General Category >> The Cafe >> The trouble with safety's...

Message started by Serowbot on 11/17/12 at 17:05:28

Title: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/12 at 17:05:28

Here's the problem with safety's...
They are made to protect the stupid... from doing stupid things...
The problem is,.. we learn from our stupid mistakes... and the safety's prevent us from learning...
You'll only ever try to start a bike in gear a couple of times,... then you'll learn...
You'll only drive off with the sidestand down a couple of times,.. then you'll learn...
You'll only try to ride with yer' petcock off,.. a couple of times, then you'll learn...
... but with these safety bikes,'ll just stay stupid...

These new cars that watch out beside, behind, and even in front of you...  How long will it be before people stop paying attention at all, and begin relying on them completely?...
ABS brakes,... so don't have to pay attention when stopping...
Lights that come on by themselves...
We're gettin' dumber by the minute...

I say fight it!,.. disable everything, and pay some frikkin' attention to what yer' doin'!...
You probably won't die,.. ...and if you do,.. you'll be strengthening the gene pool...  Good job!...

... and yes,.. I am the guy that tried to shave with his toothbrush this morning...  .. but,..
I didn't die...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by rfw2003 on 11/17/12 at 17:16:36

For the Most part I agree with ya Serow.

As my safety switches start going bad or getting flaky I've just been by-passing them myself.

I've even decided to give up on doing the solid state decomp controller replacement because there really didn't seem to be much interest in it here, plus after several months of riding with it just by-passed, it seems you really don't need the decompression system at all, as long as you have a good charged battery.  Now if your battery was on the iffy side you might have some issues, but as long as it's in good shape it starts just fine with out the de-comp kicking in at all.


Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/12 at 17:54:54

There is much wisdom in Rowboats post.,.People get acclimated to that safety net & stop using their own minds. Thats what we need to be, is mentally less acute,, JUst what America needs..

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by v-pilot on 11/17/12 at 19:19:08

Please remove the safetys...I don't want to be turned into a Republican  :(

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/17/12 at 19:22:46

550E534A4F4C57230 wrote:
Please remove the safetys...I don't want to be turned into a Republican  :(

Thats very confusing, Bubs would leave them off, Dems would demand them,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by ZAR on 11/17/12 at 20:04:04

2C3335322F2819291921333F74460 wrote:
[quote author=550E534A4F4C57230 link=1353200728/0#3 date=1353208748]Please remove the safetys...I don't want to be turned into a Republican  :(

Thats very confusing, Bubs would leave them off, Dems would demand them,[/quote]

Got that right JOG....and us "tea-party knuckle draggers" that grew up on the old Brit bikes with right-side shifters,Lucas 6volt electrics and no brakes are still alive and riding(but thanking the inventor of electric starters every day  8-) ).

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Paladin. on 11/17/12 at 20:13:18

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
Here's the problem with safety's... They are made to protect the stupid...

No, the problem is that safety gear gives you the feeling you are safe -- so you do even more stupid stuff.
Compared with the 1970,s, when no one needed to wear a safety helmet, with the last 10-20 years, the fatality of motorcycle accidents is over three times higher with all the "gear."  For cars, the fatality rate is only about 1.5-2 times higher with cars with air-bags and crush-zones.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/12 at 21:46:03

03323F32373A3D530 wrote:
[quote author=2137203D25303D26520 link=1353200728/0#0 date=1353200728]Compared with the 1970,s, when no one needed to wear a safety helmet, with the last 10-20 years, the fatality of motorcycle accidents is over three times higher with all the "gear."  For cars, the fatality rate is only about 1.5-2 times higher with cars with air-bags and crush-zones.

Nice to know,.. helmets make us feel twice as safe as air bags...
Mine has been crash tested... by me personally...
That's why I didn't buy a new one,..  this one works... ;)...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by ToesNose on 11/18/12 at 04:44:34

I could care less about the safeties on the bike, I know myself and that no matter what I'll go through the proper routine because it's imprinted on my peanut brain.   :-?

