General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> No More Twinkies

Message started by Midnightrider on 11/19/12 at 17:38:06

Title: No More Twinkies
Post by Midnightrider on 11/19/12 at 17:38:06

Greedy Capitalist blame it on the union  

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Arizuno on 11/19/12 at 17:46:29

Vulture capitalism at its best.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Starlifter on 11/19/12 at 18:12:55

Unions built the middle class in this country.

The most overpaid job in America is the CEO. We have the highest paid CEOs in the world. Even if they are doing a good job, they are vastly overpaid. And it began with the evolution of the Reagan revolution.

This kind of vulture capitalism destroys businesses, reduces the incomes of ordinary people, and increases unemployment rates.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/19/12 at 20:35:16

Let them eat cupcake..

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Paraquat on 11/20/12 at 06:16:12

Also Hostess = Wonder Bread.
I'm gonna miss Wonder Bread.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/20/12 at 06:45:03

597E6B7866636C7E6F780A0 wrote:
Unions built the middle class in this country.

The most overpaid job in America is the CEO. We have the highest paid CEOs in the world. Even if they are doing a good job, they are vastly overpaid. And it began with the evolution of the Reagan revolution.

This kind of vulture capitalism destroys businesses, reduces the incomes of ordinary people, and increases unemployment rates.

Hostess Twinkies CEO tripled salary to $2.5m -
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
2 days ago – Hostess Twinkies' former CEO tripled his salary to $2.5m as the ... this story incorrectly conflated the former Hostess CEO, Brian Driscoll, whose ...

OK read that and know the story friends ... and remember a CEO is an employee ... not a job creator ... once the business goes public (or is that pubic) that's the end of CEO as businessman.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by 360k+ on 11/20/12 at 08:52:27

08392A39292D392C580 wrote:
Also Hostess = Wonder Bread.
I'm gonna miss Wonder Bread.


Hmmm, I wonder?

I didn't eat Twinkies, Cupcakes, or HoHo's that often, but dang it, they were a quick snack when you needed a pick-me-up while away from home, ummm,  before energy drinks.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Blinky on 11/20/12 at 14:14:24

I don't eat them anymore either but they were a staple in South Texas in the late 50's. Along with RC cola and moon pies, Twinkies and cupcakes made up my four major food groups. You could substitute a Nehi orange soda in place of the RC if you wanted to add fruit to your diet. I think I will make  a point of buying my 4 year grandson a Twinkie in case they do go away.

One of the best laughs I have had came at the expense of HoHo's. I used to head up operations for a large quick service restaurant franchisee. The chain packaged kids meals in fold together boxes that would take on various forms. One Christmas, the kids premium was an individually wrapped HoHo and the box took the form of Santa's workshop, complete with chimney. The HoHo was inserted into the chimney. The crew kids promptly named this the "HoHo hole."  8-)

Good hunting

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/20/12 at 15:22:28

Its really a bad thing to see Twinkies go. If only they could hold out for a couple of months, surely theyd be back in the black,, POt just got legalized in some places,,Ill bet theyd be sellin them by the boxcar loads,,

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/12 at 06:00:07

okay JOG; that was pretty darn funny.....!

Sorry, but union rules killed the twinkie.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/21/12 at 07:25:57

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
okay JOG; that was pretty darn funny.....!

Sorry, but union rules killed the twinkie.

The tripling of the CEO's salary says other wise kiddo ... Oooo I forgot, you are CEO, so obviously for you the union and the guy making 15 bucks an hr is the problem.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/21/12 at 07:36:06

Y'know a crappy high sugar and high fat product line killed twinkie ...
And the worker had nothing to do with that ... all management ... they should have diversified and designed a high fiber low fat twinkie ... mu haha hahah ...

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/12 at 08:52:38

The tripling of the CEO's salary says other wise kiddo

kiddo; Hostess is 800+ million in debt and lost over a billion dollars last year. A 2.5 million dollar salary has zero, zero impact.

That kind of thinking is how obama can BS the out kiddo public into thinking all we gotta do is make the rich 'pay their fair share' and he can keep up his handouts.....

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/21/12 at 09:05:03

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:

The tripling of the CEO's salary says other wise kiddo

kiddo; Hostess is 800+ million in debt and lost over a billion dollars last year. A 2.5 million dollar salary has zero, zero impact.

That kind of thinking is how obama can BS the out kiddo public into thinking all we gotta do is make the rich 'pay their fair share' and he can keep up his handouts.....

Aaaaah OK then the 0 impact needs to be cut down to negative ... a CEO making 2.5 billion when the company is 800 mill in the red makes the workers want to spit in the twinkie kiddo.

