General Category >> The Cafe >> Am I a sucka?

Message started by 360k+ on 11/21/12 at 07:58:32

Title: Am I a sucka?
Post by 360k+ on 11/21/12 at 07:58:32

I was at the gas station yester putting some diesel in my truck, and was approached by a guy asking for money.   He claimed that he and his son had come up to the hills to cut some wood for a rancher, but was paid by check and the guy didn't have enough fuel to get back home (San Jose, about 100 miles).   We have no banks, or even a town for that matter, so he was stuck.   Anyway, long story short, I gave the guy $20.   It looked like his son was about 15 or 16.   I don't know how long they had been begging folks at the gas station, but I really hated to see it.   You could tell it was going against his dignity, and especially in front of his son.

Ahhh, if I only had a dollar for every dollar I've given away.

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 08:04:15

You'll probably never know...
... but, something made you do it... so, maybe there was some truth there...
Either way,.. have a Happy Thanksgiving... ;)...

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by Blinky on 11/21/12 at 08:10:23

No, you were just trying to help. I must have been hit up for money for food or gas with different variations of this story dozens of time. If they are asking for money for gas, I always offer to follow them to a gas station and put the gas in for them; if they ask for money for food, I always offer to follow them to a restaurant and buy them a meal. I have yet to be taken up on either offer, they always stammer out some excuse why they need cash.

Good hunting

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by on 11/21/12 at 10:47:18

Your giving was about you, and what kind of person you are.  It has nothing to do with the person asking for help.  Good on you.

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by thumperclone on 11/21/12 at 10:49:47

our town has a group of pros,you get to recognize them after a while
city put up signs at the heaviest used intersections saying save your change with a list of all the places that offer aid,the sign posts act as back rests
the free clinic is up the hill from my house,i was sitting on my front stoop and a person was headed back dow into town and asked me for money told him i had no cash(i didnt) but had a bunch of pennies
he decided he didnt need it that bad

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by ToesNose on 11/21/12 at 11:00:25

The way I see it is that if they were respectfull and genuinely seemed that they needed the money it's not being a sucker, as long as you can spare the $20 they probably needed it more then you.  Think of the gains in Karma and how good you feel about helping another person in need  ;)

If he was scamming you'll never know,  and Karma is a BIATCH!   ;D

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by Paraquat on 11/21/12 at 11:11:29

One summer night a friend and I were out one night. He stopped for gas and we were approached at the station by a guy who asked for money for gas to get back to his college campus.
I told him to pound sand, I didn't have any cash.

My friend gave him 10 bucks.

My friend attended the same college. The reason he was hanging out with me was because there were no classes in session. At all.

Perhaps your situation differs. Perhaps the two situations are the same.
I have another "no good deed goes unpunished" story but it'll have to wait for later.


Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by ALfromN.H. on 11/21/12 at 15:36:51

On my way home from last summers "tail of the Dragon", I was at a rest area trying to get a few minutes sleep and someone knocked on my window. He said he was going to pick his wife up at work and needed gas but forgot his wallet, There was 4 dollars on the passenger seat and I told him he could have the 4 dollars. He said 20 would be better. I told him zero would be better for me and sent him away. I thought that if I really needed gas, four dollars would have been a blessing and not have asked for more. He blew it.


Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 18:42:19

IDK if youre a sucker or not, if the guy was for real, you did a good thing, if he conned you, HE did a bad thing, but you still did a good thing. I would Hope no one would teach their kid to do stuff like that. FWIW, If I woulda had the $$, in the same spot, I woulda helped the guy out. I cant count the hitchikers Ive picked up, some have needed clothes & $$$ & Ive given away sleeping bags, just whatever some poor soul needs, hell,, alone, away from home, been robbed of everything but the bluejeans covering his skinny butt? I was okay,, HE wasnt,, so, I shared,

I guess I missed that whole

"Ive got mine so too bad for you" thinking Ive been accused of,

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by LostArtist on 11/21/12 at 19:37:27

7A786F7C71793375687A75786E1D0 wrote:
Your giving was about you, and what kind of person you are.  It has nothing to do with the person asking for help.  Good on you.


Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by ColoS40Girl on 11/21/12 at 19:59:17

This is the time to give thanks for what you have and having the heart to help someone else. If we all just paid it forward this would be a very different world.

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by wambr on 11/22/12 at 06:35:53

what is wrong, in that thou hast given him money? for you-this is good and good matter. but if the question in human dignity and the guy looks in the eyes of his son, it is only their personal matter. I think we in Russia have to give the needy or gifts . I if possible, try to do ever. just don't give nothing for Roma people . it is not in the national hostility to him. they just too impudent . I don't like it.

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by stinger on 11/22/12 at 14:53:08

I was riding thru Montana on my bike and stayed in this crappy motel where there was this guy working on his truck and throwing tools all over the parking lot. Since he was fairly close to my bike I went back to the office and demanded to be moved to another room further away. This guy was scary looking. He looked like he didn't have a dollar to his name. Later on their was a knock on my motel door and it was the same guy. he told me the manager told him about me and another rider getting the snot knocked out of us and robbed in Illinois. I still had some money on me, enough to get home on at least but this guy had a handful of leathers that he used to ride n and forced me to take a $100 bill. I told him I didn't want it but I thought I was going to get beat up again if I did no take it. His only request was that if I ever saw someone in dire need, to help them out. So from now on, if it looks like someone is in trouble, I stop! What goes around, comes around I guess. Good for you, you must be a decent fellow!

Title: Re: Am I a sucka?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 17:29:08

First, Ive never had anyone try to hand me $$$ that I hadnt earned.
Second, I really dont know what Id do if that happened, but refusing isnt the first thing that comes to mind.

&, I think you handled it wisely.. No reason to take another whoopin when cash is so much easier to handle,.

I woulda had to ask the guy if he needed any help on the bike, or, if he could handle the work itself, maybe someone to spot & fetch tools..

Ohh,, that mite notta been so smart,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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