Now as for the safeties on my pistols, I'll keep those for when I conceal carry to have piece of mind   ;)

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by on 11/18/12 at 07:21:44

Normally, I agree with Serowbot-but.  I regularly seem to ride off with my side stand down.  I go a couple of blocks, make a left turn, and it bangs up.  It is not that I am a slow learner, it is that i am a fast forgetter.  Still, I also don't want an interlock.  I make a mistake, I pay the price.  No problem.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/18/12 at 07:37:29

Rubber finger, pointed down, past the foot on the stand,,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/12 at 08:33:17

I have a butane wand lighter for my BBQ grill...
It has push switch safety lock,.. another slider to flow butane, and a trigger to spark...
I swear it's like trying to tie your shoelace with one hand...
All of which takes enough fiddling, that by the time I get it lit, the propane in the grill has build up enough to give a great whoomp at ignition...
Thank you, safety nerds... you owe me a few eyebrow hairs... :-? ...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by on 11/18/12 at 10:09:40

Use a wooden match.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/12 at 11:20:58

4240574449410B4D50424D4056250 wrote:
Use a wooden match.

Those things aren't safe!... ;D...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Charon on 11/18/12 at 12:53:09

While you are busy disabling safeties, don't forget the Park/Neutral start interlock on your car. Don't forget the one that requires you to step on the brake before you shift out of Park. Might as well disable the brake light switch, too, and go back to hand signals. If you operate a heavy vehicle, disable the backup beeper. If it has air brakes, remove the low air pressure buzzer. And disable the ABS and stability systems, too.

Let's move into the house and remove the smoke alarm batteries. We can cut off the ground pins on all three-wire plugs, and short across all fuses and circuit breakers. We can easily enough disable overtemp safeties on furnaces and low- and high-pressure switches on air conditioners (in the car, too). Of course, all those silly GFCI breakers in the kitchen, bathroom, and basement will have to go. Oh - I almost forgot the Carbon Monoxide detector if your heating system uses any sort of flame. There is also a pressure relief on your hot water heater. Don't forget to block it.

Anyone care to add to the list?

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/12 at 14:50:51

the one that requires you to step on the brake before you shift out of Park

I hate that one...  (I nearly tore the shifter out of a car before I figured it out)...  Dump it...
... and the "clutch -in" start disable,.. that makes me get all the way in the car to turn it over... PITA when you're working on an engine...  Dump it...

Smoke alarms, CO alarms... fine... but don't make them shut off my furnace in night if the battery goes low...
Safety features that let me know something is one thing... Brake lights, etc...
Safety features that prevent me from doing something is something else...

I get Charon,.. I'm not a total Luddite or danger freak... I even wear a helmet...  
I just don't like "safety features" that assume I'm an idiot...
Offer them as an option for idiots... like racing stripes...  :-?...

-I've never started a bike or car in gear,.. (but once, ... I used the starter gear to crank myself out of a huge puddle when it killed the engine: impossible today)...
-Also,.. the only time I was ever hit by a cager on a bike,.. I was on a Harley with full factory signals,.. the left one was still blinking away under the truck...
-How many guys have you seen obliviously riding along with their blinker on?... so, our safety equipment, needs safety equipment.. (auto shut-offs, and beepers)... but what if the beeper goes out?... better add a warning buzzer for that...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Dave on 11/18/12 at 15:38:19

I hate the safety on my mom's lawn tractor that turns the mower off when you back up!  My mowing method that I have developed over years of to back up when I miss a spot and get it in reverse.  Can't do that on my mom's mower.  It also has an overly sensitive seat safety.....and just a little bump that unloads a bit of your weight off the seat will also shut the mower off.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by ToesNose on 11/18/12 at 16:46:57

+1 to Dave, my father in-law's ride on does the same, ugghh such a pain in the arse.....   :-?

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/18/12 at 17:30:37

It's a deadman for yer' butt!... just don't die sitting down or it won't work...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Cavi Mike on 11/18/12 at 21:53:11

09222B3825244A0 wrote:
While you are busy disabling safeties, don't forget the Park/Neutral start interlock on your car. Don't forget the one that requires you to step on the brake before you shift out of Park. Might as well disable the brake light switch, too, and go back to hand signals. If you operate a heavy vehicle, disable the backup beeper. If it has air brakes, remove the low air pressure buzzer. And disable the ABS and stability systems, too.

Let's move into the house and remove the smoke alarm batteries. We can cut off the ground pins on all three-wire plugs, and short across all fuses and circuit breakers. We can easily enough disable overtemp safeties on furnaces and low- and high-pressure switches on air conditioners (in the car, too). Of course, all those silly GFCI breakers in the kitchen, bathroom, and basement will have to go. Oh - I almost forgot the Carbon Monoxide detector if your heating system uses any sort of flame. There is also a pressure relief on your hot water heater. Don't forget to block it.

Anyone care to add to the list?

Because CO detectors and all of that other stuff you mentioned just TOTALLY gets in my way even though they are completely passive devices.