Thank got I have not eaten a twinkie or nearly any other hostess product in maybe 10 years ...

Once again their product line was garbage ... high sugar, high fat and no nutrition value, that is a management failure ... much like suzuki's bankruptcy ...

Almost any large scale failure IMHO in recent times including the suzuki failure I'd chalk it down to management failure ... lack of direction, lack of vision, lack of competetiveness etc etc ... the nut and bolt guy isn't designing suzuki ...

However in the 60's and 70's if you recall, the british and other european cars used to come out of the factory missing bolts, missing other critical components ... they were popular and well liked ... aka nicely designed and appealing, but they function horribly ... that is labor and union failure classic ...

You're riding your suzuki car/bike bought new last week .. .and your darn brake caliper falls off ... OK there failure of labor/union ... blame the $15/hr assembly line guy ...

You walk into the showroom and your suzuki car/bike looks like garbage next to the gleaming new honda car/bike ... sorry management failure there.

Extend that to the twinkie ... you bite into a twinkie and get a nice long strand of hair ... booya, labor ... you dont even buy a twinkie cos its 350 calories with 150 from sugar and 200 from fat ... management is the culprit.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/12 at 09:22:44

i have no idea what you just said which is why I hesitate to answer you.

point is, you can spread the blame Hostess failure on a multiple issues, but CEO pay is a class warfare induced Red Herring that deflects from the real problems at Hostess. Why doesn't obama jump in and buy them like he did GM? aren't 18,000 jobs worth it?

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/21/12 at 10:03:10

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
i have no idea what you just said which is why I hesitate to answer you.

point is, you can spread the blame Hostess failure on a multiple issues, but CEO pay is a class warfare induced Red Herring that deflects from the real problems at Hostess. Why doesn't obama jump in and buy them like he did GM? aren't 18,000 jobs worth it?

And Obama got blamed for it ... besides .. GM was a viable company with a product line that had a value ...

Hostess had a worthless product line aka high calorie high fat junk for the most part, and since the product line is decided by management, that is where the failure is. Simple - yea it runs counter to your ethos, but that is as simple as it gets.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by arteacher on 11/21/12 at 10:26:43

What Srinath is saying is management did not react properly to the market. If the market says twinkies are bad for you (and it has been saying so for years now) it is up to management to make them good, or a product they can market as good. They didn't, they failed, they deserve to go bankrupt. Too bad about the workers, though. They are the ones who pay the price, not management.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/12 at 11:23:22

I think we're bringing factors into the equations that don’t belong.

I don't think anyone would argue that Twinkies aren't good for you or that customers will not buy products over the long term that have consistent defects, but neither one of those factors are in play in this case.

The story as I've read it is one of the two unions did not allow management to adjust to market conditions with regards to distribution. The other union quietly tried to get the hold-out union to give a little, but to no avail.

CEO pay, nutrition or quality has nothing to do with their bankruptcy.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 11:26:29


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 19:18:54

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
I think we're bringing factors into the equations that don’t belong.

I don't think anyone would argue that Twinkies aren't good for you or that customers will not buy products over the long term that have consistent defects, but neither one of those factors are in play in this case.

The story as I've read it is one of the two unions did not allow management to adjust to market conditions with regards to distribution. The other union quietly tried to get the hold-out union to give a little, but to no avail.

CEO pay, nutrition or quality has nothing to do with their bankruptcy.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/21/12 at 19:22:34

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
CEO pay, nutrition or quality has nothing to do with their bankruptcy.

Says the defender in chief of incompetence in management.

Dude worthless product line = operating losses. End of story. The workers pay could have been a factor if you could prove they were paid in excess of similar jobs in the geographic locations. I really have heard nothing pointing to that, so I am going to call it as worthless products designed by a visionless management.

If you can find how a twinkie worker was paid x% over a similar lets say Blinkie worker in that same geographic area put it up and I will concede.
Till then it remains that they are selling junk and the people got wise to that.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 19:26:38

When the union said NO,, it was game over,, blame whatever suits ya,

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by 360k+ on 11/21/12 at 19:41:40

In a way, these products represent an American icon.   Nutritional value aside, we all grew up looking forward to lunch and Mom's "Hostess treat" in our lunch boxes.   I certainly remember the Snoball, Twinkie, or Cupcake in mine.   To hell with the mideast conflict, we ought to bring Hillary in on the Hostess union negotiations and save this institution.   I for one, would pledge to buy one product per week, if it helped to facilitate an employee buy out.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 20:10:54

Its my faulot they went broke.. Ill bet I havent bought $10.00 worth of their stuff in my life,

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/21/12 at 20:26:15

worthless products

worthless?!!! Say what? Ain't you seen Zombieland man?....

