brand of either type will be comfortable and made of heavy leather for plenty of protection.

As always,it's just my take on the subject. This and $2 will get you a decent cup of java! ;D

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by WD on 11/23/12 at 08:32:09

Lace up "logging" boots with 8" tops or slip on riding boots (aka jack boots) with minimum 11" tops. Steel toe only, shifter adjusted to fit...

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by 360k+ on 11/23/12 at 08:57:23

514A590B0 wrote:
As always,it's just my take on the subject. This and $2 will get you a decent cup of java! ;D

Not at Starbucks, it won't!

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by WD on 11/23/12 at 09:21:47

He said decent... that automatically excludes Starbucks and their burnt drek.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/12 at 13:05:53

5142060 wrote:
He said decent... that automatically excludes Starbucks and their burnt drek.

I do not understand why people pretend thats Fine Coffee.. Mine is So much better,,& I can have coffee for Days, heck, more than a week, for the cost of One Cup of their Burnt Drek.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by raydawg on 11/23/12 at 13:23:59

They toss sand on the roads here in winter, as a precaution, to snow/ice forecast. It is left in piles where the tire racks kick it long after the threat is gone. I learned quickly after a few close ones on my lil' rebel which was pretty easy to correct with its light weight. I have since learned to read the road surface and to anticipate problem areas, and ride accordingly, no guarantees, but it helps.

Upon reflection, can you share what you did/thinking (if you can recall)  and what you could have done otherwise?

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by engineer on 11/24/12 at 07:18:16

Like Zar I learned to ride on gravel at a very early age because there wasn't much else to ride on where I lived.  But I avoid gravel today.  We used to ride very light bikes and wore serious work boots.  The strategy was to NOT use the brakes.  If you had to use the brake then the rear brake was preferred, more control if you locked up.  I don't think I would want ABS braking on a bike.  When we got in real trouble we used our feet like the dirt trackers do and tried to stay up that way.  But we rode light bikes and the pegs and seat were arranged a little better for the purpose of getting your feet down with good leverage in a hurry.  A cruiser configuration isn't ideal in gravel and I am nervous whenever I hit a patch of it now.  

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/24/12 at 14:10:46

The corner

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/24/12 at 19:21:56

M/C hazard, call Road & Bridge & report it,

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by clearush on 11/24/12 at 19:50:49

I just end up wearing my steel toe work boots as my riding boots also. After five or six different brands over the last 3 years I finally settled on Justin square toe boots which for my foot I find to be amazingly comfortable straight away without any break in period. Can't stand laces they just collect crud.,-450,2100,3200

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LANCER on 11/25/12 at 04:08:59

Sand is bad but gravel on pavement is down right scary.
Stationed in Hawaii, riding a SR500:
Once at an intersection, turning left after stopping for the light, I was doing no more ran 10 mph and with no brakes at all, just barely above idle, the front tire went over a tiny patch of sand & graven right in the center of the intersection, no more than the size of a folded napkin, and the front wheel INSTANTLY went out and the bike slammed down on the pavement.  
Minor cosmetic damage and a scraped elbow and palm.
I am extremely careful of and watchful for sand and gravel on the road.
I don't like it on pavement.  I've not ridden dirt much but there is more control slide control on the dirl.

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by LostArtist on 11/25/12 at 15:02:04

So, I had a friend come over to get another set of eyes on the minor damage to my bike and for him to ttake a test ride to check it out. Before he took it for a test ride we checked the tire pressure,  both tires were down on pressure by around 6psi so that was another big contributing factor to my accident and another thing I was going to do
The following morning before riding up to my sister's for Thanksgiving

I need to get back to doing better pre ride checks

Title: Re: so that slipping on gravel thing is real
Post by Dave on 11/26/12 at 17:06:57

Yep...Gravel can be tricky.  Be careful when you see it and adjust the braking and turning forces if you can't avoid it.

Also don't underestimate how slippery wet leaves can be.

When I was in high school I worked at a Kawasaki dealer that had a dirt road behind that was sprayed with used motor oil to keep the dust down (it was a long time ago.....pre EPA).  The road beside the shop was brick, and traffic on the dirt road would track the oil out onto the brick......Now I want to tell you that oiled brick is really slick....even more so when it rained! :o » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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