Give it a break. Go join a cult or something.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by WD on 11/19/12 at 07:23:56

You'd think the ferryman on the River Styx would be anti-safety... he could collect more coins.  ::)

I do have one truck here that has one fuse, stock. Everything was run through the high beam switch by the factory. So it only shipped with one fuse. And has the old style hydraulic brake light switch, less failure prone than the modern in cab mechanical type. No seat belts, no back up lights, no factory turn signals, they weren't around on trucks in the 1940s. It does have an aftermarket set of turn signals and a second brake/tail  light, only had one rear light from the factory.

Used hand signals towing my 60s horse trailer behind my 69 Dodge last year. No brake lights on either rig, stupid little switch failed and the parts store replacements for it don't fit it properly. Need to add a hydraulic type before I put it back on the road. Or are the factory 4 wheel non-power assist drum brakes not up to snuff anymore? It has armstrong steering too...  ;)

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Pine on 11/19/12 at 07:39:47

Yall missed the worst safty offender ... ABS on cars... it was sooo bad the auto-makers said it was OUR fault... for pumping the brakes and confusing the system.

So wait... non-ABS which work fine IF you know how to use them
ABS brakes.. which work fine IF you know how to use them

I KNOW ... Lets mandate the more complicated and expensive ones!!! ... cause they work better ( IF you know how to use them)

FACT: S&W pistols without the safety lock command a higher premium the the newer pistols WITH locks ( all else being equal)

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Charon on 11/19/12 at 19:52:41

ABS is actually an odd sort of case. When first introduced on cars there were high hopes it would reduce crashes and damages. Studies have shown it didn't. There is question why. Did "risk compensation" have bearing? Did drivers who felt the pedal pulsation release the brakes because they didn't know what was happening? Something else? Studies have shown a considerable reduction in motorcycle crashes when ABS is present, on the order of 25 - 30%, mainly because even inexperienced riders can apply lots of braking without falling down. This is a rough call, because absent a crash there also isn't a crash report (notice I am trying to avoid the term "accident").

There are many safeties I find annoying, including the "step on the brake before you can shift out of Park" and the one someone else mentioned about riding mowers shutting down in Reverse. But I stand by what I have said before that if a safety interferes with what you want to do, chances are you are doing something wrong. I also drive a bus. Stepping - HARD - on the brake before shifting an automatic into gear keeps the bus from jerking when the transmission engages and provides a smoother experience for passengers.

By the way, in time the ferryman gets ALL the coins, because sooner or later everybody dies.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/19/12 at 20:02:02

I welded up the plug in my pressure cooker,, HA! Take THAT Nanny State!

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/19/12 at 21:36:03

746B6D6A7770417141796B672C1E0 wrote:
I welded up the plug in my pressure cooker,, HA! Take THAT Nanny State!

Grr,.. Arghhh!...  ;D...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by ToesNose on 11/20/12 at 06:49:58

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
I welded up the plug in my pressure cooker,, HA! Take THAT Nanny State!

BOOM!    :D

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by runwyrlph on 11/20/12 at 07:44:47

1F0C480 wrote:
You'd think the ferryman on the River Styx would be anti-safety... he could collect more coins.  ::)

I didn't get that the first read, WD - nice pun!

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Starlifter on 11/20/12 at 18:30:32

Continuing Charon's advice:

Remove the guards from your table saw and skill saw, lose a couple of fingers? you'll learn.

Peel the warning labels off your medications & toss em, what the hey, seen one pill seen them all.

Fire extinguishes in the house? out they go. You're way too smart to let a fire get going.

You hunt? get rid of those silly orange look like a sissy.

Wear ear and eye protection at the range? What, are you some kind of a wuss? deep six em.

Play sports? football, baseball? forget those fool helmets and pads who needs em.

And most important of all, ride a motorcycle?  follow Paladin's advice, NONE of the gear, NONE of the time.  ;D

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/12 at 18:39:12

56716477696C63716077050 wrote:
You hunt? get rid of those silly orange look like a sissy.

I always think it's hysterically funny to see a hunter in full chamo,.. and a brite orange vest...
Like a deer is going,.. "Hey Blitzen,.. look at that bush wearing brite orange vest"...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/20/12 at 18:53:07

PS,.. alright, alright,...
I will admit, I am quite fond of that heat shield by my right foot...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Dave on 11/21/12 at 05:57:11

I am going to visit my mother over the Thanksgiving holiday, and she always has a list of things for me to repair.  She told me her lawn tractor is acting up.  She went down a hill and the mower deck stopped working and the switch would not turn it on again.  She then drove it down to the garage and shut it off to clean out the deck, and it would not start again as the starter would not work.  Sounds to me like the seat safety switch shut the deck off when she went down the hill and got "light in the saddle".....and it is still acting up and won't allow the starter to engage.