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Midnightrider on 11/21/12 at 20:52:44

Usefulness of the product aside, its sad upper management always leaves finacially set for life. Workers should be allowed to have a written contract also.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 22:06:17

It is ironic,.. that all the parachutes go only to people that we already know will land safely...

Who wrote this rule, that only the people in lifeboats get life vests?... :-?...

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/22/12 at 02:30:30

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Its my faulot they went broke.. Ill bet I havent bought $10.00 worth of their stuff in my life,

I'll bet you bought $10 worth of say turkey this week. So easily they chould have been in the turkey business and had some of your $$$ ...
Their fault for not doing that IMHO. Turkey is just the convenient example for the week.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 03:48:12

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
It is ironic,.. that all the parachutes go only to people that we already know will land safely...

Who wrote this rule, that only the people in lifeboats get life vests?... :-?...

excellent point, I think tho, youll find this is a rule, hidden in a subset of rules, attached to The Golden Rule. Which, as we have all learned, means He who has the gold makes the rules.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/22/12 at 04:57:52

Am i the only one on this forum whose not jealous? The biggest mystery to me is the origin of class warfare...

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 06:27:39

Im not jealous, never have been,

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/22/12 at 06:34:58

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
Am i the only one on this forum whose not jealous? The biggest mystery to me is the origin of class warfare...

Wowwweee man you must really think you're really the best of humanity dont you ...

Tell me from your self righteous perch, can you even see the little workers working the machines, baking away and injecting the slop inside the twinkie and packing it and boxing it ... can yo ueven see them or are they too small ?

So what does your self righeous brain tell you about those people.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WD on 11/22/12 at 06:39:33

The product lines were horrible. I used to eat Zingers, them Hostess bought out Dolly Madison and ruined the Zinger. My beagle, who has been known to eat some really noxious stuff, wouldn't so much as lick a Twinkie or a slice of Wonder Bread... she'll eat hoof parings when I trim the horse's feet but not Hostess products... :o

They priced themselves out of the market. You can buy the same basic thing, non-union made, for less than half the price. You can buy better quality locally made baked goods for less than half the Hostess garbage. Pretty simple.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Retread on 11/22/12 at 06:59:51

Investment firm buys Hostess, puts CEO in who has never had any roll in bakery operations. Gives him and top execs three raises in five year period.. Asks employees for cuts in wages and benefits, they (Union)accept, avg pay goes from 48K a year to 34K a year.. Management continues to bungle and still gives themselves another "Merit" raise, then asks employees for another cut.. Big supprize they say no.... Most employees say they have been looking for better jobs for awhile..

 To any rational thought process, how is this the Unions fault? Talks like a duck, smells like Bain capital.. Somebody gets rich, labor takes the pain..

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by 360k+ on 11/22/12 at 07:17:09

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
It is ironic,.. that all the parachutes go only to people that we already know will land safely...

Who wrote this rule, that only the people in lifeboats get life vests?... :-?...

Not only that, but who is more responsible for a company's demise?   Is it management sitting in their plush offices, or the $12/hr worker on the line?   The management makes corporate decisions that set the direction, and thus, directly determine the success of the business.   THAT is their job!   The workers depend on the managers to make good sound business decisions, protecting both the company and their jobs.   However, Serow is right; when things go south, it is the managers who made the bad decisions that are rewarded with $million severance packages.   The workers get a pink slip and a happy holiday wish.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by 360k+ on 11/22/12 at 07:19:14

0D3A2B2D3A3E3B5F0 wrote:
puts CEO in who has never had any roll in bakery operations

I think you meant "role", but worked out as a good pun tho.  Nuk nuk nuk!

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Midnightrider on 11/22/12 at 22:16:03

Am i the only one on this forum whose not jealous? The biggest mystery to me is the origin of class warfare...  Web I would never ask anyone to trade places with me but if you could it wouldnt be a mystery. This is the truth, 400 people in the US make more money than the rest of the population combined. You can find it. Thats only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not taking care of the elderly is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not having decent schools is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/12 at 06:52:37

This is the truth, 400 people in the US make more money than the rest of the population combined. You can find it. Thats only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not taking care of the elderly is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not having decent schools is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries.

Top 400 do not have more wealth than the rest of the population. Sounds nice, but not true. Not taking care of the elderly? What are you talking about? Are you saying the US Government doesn’t spend enough or are you saying the general person doesn’t take care of the elders in their family? Could it be that the slow creep of government is beginning to remove the historical function of the old to take care of the young?
Who doesn’t have decent schools? Go look at where the ‘bad’ schools are, look at the funds spent on them, and tell me whose fault it is? I know you’re not some 13 year old kid Midnight, but for crying out loud, grow up…

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/12 at 06:54:27

Tell me from your self righteous perch, can you even see the little workers working the machines, baking away and injecting the slop inside the twinkie and packing it and boxing it ... can yo ueven see them or are they too small ?

So what does your self righeous brain tell you about those people.

1) i'm not on a self-righteous perch and 2) if they don't like the work, go find something else.

Pretty simple isn't it? No one's a slave.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/23/12 at 06:55:34

3rd world country - India I can vouch for taking care of the parents (they live with you till they die - that's the system, In fact no one ever moves out @ 18 - or any age or atleast in the modern day 1 of the kids does not) and schools, darn are we good at creating little book worms ... but most of that we pay on the spot for ... no tax payer funded, you're expected tp pay for the year (or month if you prefer @ the begning if the month) and guess wha thappens when the school isn't good - you get to another school ...

Anyway I know you dont meat it that way ... the system here is tax payer funded, and we deserve the best of that type of system.


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Retread on 11/23/12 at 07:24:19

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
This is the truth, 400 people in the US make more money than the rest of the population combined. You can find it. Thats only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not taking care of the elderly is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. Not having decent schools is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries.

Top 400 do not have more wealth than the rest of the population. Sounds nice, but not true. Not taking care of the elderly? What are you talking about? Are you saying the US Government doesn’t spend enough or are you saying the general person doesn’t take care of the elders in their family? Could it be that the slow creep of government is beginning to remove the historical function of the old to take care of the young?
Who doesn’t have decent schools? Go look at where the ‘bad’ schools are, look at the funds spent on them, and tell me whose fault it is? I know you’re not some 13 year old kid Midnight, but for crying out loud, grow up…

   The top 1% of America own 40% of this nations wealth.. I would say taking everything a person has worked for in their lifetime and handing it to a nursing home would be considered theft.. So they steal everything worth a darn from the elderly, then put them in a sub-standard living situation, give them $50 a month from their SS and take the rest.. Boy, thats a nice way to exist, way to go "Free" market system..

     Our school system is top heavy, administration officials are all making six figures to make decisions on funding, ect, from their ivory towers without getting their hands dirty in the classroom.. Parent involvement is the key to education, again the little guy and gal who have to work two jobs to survive cannot give that involvement.. I guess they don't deserve it, easier to blame the school system... Just home school em, turn em into mirrors of the ignorant teaching them.. That'll assure a nice voting base for the Republican party.. ;D

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/12 at 12:23:16

IDK what you mean by "Parent Involvement". If you mean Mom & Dad need to make sure Johnny can do the work by sitting down & teaching it, then why send them to school? If you mean MOm & Dad need to be involved in the school, when was the last time you stopped into a school?
Its not appreciated in any school Ive been in. I felt like an invader & they hated me for my being there, couldnt even stop in a classroom to check up on the teachers in action, hadda have an appointment.. cant sneak up on a teacher & see what theyre doin that way,,

My daughter made good grades, every7 year, every class, rarely anything less than a B, & Whats This? English, junior year, grades slipping,, Her classes, ALL of her classes( That teacher) had people failing left & right. Turns out SHE had decided she would sponsor the Key Club & stopped being a teacher. I had to go the office TWICE & make them admit the grades of the students werE Her fault & Their fault. Was she fired? Nooo,, were her bosses, who would immediately halt a childs participation in extracurricular activities if Their grades fell  off, but they didnt manage to notice their teacher Failing, now was she responsible enough to resign her post in the key club when it was clear she couldnt do that And be an effective teacher,,,

& If you dont believe what Charlotte Izerbyt says about the DELIBErate Dumbing Down of America, then read some John Taylor Gatto stuff,, pretty parallel..Our goobs are getting Exactly what they want from the school system,.,

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Retread on 11/23/12 at 13:13:28

 The education of a child takes more than the teachers at school, teachers are not baby sitters, and even the best teacher cannot teach a child that is not motivated.. That motivation comes from the parents!! If a teacher is not doing the job, complain, then take matters into your own hands, ask for the lesson plan, and take over.. Being stubborn does nothing for the education of the child..

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by WebsterMark on 11/24/12 at 05:49:19

Interesting chart.

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by srinath on 11/24/12 at 19:22:23

4B797E6F68796E517D6E771C0 wrote:

Interesting chart.

Good point again Web, and a manager is an employee or a corporation of some type. Not a business owner or business man (which I would think they will be calling themselves "Business owner"


Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by LostArtist on 12/02/12 at 10:09:39


save the execs, screw the workers

Title: Re: No More Twinkies
Post by Starlifter on 12/02/12 at 15:25:02

...snort...Why, It's the American way...doncha know?. :(. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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