It might be time for the "Bypass surgery"!

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by youzguyz on 11/21/12 at 06:13:36

Gonna throw this out there even if against the Mods grain.

I appreciate safety devices.
It's not that I am going to do something stupid because I am stupid (which can be argued either way).  It's because I am (getting) old and suffer from bouts of CRS.  Just yesterday, I would have done a pogo if that kickstand switch didn't nudge me by turning off the engine for me.
Why was it down?  Dunno.. I forget.  Did I feel stupid?  No. (but nobody saw me).  I would have felt a lot more stupid if I had pogo'd that bike into the bushes.  Does it happen a LOT?  No.  That was the first time in at least a couple months.
Gene Pool?  What do you care?  I had my three kids and now I have a safety in place for that as well.  :D

BTW  Serowbot, I really enjoy your posts.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Blinky on 11/21/12 at 06:23:25

youz, I am right there with you. I am starting to have problems with my short term memory and my long term memory as well as my short term memory.

Safety's are there for a reason. If they prevent just one of us Rhodes Scholars from being injured by being human, then I don't see the issue.

Good hunting

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 06:40:42

I agree,, safeties are there for a reason,, & doesnt a rubber finger poking down past the stand a coupla inches catch the ground & flip it up before its a pogo stick ride? & that rubber poking out,, will it mess up & keep your bike from running? Mite be more than one way to be human & still be safe.

Not every new Gizmo added to a car is really progress, either,,The Egg Key,
YOu guys seen that? Shove this little eggish shaped thingy into the dash, or, on some cars, just have it IN the car & then crank on the switch or just push a button & whammo,, the car starts,, & Just what on Earth problem does that crap solve? A solution, in search of a problem,,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by verslagen1 on 11/21/12 at 07:49:23

37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 wrote:
Not every new Gizmo added to a car is really progress, either,,The Egg Key,
YOu guys seen that? Shove this little eggish shaped thingy into the dash, or, on some cars, just have it IN the car & then crank on the switch or just push a button & whammo,, the car starts,, & Just what on Earth problem does that crap solve? A solution, in search of a problem,,

It solves one problem...

name a situation where you might have to leave your car running and have it automatically shut off after a minute or so?

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 08:18:57

Guyz,.. I hope everyone understands this thread was somewhat, tongue-in-cheek,...
Of course safety's are important... it's just funny to look at them in total and realise how very many silly things we can do...
... and how some of these safety's just seem to work against us... while they try to protect us...


Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by youzguyz on 11/21/12 at 10:04:05

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Not every new Gizmo added to a car is really progress, either,,The Egg Key,
YOu guys seen that? Shove this little eggish shaped thingy into the dash, or, on some cars, just have it IN the car & then crank on the switch or just push a button & whammo,, the car starts,, & Just what on Earth problem does that crap solve? A solution, in search of a problem,,

Ain't seen that, but have head of the "FOB" thingy on Hardleys, and that it is possible to start the bike, start riding away, and have it die on you as you hit the street.. as the FOB is in the garage.  ;D

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 18:35:42

22312627383533313A65540 wrote:
[quote author=37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 link=1353200728/30#33 date=1353508842]Not every new Gizmo added to a car is really progress, either,,The Egg Key,
YOu guys seen that? Shove this little eggish shaped thingy into the dash, or, on some cars, just have it IN the car & then crank on the switch or just push a button & whammo,, the car starts,, & Just what on Earth problem does that crap solve? A solution, in search of a problem,,

It solves one problem...

name a situation where you might have to leave your car running and have it automatically shut off after a minute or so?[/quote]

They do that? I cant imagine wanting my car to shut off after I leave it,,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by verslagen1 on 11/21/12 at 18:58:31

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
[quote author=22312627383533313A65540 link=1353200728/30#34 date=1353512963][quote author=37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 link=1353200728/30#33 date=1353508842]Not every new Gizmo added to a car is really progress, either,,The Egg Key,
YOu guys seen that? Shove this little eggish shaped thingy into the dash, or, on some cars, just have it IN the car & then crank on the switch or just push a button & whammo,, the car starts,, & Just what on Earth problem does that crap solve? A solution, in search of a problem,,

It solves one problem...

name a situation where you might have to leave your car running and have it automatically shut off after a minute or so?[/quote]

They do that? I cant imagine wanting my car to shut off after I leave it,,

You would if someone just stuck a gun in your face and told you to get out.
and you would rather it went down the street aways so you could call LEO.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/21/12 at 19:05:35

Is that how they work?
I cant imagine keeping the "egg" after such an event,, the only egg I would keep would be the one I laid in my drawz..

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/21/12 at 23:21:42

If someone puts a gun in my face... I don't want them to get down the driveway and have the engine stop... they might not be happy about that..
I want them to get out of Dodge...
I'll worry about the car later...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/12 at 00:20:59

I still prefer the Old ways, This is still a solution in search of a problem,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by ToesNose on 11/22/12 at 04:19:35

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
If someone puts a gun in my face... I don't want them to get down the driveway and have the engine stop... they might not be happy about that..
I want them to get out of Dodge...
I'll worry about the car later...

Each to their own.  If someone put a gun to my face, I would want the engine to stop at the end of the driveway.  They would be getting out of the car at the end of the driveway in the cross hairs of at least one rifle, more depending on who was home.  A handgun at 150 feet vs. a dialed in rifle at that distance, if he was smart he'd be dropping the gun and going to jail.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Dave on 11/27/12 at 07:12:42

Well I fixed my mom's lawn mower this weekend.....and it was not the seat safety as I had thought.  The mower stopped as she went down a hill....and I had assumed it must be that seat safety.

Turned out to be another safety switch just doing it's job.  The oil filter had come loose and was slowly leaking oil.  The engine was down about 1/2 a quart and as she nosed down the hill the engine lost oil pressure....and the pressure switch killed the engine.

I removed the old filter, changed the oil, and put a new filter on and snugged it down.....and it works just fine. In this case the safety switch did a good job of protecting the engine.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/27/12 at 09:38:39

Those were common on some oil field engines, oil pressure drops off & Whammo,, that motor shuts off.. I like that idea pretty good..

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by built2last66 on 11/29/12 at 16:44:33

153E37243938560 wrote:
While you are busy disabling safeties, don't forget the Park/Neutral start interlock on your car. Don't forget the one that requires you to step on the brake before you shift out of Park. Might as well disable the brake light switch, too, and go back to hand signals. If you operate a heavy vehicle, disable the backup beeper. If it has air brakes, remove the low air pressure buzzer. And disable the ABS and stability systems, too.

Let's move into the house and remove the smoke alarm batteries. We can cut off the ground pins on all three-wire plugs, and short across all fuses and circuit breakers. We can easily enough disable overtemp safeties on furnaces and low- and high-pressure switches on air conditioners (in the car, too). Of course, all those silly GFCI breakers in the kitchen, bathroom, and basement will have to go. Oh - I almost forgot the Carbon Monoxide detector if your heating system uses any sort of flame. There is also a pressure relief on your hot water heater. Don't forget to block it.

Anyone care to add to the list?

Let's go overboard and completely miss the whole point...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 11/29/12 at 17:13:27

25322E2B33752B2634337171470 wrote:
Let's go overboard and completely miss the whole point...

I think that ship already sailed... ;D...

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/12 at 21:10:39

FRiend was over today on his old Honda,, stand has a chunk of  rubber mounted so it hits first,

Not every sophisticated solution is a better one,

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Charon on 12/01/12 at 15:01:00

My wife's '81 Honda Twinstar had that little rubber extension on the sidestand, too. As I remember, the extension had a little line on it with an arrow and a warning that it was to be replaced when worn to the line. It was a system that probably worked fine, if the turn into the lowered sidestand was a gentle turn. An abrupt turn might have still resulted in a get-off.

Some Harleys had a detented sidestand which kept the sidestand from retracting at all with the weight of the bike on the stand. How that would work in a turn, I don't know.

Some other bikes had their sidestands spring-loaded so whenever the weight of the bike was removed from them, they self-retracted with great celerity. This was reported to have caused many folks to inadvertently drop their bikes while attempting to park.

Personally, I think the solution was found way back with the early Vespa scooters. They had only a center stand.

Title: Re: The trouble with safety's...
Post by Serowbot on 12/01/12 at 15:05:50

7A51584B5657390 wrote:
Some other bikes had their sidestands spring-loaded so whenever the weight of the bike was removed from them, they self-retracted with great celerity. This was reported to have caused many folks to inadvertently drop their bikes while attempting to park.

Rode a couple of Beemers like that... scary moments...  
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